M Y R O D I S AT H A N A S S I O U Diplom-Physiker

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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Zusammengestellt/compiled Von/by

Myrodis athanassiou diplomphysiker

KARYANI – Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

VORBEMERKUNGEN In der Kürze liegt die Würze Deutsches Sprichwort

VERSUCH EINER DEFINITION Bei der vorliegenden Arbeit handelt es sich um eine Zusammenstellung von Kürzeln aus der Avionik und der mit ihr unmittelbar zusammenhängenden Luft- und Raumfahrt (Aerospace) sowie Wehrtechnik (Defense Technology). Die Bezeichnung Kürzel, im Englischen Shorties, wird hierbei als Sammelbezeichnung für      

Akronyme, wie z.B. ‘Avionics’ aus Aviation Electronics, {zu dt. auch: Zusammenziehungen} Abkürzungen, wie z.B. ‘Int’ aus Intelligence, {zu dt. auch: Abbrechungen} Initialismen, wie z.B. ‘GPS’ aus Global Positioning System, {zu dt. auch: Initialabkürzungen} Kurzzeichen, wie z.B. ‘B’ für Bomber, aus Abkürzungen zusammengesetzte Abkürzungen, wie z.B. {zu dt. auch: Baukastensystem} `LwFüKdo´ für Luftwaffen-Führungs-Kommando, sowie physikalisch-chemische Kurz-Bezeichnungen, wie etwa ‘GaAs’ für Gallium Arsenid

verwendet. Kürzel sind also Wortschöpfungen, welche in der Regel aus Buchstaben von Wörtern bzw. Wortgruppen abgeleitet werden. In ihrer Mehrzahl bestehen sie aus drei bis sechs gut aussprechbaren Buchstaben. Die Bildung von Kürzeln in Deutschland wird durch die DIN-Norm DIN 2340 geregelt. Die im Bereich der Bundeswehr (Bw) verwendeten Abkürzungen sind in der Zentralen Dienstvorschrift ZDv 64/10 enthalten, zuständig für die Einführung von Kürzeln für die Bw ist das Bundesministerium der Verteidigung (BMVg). International jedoch existieren keine abgestimmten Richtlinien – was auch von niemandem ernsthaft verlangt oder erwartet wird. Allerdings sind, Beispielsweise, die von der ´Internationalen Zivilen Luftfahrtorganisation` (ICAO) eingeführten Kürzel bindend für die Fliegerei in den ICAO-Mitgliedsstaaten. Für die Verwendung von Kürzeln innerhald des NATO-Bündnisses gelten die im Standardisierungsabkommen STANAG Nr. 2066 aufgeführten Vereinbarungen. Wegen fehlender Abstimmung im deutschsprachigen Raum, d.h. Deutschland (DE), Österreich (AT) und die Schweiz (CH), ist es durchaus möglich, dass ein Kürzel unterschiedliche Bedeutungen haben kann. Die in den naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern Mathematik, Physik und Chemie verwendeten Symbole, Einheitenzeichen, Formelzeichen, Präfixe und Suffixe sind zum größten Teil international abgestimmt und mit wenigen Ausnahmen anerkannt. Eine Sonderstellung bei den Kürzeln haben die Akronyme (Singular: das Akronym), bei ihnen handelt es sich um substantivierte Kürzel, d.h., um Substantive, welche deshalb auch den Regeln der Grammatik gehorchen. Akronyme haben, in der Regel, eine eigene neue Aussprache. Bei Initialismen und Kurzzeichen dagegen werden die einzelnen in der Regel großgeschriebenen Buchstaben, wie im jeweiligen Landes-Alphabet, ausgesprochen.

WOZU KÜRZEL Außer der im deutschen Sprichwort „In der Kürze liegt die Würze“ enthaltenen Volksweisheit, gibt es eine Vielzahl von verständlichen Gründen, warum Kürzel weltweit und seit Langem großer Akzeptanz und Popularität in Wissenschaft und Technologie genießen. Sie haben sich als äußerst nützliche Hilfskonstruktionen etabliert. So, z.B., spart man viel Zeit und vermeidet auch unangenehme Missverständnisse sowohl bei Diskussionen, Besprechungen und Konferenzen als auch beim Lesen und Verfassen von Besprechungsprotokollen, technischen Berichten oder Erstellen von Blockschaltbildern und Flussdiagrammen. Hinzu kommt, dass sie leichter in unserem Gedächtnis gespeichert und auch 167218

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Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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abgerufen werden können als die voll ausgeschriebenen Begriffe bzw. Bezeichnungen die sie repräsentieren bzw. aus denen sie abgeleitet wurden. Außerdem ist es kaum vorstellbar, wie moderne Glas-co*ckpits mit ihren zahlreichen, hochintegrierten Multifunktionsdisplays, mit voll ausgeschriebenen Anzeigen oder Bedienelementen aussehen würden bzw. bedienbar wären.

INHALT Das vorliegende Kürzel-Verzeichnis kann nur einen Teil der zahlreichen Kürzel enthalten, welche in der heutigen zivilen und militärischen Avionik im Speziellen und in der dazu relevanten Luftfahrt und Wehrtechnik im Allgemeinen von Fachleuten weltweit verwendet werden. Es enthält die ausführliche Schreibweise von mehr als 30.000, mehrheitlich aus dem Englischen stammenden, Kürzeln und kann, u.a., zur schnellen Beantwortung von Fragen hinsichtlich der Bedeutung von diesen Kürzeln eingesetzt werden. Aber auch das bloße, entspannte Lesen der hier alphabetisch angeordneten Kürzel kann dem Leser bzw. der Leserin einen, vielleicht überraschenden aber wertvollen Einblick in die wissenswerte, existierende Begriffswelt der nationalen und internationalen Luftfahrt und Verteidigung vermitteln. Dabei wurden hier neben der die Technologie und Wissenschaft, Einsatzverfahren und Management betreffenden Kürzel auch solche von Ländernamen, Behörden, Organisationen und auch von Unternehmen aufgenommen. Da es sich hierbei nicht um ein Lexikon im klassischen Sinne handelt, wurde weitest gehend auf eine Erläuterung der Kürzel verzichtet; sollte jedoch jemand erfahren wollen, was hinter einem Kürzel technologisch bzw. wissenschaftlich steht, muss er/sie in der entsprechenden Fachliteratur nachschlagen. Zu den von mir verwendeten Quellenmaterialien gehören Firmen- und Bundeswehrunterlagen, Technische Broschüren, Anzeigen, Fachartikel in Zeitschriften, Fachbücher sowie Glossare.

VOLLSTÄNDIGKEIT UND AKTUALITÄT Selbstverständlich kann diese Arbeit, wie fast jede Publikation, keinen Anspruch weder auf Vollständigkeit noch auf höchste Aktualität erheben, eher handelt es sich um eine kompakte Auflistung von zunächst nach subjektiven Kriterien aus einer abzählbar unendlich langen Liste ausgewählten Kürzeln, von denen der Verfasser überzeugt ist, dass sie vom Nutzen für die in der Luftfahrt und Verteidigungsindustrie international tätigen Ingenieure, insbesondere jedoch in Deutschland, sein könnten. Die rasante technologische Entwicklung in der zivilen und militärischen Luftfahrtelektronik, d.h. Avionik, und der Informationstechnologie einerseits, sowie die ständig wachsenden und sich ändernden Forderungen an die Leistungsfähigkeit, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Umweltfreundlichkeit von Luftfahrzeugen andererseits produzieren notwendigerweise kontinuierlich neue Begriffe, und als Folge davon, zum größten Teil nicht abgestimmte bzw. nicht standardisierte, Kürzel. Die Erfahrung zeigt, dass jedes größere Programm bzw. Projekt sein eigenes, umfangreiches, internes Vokabular und damit auch seine eigene - und eventuell noch geheime - Kürzel mit sich führt. Es kann daher nicht erwartet werden, dass alle diese aktuellen Kürzel, auch wenn sie noch so wissenswert und bedeutungsvoll sein sollten, hier aufgenommen werden könnten.

RICHTIGKEIT Trotz sorgfältiger Überprüfung durch Heranziehen von zahlreichen Quellen (s. „Weiterführende Quellen”) kann rechtlich keine Gewähr über die Richtigkeit der Angaben übernommen werden, zumal viele der Kürzel mehrdeutig sind und im Laufe der Zeit sich auch ändern können.

GELTUNGSBEREICH Ich beschränke mich weitest gehend auf die in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (US) und in Westeuropa auf Englisch und in Deutschland auf Deutsch veröffentlichten Kürzel. In erster Linie richtet sich die Arbeit an in Deutschland tätige Personen.

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

AUSSPRACHE Eine Angabe der Aussprache der Kürzel nach internationalen phonetischen Standards würde zwar die Qualität der Arbeit verbessern aber, erstens, nur mit großem Aufwand machbar sein und zweitens, dieses Qualitätsmerkmal sollte Lexika mit großen Auflagen und vom allgemeineren Interesse überlassen werden. Außerdem kann man davon ausgehen, dass die Leser/innen dieser Arbeit über gute Englischkenntnisse verfügen.

RUNDE UND ECKIGE KLAMMER Einige der Kürzelbegriffe wurden aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche sowie einige aus dem Deutschen ins Englische übertragen. Diese Übersetzungen wurden in runden Klammern gesetzt. Zusätzliche, nicht unbedingt notwendige, Erklärungen bzw. Informationen zu den Kürzeln sind in eckigen Klammern angegeben. So, z.B., weist die Angabe [ICAO] darauf hin, dass das Kürzel zum Vokabular der Luftfahrtorganisation ICAO gehört.

COPYRIGHT Ich muss zugeben, dass mich die Frage des Intellektuellen Eigentums (Intellectual Property) für Kürzel Kopfzerbrechen bereitet. Gegenwärtig nehme ich an, lasse mich jedoch gerne eines Besseren belehren, dass es sich hier um einen Bereich handelt, der juristisch - zumindest für mich als nicht-Juristen nicht klar definierbar ist. Was sollte bei einem Kürzel bzw. Kürzel-Sammlung urheberrechtlich geschützt werden? Auf jedem Fall soll diese Kürzelsammlung keine eventuell existierende, legale Eigentumsrechte von Kürzeln und Namen in Frage stellen bzw. beeinträchtigen. 1.

Die NATO-Behörden in Brüssel bestehen daraüf, dass es mit Größbüchstaben geschrieben wird, alsö NATO ünd nicht Natö. Aüch das UK-Unternehmen BAE SYSTEMS schreibt sich nür mit Größbüchstaben. Jedöch liest man immer öfters Natö ünd BAE Systems.


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Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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A  A a A A A A A A A A A A A

Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen

A-10C A109 Power A119 Koala A129

Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Luftnahunterstützung, Gefechtsfeldabriegelung] von Fairchild Mehrzweckhubschraubertyp von AgustaWestland Ltd. Mehrzweckhubschraubertyp von AgustaWestland Ltd. Mehrzweckkampfhubschraubertyp von AgustaWestland Ltd.


Flugzeugtyp von Airbus Industrie Flugzeugtyp von Airbus Industrie Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Airbus Industrie Flugzeugtyp von Airbus Industrie Flugzeugtyp von Airbus Industrie Flugzeugtyp von Airbus Industrie Flugzeugtyp von Airbus Industrie Flugzeugtyp von Airbus Industrie Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Airbus Industrie Flugzeugtyp von Airbus Industrie Flugzeugtyp von Airbus Industrie Flugzeugtyp von Airbus Industrie Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Airbus Industrie

A310 A310 MRTT A318 A319 A320 A321 A330 A330 MRTT A340 A350 A380 A400M A429 A600 A629 A&A AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA

für für für für für für für für für für für für für

Ampere [Einheit der elektrischen Stromstärke] das Präfix Atto [Zahlenwert 10-18] Advanced (fortschrittlich, fortgeschritten, weiterentwickelt) Airbus [EADS] Alpha [ICAO-Alphabet] Amplitude Anode Antenne Apertur Asphalt Atomgewicht Attacker (Angriffsflugzeug, Erdkämpfer) Aviation (Aviatik)

ARINC 429 ARINC 600 ARINC 629 Arrival & Assembly Absolute Ampere Acceleration Altitude Accelerometer Assembly Access Authorization Achieved Availability Active Army Adaptive Antennas Advanced Agreement Aging Aircraft Air Armament Air Army Air Attache

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAC AAAD AAAD 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Airborne Alert Aircraft Availability Airport Authorities Air-to-Air (Luft/Luft; Bord/Bord) Airservices Australia Airworthiness Authorities Alert Annunciator Alerting Authority Alterations and Additions Alternative Assumption Amentment Advice (Verbesserungshinweis) Antenna Arrays (Gruppenantennen) Anti-Aircraft (Flug- bzw Fliegerabwehr, Fla) Anti-Armor Approval Authority Arbeitsamt [DE] Area of Action Area Administrator Arithmetic Average Assembly Area Associate Administrator Attack Assessment Attrition Analysis Audio Alert (akustische Warnung) Audit Agent Australian Army Auswärtiges Amt [DE, Ministerium] Automatic Answer Automatic Associator Avenue of Approach Adaptive Antenna Array Advanced Adaptive Autopilot Advanced ATC Amsterdam Aegis Acquisition Agent Air Avenue of Approach Aircraft, Airports, and Aviation Allocation Assessment and Analysis American Aluminium Association American Automobile Association Anti-Aircraft Artillery (Flugabwehrartillerie, Flugabwehrkanonen, Flak) Area Advisory Authority Army Audit Agency [USA] Army Aviation Association [US] (Verband der Heeresluftstreitkräfte) Arrival and Assembly Area Assessment of Aircraft Attrition Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Automatic Anti-Aircraft Avionics Air Assembly American Aviation Aerospace Alliance Army Aviation Association of America Australian Army Aviation Corps (Australische Heeresluftstreitkräfte) Airborne Anti-Armour Defence All Arms Air Defence [UK] 26. Juni 2013

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American Association of Airport Executives Airbus Approved Abbreviation Handbook American Association for Artificial Intelligence Association of Australian Aerospace Industries Advanced Air-to-Air Missile (forts. Luft/Luft-Flugkörper) Anti-Aircraft Artillery Order of Battle American Association for the Advancement of Science Australian Advanced Air Traffic Services Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle Advanced Anti-Armour Weapon Air-launched Anti-Armour Weapon (luftgestartete Panzerabwehrwaffe) Air Assault Brigate Aircraft Accident Board All-to-All Broadcast Aufklärungsartilleriebataillon [AT] Advanced Airborne Command Post Advanced Atmospheric Burst Locator Air-to-Air Battle Management (Luftkriegsmanagement) Advanced Airborne National Command Post [USAF] Activity Address Code Adaptive Algorithms and Computation Advanced Aerospace Concept Advanced Audio Coding Advanced Audio Compression Aeronautical Administrative Communications Air Armament Center [USAF] Airline Administrative Communications Airworthiness Advisory Circular Alaskan Air Command [USAF] All-Aspect Capability (Rundum-Aspekt-Einsatzfähigkeit) Army Air Corps [UK] (Heeresluftstreitkräfte, Heeresflieger) Army Aviation Centre [UK] Automatic Amplitude Control (automat. Amplitudenregelung) Automatic Approach Control Army Airlift Clearance Authority Aeronautics and Astronautics Coordinating Board Air Approach Control Center Airport Association Coordinating Council [Int., Genf] Army Airborne Command and Control [USA] Airfield Approach Control Element Army Alternate Command and Control Element Army Aircraft Arab Air Carriers Organisation Army Area Communications Army Area Communications System Advanced Airborne Command Post Advanced Access Content System Advanced Aerospace Computer System Airborne Advanced Communications System (forts. luftg. Kommunikationssystem) Airborne Air Control Squadron Asynchronous Address Communication Systems Attitude and Antenna Control Subsystem Automatic Access Control Systems

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Air-to-Air Combat Test Avionics, Aerospace & Defence Active Airborne Denial Airborne Assault Division Area Air Defense Army Air Defense Assigned Altitude Deviation Attitude Anomaly Detector Analog Air Data Computer Approach And Departure Control Advanced Avionics Digital Computer Area Air Defense Commander Army Air Defense Command Avionics Architecture Design Change Area Air Defense Command and Control System Army Air Defense Command Post Advanced Airborne Defense Element Army Air Defense Element Advanced Air Defense Electro Optical Sensor Allied [Command Europe] Air Defence Ground Environment [NATO] Advanced Area Defense Interceptor Area Air Defense Plan Advanced Air Data System (forts. Luftdatensystem) Advanced Air Defense System Airborne Active Dipping Sonar Airspeed And Director Sensor Anti-Aircraft Defense System Army Air Defense Surveillance and Control System Above Airfield/Airport Elevation Army Acquisition Executive Arms, Ammunition and Explosives Advanced Airborne Expendable Decoy [EW] (forts., luftg. Verlustköder) Automated Aeromedical Evacuation System Airway Facilities Service Algerian Air Force Argentine Air Force Army Air Field (Heeresflugplatz, Heeresflugfeld) [US Army] Army Air Forces (Heeresluftstreitkräfte) Austrian Air Force (Luftstreitkräfte Österreichs) Auxiliary Air Force Army Aviation Flight Activity Advanced Aviation Forward Area Refuelling System Andrews Air Force Base Army Air Forces Base Unit Allied Air Forces Central Europe [NATO] Army and Air Force Exchange Service Association of African Airlines Air Force Flight Test Center [Edwards AFB] Advanced Aerial Fire-Support System Aeromedical Airlift Group Air-to-Air Gunnery Army Artillery Group Aerodromes, Air-routes and Ground Aids [ICAO] 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense


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Air-to-Air Gunnery Range Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile Army Air-to-Ground System Air-to-Air Guided Weapon Ada Adoption Handbook Advanced Attack Helicopter [AH-64] (forts. Angriffshubschrauber) Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms Air Aid to Intercept Airline Avionics Institute Air-to-Air Intercept Air-to-Air Interface Air-to-Air Interrogator (Luft/Luft Abfragegerät) Airline Avionics Institute [US] Airports Authority of India [Indische Flugsicherung] Ambient Attitude Detector Angle of Approach Indicator (Anflugwinkelanzeiger) Angle of Attack Indicator (Anstellwinkelanzeige) Arrival Aircraft Interval Austrian Aeronautics Industries Average Arrival Interval Avionics Airworthiness Inspector Air Accidents Investigation Branch [Behörde zur Untersuchung von Flugunfällen in UK] Air Accidents Investigation Board Active Addressing Integrated Circuit Air Accidents Investigation Commission [US] (Kommission zur Untersuchung von Flugunfällen) Air-to-Air Interrogator Control Panel Air-to-Air IFF Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (bordautonome Integritätsüberwachung) Advanced Aeronautical Information Services (frühzeitiger Flugberatungsdienst) Advanced Airborne Interceptor Simulator Automated AIS Air Accident Investigation Unit (Flugunfalluntersuchungsabteilung) Above Aerodrome/Airfield/Airport Level (Höhe über dem Flugplatzniveau) Absolute Assembly Langauage Account Access Layer Additional Authorization List Aircraft Approach Limitations American Airlines ATM Adaptation Layer Advanced Air-Launched Anti-Armor Weapon (forts., luftgestartete Panzerabwehrwaffe) Autonomous Approach & Landing Capability (autonome Anflug- und Landefähigkeit) Active Addressing Liquid Crystal Display Advanced Air Launched Expendables Automated Air Load Planning System Active Army Locator System Advanced Approach and Landing System Air-to-Air Missile (Luft/Luft-Lenkflugkörper, -Lenkwaffe) Aircraft Availability Model Area Airspace Management Authority Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun Aufklärungsausstattung Minensperren [DE, Bw] Advanced Architecture Microprocessor Automated Aircraft Mission Planning System

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

AAMTU AAN AAN AANCP AAO AAO AAO AAO AAOS AAP AAP AAP AAP AAP AAP AAP AAP AaP AAPA AAPATS AAPG AAPI AAPS AAPS AAQ AAQ-13 AAQ-14 AAQ-16 AAQ-24 AAQ-37

Automatic Antenna Matching and Tuning Unit Airworthiness Approval Note (Lufttüchtigkeitszulassungsbrief) Ausstattungsanweisung [DE] Advanced Airborne National Command Post (vorgeschobene, luftg., nationale Kommandostelle) Agency Accounting Officer Air-to-Air Operations Airborne Area of Operation (luftg. Operationsbereich) Analysis of the Area of Operations Acoustic Artillery Observer Subsystem Advanced Automated Program Allied Administrative Procedure Allied Administrative Publication Alternative Approval Procedures Annual Application Plans Army Acquisition Process Army Ammunition Plant Attack Assessment Plan Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz [DE] Association of Asia-Pacific Airlines [Kuala Lumpur] Advanced Architecture Phase, Amplitude and Time Simulator Antennenanpaßgerät [DE] Attack Assessment Predicted Impact Advanced Aviation Protection System Airborne Antenna Pedestal system

AAR AAR AAR AAR AAR AAR AAR AAR AAR AAR AAR AAR AAR AAR-44 AAR-47 AAR-50 AAR-51 AAR-54 AAR-57 AAR-58 AAR-60

Active Antenna Radar Active Array Radar After Action Report After Action Review Aircraft Accident Report (Flugunfallbericht) Airport Acceptance Rate Airport Arrival (or Acceptance) Rate Air-to-Air Radar Air-to-Air Refueling (Luftbetankung) Authorised Airwortiness Representative Automated Aerial Refueling Automatic Alternate Routing


Codierte Bez. von luftg. Elektro-Optischen Sensorsystemen [USAF] Navigation Pod: Navigationsunterstützung im Waffensystem F-16 Fighting Falcon Targeting Pod: Zielzuweisung im Waffensystem F-16 Fighting Falcon Infrared Imaging System, Überwachungs- Zielerfassungs- und Navigationssensor DIRCM Nemesis, ausrichtbares IR-Selbstschutzsystem Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System, moderns EO-Selbstschutzsystem

Codierte Bez. von luftgestützten EO-Flugkörperwarnsystemen [US] Advanced Missile Warning System - UV/IR-Flugkörperstart-Warnsystem zum Selbstschutz Missile Approach Warning Receiver - Flugkörperannäherungswarnsystem auf UV-Basis Flir-Navigationssensor Flir-Navigationssensor Passive Missile Approach Warning System – Flugkörperannährungswarnsystem auf UV-Basis Common Missile Warning System – Flugkörperannährungssystem auf UV-Basis Missile Warning System – Verbesserte Version von AAR-44 MILDS: Flugkörperstart-Detektionssystem von EADS

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Air-to-Air Refuelling Area Attack Assessment Radar Advanced Aerial Refuelling Boom (forts. Luftbetankungsausleger) Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile [USN] (forts. Radarbekämpfungs-Lenkflugkörper) Advanced Airborne Radar System Advanced Airborne Reconnaissance System Automated Altitude-Reporting System Airborne Avionics Research Testbeds Advanced Airspace Scheme Adaptive Antenna System Advanced Antenna System Advanced Avionics Subsystem Advanced Avionics System Advanced Automation System [FAA] Advisory and Assistant Service Aerodrome Advisory Service Aeromedical Airlift Squadron [USAF] Air Armament School [UK] Airport Advisory Service [FAA] Air-to-Air Sensor (Luft/Luft-Sensor) American Astronautical Society Angle of Attack Sensor (Anstellwinkelsensor) Antenna Application Symposium Army Aviation School [US Army] (Heeresflugschule) Attack Assessment System Automatic Ambient Stowage Aviation Archiving Services Codierte Bez. von luftg. EO-Zielsuch- und Zieldetektionssystemen [USAF]


Advanced Airborne Surveillance Antenna Airline Association of Southern Africa Army Aviation Support Facility Ausbildungsanlage Simulator Fliegerfaust Stinger [DE, Bw/Lw] Aeronautical Applications Service Interface Ausbildungsanlage Schießtrainer Lafette [DE, Bw/Heer] Air Assault Advanced Air-to-Surface Missile Armament Air-Sol Modulaire [FR] (Bombenlenksystem zur Bekämpfung von Bodenzielen) Air-to-Air System Performance Evaluation Model Advanced Airborne Surveillance Radar Airways and Airports Surveillance Radar Anti-Asymmetric Warfare Advanced Antenna Technology Advanced Array Technology Advanced Aviation Technology Airworthiness Approval Tag (Lufttüchtigkeitszulassungsetikett) Architecture Analysis Tool Army Assault Team Assigned Arrival Time Automatic Analog Tester Autopilot Autothrust Average Access Time

Infrared Laser Detecting & Targeting System – IR/Laser Zielerfassung und Zielzuweisung

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013



Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

AATC AATD AATD AATH AATMS AATR AATS AATS AATS AATS AATT AATTC AATU AAU AAufklRad AAV AAV AAv AAV AAV AAv AAVP AAVS  AAVSP AAW AAW  AAW  AAW AAW  AAWC AAWO AAWS  AAWS  A/B  a.B.  AB  AB  AB  AB  AB, A/B  AB AB

 AB  AB  AB AB AB AB  AB AB  AB139  ABA  ABAC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Anti-Aircraft Training Center Army Advanced Technology Demonstration Aviation Applied Technology Directorate [US Army] Automatic Approach To Hover Advanced Air-Traffic Management System (forts. Luftverkehrsmanagementsystem) Air-to-Air Transmit Receive Advanced Air Traffic System Anti-Aircraft Training System Automated Architecture Tool Suite Aviation and Air Traffic Services (Flug- und Flugverkehrsdienste) Advanced Aviation Transportation Technology [NASA] (forts. Lufttransporttechnologie) Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Center [US] Automatic Antenna Tunning Unit Accelerated Aging Unit Artillerieaufklärungsradar [AT] Advanced Air Vehicle Amphibious Assault Vehicle [USMC] Army Aviation [UK] (Heeresluftstreitkräfte) Autonomous Aerial Vehicle Autonomous Armored Vehicle Army Aviation Advanced Aircrew Vision Protection Automated Architecture Tool Suite Allied Avionics Publication Active Aeroelastic Wing Advanced Analysis Workstation Air-to-Air Warfare [USN, USMC] (Luftkrieg) Anti-Aircraft Warfare (Flugabwehr) Anti-Armour Weapon Air-to-Air Warfare Coordinator Anti-Air Warfare Officer Advanced Anti-tank Weapon System Automated Attack Warning System Autobrake auf Befehl [DE, Bw] Abtastbereich [DE, Radar] Ada Based Address Bus Aerodrome Beacon [ICAO] Afterburner (Nachbrenner) Air Base [USAF] (Fliegerhorst, Luftstützpunkt, Luftwaffenbasis, Militärflughafen) Air Blast Airborne (luftgestützt, luftgetragen, luftg.) Airbrakes (Luftbremsen, Bremsklappen) Airburst Army Board Artilleriebataillon [AT] Assault Breaker Audit Board Authorization Basis Mittelschwerer Mehrzweckhubschraubertyp von AugustaWestland Ltd. & Bell Helicopter Textron American, British, Australian Association of British Aviation Consultants

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense


 Abamp  AbAnt  ABAS ABATE  AbATEG  Abb  ABB ABB  ABB  Abbr ABBV  ABC  ABC  ABC  ABC ABC  ABC ABC  ABC  ABC  ABC  ABC  ABC  ABCA  ABC Abw  ABCC  ABCC  ABCCC  ABCL  ABCS  ABCS  ABCS  ABCSIM  ABD  ABD  ABD  ABD  ABD  ABDDD  ABDIS  ABDR  ABDR  ABE  ABE ABEI  ABEL  ABEND ABES  ABET  ABF  ABF  ABF

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

All Arms Battlefield Computer Simulation Absolute Ampere Abtastantenne [DE] Aircraft-Based Augmentation System [EGNOS] Abatement (Verminderung, Reduzierung) Abbildende Aufklärung in der Tiefe des Einsatzgebietes [DE, Bw] Abbildung [DE] Airborne Brigade Allgemeine Beförderungsbedingungen [DE] Ausschuss für Blitzschutz und Blitzforschung [DE, VDE] Abbreviation Allgemeine Bedingungen für Beschaffungsverträge des Bundesministers der Verteidigung [DE] Activity-Based Costing Advanced Blade Concept Aerospace Basic Course Airborne Corps All-purpose Battle Computer America, Britain, Canada Argentina, Brazil, Chile Atomic, Biological, and Chemical (atomar, biologisch, chemisch) Automatic Bandwidth Control Automatic Bar Code Automatic Boost Control Automatic Brightness Control (automat. Helligkeitssteuerung) America, Britain, Canada, Australia [Standardization Program] ABC Abwehr Airborne Command Center Airborne Communications Center Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center [US] As Built Configuration List Air Battle Command System Antimonide Based Combound Semiconductor [HTS, STI] Army Battle Command System Atmospheric, Biological, and Chemical Simulation Ada Based Document Airbase Defense Airborne Broadband Defense Airbus Directives and procedures Architecture Block Diagram Ada Based Development Design Document Automated Data Interchange System Service B Air Battle Damage Report Aircraft Battle Damage Repair Air-Breathing Engine (luftatmende Triebwerke) ARINC-429 Bus Emulator Allgemeine Bedingungen für Entwicklungsverträge mit Industriefirmen [DE] Advanced Boolean Equation Language Abnormal End Air-Breathing Engine System Ada Based Environment for Test Adaptive Beam Forming Advanced Beam Former Ambiguity Betragsfunktion [DE, Radar]

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 ABFAC  ABFC  ABFI  Abg  abg  ABG  ABG  ABGD  Abgg  Abgr  ABI  ABI  ABI  ABI  ABI  ABICS ABIOS  ABIR  ABIRD  ABIS  ABIT  ABIT  ABIT  ABIT  ABITE  ABIU  Abk  Abk Abl  Abl  ABL  ABL  ABL  ABL  ABLEX  Abm  Abm  ABM  ABM  ABM  ABM  ABM  ABM  ABM  ABM  ABMA  ABMD  ABMDA  ABMDS  ABMEWS  ABMM  ABMS  ABMS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Airborne Forward Air Controller Advanced Base Functional Component Allgemeine Bedingungen für Forschungssverträge mit Industriefirmen [DE] Abgeordneter [DE] abgesetzt [DE] Air Base Group [USAF] Anzeige- und Bediengerät [DE, Bw] Air Base Ground Defense Abgang [DE] Abrenzung [DE] Address Bit Inversion Advanced Baseline Imager Advanced Boundary Information Airborne Broadcast Intelligence Application Binary Interface Ada Based Integrated Control System Advanced Basic Input Output System All-Band Intercept Receiver Airborne Infrared Detector Advanced Battlespace Information System Advanced Built-In Test Airborne Imagery Transmission Airborne Information Transmission system Automatic Built-In Test [auch: A-BIT] Antenna Built-In Test Equipment Avionics Bay Interface Unit Abkommen [DE] Abkürzung [DE] Ablauf [AT] Ablösung [CH] Airborne Laser [USAF, fliegendes Laserwaffensystem Boeing AL-1] Aircraft Based Laser Atmospheric Boundary Layer Atmospheric Burst Locator Airborne Laser Experiment Abeam (querab) Abmessung [DE] Activity Based Management Adaptive Bandwidth Management Air Breathing Missile (Luftatmender Flugkörper) Air Battle Manager Air Burst Munition Anti-Ballistic Missile [System zur Abwehr von ballistischen Raketen] Apogee Boost Motor Asynchronous Balanced Mode Army Ballistic Missile Agency Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense [US MDA] Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense Agency Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense System Anti-Ballistic Missile Early Warning System Anti-Ballistic Missile-Missile Air Battle Management System Apogee Boost Motor Subsystem 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ABMT  Abmua  Abn  ABn  ABN, abn  ABNCC  ABNCP  ABNCP  ABNL  ABNOC  ABO  ABO  ABO  A-BPSK  A-BPSK  abr Abr  ABR  ABR  ABR  ABR  ABRA  ABRES  ABRS  ABRV  ABRV  Abs  Abs  abs  ABS  ABS  ABS ABS  ABSAA Absch  ABSR  Abt  Abt  Abt  ABT  ABT  ABTF  ABTJ  Abv  ABV  Abw  ABW  Abz  A&C  A&C  A/C  A/C  A/C, acft

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty Abmessungen über alles [DE, Bw] Abnahme [DE] Aerodrome Beacon (Flughafenbake, Flugplatzleuchtfeuer) Airborne (luftgestützt, luftgetragen, luftg.) Airborne Command and Control Airborne Command Post [luftg. Kommandostelle der USAF; A-6B] Airborne National Command Post Admiral, Benelux and Netherlands Airborne Nuclear Operations Center [SHAPE] Annular Beam Oscillator Air Base Operability Airborne Order Aeronautical Binary Phase Shift Keying Aviation Binary Phase Shift Keying abriegeln [DE] Abriegelung [AT] Aero-Ballistic Rocket Airborne Relay Agile Beam Radar (Radar mit agiler Keulenschwenkung) Available Bit Rate Artilleriebeobachtungsradar [DE, Bw/Heer] Advanced Ballistic Re-Entry System Assault Ballistic Rocket System Abbreviation, abbreviated (Abkürzung, abgekürzt) Advanced Ballistic Re-entry Vehicle (forts. ballistischer Wiedereintrittskörper) Absatz [DE] Absender [CH, DE] Absolute (absolut) Air Base Squadron Anti Blocking System (Antiblockiersystem) Automatic Block Signalling Automatic Brake System (autom. Bremssystem) [MD-80] Airborne Sense And Avoid (luftg. Empfangen und Vermeiden) Abschnitt [CH] Advanced Battlefield Surveillance Radar (forts. Gefechtsfeldüberwachungsradar) Abort (Abbruch, abbrechen von Start, von Mission, usw.) About [ICAO] Abteilung [CH, DE] Advanced BiCMOS Technology Air Breathing Threat Airborne Task Force Afterburning Turbojet Above [ICAO] (oberhalb, über) Absolute Value Abwehr [AT, DE] Air Base Wing [USAF] (Luftwaffenstütztpunktgeschwader) Abzeichen [DE] Alteration and Addition Approval and Authorization Absolute Ceiling Air Cnditioning (Klimaanlage) Aircraft [FAA] (Luftfahrzeug)

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 A/C  a.c.  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC-130H  AC-130U  ACA  ACA  ACA  ACA  ACA  ACA  ACA  ACA  ACA 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Approach Control [FAA] alternating current Access Control Acoustical Coupler (akustischer Koppler) Acquisition Corps Active Adjunct Active Component Actual Cost Additional Capability Advisory Circular (Empfehlungsrundschreiben) [FAA] Advanced CMOS Advisory Committee Aerodynamic Center (aerodynamischer Schwerpunkt) [Flugmechanik] Air Canada Air Carrier (Luftfrachtunternehmen) Air Combat (Luftkampf) Air Conditioning (Klimaanlage) Air Coordinator Air Corps Aircraft Characteristics Air Crew Aircraft Commander Airplane Characteristics Airspace Control Airworthiness Circular (Lufttüchtigkeitsrundschreiben) Alliance Committee Allied Command Alternating Current (Wechselstrom) Altitude Code Altocumulus Cloud [Wolkentyp] Amplitude Comparison (Amplitudenvergleich) Analog Computer Analysis Console Approach Control (Landeanflugkontrolle) Area Commander Area Coverage [Satcom] (Gebietsabdeckung) Armament Computer Army Corps Assessment Center Atlantic Council [NATO] Authorisation Committee Authorisation Condition Militärischer Spezial-Flugzeugtyp von Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Militärischer Spezial-Flugzeugtyp von Boeing Adress Compression Algorithm Advanced Cargo Aircraft (forts. Frachtflugzeug, Frachter) Agile Combat Aircraft (agiles Kampfflugzeug) Aircraft Carrier Alliance [UK] Aircrew Association [UK] Airlift Clearance Authority Airspace Control Authority (Luftraumkontrollbehörde) Airspace Coordination Area Alternate Command Authority 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr


Arctic Control Area (Nordpol-Kontrollbezirk) Associate Contractor Agreement Automatic Circuit Assurance Air Carrier Association of America Australian Civil Aviation Authority (Australische Zivile Luftfahrtbehörde) Automatic Chemical Agent Alarm Air Carrier Advisory Circular Air-Cooled Air Cooler (Luftgekühlter Luftkühler) Arab Civil Aviation Commission AVIC Corporation Aircraft Company [VR China] ATM Common Assessment Framework Air Carrier Activity Information System Assisted Circular Access Method Aircraft Condition Analysis and Management System [ARINC] Advanced Capabilities Advanced Composite Aircraft Programme Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe [Organisation] (Rat für Luft- und Raumfahrtforschung in Europa)  ACARS Access Control And Release System  ACARS, Acars Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System  ACARS Aircraft Communications And Reporting System  ACARS Arinc Communications Addressing and Reporting System  ACAS Aircraft Collision Avoidance System (Flugzeugkollisionsvermeidungssystem) [ICAO]  ACAS Automated Collision Avoidance System  ACASA ACAS Analysis  ACASS Advanced Close Air Support System  ACAT Acquisition Category  ACAT Air Carrier Assessment Tool  ACC Abnormal Condition Control  Acc Accelerometer (Beschleunigungsmesser)  Acc Accepted (akzeptiert)  ACC Access Control Center  Acc Accumulated (aufaddiert)  ACC Active Clearance Control  ACC Actively Controlled Cooler  ACC Adaptive Cruise Control  ACC Advanced Carbon/Carbon  ACC Advanced Control Components Inc. [US]  ACC Aegis Computer Center  ACC Air Combat Command [Oberkommando der USAF] (Lufteinsatzkommando)  ACC Air Component Command  ACC Air Control Center  ACC Aircraft Configuration Control  ACC Airports Consultants Council  ACC Airspace Control Center (Luftraumkontrollzentrum)  ACC Alarm Control Center  AAC American Control Conference  ACC Area Control Center (Bezirkskontrollzentrum, Bezirksleitstelle) [ICAO, Flugsicherung]  ACC Area Coordination Centre  ACC Army Component Command  ACC Attitude Control Computer  ACC Automatic Code Change [IFF-Betriebsart]  ACC Aviation Component Commander

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 ACC  ACCA  ACCB  ACCB  Access  ACCC  ACCC  ACCC  ACCHAN  ACCID  ACCIS  ACCIS  Accl  ACCLRM  ACCON  ACCS  ACDA  ACCS  Acct  ACCTS ACCU  ACCU ACCUR  AC&D  ACD ACD  ACD  ACD  ACD  ACDA ACDB  ACDM  ACDS  ACDS  ACE  ACE  ACE  ACE  ACE  ACE  ACE ACE  ACE  ACE  ACE  ACE ACE  ACE  ACE  ACE  ACE  ACE  ACE 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Avionics Computer Control Advanced Composite Cargo Aircraft [Kompositversion der Dornier 328] Aircraft Configuration Control Board Army Configuration Control Board Advanced Cosmic Ray Experiment [for ISS] Air Carrier Configuration Checklist Airborne Command, Control and Communications Area Control Computer Complex Allied Command Channel Accident (Unfall) Allied Command and Control Information System Automated Command and Control Information System [NATO] Accelerate (beschleunigen) Accelerometer [auch: Acclrm] (Beschleunigungsmesser) Acoustic Condition Advanced Communications Control System Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Air/Army Command and Control System [NATO] Account Aviation Coordinating Committee for Telecommunications Services Accumulator Audio Central Control Unit Accuracy Alarm Communication and Display Air Carrier Dynamics Airframe Certification Document Airways Clearance Delivery Automatic Call Distribution Automatic Conflict Detection Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Aircraft Component Data Base Airport Collaborative Decision Making Advanced Combat Display System Automatic Countermeasures Dispensing System [Shipboard, Elbit] Access Control Element Acquisition Center of Excellence Actuator Control Electronics [B777 FCS] Advanced Certification Equipment Advanced Communications Engine Advanced Computer Environment Airborne Command Element Airbus Concurrent Engineering Aircraft Communications Equipment Air Combat Emulator Airside Capacity Enhancement Allied Command Europe [NATO] Altimeter Control Equipment Analysis Control Element ATC Communications Environment ATM Cooperation in Southeast Europe ATM Cost-Effectivness Atmospheric Compensation Experiment Aviation Combat Element [US DoD] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ACEA  ACEC  ACEF  ACEM  ACEP  ACES  ACES  ACES Access  ACETEF  ACEVAL  ACET  ACF  ACF  ACF  ACF  ACF  ACF  ACF  ACF  ACFD  ACFO  ACFS  Acft  ACG ACG  ACG  ACG  ACGF  ACH  ACH  AChef LwA  ACI  ACI  ACI  ACI  ACI  ACIA  ACID  ACID, Acid  ACI-NA  ACINT, Acint  ACIP  ACIS  ACIU  ACJ  ACK, Ack  ACL  ACL  ACL  ACL  ACL  ACL

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Action Committee for European Aerospace Advisory Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility [IEC] Ada Compiler Evaluation Facility Advanced Common Electronic Module Air Carrier Evaluation Process Advanced Concept Ejection Seat [Schleudersitz] Advanced Countermeasures Electronic System [Raytheon] Advanced Crew Escape System Accessory Air Combat Environment Test and Evaluation Facility [US] Air Combat Evaluation Automatic Cancellation of Extended Targets Access Control Facility Airline Club Frankfurt Air Cargo Forum Air Combat Fighter (Kampfflugzeug) Air Contingency Force Area Control Facility Avion de Combat Futur [FR] Auto-Correlation Function Advanced Civil Flight Deck Aircraft Certification Field Office Advanced Concepts Flight Simulator Aircraft (Luftfahrzeug, Flugzeug) Advanced Concept Group [Eurocontrol] Aircraft Center of Gravity Assessment Compliance Group ATM/CSN Consultancy Group Aluminium-Coated Glassfibre [Chaff bzw Düppel] Advanced Compound Helicopter Aircraft Change (Flugzeugwechsel) Amtschef Luftwaffenamt [DE, Bonn] Airborne Controlled Intercept Airports Council International [CH, Genf] Allocated Configuration Identification Area of Common Interest Armament Control Indicator Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter [serielle Schnittstelle] Aircraft Identity/Identification [ICAO] Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability Airports Council International - North America Acoustic Intelligence (Schallaufklärung) Aerodynamic Coeeficient Identification Package Arms Control Intelligence Staff Advanced Central Interface Unit Airbus Corporate Jetliner Acknowledge, Acknowledged, Acknowledgment [ICAO] (technische Bestätigungsmeldung) Access Control List [Network] Aircraft List All Critical Learning Altimeter Check Location (Höhenmesskontrollpunkt) Anti-Collision Light (Positions-Licht bzw. -Blitz) ATC Clearance

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 ACL  ACL  ACLANT  ACLD  ACLICS  ACLIS  ACLS  ACLS  ACLT ACM  ACM  ACM  ACM  ACM  ACM  ACM  ACM  ACM  ACM  ACM  ACM  ACM  ACM  ACM  ACM  ACM  ACMDS  ACME  ACMF  ACMG  ACMI  ACMI ACMP  ACMP  ACMR  ACMR  ACMS  ACMS  ACMS  ACMT  ACN  ACN  ACN  ACN  ACNIP  ACNSS  ACO  ACO  ACO  ACO  ACO  ACO  ACO 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Atlas Commercial Language Autonomous Control Level Allied Command, Atlantic [NATO] Above Clouds Airborne Communications Location Identification and Collection System Airborne Communications Location Identification and Collection System [US] Aircraft Carrier Landing System Automatic Carrier Landing System [USN, Beacon] (automat. Trägerdeck-Landesystem) Actual Calculated Landing Time Abbreviated Component Maintenance Access Control Manager Acoustic Counter Measures Advanced Cruise Missile [AGM-129] (forts. Marschflugkörper) Air Cargo Manifest Air Chief Marshal (Luftmarschall) Air Combat Maneuvering (Luftkampf-Manöver bzw. -Training) Air Combat Mission (Luftkampfmission) Air Conditioning Module Air Cycle Machine (Kühlturbine) Aircraft Condition Monitoring [A340] Aircraft Manual Airspace Control Measures Anti-armor Cluster Munition ATC Communications Management Attitude-Control Module Avionics Control Module Airborne Countermeasures Dispensing System (luftg. Störmittelabwurfsystem) Advanced Core Military Engine [Rolls-Royce] Airplane Condition Monitoring Function (Flugzeugzustandsüberwachungsfunktion) Air Cargo Management Group Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, Insurance Air Combat Manoeuvring Instrumentation [Luftkampfübungsanlage der NATO und USAF] Airframe Condition Monitoring Procedure Alternating Current Motor Pump Air-Combat Manoeuvring Range Aircraft Configuration Management Rules Aircraft Condition Monitoring System (Flugzeug-Zustandsüberwachungssystem) Armament Control and Monitoring System (Rüstungskontroll- und Überwachungssystem) Avionics Control and Management System [CH-47D] Advanced Cruise Missile Technology Advanced Change Notice Airborne Communications Node (luftg. Kommunikationsknoten) Aircraft Classification Number [Lastklassifizierung von Luftfahrzeugen, ICAO] Austrian Communication Network (Fernmeldewesen Österreichs) Advanced CNI Panel Advanced Communications, Navigation and Surveillance System Access Control Officer Air Combat Order Air Control Officer [Waffensystem E-2 Hawkeye der USN] Air Control Order Air Coordination Order [NATO] Aircraft Certification Office [FAA] Airspace Control Officer 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ACO  ACO  ACO  ACOC  ACOC  ACOD  ACOM  ACOP  ACOS  ACOS  ACP  ACP, acp  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACP  ACPA  ACPA  ACPI  ACPI  ACPO  ACPR  Acpt  ACQ, acq  Acqn  ACR  ACR  ACR  ACR  ACR  ACR  ACR  ACR  ACR  ACR  ACR  ACR  ACR  ACR

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Airspace Coordination Order All-Cargo Operations Allied Command Operations [NATO] Air Combat Operations Center Air Cooled Oil Cooler Area Conflict Detection Atlantic Command Air Carrier Oversight Profile Assistant Chief Of Staff Automat. Comint System [EW; Plath, Hamburg] Accelerometer Package Acceptance (Abnahme) Access Control Point Advanced Command Post (vorgeschobener Gefechtsstand) Aeronautical Communications Panel Airborne Command Post Air Control Point Airlift Command Post Airspace Control Plan Airspace Control Position Allied Communications Procedures Allied Communications Publication Alternate Command Post Altimeter Check Pont Armament Control Panel Army Classified Programm Assault Command Post Audio Control Panel (Aufschaltanlage) Automatic Communications Processor Auxiliary Communication Package Adaptive Controlled Phased Array Air Canada Pilot Association Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Aileron Control Position Indicator (Querruder-Position-Anzeiger) Association of Chief Police Officers Adjacent Channel Power Ratio Accept, accepted (annehmen, angenommen; abnehmen) Acquire, acquisition (suchen, erfassen, akquirieren) Acquisition Access Call Reconnect Advanced Cargo Rotorcraft Advanced Concepts Requirements Aerial Combat Reconnaissance Aircraft Air Control Radar (Luftraumkontrollradar) Airfield Control Radar Airman Certification Representative Approach Control Radar (Landeanflugkontrollradar) Armored Cavalry Regiment Army of Czech Republic Atlantic Co-ordinated Route Authorization Change Request Automated Change Recognition

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 ACR  ACR  ACRA  Acred  ACRES  ACR OPNS  ACROSS  ACRP  ACRS  AC&S  AC/S  Acs  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACS  ACSA  ACSC  ACSC ACSD  ACSG  ACSI  ACSM  ACS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Avionics Communications Router Avionics Computing Resource Airlift Concepts and Requirements Agency Acreditation Airborne Communications Relay Station Aircraft Operations (Flugbetrieb) Allied Commands Resources Optimisation Software System [NATO] Aircraft Certification Regulary Program Active Control of Structural Response System Aerospace Consulting & Services [DE, GmbH] Assistant Chief of Staff Access (Zugang, Zugriff, Einstiegsluke) Access Control Set Active Control System Ada Compilation System Adaptive Computing System Advanced co*ckpit Simulation Advanced Concept Study Advanced Communication System Aegis Combat System [USN] Aerial Common Sensor [USA, USN] Afloat Correlation System Agile Combat Support Airborne Comint System Airborne Control System Air Carrier System Air Combat Simulator (Luftkampfsimulator) Air Conditioning System (Klimaanlage) Air Control System Air Cooling System Aircraft Call Sign Aircraft Certification Service [FAA] Airport Credit Statement Airspace Control System Alternating Current Supply Amplitude Comparison System (Amplitudenvergleichsantennensystem) Antenna Coupler Set Area Control Surveillance Armament Control System (Steuersystem der Bewaffnung) Armoured Car Systems [D, GmbH] ATM Concepts and Studies Attitude Control System Audio Control System (Tonregelungssystem) Auxiliary Cooling System Avionics Control System (Avioniksteuersystem) Allied Communications Security Agency [NATO] Aegis Combat Systems Center Air Command and Staff College Atom-Chemischer Schutzdienst [CH] Aeronautical Communications Sub-Group Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence Advanced Conventional Stand-off Missile (forts. konventioneller Abstandsflugkörper) Attitude Control System 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ACSR  ACSS  ACSS  Act  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACT  ACTAS  ACTC  ACTD  ACTI  ACTIS  ACTIVE ACTLW  Actr ACTTOW  ACTS . ACTS  Actv, act ACTZFW  ACU  ACU  ACU  ACU  ACU  ACU  ACU  ACU  ACU  ACU  ACU  ACU  ACU  ACUS  ACUS  ACV  ACV  ACV  ACV

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Active Control of Structural Response African Center for Strategic Studies Aviation Communications and Surveillance System [JV von Thales und L-3 Communications] Active, activated (aktiv, aktiviert, in Betrieb, in Betrieb gesetzt) Active Control Technology [Eurofighter] (aktive Steuerungstechnologie) Actual Temperature (tatsächliche Temperatur) Additional Center Tank Advanced Circuit Technology Advanced Communications Technology Advanced Communications Terminal Advanced Composite Technology Advanced Concepts and Technology Advanced Control Technology Airborne Crew Trainer (luftg. Besatzungstrainer) Air Combat tactics Air Combat Training (Luftkampfausbildung) Algebraic Compiler and Translator Allied Command for Transformation [NATO] Atomic Clock Technology Australia Central Time [Zeitzone] Aviation Crew Trainer Activated Towed Array Sonar Airport Traffic Control Towers Advanced Concept and Technology Demonstration [US DoD] Air Combat Tactics Instructor Advanced Compact Thermal-Imaging System Advanced/Aerodynamic Controls Technology Integration Vehicle [NASA/USAF] Actual Landing Weight (tatsächliches Landegewicht) Actuator Actual Take-Off Weight (tatsächliches Startgewicht) Advanced Communications Technology Satellite Advanced Crew Transportation System Active, activity, activated (aktiv, Aktivität, aktiviert) Actual Zero Fuel Weight (tatsächliches Leertankgewicht) Acceleration Control Unit Access Control Unit Adaptive Control Unit Airborne Computer Unit (Bordcomputer) Aircraft Communications System Aircraft Control Unit (Flugzeug-Einsatz-Leitstelle) Antenna Control Unit [Eurofighter AESA-Radar] (Antennensteuereinheit) Apron Control Unit (Vorfeldkontrolleinheit) Audio Control Unit Automatic Calling Unit Autopilot Control Unit Aviation Computing Unit Avionics Control Unit Area Common User Systems Army Common User System Achieved Coverage Volume Aircraft co*ckpit Video Armored Combat Vehicle Armored Command Vehicle

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 ACVC  ACVR  AC&W  ACW  ACW  ACW  ACW  ACWAR  A&D  A/D, AD, Ad  A/D  A/D  A/D  a.D.  AD  AD  AD  AD  AD Ad  AD  AD  AD  AD  AD, Ad  AD  AD  AD  AD  AD  AD  AD  AD  AD  AD  AD  AD  AD  AD  AD  ADA  ADA  ADA  ADA  ADA  ADA  ADA  ADA  ADA  ADA  ADA  ADAC  ADACS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Ada Compiler Validation Capability Alternating Current Voltage Ratio Air Control and Warning Advanced Conventional Weapons Air Control Wing [USAF] Aircraft Control and Warning Anticarrier Warfare Agile CW Acquisition Radar Aerospace and Defense (Luftraum/Luftfahrt und Verteidigung) Aerodrome (Flugplatz) Air Defense (Luftverteidigung, Flugabwehr) Alarm and Display Analog-to-Digital außer Dienst [DE] Absolute Deviation Abu Dhabi Acceptance Data Accidental Damage Active Duty Additional (zusätlich) Adresse Advanced Design Advanced Development Advisory (Flugberatung) [FAA] Aerodrome [ICAO] (Flughafen, Flugplatz) Aerodynamics [Flugzeug] Aerodynamic Disturbances Air Defence (Luftverteidigung, Flugabwehr) Air Division [USAF] Airdrop Airworthiness Directives (Lufttüchtigkeitsanweisungen) [Lfz] Analog/Digital Applicable Document Application Development Architectural Design Army Depot Artillery Division Assistant Director Attack Display Autopilot Disconnect Advisory Area (Beratungsbezirk) [Flugverkehr] Aerial Damage Assessment Aerial Delivery Adapter Aeronautical Defense Agency [Indien] Aeronautical Development Agency [Indien] Air Defense Alert (Luftverteidigungsalarm) Air-Defended Area (Luftverteidigungsbereich) Air Defense Artillery (Flugabwehrartillerie) Air Defense Authority Automatic Data Acquisition Avion de Détection Aéroportée [FR] Acoustic Data Analysis Center Airborne Digital Automatic Collection System 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ADAD  ADAF  ADAHRS  ADAIRS  ADAM  ADAM  ADAM  ADAMS  ADAMS  AdAnt  ADAO  ADAP  ADAPS  ADAPT  ADAPT  ADAR  ADAR  ADAR  ADARS  ADARS  ADARS  ADARS  ADARTS  ADAS  ADAS  ADAS  ADAS  ADAS  ADAS  ADAS  ADAT  ADATS  ADATS  ADatP ADAVCO  ADAWS  ADB  ADBMT  ADBT  ADC  ADC  ADC  ADC  ADC  ADC  ADC  ADC  ADC  ADC  ADC  ADC  ADC  ADC

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Air-Defence Alerting Device Air Defence Alert Facility Air Data Attitude and Heading Reference System (luftg. Lage- und Richtungsreferenzsystem) Air Data And Inretial Reference System Advanced Data Management Air Deflection And Modulation Automated Data for Aerospace Maintenance Air Defense Advanced Missile System [IDF] Allied Deployment And Movement System [NATO] Adaptive Antennen [DE] Authorosised Design Approval Organisation Automated Downlink of Airborne Parameters Automated Data Acquisition and Processing System Air-Traffic Data Acquisition, Processing and Transfer [ATC, CH] Automatic Detection And Processing Terminal Air Defense Area (Flugabwehrraum) Air Defense Radar (Flugabwehr-Radar) Air-Deployed Active Receiver [ASW] Adaptive Antenna Receiver System Advanced Defense Avionics Response Strategy Advanced Dynamic RF Simulator [F-22 Raptor] Airborne Digital Audio Recording System Ada-based Design Approach for Real Time System Advanced Digital Avionics System Advanced Distributed Aperture System [Sensorsystem] Airborne Data Acquisition System (luftg. Datenerfassungssystem) Airfield Damage Assessment System Anlage zur Datenaufzeichnung, Auswertung und Simulation [DE, Bw/Marine] Automated weather-observing Data Acquisition System AWOS Data Acquisition System Abu Dhabi Aircraft Technologies Air Defense Anti-Tank System (luftg. Panzerabwehrsystem) Army Development and Acquisition of Threat Simulators Allied Data Publication Advanced Aviation Consultans [Dt. Luftfahrtberatungs-Unternehmen] Action Data Automated Weapon Airports Data Base (Flughafendatenbank) Air Defense Battle Management Technology Advanced Data Base Technology Advanced Data Controller Aerodrome Chart Aerodrome Control (Platzkontrolle) Aerospace Defense Command Agreement on Defense Cooperation Airborne Digital Computer Air Data Computer (Luftdatenrechner, Flugwerterechner) Air Defence Center Air Defense Command [US] Air Defense Control Air Defense Coordinator Air Direction Center Analog to Digital Converter (Analog-Digital-Umsetzer) Atlantic Data Coverage

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 ADC  ADCA  Adcap  ADCC  ADCF  ADCIS ADCM  ADCN  ADCO  ADCOM  ADCOM  A&DCP  ADCP  ADCP  ADCS  ADCS  ADCU  ADD  Add  Add  ADD  ADD  ADD  ADD  ADD  ADD  ADDA  ADDC  ADDCS  ADDI  ADDISS  Addn  ADDR  ADDR  ADDS  ADDS  ADDS  ADDS  ADDS  ADDS ADDU  ADE  ADE  ADE  ADE  ADE  ADE  ADE  ADE  Adecs  ADEDS  ADEM  Adeos 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Automatic Data Collection Air Defence Classification Area Advanced Capability program (Kampfwertsteigerungsprogramm) Air Defense Control Centre Air Defence and Command Frigate (Luftverteidigungs- und Führungsfregatte) Air Defence Command and Information System Air Data Computer Module [Baugruppe innerhalb eines ADC] Aeronautical Data Communications Network Arrival Departure Coordinator Administrative Command Aerospace Defense Command Analysis & Data Collection Plan Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Air Defence Command Post Advanced Data Collection System Air Data Computer System Anomaly Detection and Control Unit Acceptable Deferred Defects (zulässige, vertagte Defekte) Addendum (Anhang) Additional (zusätzlich) Aircraft Derived Data (Luftfahrzeug abgeleitete Daten) Aircraft Design Declaration Aircraft Downlinked Data Architectural Design Document [EATMS] Airstream Direction Detector (Luftstromrichtungsdetektor) Architectural Design Document Administrative Data Air Defence Data Centre [UK] Analog and Discrete Data Converting System Automated Digital Data Interchange [ICAO] Advanced Deployable Digital Imagery Support System [PACAF] Additional, addition (zusätzlich, Zusatz) Address Register Air Data Dead Reckoning Advanced Data Distribution System Advanced Digital Dispensing System (forts. digitales Dispensersystem) Advanced Display and Debriefing System Applied Digital Data System Army Data Distribution System Aviation Digital Data Service Air Data Display Unit (Flugdatenanzeigegerät) Ada Development Environment Aerial Delivery Equipment Air Defense Element within an ACC (Luftverteidigungselemet innerhalb eines ACC) Air Defense Emergency Airborne Defense Element Airborne Defense Equipment Application Development Engineer Audio Deception Emitter Advanced Digital Engine Control System (forts. digitales Triebwerksteuerungssystem) Advanced Electronic Display System Advanced Diagnostic and Engine Monitoring Advanced Earth-Observing Satellite 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

ADEP ADES  ADEW  ADEWS  ADEX  ADEXA  ADEXP  ADF  ADF  ADF  ADF  ADF  ADF  ADF  ADF  ADG  ADG  ADGB  ADGE  ADH  ADI  ADI  ADI  ADI  ADI  ADI  ADI  ADI  ADI  ADI  ADID  ADIEC  ADIRCM  ADIRS  ADIRU  ADIS  ADISS  ADIVS  ADIZ  Adj  Adj  Adj  ADKAR  ADL  ADL  ADL  ADL  ADL  ADL  ADL  ADL  ADLC  ADLER

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Aerodrom of Departure (Starflughafen) Aerodrome of Destination (Zielflughafen) Airborne Directed Energy Weapons Air Defense Electronic Warfare System [USA] (Luftverteidigungs-EloKa-System) Air Defense Exercise (Luftverteidigungsübung) ADEX Area (Luftverteidigungsübungsgebiet) ATS Data Exchange Presentation Airborne Direction Finder (luftg. Peiler, Radiokompaß) Air Defense Fighter Air Defense Force Air Defense Gun Air Dominance Fighter Alphanumeric Display File Australian Defence Force (australisches Heer) Automatic Direction Finder/Finding (automat. Peilgerät, automat. Radiokompaß) Advance Development Group Air Driven Generator Air Defence of Great Britain Air Defense Ground Environment (Luftverteidigungsbodenausrüstung) Automatic Data Handling Aerodrome Control Instrument Air Data Indicator (Luftdatenanzeiger) Air Data Instrument (Luftdateninstrument) Air Defense Initiative (Luftverteidigungsinitiative) Air Defense Interceptor Anti Detonation Injection Assessment Determination and Implementation Attitude Direction Indicator (Fluglagenanzeiger; künstlicher Horizont) Automatic De-ice and Inhibitor Azimuth Display Indicator (azimutale Displayanzeige) Aircraft Data Interface Device Army Deployable Imagery Exploitation Capability Advanced Directional IRCM Air Data & Inertial Reference System (Luftdaten und Inertialreferenzsystem) Air Data & Inertial Reference Unit [B777] (Luftdaten und Inertialreferenzeinheit) Automated Data Interchange System Advanced Defense Intelligence Support System Air Defense Interoperability Validation System Air Defense Identification Zone (Luftverteidigungs-Identifizierungszone) Adjacent (benachbart) Adjusted, adjustment (angepasst, Anpassung) Adjutant [CH, DE/Bw] Abgesetzte Darstellung von KARLDAP Radardaten [DE] Ada Design Language Advanced Distributed Learning Aeronautical Data Link (aeronautische Datenverbindung) Airborne Data Loader (luftg. Datenladegerät) [ARINC-615] Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Luftfahrtunternehmen [DE] Authorized Data List Automatic Data Link (automat. Datenverbindung) Automatic Drag Limiter (automat. Luftwiderstandsbegrenzer) Asynchronous Data Link Control Artillerie-Daten-, Lage- und Einsatz-Rechnerverbund [DE, Bw/Heer]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 ADLP  ADLP  ADLS  ADLT  ADLY  ADM  ADM  ADM  Adm  ADM, Adm  ADM  ADM  ADM  ADM  ADM  ADM  ADM  ADM  ADM  ADM  ADM  ADM  ADMA  ADMA  ADMAR  ADMD  ADMG  Admin  ADMIT  ADMP  ADMS  ADMU  ADMV  ADN  ADN  ADNC  Adnl  ADNS  ADO  ADO  ADO  ADOA  ADOC  ADOT  ADP  ADP  ADP  ADP  ADP  ADP  ADP  ADP 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

(fire support command and control system) Air/Aircraft/Airborne Data Link Processor [Mode S] (luftg. Datenlinkprozessor) [Mode S] Air(borne) Data Link Protocol Aeronautical Data Link Services (aeronautische Datenverbindungsdienste) Advanced Disriminating Laser Technology Arrival Delay Acquisition Decision Memorandum Ada Development Method Adaptive Delta Modulation Administration (Verwaltung) Admiral [DE] Advanced Demonstration Model Advanced Development Model (fortges. Entwicklungsmodell) Aeronautical Data Management Aeronautical Decision Making Air Data Module (Luftdatenmodul) [Digitalisierung von Luftdruckwerten] Air Decoy Missile (Flugkörperköder) Air-launched Decoy Missile Air Defense Mission (Luftverteidigungsmission) Air Defense Missile Atomic Demolition Munitions [Nukleare Sprengsätze] Automatic Display Mode Automatische Differentialsperren Management Advanced Multibeam Antenna Aviation Distributors and Manufactureres Association Abgesetzte Darstellung von MADAP Radar- und Flugplandaten [DE] Airspace Data Management and Distribution Air Defense Machine Gun Administration (Administration, Verwaltung) Administrative Information Technology Air Defense Modernization Plan Airline Data Management System Air Distance Measuring Unit Amplitudendifferenz-Monopulsverfahren [Radar, EloKa, Funkpeilung, DE] Advanced Digital Network (forts. digitales Netzwerk) Aircraft Data Network (Flugzeugdatennetzwerk) Air Defence Notification Centre (Daten-Übermittlungsstelle des Luftverteidigungsverlaufs) Additional ARINC Data Network Services Airbus Documentation Office Airline Dispatch Office Australian Defence Organization Air Defense Operations Center Air Defence Operations Centre [UK] (Operationszentrale der Luftverteidigung) Automatic Digital Optic Tracker Acceptance Data Package Acoustic Data Processor (Akustikdatenprozessor) Advanced Detection Processor Advanced Development Phase Advanced Development Program Advanced Ducted Propeller [Triebwerktyp, P&W] Aéroports de Paris [FR] Airborne Data Processor

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ADP  ADP  ADP  ADP  ADP  ADP  ADP  ADPC  ADPCM  ADPE  ADPS  ADQIIR  ADR  ADR  ADR  Adr  ADR  ADR  ADR  ADR  ADR  ADR  ADR  ADR  ADR  ADR  ADR  ADR  ADR  ADR  ADR  ADR  ADRAM  ADRAS  ADRC  ADRDE  ADREP  ADREP  ADRI  ADRIS  ADROE  Adrp  ADRS  ADRS  ADRS  ADRT  ADRU  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS Ads

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Air Data Processor (Luftdatenprozessor) Air Defense Plan Air Driven Pump Airport Data Processing (Flughafendatenverarbeitung) Allied Defense Publication Ammonium-Dihydrogen-Phosphate Automated Data Processing (automtisierte Datenverarbeitung) Automatic Data Processing Center Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation Automated Data Processing Equipment Automated Data Processing System Aeronautical Data Quality and Information Implementing Rule Accident Data Recorder (Flugunfalldatenrekorder) Accumulated Doppler Range Acoustic Data Recorder (akustischer Datenrekorder) Address (Adresse) Advanced Data Research Advanced Digital Receiver (forts. Digitalempfänger) [EloKa] Advisory Route [Auf solchen Flugrouten stehen Flugberatungsdienste zur Verfügung; FAA] Aerodrome Damage Repair Air Data Reference (Luftdatenreferenz) Air Defense Radar (Radar zur Flugabwehr) Air Defence Region [UK] (Luftverteidigungsbereich) Airborne Data Relay Airfield Damage Repair (Startbahnschadenbeseitigung) Airport Departure Rate All-Digital Receiver (Digitalempfänger) Alternative Dispute Resolution Altitude Deviation Report Amplitude Dynamic Range (Amplitudendynamikbereich) Architectural Design Review Automatic Data Relay Advanced Dielectric Radar Absorbing Material (forts., radarabsorbierende Materialien) Airplane Data Recovery and Analysis System (Flugzeugdatenrettungs- und Analyse-System) Air Defense Radar Controller Air Defence Research & Development Establishment [UK] Accident Data Report [ICAO] Air Defense Representative Arc Digital Raster Imagery Airport Doppler weather Radar Information System Air Defense Rules Of Engagement Airdrop (Fallschirmabwuf) Airborne Data Recorder System Air Defence Radar Site Automatic Data Reporting System Alternate Departure Route Air Defense Radar Unit Acoustic Detection System [EW] (Schallerfassungssystem) Active Defense System (aktives Verteidigungssystem) Active Denial System Active Dipping Sonar [EW] Ada Development System Adress (Adresse)

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADS  ADSAM  ADS-A  ADS-B  ADS-B-NRA  ADS-C  ADS-R  ADSEL  ADSI  ADSIA  ADSIM  ADSIM  ADSL  ADSL  ADSM  ADSP  ADSP  ADSS  ADSS  ADSS  ADSU  ADSU  ADSU  ADSU  ADSU  ADSU  ADSY  ADT  ADT  ADT 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Advanced Defense Systems Advanced Design System Advanced Digital Switch Advanced Display System Advanced Distributed Simulation Aeronautical Design Standard Aeronautics, Defence and Space Airborne Data Sensor (luftgestützter Datensensor) Air Data System (Luftdatensystem) [Bordinstrument] Air Defense Fighter (Luftverteidigungsjäger) Air Defense Sector (Luftverteidigungssektor) Air Defense Ship (Kampfschiff zur Luftverteidigung) Air Defense Suppression (Flugabwehrunterdrückung) Airlifter Defensive System [Airbus A400M] (Selbstschutzsystem von Lufttransportern) Area Denial System Audio Distribution System Aufklärungsdrohnensystem [CH] Authoritative Data Sources Automated Data System Automated Dependent Surveillance [ICAO] (automat. bordabhängige Überwachung) [Automatische, bordgestützte Positions-Überwachung und -Darstellung von Flugzeugen] Automated Documentation Software Avionics Development System (Avionikentwicklungssystem) Avionics Display Set (Avionikdisplaysatz) Air-Directed Surface-to-Air Missile Automated Dependent Surveillance – Address Mode Automated Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast Mode Automated Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast for Non-Radar Area Automated Dependent Surveillance - Contract Automated Dependent Surveillance - Rebroadcast Address Selective [UK SSR System] (selektive Adressierung) Air Defense System Integrator Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency [NATO] Air Defense Simulation (Flugabwehrsimulation) Airfield Delay Simulation Model Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line Air Defense Suppression Missile (Flugabwehrunterdrückungsflugkörper) Advanced Digital Signal Processor (forts. digitaler Signalprozessor) Automated Dependent Surveillance Panel Aeronautical Decision Support System Air Defense Simulation System Automated Dependent Surveillance System ADS Unit Air Data Sensor Unit Air Direction Sensing Unit Automated Dependent Surveillance Unit Air Data Sensor Unit (Luftdatensensorgerät) Automated Dependent Surveillance Unit Administrative Equipment Systems Acknowledged Data Transfer Active Denial Technology Advanced Display Terminal

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ADT  ADT  ADT  ADT  ADT  ADT  ADT  ADT  ADT  ADT  ADT  ADT  ADT  ADT  ADT  ADT  ADTA  ADTC  ADTECH  ADTI  ADTI  ADTN  ADTOC  ADT3  ADTS  ADTS  ADTU  ADU  ADU  ADU  ADU  ADU  ADU  ADU  ADU  ADU  ADU  ADU  ADU  ADUG  ADV, adv  Adv  ADV ADV  ADV  ADV  ADVAL  ADVCAP  ADVENT  ADVISIR  ADVO  ADVON  ADVS

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Advanced Technology Adult (Erwachsener) Aerospace Defence Technology (Luftraumverteidigungstechnologie) Air Data Terminal Air Data Tester (Luftdatentestgerät) Air Data Transducer Air Defense Training All-Digital Transceiver Approved Departure Time Automatic Data Translation Automatic Data Transmission Automatic Detection and Tracking (automat. Erfassung und Verfolgung) Automatic Digital Tester Avionics Demonstrator Tornado [EADS Pod] Avionics Design Team Avionics Development Team Air Data Transducer Assembly Armament Development Test Center [USAF] Advanced Decoy Technology Additional Technical Information Application Data Transfer Interface Administrative Data Transmission Network Air Defense Tactical Operatios Center Air Defence Tactical Training Theatre Air Data Test Set Air Defense Theater Simulator Air Data Transfer Unit Activity Display Unit [EloUM] Air Data Unit (Luftdateneinheit) Air Defense Unit Alignment Display Unit Analog-Digital-Umsetzer Annotation Display Unit Annunciator Display Unit Audio Distribution Unit Automatic Dialing Unit Auxiliary Display Unit (Hilfsdisplayeinheit) Avionic Data Utilization System Avionics Display Unit (Avionikdisplayeinheit) Airport Database User Group Advance, advanced (fortschrittlich, Neu-Entwicklung) Advice (Rat, Ratschlag) Air Defence Variant [WS Tornado] (Luftverteidigungsvariante) Allgemeine Dienstvorschrift [AT] Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Verkehrsflughäfen e.V. [DE] Automatisierte Datenverarbeitung [DE] Air Defense Evaluation Test Advanced Capability (forts. Kampffähigkeit) Advanced Versatile Engine Technology [AFRL] Advanced Virtual Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance Administrative Voice Advanced Echelon Advisory Service

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 ADW  ADW  ADW  ADW  ADWC  ADWC  ADX  ADX  Adz  ADZ  ADZ A&E  A&E  A&E  A&E  AE  AE  AE  AE  AE  Ae  AE  AE  AE  AE  AE  AE  AE  AE  AE  AE  AE  AEA  AEA  AEA  AEA  AEA  AEA  AEA  AEA  AEA  AEA  AEA  AEB  AEB  AEB  AEB  AEC  AEC  AEC  AEC  AEC  AEC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Air Defense Warning Analog-Digital-Wandler [DE] Area Defense Weapon Area Denial Weapon Air Defense Warning Condition Air Defense Weapons Center [USAF] (Luftverteidigungswaffenzentrum) Air Defense Exercise Automatic Data Exchange Advise (beraten) Air Defense Zone Amphibious Defense Zone Aircraft and Engine Ammunition & Explosives Analysis & Evaluation Architecture & Engineering Acoustic Emission Aerial Exploitation Airborne Electronics Allison Engine [Company, jetzt Rolls-Royce North America] Angström-Einheit Antenna effective area Application Engineer Application Entity Architectural Engineering Assault Echelon ATM Engineering Atomic Energy (Atom- bzw. Kernenergie) Attenuation Equalizer Augmented Ejector Automatic Evaluation Auxiliary Equipment Avionics Environment Active Element Array Aeronautical Engineers Association [Verband] Airborne Electronic Attack (luftg. elektronischer Angriff) [EloKa] Aircraft Electronics Association [US] Aircrew Equipment Assembly [Eurofighter] American Electronics Association American Engineering Association Association of European Airlines (Vereinigung der europäischen Fluggesellschaften) [Brüssel] Atomic Energy Act [1954] Auxillary Engine Assembly Aviation Electronics Association Active Electronic Buoy Air Efficiency Board [UK] Airline Engineering Bulletin Avionics Equipment Bay (Avionikgeräteschrank) Advanced Encryption Cipher Advanced Experiment Container Aeromedical Evacuation Crew Atomic Energy Commission Automatic Engine Control Aviation Electronic Combat [USA] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 AECA  AECB  AECB  AéCF  AECM  AECMA  AECN  AéCS  AECS  AECU  AEE  AEEC  AED  AED  AED  AED  AEDC  AED  AEDP  AEDS  AEEC  AEELS  AEELS  AEF  AEF  AEF  AEF  AEF  AEF  Aeff  AEFT  AEG  AEG  AEG  AEG  AEG  AEG  AEGIS  AEGIS  AEGIS  AEGIS  AEGIS  AEG-TFK  AEHF  AEI  AEI  AEIS  AEJ  AEJPT  AEL  AEL  AEL

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Arms Export Control Act [US; 1976] Arms Export Control Board [US] Atomic Energy Control Board Aéro Club de France [FR] Active Electronic Countermeasures (aktive elektronische Gegenmaßnahmen) Association Européenne des Constructeurs de Matériel Aérospatial [The European Association of Aerospace Industries] Advanced Engineering Change Notice Aéro Club de Suisse [Schweiz] Aeronautical Emergency Commnications System Audio Electronic Control Unit Airborne Evaluation Equipment Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee [ARINC] Active Electronic Decoy Active Expendable Decoy Alphanumeric Entry Device Atomic Emission Detector Arnold Engineering Development Center [USAF] ALGOL Extended for Design Allied Engineering Documentation Publication Atomic Energy Detection System Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee [ARINC] Airborne ELINT Emitter Location System Automatic ELINT Emitter Location System Aerospace Engineering Facility Aerospace Expeditionary Force Aircraft Emergency Frequency Air Expeditionary Forces [USAF] Air Experience Flight [RAF] Armament Engineering Flight [RAF] Formelzeichen für die effektive Antennen-Apertur Auxiliary External Fuel Tanks Aerospace Engineering Group Aerospace Expeditionary Group Aircraft Evaluation Group Air Expeditionary Group Allgemeine Elektrizitätsgesellschaft Auxiliary Ground Equipment Advanced Electronic Guidance and Instrumentation System Airborne Early-warning Ground-environment Integration Segment/System Air Electronic Guidance Information System ATM European Group for Improvement of Scenarios Automatic Electronic Guided Intercept System AEG-Telefunken [DE] Advanced Extremely High Frequency [USAF SatSys] Aircraft Engineers International Automatic Equipment Identification Aeronautical Enroute Information Service Apache Escort Jammer Advanced European Jet-Pilot Trainer Accessible Emission Limit Advanced Engineering Laboratory [Australien] Aeronautical Engine Laboratory [USN]

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 AEL  AELS  AEM  AEM  AEMB  AEMC  AEMS  AEN  AENA  AEO  AEO  AEO  AEO  AEOS  AEOWS  AEP  AEP  AEP  AEP  AER  AER  AERA  AERC  AEREA  Aero  Aero  AERO  Aerosat  AES  AES  AES  AES  AES  AES  AES  AES  AES  AES  AES  AES  AES  AESA  AESAT  AESCOM  AESM  AESOP  AESOP  AESS  AESS  AET  AET  AETC  AETMS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

American Electronics Laboratory Airborne Electronic Library System Advanced Emissions Model Automatic Emergency Mode Airborne Electromagnetic Bathymetry Applied Electromagnetic Conference Aircraft Engine Management System Airplane Energy Management Aeropuertos Espanoles y Navigación Aérea [Spanische Flughafen- und Flugnavigationsbehörde] Air Electronics Officer [RAF] Air Engineer Office [USAF] All Engines Operating Authorized Economic Operator Advanced Electro-Optical System Advanced Electro-Optic Warning Sensor Adaptive Event Processing ARINC Engineering Practices Audio Entertainment Player Autopilot Engage Panel Approach End of Runway Authorised Engineering Representative Automated En-Route ATC [Air Traffic Control] Airport Emission Reduction Credit Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics Aerodrom (Flugplatz) Aeronautics, aeronautical Aviation Education Review Organization Aeronautical Satellite [COM System] Ada Evaluation System Advanced ECM System Advanced Encryption Standard [Network; US encryption standard] Aeromedical Emergency System Aerodrom Emergency Service Aerospace Expeditionary Squadron Airborne Earth Station Airborne Emitter System Airborne ESM System Aircraft Earth Station [Inmarsat] Aircraft Emissions Standards All-Electric Ship [RNLN] Automatic Enhanced Surveillance Active Electronically Scanned Array [Radar] Avionics and Electrical Systems Advanced Trainer Aerospace and Electronics Systems Conference Airborne Electronic Support Measures Airborne Electro-optical Special Operations Payload Army EMP Simulator Operations Airborne Electronic Surveillance System Aircraft-Environment Surveillance System [A350, A380, A400M] Acceptance Engine Test (Motorabnahmetest) Aerosol Explosive Thermobaric Air Education & Training Command [USAF] Airborne Electronic Terrain Mapping System (luftg., elektronisches Bodentastsystem) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 AETS  AEU  AEU  AEW  AEW  AEW  AEW&C  AEW&CS  AEWF  AEWS  AEWS  AEWS  AEWT  AEWTF  AEX  A&F  a/f  a/f  AF  AF  AF  AF  AF  AF  AF  AF  AF  AF  AF  AFA  AFA  AFA  AFA  AFA  AFAC  AFAES  AFAL  AFAL  AFAOC  AFAS  AFAS  AFAST  AFATDS AFB  AFB  AFBCA  AFC  AFC  AFC  AFC  AFC  AFC  AFC

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Airborne Electronic Threat Simulator Airborne Electronics Unit (luftg. Elektronikgerät) Auxiliary Equipment Unit (Hilfsgerät) Airborne Early Warning (luftg. Frühwarnung) Airborne Electronic Warfare (luftg. EloKa) Air Expeditionary Wing Airborne Early Warning and Control (luftg. Frühwarnung und Führung) Airborne Early Warning and Control System Airborne Electronic Warfare Force [NATO] Airborne Early Warning System Advanced Electronic Warfare System Atmospheric Early Warning System Airborne Electronic Warfare Trainer (luftg. EloKa-Trainer) Aircrew Electronic Warfare Training Facility [NATO] Automated Execution (automatische Ausführung) Accounting & Finance Airfield (Flugfeld, Flugplatz) Airframe (Flugzeugzelle) Abschließende funktionale Forderungen [DE, Bw] Acceptance Flight (Abnahmeflug) Aerodynamic Force Air Force (Luftstreitkräfte, Luftwaffe) Airways Facilities (Luftlinieneinrichtungen) Alternate Fuel (Reservetreibstoff) Ambiguity Function [Radar] Amphibious Force Antenna correction Factor Audio Frequency [Hörbereich] Augmentation Forces [NATO] Absetzung für Abnutzung [DE, Bw] Air Force Academy [US, Colorado Springs] Air Force Association [USAF] Association of Flight Attendants [US] Audio Frequency Amplifier Airborne Forward Controller Aviation Facilities and Aircraft Engineering Support [UK] Air Force Armament Laboratory [USAF] Air Force Avionics Laboratory Air Force Air and space Operations Center Aircraft in the Future ATM System Air Force Antenna Symposium Active Final Approach Spacing Tool Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System Air Force Base [USAF] (Luftwaffenstützpunkt, Fliegerhorst, Luftwaffenflugplatz) Air Force Board [RAF] Air Force Base Conversion Agency [USAF] Active Flow Control Aeronautical Frequency Committee Air Force Cross Airframe Change Airport Facilities Control All-source Fusion Center Aramid-Fibre Composite

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 AFC  AFC  AFC  AFC  AFCA  AFCAC  AFCC  AFCC  AFC4A  AFCAC  AFCAS  AFCE  AFCEA  AFCEA  AFCENT  AFCERT  AFCNF  AFCP  AFCS  AFCS AFCWC  AFCYBER  A/FD  AFD  AFD  AFD  AFD  AFD  AFDAMU  AFDAS  AFDC  AFDK  AFDS  AFDS  AFDS  AFDTC  AFDX  AFDX  AFE  AFE  AFEOC  AFEPS  AFESA  AFEWC  AFEWES  AFF  Aff  AFF  AFF  AFFDL  AFFMC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Audio-Frequency Control Automatic Flight Control (automatische Flugsteuerung) Automatic Frequency Compensation (automatische Frequenzkompensation) Automatic Frequency Control (automat. Frequenzregelung) Air Force Communications Agency African Civil Aviation Commission Air Force Communications Command [USAF] Air Force Component Commander Air Force Command, Control, Communications and Computer Agency [USAF] African Civil Aviation Commission [Senegal, Dakar] Automatic Flight Control Augmentation System (automat. Flugsteuerungsverbesserungssystem) Automatic Flight Control Equipment (automat. Flugsteuerungegerät) Anwenderforum für Fernmeldetechnik, Computer, Elektronik und Automatisierung e.V. [DE, Bonn] Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association [US] Allied Forces Central Europe [NATO] Air Force Computer Emergency Response Team Air Force Central NOTAM Facility [US] Advanced Flow Control Procedure [ATC] Advanced Flight Control System (forts. Flugreglersystem) Automatic Flight Control System (automat. Flugreglersystem, Autopilot) Air Force Combat Weather Center [USAF] Air Force Cyber [Command] Airport/Facility Directory [US] Adaptive Flight Display Advanced Flight Deck Aft Flight Deck Air Force Department [UK, MoD] Autopilot Flight Director Auxiliary Flight Data Acquisition and Management Unit Aircraft Fatigue Data Analysis System (Flugzeug-Ermüdungsdatenanalysesystem) Autopilot and Flight Director Computer After Dark (nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit) Advanced Flight Deck Simulator Automatic/Autopilot Flight Director System (Flugregler und Flugkommando System) Autonomous Free-flight Dispenser System (autonom-freifliegender Abwurfbehälter) Air Force Development Test Center [USAF] Audio Frequency Digital Bus Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet [Airbus: A400M, A380] [Protokoll zum Datenaustausch zwischen den Flugzeugsystemen] Above Field Elevation Analog Front End Air Force Emergency Operations Center ACARS Front-End Processing System Air Force Engineering and Services Agency [USAF] Air Force Electronic Warfare Center [USAF] Air Force Electronic Warfare Evaluation Simulator [USAF] Accelerated Freefall Affirmative (korrekt, ja) Aufklärung-Führung-Feuerleitung [DE, Bw] Autonomous Formation Flight Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory [USAF] Air Force Frequency Measurement Center [USAF]

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 AFFSA  AFFSC(E)  AFFTC  AFG  AFGCS  AFGD AfgL  AFGS  AFGWC  AFH  AFH  AFI  AFI  AFI  AFI  AFI  AFIA  AFIC  AFIC  AFIC  AFICE  AFICRS  AFIL  AFIP  AFIS  AFIS  AFIS  AFIS  AFIS  AFIS  AFIT  AFITC  AFIWC  AFK  AFL  AFL  AFL  AFL  AFL  AFLANT  AFLC  AFLD  AFLS  AFLS  AFM  Afm  AFM  AFM  AFM  AFM  AFM/Bw  AFMC  AFMC

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Air Force Flight Standards Agency [USAF] Air Forces Flight Safety Committee (Europe) Air Force Flight Test Center [USAF] Arbitrary Function Generator Automatic Flight Guidance and Control System Advanced Flight Guidance Displays (forts. Flugführungsdisplays) Auffanglinie [AT] Automatic Flight Guidance System (automat. Flugführungssystem) Air Force Global Weather Center Adaptive Frequency Hopping Airframe Flight Hours Africa-Indian Ocean Region [ICAO] Air Force Instruction [USAF] Air France Industries Amphenol Floating Interface [Connectortyp] Authority Formal Identifier Air Force Intelligence Agency Air Force Information Center Air Force Intelligence Center Air Force Intelligence Command Air Forces Iceland Autonomous Flight Information Collection and Reporting System Air Filed flight plan (Flugplanabgabe während des Fluges) Air Force Intelligence Plan Aerodrome Flight Information Service (Flugplatz-Fluginformationsdienst) Airborne Flight Information Service Airbus in-Flight Information Services Air Force Intelligence Service Automatic Flight Information Service (automat. Fluginformationsdienst) Automated Flight Inspection System Air Force Institute of Technology [Wright-Patterson AFB] Air Force Intelligence Training Center Air Force Information Warfare Center [USAF] Aramid-Faserverstärkter Kunststoff [DE] Above Field Level Actual Flight Level Assigned Flight Level Autofocussing Lens Avionics Flying Laboratory USAF Atlantic Air Force Logistics Command [Wright-Patterson AFB] Airfield (Fluplatz, Landeplatz) Approach Flash Lighting System (Anflugblitzbefeuerungsanlage) Automatisches Führungs- und Lenksystem Aeroplane/Aircraft Flight Manual (Flugzeughandbuch) Affirmative (korrekt, ja) Aircraft Flight Manual Airfield Friction Meter Air Force Manual [Handbuch der USAF] AirForces Monthly [Magazine, UK] Amt für Fernmelde- und Informationssysteme der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Air Force Materiel Command [Wright-Patterson AFB] Auxiliary Fuel-Management Computer

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 AFMC  AFML  AFMR  AFMS  AFMS  AFMS  AFMS  AFMSIS  AFMSS  AFN  AFNET  AFNETOPS  AFNORTH  AFOC  AFOR  AFOTEC  AFP  AFP  AFP  AFP  AFP  AFP  AFPA  AFPSS  AFR  AFR  AFR  AFR  AFR  AFRAA  AFRC  AFRES  AFRL  AFRP  AFRS  AFS  AFS  AFS  AFS  AFS  AFS  AFS  AFS  AFS  AfS  AFS  AFS  AFS  AFSA  AFSA  AFSAA  AFSAC  AFSAT 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Avionics Flight Management Computer Air Force Materials Laboratory Airframer Advanced Flight Management System Air Force Medical Service Airplane Flight Manual Supplement Automatic Flight Management System Air Force Modeling and Simulation Information System Air Force Mission Support System Air Traffic Services Facilities Notification Air Force Network Air Force Network Operations Allied Forces Nothern Europe [NATO] Air Force Operations Center Aviation Forecast Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center ABC-Schutz für Fliegendes Personal [DE] Air Force Publication Airspace Flow Program Alternative Flight Plan Area Flight Plan ATC Flight Plan Adaptive Focal Plane Array Airborne-Force Protection Surveillance System [USAF] Acceptable Failure Rate Airborne Flight Recorder Air Force Regulation [USAF] Airframe (Zelle, Flugwerk) [ohne Triebwerk(e)] Air-Fuel Ratio African Airlines Association [Kenya, Nairobi] Air Force Reserve Command [USAF] Air Force Reserve [USAF, umbenannt zu AFRC] Air Force Research Laboratory [USAF] Aramid Fibre-Reinforced Plastics Auxiliary Flight Reference System Acoustic Firing System Active Flutter Suppression (aktive Flatterdämpfung) Advanced Functional Simulator Aeronautical Fixed Service (fester Flugfernmeldedienst der Flugsicherung) Airborne File Server Air Force Station Airways Facilities Sector Amt für Flugsicherung [DE] Atlantic Fleet Squadron (Atlantikflotte-Staffel) Ausschuss für Sicherheitsfragen [DE] Automatic Flight System (automat. Flugregler, Autopilot) Automatic Frequency Selection Automatisches Flugführungssystem [DE] Air Force Services Agency [USAF] Armed Forces Security Agency [] Air Force Studies and Analysis Agency [USAF] Air Force Security Assistance Center [Wright-Patterson AFB] Air Force Satellite 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense


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Association Francaise des Sociétés d’Assurance Transports [FR] Air Force Satellite Communications [auch: Afsatcom] Amt für Flugsicherung der Bundeswehr [Air Traffic Services of Bw; DE] Air Force Specialty Code Air Force Systems Command [USAF] Air Force Satellite Control Facility Air Force Space Forcasting Center Air Force Space Command Manual Air Force Satellite Control Network AFS Field Office Audio Frequency Shift Keying Air Force Special Operations Command [USAF] Air Force Special Operations Element Air Force Special Operations Forces Allied Forces South Europe [NATO] Air Force Space Command [Peterson AFB] Air Force Space Operations Center Advanced Fire-Support System Air Force Security Service Automatic Flight Service Station Air Force Space Technology Center Advanced Fighter Technology Advanced Filter Technology Advanced Flying Training Aft (Heck) After (nach) Aircraft/Airframe Fatigue Test Average Flight Time Aviation Fuel Trailer Air Frame Tilt Actuator Avionics Fault Tree Analyser Air Force Technical Applications Center [Patrick AFB] Air Force Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities Air Force Tactical Fighter Weapons Center Advanced Fighter Technology Integration [USAF] Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network (festes Flugfernmeldenetz) Air Force Technical Order Aerospace and Flight Test Radio Coordinating Council Air Force Tactics, Techniques and Procedures Air Force Technical Training Publication Advanced Flying Unit Assault Fire Unit Alternative Fueled Vehicle Armoured Fighting Vehicle (gepanzertes Kampffahrzeug) Automatic Flyback Vehicle Active Flexible Wing Air Force Weather Aktuelle Flughafen-Wetterlage [DE] Area Flows Window Aufklärung, Führung, Wirkung [DE, Bw] Air Force Weather Agency [Offutt AFB] Automatic Flight Weather Advisory (automat. Flugwettermeldung) Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory [USAF]

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 AFWL  AFWR  AFWTF  A/G  A-G  AG  AG  AG  AG AG  AG Ag  AG  AG AG  Ag  AG  AG  AG  AG  AG  AGA  AGA  AGACS  ACAPE AGARD  AGAT  AGATE  AGB  AGB  AG&C  AGC  AGC  AGC  AGCAS  AGCCS  AGCOS  AGCS  AGCS  AGCS  AGCU  AGD  AGDC  AGDL  AGDLS  AGDUS  AGE  AGE  AGE  AGeoBw 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Air Force Weapons Laboratory (Waffenlabor der Luftstreitkräfte) [USAF] Atlantic Fleet Weapons Range Atlantic Fleet Weapon Training Facilities Air-to-Ground (Luft/Boden; Bord/Boden) Arresting Gear (Fanganlage) Abtastgeschwindigkeit [DE, Radarantenne] Air Gunner Airlift Group [USAF] Aktiengesellschaft [DE] (Joint Stock Company; Incorporated) Amtsgebäude [AT] Amtsgericht [DE] Angriff [CH] Antenna Group (Gruppenantenne) Arbeitsgemeinschaft [DE] Arbeitsgruppe [CH] Chem. Symbol für das Element Silber [Latin: Argentum] Array Gain [Antennen] (Anordnungsgewinn eines Antennensystems) Aufklärungsgeschwader [DE, Bw] (Reconnaissance Wing) Ausbildungsgerät [DE, Bw] Availability Guarantee (Verfügbarkeitsgarantie) Available Gain (verfügbarer Gewinn) Aerodromes, air routes and Ground Aids [ICAO] (Flugplätze, Flugstrecken und Bodeneinrichtungen) Allgemeine Grundausbildung [AT, DE/Bw] Automatic Air-to-Ground Communications System (automat. Bord/Boden-Kommunikationssystem) ACARE Goals Progress Evaluation Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development [NATO, seit 1996 umbenannt in *RTO] (Beratungsgremium für Forschung und Entwicklung in der Luft- und Raumfahrt) Advisory Group for ATM Training Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen [DE] Autonomous Guided Bomb Advanced Guidance and Control Active Geometry Control Aircraft General Declaration Automatic Gain Control (automat. Verstärkerregelung) Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (automat. Bodenkollisionsvermeidungssystem) Army’s Global Command and Control System A/G Communications Services Advanced Ground Control Station/System Advanced Guidance and Control System Air-to-Ground Communications System (Luft/Boden Kommunikationssystem) Auxiliary Generator Control Unit Axial-Gear Differential Air-to-Ground Data Communications Air-to-Ground Data Link (Luft/Boden Datenverbindung) Air-to-Ground Data Link System Ausbildungsgerät Duellsimulator [DE, Bw] Aerospace/Aircraft Ground Equipment Automated Ground Equipment Auxiliary Ground Equipment Amt für Geowissenschaften der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 AGES  AGES  AGETS  AGF  AGI  AGI  AGIL  AGIL  AGILE  AGINF  AGINT  AGIS  AGIS  AGL  AGL  AGL  AGL  AGLS

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(German Forces Geo-Science Office) Advanced Ground Exploitation System Air-to-Ground Engagement Simulator Automated Ground Engine-Test System Advanced Ground Facility Advanced Geospacial Intelligence Auxiliary General Intelligence Airborne General Illumination Light All Gas Phase Iodine Laser Aircraft Ground-Induced Loads Excitation Air-Ground Infrastructure Advanced GPS Inertial Navigation Technology Air Ground Intermediate System Aktuelle Gefechtsinformation Schnellboote [DE, Bw] Above Ground Level (Höhe über Grund) Airfield Ground Lighting Ait-to-Ground Laser Automatic Grenade Launcher [Granatwerfer] Ausbildungsgerät Gefechtssimulator Leichter Spähtrupp [DE, Bw/Heer]

 AGM  AGM-45  AGM-65  AGM-69  AGM-78  AGM-84  AGM-86  AGM-88  AGM-114  AGM-119  AGM-129  AGM-130  AGM-142  AGM-154  AGM-158

Air-to-Ground Missile (Luft/Boden-Lenkwaffe bzw. L/B-Lenkflugkörper)

 AGMS  Agmt  Agn  Agn  AGND  AGNES  AGOS  AGP  AGP  AGPG  AGPI  AGPO  AGPT Agr  Agr  AGR  AGR  AGR

Armoured Ground Mobility System Augment Again (wieder) Agenda Analog Ground Automatisches GPS-Netz Schweiz [DE] Air-to-Ground Operations System Accelerated Graphics Port Aircraft Gateway Processor [AH-64 Apache] Ausbildungsgerät Gefechtssimulator Panzergrenadiere [DE, Bw/Heer] Angle Gate Pull-In [EW] Angle Gate Pull-Off [EW] Ausbildungsgeräte Gefechtssimulator Panzertruppe [DE, Bw/Heer] Aggregat [CH] Agreement (Übereinkunft) Advisory Group for Research Air-Ground Ranging Air-Ground Router (Luft/Boden-Radar)

Shrike: Luft/Boden-Antiradarlenkflugkörper von Raytheon Maverick: Luft/Boden-Lenkflugkörper kurzer bis mittlerer Reichweite von Raytheon SRAM: Luft/Boden-Lenkwaffe kurzer Reichweite. Standard: Luft/Boden-Antiradarlenkflugkörper mittlerer Reichweite von Raytheon Harpoon: Anti-Schiffs-Abstandsflugkörper von Boeing ALCM: Luft/Boden-Abstandsflugköper von Boeing Harm: Anti-Radar Luft/Boden-Flugkörper von Raytheon Hellfire: Lasergelenkte, Panzerbrechende L/B-Lenkflugkörper von Hellfire Systems Penguin: Helikopter-gestützter Antischiffs-Flugkörper mit einem IR-Zielsuchkopf [Norwegen] Strategischer Luft/Boden-Abstandsflugköper von Raytheon Co. Luft/Boden ferngelenkte Bombe von Boeing Co. RAPTOR: Luft/Boden-Mittelstrecken-Abstandsflugköper von Lockheed Martin JSOW: Luft/Boden-Abstandsflugköper von Raytheon Co. JASSM: Luft/Boden-Abstandsflugköper von Lockheed Martin

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 AGREE  AGRF  AGRI  AGSR  AGS  AGS  AGS  AGS  AGS  AGS  AGS  AGS  AGS  AGS  AGS  AGS  AGSE  AGSHP  AGSP  AGSS  AGT  Agt  AGTC  AGTS  AGU  AGU  AGUS  AGUW  AGV  AGW  AGW  Agy  AGZ  A/H  AD  AH  Ah  AH  AH  AH  AH-1  AH-1W  AH-6  AH-64A  AH-64D

Advisory Group on Reliability of Electronic Equipment [NATO] Advanced Guidance Research Facility Air-to-Ground Radar Imaging (luftg. Boden-Abbildung mit Radar) Ait-to-Ground Surveillance and Reconnaissance Advanced Gun System Aeronautical Ground Station [SATCOM] Aircraft General Stores (Ersatzteillager) Air-to-Ground Surveillance (luftg. Bodenüberwachung) Air-to-Ground System, A/G System Alliance Ground-surveillance System [NATO] (luftg. Bodenüberwachungssystem) Analysis Ground Station Angle Gate Stealer [EW] Antigravity Suit [Pilotenanzug] (Antigravitationsanzug) ARINC-661 Graphics Server Automatic Grenade Launcher Aviation Ground Support Aerospace Ground Support Equipment Ausbildungsgerät Schießsimulator Handwaffen/Panzerwaffen [DE, Bw/Heer] Ausbildungsgerät Gefechtssimulator Schützenpanzer Puma [DE, Bw/Heer] ACARS Ground System Standard Advanced Gun Technology [USAF] Agent Airport Ground Traffic Control Air-to-Ground Test Station Air Generation Unit (Luftgenerator) American Geophysical Union Ausbildungsgerät U-Jagd und Modernisierung SONAR [DE, Bw/Marine] Ausbildungsgerät Unterwasserwaffen [DE, Bw/Marine] Autonomous Guided Vehicle Anlagengrenzwert [DE, EMV] ARTS Gateway Agency (Agentur) Actual Ground Zero Altitude/Height (Höhe) Advanced Hawkeye [USN] Alert Height (Warnhöhe) Ampere-Hour (Amperestunden) Armed Helicopter (bewaffneter Hubschrauber) Artificial Horizon (künstlicher Horizont)

 AHA  AHB  AHC  AHC  AHD  AHD  AHDG

Aviation and Hazard Analysis Attack Helicopter Battalion [USA] Attitude and Heading Computer (Fluglage- und Kurs-Rechner) Attitude and Heading Control Ahead (vor, vorne, vor uns) Attitude and Heading Display Assigned Heading


Attack Helicopter (Angriffshelikopter) Cobra: Attack Helicopter – Angriffs-Helikopter Super Cobra: Attack Helicopter – Angriffs-Helikopter Little Bird: Attack Helicopter – Angriffs-Helikopter Apache: Kampf- und EloAufkl-Hubschrauber von The Boeing Co. Apache: Kampf- und EloAufkl-Hubschrauber von The Boeing Co. 

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 AHDL  AHEAD  AHED  AHFID  AHG  AHIP  AHM  AHMI  AHMR  AHMS  AHOE  AHOV  AHP  AHQ  Ahr  AHRS  AHS  AHS  AHSUM  AHSVS  AHT  AHWG  AHWS  A&I  A&I  A/I  AI  AI  AI  AI  AI  AI  AI  AI  AI  AI  AI  AI  AI  AI  AI  AIA  AIA  AIA  AIA  AIA  AIAA  AIAA  AIAAM  AIAB  AIAD  AIAWS  AIB

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Analog Hardware-Description Language [SW] Automation and Harmonisation of European Aeronautical Data Advanced Hybrid Electric Drive Allied High Frequency Interoperability Directory Active Homing Guidance Army Helicopter Improvement Program [USA] Anti-Helicopter Mine Airborne Human Machine Interface Aircraft Health-Monitor Recorder Aircraft Health Monitoring System (Flugzeugzustandsüberwachungssystem) Air/Oil Heat Exchanger Approach to Hover [Helikopter] Army Heliport [USA] (Heereshubschrauberlandplatz) Air Headquarters Ampere-Hour (Amperestunde) Attitude and Heading Reference System (Fluglage- und Kurs-Referenzsystem) [Navigation] American Helicopter Society [International] Attitude and Heading System (Fluglage- und Kurs-System) Adaptable High Speed Undersea Munitions Armoured Heavy Support Vehicle System Automated Hover Trainer Ad-Hoc Working Group Advanced Helicopter Weapons System Analysis & Integration Audit & Inspection Anti-Ice Action Item Aeronautical Information Airborne Intercept Airbus Industries Air Intelligence Air Intercept/ion (Abfangjagd) Air Interdiction [Luftangriff gegen Bodenziele] All-source Intelligence Alternative Interrogator Analysis Instrument Application Interface Area of Interest Area Incursion Artificial Intelligence (künstliche Intelligenz) Attitude Indicator (Fluglagenanzeiger) Active Integrated Antennas Advanced Information Architecture Aerospace Industries Association [of US] Air Intelligence Agency [USAF, Kelly AFB] Army Intelligence Agency American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. Area of Intense Air Activity (Luftraum mit dichtem Flugverkehr) Advanced Intercept Air-to-Air Missile (forts. Luft/Luft-Lenkflugkörper) Aerospace Industries Association of Brazil [Verband] Associatione Industrie Aerospaziali e Difesa [Verband] Automated Intelligence Analysis Workstation Aeronautical Information Bulletin

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 AIB  AIB  AIBU  AIC  AIC  AIC  AIC  AIC  AIC  AIC  AIC  AIC  AICBM  AICC  AICS  AID  AID  AID  AID  AID  AIDA  AIDC  AIDEWS  AIDN  AIDS  AIDS  AIDS  AIDS  AIDS  AIDS  AIDS  AIDU  AIED  AIEM  AIES  AIEWS  AIEWS  AiF  AIF  AIFF  AIFSS  AIFV  AIG  AIG  AIG  AII, AI2  AII, AI2  AIIS, AI2S AIK  AIL  Ail  AIL  AILS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Aeronautical Information Bureau Atlantic Intelligence Board Advanced Interference Blanker Unit Adaptive Interference Canceler Advanced Industrial Countries Aeronautical Information Circular (Luftfahrtinformationsrundschreiben) [CAA] Agent In Charge Air Inlet Controller Air Intercept Control Atlantic Intelligence Command Aluminium/Iron/Cerium Automatic Integrity Check [MLS] Anti ICBM Aviation Industry Computer-based-training Committee Airborne Integrated Communications System Active Integral Defense Aerospace Information Digest Aircraft Identification Airport Information Desk Analog Input Differential Architecture for Independent Avionics Aero Industry Development Centre [TAIWAN] Advanced Integrated Defense Electronic Warfare Suite Australian Industry and Defence Network Accident-Incident Data System Acoustic Intelligence Data System Advanced Identification System Advanced Integrated Display System Airborne Integrated Data System Aircraft Intrusion Detection System Airborne Integrated Data System Aeronautical Information Documents Unit [UK Forces] (Luftfahrtinformationsdienststelle) Aeronautical Industry Engineering and Development Airlines International Electronics Meeting [Maintenance] Aerial Imagery Exploitation System [Tornado] Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare System [USN] Aircraft Integrated Electronic Warfare System Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen [DE] Automated Installation File Advanced IFF Automated International Flight Services Stations Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle Accident Investigation (Flugunfalluntersuchung) [ICAO] Air Intelligence Group Airbus Industries Group Advanced Image Intensifier (forts. Bildverstärker) Aircraft Icing Indicator (Vereisungsanzeiger) Advanced Infrared Imaging Seeker (fort. IR-abbildender Sucher) [Wehrtechnik] Akademie der Bundeswehr für Information und Kommunikation [DE] Action Item List Ailerons (Querruder) Avionics Integration Lab [F-22 Raptor] Airborne Information for Lateral Spacing 26. Juni 2013

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 AILS  AIM  AIM  AIM  AIM  AIM  AIM  AIM-7  AIM-9  AIM-54  AIM-92  AIM-120  AIM-132

Automatic ILS (autom. Instrumentenlandesystem) Advanced INFOSEC Module Advanced Intelligent Management AEG Infrarot-Module [DE, GmbH] Aeronautical Information Management Aeronautical Information Manual [FAA] (Luftfahrtinformationshandbuch)

 AIM  AIM  AIM  AIM  AIMDS  AIMES  AIMM  AIMP  AIMS  AIMS  AIMS  AIMS  AIMS  AIMS  AIMS  AIMS  AIMS  AIMV  AIMVAL  AIN  AIN  AINS  AINS  AINS  AINSC  AIO  AIP  AIP  AIP  AIP  AIP  AIP  AIP AMD  AIPS  AIPS  AIP SUPL  AIPT  AIR  AIR

Airman’s Information Manual (Pilotenhandbuch) Aluminium-Iron-Molybdenium Amplitude Intensity Modulation Avalance Induced Migration [PROM] Aircraft Integrated Monitoring and Diagnostic System Avionics Integrated Maintenance Expert System [McDonnell Douglas] Adaptive Impedance Matching Module Army Intelligence Master Plan Advanced Imaging Multispetral System Advanced Integrated MAD System Airborne Integrated Management System Aircraft Identification Monitoring System Aircraft Information Management System [B777] Aircraft Integrated Monitoring System Airplane Information Management System [B777] Airport Information Management System Airspace Information Monitoring System Aluminium-Iron-Molybdenium-Vanadium Air Intercept Missile Evaluation [USAF, USN] Advanced Intelligent Network Airline Identification Number Aided Inertial Navigation System Airborne Inertial Navigation System Aircraft Information Network Server Aeronautical Industry Service Communication Analog Input/Output Aerodynamic Interface Plane Aeronautical Information Publication [ICAO] (Luftfahrthandbuch) Air Independent Propulsion (luftunabhängiger Antrieb) Airport Improvement Program American Institute of Physics [US] Analog Input AIP Amendment (AIP-Nachtrag) Advanced Infrared Protection System [Tornado] Advanced Integrated Propulsion System AIP Supplement (AIP-Ergänzung) Advanced Image Processing Terminal Action Item Review Advanced Integrated Recorder (forts., eingebauter Rekorder)

Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Air Intercept Missile (Luftkampf-Lenkflugkörper, Luft/Luft-Lenkflugkörper) Sparrow: Halbaktiver Luft/Luft-Lenkflugkörper mittlerer Reichweite, Raytheon Sidewinder: Infrarotgelenkter Luft/Luft-Lenkflugkörper kurzer Reichweite, Raytheon Phoenix: Luft/Luft-Lenkflugkörper großer Reichweite, Raytheon Stinger: Schulterverschießbares Boden/Luft-Abwehrsystem, Raytheon AMRAAM: Luft/Luft-Lenkflugkörper mittlerer Reichweite, Raytheon ASRAAM: Luft/Luft-Lenkflugkörper kurzer Reichweite, MBDA.

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 AIR  AIR  AIR  AIR  AIR  AIR  AIRAC  AIRCENT  AIRCMM  AIRCOM  AIRCON  AIRE  AIREP  AIRES  AIREW  AIRMET  AIRO  AIRPAC  AIRS  AIRS  AIRS  AIRS  AIRS  AIRS  AIRS  AIRSAW  AIRSS  AIRST  AIRT  AIS  AIS  AIS  AIS  AIS  AIS  AIS  AIS  AIS  AIS  AIS  AIS  AIS  AIS  AIS  AI2S  AISA  AISA  AISC  AISFS  AISI  AIST  AISU 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Aerospace Industry Reports Aerospace Information Reports Air Intercept Radar [auch: AI Radar] Airworthiness (Lufttüchtigkeit) American Institute of Research Armament Initiative and Requirements Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control [die Regelung der Verbreitung von Luftfahrtinformationen betreffend] Allied Air Forces Central Europe [NATO] Advanced Infrared Countermeasures Munition Aircraft Communications [Digital Air-to-Ground] Air Communications Network Atlantic interoperability Initiative to Reduce Emissions Air Report [ICAO] (Flugmeldung) Advanced Imagery Requirements Exploitation System Airborne Infrared Early Warning (luftg. Infrarote Frühwarnung) Airmen’s Meteorological [Information Report] (Flugwetterbericht für Piloten) Analog Input Reference Output Air Forces Pacific (Pazifik-Luftstreitkräfte) Active IR Sensor Advanced Inertial Reference System Advanced IR Seeker Advanced IR Sounder Airborne Integrated Reconnaissance System [USN] Airborne IR Surveillance Automated Information Retrieval System Airborne Situation Awareness Advanced IR Suppressor System Advanced IR Search and Track Air Intercept Radar Training Advanced Information System Advanced Instrumentation Subsystem Aeronautical Information Services [ICAO] (Luftfahrtinformationsdienst, Flugberatungsdienst) Airborne Instrumentation Subsystem Aircraft Indicated air Speed [IAS] Aircraft Instrumentation System Airport Information Service Army Intelligence Survey Atlantic Inertial Systems [US Inc.] Attack and Identification System [Eurofighter] Audio Integration System Automated Identification System Automated Indicator System Automated Information Services Automated Information System Advanced Infrared Imaging Seeker Ada Instruction Set Architecture Automated Intelligence Support Activity Aeronautical Industry Service Communication Avionics Integration Support Facilities American Iron and Steel Institute AIS Team Aeronautical Information Service Unit

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 AI&T  AIT  AIT  AIT  AIT  AIT  AIT  AIT  AIT  AIT  AIT  AIU  AIU  AIU  AIU  AIU  AIU  AIU  AIU  AIV  AIV  AIV  AIWS  AIX  AIXM  AIZ  AJ  AJ  AJ  AJA  AJACS  AJB  AJCN  AJF  AJID  AJM  AJP  AJS  AJT  AJT  AK  AK  AK  AKA  AkAnt  AKF  Akku  AKL  AKM  AKO  AKR  AKRO  AKU

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Assembly, Integration and Test Active Imaging Testbed Advanced Infantry Training [DE, Bw] Advanced Information Technology Advanced Intelligence Tape Aeritalia [Alenia Aeronautica] Airborne Integrated Terminal Assembly, Integration and Testing Atmospheric Intercept Technology Automated Information Transfer Automatic Identification Technology Airborne Installation Unit Aircraft Interface Unit Armament Interface Unit Army Interrogation Unit Astro-Internal Unit Audio Integration Unit Auto-Ignition Unit Automatic Ignition Unit Accumulator Isolation Valve Anti-Icing Valve Assembly, Integration and Verification Advanced Interdiction Weapon System [USN] Advanced Interactive Executive Aeronautical Information Exchange Model Airfield Information Zone Acoustic Jamming Adaptive Jamming Anti-Jamming Aft Jamming Antenna Anti-Jam Advanced Communications System Audio Junction Box Adaptive Joint C4ISR Node Allied Joint Forces Acoustic Jamming, Interference, and Deception Anti-Jam Modem Allied Joint Publication Attack, Jakt, Spaning [Schweden] Advanced Jet-Trainer Avionics Joint Team [Eurofighter] Arbeitskreis [DE] Authentication / Authorization Key Cargo Ship (Frachtschiff) Also Known As Aktive Antennen [DE] Autokorrelationsfunktion [DE, Radar] Akkumulator [DE] Cargo Ship Light Arbeitskreis Mittelstand [DE] Army Knowledge Online Vehicle Cargo Ship Arbeitskreis Reserveoffiziere [DE, Bw] Avionics Keyboard Unit

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 AkuAufkl  AKW  AKW  a/l  A/L  A/L  AL  AL  AL  AL Al  AL  AL  AL  AL  Al  AL  AL  AL2O3  ALA  ALA  ALA  ALADIN  Alam  ALARM  ALARM  ALARMS  ALAR  ALARR  ALASAT  ALAT  Alats  ALB  ALBM  ALBT  ALC  ALC  ALC  ALC  ALC  ALC  ALC  ALC  ALCA  ALCAM  ALCC  ALCC  ALCE  ALCF  ALCM  ALCOM  ALCOP  ALCS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Akustische Aufklärung [DE, Bw] Atomkraftwerk [DE] Automatische Kanalwahl [DE] Airline (Fluglinienunternehmen) Approach and Landing Autoland Aft/Left Airborne Laser Aircraft Label Aircraft Launched (luftgestützt gestartet bzw. lufgestartet) Alarm [CH] Alarm Limit Albania Alerting Service Allgemeine Luftfahrt [DE] (General Aviation) Aluminium [chem. Symbol] Approach Lights Armstrong Lab Aluminiumoxid [chem. Verbindung] Allgemeine Luftfahrt Ausstellung [DE, jetzt ILA] Approach and Landing Accident (Anflug und Landeunfall) Authorised Landing Area (genehmigter Landebereich) Abbildende luftgestüzte Aufklärungsdrohne im Nächstbereich [DE, Bw/Heer] Advanced Land Attack Missile [USN] Air Launched Anti-Radar Missile [RAF, Tornado] (luftgestartete Antiradar Lenkwaffe) Alert, Locate And Report Missiles Airborne Laser Radar Mine Sensor (luftg. Laser-Radar-Minen-Sensor) Approach and Landing Accident Regulation Air Launched Air Recoverable Rocket Air-Launched Antisatellite Aviation Légerè de l’Armée de Terre [FR] (Heeresfliegertruppe) Advanced Laser Targeting System (forts. Laser-Zielerfassungs-System) Air/Land Battle Air Launched Ballistic Missile (luftgestarteter ballistischer Flugkörper) Air Launched Ballistic Target Absorber Lined Chamber Aft Load Controller Airline Link Control Air Logistics Center Air Logistics Command [jetzt: AMC; USAF] Asynchronous Link Control Automatic Level Control Automatic Load Control Advanced Light Combat Aircraft Air Launched Conventional Attack Missile (luftg. startender, konventioneller Angriffsflugkörper) Air-Lift Control Center Allied Land Component Command [NATO; Heidelberg] Airlift Control Element Airlift Control Flight Air Launched Cruise Missiles (luftgestützt startender Marschflugkörper) Alaskan Command Alternate Command Post Airborne Launch Control System 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ALCT  ALD  ALD  ALD  ALD  ALDP  ALDS  ALE  ALE  ALE  ALE  Alerfa  Alert  ALF  ALF  Alf  ALF  ALFS  ALG  Alg  ALG  AlGaAs  AlGaInN  AlGaN  Algol  ALH  ALH  ALI  ALI  ALI  ALIM  ALIS  ALL  ALLA  ALLD  AlLi  ALLTV  ALM  ALM  ALM  Alm  ALM  ALM  ALMDS  ALMS  ALN  AlN  ALNOT  ALOC  ALOFTS  ALOS  ALOS  ALOW

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Airlift Control Team Airborne Laser Designator Air Launched Decoy (luftgestützt startender Köder) Airlift Division Available Landing Distance (verfügbare Landestrecke) Airborne Laser Designator Pod Airborne Laser Defensive System Adaptive Line Enhancement Air Launched Expendables Automatic radio Link Establishment Codierte Bez. von luftg. EloKa-Verbrauchsmitteln [USAF] Alert Phase (Bereitschaftsstufe - für SAR-Einsätze) Attack and Launch Early Reporting to Theater [USAF] Accurate-positioning by Low Frequency [DGPS] Advanced Library Format Aloft (hoch, oben) Auxiliary Landing Field (Notlandefeld) Airborne Low Frequency Sonar Advanced Landing Ground Along Autonomous Landing Guidance Aluminium-Gallium-Arsenid [chem. Verbindung, DE] Aluminium-Gallium-Indium-Nidrid [chem. Verbindung, DE] Aluminium-Gallium-Nidrid [chem. Verbindung, DE] Algorithmic Language Active Laser Homing Advanced Light Helicopter Air-Land Integration Altimeter (Höhenmesser) Automatic Line Integration Altitude Limit Airport Luggage Identification System Airborne Laser Laboratory Allied Long Lines Agency Airborne Laser Locator Designator Aluminium-Lithium [chem. Verbindung, DE] All-Light Levels TV Advanced Linear Motor Air Load Master Air Launched Munition Alarm (Alarmmeldung) Adaptive Logic Unit Automatic Link Management Airborne Laser Mine Detection System (luftg. Laserminendetektionssystem) Automated Logistics Management System Alenia [Italien, Co.] Aluminium-Nitride [chem. Verbindung, DE] Alert Notice Air Line Of Communications Advanced Low Frequency Towed Sonar Advanced Land Observing Satellite Advanced Land Observing System Automatic Low Altitute Warning

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ALP  ALP  ALP  ALP  AlP  ALPA  ALPAS  ALPS  ALQ  ALQ-99  ALQ-119

Advanced Logistics Program Aircraft Landing Permit Airport Layout Plan Allied Logistic Publication Aluminium Powder Air Line Pilots Association [Fluglinienpilotenverband in US und Kanada] Air Line Pilots Association of Singapore Automatic Line Protection Service

 ALR  ALR  ALR  ALR-68  ALRAAM  Alrad  ALRC  ALROUND  Alrt  ALS  ALS  ALS  ALS  ALS  ALS  ALS  ALS  ALS  ALS  ALS  ALS  ALSF  ALSR  ALSS  ALSTG  ALT  ALT  ALT  ALT  Alt  ALT, alt  ALT, alt  ALT  ALT  ALTAS  ALTB  ALTBMD  ALTDS  ALTHOLD  Altm  Altn

Alarming message (Alarmmeldung) Arbeitsgruppe für Luft und Raumfahrt [CH] Codierte Bez. von luftg. passiven Empfängern EM-Strahlung [USAF] Radarwarnempfänger [DE] Advanced Long Range Air-to-Air Missile [auch: Alraam] Airborne Laser Rangefinder And Designator Altitude Reconstruction Arbeitsgemeinschaft luft- und raumfahrtorientierter Unternehmen in Deutschland [DE] Alert Active Laser Seeker Advanced Landing System Advanced Launch System Advanced Life Support Airborne Link Segment Airfield Light System Alerting Services (Alarmdienst, Flugalarmdienst) All-weather Landing System Ambient Light Sensor Application Layer Structure Approach Lighting System (Anflugbefeurungssystem) Augmented Logistics Support Approach Lighting System with Sequenced Flashing Lights-Model 2 (Anflugbefeurungssystem) Automatic Low Speed Recovery Advanced Location Strike System Altimeter Setting [ICAO] Accelerated Life Testing Airborne Laser Terminal Airborne Laser Tracker Airborne Link Terminal Alternate (wechseln, ausweichen) Altimeter (Höhenmesser) Altitude [barometrische Höhenmessung] (Höhe über Meeresspiegel) Approach and Landing Test Attack Light Torpedo Advanced Laser Threat Alerting System [EADS] Airborne Laser Testbed Active Layered Theater Ballistic Missile Defense [NATO] Army Laser Target Designator System Altitude Hold mode Altimeter (Höhenmesser) Alternate aerodrome (alternativer bzw. Ausweichflugplatz)


Codierte Bez. von luftg. aktiven EloKa-Störsystemen [USAF] Taktisches EloKa-Störsystem der USAF Aktives EloKa-Störsystem, untergebracht in einem Behälter der USAF

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ALTP  ALTREV  ALTRV  ALTS  ALTV  ALU  ALV  ALV  ALV CR  ALW  ALWS  ALWT  A/m  a.m.  AM  AM  AM  AM  AM  Am  Am  Am  AM  AM  AM  AM  AMA  AMA  AMA  AMA  AMA  AMA  AMA  AMA  AMAC  AMAC  Amadeus  AMAP  AMARC  Amase  Amass  Amass  Amass  AMAT  AMB  AMB  AMB  AMBA  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC

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Air Line Transport Pilot licence Altitude Reservation Altitude Reservation [System] Altitude Select Approach and Landing Test Vehicle Arithmetic and Logik Unit Acoustic/Laser Vibrometer Autonomous Land Vehicle Association of the Aviation Manufactures in the Czech Republic Air-Launched Weapons (luftgestartete Waffen) Airborne Laser Warning System Advanced Lightweight Torpedo [USN] Ampere pro Meter [Einheit der magnetischen Feldstärke] ante meridiem (Vormittag) Access Module Acoustic Module Active Matrix Air Marshal Airspace Management Ambient Americium [chem. Symbol] Ammonium [chem. Symbol] Amplitude Modulation (Amplitudenmodulation) Armenia Asynchronous Mode Auxiliary Memory Absolute Measurement Accuracy Adaptive Multifunction Antenna Advanced Mobility Aircraft Antennenmastanlage [DE] (Antenna Mast Group) Area Minimum Altitude Attitude Measurement Assembly Automatic Message Accounting [Computer] Aviation Management Academy [DE, Hamburg] Airborne Multi-Application Computer Aircraft Monitor And Control Anwenderbezogene Modular Aufgebaute Datenerfassungs- und Unterstützungssystem [DE, Bw] Advanced Modular Armour Protection [D, Produktfamilie von IBD] Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center Apache Modular Aircraft Self-protection Equipment Advanced Marine Airborne Sigint System Advanced Marine Air Support System Airport Movement Area Safety System Aircraft Mount Alignment Detector Active Magnetic Bearing Agile Multi-Beam [Flugabwehrradar; Air Defense Radar] Air Mobility Branch Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture Acceptable Means of Compliance [EASA] Adaptive Modulation and Coding Advanced Maintenance Concept Advanced Mezzanine Card Advanced Model Composer

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 AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMC  AMCC  AMCM  AMCP  AMCS  AMD  AMD  AMD  AMD  AMD  AMD  AMD  AMD  AMD  Amd  AMD  AMDB  AMDR  AMDS  AMDS  Amdt  AME  AME  AME  AME  AME  AME  AME  AMEC  AMEG  AMEG  AMEL  amerik.  AMES 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Advanced Modulation and Coding Advanced Mission Computer Aerodynamic Mean Chord Aeromedical Center Germany [GmbH, Stuttgart] (Flugmedizinzentrum) Aeronautical Maps and Charts (Luftfahrtkarten) Airborne Mission Coordinator Airbus Military Company Airframe Modifications Committee [UK] Air Management Computer Air Marshal Command [USAF] Air Mission Computer Air Mobility Command [Lufttransport-Einheit der USAF] Airspace Management Cell Allied Maritime Command Army Materiel Command Army Missile Command Atlantic Microwave Corporation Auxiliary Maintenance Computer Aviation Medical Centre Avionics Maintenance Conference Ashore Mobile Command Center Airborne Mine Countermeasures Aeronautical Mobile Communications Panel [ICAO] Airborne Missile Control System Activated Netal Decoy Active Matrix Display Active Missile Decoy Advanced Micro Devices [US, Co.] Advanced Mine Detector Advisory Map Display Air and Missile Defense Air Mobility Division Air Movement Data [NORAD] Amend, amended Avion Marcel Dassault [FR] Airport Mapping Data Base Air and Missile Defense Radar Advanced Mine Detection Sonar Antenna Modeling Design System Amendment [FAA](Änderung, Zusatz, Nachbesserung) Air Mobility Element Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Airspace Management Element Amplitude Modulation Equivalent Angle Measuring Equipment (Winkelmessgerät) Authorized Medical Examiner Automatic Message Exchange Aerospace Metals Engineering Committee Advanced Multiple Environment Generator Air Miss Evaluation Group Active Matrix Elektrolumineszenz amerikanisches, amerikanischer, amerikanische [DE] Advanced Mobile ELINT System [Bw; EADS] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 AMES  AMES  AMES  AMET  AMF  AMF  AMF  AMF  AMF JTRS  AMF-SA  AMG  AMG  AMH  AMHMS  AMHS  A/MI  AMI  AMI  AMI  AMI  AMI  AMI  AMICS  AMID  AMIDS  AMIDS  AMIDS  Amila  AMilGeo  AMIMU  AMIR  AMIRS  AMIS  AMIS  AMJ  AMK  AML  AML  AML  AML  AML  AMLV  AMLCD  AMM  AMM  AMM  AMM  AMM  AMMD  Ammo  AMMOS  AMN  AMNS

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Advanced Multiple Emitter System Advanced Multiple Environment Simulator Air Ministry Experimental Station Advanced Military Engines Technology Airborne, Maritime and Fixed Station Allied Command Europe Mobile Forces (Mobiler Eingreifverband) Apogee Motor Firing Aviation & Marine Fixed-based Aviation & Marine Fixed-based Joint Tactical Radio System AMF Small Airborne Air Monements Group [RN] Antenna Mast Group Automated Message Handler Advanced Magnetic Helmet-Mounted System Aeronautical Message Handling System Airspeed/Mach Indicator Absolute Memory Image Aeronautica Militare Italiana (Luftstreitkräfte Italiens) Airborne Measurement Instrument Airline Modifiable Information Alpha Margin Indicator [AoA Indicator] Avionics Midlife Improvement Adaptive Multidimensional Integrated Control System Approach Multi-Input Device Advanced Missile Detection System Airborne Mine Detection System Airport Management and Information Display System Allgemeine militärische Laufausbildung [DE, Bw] Amt für militärisches Geowesen [DE] Advanced Multisensor Inertial Measurement Unit Anti-Missile Infrared Advanced Multifunction Infrared System Advanced Microwave Imaging Sensor Aircraft Management Information System Advisory Material Joint Amt für Militärkunde [DE, Bonn] Access Management Link Advanced Measurement Laboratory [US, NIST] Aircraft Maintenance Licence Airfield Markings and Lighting Approved Model List Advanced Memory Loader/Verifier Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display Aircraft Maintenance Manual Aircraft Maintenance and Modification Anti-Missile-Missile Army Modernization Memorandum Automated Maintenance Management Advanced Modular Missile Detector Ammunition (Munition) Automatic Modular Monitoring Of Signals [Rohde & Schwarz] Airspace Management and Navigation Airborne Mine Neutralization System

Myrodis Athanassiou

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 AMO  AMON  AMOP  AMOS  AMOS  AMOSS  AMP  AMP  AMP  AMP  AMP  AMP  AMP  Amp, amp  AMP  Amp  Amp  AMP  AMP  AMP  AMP  AMP  AMP  AMP  AMPA  AMPCD  amph  AmpHr  Ampl  AM/PM  Ampn  AMPR  AMPS  AMPS  AMPS  AMPS  AMPS  AMPS  AMPS  AMPS  AMPS  AMPSS  AMPT  AMPV  AMR  AMR  AMR  Amraam  AMRDEC  AMRFC  AMRFS  AMRL  AMS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Approved Maintenance Organization Airport Monitoring Amplitude Modulation On Pulse Acoustics Meteorology Oceanography Survey Automated Meteorological Observation Station Airline Maintenance and Operations Support System Acquisition Master Plan Adaptive Memory Programming Advanced Mission Planning Advanced Modular Processor Air Mission Planning Airport Master Plan Alternative Maritime Power Ampere [elektrische Stromstärkeeinheit] Amplitudenmonopuls [Funkpeilung] Amplifier (Verstärker) Amplitude Analysis Management Plan Application Message Protocol ARINC Message Processor Army Modernization Plan Audio Management Panel Automated Mission Planning Avionics Modernization Program [USAF für C-130] Advanced Mission Planning Aid Advanced Multi-Purpose Color Display Amphibian, amphibious Ampere Hour (Amperestunden) Amplifier Amplitude-to-Phase Modulation Amplification Airborne Maritime Patrol Radar [EADS] Advanced Mission Planning System Advanced Mobile Phone System Advanced Multisensor Payload System Airborne Missile Protection System Airborne Multisensor Pod System America Mobile Phone System Aviation Mission Planning System Automated Mission Planning System Automatic Message Processing System Advanced Manned Precision Strike System Advanced Missile Propulsion Technology Armoured Multi Purpose Vehicle Airborne Microwave Refractometer Airport Movement Radar Atlantic Missile Range Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (forts. Luftziel-Lenkflugkörper mittlerer Reichweite) Aviation & Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center [USA, Huntsville] Advanced Multifunction RF Concept Advanced Multi-function Radio Frequency System Admiral Marinerüstung und -logistik Academy of Military Science [USA] 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMS  AMSAR  AmSat  AMSC  AMSL  AMSO  AMSR  AMSS  AMSS  AMSS  AMSS  AMSS  AMSU  AMSU  AMT  AMT  AMT  Amt  AMT  AMTA  AMTD  AMTF  AMTI  AMTI  AMTLT  AMTOSS  AMTP  AMTS  AMTS

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Acars Message Security Acquisition Management System Activity Management System Advanced Mapping Spectrometer Advanced Missile System [USN] Aerial Measuring System Aeronautical Mobile Services (bewegliche Funkdienste) Aerospace Maintenance Solutions [LLC] Aerospace Material Specification Aerospace Materials Standards Airbus Military Sociedad Limitada [Co.] Aircraft Maintenance Standards [CAA] Airspace Management System Alenia Marconi Systems [Italien, Co.] American Meteorological Society Apron Management Service Acquisition Management System ARINC Maintenance Service Army Management Structure Army Mapping Service [USA] Asset Management System Automated Management System Automated Message System Autonomous Message Switch Avionics Management Service Advanced Multi-role Solid-state Active-array Radar American Satellite Allied Military Security Code Above Mean/Medium Sea Level (Höhe über mittlerem Meeresspiegel) Army Modeling and Simulation Office [US Army] Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Advanced Mine-hunting Sonar System Advanced Multi-mission Sensor System Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Services (bewegliche Satellitenfunkdienste) Airborne Mission Support System Automatic Message Switching System Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit Aircraft Motion Sensor Unit [Eurofighter] Advanced Maintenance Terminal Advanced Manufacturing Technology Advanced Munition Technology Ammount Analog Multi-Tone Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Adaptive Moving Target Detection Air-transportable Medical Treatment Facilities Adaptive Moving Target Indicator Airborne Moving Target Indicator (luftg. Bewegtzielanzeiger) Air Manoeuvre Tactical Leadership Training Aircraft Maintenance Task Oriented Support System Army Mission Training Plan Advanced Moving Target Simulator Aeronautical Message Transfer Service

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 AMTS  AMU  AMU  AMU  AMU  AMU  AMU  AMU  AMUX  AMV  AMV  AMW  AMW  AMX  AMX  AMX-T  A/N  A/N  A/N  AN  AN  An  AN  AN  AN  An  An  An-12  An-22  An-24RV  An-26  An-28  An-30  An-32  An-38  An-70  An-72  An-74  An-124  An-140  An-148-100  An-225

Automated Maritime Telecommunications System Acars Management Unit Air Mobility Unit [USAF] Aircraft Maintenance Unit Antenna Matching Unit Audio Management Unit Auxiliary Memory Unit Avionics Management Unit Audio Multiplexer [Unit] Anti-Matériel et Véhicules [Warhad bzw Sprengkopf] Armored Modular Vehicle [NATO] Air Mobility Wing [USAF] Amphibious Warfare Air Mobility Express Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Erdkämpfer] von AMX International Militärischer Trainer von AMX International Alpha Numeric Army/Navy As Needed Access Network Access Node Actinium [chem. Symbol] Airforce Navy [US] Air Navigation (Luftfahrtnavigation) Airworthiness Notice Analog Nonsecure

 AN  AN  ANA  ANA  ANAC  ANB  ANB  ANBw  ANC  ANC

Army Nomenclature [US] (Militärterminologie) Ausrüstungsnachweisung [DE, Bw] Air Navigation Act All Nippon Airways Akzo Nobel Aerospace Coatings [AJ Sassenheim, NL] Adaptive Narrow Beam Air Navigation Bureau [ICAO] Amt für Nachrichtenwesen der Bundeswehr Access Network Computer Active Noise Cancellation


Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Antonov Aeronautical Scientific-Technical Complex [Ukraine] Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Antonov Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Antonov Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Antonov Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Antonov Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Antonov Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Antonov Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Antonov Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Antonov Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Antonov Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Antonov Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Antonov Militärischer strategischer Transporter von Antonov Militärischer und ziviler Transporter von Antonov Ziviler Transporter von Antonov Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Antonov

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ANC  ANC  ANC  ANC  ANC  ANC  ANC  ANCA  ANCC  ANCC  ANCS  ANCS  AND  AND  ANDB  ANDC  ANDR  ANDVT  ANERC  ANETO  ANF  ANF  ANFO  ANFS  ANFS  ANG  ANGB  ANGUS  ANGSA  ANI  ANI  Anl  ANL  ANL  ANL  ANLP  ANM  ANMS  Ann  Ann  ANN  ANP  ANP  ANP  ANPA  ANPE  ANPRM  ANR  ANR  ANR  ANRS  ANS  ANS

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Active Noise Control Adaptive Noise Cancellation Aeronautical Chart Air Navigation Charges Air Navigation Commission [ICAO] (Luftfahrt-Navigationsausschuss) Alternate Network Connectivity Aviate - Navigate - Communicate Allied Naval Communications Agency Ashore Navy Communications Capability Automated Network Control Center Advanced Naval Combat System ATLAS Naval Combat System Alphanumeric Display Armeenachrichtendienst [CH] Automated Notam Database Airport and Navigation Computer Airborne Navigation Data Recorder Advanced Narrowband Digital Voice Terminal Advanced New En-Route Centre [UK] Advanced Navigation Evaluation Tool Air Navigation Facilities Anti-Navire Future [FR] (künftige Seezielwaffe) Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil Aircraft Network and File Server Airline Network and File Server Air National Guard [Nationalgarde bzw. freiwillige Reserve-Einheiten der USAF] Air National Guard Base Air National Guard of the United States Air National Guard Support Aircraft Ambient Noise Imaging Automatic Number Identification Anlage [DE] Aufnahmelinie [DE, Bw] Automatic Noise Leveling [EW] Automatic Noise Limiter (automat. Rauschbegrenzung) ARINC Network Layer Protocol ATFM Notification Message [ECAC States] Automated Network Monitoring System Annunciator Annual (jährlich) Artificial Neural Network Actual Navigation Performance (tatsächliche Navigationsgenauigkeit) Air Navigation Performance Air Navigation Plan [ICAO] Advanced Notice of Proposed Amendment Actual Navigation Performance Effect Advance Notice of Public Rule Making Active Noise Reduction (aktive Lärmunterdrückung) Air Navigation Regulation Ambient Noise Rejection Automatic Noise Reduction System [JVC] Airborne Navigation System Air Navigation School

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 ANS  ANS  ANS  ANS  Ans  ANS  ANS  ANSA  ANSB  ANS CR  ANSI  Ansir  ANSP  ANSR  ANSU  ANT  ANT  Ant  ANT  ANTC  ANTLE  ANTS  ANU  Anvis  AN/VRC  ANZUK  ANZUS  A-O, AO  a.o.  AO  AO  AO  AO  AO  AO  AO  AOA  AOA  AOA  AOA  AoA  AoA  AoA  AOAC  AoAI  AOAS  AOB  AOB  AOB  AOB  AOB  AOC  AOC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Aircraft/Airborne Navigation System Air Navigation Services Ambient Noise Sensor American National Standard Answer (Antwort) Area Navigation System Automatic Navigation System Air Navigation Services Agency [DE] Air Navigation Services Board Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic American National Standards Institute [US-Normbehörde] Advanced Navigation System Inertial Reference Air Navigation Service Provider Autonomous Naval Support Round Avionics Network Server Unit Air Navigation Trainer Airspace and Navigation Team Antenna, Antennas (Antenne, Antennen) Antrieb Neuer Technologien Advanced Networking Test Center [US] Affordable Near-Term Low Emissions Autonomous Negociating Teams Aircraft Nose Up Aviators Night Vision Imaging System Army/Navy Vehicle Radio Communications Australia, New Zeeland and UK [Militärallianz] Australia, New Zeeland and United States [Sicherheitsbündnis] Acousto-Optical außerordentlich [DE] Aircraft Operator Analog Output Anti-Oxidant Area of Operation [US Army] Ascent Orbit Autonomous Operations Auxiliary Oiler (Flottentanker) ACARS Over AVLC [Aviation VHF Link Control] Airport Operations Area Airport Operators’ Association Amphibious Objective Area Analysis of Alternatives Angle-of-Arrival (Signal-Ankunftsrichtung, Peilrichtung) Angle-of-Attack (Anstellwinkel der Tragflächen) Autonomous Operation from Aircraft Carrier [UAV] Angle-of-Attack Indicator Advanced Oceanic Automation System Advanced Operational Base Air-dropped Oceanic Buoy Air Order of Battle Angle Of Bank Angle Of Boresight Advanced Operational Capability [EGNOS] Aerodrome Obstruction Chart (Flughafenhinderniskarte) 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 AOC  AOC  AOC  AOC  AOC  AOC  AOC  AOC  AOC  AOC  AOC  AOC  AOC  AOC  AOC  AOC  AOCC  AOCM  AOCS  AOD  AOD  AOD  AOD  AODB  AODC  AODE  AOE  AOF  AOFR  AOG  AOHE  AOI  AOL  AOL  AOM  AOM  AOM  AON  AOO  AOP  AOP  AOP  AOP  AOP  AOPA  AOR  AOR  AOR  AOR  AOR-E  AOR-W  AOS  AOS

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Aeronautical Operational Control Aeronautical Operational Communications Air Component Command Aircraft Operating Company Aircraft Operational Control Aircraft Operations Centre [ICAO] Airline Operational Centre Airline Operational Communications Air/Oil Cooler Airport Obstruction Chart Airport Operational Communications Army Operations Center Association of Old Crows [US, EW Society] Assume Of Control Attitude and Orbit Control Award Of Contract Airline Operation Control Center Advanced Optical Countermeasures Attitude and Orbit Control System Age Of Data [GPS] Analog Output Differential Area Of Display Audio On Demand Airport Operational Database Age Of Data - Clock [GPS] Age Of Data - Ephemeris [GPS] Airport Operations and Environment Allocation Of Functions Aluminium Oxide Fibre-Reinforced Aircraft On Ground (Flugzeug am Boden bzw. defekt) Air/Oil Heat Exchanger Area Of Interest America On-Line [Internet-Anbieter, Co.] Area Of Limitation Acousto-Optical Modulation Aircraft Operating Manual (Flugzeugbetriebshandbuch) Artillerieortungsmittel [DE, Bw] Active Optical Network [Network] Air Operations Order Advanced Onboard Processor Airline Operational Procedure Air Observation Post Airport Operator Area Of Probability Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (Verband der Flugzeugbesitzer und Piloten) Area Of Responsibility (Verantwortungsbereich) Artillerieortungsradar [DE] Atlantic Ocean Region [ICAO] (Satelliten-Region Atlantischer Ozean) Average Operational Reliability Atlantic Ocean Region - East [ICAO] Atlantic Ocean Region - West [ICAO] Acquisition Of Signal Advanced Orbiting System

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 AOS  AOS  AOSA  AOSP  AOT  AOT  AOT  AOTH  AOU  AOW  AOY  A&P  A/P  A/P, AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  AP  APA  APA  APA  APA  APA  APAC  APACHE  APAG  APALS  APAN  ApAnt  APAPI  APAR, Apar  APAS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Airborne Optical System Area Of Separation Acusto-Optic Spectrum Analyzer (akousto-optischer Spektrumanalysator) Advanced Onboard Signal Processing Acquisition-On-Target Airport Operations Team Angle Only Track Advanced Over-The-Horizon Radar Area Of Uncertainty Akustische Oberflächen-Welle Angle Of Yaw Airframe & Power plant Active/Passive Automatic Pilot, Autopilot (Flugregler, Selbststeueranlage) Abtastperiode [Radar] Access Panel Access Point [Network] (Zugriffsstelle) Acoustic Processor (Akustikprozessor) Acquisition Plan Activation Phase Advanced Procurement Aim Point Airport (Verkehrsflughafen, Flughafen) Air Police Air Publication [Luftwaffendienstvorschrift in UK] Alarmposten [DE, Bw] Allied Pilots Association Allied Publication [NATO] Ammonium Perchlorate Anomalous Propagation [Ausbreitungsanomalien von EM-Wellen] Antenna Pattern Anti-Personnel Application Process Application Protocol Approach [auch: APCH, APP, APPR, APR] (Anflug, Landeanflug) Arithmetic Processor Armor Piercing (Panzerbrechenr) Array Processor Attack Plan Aero Propulsion Alliance Airfield/Airport Pressure Altitude Airline Performance Analysis Allied Pilots Association [US] Autopilot Amplifier Association of Professional Aviation Consultants [UK] Arme Propulsée A Charges Ejectables [FR] (Streubomben-Abstandswaffe) Atlantic Policy Advisory Group Autonomous Precision Approach and Landing System Asia Pacific Network Aperturantennen [DE] Abbreviated Precision Approach Path Indicator Active/Advanced Phased Array Radar Active/Passive Aircraft Survivability 26. Juni 2013

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 APB  APB  APB  APBA  APC  APC  APC  APC  APC  APC  APC  APC  APC  APC  APC  APC  APC  APC  APCC  APCH  APCU  APD  APD  APD  APD  APD  APDIA  APDLC  APE  APEG  APEMC  APES  APEX  APF  APF  AP/FD  APFDS  APG  APG-63  APG-65  APG-66  APG-67  APG-68  APG-70  APG-73  APG-76  APG-77  APG-78  APG-79  APG-80  APG-81

Acquisition Program Baseline Antimatter Particle Beam Auxiliary Power Breaker Acquisition Program Baseline Agreement Adaptive Predictive Coding Aeronautical Passenger Communication Aeronautical Public Correspondence Aircraft-Pilot Coupling Aircraft Power Conditioner Aphenol Precision Connector Arbeitsplatzcomputer [DE] Area of Positive Control Armament Practice Camp (Waffenübungslager) Armoured Personnel Carrier (gepanzerter Personentransporter, Schützenpanzer) Automatic Phase Control Automatic Power Control Autopilot Computer [auch: A/PC] Avionics Planning Conference Alternate Processing and Correlation Center Approach (Anflug) Auxiliary Power Control Unit Absolute Pointing Drift Amplifying Photo-Diode Approach Progress Display Automated Problem Detection Avalance Photo-Diode Automated Problem Detection Inhibited Area Aircraft Proximity Data Link Communication [ICAO] Absolute Pointing Error Aircraft Proximity Evaluation Group [Deutsche Organisation] Asia-Pacific symposium on EMC Antenna Pointing Elements Application/Executive Adhesive Polymer Film Attitude Parameter File Autopilot/Flight Director (Selbststeueranlage) Autopilot Flight Director System


Autonomous Precision Guided Missile/Munition

Codierte Bez. von luftg. Radaranlagen zur Zielerfassung und Feuerleitung [USAF] Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges Radarsystem von Raytheon Co. Mehrbetriebsfähiges Bordradarsystem von Raytheon Co. Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges Radarsystem von Northrop Grumman Corp. Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges Radarsystem von Lockheed Martin Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges Radarsystem von Northrop Grumman Corp. Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges Feuerleitradar von Raytheon Co. Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges Feuerleitradar von Raytheon Co. Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges Feuerleitradar von Northrop Grumman Corp. Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges AESA-Radarsystem von Northrop Grumman Corp. Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges Millimeterwellen-Radarsystem von Longbow JV Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges AESA-Feuerleitradar von Raytheon Co. Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges AESA-Radarsystem von Northrop Grumman Corp. Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges AESA-Radarsystem von Northrop Grumman Corp.

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 API  API  API  API  API  API  API  APIC  APIC  APICS  APID  APIRS  APIS  APJ  APKWS  APL  APL  APL  APL  APL  APM  APM  APM  APM  APM  APM  APM  APM  APMC  APMS  APMS  APN  Apn  APN  APN  APN-59E/F  APN-194  APN-209  APN-222  APN-224  APN-241  APN-237  APN-242

Aerospace Products International Airframe/Propulsion Integration Air-Photo Interpreter Air Position Indicator [Bordinstrument] Application Implementation Application Programmers Instructions Application Programming Interface Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller Allied Press Information Center Automatic Pressure Indication and Control System Application Process Identifier Attitude and Positioning Inertial Reference System Air Passenger Information System Asynchronous Pulse Jamming [EloKa-Verfahren] Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System Abbreviated flight Plan Advanced Programming Language (höhere Programmiersprache) Advanced Physics Laboratory [US] Applied Physics Laboratory [US, John Hopkins University] ATC flight Plan Advanced Power Management Aircraft Performance Monitoring Air Power Manager Aluminium Powder Metallurgy Approach Path Monitor Attached Pressurized Module Automat. Prüfmittel [Bw] Aviation de Patrouille Maritime [FR] (Seeraumüberwachung) Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Advanced Precision Measurement System Automated Performance Measurement System Aircraft Procurement, Navy Apron (Vorfeld, Flughafen-Abstellfläche) ARINC Packet Network

 APO  APO  APO  APOD  APOE  APORT  APP  APP  APP

Acquisition Program Office Aircraft Performance and Operations Airport Operator Aerial Port Of Debarkation Aerial Port Of Embarkation Aerial Port Adaptive Pulse Preprocessor Air Platform Protection Airport Planning and Programming


Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Codierte Bez. von luftg. Radaranlagen zur Navigation [USAF] Bordg. Bordg. Bordg. Bordg. Bordg. Bordg. Bordg. Bordg.

Navigations- und Wetterradarsystem von Northrop Grumman Corp. Radarhöhenmesser von Honeywell Radarhöhenmesser von Honeywell Radarhöhenmesser von Honeywell Radarhöhenmesser von Honeywell Bodenabtast-, Navigations- und Wetterradar von Northrop Grumman Corp. Geländefolge- und Geländevermeidungsradar von Raytheon Co. Navigations- und Wetterradarsystem von Northrop Grumman Corp.

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 APP  App  App  App  App  APP  APP  APP CON  Appn  Appr  Approx

Allied Procedural Publication Apparat [DE] Appendix (Anhang) Application (Anwendung) Approach (Anflug zur Landung) Association des Pilotes Privés [FR] Autopilot Panel Approach Control [FAA] (Anflugkontrolle) Appropriation Approach (Anflug) Approximation (Näherung)

 APQ  APQ-122  APQ-126  APQ-158  APQ-164  APQ-174  APQ-180  APQ-181  APQ-186

Codierte Bez. von luft- bzw bordgestützten passiven Mehrzweck-Radaranlagen [USAF]

 APR  APR  Apr  Apr  APR  APR  APR  APR  APR-39  APR-44  APR-48A  APRDD  APRL  Aprt  Aprx  APS  APS  APS  APS  APS  APS  APS  APS  APS  APS  APS  APS  APS  APS  APS  APS  APS

Actual Performance Reserve Airport Operation Programme April Apron (Vorfeld, Flughafen-Abstellfläche) Automatic Position Reporting Auto Power Reserve Auxiliary Power Reserve Codierte Bez. von luft- bzw bordgestützten, passiven Radarwarnanlagen [USAF] Breitbandiger Radarwarnempfänger von Raytheon Co. Breitbandiges Radarwarnempfängersystem von BAE Systems Breitbandiger Radarwarnempfänger von Longbow LLC [JV] Automatic Periscope Radar Detection Discriminator Aeronautical Telecommunications Network Profile Requirements List Airport Approximately (annährend) Accelerated Procurement System Acoustic Processing System [ASW] Active Pixel Sensors Active Protection System Adaptive Processor Sonar [ASW] Adaptive Processing System Advanced Photo System Advanced Planning and Scheduling Advanced Polar System Aerosol Polarimetry Sensor Airborne-Platform Subsystem Aircraft Position System Aircraft Protection System Airport Planning Standard Aircraft Prepared for Service Altitude Position Sensor American Physical Society

Bordg. Bordg. Bordg. Bordg. Bordg. Bordg. Bordg. Bordg.

Myrodis Athanassiou

mehrbetriebsfähiges Radar von Raytheon Co. mehrbetriebsfähiges Radar von Raytheon Co. Terrain-Following/-Avoidance Radar von Raytheon Co. Feuerleit-, Navigations- und Waffenzuweisungsradar von Northrop Grumman Corp. Terrain-Following/Terrain-Avoidance Radar von Raytheon Co. mehrbetriebsfähiges Radar von Raytheon Co. mehrbetriebsfähiges Radar von Raytheon Co. Terrain-Following/-Avoidance Radar von Raytheon Co.

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 APS  APS  APS  APS  APS-124  APS-137  APS-143  APS-145  APS-147  APS-148  APS-504  APS-508  APS-717  APS-784

Approach Control Surveillance Autopilot System Auxiliary Power System (Hilfs-Stromversorgungssystem)

 APSE  APSG  APSP  APST  APSW  APT  APT  APT  APTS  APTU  APU  APU  APUC  APUC  APV  Apv  APV  APW  APWS  APX

Ada Programming Support Equipment After Passing Advanced Programmable Signal Processing Aircraft Propulsion System Trainer Application Software Advanced Passive Technology Airport (Flughafen, Verkehrsflughafen) Automatic Picture Transmission Automatic Picture Transmission System Aerodynamic and Propulsion Test Unit Analog Processing Unit Auxiliary Power Unit (Hilfs-Stromversorgung; Hilfstriebwerk; Bordhilfsturbine) Auxiliary Power Unit Controller Average Procurement Unit Cost Approach with Vertical guidance Approved (genehmigt) Auto-Piloted Vehicle Area Proximity Warning Advanced Proximity Warning System Codierte Bez. von luft- bzw bordgestützten IFF-Anlagen [USAF]

 APY  APY-1/2  APY-3  APY-8  APY-9  APY-10  APY-103

Codierte Bez. von luft- bzw bordgestützten Radar zur Raumüberwachung und Leitung [USAF]

 APZ  AQ  AQAFO  AQAP  AQF  AQF  AQL  AQL  AQP  AQP

Automatischer Peilzusatz [DE] Air Quality Aeronautical Quality Assurance Field Office Allied Quality Assurance Procedure/Publication [NATO] Advanced Quick Fix Avionics Qualification Facility (Avionik-Qualifizierungs-Einrichtung) Acceptance Quality Level Advanced Quick Look Advanced Qualification Program Avionics Qualification Procedure


Codierte Bez. von luftg. bzw bordg. Radaranlagen zur Raumabtastung und Zielerfassung [USAF] Bordg. Seeoberflächensuchradar von Raytheon Co. Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges Seeraumüberwachungsradar von Raytheon Co. Bordg. Überwachungs- und bildgebendes Multi-Mode-Radar von Telephonics Corp. Bordg. Überwachungsradar von Lockheed Martin Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges Überwachungs- und Abbildungsradar von Telephonics Corp. Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges Seeraumüberwachungsradar von Raytheon Co. Bordg. Radar zur Raumabtastung und Zielerfassung von L-3 Communications Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges Überwachungs- und bildgebendes Radar von Telephonics Corp. Bordg., mehrbetriebsfähiges Such- und Wetter-Radar von Raytheon Co. Bordg. Seeoberflächensuchradar von Ericsson, Schweden [EH101]

Luftg. Raumüberwachungsradarsystem von Northrop Grumman Corp. JSTARS: Luftg. Bodenüberwachungsradarsystem von Northrop Grumman Corp. Luftg. Bodenüberwachungsradar von General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. Luftg. Raumüberwachungsradarsystem von Lockheed Martin Mehrbetriebsfähiges Seeraumüberwachungsradar von Raytheon Co. Bordgestützte Monopuls-IFF von Telephonics Corp. [AWACS IFF]

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 A-QPSK  AQR  AQS  A&R  AR  AR  AR  AR  AR  AR  AR  AR  AR  AR  AR  AR  AR  AR  AR  AR AR  AR  AR  AR  AR  AR  AR  ARA  ARA  ARA  ARA  ARA  ARA  ARA  ARAC  ARAC  ARALL  ARATCC  ARB  ARB  ARB  ARB  ArbG  ARBN  ARBS  ARBS  ARC  ARC  ARC  ARC  ARC  ARC  ARC

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Aeronautical Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Airline Quality Rating Advanced Quality System Appraisal and Review Acceptance Review Action Required Active Radar Administrative Requirement Advanced Readiness Air Refuelling (Luftbetankung) Air Regulation Air Route Alternative Route Altitude Reporting Anflugrichtung [DE] Anti-Radiation Anti-Reflexion Approach Radar Army Regulation Army Reserve Artillerieregiment [AT] Aspect Ratio (Flügelstreckung) As Required Attack Reporting Automatic Reminder Aviation Recorders Axial Ratio [Broadband Antennas] (Achsenverhältnis) [Breitbandantennen] Advisory Radio Area Airborne-Radar Approach (Anflug mit Bordradar) Airborne Research Australia Aircraft Research Association [UK] Air Refuelling Area [RAF] (Luftbetankungsgebiet) Antenna Research Associates Anti-Radar Attack Army Radar Approach Control [USA] Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Commission Aramid Reinforced Aluminium Laminate Air Route/Air Traffic Control Center Acquisition Review Board Airport Rotating Beacon Air Refuelling Boom (Luftbetankungsausleger) Arbitrary waveform generator Arbeitsgericht [DE] Army Battalion (Heeres-Bataillon) Advanced Refuelling Boom System [EADS] Air Refuelling Boom System Acquisition Review Committee Advanced Regulatory Change Aeronautical Research Council [UK] Aircraft Radio Corporation [US] Airlift Requirement Centre Airport Runway Configuration Air Reverse Component

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 Arc  arc  ARC  ARC  ARC  ARC  ARC

Archive Arcus (Bogen, Lichtbogen) Area Chart Armored Reconnaissance Carrier Automatic Radar Control Automatic Radial Centering [VOR] Aviation Rulemaking Committee

 ARC  ARC-164  ARC-201

Codierte Bez. von luftg. Funkkommunikationsanlagen [JETDS; USAF]

 ARCADS  Arch  ARCIC  ARCM  ARCOM  ARCOS  ARCP  ARCT  ARCTR  ARCS  ARCS  ARCS  ARD  ARD  ARD  ARD  ARDA  ARDC  ARDEC  ARDF  ARDF  ARDF  ARDS  ARDU  ARE  AREOS  ARES  ARES  ARES  ARF  ARF  ARF  ARF  ARFA  ARFF  ARFFS  ARFL  ARFOR  ARFOR  ARFTG  ARG  ARG

Armament Control and Delivery System Architecture The Army Capabilities Integration Center [USA] Anti Radiation Countermeasures [EW] Army Command Arrival Co-ordination System [DE] Air Refuelling Control Point (Luftbetankungs-Kontrollpunkt) Air Refuelling Control Time (Luftbetankungs-Kontrollzeit) FAA Aeronautical Center Acquisition Radar and Control System Automatic Radio Control System (automat. Funksteuerungssystem) Avionics Refrigeration Cooling System Anti Radiation Drone [EW] (Anti-Strahlungs-Drohne) Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten Deutschlands [DE] Army Readiness Date Atmospheric Reentry Demonstrator Aviation R&D Activities Air Research and Development Command Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center Airborne Radio Direction Finding (luftg. Funkpeilung) Amateur Radio Direction Finding Automatic Radio Direction Finding Automatic Radar Data recording System Advanced Radiation Data Unit [Detection] Aircraft and Related Equipment Airborne Recce Observation System Advanced Reentry System Airborne Radar Emitter Simulator (luftg. Radarsendersimulator) Artillerie-Raketen-Einsatz-System [DE, Bw/Heer] Airborne Reaction Force Airborne Relay Facility [USA RC-12] Airline Risk Factor Airport Reservation Function Allied Radio Frequency Agency Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Service Aeroplane Reference Filed Length Area Forecast (Gebietswettervorhersage) Army Forces Automatic RF Techniques Group Accident Response Group Air Refuelling Group [USAF]


Have Quick Radio SINCGARS Radio

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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 ARG  ARGE  ARGOS  ARGS  ARGUS  ARGUS  ARH  ARH  Arh  ARH  ARI  ARI  ARI  ARI  ARIA  ARIC  Aries  ARIES, Aries  ARIES, Aries  ARIES, Aries

Amphibious Readiness Group Arbeitsgemeinschaft [DE] Advanced Research and Global Observation Satellite Anti-Range Gate Steeling Advanced Remote Ground Unattented Sensor Autonomes Radar Gefechtsfeld Überwachungssystem [DE, Bw] Active Radar Homing Anti Radar/Radiation Homing (Anti-Radar-Lenkverfahren; Strahlungsquellen-Ansteuerung) Architecture Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter [US Army] (bewaffneter Aufklärungshubschrauber) Air Radio Installation Army Research Institute Autofahrer Rundfunk Information Azimuth-Range Indicator [Boardinstrument] Advanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft Airborne Radio and Intercom Control Advanced Replacement Interface Engine Solution [National Hybrid Inc., US] Airborne Reconnaissance Integrated Electronics Suite Airborne Recorder for IRLS and EO Sensors Automated Reliability Interactive Estimation System


Aeronautical Radio Incorporation [Vereinigung für Luftfahrtbelange in US]

ARINC-306 ARINC-404A ARINC-406A ARINC-419 ARINC-424 ARINC-429

Vorschrift bzgl Design und Installation von Avionikgeräten Vorschrift bzgl Lufttransportgerätegehäuse und -gestelle [Air Transport Equipment Cases and Racking] Vorschrift bzgl Flugzeugelektronikgeräte [Airborne Electronic Equipment] Handbuch Digitale Daten-Systeme [Digital Data System Compendium] Vorschrift bzgl Navigation Systems Data Base Vorschrift bzgl Datenübertragung bei Avionik-Bussystemen [Digital Information Transfer System]


Vorschrift bzgl Digital Flight Data Recorder


Vorschrift bzgl der luftgestützten Trägheitsnavigationssysteme [Air Transport Inertial Navigation System] Vorschrift bzgl Terrain Awareness and Warning System Vorschrift bzgl der luftgestützten Trägheitsnavigationssysteme [Inertial Navigation System] Vorschrift bzgl Heading and Attitude Sensor Vorschrift bzgl digitaler Luftdatensysteme im Unterschallflugbereich [Subsonic Air Data System] Vorschrift bzgl luftgestützte ILS-Empfänger Vorschrift bzgl luftgestützte VOR-Empfänger Vorschrift bzgl Bodenkollisionswarngerät [Ground Proximity Warning Sensor]

ARINC-562 ARINC-568 ARINC-569 ARINC-575 ARINC-578 ARINC-579 ARINC-594 ARINC-600 ARINC-601 ARINC-602 ARINC-603 ARINC-604 ARINC-607 ARINC-613 ARINC-615 ARINC-615 ARINC-618 ARINC-619 ARINC-624

Vorschrift bzgl der Schnittstellen von Avionikgeräten [Air Transport Avionics Equipment Interfaces] Vorschrift bzgl Control/Display Interfaces Vorschrift bzgl Test Equipment Guidance Vorschrift bzgl Airborne Computer Data Loader Vorschrift bzgl Guidance for Design and Use of Built-in Test Equipment Vorschrift bzgl Design Guidance for Avionics Equipment Vorschrift bzgl des Einsatzes der Programmiersprache ADA in Avioniksystemen Vorschrift bzgl Airborne Computer High Speed Data Loader 615A-2: Vorschrift bzgl Software Data Loader using Ethernet Interface 618-6: Vorschrift bzgl der Kommunikationsprotokolle zwischen dem luftgestützten Acars und den VHF-Bodenstationen [Air/Ground Character-Oriented Protocol] Vorschrift bzgl der Acars-Schnittstellen zu Avionik-Endgeräten Vorschrift bzgl der Spezifikation von Onboard Maintenance Systemen

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

ARINC-653 ARINC-661

Vorschrift bzgl Unterbringung verschiedener Anwendungen in einem Prozessor Vorschrift bzgl co*ckpit-Display System Interfaces to User Systems

ARINC-701 ARINC-702 ARINC-704 ARINC-707 ARINC-708 ARINC-709 ARINC-712 ARINC-717 ARINC-723 ARINC-725 ARINC-727 ARINC-735 ARINC-735B ARINC-738 ARINC-743 ARINC-743A ARINC-745 ARINC-747 ARINC-748 ARINC-750 ARINC-753 ARINC-755 ARINC-756 ARINC-757 ARINC-758 ARINC-760 ARINC-762 ARINC-764 ARINC-765 ARINC-767 ARINC-768

Vorschrift bzgl Flugführungsrechner [Flight Control Computer System] Vorschrift bzgl Flugmanagementrechner [Flight Management Computer System] Vorschrift bzgl Inertial Reference System Vorschrift bzgl Radarhöhenmesser [Radio Altimeter, Supplement 6] Vorschrift bzgl Datenübertragung vom Wetterradar (Airborne Weather Radar) zum Radardisplay Vorschrift bzgl Airborne Distance Measuring Equipment [DME] Vorschrift bzgl Airborne Automatic Direction Finder System Vorschrift bzgl Flight Data Acquisition and Recording System Vorschrift bzgl Ground Proximity Warning System Vorschrift bzgl Electronic Flight Instruments (elektronische Fluginstrumente) Vorschrift bzgl Airborne Microwave Landing System (luftg. Mikrowellenlandesystem) Vorschrift bzgl Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System [TCAS] Vorschrift bzgl Traffic Computer TCAS and ADS-B Functionality Vorschrift bzgl Luftdaten und Trägheitsplattformreferenzsystem [ADIRS] Vorschrift bzgl Airborne GPS-Receiver Vorschrift bzgl GPS/GLONASS Sensor Vorschrift bzgl Automatic Dependent Surveillance Vorschrift bzgl Flight Data Recorder Vorschrift bzgl Kommunikationsmanagement Einheit [Communication Management Unit] Vorschrift bzgl VHF Data Radio (VHF-Datenfunk) Vorschrift bzgl HF Data Link System (HF-Datenverbindungsystem) [HDLS] Vorschrift bzgl Digital Multi-Mode Receiver (Digitaler Mehrbetriebsempfänger) [DMMR] Vorschrift bzgl GNSS Navigation and Landing Unit [GNLU] Vorschrift bzgl co*ckpit Voice Recorder [CVR] Vorschrift bzgl Communications Management Unit [CMU] Vorschrift bzgl GNSS Navigation Unit [GNU] Vorschrift bzgl Terrain Awareness and Warning System [TAWS] Vorschrift bzgl Head-Up Display [HUD] Vorschrift bzgl Ethernet Switch Unit [ESU] Vorschrift bzgl Enhanced Airborne Flight Recorder [EAFR] Vorschrift bzgl Integrated Surveillance System [ISS]ARINC-781 Vorschrift bzgl Aviation Satellite Communication [ASC]

ARIP ARIS  ARJS  ARL  ARL  ARL  ARL  ARL  ARM  ARM  ARM  ARM  ARM  ARM, AR&M  ARMD  Armiger

Air Refuelling Initial Point (Luftbetankungs-Startpunkt) Advanced Range Instrumentation Ship Airborne Radar Jamming System [Grumman Aerospace, US] Acceptable Reliability Level Aeronautical Research Laboratories [Australia] Aerospace Research Laboratories [US] Air Resources Laboratory Army Research Laboratory Aircraft Recovery Manual Air Request Message Airspace Risk Model Anti-Radar/Radiation Missile (Anti-Radar Lenkflugkörper) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Availability, Reliability, Maintainability (Verfügbarkeit, Zuverlässigkeit, Wartbarkeit) Anti-Radiation Missile Decoy Anti-Radiation Missile with Intelligent Guidance and Extended Range [Bw] (Anti-Strahlungs-Lenkflugkörper mit intelligenter Lenkung und großer Reichweite) Armament (Ausrüstung, Bewaffnung) Active Reduction of Noise (aktive Rauschreduzierung) Airborne Radio Navigation (luftg. Funknavigation) Air Route Network

 Armt  ARN  ARN  ARN 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ARN  ARN  ARN  ARNG  Arng  ARNS  ARO  ARO  ARO  ARO  ARO  ARO  ARP  ARP  ARP  ARP  ARP  ARP  ARP  ARP  ARP  ARP  ARP  ARP  ARP  ARPA  ARPANET  ARPDD  Arpt  ARQ  ARQ  ARR  ARR  ARR  ARR  ARR  Arr  ARRCOS  ARRL  ARS  ARS  ARS  ARS  ARS  ARS  ARS  ARS  Ars  ARS  ARS  ARS  ARS  ARSA

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ATS Route Network (Luftstraßennetzwerk) Aviation Reference Number Codierte Bez. von luftg. militärischen Funknavigationsanlagen [USAF] Army National Guard Arrange Aeronautical Radionavigation Service Active Resonant Oscillator After Received Order Airport Reservation Office Air Refueling Officer Air traffic services Reporting Office Automatic Reconfiguration Order Address Resolution Protocol Aerodrom Reference Point [ICAO] (Flugplatzbezugspunkt) Aerospace/Aeronautical Recommended Practices [SAE] Air-data Reference Panel Airport Reference Point (Flugplatzreferenzstelle) Air Raid Protection (Luftschutz) Air Refuelling Point Air Report Alarm Response Procedure Antenna/Aerial Rotation Period (Antennenrotationsperiode) Anti-Runway Penetrator Attack Reference Point Automated Route Planning Advanced Research Project Agency [Jetzt: DARPA, auch: Darpa] Advanced Research Project Agency Network Automatic Radar Periscope Detection & Discrimination Airport (Flughafen, Verkehrsflughafen) Automatic Error Correction Automatic Repeat Request [Datenübertragung] (automat. Wiederholungsanforderung) Airborne Radio Relay Airborne Reference Radar Air-Refuelling Receiver Air-traffic-control Radar Recording Antenna Rotation Rate Arrival message (Lndemeldung) Arrival Coordination System (Ankunftskoordinierungssystem) American Radio Relay League Action Request System Advanced Reconnaisance Satellite Aerial Reconnaissance System Aeronautical Radio-navigation Service Airborne Radio System Airborne Receiver System Air Rescue Service Air Revitalization Systemars Arsenal [De] Attack Radar Set Automated Radar Summary chart Automated Retrieve System Automatic Route Selection Airborne Reconnaissance and Surveillance Architecture

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 ARSA  ARSR  ARSS  ART  ART  ART  Art  Art  ART  ART  Artads  ARTAS  ARTAS  ArtAufklBtl  ARTC  ARTCC  ARTCS  AR&TD  ARTEC  Artemis  ARTES  ARTF  ARTI  ARTI  ARTIP  ARTS  ARTS  ARTS  ARTS  ARTT  Arty  Arty FDC  ARU  ARU  ARU  ARU  ARV  ARV  ARV  ARW  ARW  ARW  ARW  ARWE  ARWS ARWT  a/s, A/S  A/S, A-S, AS  A/S, AS  A/S, AS  AS  AS  AS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Airport Radar Service Area Air Route Surveillance Radar (Luftstraßenüberwachungsradar) Advanced Radar Surveillance System Actuator Remote Terminal Adaptive Resonance Theory Aerodrome Reference Temperature (Flughafenbezugstemperatur) Artikel [DE] Artillerie [DE, Bw] Automatic Range Tracking Automatic Reverse Thrust (automat. Schubumkehr) Army Tactical Data System [USA] Advanced Radar Tracker And Server [System] ATM surveillance Tracker And Server [System] Artillerieaufklärungsbataillon [DE, Bw/Heer] Air Route Traffic Control Air Route Traffic Control Center [FAA, US] (Luftstraßenverkehrs-Kontrollzentrum) Advanced Radar Traffic Control System [FAA] Advanced Research and Technology Development Armoured-vehicle Technology (Technologie von gepanzerten Fahrzeugen) Advanced Relay and Technology Mission [ESA Telecom Satellite with EGNOS Transponder] Advanced Research in Telecommunication Systems Aircraft Recovery and Transportation Flight [USAF] Accipiter Radar Technologies Incorporation [Canada] Advanced Rotorcraft Technology Integration Advanced Radar Technology Insertion Program [US] Aircraft Recovery and Transport System [Flughafendienst] All-purpose Remote Transport System [USAF] Automated Radar Terminal System [Flughafendienst] Automated Remote Tracking System Adaptive Radar Threshold Techniques Artillery Artillery Fire Direction Center [USA] Airborne Radar Unit Airspace Reservation Unit Audio Reproducer Unit Audio Response Unit Advanced Reentry Vehicle Armed Recovery Vehicle [US Army] Armed Robotic Vehicle [US Army] Advanced Radar Warning Advanced Research Workshop Air Refuelling Wing [USAF] Anti-Runway Weapon (Startbahnbrecher) Advanced Radar Warning Equipment Advanced Radar Warning System (forts. Radarwarnsystem) Amt für Rüstung und Wehrtechnik [AT] Airspeed (Fluggeschwindigkeit) Air-to-Surface Anti-Ship Anti-Submarine Acquisition Strategy Advanced Schottky Advanced Sensors 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 AS  AS  AS  AS  AS  AS  AS  AS  AS  AS  AS, As  As  AS  AS  AS  AS  AS  As  AS  AS  AS  AS  AS-350  AS-355  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASA  ASAAC  ASAC  ASAC  ASAC  ASACT  ASALM  ASAM  ASAN  ASAP  ASAP  ASAP

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Aerospace Standards Air Search Airspace Airspeed Air Start Air Station Air Superiority (Luftraumüberlegenheit, -beherrschung) Air Surveillance (Luftraumüberwachung) Air Survivability Altimeter Setting Altostratus [Wolkentyp] Amperesekunde [DE] Analog Secure Antennensystem [DE] Anti-Spoofing Application System Arbeitsstation [DE] Arsen [chem. Element] Australian Standard Aviation Safety Aviation Ship Aviation Spares Ziviler Mehrzweckhubschrauber von Eurocopter Militärischer Mehrzweckhubschrauber von Eurocopter Advanced System Architecture Aircraft Separation Assurance Aircraft Situation Awareness Airline Suppliers Association [US] Airspace Safety Analysis Aktive Stab-Antennen [DE] American Standards Association Army Security Agency [USA] Archimedische Spiralantennen [DE, EloKa] Army Space Agency Army Support Arms Austrian Space Agency Autoland Status Annunciator [SFDS] Automatic Slot Assignment Automated Support to ATC Automatic Spectrum Analyzer Aviation Safety Alliance Aviation Safety Authorities Allied Standards Architecture Avionics Council Asian Standards Advisory Committee Automatic Supervisory Adaptive Control Aviation Security Advisory Committee Air Safety and Air Traffic Control [Project] Advanced Strategic Air Launched Missile [USAF] Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile (forts. Boden/Luft-Lenkflugkörper) Assessment System for Aircraft Noise Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel [NASA] As Soon As Possible (so bald wie möglich) Aviation Safety Accident Prevention

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 ASAP  ASAR  ASARS  ASARS  ASARS  ASAS  ASAS  ASAS  ASAS  ASAS  ASAT  ASAT, Asat  ASB  ASBM  AS&C  ASC  ASC  ASC  ASC  ASC  ASC  Asc  ASC  ASCA  ASCB  ASCB  ASCC  ASCC  ASCCISRC  ASCE  ASCII  ASCL  ASCM  ASCM  ASCP  ASCS  ASD  ASD  ASD  ASD  ASD  ASD  ASDA  ASDAR  ASDE  ASDE-X  ASDI  ASDL  ASDL  ASDP  ASDR  AS&E 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Aviation Safety Action Program Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System [Hughes] (forts. Radar mit synthetischer Apertur) Airborne Search And Rescue System (luftg. Such- und Rettungssystem) Air Surveillance Airborne Radar System Advanced Solid Axial Stage Airborne/Aircraft Separation Assistance System [Flugsicherung] All Sensors Analysis System Automated Scan Analysis System Aviation Safety Analysis System Advanced Subsonic Aerial Target Anti-Satellite weapon Abschlussbericht [DE, BWB] Ait-to-Surface Ballistic Missile (Luft/Boden ballistische Flugkörper) Airborne Surveillance and Control Accredited Standards Committee Acoustic Signature Control Advanced Simulation and Computing Advanced Structural Components Aeronautical Systems Center [Wright-Patterson AFB] Aircraft System Controllers Ascent to, ascenting to [ICAO] (Aufstieg, aufsteigen) Aviation Satellite Communication Artillery Systems Cooperation Activities Aircraft System Common Bus Avionics Standard Communication Bus Air Standards Coordinating Committee Asynchronous Serial Communications Controller [serielle Schnittstelle] Aerospace Command and Control Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Center American Society of Civil Engineers American Standard Code for Information Interchange [Informatik] Advanced Sonobuoy Communications Link Anti-Ship Cruise Missile Avionics Synchronized Control Bus [Zivilluftfahrt] Aviation System Capacity Plan Advanced Satellite Control System Aeronautical Systems Division [USAF] AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe [Brüssel] Aerospace Standards Document Aircraft Situation Display Assistant Secretary of Defense Aviation System Development Accelerate-Stop Distance Available [ICAO] (verfügbare Startabbruch-Distanz) Aircraft-to-Satellite Data Relay Aerodrome/Airfield/Airport Surface Detection Equipment (Flugfeld- bzw Rollfeldüberwachungs-Radaranlage) ASDE Model X Aircraft Situation Display Indicator Aeronautical Satellite Data Link Airborne Self-Defense Laser Advanced Signal Data Processor Airport Surface Detection Radar American Science and Engineering

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ASE  ASE  ASE  ASE  ASE  ASE  ASE  ASE  ASE  ASE  ASE  ASE  ASE  ASE  ASEAN  ASEL  ASET  ASF  ASF  ASF  ASF  ASFP  ASG  ASG  ASG  ASG  ASGC  ASH  ASH  ASH  AShM  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASI  ASIC  ASIC  ASIG  ASIM

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Airborne Search Equipment Airborne Support Element Airborne Support Equipment Aircraft Survivability Equipment Airline Selected Equipment Allied Signal Engines [Honeywell] Allowable Steering Error Altimetry Setting Error Altimetry System Error Amplified Spontaneous Emission Application Service Element ATM Systems Engineering Automated Stabilisation Equipment Aviation Support Equipment Association of South East Asian Nations Altitude Select [Autopilot] ASE Training African Standby Forces Air Safety Foundation Ausbildungsanlage Simulator Flugabwehrkanonenbatterie [DE] Aviation Safety Forum Ausbildungsanlage Simulator Flugsicherung Platzkontrolle [DE] Acoustic Signal Generator EADS Astrium GmbH [DE] Air Safety Group [UK] ARINC Signal Gateway Airborne Surveillance Ground Control Advanced Scout Helicopter Amphibious Support Helicopter Aviation Services Handbook Anti-Ship Missile (Anti-Schiffs-Lenkflugkörper) Actuator Sensor Interface Advanced Study Institute Advanced Switching Interconnect Aerospace Sciences Inc. Agenzia Spaziale Italiana [EAC] (Raumfahrtzentrum Italiens) Aircraft Station Interface Airplane Systems Integrator Air Speed Indicator (Fahrtmesser) Air System Interrogator Approach Slope Indicator (Gleitwingelanzeiger) ARINC Standards Interface Armored Systems Integration Asia Region [ICAO] Augmented Spark Igniter Aviation Safety Index Aviation Safety Institute [US] Aviation Safety Inspector Avionics System Integration Air and Space Interoperability Council Application Specific Integrated Circuit Avionics & Systems Integration Group [US Co.] Atmospheric Space Interactions Monitor

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 ASIP  ASIP  ASIP  ASIR  ASIT  ASJ  ASK  ASK  ASKart  ASL  ASL  ASL  ASL  ASL  ASLC  ASLP  ASprK  ASLS  ASM  ASM  ASM  ASM  ASM  ASM  ASM  ASM  ASM  ASM  ASM  ASM  ASM  ASM  ASM  ASM  ASMC  ASMC  ASMD  ASME  ASMGCS  ASMI  ASM-M  ASMO  ASMP  ASMP  ASMPA  ASMR  ASMS  ASMS  ASMT  ASMT  ASMU  ASN 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Advanced Signals Intelligence Payload [RQ-4B Global Hawk] Airborne Signal Intelligence Payload Airframe Structural Integrity Program [US] Aviation Safety Incident Report Adaptable Surface Interface Terminal Automatic Search Jammer Amplitude Shift Keying Automatic Shift Keying Ausstoßkartusche [DE, Bw] Above Sea Level (Höhe über das Meer) Air and Space Law Atomsicherheitslinie [DE, Bw] Authorized Service Life Authorized Stockage List Adaptive Sidelobe Cancellation [Radar] Air-Sol Longuee Portée [FR] (Luft/Boden-Lenkwaffe großer Reichweite) Atomsprengkörper [DE, Bw] Avionics System LAN Switch Advanced Systems Monitor Aerial Supervision Module Aerospaciale Matra [FR] Aircraft Schematic Manual Aircraft Sustainability Model Airspace Monitoring System Air Space Management [Luftraummanagement; Teilmenge von ATM] Air-to-Surface Missile (Luft/Boden-Lenkflugkörper) Anonymous Subscriber Messaging [MIL-STD-1553] Anti Ship Missile (Anti-Schiffs-Lenkflugkörper) Application Specific Module Apron Services Management Aufgabenspektrum Marine [DE, Bw] Autothrottle Servo-Motor Available Seat Mile Avionics Specific Module Aircraft System Management Computer Airspace Management Communications Anti-Ship Missile Defense [USN] American Society of Mechanical Engineers Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System [European Aeronautical Standard] (forts. Rollfeldverkehrsmanagement) Airfield/Airport Surface Movement Indicator [Radar] (Rollfeldüberwachungsmelder) Aerospaciale Matra Missiles [FR] Arab Standardization and Metrology Organization Air-Sol Moyenne Portée [FR] (Luft/Boden-Lenkflugkörper mittlerer Reichweite) Asymmetric Multiprocessor Air-Sol Moyenne Portee Ameliore (verbessertes ASMP) Advanced Short/Medium Range Advanced Strategic Missile System Airport Surface-Management System Air Superiority Missile Technology Air Supply Mission Technology Avionics System Management Unit Abstract Syntax

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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 ASN  ASN  ASN  ASN-9  ASN-15  ASN-104/105  ASN-149  ASN-206

Aerospace/Aircraft Services Network Automatic Spot Noise [EW]

 ASNI  ASO  ASO  ASO  ASOC  ASOS  ASP  ASP  ASP  ASP  ASP  ASP  ASP  ASP  ASP  ASP  ASP  ASP  ASP  asp  ASP  ASP  ASP  ASP, Asph ASPA  A-SPEC  ASPI  Aspis  Aspis  ASPJ  ASPM  ASPO  ASPS  ASPT  ASQ  ASQ  ASQC  ASQP  ASR  ASR  ASR  ASR  ASR  ASR

Ambient Sea-Noise Indication Acoustic-Systems Operator Air Support Operations Aviation Supply Office Air Support Operations Center [RAF] Automated Surface Observing System Adaptive Signal Processing/Processor Advanced Signal Processor Airborne Signal Processor Airborne Surveillance Platform Aircraft Self-Protection Aircraft Servicing Platform Aircraft Systems Processor Air Space Altitude Set Panel Antenna Scan Period (Antennen-Abtastperiode) Applications Service Provider Armament Status Panel Arrival Sequencing Plan/Program assigned speed ATM Service Provider Audio Selector Panel Automated Speech Recognition (automat. Stimmenerkennung) Asphalt Association of South Pacific Airlines A System Specification Acoustic Shot Position Indicator Advanced Self-Protection Integrated Suite (forts., integrierte Selbstschutzanlage) Airborne Self-Protection Integrated Suite Airborne Self-Protection Jammer [USAF] Aviation System Performance Metrics Avionics Systems Project Officer [USAF] Advanced / Airborne Self-Protection Suite/System Ausbildungsgerät Schießsimulator Panzertruppe [DE, Bw] Codierte Bez. von luftg. Anlagen für spezielle Anwendungen [USAF] American Society for Quality American Society for Quality Control Airline Service Quality Performance Adaptive Situation Recognizer Advanced Special Receiver Airborne Surveillance Radar Airport Surveillance Radar (Flughafen-Rundsichtradar) Air Safety Report Air/Sea Rescue

Codierte Bez. von speziellen luftg. Funknavigationsanlagen [USAF] Zieldrohne von Xi’an ASN Technology Group [VR China] Aufklärungs- und Überwachungsdrohne von Xi’an ASN Technology Group [VR China] Aufklärungsdrohne von Xi’an ASN Technology Group [VR China] GPS Aufklärungs- und Überwachungsdrohne von Xi’an ASN Technology Group [VR China]

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 ASR  ASR  ASR  ASR  ASR  ASR  ASR  Asraam  ASRAD  ASROC  ASRS  ASRAD-R  ASRS  ASS  ASS  ASS  ASSA  ASSAP  ASSI  ASSIST  ASSM  ASSM  Assn.  ASSP  ASSR  ASSS, AS3  ASSS, AS3  ASST  ASST  ASSTA  ASSTAR  ASSTC  ASSW  assy  AST  AST  AST  AST  AST  AST  AST  AST  AST  AST  AST  AST  AST  AST  AST  AST  Asta  Asta  Asta 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Air Staff Requirements [Forderungen des Luftwaffenführungsstabes von UK] Alliance Standardisation Requirements Alternative Systems Review Area Surveillance Radar Armed Surface Reconnaissance (bewaffnete Landaufklärung) Automatic Send and Receive Automatic Speech Recognition Advanced Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile (forts. Luft/Luft-Lenkflugkörper kurzer Reichweite) Atlas Short Range Air Defense [DE, Bw] Anti-Submarine Rocket Aviation Safety Reporting System Atlas Short-Range Air Defense System Aviation Safety Reporting System Attitude Sensing Sensor/System Aviation Support Ship Avionics System Simulator (Avioniksystemsimulator) Aviation System of Systems Architecture Airborne Surveillance and Separation Assurance Processing Air Safety Support International [UK] Assistance for Single European Sky Implementation to Stakeholders Anti-Ship Supersonic Missile Anti-Surface Ship Missile Association (Verband) Application-Specific Signal Processor Airport Surface Surveillance Radar (Flugplatzflächenüberwachungsradar) Active Search Sonobuoy System Airport Surface Surveillance System Advanced SuperSonic Transport Anti-Ship Surveillance and Targeting/Tracking Avionics System Software Tornado in Ada Advanced Safe Separation Technologies and Algorithms Aerospace Simulation and Systems Test Center Anti Surface-Ship Warfare Assembly Accelerated Stress Testing Advanced SEAD Targeting Advanced Simulation Technology Advanced Supersonic Transport Advanced System Test Advanced Systems Technologies [US Co.] Airborne Surveillance Testbed Air Surveillance Terminal Air Staff Target [UK, RAF] Annual Summary Template Applied Signal Technology Atlantic Standard Time Atmospheric Surveillance Technology Automatic Scan Tracking Aviation Safety Technician Avionics Systems Trainer Advanced Software Technology and Targeting Aircrew Synthetic Training Aids [Eurofighter, JG 73] Airport Surface Traffic Automation 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ASTAC  Astamids  ASTAR  ASTE  Aster  ASTERIX  ASTF  ASTI  ASTM  Astor  ASTOVL  ASTP  ASTP  ASTRA  ASTRA  ASTRA  ASTRA  ASTRAL  ASTRID  ASTRO  ASU  ASU  ASU  ASU  ASU  ASU  ASU  ASU  ASU  ASuM  ASuW  ASuWC  ASV  ASV  ASV  ASV  ASV  ASVI  ASW  ASW  ASW  ASW  ASWAC  ASWC  ASWC  ASWOC  ASWON  ASW-SOW  ASWT  asym  A&T  A/T  AT3

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Analyseur de Signaux Tactiques [FR, ESM] Airborne Standoff Minefield Detection System [Northrop Grumman Corp.] Airborne Search Target Radar Advanced Strategic and Tactical Expendables [USAF/USN; Infrared] Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflexion radiometer All-purpose Structured Eurocontrol Surveillance Information Exchange [Standard] Airspace System Task Force Airport Surface Traffic Indicator American Society for Testing and Materials Airborne Stand-Off Radar [UK] (luftg. Bodenüberwachungs-Abstandsradar) Advanced STOVL Advanced Space Technology Program Advanced Space Transportation Program Advanced Systems Training Aircraft [UK] Advanced Stealth Technology Reconnaissance Aircraft [USAF] Air Staff Training programme Australian Strategic Air Traffic Management Group Advanced Surveillance and Targeting Radar L-band Airbonre System for Target Recognition, Identification and Designation Autonomous Space Transporter and Robotic Acoustic Simulation Unit [EW] Acquisition and Synchronization Unit Airborne Server Unit Aircraft Starting Unit Altitude Sensing Unit Application Specific Unit Approval for Service Use Automatische Störunterdrückung [DE, Radar] Avionics Switching Unit Anti-Submarine Missile Anti-Surface Warfare (Überwasserseekriegführung) Anti-Surface Warfare Commander Airborne Surface Vehicle Airline Schedule Vendor Anti-Surface Vessel Armoured Security Vehicle Armoured Suport Vehicle Avionics Serial Video Interface Air Situation Window Anti Ship Weapon Anti-Submarine Warfare (U-Bootabwehr) Application Software Airborne Surveillance, Warning and Control Anti-Submarine Warfare Commander Anti-Submarine Warfare Coordinator Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Center Automated Surface Weather Observation Network Anti-Submarine Warfare - Stand-Off Weapon Air-to-Surface Warfare Technology asymmetrisch [DE] Acquisition & Technology Autothrottle (automat. Gashebel-Steuerung) Advanced Tactical Targeting Technology

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 AT  AT  AT  AT  AT  AT  AT  AT  AT  AT  AT  AT  AT  AT  at  AT  AT  AT  AT  ATA  ATA  ATA  ATA  ATA  ATA  ATA  ATA  ATA  ATA  ata  ATA  ATAC  ATAC  ATAC, Atac  ATACC  ATACMS  ATACS  ATAF  ATAFCS  ATAG  ATAGS  ATAM, Atam  ATAMS  ATAOS  ATAP  ATAPS  ATAR  ATAR  ATAR, Atar  ATAR  ATARS, Atars  ATARS  ATAS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Acceptance Test (Abnahmetest) Advanced Targeting Advanced Technology Advanced Trainer Aircraft Team Air Traffic (Luftverkehr, Flugverkehr) Air Transit Air Transmit Air Transport (Lufttransport, Luftverkehr) All Traffic Annual Training Antenna Technology Anti-Tampering Anti-Tank (Panzerabwehr) technische Atmosphäre Attention (Achtung) Austria, Österreich Aviation Technology (Luftfahrttechnologie) Awaiting Transportation Actual Time of Arrival (tatsächliche Ankunftszeit - von Flugzeugen) Advanced Tactical/Technology Aircraft [USN] Advanced Technology Attachment Advanced Testbed for Avionics Aero Testing Alliance Airport Traffic Area (Flugplatzverkehrsbereich) Airlift Tanker Association Airport Traffic Area Air Transport Association [UK, US] Atlantic Treaty Association Atmosphäre absolute [DE] Automatic Target Acquisition Aerospace Technology Advisory Committee Air Transport Association of Canada Applied Technology Advanced Computer Advanced Tactical Air Command Center [USMC] Army’s Tactical Missile System Army Tactical Communications System Allied Tactical Air Force [NATO] Airborne Target Acquisition and Fire Control System (luftg. Zielerfassungs- und Feuerleitsystem) Air Transport Action Group Advanced Technology Anti-G Suite [USAF] Air-To-Air Mistral [FR] (Luft/Luft-Lenkflugkörper Mistral) Automated Tracking and Monitoring System Autonomous Tactical Attack and Observation System Anti-Tank, Anti-Personnel Advanced Tactical Aircraft Protection System Advanced Threat-Alert and Response Air-To-Air Recovery Automatic Air Reporting Association des Transporteurs Aériens Régionaux [FR] Advanced Tactical Air Reconnaissance System [USMC] Automatic Traffic Avoidance and Resolution System Activated Towed Array Sonar 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ATAS  ATAS, Atas  ATAS, Atas  ATAS  ATATS  ATAWS  ATB  ATB  ATB  ATB  ATB  ATBM  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATC  ATCA  ATCA  ATCA  ATCA  ATCA  ATCAA  ATCAC  ATCALS  ATCAS  ATCBI  ATCBI  ATCC  ATCC  ATCCC  ATCCIS  ATCI  ATCO  ATCO  ATCO  ATCRB  ATCRBS

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Advanced Target Acquisition Sensor Airspace and Traffic Advisory Service Air-To-Air Stinger Automatic Terrain Avoidance System Automatic Target Acquisition and Tracking System Advanced Tactical Air-Warfare System Advanced Technology Blade [Triebwerk] (Luftschraube forts. Technologie) Advanced Technology Bomber (Bomber forts. Technologie) Aerospace Technology Board Air Transport Bureau [ICAO] Avionics Test Bench Advanced Tactical Ballistic Missile Adaptive Transform Coding Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasures Advanced Technology Center [Lockheed Martin] (Zentrum für forts. Technologien) Advanced Technology Component Advanced Technology Computers Aerospace Technical Council [AIAA] Air Target Chart Air Temperature Control Air Traffic Congestion (Überlastung des Flugverkehrsraumes, Luftraumüberlastung) Air Traffic Control (Luftverkehrskontrolle, Flugsicherung) Air Training Command Air Transport Conference Air Transportable Clinic [USAF] Allied Command Transformation American Technical Ceramics [Co.] Automatic Target Classification Automatic Target Cuing Automatic Threat Assessment Automatic Threat Classification Automatic Threat Countering Advanced Tanker/Cargo Aircraft [USAF] Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture Air Traffic Conference of America Air Traffic Control Association, Inc. [US] Allied Tactical Communications Agency [NATO] Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace ATC Avisory Committee [US Congress] Air Traffic Control And Landing System Air Traffic Collision Avoidance System Air Traffic Control Beacon Indicator Air Traffic Control Beacon Interrogator Air Traffic Control Center (Luftverkehrskontrollzentrale) Air Traffic Control Clearance (Luftverkehrskontrollfreigabe) Air Traffic Control Command Center Allied Tactical Command, Control and Information System Airport ATC and Information [System] Air Taxi Commercial Operator Air Traffic Controller (Fluglotse) Air Traffic Control Officer Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System [Sekundärradar]

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 ATCS  ATCS  ATCS  ATCS  ATCS  ATCSCC  ATCSS  ATCT  ATCTS  ATCU  ATD  ATD  ATD  ATD  ATD  ATD  ATD  ATD  ATDC  ATDL  ATDL  ATDL  ATDLS  ATDM  ATDM  ATDMA  ATDP  ATDS  ATDS  ATE  ATE  ATE  ATE  ATE  ATE  ATE  ATE  ATEC  ATEC  ATEC  ATECMA  ATEDS  ATEDS  ATES  ATF  ATF  ATF  ATF  ATF  ATF  ATF  ATF  ATF 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Active Thermal Control System Advanced Tactical Communications System Air Traffic Control Service Air Traffic Control Simulator Automatic Temperature Controlled Stowage Air Traffic Control Systems Command Center Air Traffic Control Signalling System Air Traffic Control Tower Air Traffic Control Transponder System Air Traffic Control Unit Actual Time of Departure (tatsächliche Abflugszeit) Advanced Tank Technologies Advanced Technology Demonstrator [USN] Advanced Technology Development Along-Track Distance Automatic Target Detection Automatic Threat Detection Auto Throttle Disconnect Automatic Threat Detection and Classification Air Transport Data Link [USA] Army Tactical Data Link Automated Tactical Data Link Advanced Tactical Data Link System Adaptive Time Division Multiplexer Asynchronous Time-Division Multiplexing Advanced Time Division Multiple Access Advanced Technology Development Prototyping Airborne Tactical Data System [US] Automatic Threat Detection System Actual Time Enroute Aircraft Test and Evaluation Advanced Technology Engine [US] Advanced Technology Engineering Application Test Environment Automatic Test Equipment Avionics Test Engineer Avionics Test and Evaluation Active Time Error Correction Aircraft Test and Evaluation Center [UK] Army Test and Evaluation Command [US Army] Agrupación Tecnica Espanola de Contructores de Material Aerospacial Advanced Technology Electronic Defense System Advanced Technology Expendables and Dispenser System Autonomous Targeting and Engagement System Adaptive Terrain Following Advanced Tactical-aircraft Fighter [USAF] (forts. taktisches Kampfflugzeug) Advanced Targeting FLIR Airport Traffic Frequency Air Tactical Fighter Air Traffic Flow Air Training Facility Air Transport Force Allschutz-Transport-Fahrzeug [DE, Bw] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ATF  ATF  ATF  ATFCM  ATFI  ATFLIR  ATFM  ATFMC  ATFMS  ATFMU  ATG  ATG  ATG  ATG  ATGL  ATGM  ATGM  ATGW  ATH  ATH  ATH  ATH  ATH  A/THR  ATHR  ATHS  ATHS  ATI  ATI  ATI  ATI  ATI  ATI  ATI  ATI  ATI  ATIFCDS  ATIGS  ATIMS  ATIMS  ATIR  ATIRCM  ATIRJ  ATIS  ATIS  ATIS  ATISR  ATK  ATK  ATk  AT&L  ATL  ATL

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Altitude Test Facility Amphibious Task Force Aviation Turbine Fuel Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Advanced Technology Fan Integrator Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared [ASQ-228] Air Traffic Flow Management (Luftverkehrsflußregelung) Air Traffic Flow Management Communications Air Traffic Flow Management System Air Traffic Flow Management Unit Air-To-Ground Air-Traffic Generator Automatic Test Generation Aviation Technology Group [US Co.] Anti-Tank Guided Launcher Anti-Tank Guided Missile (Panzerabwehrlenkwaffe) Anti-Tank Guided Munition (Panzerabwehrlenkmunition) Anti-Tank Guided Weapon [FR, D, UK] Above The Horizon Air-Transportable Hospital Armed Transport Helicopter (bewaffneter Transporthubschrauber) Automatic Target Handoff Autonomous Terminal Homing Auto Throttle (automat. Vortriebsregelung) Auto Thrust (automat. Schubkontrolle) Airborne Target Handoff System Automatic Target Handoff System Advanced Technology Institute Airlift Technologies International [Inc., Milton, Florida, US] Air Transport Indicator Air Transport Instrument Allegheny Technologies Inc. [US] Anti-Trust Immunity Australian Tactical Interface Automated Tactical Intelligence Automatic Tracking Initiation Advanced Transport Integrated Flight Control and Display System Advanced Tactical Inertial Guidance System Airborne Tactical Information Management System Airborne Turret Infrared Measurement System Air Traffic Incident Report Advanced Threat Infrared Countermeasures Advanced Threat Infrared Jammer Air Traffic Information Service (Flugverkehrsinformationsdienst) Airport Traffic Information System (Flugplatz-Verkehrs-Informations-System) Automated Terminal Information Service (automat. Start- und Landeinformationsdienst) ATIS Recorder Alliant Techsystems Inc. [US] Aviation Turbine Kerosine Anti-Tank Acquisition Technology and Logistics ACE Threat List Advanced Tactical Laser

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 ATL  ATL  ATLANTIC  ATLAS  ATLAS  ATLAS  ATLAS  ATLC  ATLIS  ATLIS  ATM  ATM  ATM  ATM  ATM  ATM  ATM  ATM  ATM  ATM  ATM  ATM  ATM, atm  ATM  ATMAS  ATMC  ATMAC  ATM/CNS  ATMCP  ATMD  ATMOS  ATMS  ATN  ATN  ATN  ATN  ATNC  ATN-ES  ATNM  ATNP  ATO  ATO  ATO  ATO  ATO  ATO  ATO  ATO  ATO  ATO  ATO  ATO  ATO 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Advanced Technology Laboratories [Lockheed Martin] Airborne Tactical Laser (luftg. taktischer Laser) Airborne Targeting Low Altitude Navigation Thermal Imaging & Cuing Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics/All Systems Advanced Tactical Laser Advanced Technology Lightweight Artillery System Air Traffic Land and Air Study [EC] Advanced Tactical Leadership Course Airborne Tracking Laser Identification System Automatic Tracking Laser Illumination System Advanced Turret Modular Air Targeting Mode Air Tasking Message Air Traffic Management (Flugverkehrsmanagement; Flugsicherung) Air Transportation Management Air Turbine Motor Ammunition Training Missile Anti Tactical Missile Anti-Tank Mine/Missile (Panzerabwehr-Minen) Anti-Tank Missile (Panzerabwehr-LFK) Anti-Tank Munition Asynchronous Transfer Mode Atmosphere, Atmosphäre Automatic Traffic Management Air Traffic Management System (Flugverkehrs-Managementsystem) Airspace and Traffic Management Centre [Luftraumnutzungszentrale] Air Traffic Management Advisory Committee Air Traffic Management / Communications Navigation and Surveillance Air Traffic Management Concept Panel [ICAO] Advanced Threat Missile Detector Air Traffic Management Operating System Advanced Traffic Management System Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (Fernmeldenetzwerk der Luftfahrt) Air Traffic Network Air Transport Navigation (Lufttransportnavigation) Air Transport Network ATN and Communication Architecture ATN End-System Aeronautical Telecommunications Network Management Aeronautical Telecommunications Network Panel Abandoned Take-Off Abort-To-Orbit Actual Time Over (aktuelle Überflugzeit) Afghanistan Theatre of Operations Airborne Traffic Observation Air Tasking Order [NATO] Air Traffic Order Air Traffic Operations (Flugverkehrs-Operationen) Air Traffic Organization [FAA] (Flugverkehrs-Organisation) Assisted Take-Off (Starthilfe) Authority To Operate Authorization To Offer Aviation Testing Officer 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ATO  ATOC  ATOC  ATOC  ATOC  ATOL  ATOL  ATOMS  ATOP  ATOS  ATOS  ATOS  ATOT  ATP  ATP  ATP  ATP  ATP  ATP  ATP  ATP  ATP  ATP  ATP  ATP  ATP  ATP  ATP  ATP  ATPCS  ATPL  ATQP  ATR  ATR  ATR  ATR  ATR  ATR  ATR  ATR  ATR  ATR  ATR  ATR  ATR  ATR  ATR  ATR  ATR-42  ATR-72  TARA  ATRB  ATRC

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Aviation Training Organisation Acceptance Test Operational Capabilities Air Tactical Operations Center Air Terminal Operations Center Allied Tactical Operations Center [NATO] (Allierter Führungsgefechtsstand) Assisted Take-Off and Landing Automatic Take-Off and Landing Air Traffic Operations Management System Advanced Technology and Oceanic Procedures Advanced Technology Operational System Air Transportation Oversight System Anti-Threat Optronic Screening [FR] Actual Take-Off Time Actual Track Pointer Acceptance Test Procedure (Abnahmetestprozedur) Advanced Tactical Planner Advanced Targeting Pod Advanced Technology Program [US, NIST] Advanced Thermal Processing Advanced Turpo-Prop [BAe] Aiming, Tracking, and Pointing Airborne Targeting Pod Aircraft Technology Program Airline Transport Pilot certification [Transportlizenz für Piloten] Air-Turbine Pump Allied Tactical Publication [NATO] Allied Technical Publication [NATO] Attack Plot Authorization To Proceed Automatic Take-off Power Control System Airline Transport Pilot Licence (Flugverkehrspilotenlizenz) Alternative Training and Qualification Program Acceptance Test Review Advanced Tactical Radar (forts., taktisches Radar) Advanced Threat Resolution Air Traffic Requirements Air Transportable Racking [ARINC-definierte Bordgerätedimensionen-Norm] Air Transport Radio Air Transport Rating Air Transport Tracking Air Turbo Rocket Analog Tape Recorder Antenna Test Range (Antennenmeßplatz) Antitransmit/Receive Atlantic Test Range Automatic/Autonomous Target Recognition Automatic Time Recording Avions de Transport Regionale [FR/Italien] Flugzeugtyp von Avions de Transport Regionale Flugzeugtyp von Avions de Transport Regionale Advanced Technology Research Aircraft Advanced Technology Review Board Air Traffic/Transport Regulation Center [USAF]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 ATRC  ATRD  ATRJ  ATRR  ATRS  ATRU  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATS  ATSAW  ATSB  ATSC  ATSC  ATSD  ATSEP  ATSM  ATSN  ATSP  ATSS  ATSSD  ATSU  ATT  ATT  ATT  ATT  AT&T  ATTAS  ATTC  ATTC  ATTCS  ATTD  Atten  ATTN, attn  ATT REF  ATTT, AT3  ATTWR  ATWC  ATU 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Automatic Target Recognition and Classification Active Towed Radar Decoy Advanced Threat Radar Jamming Acceptance Test Readiness Review Advanced Tactical Reconnaissance System Automatic Target Recognition Unit Acoustic Tracking System Advanced Tactical Surveillance Advanced Tracking System Aeronautical Telecommunication Service (Luftfahrtfernmeldedienste) Agile Target System Agile Threat System Aircrew Training System Air Traffic Services (Flugverkehrsdienste) Air Training System Air Transportation System (Lufttransportsystem) Air Turbine Starter (Luftturbinenstarter) Applications Technology Satellite Assets Tracking System Automated Tasking System Automated Test System Automatic Throttle System (automat. Gashebelsystem) Aviation Training Ship [RN] Avionics Test Studio Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness Australian Transport Safety Board Advanced Television System Committee Air Traffic Service Communications Air Traffic Situation Display Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personell Air Traffic Services Message processor Air Traffic Services Network Air Traffic Service Provider Army Target Sensing System ATS Standards Department Air Traffic Services Unit Advanced Theater Transport [USAF] Anti-Torpedo Torpedo Attitude indicator (Fluglage, Längsneigungsanzeiger) Avalanche-Transit-Time American Telephone and Telegraph [US, Inc.] Advanced Technologies Testing Aircraft System Automatic Takeoff Thrust Control Aviation Technical Test Center [USA] Army Tactical Command and Control System Advanced Technology Transition Demonstration Attenuation, attenuator (Dämpfung, Abschwächung, Dämpfungsglied) Attention (Achtung) Attitude Reference (Fluglagereferenz) Advanced Tactical Targeting Technology Advanced Tactical Threat Warning Radio Atmospheric Tactical Warning Connectivity Antenna Tuning Unit 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ATU  ATV  ATV . ATV  ATV  ATV  ATV  ATV  ATVC  ATV-CC  ATWS  ATWS  ATZ  ATZ  AU  AU  AU  AU  AU, au  AU  AU  AUF  Aufkl  AufklArt  AufklFlg  AufklFlz  AufklG  AufklKr  AufklStff  AufklSys  AufklZentr  Aufstg  AUG  Aug  AUGV  AUI  AUI  AUM  AuM  AUO  AUP  AUP  AUR  AURA  AURA  AURORA  AUS  AUS  AUS  AUSA  Ausb  Auswt  AusbZ

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Audio Terminal Unit Advanced Television Advanced Tethered Vehicle Advanced Transfer Vehicle All-Terrain Vehicle Atmospheric Test Vehicle Automated Transfer Vehicle [Multifunktionstransporter in der Raumfahrt/ISS] Automatic Threshold Variation Ascent Thrust Vector Control Automated Transfer Vehicle Control Centre Active Tail-Warning System Advanced Threat Warning System Aerodrome Traffic Zone (Flugplatzverkehrszone) Ausbildungs- und Trainingszentrum [Eurofighter, DE] Accounting Units Acousto-Ultrasonics Air University [Maxwell AFB] Arbitrary Unit Astronomical Unit [Entfernung von der Erde zur Sonne] Utility Aircraft Australia Airborne Use of Force Aufklärung [AT, CH, DE/Bw] (Electronic Intelligence) Aufklärende Artillerie [DE, Bw] Aufklärungsflieger [DE, Bw] Aufklärungsflugzeug [DE, Bw] Aufklärungsgeschwader [DE, Bw/Lw] (Reconnaissance Wing) Aufklärungskräfte [DE, Bw] Aufklärungsstaffel [DE, Bw] Aufklärungssystem [DE, Bw] Aufklärungszentrale [DE, Bw] Aufstellung [DE, Bw] Application User Group August Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicle Anthropomorphic User Interface Attachment Unit Interface Air-to-Underwater Missile Alarmwesen und Mobilmachung [DE, Bw] Airspace User Operations Airspace Use Plan (Luftraum-Nutzungs-Plan) Avionics Update Programme [F-4F Phantom] All Up Round Advanced UHF Radar Autonomous Unmanned Reconnaissance Aircraft Automatic Recovery Of Remotely-piloted Aircraft Army of the United States Autonomous Unmanned System Australia Association of the United States Army Ausbildung [DE, Bw] Auswertung [DE] Ausbildungszentrum [DE, Bw]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 Ausf  Ausftg  Ausg  Ausr  Aussnd  Ausstg  AusVbd  AUT  AUT  AUTH  Autho  AUTO, auto  AUTOCAD  AUTODIN  AutoFüFmNLw  AutoID  AUTOKO  Autoland  automat.  AutoNav  AutoSEC  AUTOVON  AUV  AUV  AUVSI  AUW  AUX, aux  AUXCP  AV  AV  AV  AV  AV  AV  AV  Av  Av  AV-8B  AVA  AVA  AVAD  Avail  AvArm  AVAS  AVAS  AVASI  AVAWOS  AVBATS  Avbl  AVC  AVC  AVC  AVCO 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Ausführung [DE] Ausfertigung [DE] Ausgabe [DE] Ausrüstung [DE] Aussonderung [DE, Bw] Ausstattung [DE, Bw] Ausbildungsverbund [DE, Bw] Antenna Under Test Austria Authorised, authorization (genehmigt, Genehmigung Authorized Automatic (automatisch, automatisiertes) Automatic Computer Aided Design Automatic Digital Information Network [US DoD] Automat. Führungs- und Fernmeldenetz der Luftwaffe [Bw] Automated Identification Automat. Korps-Fernmeldenetz [DE, Bw] (automated communications network) Autonomous Landing automatisches, automatischer, automatische [DE] Auto-Navigation Automation Security Automatic Voice Network [US DoD] Aufschlagszünder ohne Verzögerung [DE, Bw] Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (autonome Unterwasser Drohnen) Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International All-Up Weight (Gesamtabflugmasse) Auxiliary (Hilfs-) Auxiliary Command Post Air Vehicle Antivirus [Computer Security] Armored Vehicle Audio (Ton) Video (Bild) Attack Vertical Authorized Version Auxiliary Vector Available Avionics Harrier II: Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Erdkämpfer] von The Boeing Co. Abkommen zur Verhüttung eines Atomkrieges [DE, Bw] Adaptation, Validation and Analysis Automatic Voice Alert Device Available Avionics and Armament (Avionik und Bewaffnung) Aided Visual Attack System Air Vehicle Avionics Suite Abbreviated Visual Approach Slope Indicator Aviation Automated Weather Observation System Aviation Battery Standardization Available (verfügbar) Advanced Vidicon Camera Audio Visual Connection Automatic Volume Control Active Voltage Controlled Oscillator 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 AVCS  AVCR  AVD  AVD  AVD  AVDS  AVE  AVEN  AVG  Avg  AVGAS  AVHRR  AVI  AVI  AVI  AVIC  AVIN  Avionics  Avionik  AVL  AVL  AVLAN  AVLC  AVLF  AVLS  AVM  AVM  AVM  AVMUX  AVN, avn  Avncs, avncs  AVOL  AVP  AVP  AVPAC  AVR  AVR  AVR  AVR  AVR  AVRADA  AVRS  AVS  AVS  AVS  AVS  AVS  AVS  AVS  AVS  AVS  AVS  AVS

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Attitude and Velocity Control System Airborne Video-Cassette Recorder Advanced Vehicle Detection Alternate Voice Data Atmospheric Vehicle Detection Aviation Depot Squadron Aerospace Vehicle Equipment Axi-symmetric Vectoring Exhaust Nozzle [GE] Approach with Vertical Guidance Average (Durchschnitt) Aviation Gasoline Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer Advanced Vehicle Identification Air-Vehicle Integration Audio Video Interleaved Aviation Industries Corporation [VR China] Antivirus Information exchange Network Aviation Electronics Aviatik Elektronik [DE] Assign Variable Location Automatic Vehicle Location Avionics LAN Aviation VHF Link Control Airborne Very Low Frequency Automatic Vehicle Location System Airborne Vibration Monitor Airframe Vibration Monitor Avionics Monitor Audio Video Multiplexer Avionics, Aviation Avionics Aerodrome Visibility Operational Level Avionics Panel (Avionik-Instrumenten-Brett) Avionics Processor Aviation Packet Communication Acquisition Validation Report Active Vibration Reduction Automatic Voice Recognition Automatische Verstärkerregelung (Automatic Gain Control, kurz AGC) [DE] Codierte Bez. von luftg. optischen Empfängersystemen [USAF] Avionics Research And Development Activity Airborne Video Recording System Access Validation System Advanced Vehicle System Advanced Vision System Air Vehicle Specification Angular Velocity Sensor Armoured Vehicle System [Thales] Augmented Visionics System Avionics System Avionics Ventilation System Avionics Visual System Codierte Bez. von luftg. Elektro-Optischen Sensoren [USAF]

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 AvSCOM  AvSEC  AvSP  AVT  AVT  AVT  AVTR  AVTUR  AVUM  AVVI  AV/VI  AVW  AW  AW  AW

Aviation Systems Command [USA] Aviation Security Aviation Safety Program Analog Voice Terminal ADS-B Validation Testbed Automatic Video Tracker Airborne Video Tape Recorder Aviation Turbine Fuel [Kerosine] Aviation Unit Maintenance Altitude and Vertical-Velocity Indicator Audiovisual/Visual Information Ausschuss Verteitigungswirtschaft [BDI, DE] Acoustic Warfare Aerial Width Aerial Work

 AW  AW101  AW129  AW139  AW149

AgustaWestland Ltd. [IT/UK, Co.]

 AW  AW  AW  AW  AW  AW  AW  AW  AW  AWA  AWACS  AWARE  AWAS  AWB  AWB  AWB  AWC  AWC  AWC  AWC  AWC  AWCCM  AWCLS  AWCM  AWD  AWDL  AWDS  AWE  AWE  AWG  AWG  AWG

Airlift Wing [USAF] Air Warning Airway [auch: A/W, AWY] Airworthiness (Lufttüchtigkeit) Air Warfare All-Weather Atomic Warhead [now Nuclear Warhead] Atomic Weapons [now Nuclear Weapons] Automatic Weapon [Gun] Admiral Weiterbildung und Ausrüstung Airborne Warning And Control System [USAF, NATO] (luftg. Warn- und Leitsystem) Advanced Warning of Active Radar Emissions Automated Weather Advisory Station Above-Water Battlespace Air Worthiness Bulletin Atomwirkungsberater [DE, Bw] Air War College Air Warfare Centre [RAF Waddington] Air Warfare Commander Army War College Aviation Weather Center [US NWS] Acoustic Warfare Counter-Countermeasures All-Weather Carrier Landing System Acoustic Warfare Countermeasures Air Warfare Destroyer Advanced Weapon Data Link Automated Weather Distribution System Advanced Warfighting Experiment Atomic Weapons Establishment [UK] Airborne Weapons Guidance (Bordwaffen-Leitanlage) American Wire Gauge [Standard] Arbitrary Waveform Generator (Generator beliebiger Wellenformen)


Transporthubschraubertyp von AgustaWestland Mehrzweckkampfhubschraubertyp von AgustaWestland Mehrzwecktransporthubschraubertyp von AgustaWestland Mehrzwecktransporthubschraubertyp von AgustaWestland 

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 AWG  AWG  AWG  AWG  AWGN  AWHQ  AWI  AWI  AWI  AWI  AWIB  AWIL  AWIM  AWIN  AWIN  AWIPS  AWIS  AWL  AWLS  AWLU  AWM  AWM  AWN  AWO  AWOG  AWOP  AWOS  AWP  AWP  AWP  AWP  AWPG  AWPG  AWR  AWR  AWRS  AWS  AWS  AWS  AWS  AWS  AWS  AWS  AWSAS  AWSIM  AWSO  AWSP  AWSS  AW&ST  AWT  AWT  AWT  AWTI

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Architecture Working Group Array Waveguide Grading Astronomy Working Group Auswertegerät [DE] Additive White Gaussian Noise Alternative War Headquarters [NATO] Aircraft Weight Indicator Airframe/Weapons Integration All-Weather Intercept Approved Work Item Aerodrome Weather Information Broadcast AgustaWestland International [Co.] Airport Weather Information Manager Advanced Weather Information System (forts. Wetterlage-Informationssystem) Aviation Weather Information Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System Airport Weather Information Service (Flughafen-Wetter-Informations-Dienst) Above Water Level All-Weather Landing System Aircraft Wireless LAN Unit Aircraft Wiring Manual Audio Warning Mixer Automated Weather Network (automatisiertes Wetternetzwerk) All-Weather Operations (Allwetterflugbetrieb) All-Weather Operations Group All-Weather Operations Panel [ICAO-Arbeitsgruppe für den Allwetterlandebetrieb] Automated Weather Observation System (automat. Wetterbeobachtungssystem) Alternative Warhead Program [USA] Arrival Way Point Aviation Weather Processor (Luftfahrt-Wetter-Prozessor) Awaiting Parts All Weather Planning Group Aviation Weather Products Generator Airborne Weather Radar (luftg. Wetterradar) Applied Wave Research [US Co.] Airborne Weather Reconnaissance System Advanced Warning System (weiterentwickeltes Warnsystem) Advanced Wideband System (weiterentwickeltes Breitbandsystem) Aegis Weapons System Aircraft Weapon System Air Weather Station (Luft-Wetter-Station) Air Weather Services [USAF] Automatic Weather Station All-Weather Standoff Attack System Air Warfare Simulation (Luftkriegsimulation) Aviation Warfare Systems Operator Acoustic Warfare Support Measures Automated Weather Sensor System Aviation Week & Space Technology [Magazine, US] Airborne Wideband Terminal Amt für Wehrtechnik [AT] Atmospheric Wind Tunnel Air Weapons Training Installation (Luftwaffen-Trainingseinrichtung)

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 AWTT  AWU  AWWS  AWX  AWY, awy  AXAF  AXT  AZ  Az  AZ  AZ  AZ, az, azm  AZBw  AZF  AZM  AZON  AZRN  AZU


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Aviation Weather Technology Transfer Ausbildungsanlage Waffensystem U-Boot 206A [DE, Bw/Marine] Adverse Weather Weapon System (Schlecht-Wetter-Waffensystem) All Weather Interceptor Airway [ICAO, FAA] (Luftstraße) Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility Training Ship Aerodrome Zone Aktenzeichen [DE] Angriffsziel [AT] Aufschlagzünder [DE, Bw] Azimuth (Azimut) Alarmzentrum der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Allgemeingültiges Sprechfunkzeugnis für den Flugfunkdienst [DE] Azimuth Azimuth Only Azimuth Range Ausbildungszentrum U-Boote [DE, Bw/Marine]

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

B   B  B  B  B  B  B  B

Chem. Symbol für das Element Bor [Brennstoff bei Feststoff-FK-Triebwerken] Formelzeichen für die magnetische Flussdichte Tesla (magnetic flux density) Kurzzeichen für Bravo [Alphabet von ICAO] Kurzzeichen für: Frequenzbandbreite, Empfängerbandbreite Kurzzeichen für Beacon (Bake, Bodenfunkfeuer) Kurzzeichen für Bearing (Peilung) Kurzzeichen für The Boeing Co.

 B  B-1B  B-2A  B-52H  B707  B717  B727  B737  B737 AEW&C  B747  B757  B767  B777  B787

Kurzzeichen für Bomber der USAF sowie für Boeing

 B/A  b.a.  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BA  BAA  BAA

Bank Angle (Querneigungswinkel) Buffer Amplifier Barometric Altitude Base Aérienne [FR] (Luftstützpunkt) Basic Assembly Battlefield Awareness Beschaffungsanweisung [DE, Bw] Betriebsanweisung [DE] Betriebsstoffe und Ausstattung [DE, Abteilung des BWB] Biconical Antennas [auch: BicAnt] Blade Angle Bleed Air (Zapfluft) Braking Action (Bremsbetätigung, Bremswirkung) Breathing Apparatus British Airways Broadband Antennas (Breitbandantennen) Budget Activity Budget Authority Bundesamt [CH] Bus Adapter Bus Architecture Business Administration Business Aviation British Airports Authorities [Flughafenbetreiber BAA plc] Broad Agency Announcement

Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Bomber] von Boeing Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Stealth-Bomber] von Northrop Grumman Stratofortress: Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Bomber] von Boeing Flugzeugtyp von Boeing Flugzeugtyp von Boeing Flugzeugtyp von Boeing Flugzeugtyp von Boeing Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [EloAufkl] von Boeing Flugzeugtyp von Boeing Flugzeugtyp von Boeing Flugzeugtyp von Boeing Flugzeugtyp von Boeing Flugzeugtyp von Boeing 

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 BAA  BAA  BAA  BAA  BAAC  BAAS  BABS  BABT  BAC  BAC  BAC  BAC  BAC  BAC  BAC  BACC  BACN  BACS  BADA  BADD  BA&E  BAE  BAe  BAEE  BAES  BAF  BAF  BAF  BAF  BAFA  BAFO  Bag  BAG  BAI  BAI  BAI  BAkWVT  BAKS  Bal  BAL  BAL  BALPA  BALT NET  BALT SEL  Balun  BAM  BAM  BAM  BAM  BAM  BA-MA  BAMBI  BAMS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Beobachtungs- und Aufklärungs-Ausstattung [DE, Bw] British Airports Authority [UK] Broad Agency Announcement [DARPA] Broad Area Announcement Brirish Association of Aviation Consultants [UK] Broad-Area Aerial Surveillance (luftg. Weitbereichsüberwachung) Beam/Blind Approach Beacon System (Bakensystem für die Blindlandung) British Approvals Board for Telecommunications Belgian Air Component Boeing-Aerospace Company [US] British Aircraft Corporation [Vorläufer von BAe] Boeing-Aerospace Company [US] Budget Activity Code Budget At Completion Broad Area Coverage Beijing Aerospace Contron Centre Battlefield Airborne Communications Node Bleed-Air Control System Base of Aircraft Data Battlefield Awareness and Data Dissemination Boeing-Aerospace and Electronics Battlefield Area Evaluation Britisch Aerospace [Vorläufer von BAE Systems] British Army Equipment Exihibition BAE Systems [Luftfahrt- und Rüstungskonzern] Belgian Air Force (Belgische Luftstreitkräfte) Bolivian Air Force (Bolovianische Luftstreitkräfte) Brazilian Air Force (Brasilianische Luftstreitkräfte) Bundesaufsichtsamt für Flugsicherung [DE, Langen] Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle [DE, Eschborn] Best And Final Offer Baggage (Gepäck) Bandwidth Allocation Gap Battle Area Interdiction (Gefechtsfeldabriegelung) Battlefield Air Interdiction (Gefechtsfeldabriegelung) Battlefield Artificial Intelligence Bundesakademie für Wehrverwaltung und Wehrtechnik [DE] Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik [DE] Balance (Gleichgewicht) Basic Assembly Language Bombe à guidage Laser [FR] British Air-Line-Pilots Association Baltic Network [Baltic States Air Surveillance] Barometric Altitude Select Balanced-Unbalanced [Transformer] (symmetrische-asymmetrische) Ballistic Advanced Missile Base Assessment Memorandum Bird Activity Modulation Broad Area Maritime Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung [DE, Berlin] Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv [DE] Ballistic Missile Boost Intercept Broad Area Maritime Surveillance [USN] (seegestützte Weitbereichsüberwachung) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 BAMS UAS  BAN  BAN  BANC  BANS  BAO  BAO  BAP  BAP  BAPC  BAPT  bar  BARB  BARCAP  BARCS  Barig  Baro  Barracuda  BART  BARTCC  BAS  BAS  BAS  BAS  BASA  BaSE  BASE  BASI  Basic  Basic  BASIS  BASOP  BASS  BASYS  Bat.  Bat  BAT  BAT  BAT  BATA  BATES  Batman  BATMAV  BATS  BATS  BAU  BAV  BAVA  BAW  BAWS  BAWS  BAWV  BAZ

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BAMS Unmanned Air System Base Area Network Battlespace Area Network Baltic Air Navigation Cooperation BRITE Alphanumeric System Basic Attack Option Betriebsordnung [DE] Bank Angle Protection Bombe Anti-Piste (Anti-Pisten-Bombe) British Aircraft Preservation Council Bundesamt für Post and Telekommunikation [DE] Barometric [veraltete Luftdruckmesseinheit] Beacon-Aided Radar Bombing Barrier Combat Air Patrol Battlefield Area Reconnaissance System Board of Airline Representatves In Germany Barometric [barometrischer Luftdruckmesser] European UCAV Bus Analyzer and Recording Tool Berlin Air Route Traffic Control Centre Bleed-Air System Boeing Advanced Systems Broad Area Search Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik [DE] Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreements Battlespace Synthetic Environment Buildings, Antennas, Spans and Earth Bureau of Air Safety Investigation [Australische Flugunfall-Untersuchungs-Behörde] Battle Area Surveillance & Integrated Communications Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code [dialogorientierte Programmiersprache] British Airways Safety Information System Military Base Operations Battlefield Surveillance System Basic System Bataillon [DE] Battery [auch: Batt] Bench Acceptance Test Best Available Technology Beweglicher Arzttrupp [DE, Bw] British Air Transport Association [Lufttransportverband von UK] Battlefield Artillery Target Engagement System Battle Manager Battlefield Air Tactical Micro Aerial Vehicle [USAF] Ballistic Aerial Target System Bathymetric And Topographic Survey Bus Adapter Unit Ballistic Accuracy Verification Balanced Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna Bulk Acoustic Wave Basic Acoustic Warfare System Biological Aerosol Warning System Bundesamt für Wehrverwaltung [DE] Back Azimuth

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 BAZ  BAZL  BB  BB  BB  BB  BB  BB  BB  BBA  BBC  BBC  BBC  BBI  BBK  BBK  BBL  BB-LFK  BBML  BBO  BBR  BBR  BBU  BC, B/C  BC  BC  BC  BC  BC  BC  BC  BC  BC  B/C-A  BCA  BCA  BCA  BCA  BCA  BCA  BCA  BCA  BCAA  BCAG  BCAR  BCAS  BCAS  BCC  BCC  BCC  BCC  BCC  BCCU 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Bundesamt für Zivilluftfahrt [AU] Bundesamt für Zivilluftfahrt [CH] Back Bearing Base Band [Basisband, Halbleiter] Battleship [USN] Betonbrechend [DE] Boden/Boden [CH, DE] Broadband Brass Board Broadband Antenna British Broadcasting Corporation Broadband Chaff (breitbandige Düppel) Broadband Conducted Berlin Brandenburg International [DE, Flughafen] Breitbandkommunikation [DE, Telekommunikation] Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe [DE] Barrel Boden/Boden-Lenkflugkörper [DE, Bw] Broad-Band Multi-Link Booster Burnout Broadband Radiated Broadband Radiometer Battery Back-up Unit Back Course (Rückseitiger Kurs - ILS) Basic Component Basic Cover/Coverage Battle Command Battle Cruiser Binary Code Bit Conditioner Bomber Command [UK, RAF] Bottom Current Bus Controller Benefit/Cost-Analysis Baro-Corrected Altitude Belgian co*ckpit Association Best Cruise Altitude Boarder Crossing Authority Boeing Commercial Airplanes British Cargo Alliance Broadcast Control Authority Buoyant Cable Antenna British Cargo Airline Alliance Boeing Commercial Airplane Group British Civil Airworthiness Requirement [UK] Beacon-based Collision Avoidance System Business and Commuter Aviation Systems Base Communications Center Battery Control Centre Battlespace Command and Control Block Check Charakter British Chambers of Commerce [UK] Battery Controller Charge Unit 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 BCD, bcd  BCD  BCD  BCE  BCE  BCE  BCE  BCI  BCI  BCI  BCI  BC3I  BCIS  BCIT  BCIU  BCM  BCM  BCN, bcn  BCO  BCP  BCP  BCP  BCPL  BCPR  BCR  BCR  B/CR  BCRS  BCS  BCS  BCS  BCS  BCS  BCS  BCSE  BCSG  BCST, bcst  BCT  BCU  BCU  BCU  BCV  B&D, B/D  BD  Bd  BD  BD  BD  BD  BD  BD  BDA  BDA

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Binary Coded Decimal Bistable Cholesteric Displays Bulk Chaff Dispenser [Volumen] Baseline Cost Estimate Battlefield Control Element Broadcast Ephemeris [SatNav] Bus Control Element Bit-Count Integrity Brain Computer Interface Broadcast Interference Bulk Current Injection Battlefield Command, Control and Communications Intelligence Battlefield Combat Identification System Bulk Current Injection Test Bus Control and Interface Unit Background Clutter Matching Best Cruise Machnumber Beacon (Bake, Bodenfeuer, Funkfeuer, Leuchtfeuer) Binary Coded Octal Battery Coordination Post (Objektschutzsystem) Built-in-test Control Panel Byte Control Protocol (Byte-Prüfprotokoll) Basic Commercial Pilot’s Licence Broad Coverage Photo-Reconnaissance [USAF] Baseline Change Request Bombing, Combat and Reconnaissance Benefit/Cost Ratio Back Course Baseline Comparison System Battle Control System Block Check Sequence British Computer Society Broadcast Control Station Buoy Communication System Battle Command, Simulation and Experimentation Bus Computer Symbol Generator Broadcast (Rundfunk, Rundausstrahlung) BITE and Configuration Terminal Base Command Unit Bird Control Unit Bus Control Unit [B747-400] Battlefield Command Vehicle Bearing and Distance Battlefield Distribution Baud [Datenübertragungsgeschwindigkeit] Bedarfsdecker [DE] Binary Decoder Blitz-Ductor [DE, Überspannungsschutzelement] Blitzschutz-Diode [DE] Bomb Disposal Bypass Data Backup Drive Amplifier Battle Damage Assessment

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 BDA  BDA  BDA  BDA  BDC  BDCS  Bdcst  Bde  BDF  BDHI  BDI  BDI  BDI  BDI  BDL  BDLI BDM  BDR  BDRY  BDS  BDS  BDSV  BDU  BDU  BE  Be  BEA  BEAB  BEAM  BEC  BeCA  Becmg  Be/Cu  BEDBw  BedDk  BEDO  BedTrg  BEE  BEE  BEES  BEF  Bef  Befh  BEI  BEL  Bel  BEL  BEMT  BENELUX  BeO  Beob  BeobPzArtBtl 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Bikonische Dipolantennen [DE] Bomb Damage Assessment Bonn Defence Almanac Burst Detector Analyzer [NDS] Baseline Data Collection Battle Damage Control System Broadcast Brigade Bundesverband der Deutschen Fluggesellschaften [DE] Bearing, Distance and Heading Indicator (Richtungs-, Entfernungs- und Kurs-Anzeiger) Battle Damage Indication Bearing Deviation Indicator Bearing and Distance Indicator Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie [DE] Below Detectable Level Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft-, Raumfahrt- und Ausrüstungsindustrie [DE, Berlin] (German Aerospace Industries Association) Block Data Message Battle Damage Repair Boundary (Grenze, Rand) Battlefield Data System Battlefield Distribution System Bundesverband der Detschen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsindustrie [DE] Battle Dressed Uniform (Kampfanzug) Bomb Dummy Unit Belgium, Belgien Beryllium [chem. Symbol] Bureau d’Enquêtes Accidents [franz. Unfalluntersuchungsbehörde] Brirish Electrotechnical Approval Board Bandwidth-Efficient Advance Modulation Boron-Epoxy Composite Belgian co*ckpit Association Becoming Beryllium/Coper Bedarfs-Ermittlung und -Deckung in der Bundeswehr [DE] Bedarfsdecker [DE, BWB] Burst Extented Data Out Bedarfsträger [DE, BWB] Best Engineering Estimate Bureau Européen de l’Environnement [FR] Basic Electronic Environment Simulator Band-Elimination Filter Befehl [DE, Bw] Befehlshaber [DE, Bw] Background Environment Information Belgium, Belgien Below Bundeseigenes Lager [DE] Basic Electronic Maintenance Training Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg Beryllium Oxide [chem. Verbindung] Beobachtung [DE, Bw] Beobachtungspanzer-Artilleriebataillon [DE, Bw]

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 BEP  BEP  BEQ  Ber  BER  BER  BER  BER  BerLwA  BERP . BERR  BERT  BERT  BesAn  BesAnFb  BesAnMilFs  Bespr  BET  BETA  BetSchla  BEW  BEWT  BEX  Bez.  BezGrp  BezV  BF  BF  BF  BF  BF  BF  BF  BF  BF  BF  BF  BF  BF  BFA  BFA  BF-Band  BFC  BFCS  BFCU  BFD  BFDAS  BFDK  BFE  BFE  BFEM  Bfg  Bfh

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Back-End-Processor Basic Emergency Plan Best Estimated Quantity Bereich [DE] Beyond Economic Repair Bit Error Rate (Bitfehlerrate) Bit Error Ratio Burst Excess Rate Bereich Luftwaffenamt [DE, Bw] British Experimental Rotor Programme [UK] Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform [UK Department for] Bit Error Rate Tester Bit Error Ratio Tester Besondere Anweisung [DE] Besondere Anweisung für den Flugbetrieb [DE] Besondere Anweisung für die Militärische Flugsicherung [DE] Besprechung [DE, Bw] Baseline Evaluation Test Battlefield Exploitation and Target Acquisition Betankungsschlauch [DE] Bare Engine Weihgt Battle-force Electronic Warfare Trainer Broadband Exchange Bezeichnung [DE] Bezirksgruppe [DE, Bw] Bezirksvorstand [DE, Bw] Back-Face Back-Feed Bandpass Filter [DE] Base Flight [USN] Battle Force Beam Forming Below Freezing Bildfrequenz [DE] Blade Fold Block Fuel [Gesamtmenge des getankten Treibstoffs] Bomber/Fighter Bordfunker [DE, Bw] Bypass Filter Balloon Federation of America Beam Forming Antennas (Keulenformende Antennen) Basisfrequenzband [DE] Backup Flight Controller Backup Flight Controll System Barometric Fuel Control Unit Beförderungsdienst [DE, Bw] Basic Flight Data Acquisition System Before Dark Basic Flight Envelop Buyer-Furnished Equipment Battle Force Email [NATO] Briefing Befehlshaber [DE, Bw]

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 BFI  BFK  BFL  BfL  BFM  BFN  BFO  BFO  BFoV  BFOV  BFR  Bfr  BFS  BFS  BFT  BFTS  BFTS  BFTT  BFU  BfV  BG  BG  BG  BG  BG  BG  BG  BG  BGA  BGAN  BGBl  Bgd  BG-Inst  BGIO  BGIS  BGIT  BGIT  BGL  BGL  BglZg  BGM  BGM-109  BGP  BGR  BGR  BGS  BGS  BGT  BGV  BSW  BGW 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Battlefield Interdiction Ballistischer Flugkörper [DE] Balanced Field Length Beauftragter für Luftaufsicht Basic Fighter Maneuvers (Grund-Luftkampfmanöver) [DE, NATO] Beam-Forming Network (antennendiagrammformendes Netzwerk) Beat Frequency Oscillator [eine andere Bez. für Lokaloszillatoren bei Mischern] Battlefield Obscuration (Gefechtsfeldverdunkelung, -maskierung) Binocular Field of View Broad Field Of View Bienneal Flight Review Before Back-up Flight control System Bundesanstalt Für Flugsicherung [DE] Blue Force Tracking Basic Flying Training School Bomber/Fighter Training System [USAF] Battle Force Tactical Trainer Bundesstelle für Flugunfalluntersuchung [DE, Braunschweig] (Flight Accident Investigation Federal Office) Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz [DE] Back Gear Background Battle Group Bomb Glider Brigadier General, Brigadegeneral Bus Grant (Bestätigung) Bomb Group [USAF] Bulgaria, Bulgarien Ball Grid Array Broadcast Global Area Network (breitbandiges, globales Netzwerk) Bundesgesetzblatt [DE] (Federal Law Publication) Background (Hintergrund) Baugruppeninstantsetzung [DE, Bw] Bundeswehr Geoinformation Office Bundeswehr Geoinformation Service Battle Group Integration Testing Battle Group Interoperability Testing Blue-Green Laser Bombe a Guidage Laser [FR] (Lasergelenkte Bombe) Begleitzug [DE, Bw] Ballistic Guided Missile Submarine/Ship Launched Land Attack Cruise Missile [U-Boot/Schiff startender Flugkörper gegen Landziele bis 2.500 km] Border Gateway Protocol Bulgaria, Bulgarien Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe [DE, Hannover] Below Ground Surface Bundesgrenzschutz [DE] Bodenseewerk GeräteTechnik [DE, GmbH] Boost Glide Vehicle Basic Gross Weight Battlefield Guided Weapon

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 BH  BHA  BHA  BHAB  BHO  bhp  BHS  BI  BI  BI  BI  BI  Bi  BIA  BIAS  BIC  BIC  BicAnt  BICES  BiCMOS  BID  BiDi  BIDS  BIF  BiFET  BIFF  BIFU  BiG  BIGFET  BIGSTAF  BIH  BiLog  BiLogAnt  BILL  BIM  BIM  BiMOS  Bin  BINDT  BIO  BIOS  BIP  BIP  BIPM  BIPS  BIR  BIRD  Bi-SC  BIS  BIS  BIS  BIS

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Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazilian Helicopter Association Broadband Horn Antennas (Breitbandige Hornantennen) British Helicopter Advisory Board Bundeshaushaltsordnung [DE] brake horsepower Baggage-Handling System Background Investigation Bank Indicator (Querneigungsanzeiger) Basic Instruction (Grundeinweisung) Battlefield Injury Burn-In (einbrennen) Chem. Symbol für das Element Wismut [Latin: Bismutum] Bomb Impact Assessment (Abschätzung des Bombenaufschlagpunktes) Battlefield Illumination Airborne System (luftg. Gefechtsfeldbeleuchtungssystem) Backplane Interface Controller Battlefield Information Center Bikonische Antennen [DE] (Biconnical Antennas) Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation System Bipolar CMOS Bus Interface Device Bidirectional Biological Integrated Detection System Basic Imagery File Bipolar Field Effect Transistor Battlefield IFF Bus Interface Unit Bilingual Groundstation Bipolar Insulated Gate FET Breitbandiges, Integriertes Gefechtsstand-Fernmeldenetz [DE, Bw/Heer] (Broadband integrated command post communications network) Bosnia and Hezegovina Biconic Logarithmic Biconic Logarithmic Antennas Beacon Illuminator Laser [Teil von ABL] Ballistic Intercept Missile British Institute of Management [UK] Bipolar MOS Binary British Institute of Non-Distructive Testing [UK] Biotechnology Industry Organization [US] Basic Input/Output System Battlefield Interoperability Program Bruttoinlandsprodukt [DE] Bureau International des Poids et Mesures Billion Instruction Per Second Biennial Infrastructure Review Bispectral IR-Detection [IR-Detektoren mit zwei Spektralbereichen] Bi-Strategic Command Biometric Identification System Boundary Intermediate System British Interplanetary Society Broadcast Information System

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26. Juni 2013


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 BIS  BIS  BiSAR  BISDN  BISMS  BIST  BIST  BISTAP  BIT  bit  BIT  BIT  BIT  BITE  BITG  Bit/s  BITS  BIU  BiV  BizAv  BJT  BK  BK  BK  BK  BKA  BKAZ  BKDA  BKE  Bkg  BKG  BKN  BKS  BKS  BKS  Bksp  BL  BL  BL  BL  BL  BL  BLAST  BLAST  BLC  Bld  Bldg  BLER  BLIP  Blisks  Blk  Blk  BL-LFK 167218

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Built-In Simulation Bureau of Industry Security [US] Bistatic SAR Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network Boundary Intermediate System Management System Backward Instability Shock Test Built-In Self-Test (eingebauter Selbsttest) Bistatic Space-Time Adaptive Processing Battlefield Information Technology Binary Digit (Binärziffer) Broadband Information Technology Built-In Test (eingebauter Test) Bundesstelle für Informationstechnik [DE] Built-In Test Equipment (eingebaute Prüfeinrichtung) Built-In Tracking Generator Bit pro Sekunde [DE] Base Information Transfer System Bus Interface Unit Bildverstärker [DE] Business Aviation Bipolar Junction Transistor Backup Bordkanone [DE, Bw] Brennkammer [DE, Triebwerk] Bundeskanzleramt [DE] Bundeskriminalamt [DE] (Federal Criminal Office) Back Azimuth (rückseitiger Azimut) Bikonische Dipolantennen [DE] Bodenkontrolleinheit [DE, Bw] Bekämpfung [DE] Bundesamt für Kartografie und Geodäsie [DE, Frankfurt] Broken Bodenkontrollstation [DE] (ground control station) Britannica Knowledge Systems Broadcast Keying Station Backspace Base Line Belarus Black Label Boden/Luft [DE, Bw] Bomb Line Boundary Layer Battlefield Laser Acquisition Sensor Test Boden-Luft Aufklärungs- und Störsystem [DE] Boundary Layer Control Blade Building (Gebäude) Block Error Rates Background Limited Infrared Photodiode Blade Integrated Disks Black Block Boden/Luft-Lenkflugkörper [DE, Bw] 26. Juni 2013

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 Bln  BLO  Bloc  BLOS  BLQ  BLR  BLR  BLRIP

Balloon Below clouds [ICAO] Blockade Beyond Line Of Sight (hinter der Sichtlinie) Codierte Bez. von speziellen Störsystemen für U-Boote [US] Belarus Bundesverband der Luftfahrtzubehör- und Raketenindustrie e.V. [DE] Beyond Low Rate Initial Production

 BLU  BLU-82  BLU-118

Bomb Live Unit [Bombenkörper]

 BLUE  BLUFOR  Blw  BLWN  Blzd  BM  BM  BM  BM  BM  BM  BM  BMAN  BMAR  BMBF  BMC  BMC  BMC2  BMC3  BMC4I  BMC3ISR

Friendly Blue Forces Below Band-Limited White Noise Blizzard Ballistic Missile (ballistischer Flugkörper) Basic Measurement Battle Manager/Management Bench Mark Bubble Memory (Blasenspeicher) Bus Monitor Butler-Matrix [Antenna] Broadband Metropolitan Area Network Ballistic Missile Acquisition Radar Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung [DE] Ballistic Missile Center Battle Management Cell Battle Management Command and Control Battle Management Command, Control and Communications Battle Management, Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence Battle Management Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Backup Master Control Station [GPS] Ballistic Missile Defense [US MDA] Ballistic Missile Defense Center [US MDA] Ballistic Missile Defense Countermeasures Ballistic Missile Defense Organization [USAF] Ballistic Missile Defense Sensors [US MDA] Ballistic Missile Defense System [US DoD] Basic Mass Empty Battlespace Management Evaluation Bulk Memory Element Battlefield Meteorological System Basic Mass Empty Weight Ballistic Missile Early Warning System [US] Bundesministerium der Finanzen [DE] Bundesverband der Militärischen Flugsicherung Deutschlands [DE] Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie [DE] (Ministry for Research and Technology) Basic Mission Guidance Bundesministerium des Inneren [DE] (Ministry for Internal Affairs) Battlefield Medical Information System – Tactical

BMCS  BMD  BMDC  BMDCM  BMDO  BMDS  BMDS  BME  BME  BME  BMETS  BMEW  BMEWS  BMF  BMFD  BMFT  BMG  BMI  BMIST

Luft/Boden Bombe zum Einsatz für spezielle Zwecke Luft/Boden Bombe hoher Zerstörungskraft 

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26. Juni 2013


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 BMLV  BMO  BMOS  BMP  BMP  BMPT  BMS  BMS  BMS  BMT  MBU  BMV  BMVBS  BMVBW  BMVg  BMW  BMWD  BMWi  B/N  BN  Bn, bn  Bn  B-NAV  BNC  BNC  BNC  BNC  BNC  BND  BNF  BNL  Bnr  BNR  BNS  BNSC  BO  BO  Bo  BO  BO  BO 105  BOA  BOA  BoAbwfBeh  BoBndl  BoBrSch  BOC  BOC  BOC  BOC  BOCCA  BOD  BoD 167218

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Bundesministerium für Landverteidigung [AU] Ballistic Missile Office Back-gate MOS Battle Management Plan Burst Mode Protocol Bundesministerium für Post und Telekom [DE] Ballistic Missile Sensor Battlefield Management System Bureau Militaire de Standardisation [FR] Ballistic Missile Technology Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit [DE, Berlin] Brake Metering Valve Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Stadtentwicklung [DE] Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Wohnungswesen [DE] Bundesministerium für Verteidigung [DE, Bonn] (Federal Defence Office) Beam Width (Keulenbreite) Binary Moving Window Detector Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie [DE, Berlin] Bombardier/Navigator Backbone Node Battalion (zu dt.: Bataillon) Receiver Noise Bandwidth (Empfängerrauschbandbreite) Basic Area Navigation Baby N Connector Backbone Network Computer Bayonet Navy Connector Bayonet Nut Coupler British Naval Connector Bundesnachrichtendienst [DE] (Federal Intelligence Service of Germany) Bordnavigationsfunker [DE, Bw] Benelux [Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg] Binary Binary Numerical Reference Boundary Notification System British National Space Centre Berufsoffizier [DE, Bw] Blocking Oscillator Bomber [DE, Bw] Boom Operator Boarding Officer Verbindungs- und Beobachtungs- sowie Panzerabwehrhelikopter (VBH/PAH) von Eurocopter Basic Ordering Agreement Broad Ocean Area Bombenabwurfbehälter [DE, Bw] Bombenbündel [DE, Bw] Bombenbremsschirm [DE, Bw] Base Operating Center Bell Operating Company Bottom Of Climb Break Of Configuration Bureau Of Coordination of Civil Aircraft [NATO] Bandwidth On Demand Board of Directors (Verwaltungsrat) 26. Juni 2013

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 BodVgStff  BoFlg  BoFlz  BOH  BOL  BoLeit  BOM  BOM  BOM  Bomb  BOP  BOP  bops  bordg.  BordMech  Bordwa  BORG  BOS  BOS  BOS  BoSA  BOSS  BOSS  BOT  BoT  BOT  B&P  BP  BP  BP  BP  BP  BP  BP  BP  BP  BP  BP  BpB  BPC  BPCU  BPD  BPE  BPF  BPI  BPI  BPL  BPLI  BPM  BPN  BPOL  BPON  BPPK

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Bodenverteidigungsstaffel [DE, Bw] Bombenflieger [DE, Bw] Bombenflugzeug [DE, Bw] Break-Off Height Chaff-Dispensersystem [Schweden] Bombenleitwerk [DE, Bw] Beginning Of Mission Bill Of Material Bureau Of Meteorology Bombing Balance Of Payments Bit Oriented Protocol Billions of Operations Per Second bordgestütztes, bordgestützter, bordgestützte, usw. [DE] Bordmechaniker [DE] Bordwaffe [DE, Bw] Basic Operational Requirements Group [ICAO] Base Operating Support Battlefield Operating System Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben [DE] Boden-Sensoren-Ausstattung [DE, Bw/Heer] (Groundsensor Equipment) Ballistic Offensive Suppression System Base Operating Support Service Boom Operator Trainer Board of Trade Bombs On Target Bid & Proposal Bandpass [Filter] Base Pointer Base Practice Battle Position Best Practice Bezugspunkt [DE, Bw] BITE Processor Boron-Phosphide Bottom Plug Broadcast Packet Business Plan Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung [DE, Bw] Binary Phase Code Bus Power Control Unit Basic Point Defense [USN] Best Preliminary Estimate Band-Pass-Filter, Bandpassfilter Bits Per Inch [Informatik, Speicherdichte-Maß] Boost-Phase Interceptor Bandpass Limiter Boost-Phase Launch Intercept Binary Phase Modulation Boundary Point of Entry Bundespolizei [DE] (German Federal Police) Broadband Passive Optical Network [Network] Binary Pulse Position Keying [IFF Mode S]

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 BPR  BPR  BPRZ  BpS  BPS  Bps  BPSK  BPSK  BPV  BPz  BR  Bq  BR  BR  BR  Br  BR  Br  BR  BR  BR  BRA  BRC  BRD  BReg  BREMA  BRF  BRG, brg  BRG WPT  BRH  BRH  BRI  Brief  Brig  BrigKdo  brit  BRITE  Brk  Brkg  BRL  BRL  B-RNav  BRP  BRP  PrPz  BRS  Brstf  Brt  BRT  Brtr  BRU  BRW  BRW 167218

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Business Process Reengineering By-Pass Ratio [Turbofan] (Nebenstromverhältnis) Bipolar Return to Zero Bits per Second [auch: bps, BPS] Bodendienstgerät, Prüfgerät, Sonderwerkzeug [DE, Bw] Bytes per Second [Informatik] Binary Phase Shift Keying Burst Pulse Shift Keying Bypass Valve Bergepanzer [DE] Beamwidth Request Becquerel [SI-Eiheit] Bit Rate Blade Rate Bomber Reconnaissance Breite [DE] Bridge (Brücke) Brücke [DE] Bundesrat [DE] Bus Request [Mil-Bus 1553B] Bypass Ratio (Nebenstromverhältnis) Bearing, Range and Altitude Bendix Radio Corporation [US] Bundesrepublik Deutschland [DE] (Federal Republic of Germany, FRG) Bundesregierung [DE] The British Radio & Electronic Equipment Manufacturers’ Association Band Reject Filter Bearing (Peilung) Bearing to Waypoint (Peilung zum Wegpunkt) Battlefield Reconnaisance Helicopter [UK] Bundesrechnungshof [DE] (Federal Audit Office, Germany) Basic Rate Interface Briefing (Einsatzbesprecung) Brigade [DE, Bw] Brigadekommando [DE, Bw] britisch [DE] Basic Research in Industrial Technologies for Europe Brake (Bremse) Braking (bremsen) Beschaffungsrichtlinien [DE, Bw] Bomb Release Line Basic Area Navigation (Basis-Flächennavigation) Basic Research Plan Bomb Release Point Brückenlegepanzer [DE, Bw] Broadband Radio Service Brennstoff [DE, Bw] Brightness, bright (Helligkeit, hell) Bruttoregistertonne [DE] Batterie [DE] Bomb Release Unit Beam Rider Warner (Strahlreiterwarner) Brake Release Weight 26. Juni 2013

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 b/s  BS  BS  BS  BS  BS  BS  BS  BS  BS  BS/BW  BS  BS  BS  BSA  BSA  BSA  BSAS  BSB  BSC  BSC  BSC  BSC  BSCF  BSCU  BSD  BSE  BSF  BSFC  BSH  BSI  BSI  BSI  BSI  BSN  BSO  BSP  BSR  BSR  BSS  BSS  BSS  BSS  BSt  bst  BST  BST  BSTS  BSU  BSU  BSU  bsy  BT

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Bits per Second Backscattering, Back Scatter Band Stop Base Station (feste Station) Beam Steering Berufssoldat(en) [DE, Bw] Betriebssystem [DE, IT] Blocksynchronisierung [DE] Bodenstation [DE] Broadcasting Station Bomb Squadron/Wing Bremsstrahlung [DE] British Singleseater [Eurofighter] British Standards Bleistiftstrahlantennen [DE] Blitzschutzanlage [DE] Bodensensorausstattung [DE, Bw] Battle Surveillance Airship System British Satellite Broadcasting [UK] Base Station Controller Beam-Steering Computer Binary Synchronous Communication Bisynchronous Communication Braking Steering Control Functions Braker System Control Unit [B777] Battlefield Surveillance Device Basic Service Element Bandstop Filter Brake-Specific Fuel Consumption Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrografie [DE] Borescope Inspection British Standards Institute [UK] Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik [DE, BWB, Bonn] Bus System Interface Backbone Sub-Network Basic Security Option Board Support Package Back Scatter Radar Blip Scan Ratio Basic Service Set [Communications] Best Signal Selection British Standard Specification Broadcast Satellite Services Beobachtungsstelle [DE] Boresight (Hauptrichtung) Borium-Strontium-Titanate British Summer Time Boost Surveillance and Tracking System Beam Steering Unit Bomb Stabilizing Unit Bypass Switch Unit Busy Bandwidth-Time product

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 BT  BT  BT  BT  BT  BT  BT  BT  BTA  BTB  BTC  BTC  BTD  BTD  BTERM  BTG  BTH  BTH  BTI  BTI  BTID  BTK  Btl  BTL  BTMU  BTN  Btn  BTO  BTOP  BTR  Btrb  Btrp  Btry  BTS  Bttr  BTU  BTU  Btw  BTWC  Btx  B/U  B/U-FK  BU  BUA  BÜ  BUC  BUC  Bud  BUEC  BUF  Buf  BUFR  BUIC 167218

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Basic Training Bathythermograph Bedarfsträger [DE] Bordtechniker [DE] British Telecommunications [Plc] British Trainer [Eurofighter] British Twinseater [Eurofighter] Bundestag [DE] (the Parlament of Federal Republic of Germany) Best Technical Approach Bus Tie Braker Block Turbo Coding Bus Tie Contractor Bearing Time Display Built-in Test Data Ballistic Trajectory Extended Range Munition Basic Target Graphic Bearing Time History Beyond-The-Horizon [Radar mit über Horizont-Reichweiten] Balanced Technology Initiative Bearing Time Indicator Battlefield Target Identification Device Bebilderter Teilekatalog [DE, Bw] Bataillon [DE, Bw] Between Layers (Zwischen den Schichten) [Wolken] Brake Temperature Monitoring Unit Battlefield Tactical Navigation Between (zwischen) Bombing Through Overcast Broadband Technologies Opportunity Program Bearing Time Recorder Betrieb [DE] Beobachtungstrupp [DE, Bw] Battery Base Transceiver Station Batterie [DE, Bw] British Thermal Unit Bus Terminal Unit Between Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention Bildschirmtext [DE] Boden/Unterwasser [DE, Bw] Boden/Unterwasser–Flugkörper [DE, Bw] Back-Up Bottom-Up Approach Blockübertragung [DE] Back-Up fuel Control Block Up Converters Budget Back-Up Emergency Communications Back-Up Facility Buffer [DE] Binary Universal Form for communications Representations Back-Up Intercept Control 26. Juni 2013

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 Bup  BUR, BÜR  BUR  BUT  BV  BV  BV  BV  BV  BV  BV  BVA  BVA  BVD  BVG  BVR  BVRAAM  BW  BW  BW  BW  BW  BW  BW  Bw  BWA  BWA  BWA  BWAN  BwAuskSt  BWB  BWB  BWC  BWC  BwFachS  BwFuN  bwgl  BWK  BWM  BWO  BWP  Bwrd  BWT  BWX  BX  BY  BY  Byd  BYG  BZ  BZ  BZ

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Backup Bodenüberwachungsradar [DE, Bw] (Ground Surveillance Radar) Bottom-Up Review Basic Unit Training Basic Vehicle Battlefield Visualization Berechnungsverordnung [DE, Bw] Bevollmächtigter Vertreter [DE, BMVg, BWB] Bleed Valve Boost Vehicle Bundesvorstand [DE] Bleed Valve Actuator Bundesverwaltungsamt [DE] Battlespace Visualization Display Battlefield Visualization Graphics Beyond Visual Range (außerhalb der Sichtweite) Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile (Lenkflugkörper für Luftziele außerhalb der Sichtweite) Backward-Wave Bandwidth (Bandbreite) Beamwidth (Keulenbreite) Biological Warfare Biological Weapons Black and White Bomber Wing [USAF] (Bombergeschwader) Bundeswehr [DE] (Federal Armed Forces) Backward Wave Amplifier Behörde für Wirtschaft und Arbeit [DE] Broadband Wireless Access Back-up Wide Area Network Bundeswehrauskunftstelle [DE, Bw] Blended-Wing Body Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung [DE, BMVg] [Federal Office of Defence Technology and Procurement] Bandwidth Control Biological Weapons Convention Bundeswehrfachschule [DE, Bw] Bundeswehrfunknetz [DE, Bw] beweglich [DE] Bundeswehrkrankenhaus [DE, Bw] Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Munition [CH] Backward-Wave Oscillator (Rückwellen-Oszillator) Basic Working Paper Backward Backward-Wave Tube (Rückwellen-Röhre) Ballistic Weather Base Exchange Base Year Budget Year Beyond Blue/Yellow/Green Beach Zone Bravo Zulu [USN: well done] Brennstoffzellen [DE]

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 BZ  BZF  BZS  BZT  BZÜ  bzw.


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Buffer Zone Beschränkt gültiges Zeugnis für den Flugfunkdienst [DE] Bundesamt für Zivilschutz [CH] Bundesamt für die Zulassung in der Telekommunikation [DE; früher: FTZ] Bauzustandsüberwachung [DE, Bw] Beziehungsweise [DE]

26. Juni 2013

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C   C  c  C  °C  C  C  C  C  C  C  C  C  C  c  C++  C-1  C2, C2  C2W  C3I, C3I  C3OB  C3S, C3S  C4, C4  C4I, C4I  C4ISR, C4ISR  C5ISR, C5ISR  C-2  C-5A/C  C-9A/B  C-12  C-17  C-20  C-21  C-22B  C-23  C-26  C-27J  C-32A  C-40A/B/C  C-130H  C-130J  C-135  C-141B  C-160  C-160 NG  C-212-400  C-235

Formelzeichen für die elektrische Kapazität (Capacitance) Formelzeichen für die Lichtgeschwindigkeit [3x108 m/s] Zeichen für die elektrische Ladungseinheit Coulomb [SI-Einheit] Centigrade [Grad in der Celsius-Temperaturskala] Kurzzeichen für Charlie [Buchstabieralphabet von ICAO] Kurzzeichen für Cargo [USAF] (Fracht) Kurzzeichen für Carrier (Träger) Kurzzeichen für Computer Kurzzeichen für Confidential (vertraulich) Kurzzeichen für Consumables Kurzzeichen für Countermeasures (Gegenmaßnahmen) Kurzzeichen für Cumulus [Wolkentyp] Chem. Symbol für das Element Kohlenstoff bzw Carbon Kurzzeichen für das Präfix Zenti [Zahlenwert 10-2m, SI-Einheit] Programmiersprache [DE, Informatik] Militärischer Transporter von Kawasaki Heavy Industries Command and Control Command and Control Warfare Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence Command, Control and Communications Order of Battle Command, Control and Communications Systems Command, Control, Communications and Computers Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence Command, Control, Communications, Computers ISR Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Combat ISR Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Northrop Grumman Galaxy: Militärischer Transporter von Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Militärischer Tanker/Transporter der USN von Boeing Militärischer Passagier und Material Transporter von Hawker Beechcraft Globemaster III: Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Boeing Langstrecken-Transportflugzeug von Gulfstream Truppen- und Frachttransporter, militarisierte Version von Lear Jet Truppen-Transporetflugzeug der US ANG von Boeing Mehrrolen-Frachttransporter Kleines Mehrrolentransportflugzeug Spartan: Militärischer Mehrzwecktransporter von Finmeccanica/Alenia Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Boeing Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Boeing Hercules: Militärischer Transporter von Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Super Hercules: Militärischer Transporter von Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Rivet Joint: Strategischer Aufklärer (COMINT/ELINT) der USAF von Boeing Starlifter: Fracht- und Truppentransporter Transall: Militärischer Transporter von EADS Sogerma Services Militärischer Transporter von EADS CASA Militärischer Transporter von EADS CASA Militärischer Transporter von EADS CASA

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 C-295M  C4, C4  C&A  C/A  Ca  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA, C/A  CA  CA  CA  CA  CA  CAA  CAA  CAA  CAA  CAA  CAA  CAA  CAA  CAA  CAA  CAA  CAA  CAAA  CAAC  CAAFI  CAAP  CAAS 167218

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Militärischer Mehrzwecktransporter von EADS CASA Command, Control, Communications and Computer Systems Certification & Accreditation Coarse/Acquisition [GPS] (Groberfassung) Calcium [chem. Element] Cabin Attendant (Flugbegleiter) Calibrated Altitude (korrigierte bzw. geeichte Flughöhe) Cassegrainantennen [auch: CasAnt, DE] Certificate of Airworthiness (Lufttüchtigkeitszertifikat) Certification Authority (Zertifizierungsbehörde) Circuit Analog Civil Affairs Civil Aviation Clear Air Clutter Attenuation Combat Aircraft Combat Assessment Command Authority Computer Associates Conformal Antennas Conformal Array Conflict Allert Contract Authority Contract Authorization Contract Award Controlled Airspace Controller Aircraft [UK] Controlling Authority Cooperative Agreement Corporate Application Corrective Action Counter Air Course Acquisition Course to an Altitude Criticality Analysis Cryptanalysis Canadian Aviation Administration Circular Array Antennas Civil Aeronautics Administration (Zivilluftfahrtbehörde) [US] Civil Air Augmentation Civil Aviation Administration [Israel] Civil Aviation Authority (Zivil-Luftfahrtbehörde) [UK] Clean Air Act Combined Arms Accessoires Command Arrangement Agreement Conformal Antenna Arrays Controlled Access Area Counter Air Attack Civil Aviation Authority Approved Civil Aviation Authority of China (Zivil-Luftfahrtbehörde von China) Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative [FAA] Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CAAS  CAAS  CAASD  CAATS  CAAV  Cab  CAB  CAB  CABLAN  CACFAR  CAC  CAC  CAC  CAC  CAC  CAC  CAC  CAC  CAC  C/A-Code  CA-CFAR  CACP  CACS  CAD  CAD  CAD  CAD  CAD  CADAM  CADAS  CADC  CADD  CADE  Cades  Cadets  CADF  CADF  CADIN  Cadiz  CADS  CADS  CADS  CADS  CADU  CAE  CAE  CAE  CAE  CAE  CAE  CAEE  CAEG  CAeM

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Common Avionics Architecture System Computer Aided Approach Sequencing Center for Advanced Aviation Systems Development [MITRE, FAA] Canadian Automared Air Traffic System Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam Cabin (Kabine) Civil Aeronautics Board (Zivil-Luftfahrtbehörde) [US] Common Avionics Baseline Cabin Local Area Network Cell Averaging CFAR Caution Advisory Computer Centralised Approach Control Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Corporation [VR China] Combat Air Command Combined Arms Command [USA] Common Avionics Computer Computer Aided Classification Common Access Card Control and Analysis Center Coarse/Acquisition-Code [GPS] Cell Averaging CFAR [Radar] Cabin Area Control Panel Centralized Alarm Control System Civil Aviation Department [Hong Kong] Close-in Air Defense Component Advanced Development Computer Aided/Assisted Design (rechnergestütztes Konstruieren) Computer Aided Detection Computer Augmented Design And Manufacturing [Lockheed] Computer-controlled Avionics Data Acquisition System Central Air Data Computer (zentraler Luftdatencomputer) Computer Aided Design and Drafting Computer Aided Design Evaluation Computer Aided Design and Evaluation System Computer Aided Documentation Education Tutorial System Centralized Airspace Data Fusion [ECAC] Commutated Antenna Direction Finding Czech Automated Data Interchange Network Canadian Air Defense Identification Zone Continental Air Defense System Centralized Automatic Dependent Surveillance [ARINC] Computed Air Data System Computer Aided Departure System Channel Access Data Unit Canadian Airforce Canadian Aviation Electronics Ltd. Component Application Engineer Computer Aided Education Computer Aided Engineering Control and Actuation Electronics Committee on Aircraft Engine Emissions [ICAO] Computer Aided Engineering Graphics Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology [WMO]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 CAEP  CAESAR  Caesar  CAEW  CAEW  CAF  CAF  CAF  CAF  CAF  CAF  CAF  CAFATC  Cafda  CAFM  CAG  CAG  CAG  CAGE  CAGO-CFAR  CAGRO  CAI  CAI  CAI  CAI  CAI  CAI  CAIB  CAIIS  CAINS, Cains  CAIR  CAIS  CAJ  Cal  Cal  CAL  CAL  CAL  CAL  CALCM  CALI  CALM  CALS  CALS  CALT  CALTECH . CaLV  CALVER  CAM  CAM  CAM  CAM


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Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection [ICAO] Captor Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar [Eurofighter] Coalition Aerial Surveillance And Reconnaissance [NATO] Compact Airborne Early Warning [Aircraft] Conformal Airborne Early Warning [Aircraft] Cameroon Air Force Canadian Armed Forces [jetzt Canadian Forces] Chad Air Force Chilean Air Force Columbian Air Forces Combat Air Forces Crew Alerting Function Canadian Armed Forces Air Transport Command [Canada] Commandement Air des Forces de Defense Aérienne [FR] Computerzied Airplane Flight Manual Carrier Air Group [Commander, USN] Circulation Aérienne Générale [FR] Commander Air Group (Kommandeur Fliegertruppe) Commercial Avionics GPS Engine Cell Averaging Greatest of CFAR Certified Air Ground Radio Operation Caution Annunciator Indicator Civil Aviation Inspection Clouds and Aerosol Imager Computer Aided Instructions Computer Assisted Input Cooperative Aircraft Identification Columbia Accident Investigation Board Computer Aided Imagery Interpretation System Carrier Aircraft Inertial Navigation System Confidential Aviation Incident Reporting Common Ada Interface Set Cooperative Angle Jamming Caliber Calibration China Airlines Common Application Language Computer Aided Learning Critical Asset List Conventional Air-Launched Cruise Missile [NATO] (konventionell luft-gestarteter Marschflugkörper) Covert Active Laser Illuminator Computer Assisted Landing Management [System] Computer-Aided Logistics Support Carrier Aircraft Landing System China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology California Institute of Technology Cargo Launch Vehicle Calibration Verfication Capability Assurance Mission Circulation Aérienne Militaire [FR] co*ckpit Audio Monitoring Commercial, Aviation and Military [Equipment]

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CAM  CAN  CAN  CAM  CAM  CAM  CAM  CAM  CAMA  CAMAC  CAME  CAMES  Camcorder  CAMI  CAMI  Camos  CAMP  CAMPS  CAMPS  CAMPS  CAMPS  Cams  Cams  CAMS  Camsim  CAMT  CAMU  CAMU  CAN  CAN  CAN  CAN  CANEWS  CANP  CANPA  CANSO  CANUS  CAO  CAO  CAO  CAO  CAO  CAO  CAO  CAO  CAOC  CAOCC  CAP  CAP  CAP  CAP  CAP  CAP

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Computer Aided Manufacturing (rechnergestützte Fertigung) Computer Assisted Modeling Controller Area Network Conflict Alert Message Constant Addressable Memory [IC Memory] Contact Addressable Memory [IC Memory] Conventional Attack Missile Counter Air Missile Civil Aviation Medical Association [US] Computer Aided Measurement and Control Corps Airspace Management Element Cooperative ATM Measures for a European Single Sky Camera and Recorder Civil Aeromedical Institute Computer Aided Manufacturing and Inspection Computer Aided Meteorological Observing System Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program Civil Aircraft Missile Protection System Computer Aided Message Processing System Computer Aided Mission Planning System Consolidated Air Mobility Planning System Communications Area Master Station Control and Monitoring System Critical Area Management System (Rollfeldüberwachungsmanagementsystem) Canadian Airspace Management Simulator Countering Air and Missile Threats Central Avionics Management Unit [Data Bus] Communications and Audio Management Unit [Eurofighter] Canada, Kanada Clean Air Network Committee on Aircraft Noise [ICAO] Controller Area Network [Databus] Canadian Naval EW System Collision Avoidance Notification Procedure Constant Angle Non-Precision Approach Civil Air Navigation Services Organization Canada-United States Cargo Aircraft Only Chief Administrative Officer Civil Aviation Order Combined Air Operation Computer Assisted Operations Cooperative Airspace Operations Coordination of Atomic Operations Counter Air Operation Combined Air Operations Centre [NATO, Kalkar] (Luftoperationszentrale) CAO Command Center Capacity (Kapazität, Befähigung) Civil Air Patrol [US] Combat Air Patrol (bewaffnete Luftraumüberwachung, Sperrflug) Common Alerting Protocol Competitive Access Provider [Telefonie] Comprehensive Assessment Plan

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26. Juni 2013


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 CAP  CAP  CAPA  CAPA  Capan  Capas  CAPC  CAPI  CAPP  CAPPI  CAPS  CAPS  CAPS  CAPS  CAPS  Capt  CAPTOR  CAPTS  CAQC  CAR  CAR CAR  CAR  CAR  CAR  CAR  CAR  CAR  CARA  CARA  CARA  CARA  CARC  CARABAS  CARD  CARDE  CARDS  CARE  CARG  CARP  CARS  CARS  CART  CARTS  CAS  CAS  CAS  CAS  CAS  CAS  CaS  CAS  CAS 167218

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Computer Aided Planning Crisis Action Procedures Center for Asia Pacific Aviation Coalition of Airline Pilots Association Capacity Analyser Computer Assisted Performance Analysis System Civil Aviation Planning Committee [NATO] Common Application Programming Interface Computer Aided Programme Planning Constant Altitude PPI Civil/Commercial Aircraft/Airliner Protection System Communication Alert and Prediction System Computer Assissted Passenger Screening Conventional Armaments Planning System Crew Altitude Protection System Captain (Kommandant) Encapsulated Torpedo Cooperative Area Precision Tracking System Computer Aided Quality Control Canadian Airborne Regiment Canadian Aviation Regulations Capability Assessment Report Caribbean Region Civil Airworthiness Regulation [UK, CAA] Civil Aviation Regulation Conformal Array Radar (Radar mit oberflächenangepasste Gruppenantenne) Continuous Adjustable Resolution Contract Agreement Review Computer-Aided Requirements Analysis Cargo and Rescue Aircraft (Fracht- und Rettungsflugzeug) Combined Altitude Radar Altimeter Controller Action Reliability Assessment Chemical Agent Resistant Coatings Coherent All-Radio Band Sensor Conflict and Risk Display Canadian Armament Research and Development Establishment Canadian Advanced Radio Deception System Cooperative Actions on R&D in Eurocontrol Crisis Action Review Group Computed Air Release Point Common Automated Recovery Sytem Contingency Airborne Reconnaissance System Conformal Array Radar Technology Common Automated Radar Tracking System Calibrated Air Speed (korrigierte Fluggeschwindigkeit) Calculated/Computed Air Speed (die Soll- bzw. die berechnete Fluggeschwindigkeit) Central Alarm Station Chief of Air Staff (Luftwaffenscheffs) Close Air Support (Luftnahunterstützung, Gefechtsfeldabriegelung) co*ckpit Avionics System Collaboration at Sea [NATO] Collision Avoidance System Combat Air Support (luftg. Erdkampfunterstützung) 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CAS  CAS  CAS  CAS  CAS  CAS  CAS  CAS  CAS  CAS  CAS  CASA  CASA  CASA  CASA  CasAnt  CASB  CASC  CASC  Cascade  CASE  CASE  CASE  C2A2S2E  CASEVAC  CASI  CASI  CASOM  CASR  CASREP  CASS  CASS  CASSIS  CAST  CAST  CAST  CAST  CAST  CAST  CAST  CAST  CAST  CASTA  CASTOR  CAT  Cat  CAT  CAT  CAT  CAT  CAT  CAT  CAT

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Commercial Air Services Compressed Air Storage Computed Airspeed Computerised Assessment System Commercial Aviation Services Commercially Available Software Conformal Array Sonar Corrected Air Speed Crew Alerting System Crisis Action System Cylindrical Array Sonar Civil Aviation Safety Authority [Australien] Computer Assisted Slot Allocation [System] Controller Automated Spacing Aid Construcctiones Aeronauticas SA [Spanien] Cassegrainantennen [auch: CA] [DE] Canadian Aviation Safety Board Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation [VR China] Crisis Action Support Cell Cooperative ATS through Surveillance and Communications Applications Deployed in ECAC Computer Aided Software Engineering Computer Aided Systems Engineering Controlled Airspace Synthetic Environment Center for Computer Applications in AeroSpace Science and Engineering [D, Braunschweig] CASualty EVACuation [auch: Casevac] (Verwundetentransport) Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute CFMU Aircraft Situation Image Conventionally Armed Stand-Off Missile [UK] Civil Aviation Safety Regulations Close Air Support Request Command Activated Sonobuoy System Consolidated Automated Support System CTA ATM System Integration Studies Canadian Air/Sea Transport Certification Authorities Software Team China Aerospace Science & Technology Group Chinese Academy of Space Technology Civil Aircraft Safety Team Commercial Aviation Safety Team Computer Aided Software Testing Computer Assisted Satellite Track Convoy Active Safety Technology Controller Associate for Strategic and Technical Advice Corps Airborne Stand-Off Radar Catapult Automation Technology Categories (Betriebsstufen) [CAT I, CAT II, CAT IIIa/IIIb/IIIc] Clear Air Turbulence (Turbulenz in wolkenfreier Luft) co*ckpit Automation Technology Commercial Air Transport Computer Aided Testing Computer Aided Translation Computer Assisted Teaching/Training Continuous Attention Task

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26. Juni 2013


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 CAT  CAT  CAT3  CATAC  CATAS  CATB  CATCAS  CATE  CATF  CATF  CATIS  CATIS  CATM  CATM  CATM  CATR  CATS  CATS  CATSA  CATSIM  CATT  CATT  CATV  CATV  CAU  CAUTRA  Cav  CAV  CAVE  CAVE  CAVOK  CAVU  CAW  CAWG  CAWS  CAWS  CAX  C/B  C/B  CB  CB  CB  CB  CB  CB  CB  Cb  CBA  CBA  CBA  CBASS  CBC  CBD 167218

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Conventional Arms Transfer Crisis Action Team Computer Assisted Training and Teaching Tool Commandement Aérienne Tactique [FR] (Taktisches Luftwaffenkommando) Critical Angle Towed Array Sonar [System] Cooperative Avionics Test Bed Copenhagen ATC Automated System [DK] Computer Aided Test and Evaluation Civil Affairs Task Force Conformity Assessment Task Force Computer Aided Tactical Information System Computer Aided Tactical Intelligence System Captive Air Training Missile Collaborative Air Traffic Management Computer Aided Technical Management Compact Antenna Test Range Commercial Avionics Test Station Cooperative Trans-Atlantic Cooperation AGS Team Croatian Air Traffic Services Authority CAA Air Traffic Simulator [UK] Combined Arms Tactical Trainer Computer Assisted Technology Transfer Cable Television Community Antenna Television Crypto Ancillary Unit Coordinateur Automatique de Trafic Aérien [FR] Cavalry Common Aerial Vehicle Cellular Authentication and Voice Encryption Computer Automatic Virtual Environment Ceiling and Visibility OK [VFR] Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited (unbegrenzte Wolkenuntergrenze und Sichtbarkeit) Carrier Air Wing co*ckpit Assessment Working Group (Arbeitsgruppe co*ckpit Bewertung) Caution And Warning System Central Aural Warning System Computer Assisted Exercise Center of Balance Chemical/Biological Central Battery Chemical/Biological Circuit Breaker Citizens Band [Amateur Funk] Cluster Bomb (Streubombe) Complementary Bipolar [IC] Construction Bataillon Cumulonimbus [Wolkentyp] Capabilities Based Assessment Cost-Benefit Analysis Cross Border Area Common Broadband Advanced Sonar System Civil Budget Committee Chemical Biological Defense 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CBE  CBFM  CBFS  CBI  CBI  CBIC  CBINT  CBIS  CBIT  CBIT  CBM  CBM  CBM  CBML  CBMS  CBN  CBO  CBP  CBR  CBR  CBR  CBRN  CBRNe  CBS  CBS  CBSP  Cbt  CBT  CBT  CBTI  CBTZ  CBU  CBU-87  CBU-89  CBW  CBZ  CC  CC  CC  CC  CC, C2, C2  CC  CC  CC  CC  CC  CC  CC  CC  CC  CC  CC  CC

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Computer-Based Education Common Battle Field Mission Cesium Beam Frequency Standard Computer Based Instruction Cosmic Background Imager Complementary Bipolar Integrated Circuit [IC] Chemical and Biological Intelligence Computer-Based Information System Coupling-Based Integration Testing Continuous Built-In Test Condition-Based Maintenance Confidence Building Measures Conventional Ballistic Missile Command and Battlespace Management – Land Chemical-Biological Mass Spectrometer Common Backbone Network Congressional Budget Office [US] Customs and Boarder Protection Chemical, Biological and Radiological [Warfare] Common Bomb Rack Constant Bit Rate Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, and Nuclear [Warfare] CBR and Nuclear-explosives [Warfare] Combat Battle Simulation Corps Battle Simulation Commercial Broadband Satellite Program [USN] Combat Combating Terrorism Computer-Based Training (computergestütztes Training) Combat Intelligence Combat Zone Cluster Bomb Unit (Streubomben) Luft/Boden-Streubombe gegen gepanzerte Ziele, Material und Bodentruppen Luft/Boden-Streubombe gegen Panzer und Personen Chemical and Biological Warfare/Weapons Confidence Building Zone Call Control Cirrocumulus [Wolkentyp] Cloud Cover Collection Center Command and Control Command Center Command Ship Communications Controller Compass Course (Kompaß-Kurs) Competence Centre Component Command [NATO] Computer Committee Computer Compatible Continuous Cover Continuous Current (Dauerstrom) Connection Confirm Convolutional Code

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 CC  CC  CC  cc  C2C  C2W  CCA  CCA  CCA  CCA  CCA  CCA  CCA  CCAMS  CCAT  CCB  CCB  CCC  CCC  CCC  CCC  CCC  CCC  CCC  CCC  CCC  CCC  CCCC  C3CM  C3I  C4ISR  CCD  CCD  CCD  CCD  CCD  CCD  CCD  CCDR  CCE  CCF  CCF  CCF  CCF  CCF  CCFT  CCG  CCG  CCG  CCG  CCH  CCI  CCI 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Core Competencies Countermeasures Computer Cross Correlation (Kreuzkorrelation) cubic centimeter (cm3) Chip-two-Chip Chip-two-Wafer Carrier Controlled Approach Circuit Card Assembly Common Cause Analysis Communications Carrier Assembly Communications Control Area Communications Control Authority Contingency Capabilities Assessment Centralized Code Assignment and Management System Center for Commercialization of Advanced Technologies Configuration Control Board [Eurofighter] Change Control Board [Eurofighter] Cellular CNS Concept Central Computer Complex Columbus Control Center Combined Command Center Command and Control Center Command, Control and Communications [auch: C3, C3] Common Contingency Centre Computer and Communications Center Consolidated Command Center Crew Coordination Concept Command, Control, Communications and Computer [auch: C4, C4] Command, Control and Communications Countermeasures Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence [Network] C4 Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Camouflage, Concealment and Deception Category Class Diagram Charged Coupled Device (ladungsgekoppelte Bauelemente) Coherent Change Detection Combat Capability Document Configuration Change Decision Cursor Control Device Combatant Commander Contingency Communications Element Capability Check Flight Centralized Control Function Collection Coordination Facility Commercial, Civil and Foreign Conventional Counter Force Cold-Cathode Fluorescent Tube Carl-Cranz-Gesellschaft e.V. [DE, Weßling] CEATS Coordination Group Combat Communications Group Crisis Coordination Group Congress Center Hamburg [DE] Communications Control Interface Competence Center Informatik GmbH [DE] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CCI  CCI  CCID  CCIP  CCIP  CCIR  CCIR  CCIRID  CCIS  CCIS  CCIS  CCIT  CCITT  CCIU  CCJ  CCK  CCL  CCM  CCM  CCM  CCM  CCM  CCM  CCM  CCMS  CCMS  CCN  CCN  CCN  CCO  CCO  CCP  CCP  CCP  CCP  CCPC  CCPR  CCQ  CCR  CCR  CCR  CCR  CCR  CCR  CCRP  CCRP  CCS  CCS  CCS  CCS  CCS

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Controlled Cryptographic Item Crew Command Interface Coalition Combat Identification [US] Common Configuration Implementation Program Continuously Computed Impact Point Comité Consulatif International des Radiokommunications [FR] [Internationale beratende Kommission für Rundfunk] Commander’s Critical Information Requirement Charge-Coupled Infrared Imaging Device Command, Control and Information System Command, Control, and Intelligence Support Common Channel Intelligence Signaling Coherent Communications, Imaging and Targeting Comité Consultatif International Télégraphiques et Téléphoniques [FR] [Internationales beratendes Komitee für Telegrafie und Telefonie] Command and Control Interface Unit Core Component Jammer [USAF B-52] Complementary Code Keying Continuous Communications Link Centre de Contrôle Militaire [FR] Common Computing Module Composite Crew Module [NASA] Computerized Control and Monitoring Convention on Cluster Munitions Conventional Cruise Missile (konventioneller Marschflugkörper) Counter-Counter-Measures Checkout, Control and Monitor System Compass Call Mission Crew Simulator Central Computing Network Configuration Change Notice Contract Change Notice Crystal-Controlled Oscillator Current-Controlled Oscillator Coherent Countermeasures Processor Communications Checkpoint Configuration Control Plan Contract Change Proposal Civil Communications Planning Committee Compact-Coupled Planar Resonator Cross Crew Qualification Canadian Coastal Radars Centre de Contrôle Régional [FR] Common Computing Resource Communications Change Request Configuration Change Request Corner Cube Retroreflector Command and Control Research Program [DoD] Continuously Computed Release Point Cabin Communications System Central Control Station Charge Control System Close Combat System Combined Chiefs of Staff

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 CCS  CCS  CCS  CCS  CCS  CCS  CCS  CCSDS  CCT  CCTA  CCTC  CCTP  CCTS  CCTT  CCTV  CCTWT  CCU  CCU  CCU  CCU  CCU  CCU  CCU  CCU  CCV  CCW  CCW, C2W  CCW  CCW  C&D  C&D  C/D  Cd  CD, cd  CD  CD  CD  CD  CD  CD  CD  CD  CD  CD  CD  CD  CD  CD  CD  CD  C/DA  CDA  CDA 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Command and Control System Common Channel Signaling Common Core System Communications Control System Conformal Countermeasures System Counter Communications System Critical Chain Scheduling Consultative Committee for/on Space Data Systems Combat Control Team Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency [UK] Command and Control Technical Center Continuosly Computed Target Point Combat Crew Training Squadron [USAF] Close Combat Tactical Trainer Closed Circuit Television Coupled Cavity Travelling Wave Tube Central Control Unit co*ckpit Control Unit Common Control Unit Communications Control Unit Computer Control Unit Control and Compensation Unit Crew Communications Unit Cryostat Control Unit Control Configured Vehicle [Technologie der reglergestützten Auslegung von Flugzeugen] Cable Cutoff Wavelength Command and Control Warfare Counterclockwise Continuous Carrier Wave Control and Display Cover and Deception Control Data Cadmium [chem. Symbol] Candela [SI-Einheitenzeichen für die Lichtstärkeeinheit] Carrier Detect Certification Demonstration Channel Designator Civil Defense Collision Detection Command and Display [auch: C&D] Common Digitizer Communications Data Compact Disc Concept Decision Conflict Display Control and Display Council Directive Course to a DME Cover and Deception [auch: C&D] Current Density Climb/Dive Angle Command and Data Acquisition Concept Demonstration Aircraft 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CDA  CDA  CDA  CDA  CDA  CDAE  CDAM  CDAM  CDAS  CDAU  CDB  CDB  CDB  CDC  CDC  CDC  CDD  CDDAR  CDDI  CD&E  CDE  CDES  CDF  CDF  CDG  CDG  C&DH, CDH  C&DH, CDH . CDI  CDI  CDI  CDI  CDI  CDI  CDI  CDI  CDI  CDIRCM  CDIRRS  CdL  CDL  CDL  CDL  CDM  CDM  CDM  CDM  CDMA  CDMS  CDMS  CDMS  CDN  CDN

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Conflict Detection and Avoidance Conflict Display Area Continuous Descent Approach/Arrival Coordinating Design Authority Current Data Authority [ICAO] Command and Data Acquisition Element Centralized Data Acquisition Module Common Data Acquisition Module Common Defensive Aids System Centralized Data Acquisition Unit Central Data Bank/Base Classified Database Common Data Base Combat Development Center Combat Direction Center Course and Distance Calculator CSCI Definition Document Crash Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery Copper Distributed Data Interface Concept Development & Experimentation (Konzeptentwicklung und Überprüfung) Collateral Damage Estimation Cobham Defense Electronic Systems [Co.] Concurrent Design Facility Cumulative Distribution Function Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft e.V. [DE] Configuration Database Generator Command and Data Handling Communications and Data Handling Center for Defense Information Classification Discrimination and Identification Common Data Input Communications and Defence Infrarstructure Compact Disc Interactive Compass Director Indicator Coordination Information Course Deviation Indicator (Kursabweichungsanzeiger) Course Direction Indicator Coherent Directed Infrared Countermeasures co*ckpit Display of Infrared Reconnaissance System Club der Luftfahrt Deutschland e.V. [DE] Common Data Link Configuration Deviation List Controlled Document List Clean Development Mechanism Collaporative Dicision-Making Common Digital Map Cooperative Decision Making Code Division Multiple Access Control and Data Management System Collaporative Dicision Making System Countermeasures Dispenser System Common Data Network Coupling/Decoupling Network

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 CDNT  CDNU  Cdo  CDP  CDP  CDPD  CDPS  CDPS  CDR  CDR  Cdr  CDR  CDR  CDR  CDR  CDR  CDR  CDR  CDRL  CDROM  CDS  CdS  CDS  CDS  CDS  CDS  CDS  CDS  CDS  CDS  CDS  CDS  CDS  CDS  CDSE  CdSe  CDT  CDT  CDT  CDT  CDTI  CDU  CDU  CDU  CDU  CDV  CE  CE  CE  CE  CE  CE  CE 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Canadian Department of National Defense Control Display Navigation Unit Commando Capability Development Plan Central Data Processing Cellular Digital Packet Data Central Data Processing System Coherent Data Processing System Clock and Data Recovery Coded Departure Route Commander (Korvettenkapitän) Concept Design Review Conditional Routes (bedingt nutzbare Strecken) Conflict Detection and Resolution Conjugate Data Reception Continuous Data Recording Coordination Request Critical Design Review Contract Data Requirements List Compact Disc Read Only Memory [Massenspeicher] Cabin Distribution System Cadmium Sulfide [chem. Verbindung, IR] Central Data Subsystem Central Dispatch System co*ckpit Design Simulator co*ckpit Display System Combat Direction System Command and Decision System Common Display System Concept Definition Study Control and Diagnostics System Controller Display Support Controls and Displays System Countermeasures Dispensing Subsystem Concept Development, Simulation and Experimentation Cadmium Selenide [chem. Verbindung, IR] Conducted Disturbance Test Control Data Terminal Controlled Departure Time Countermeasures Dispenser Tester co*ckpit Display of Traffic Information Central Display Unit co*ckpit Display Unit Common Display Unit Control and Display Unit (Bedien- und Anzeige-Einheit) Compressed Digital Video Casualty Estimation Chemical Energy Civil Engineering Commission Européenne (Europäische Kommission) Committee of Management Common Environment [Simulation] Communauté Européene 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CE  CE  CE  CE  CE  CE  CEA  CEA  CEA  CEAA  CEAC  CEAC  CEAM  CEAP  CEAS  CEAS  CEASE  CEATS  CEB  CEC  CEC  CEC  CEC  CEC  CECAR  CECM  CECOM  CED  CED  CEDI  CEE  CEE  CEE  CEESIM  CEF  CEI  CEI  CEI  CEJ  CEL  Cel  CEL  CELAR  CEM  CEM  CEM  CEM  CEM  CEN  CENA  CENC  CENELEC

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Communications and Electronics Compromising Emanation [TEMPEST] Conducted Emission Conformité Européene Critical Elements Cross-Eye [EW] Circular Error Average Code of European Airworthiness Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique [FR] Commandement des Ecoles de l’Armée de l’Air [FR] (Luftwaffenschulungskommando) Committee for European Aerospace Coordination [NATO] Conférence Européenne de l’Aviation Civil [FR] Centre d’Experiences Aériennes Militaires [FR] Communications Electronic Attack Payload The Confederation of European Aerospace Societies Council of European Aerospace Societies Compact Environment Anomaly Sensor Central European Air Traffic Services Combined Effects Bomblets Civil Engineer Corps Combat Engagement Center Commission of the European Communities [EU] Communications and Electronics Command [USA] Cooperative Engagement Capability [USN] Captor E-Scan Risk-reduction Communications Electronic Countermeasures Communications Electronics Command [USA] Contingency, Exercise and Deployment Continued Engineering Development Commercial Electronic Data Interface Centre Experimental d’Eurocontrol [FR] Commission on rules for Electrical Equipment [Int.] Common Equipment Enclosure Combat Electromagnetic Environment Simulator Capacity Enhancement Function Cabin Equipment Interface Commission Electrotechnique Internationale [FR; IEC] Critical Engine Inoperative Cross-Eye Jamming [EW] Californian Eastern Labs Celestial Consolidated Equipment List Centre d’Electronique de l’Armement [FR] Collaborative Environmental Management Combined Effects Munition (Munition kombinierter Wirkung) Compatibilité Electromagnétique [FR] Computational Electromagnetics Concepts Evaluation Model Comité Européen de Normalsation (Committee for European Normalisation) Centre d’Etudes de la Navigation Aérienne [FR] Convergent Exhaust Nozzle Control Comité Européan de Normalisation Électrotechnique (Europäische Kommission für Elektrotechnische Normen)

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 CENTCOM  CENTRIXS  CENTO  CEO  CEO  CEO  CEOA . CEOI  CEOI  CEP  CEP  CEP  CEP  CEP  CEP  CEP  CEPA  CEPT  CER  CEQ  CERAP  CERJ  CES  CES  CES  CESAS  CESI  CESM  CESMO  CESST  CEST  CET  CET  CET  CET  CEU  CEU  CEV  CEV  CEV  CEW  CEW  CEWI  CEWS  Cf  CF  CF  CF  CF  CF  CF  CF  cf


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Central Command [U.S.] Combined Enterprise Regional Exchange System Central Treaty Organization Chief Executive Officer Crew Earth Observations [NASA] Custom Engineered Option Central Europe Operating Agency Centre for Earth Observation Instrumentation [UK] Communications-Electronics Operating Instructions Capacity Enhancement Program Central East Pacific Circular Error of Probability (Fehlerkreis) Circle of Equal Probability (Fehlerkreis gleicher Wahrscheinlichkeit) Civil Emergency Planning Concept Evaluation Program [USA] Cooperative Engagement Processor Common European Priority Area Conférence Européene des Postes et Télécommunications [FR] Cost Estimating Relationship Council on Environmental Quality Central Radar Approach Cross-Eye Repeater Jammer [EW] Cabin Equipment Software Coast Earth Station Cooperative Engagement System Communication Emitter Sensing and Attacking System [ULQ-30] Communications-Electronics Standing Instructions Communications Electronic Support Measures Cooperative ESM Operations [NATO] Crew Escape and Safety System Trainer [Eurofighter] Central European Summer Time (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit) Central European Time (Mitteleuropäische Zeit) Clearance Expire Time Combustor Exit Temperature Cutting Edge Technology Central Executive Unit Checklist Entry Unit Centre d’Essais en Vol [FR] (Flugversuchszentrale) Combat Engineer Vehicle Crew Exploration Vehicle [NASA] Civil Engineering Work Communications Electronic Warfare Combat Electronic Warfare and Intelligence [US] Communications Electronic Warfare System [Lockheed Martin] Californium [chem. Element] Canadian Forces Carrier Frequency Center Frequency Change Field Change Frequency to ... Classification and Filtering Compression Factor [beim CR] Confer, compare

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CF  CF  CF  CFA  CFA  CFA  CFAR  CFB  CFC  CFC  CFC  CFC  CFC  CFCB  CFD  CFD  CFDCU  CFDIU  CFDS  CFDU  CFE  CFE  CFE  CFE  CFG  CFH  CFI  CFI  CFI  CFIT  CFK  CFL  CFM  CFM  CFM, CM  CFM  CFM CFMU  CFMU-SB  CFO  CFO  CFR  CFR  CFR  CFR  CFRP  CFS  CFS  CFS  CFSP  CFST  CFT

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Conversion Factor Course to a Fix Cross Flow Cognizant Field Activity Controlled Firing Area Cross Field Amplifier (Kreuzfeldverstärker) Constant False Alarm Rate [Radarschaltung] (konstante Falschalarm- bzw Falschzielmeldung) Canadian Forces Base Carbon Fibre Composite Central Fire Control Chloro-Fluoro-Carbon Combined Forces Command Current-to-Frequency Converter Carbon Filament Cluster Bomb Chaff and Flares Dispenser (Düppel- und Infrarotfackelnwerfer) Computational Fluid Dynamics Chaff and Flares Dispenser Control Unit Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit Centralized Fault Display System Configurable Field Data Unit Commercial and Foreign Entity Contractor Furnished Equipment Conventional Forces in Europe Customer Furnished Equipment Control Flow Graph Care Free Handling [Eurofighter] Certificated Flight Inspector Chief Flying Inspector Customer Furnished Item Controlled Flight Into Terrain Carbonfaserverstärkter Kunststoff (Kohlenstofffaserverstärkter Kunststoff) Cleared Flight Level Case File Management Central Flow Management Configuration Management/Manager Confirm (bestätigen) Cubic Feet per Minute Central Flow Management Unit (Zentrale Flugverkehrsflussregelungsstelle) [Eurocontrol-Rechner in Brüssel] Central Flow Management Unit Supervisory Board Cross Field Oscillator (Kreuzfeldoszillator) Chief Financial Officer Call For Release Code of Federal Regulations Crash Fire & Rescue [USMC] Crest Factor Reduction Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Plastic Cabin File Server Central Flying School [RAF, RAAF] Communications Facilities Support Common Foreign and Security Policy Coalition Forces Support Team Call for Tender

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CFT  CFT  CFTPD  CFU  CFWP  CG, c.g.  CG  CG  CG  CG  CGA  CGAS  CGCC  CGF  SGI  SGI  CGRS  CGS  CGS  CGTS  CH  CH  CH  CH  CH  CH  CH-46E  CH-47  CH-53G

Conformal Fuel Tanks Continuous Fourier Transform Central File of Transponder Performance Data [ECC] Central Function Unit Central Flow Weather Processor Center of Gravity (Gravitationszentrum, Gewichtsschwerpunkt) Coast Guard Command Guidance Commanding General Cruiser Guided [Missile] (Lenkwaffenkreuzer) Color Graphics Adapter Coast Guard Air Station [USCG] Center of Gravity Control Computer Computer Generated Forces [Simulation] (Computergenerierte Streitkräfte) Computer Graphics Interface Connecting Gate Information Common Geographic Reference System Centimeter-Gram-Second Common Ground Station Common Geospacial Tool Set Aviation Cruiser Channel (Frequenzkanal) Compass Heading (Kompaß-Steuerkurs) Communications Helmet Schweiz, Switzerland

 Cha  CHA  CHAALS  CHAD  CHAIN  CHAIN  CHALS  CHAMP  Chan  Chap  CHARC  CHBDL  CHC  ChdS  CHE  Chem.  Chg  Chg  CHI CHILL  CHINT  CHIS  CHN

Character Cylindrical Hydrophone Array Communication High-Accuracy Airborne Location System [USA RC-12] Capitol Hill Awareness Day Compartmented High Assurance Information Network Controlled and Harmonised Aeronautical Information Network Communication High-Accuracy Location System [USA] Challenging Minisatellite Payload Channel (Frequenzkanal) Chapter Covert High-speed Attack and Reconnaissance Craft Common High-Band Data Link Capitol Hill Conference Chef des Stabes [DE, Bw] Switzerland, Schweiz chemische [Verbindung] [DE] Change (Änderungsmeldung) Charge (Gebühr) Computer-Human Interface (Mensch-Computer-Interface) Chaff Illuminated Charge-Injected Transistor Center Hydraulic Isolation System Nuclear-powered Aviation Cruiser


Cargo Helicopter [USN CH-43, CH-53 Helos] (Frachthelikopter) Sea Knight: Marinehubschraubertyp von The Boeing Co. Chinook: Transporthubschraubertyp von The Boeing Co. Mittlerer Transporthubschrauber der Heeresfliegertruppe von Sikorski [Bw, Heer]

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CHNL  CHP  ChR  Chtr  C/I  CI  CI  CI  CI  CI  CI  CI  CI  CI  CI  CI  CI  CIA  CIA  CIA  CIA  CIA  CIAC  CIADN  CIAM  CIAS  CIC  CIC  CIC  CIC  CIC  CIC  CICO  CICT  CICU  CICU  CID  CID  CID  CID  CID  CID  CID  CIDAS  CIDB  Cidef  CIDIN, Cidin  CIDL  CIDS  CIDS  CIDS  CIDS  CIE

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Channel [Frequenzkanal] Course Heading Panel Channel Reliability Charter Carrier to Interference ratio Cabin Interphone Cirrus [Wolkentyp] Combat Identification Communication Interface Compression Ignition (Druckzündung) Conducted Interference [EMV] Configuration Item Cost Index Counter Intelligence Course Invalid Course to Intercept Current Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency [die zentrale Nachrichtenagentur der US] CFMU Internet Access Computer Industry Association Contingency Impact Assessment Controller Interface Adapter Computer Incident Advisory Capability Croatian Integrated Aeronautical Data Network Computerized Integrated and Automated Manufacturing Circuit Inventory and Analysis System Clearances and Information Communications Close In Combat Combat Information Center [USA, USAF; jetzt CDC] Combined Intelligence Center Commander In Chief [UK] Content Indicator Code Combat Information Center Officer [WS E-2 Hawkeye der USN] Computing, Information, and Communication Technologies Central Interface Control Unit Communications Interface Control Unit Category Interaction Diagram Charge Injection Device Check-In Display Combat Identification Computer Interface Device Connection ID Crime Investigation Division Compact Integrated Defensive Aids Suite [SAAB] Checklist Input Data Base Conseil des Industries de Défense Francais [Verband der französischen Verteidigungsindustrie] Common ICAO Data Interchange Network Configuration Item Data List Cabin Intercommunication Data System Cabin Interphone Distribution System Combat Identification Server Check-In Display System Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage [International Commission on Illumination, ICI]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 CIEL  CIEM  CIF  CIF  CiFax  CIG  CIG  CIGNET  CIGSS  CII  CIL  CIM  CIMIC  CIMIC  CIMIL  C-IMINT  CINC  CinC  CINCAT  CINCENT  CINCEUR  CINR  CINT  CIO  CIO  CIO  CIOC  CIP  CIP  CIP  CIP  CIP  CIP  CIP  CIP  CIP  CIP  CIP  CIPD  CiPhony  CIR  CiR  CIR  CIRCM  CIRL  CIRS  CIS  CIS  CIS  CIS  CIS  CIS  CIS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Common Interface Exchange Language Computer-Integrated Engineering and Manufacturing Common Interchange Format Common Intermediate Format Ciphered Facsimile Combined Intelligence Group Computer Image Generation Cooperative International GPS Network (Internationales GPS-Netzwerk) Common Imagery Ground Surface Station Confederation of India Industry Critical Items List Computer Integrated Manufacturing (computerintegrierte Fertigung) Civil-Military Cooperation Civil-Military Interface Committee Civil/Military coordination Counter Imagery Intelligence Combined Intelligence Center Commander-in-Chief [US President] Capacity Increase through Computer Assistance Tools Commander-In-Chief Central Europe [NATO] Commander-In-Chief Europe [NATO] (Oberbefehlshaber Europa) Carrier to Interfearer Noise Ratio Center for Intagrated Nano Technologies Central Imagery Office Chief Information Officer Common Input/Output Combat Intelligence Operations Center Central Imagery Processor Channel Interface Processor Combat Identification Panel Common Integrated Processor [F-22 Raptor] Continuous Improvement Program [Rolls-Royce] Convergence and Implementation Programme Core Integrated Processor Correlation and Integration Processor Critical Infrastructure Protection Critical Intelligence Parameter Current Injection Probe Convergence and Implementation Programme Document Ciphered Telephony Central Intelligence Report Circuit Reliability Color Infrared Common Infrared Countermeasures Current Intelligence Requirements List Coherent Infrared Sensor Canadian Intelligence Service Cavitation Inception Speed Chemical Imaging Sensor Combat Identification System Combat Instruction Set Combat Intelligence System Command & Information System 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CIS  CIS  CIS  CIS  CIS  CIS  CIS  CIS  CIS  CIS  CIS  CISC  CISM  CISPR  CISS  CIT  CIT  CIT  CIT  CIT  CIT  CITA  CITE  CITI  CITRAC  CITS  CITV  CIU  CIU  CIU  CIU  CIU  CIU  CIU  CIV  Civ  CIWS  CIWS  C&J  CJ  CJCS  CJPS  CJSOTF  CJTF  CK, Ck  CKEM  CKLST, CL  Ckt  CL  CL  CL  CL

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Common Information Services Commonwealth of Independent States [GUS, frühere UdSSR] Communications and Information System Communication Intercept System Communications Interface System Compansated Imaging System Computer Interface System Cooperative Independent Surveillance Corporate Information System Crew Information System Critical Incident Stress Complex Instruction Set Computer Critical Incident Stress Management Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radioélectriques (Internationale Sonderkommission für Funkstörungen) Configurable Integrated Surveillance System [Flugsicherungssystem von Rockwell Collins] co*ckpit Information Display Coherent Integration Time Combined Interrogator-Transponder Commission of Integrated Transport [UK] Compressor Inlet Temperature [Triebwerk] (Kompressoreinlasstemperatur) Critical Item Test Combat Intelligence and Targeting on Arrival Computer Integrated Test Equipment [USAF] Corporate Information Technology Infrastructure Common Interface for Trajectory Calculation Centrally Integrated Test System Commander Independent Thermal Viewing Cabin Interface Unit Central Interface Unit co*ckpit Information Unit co*ckpit Interface Unit Communications Interface Unit Computer Interface Unit Control Interface Unit Centre Interconnect Valve Civil (Zivil) Close-In Weapon System [USN AEGIS] Corridor Integrated Weather System Collection and Jamming Coherent Jamming Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Combined Joint Planning Staff Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force Combined Joint Task Force [NATO] Check Compact Kinetic Energy Missile Checklist Circuit (Schaltung) Centerline Center of Lift Chemical Laser Class

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26. Juni 2013


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 CL  CL  CL  CL  CLA  Claire  Clara  Class  Class  Class  Clb  Clbr  CLC  CLC  CLCS  Cld  CLD  CLDS  CLEAN  CLF  CLF  Clg  Clg  CLI  CLIAS  CLICC  CLIRCM  Clk  Cnlc  CLNP  CLOS  CLP  Clr  CLS  CLS  CLS  CLS  CLS  CLS  CLS  C/LS  Clsd  CLT  CLT  CLT  CLU . CLV  c.m.  cm  CM  CM  CM  CM


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Cleared Closed Loop Coefficient of Lift Cruiser Light Cross Loop Antennas Clean Air Engine Compact Laser Radar Classification Close Air Support System Coherent Laser Airborne Shear Sensor Climb (Steigflug) Calibration Colocated Coexistence Command Launch Computer Close-Loop Control System Cloud Compact Laser Designator co*ckpit Laser Designation System Component-Validation for Environmentally friendly Aero Engines Combat Logistics Force Commander, Landing Force Calling Ceiling (Wolkenuntergrenze) Calling Line Identifier Climbing Indicated Airspeed Colaboration in Command and Control systems [NATO] Closed Loop Infrared Countermeasures Clock Clearance Connectionless Network Protocol Command-to-Line Of Sight Club der Luftfahrtpublizisten [AU] Clear, clear to, clearance (freigeben nach, Freigabe, Löschtaste) Capsule Launch System Cargo Loading System Central Locator System Central Logging System Computer Loading System Contingency Landing Site Contractorized Logistics Support Cruising/Loiter Speed Closed (geschlossen), close, closing Calculated Landing Time Centerline Tracking [ILS] Customized Lead Time Command Launch Unit (Steuerungs- und Abschussvorrichtung) Crew Launch Vehicle Center of Mass Centimeter, Zentimeter [Längeneinheit, 10-2 m] Classified Message Cluster Munition Collection Management Command Module

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CM  CM  CM  CM  CM  CM  CM  CM  CM  CM  CM  CM  CM  CM  CM  CM  Cm  CMA  CMA  CMAC  CMACT  CMAG  CMAPS  CMAPS  CMAWS  CMB  CMB  Cmb  CMB  CMBR  CMC  CMC  CMC  CMC  CMC  CMC  CMC  CMC  CMCA  CMCF  CMCS  CMCS  CMD  Cmd  CMD  CMD  CMDB  CMDC  CMDR  Cmdr  CMDS  CME  CMF

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Common Memory Common Mode Communications Manager Comsec Module Configuration Management Conflict Management Conformance Monitoring Content Management [Bw] Context Management Countermeasures [auch: Counter-Measures] Countermeasures Management Countermines Crew Member Crisis Management Critical Milestone Cruise Missile (Marschflugkörper) Curium [chem. Element] Centralized Maintenance Application Contract Maintenance Agreement Civil/Military ATM Coordination Civil/Military ATM Coordination Tool Cruise-Missile Adanced Guidance Counter Manpads Counter Man-portable Airspace Protection System Common Missile Approach Warning System Central Management Board Climb to Combined Cosmic Microwave Background (kosmische Mikrowellenhintergrundsstrahlung) Common Multiplexer Bus Recorder Canadian Marconi Company [CMC Electronics] Central Maintenance Computer (zentraler Wartungsrechner) Central Master Clock Ceramic Matrix Composites Command Mission Computer Commandant Marine Corps Common Mode Coupling Cruise Missile Carrier Cruise Missile Carrier Aircraft Central Maintenance Computing Function Central Maintenance Computer System [B777] Comint Mission Control System Colour Multiporpose Display Command (Befehl, Kommando) Countermeasures Dispenser [EW] (Gegenmaßnahmendispenser) Cruise Missile Defense (Marschflugkörperabwehr) Configuration Management Database Command Cell Coherent Monopulse Doppler Radar (kohärentes Pulsdoppler-Monopulsradar) Commander Counter Measures Dispensing System [EW] (Gegenmaßnahmendispensersystem) Communications Monitoring Equipment Coherent circulating Memory Filter

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 CMF  CMF  CMG  CMG  CMGT  CMI  CMI  CIMIC  CMIP  CMIP  CMIS  Cml  CML  CMLSA  CMM  CMM  CMMC  CMNPS  CM&O  CMO  CMOC  CMOS  CMOS  CMP  CMP  CMP  CMP  Cmp  CMP  CMP  CMP  Cmpl  CMR  CMR  CMRA  CMRR  CMRS  CMRS  CMS  CMS  CMS  CMS  CMS  CMS  CMS  CMS  CMS  CMSA  Cmsd  CMT  CMT  CMT  CMT 167218

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Common Message Format Communication Management Function Control Moment Gyros Crisis Management Group Contract Management Coded Mark Inversion Common Mode Interference Civil/Military Interface Standing Committee Common Management Information Protocol Contract Management and Inspection Procedures Common Management Information Services Chemical Common Mode Logic Commercial Microwaves Landing Systems Avionics Common Mode Monitor Component Maintenance Manual Common Management Monitoring and Control Canadian Minimum Navigation Performance Specification Center Maintenance and Operation Civil-Military Operations Civil-Military Operations Center Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Complementary Metal Oxide Silicon Central Maintenance Panel Charge Militaire de Penetration [MBDA] Chiplevel Multi-Processing Combat Mission Planning Comparator Configuration Management Plan Configuration, Maintenance and Procedures [document] Contract Management Plan Complition, completed (Beendigung, beendet/abgeschlossen) Certification Maintenance Requirements Common Mode Rejection Cruise Missile Radar Altimeter (Radarhöhenmesser für Marschflugkörper) Common-Mode Rejection Ratio Commercial Mobile Radio Services Countermeasures Receiver System (Gegenmaßnahmenempfängersystem) Cabin Management System Central Maintenance System [Airbus] Central Message Switch co*ckpit Management System (co*ckpitsteuerungssystem) Combat Management System Combat Mission Simulation Common Mapping System Communications Management System Control, Monitor, Support Cruise Missile Support Activity Commissioned Cadmium-Mercury-Telluride [chem. Verbindung] Certification Management Team co*ckpit Maintenance Terminal Core Management Team 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CMT  CMT  CMTC  CMTP  Cmts  CMTS  CMU  CMU  CMV  CMV  CMWS  CMWS  CMY  C/N  CN  CN  CN  CN  CN  CN-235  CN-235M  CN-235MPA  CNA  CNA  CNA  CNACC  CNAD  CNAL  CNAP  CNATS  CNC  CNC  Cncl  CNCP  CNCS  CND  CND  CNDB  CND-SB  CNE  CNEIA  CNES  CNF  CNG  CNGF  CNI  CNIEW  CNIMS  CNIR  CNIU  CNK

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Critical Milestone Test Critical Mobile Target Combat Manoeuver Training Center Corporate Management Training Programme Comments Compliance Monitoring Tracking System Communications Management Unit (Kommunikationssteuerungssystem) Control Monitor Unit Common Mode Voltage Counter Measures Verification Common Missile Warning Sensor Common Missile Warning System [USAF, USN] (gemeinsames Flugkörperwarnsystem) Cyan, Magenta, Yellow Construction Number Change Notice (Änderungsmeldung) Commission [Permanent] Common Network Compass North (Kompaß-Nord) Corporate Network Regionalverkehrsflugzeug von EADS CASA/Indonesian Aerospace Militärischer Frachter Maritime Patrol Aircraft Center for Naval Analysis [USN] Computer Network Attack (Computernetzwerkangriff) Critical Node Analysis Common National Area Control Centre Conference of National Armaments Directors [NATO] (NATO-Konferenz der Nationalen Rüstungsdirektoren) Commander Naval Air Forces Atlantic Commander Naval Air Forces Pacific Controller of National Air Traffic Services [UK] Com/Nav Controls Computerized Numerical Control (Werkzeugmaschinensteuerung) Cancel (Aufheben, Löschen) Communication and Navigation Controls Panel Central Navigation and Control School [RAF] Computer Network Defense Corporate Network Design Customized Navigation Database Corporate Network Design Supervisory Board Collateral Nature of Effects Comité National d’Expansion pour l’Industrie Aéronautique [FR] Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales [EAC, ASI, DLR] (Nationale Raumfahrtagentur Frankreichs) Central Notice-to-airman Facility Common Network Group Common New Generation Frigate Communications, Navigation and Identification CNI Electronic Warfare CNI Management System Communications, Navigation, Identification, Reconnaissance (Kommunikation, Navigation, Identifikation, Aufklärung) CNI Unit Cause Not Known

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 Cnl  CNMS  CNNG  CNO  CNO  CNP  CNR  CNR  CNR  CNRE  CNRI  CNRS  CNS  CNS  CNS  CNS  CNS  CNS  Cns  CNSA  CNS/ATM  CNSI  CNSP  CNT  CNT  Cntr  c/o  CO  CO  CO  CO  Co  CO  Co.  CO  CO  CO  CO2  COA  COA  COA  COA  COA  COAT  Coax  COB  COB  Cobol  Cobra  COC  CoC  COC  COD 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Cancel, canceled [flight plan] (aufheben, aufgehoben) Consolidated Network Monitoring System Crotale Naval New Generation Chief of Naval Operations Computer Network Operations (Computernetzwerkoperationen) Comm/Nav/Pulse Clutter-to-Noise Ratio Combat Net Radio (Gefechtsfeldfunk) Customer Notification Reports Centre National de Recherches de l’Espace [FR] Combat Net Radio Interface Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Chief of Naval Staff [UK] Common Naval System Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (Kommunikation, Navigation, Überwachung) Communications Network Simulator Consolidated Notam System Complementary Network Service Continuous (Dauerhaft, kontinuierlich) Chinese National Space Administration Communications, Navigation and Surveillance - Air Traffic Management Communications, Navigation, Surveillance and Identification Consolidated Notam System Processor Carbon Nanotube Certificat de Navigabilité de Type [FR] Centre care of Carbon Monoxide [chem. Verbindung] Central Office Change Order Checkout Cobalt [chem. Symbol] Commanding Officer (Verbandsführer) Company (Betrieb, Unternehmen) Continental Contracting Officer Crystal Oscillator Carbon Dioxide [chem. Verbindung] Certificate Of Airworthiness Certificate Of Approval Certificate Of Authorization Circle Of Ambiguity Course Of Action Corrected Outside Air Temperature Coaxial Chip On Board Communication Order of Battle Common Business Oriented Language (kaufmännisch-orientierte Programmiersprache) Counter Battery Radar [DE, Bw/Heer] (Artillerieortungsradar) Certificate Of Conformance Code of Conduct Command Operations Centre Carrier Onboard Delivery 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 COD  CODA  CODA  CODAG  CODAC  Codec  CODOG  CODOI  Codec  COE  COE  COE  COE  COEA  COEC  Coef  CoF  CofA  COFAS  CofC  COFDM  CofE  CofF  CofM  COFR  CofS  COG  COG  COHO, coho  COI  COIL  COIN  COJAS  Col  COLDS  Colidar  Coll  COLT  COM  COM  COM  COMAC  COMCAM  COMAO  COMAO  COMCEN  Comdt  COMED  COMINT  COMIREX  COMJAM  COMLAN  Comm

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Cash On Delivery Central Office for Delay Analysis Centre d’Opérations de Défense Aérienne Combined Diesel And Gas [Turbine] Cosmic Dust Aggregation Coder-decoder Combined Diesel Or Gas [Turbine] Centre d’Opérations de la Direction Opérationnelle Intégrée [FR] Codierer/Decodierer Center Of Exellence/Expertise Certificate Of Equivalency [USAF] Cooperative Emitter Common Operations/Operating Environment Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis Council Operations and Exercise Committee Coefficient Change of Frequency Certificate of Airworthiness (Lufttüchtigkeitszertifikat) Centre d’Operations des Forces Aériénnes Stratégiques [FR] Certificate of Compliance (Verträglichkeits- bzw Übereinstimmungszertifikat) Coded OFDM Certificate of Experience (Zertifikat bzgl der Erfahrung) Construction of Facilities Certificate of Maintenance Certificate Of Flight Readiness Chief of Staff Center Of Gravity Course Over Ground Coherent Oscillator (Kohärenzoszillator) Critical Operational Issue Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser Counter Insurgency (Bekämpfung von Aufständischen) Coherent Jammer Simulator Colonel Common Opto-electronic Laser Detection System [Bw; EADS] Coherent Light Detection and Ranging Collapse CO2 Laser Technology co*ckpit Operating Manual [Betriebshandbuch für das co*ckpit] Communications [FAA: COMM] (Kommunikation, Fernmeldewesen) Computer Operations Manual co*ckpit Management Computer Combat Camera Combined Air Operations Composite Air Operations Communications Center Commandant Combined Map and Electronic Display Communications Intelligence (Fernmelde-, Funkaufklärung, FmAufkl) Committee on Imagery Requirements and Exploitation Communications Jamming Communications LAN Communications (Sprechfunk) [FAA]

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 COMMOS  COMMZ  COMOS  Comp  Comp  Comp  COMPAS  COMPASS  COMPG  Compusec  COMSAT  COMSATBw-1  Comsatcom  COMSEC  Comsim  Comtech  CON  Con  Con  Con  CONAD  Conc  COND  CONECT  CONELRAD  CONEX  Conf  Conf  Config  Cong  Conops  Conplan  Conplan  Cons  Conscan  Const  Const  Cont  Cont  Cont  Contrapop  CONUS  CONUSA  Convl  COO  Coo  Coor  Coord  COP  COP  COP  COP  COP 167218

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Communications Monitoring System Communications Zone Common procurement Of Mode S Compatible Component Compressor (Kompressor, Verdichter) [Triebwerk] Computer Oriented Metering, Planning and Advisory System Compact Multipurpose Advanced Stabilized System Composite Group [USAF] Computer Security Communications Satellite [auch: ComSat, Comsat] Communicationssatelliten der Bundeswehr Stufe 1 Commercial Satellite Communications [Intelsat] Communications Security [auch: Comsec] (Informationssicherheit) Computer Simulation Communications Technology CONSOL Console Control Continuous (Dauerhaft, kontinuierlich) Continental Air Defense Command Concrete (Betonbahn) Condition (Zustand, Beschaffenheit) Combat Network Communications Technology [B-52 Stratofortress] Control of Electromagnetic Radiation Connectivity Exchange Confidential (vertraulich) Conflict Configuration Congress Concepts of Operations (Einsatzkonzepte) Concept Plan Contingency Plan (Eventualitäten- bzw Ausweich-Plan) Continuous (Dauerhaft, kontinuierlich) Conical Scan [Antennen] (konische Abtastung) Constant Construction, constructed Container Continue (fortsetzen) Control Contra Rotating Propeller Continental United States Continental United States Army Conventional Chief Operating Officer [Management] Coordinator Coordinate, coordinated Coordinates, Coordination Change Over Point [Funkfeuer] (Wechselpunkt) Character Oriented Protocol Combat Outpost Common Operational Picture Contingency Operations Procedure 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 Cop  COPR  COPS, Cops  Cor  Cor  Cor  CORA  CORA  CORAD  CORBA  CORDA  CoRE  CORE  CORE  Corp.  Corr  CoS  CoS  COS  cos  COSA  COSPAR  Cosro  COT  Cot  CoT  COT  CoTAM  COTAR  COTASS  COTIM  COTM  COTP  COTS, Cots . COTS  Cots  COV  Cov  COVCOM  C&P  C-P  CP-140  CP  CP  CP  CP  CP  CP  CP  CP  CP  CP  CP

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Copper Cruise Overall Pressure Ratio Common Operational Performance Specification Correlate Correct (richtig, berichtigt), corrected, correction Corrigendum Coherent Antenna Array Conflict Resolution Advisor Color Radar Common Object Request Broker Architecture Centre for Operational Research and Defence Analysis Common Reusable Elements Controlled Requirements Expression [BAE Systems] Corner Reflector [Antennen] (Winkelreflektor) Corporation Corridor Chief-of-Staff Class-of-Service Conical Surface Cosine (Cosinus) Coordinating and Scheduling Agency [DE, Bw] Committee On Space Research Conical Scan on Receive Only [Radar] Compressor Outlet Temperature (Kompressor-Auslass-Temperatur) Cotangens Cursor-on-Target Customer Office Terminal Commandement du Transport Aérienne Militaire [FR] (Lufttransportkommando) Correlation Tracking And Range system Compact Towed Active Sonar System Compact Thermal Imaging Module Communications On-The-Move Connection Oriented Transport Protocol Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Commercial Orbital Transportation Services Commercial Orbital Transportation Services [NASA] Common Operational Value Covered, cover, covering Covered Communications Characteristics and Performance Counter-Proliferation Aurora [Canadian P-3C Orion] Capability Package Center of Pressure Central Processor Change Proposal Change Protocol Check Point Chief Pilot Ciclic Prefix Circular Polarization Circularly Polarized Clock Pulse

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 CP  CP  CP  CP  CP  CP  CP  CP  CP  CP  CP  C/PA  CPA  CPA  CPA  CPACS  CPAD  CPAS  CPB  CPC  CPC  CPC  CPC  CPC  cPCI  CPCS  CPD  CPD  CPD  CPDLC  CPE  CPE  CPE  CPE  CPE  CPF  CPF  CPFSK  CPG  CPG  CPGA  CP&I  CPI  CPI  CPI  CPI  CPI  CPI  CPI  CPI  CPI  CPI  CPL 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Close Protection Coded Pulse Coefficient of Pressure Command Post Computer Processor Connection Point (Anschlusspunkt) Control Panel (Anzeige und/oder Bedienkonsole) Control Point Co-Pilot Counter-Proliferation Critical Point Cost/Performance Analysis Closest Point of Approach [TCAS] (nächster Anflugpunkt) Collision Prediction and Alerting Continuous Patrol Aircraft Coded Pulse Anticlutter System Crew Portable Air Defence Cellular Priority Access Services Changed Particle Beams Cabin Pressure Controller Conflict Prevention Centre Constant Pitch Climb Controller-Pilot Communications Cursor Position Control Compact Peripheral Component Interface Cabin Pressure Control System Certification Process Document Coarse Pointing Device Continuous Professional Development Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications [ICAO] Central Photographic Establishment [RAF] Circular Position Error Circular Probable Error Complete Power Failure Custom Premise Equipment Central Processing Facility Complete Power Failure Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keyed Clock-Pulse Generator Copilot Gunner Ceramic Pin Grid Array Coastal Patrol & Interdiction Cabin Pressure Indicator (Kabinendruckanzeiger) Characters Per Inch Chief Pilot Instructor Coherent Processing Intervall Communications and Power Industries [US, Inc.] Continuous Process Improvement Cost Performance Index Crash Position Indicator Criterion Performance Indicator Critical Program Information Commercial Pilot Licence (Berufs-Piloten-Lizenz) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CPL  CPL A  CPL H  Cplr  CP/M  CPM  CPM  CPM  CPM  CPM  CPM  CPM  CPM  CPM  CPM  CPMS  CPO  CPR  CPR  CPR  CPR  CPR  CPRJ  CPRJ  Cprsr  CPS  CPS  CPS  CPS  CPS  CPS  CPS  CPSK  Cpt  CPT  Cpt  CPT  CPT  CPT  CPU  CPU  CPVR  CPW  CQ  CQB  CQC  CQFP  CQI  CQI  CQM  C/R  CR  CR

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Current Flight Plan Commercial Pilot Licence Aircraft Commercial Pilot Licence Helicopter Coupler Control Program for Microcomputers Center for Project Management Central Processing Module Certification Project Manager Continuous Phase Modulation Core Processing Module Core Processor Memory Counts Per Minute Crash Protected Memory Critical Path Method Customer Product Management Common Project Management System Combat Psychological Operations Coherent Pulse Radar Common Processing Resource Conflict Prediction and Resolution Contract Performance Review Covert Penetration Radar Cross Polarization Repeater Jamming Cover Pulse Repeater Jamming Compressor (Verdichter) Cabin Pressure Sensor Central Processing System Characters Per Second Computer Power Supply Control Power Supply Covert Penetration System Cycles Per Second Coherent Phase-Shift Keying Captain (Kapitän) Certification Project Team co*ckpit co*ckpit Procedures Trainer Common Procedural Terminology Comprehensive Performance Test Central Processing Unit (Hauptrechnereinheit, Zentraleinheit) Communications Processor Unit Crash Protected Video Recorder (sturz-geschützter Videorekorder) Coplanar Waveguide Carrier ship Qualification Close-Quarter Battle (Häuserkampf) Close-Quarter Combat (Nahkampf) Ceramic Quad Flatpack Channel Quality Indicator Continuous Quality Improvement Certification, Qualification, Monitoring Command/Response Cancellation Ratio Card Reader (Kartenleser)

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  Cr  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CR  CRA  CRA  CRA  CRAD  CRAD  CRADA  CRAF  CRAF  CRAF  CRC  CRC  CRC  CRC  CRC  CRC  CRC  CRC  CRC  CRC  CRCO  CRD  CRD  CRD  CRDA  CRE  CRE 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Carriage Return (Wagenrücklauf) Cathode Ray (Kathodenstrahlen) Central Region Change Request Channel Reliability Chromium [chem. Element] Circuit Reliability Close Range Cognitive Radio Collection Request Combat Radius Combat Ready Combat Requirement Combat Rescue Common Requirements Compression Ratio (Verdichtungsverhältnis) Compressive Receiver [EloKa-Empfänger] Concept Refinement Connection Request Continuing Resolution Contrast Ratio (Kontrastverhältnis) Corner Reflectors (Winkelreflektoren) Countermeasures Receiver [EW] (Gegenmaßnahmenempfänger) Course to a VOR Radial Crystal Rectifier Czech Republic Conflict Resolution Advisory Continuing Resolution Authority Corner Reflector Antennas Contract Research and Development Critical Research And Development Cooperative Research And Development Agreement Central Reservation Airspace Facility Civil Reserve Air Fleet [USAF] Computer Resolution Advisory Function Centralised Radio Control Collins Radio Company [US] Combat Reconnaissance Crew Combat Reporting Center [NATO, Bw, Lw] Command and Reporting Center Control and Reporting Center (Flugmelde- und Leitzentrale) [Gefechtsstand des Einsatzführungsdienstes – DE, Bw/Lw] Corporate Research Center [EADS] Crowed and Riot Control Cyclic Redundancy Check (zyklische Redundanz-Blocküberprüfung) Cyclic Redundancy Check/Code Central Route Changes Office [Eurocontrol] Concept and Requirements Definition Conflict Risk Display Current Routing Domain Cooperative Research and Development Agreement Central Reconnaissance Establishment Control and Reporting Element

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CRES  Crest  CRF  CRF  CRFM  CRFM  CRGEN  CRI  CRIIS  CRISD  Cristal  Criticom  CRIU  CRLCM  Crlcn  CRM  CRM  CRM  CRM  CRM  CRM  CRM  CrM  CRN  CRN  CRO  CRO  CRO  CRO  CROP  CRP  CRP  CRPA  CRPMD  CRRA  CRS  CRS  CRS  CRS  CRS  Crs  CRT  CRT  CRT  Crt  CRT  CRTC  CRTF  CRU  CRUAV  CRV  CRV  CRV

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Corrosion Resistant Steel Crew Escape Technology Central Repair Facility Compressor Research Facility Coherent RF Memory Coherent RF Modulation Clock Recovery Generator Color Rendering Index Common Range Integrated Instrumentation System [USAF] Computer Resources Integrated Cooperative validation of Surveillance Techniques and Applications [Eurocontrol] Critical Intelligence Communications Conventional Remote Interface Unit Computer Resources Integrated Support Circulation Chemical Remnant Magnetization Crew Resource Management Critical Conduction Mode co*ckpit Resource Management Collision Risk Model Counter Radar Measures Crew Resource Management Crisis Management Combat Radio Net Common Random Number Crisis Response Operations [NATO] Component Repair and Overhaul Countermeasures Response Operations Countermeasures Response Optimization Common Relevant Operation Picture [NATO NCW] Carbon-fibre Reinforced Plastics (Kohlenstoff-Faser-verstärkte Kunststoffe) Compulsory Reporting Point Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna Combined Radar and Projected Map Display Capabilities Review and Risk Assessment Common Robotic System Computer Reservation System (Computerreservierungssystem) Congressional Research Service Contingency Routing System Cosmic Ray Subsystem Course (Kurs) Cathode Ray Tube (Kathodenstrahlröhre, Bildröhre; Datensichtgerät, Bildschirmterminal) Central Research Topic Choice Reaction Time Circuit Combat Rated Thrust [Nachbrenner] CRT Controller (Ansteuerungsschaltung für CRT) Counter Rotating Turbofan Computer Receiver Unit Close-Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Canadian Rocket Vehicle Cargo Return Vehicle Crew Return Vehicle

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 CRW  CRx  Crypto  Crz  Cs  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CS  CSA  CSA  CSA  CSA  CSA  CSA  CSA  CSA  CSA  CSAA  CSAC  CSAC  CSAF  CSAR  CSAS  CSAT  Csat  CSBM  CSC  CSC  CSC  CSC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Canard Rotor-Wing Compressive Receiver [EloKa-Empfänger] Cryptographic, cryprography [auch: Crypt] Cruise Caesium [chem. Element] Call Sign (Rufzeichen) Cargo System Cassegrain-System [Antennen] Certification Specification [EASA] Certification Standard Circular Scan (zirkulare Abtastung) Cirro-Stratus [Wolkentyp] Close Support Coalition Support Code Segment Combat Support Combat System (Kampf- bzw Einsatzsystem) Commercial Service Common Sensor Common Service Communications Satellite Communications Subsystem Communication Systems Compound Semiconductor Computer Simulation Conducted Susceptibility Conical Scan Constant Speed Control Signal Control Subsystem Customer Specification Canadian Space Agency Canadian Standards Association Chief of Staff, Army Command Support Aircraft [USAF] Command Support Area Common Standard Aircraft [Airbus A400M] Communication Service Authorization Communication Streaming Architecture Compliance Schedule Agreement Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics [Beijing] Chip-Scale Atomic Clock Cooperative Structural Airspace Concept [ICAO] Chief of Staff US Air Force Combat, Search And Rescue Command and Stability Augmentation System (Steuerungs- und Stabilisierungssystem) Crew System Associate Technology Customer Satisfaction Confidence and Security Building Measure Carbon-Silicon-Carbide Cargo System Controller Circuit Switching Center Combat Support Cell 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CSC  CSC  CSC  CSC  CSC  CSC  CSC  CSC  scs  CSC  CSCB  CSCE  CSCI  CSCI  CSCI  CSEL  CSCP  CSCS  CSD  CSD  CSD  CSD  CSD  CSD  CSD  CSD  CSDB  CSDB  CSDD  CSDS  CSDT  CS-E  CSE  CSED  CSEL  CSF  CSF  CSF  CSF  CSF  CSFIR  CSG  CSG  CSGN  CSH  CSI  CSI  CSI  CSI . CSI  CSI  CSI

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Combat System Console Commodity Software Change Common Signalling Channel Communications System Controller Compass System Controller Computer Sciences Corporation [US Corp.] Computer Software Component Computer Systems Coordinator cosecant Customer Service Center [P&WC Europe] Commercial Standard Communications Bus Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europa [Konferenz für Sicherheit und Kooperation in Europa, KSZE] Commercial Satellite Communications Initiative Computer Software Configuration Item Computer Software Component Item Combat Survivor Evader Locator Cabin System Control Panel Cost and Schedule Control Systems Coalition Shared Database Common Strategic Doppler Computer Software Documentation Concept and System Domain Constant Speed Drive Context and Scope Document Context and Specification Document Control and Status Display Commercial Standard Data Bus Commercial Standard Digital Bus Common Support Data Dictionary [ATA] Cargo Smoke Detector System Concept and Systems Development Team Certification Standard - Engine Control System Electronics Combat System Engineering Development Combat Survivor Evader Locator Command Support Functions Command/Status Frame Contractor Support Facility Critical Success Factor Cryogenic Storage Freezer Crash Survivable Flight Information Recorder Computersymbolgenerator [DE] Cryptographic Support Group Nuclear Strike Cruiser Combat Support Helicopter Carriage Store Interface Combined Safety Investigation Combined Speed Indicator [Airspeed & Mach] Commercial Satellite Interconnectivity Constellation Services International Container Security Initiative Critical Safety Item

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 CSI  CSIS  CSIS  CSIU  CSJ  CSL  CSLC  CSM  CSMA  CSMA/CA  CSMA/CD  CSMM  CSMU  CSMU  CSN  CSO  CSO  CSOC  CSP  CSP  CSP  CSP  CSP  CSP  CSP  CSPA  CSR  CSR  CSR  CSR  CSR  Csr . CSRS  CS&S  CSS  CSS  CSS  CSS  CSS  CSS  CSS  CSS  CSS  CSS  CSS  CSS  CSS  CSS  CSSI  CSSI  CSSR  CSSS  CST


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Critical Success Indicator Center for Strategic and International Studies Centralized Storm Information Service Coded Switch Interface Unit Close Support Jamming CONUS Support Location Coherent Side Lobe Canceller Crash Survivable Memory Carrier Sense Multiple Access CSMA Collision Avoidance CSMA Collision Detection Crash Survivable Memory Module Cabin System Management Unit Crash Survivable Memory Unit Channel Sequence Numbers Composite Second Order Customer Support Operations Consolidated Space Operation Center Capability Support Package Chip-Scale-Packaging [Technology] Common Sensor Payload [USA] Common Signal Processor Communication Service Provider Communications Support Processor Critical Safety Process Closely Spaced Parallel Approach Coastel Surveillance Radar Communications Service Provider Communications Service Request Compat Search and Rescue Covert Strike Radar Cursor Counter Surveillance Reconnaisance System Customer Solutions and Support Cabin Surveillance System Cabin Systems Subcommittee Central Security Service co*ckpit System Simulator Common Sensor System Common Support Services Communications Security System Communications Sub-System Communications Surveillance System Communication Systems Simulation Complementary Satellite System Computer Support System Content Scrambling System Contractor Support Services Carriage Store Station Interface Center for Space Standards and Innovation [Colorado Springs] Conventional SSR Cross-Spectrum Symbol Synchronizer Central Standard Time

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 Cst  CST  CSTAC  CsTe  Cstms  SCTN  CSTS  CSTT  CSU  CSU  CSU  CSU  CSU  CSU  CSU  CSU  CSU  CSU  CSU  CSVR  CSW  CSW  CSW  CSWS  CT  CT  CT  CT  CT  CT  CT  CT  CT  CT  CT  CT  CT  CT  CT  CTA  CTA  CTA  CTA  CTA  CTA  CTA  CTA  CTAC  CTAF  CTAF  CTALT  CTAM  CTAR

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Coast Combined Station and Tower Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee [FAA] Caesium-Telluride [Photokathodenmaterial] Customs Color Supertwist Nematic [Displays] Crew Space Transportation System Civil Support Team Trainer Central Suppression Unit Channel Service Unit Circuit Switching Unit Central Suppression Unit Command Sensor Unit Communications Switching Unit Computer Software Unit Computer Support Unit Constant Speed Unit Control Sector Unit Customer Service Unit Crash Survivable Voice Recorder Channel Status Word Confined and Shallow Waters Conventional Standoff Weapon Command Support Weapon System General Transformer Centre, Center Clearance Time co*ckpit Training/Trainer [Eurofighter] Communications Terminal Combat Team Computertomographie Contrast Control Telemetry Cooperative Tools Cordless Telephone Core Tasks Core Team Counter Terrorism Current Transformer Calculate Time of Arrival Canadian Transportation Agency Cased Telescope Ammunition Central Training Academy Cognitive Task Analysis Computerunterstützte Taktische Ausbildung [CH] Control Area [ICAO] (Kontrollbezirk) Controlled Time of Arrival Common Tactical Concept Comité des Transporteurs Aériens Francais [FR] Common Traffic Advisory Frequency Controlled Altitude Climb To And Maintain Comité des Transporteurs Aériens Complémentaires [FR]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 CTAS  CTB  CTBT  CTC  CTC  CTC  CTC  CTC  Ctc  CTC  CTC  CTC  CTCA  CTD  CTD  CTD  CTD  CTD  CTD  CTD  CT&E  CTE  CTE  CTE  CTE  CTF  CTF  CTF  CTF  CTF  CTF  CTF  CTG  CTG  ctg  CTI  CTI  CTI  CTIA  CTIA  CT/IPS  CTK  CTL  Ctl, Ctrl  CTL  CTM  CTMO  Ctn  CTO  CTO  CTO  CTO  CTO 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Cooperative Transatlantic AGS System Composite Triple Beat Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Cabin Temperature Controller Center Technology Council Centralized Traffic Control Combat Training Center [NL] Computer Terrain Clearance Contact Convolutional Turbo Coding Crew Training Centre Cryo Test Cavity Communicated Threat Capability Assessment Cabin Training Device Calculate Time of Departure Charge Transfer Device Colour Tactical Display Common Tactical Data Concept Technology Demonstrator Cross Track Deviation Certification Test and Evaluation Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Collaborative Training Environment Control and Test Equipment Critical Technology Element Central Test Facility Coalition Task Force Combined Task Force Combined Test Force [F-22 Program] Communication Task Force Contingency Task Force Conventional Turbofan Commander Task Group Common Training Group cotangent Circuit Technology Incorporated Common Test Interface Computer Telephony Integration Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association Computing Technologies Industry Association co*ckpit Trainer/Interactive Pilot Station Composite Tool Kit Carrier-Tracking Loop Control (Kontrolle, Steuerung, Regelung, Überwachung) Critical Task List Conventionally-armed Trident Missile [U-Bootgestützt] Central air Traffic flow Management Organization Caution (Vorsicht) Calculated Time Over Central Technical Operations Chief Technical Officer Conventional Take-Off (konventioneller Start) Crypto-Operator 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CTOL  CTOT  CTP  CTP  CTP  CTP  CTP  CTP  Ctr  CTR  CTR  CTR  CTRD  CTRD  Ctrl  CTRS  CTS  CTS  CTS  CTS  CTS  CTS  CTS  CTTA  CTTO  CTU  CTU  CTU  CTU  CTV  CTVS  CTWS  CTX  CTZ  CTZ  CU  CU  CU  CU  Cu  Cu  Cu  CUA  CUMA  CUP  Curr  CUSP  Cust  CUT  CUT  CUTE  CUTLASS  CV

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Conventional Take-Off and Landing (konventionelle Start- und Landeverfahren) Calculated Take-Off Time Chief Test Pilot Common Tactical Picture Comprehensive Test Plan Core Technology Programme Critical Technical Parameter Critical Technology Projects Center, centre (Zentrum) Common Technical Requirement Controlled air space (Flughafen-Kontrollraumbereich) Contour [konturierte Darstellung beim Wetteradar] Certified Tower Radar Display Configuration Test Requirements Document Control Common Time Reference System Central Tactical System (zentrales, taktisches System) Clear/Confirmation To Send Combat Training System Communications Technology Satellite Contractual Technical Specification Controlled Speed Course To Stear [Steuerkurs] Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority Central Tactics and Trials Organization [UK] Cabin Telecommunications Unit Calibrator Test Unit Compatibility Test Unit Control Terminal Unit Crew Transfer Vehicle co*ckpit TV Sensor Cased Telescope Weapon System Clear to Transmit Control Zone Corps Tactical Zone Channel Unit Channel Utilization Combiner Unit [HUD] Control Unit (Steuereinheit) Cubic Cumulus [Wolkentyp] Cuprum [chem. Element, zu dt. Kupfer] Computer-Unterstützte Ausbildung [DE] Civil Use of Military Aerodromes Capabilities Upkeek Programme [P-3C Orion CUP] Current Capability Upgrade Strategy Program [UK, RAF] Customs (Zoll) Circuit Under Test Coordinated Universal Time (koordinierte Weltzeit) Common Use Terminal Equipment Combat Uninhabited Target Location And Strike System [Fleet Aircraft] Carrier Vessel [USN] (Flugzeugträger)

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 CV  CV  CV  CVA  CVBF  CVBG  CVBS  CVC  CVC  CVCC  CVCM  CVD  CV/DFDR  CVDR  CVE  CVF  CVFDR  CVFR  CVG  CVG  CVH  CVI  CVIC  CVL  CVM  CVN  CVO  CVP  CVR  CVR  CVR  CVR  CVRCP  CVS  CVS  CVS  CVSD  CVSM  CVT  CVTS  CVV  CVV  CVW  CVWC  C&W  C/W  CW  CW  CW  CW  CW  CW  CW 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Compliance and Verification Crypto-Variable Curriculum Vitae (Lebenslauf) Carrier Vessel Attack-Aircraft [USN] Carrier Battle Force Carrier Battle Group Composite Video Baseband Signal Compact Video Cassette Constant-Volume Combustion [Triebwerke] Combat Vehicle Command and Control Computer Virus Countermeasures Chemical Vapour Deposition co*ckpit Voice and Digital Flight Data Recorder co*ckpit Voice Data Recorder (co*ckpit- Sprach- und Daten-Schreiber) Escort Carrier (Geleitschutz) Future Carrier Vessel [UK] (zukünftiger Flugzeugträger) co*ckpit Voice/Flight Data Recorder Controlled Visual Flight Rules (kontrollierte Sichtflugregel) Coriolis Vibrating Gyroscope Guided-Missile Aircraft Carrier Helicopter Carrier [USN] (Hubschrauberträger) Comsec Validity Intervall [IFF] Carrier Intelligence Center Light Aircraft Carrier Comparative Vacuum Monitoring [Sensor] Carrier Vessel Nuclear-powered [USN] (atomgetriebener Flugzeugträger) Code Validy Overlap Concept Validation Phase co*ckpit Voice Recorder (co*ckpit-Gesprächsaufzeichnungsgerät; Tonaufnahmeanlage) Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance Console Voice Recorder Crystal Video Receiver [EW] (Kristall-Video-Empfänger, Geradeausempfänger) co*ckpit Voice Recorder Control Panel [Aircraft] Carrier Vessel anti-Submarine [USN] Combat Vehicle System Combat Vehicle Survivability Continuous Variable Slope Delta [Modulation] Conventional Vertical Separation Minima Controlled Variable Time Compressed Video Transmission Service Combined Validation and Verification Cryostat Vacuum Vessel Carrier Vessel air Wing [USN] (Träger-Bord-Geschwader) Carrier Strike Group Air Wing Commander Control and Warning Caution and Warning Carrier Wave (Trägerwelle) Chemical Warfare (chemische Kriegführung) Chemical Weapon Clockwise (im Uhrzeigersinn) Cognitive Warfare Combat Wing [USAF] (Kampfgeschwader) Composite Wave 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 CW  CW  CW  CWA  CWAN  CWAN  CWAR  CWAT  CWBS  CWC  CWC  CWCS  CWD  CWDE  CWDPS  CWDR  CWG  CWG  CWI  CWI  CWI  CWID  CWIN  CWIN  CWJ  CWM  CWMS  CWO  CWP  CWP  CWP  CWP  CWR  CWS  CWS  CWS  CWS  CWS  CWS  CWSP  CWSU  CWT  cwt  CWW  CWY  CX  Cxr  CY  CY  CY, CYP  cyl  CYTA  CZ

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Composite Wing Continuous Wave (Dauerstrich-Radar) Conventional Weapon Center Weather Advisory Coalition Wide Area Network Consolitaded Wide Area Network CW Acquisition Radar CW Acquisition and Tracking Contract Work Breakdown Structure Chemical Weapons Convention [1993] Comparator Warning Computer Common Weapons Control System Chemical Warfare Defense Chemical Warfare Defense Equipment Central Weather Data Processing System CW Doppler Radar co*ckpit Working Group Complex Waveform Generator CW Illumination CW Illuminator CW Interference Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration [NATO-Übung] co*ckpit Weather Information [System] Cyber Warfare Integration Network CW Jamming Comparator Warning Monitor Common Missile Warning System Continuous Wave Oscillator Central Warning Panel Central Weather Processor Central West Pacific [ICAO] Controller Working Position Continuous-Wave Radar Central Warning System Cluster Weapon System Collaboration Workstation Collision Warning System Color Workstation Control Wheel Steering Commercial Wideband Satellite Program Central Weather Service Unit Customer Wait Time Hundredweight Cruciform Wing Weapon (Waffe mit kreuzförmigem Leitwerk) Clearway (Freifläche) Composite Signalling Carrier (Träger, Flugzeugträger) Calender Year (Kalenderjahr) Current Year (laufendes Jahr) Cyprus Cylinder Cyprus Telecommunications Authority Combat Zone (Kampfgebiet)

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 CZ  CZ  CZ, CZE  CZI  CZM  CZT  CZW


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Control Zone (Kontrollzone) Convergence Zone Czech Republic Compressor Zone Inspection Conventional Zero Meridian Chirp-Z Transform Conflict Zone Window

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

D  D  D  D  D  d  D  D  d  d  D  D  D  d  D  D  D  d

Formelzeichen für die elektrische Flussdichte [As/m2] Kurzzeichen für Delta [ICAO-Alphabet] Kurzzeichen für Danger (Gefahr) Kurzzeichen für für Deception (Täuschung) Kurzzeichen für Präfix Dezi [Zahlenwert 10-1] Kurzzeichen für Destroyer (Zerstörer) Kurzzeichen für Detectivity (Entdecktbarkeit) Kurzzeichen für Differential Kurzzeichen für Diode Kurzzeichen für Directed (ausgerichtet) Kurzzeichen für Directive Gain (Antennen-Richtgewinn) Kurzzeichen für Display Kurzzeichen für Distance Kurzzeichen für Doppler Kurzzeichen für Drift Kurzzeichen für Drone (Drohne) Kurzzeichen für Durchmesser [DE]

 D/A  da  DA  DA  DA  da  DA  DA  DA  DA  DA  DA  DA  DA  DA  DA  DA  DA  DA  DAA  DAA  DAA  DAA  DAA  DAA  DAA  DAA  DAACM  DAAS  DAAT

Digital-to-Analog Außendurchmesser [DE] Dänemark Danger Area (Gefahrenbereich) Data Administrator Kürzel für Deca [Zahlenwert 10] Decision Altitude (Entscheidungshöhe – bezüglich Meeresspiegel) [ICAO] Density Altitude (Dichtehöhe) Deployed Assembly Descent Advisor Design Agency Design Authority Developing Activity Development Aircraft (Entwicklungsflugzeug, Prototyp) Dielektrische Antennen [auch: DieAnt] [DE] Dipolantenne [auch: DipAnt] [DE] Direct Access [VCS] Distribution Assembly Drift Angle (Abdriftwinkel, Driftwinkel) Data Access Arrangement Data Acquisition and Analysis Datenaufzeichnungs- und -auswerteanlage [DE, Bw] Designated Approving Authority [DoD] Digital Analog Adapter Direct Access Arrangement Directorate of Air Armament [UK] Dynamic Airspace Allocation Direct Airfield Attack Cluster Munition [CBU-98] Defense Automatic Addressing System Digital Angle-of-Attack Transmitter

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 DAB  DAB  DAB  DABF  DABM  DABS  DAC  DAC  DAC  DAC  DAC  DAC, Dac  DAC  DAC  DACOM  DACT  DACT  DAD  DAD  DAD  DAD  DAD  DAD  DADC  DADR  DADS  DADS  DADS  DAe  DAE  DAeC  DAES  DAF  DAFA  DAFC  DA/FD  DAFCS  DAFECS  DAFUSA  DAG  DAG  DAG  DAGC  DAGes  DAGR  DAGR  DA/H  DAI  DAI  DAI  DAIR  DAIRCM  DAIRS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Data Acquisition Board Defense Acquisition Board [US] Digital Audio Broadcasting [Hörfunk] Digital Adaptive Beam Forming Defense Against Ballistic Missiles Discrete Addressable Beacon System Dangerous Air Cargo DASS Computer [Eurofighter] Data Acquisition and Control Data analysis Committee [of ASD] Defense Acquisition Circular Digital-Analog Converter Douglas Aircraft Company Dynamic Airspace Configuration Data Communications Defense Air Combat Training (Verteidigungs-Luftkampf-Training) Dissimilar Air Combat Training [Luftkampf-Training mit unterschiedlichen Flugzeugtypen] Deep Air Defense Density-Altitude Display Digital Audio Distribution Distributed Architecture Decoy Dual Air Density Dual-Alloy Disc Digital Air Data Computer (digitaler Luftdatenrechner) Deployable Air Defense long range Radar Deployable Air Data Sensor Deployable Autonomous Distributed System Digital Air Data System Dräger Aerospace Dubai Aerospace Enterprise Deutscher Aeroclub [DE] Directorate of Avionic Equipment and Systems [UK] Department of the Air Force Deutsch-Allierter Frequenzausschuß [DE] Digital Automatic Frequency Control Digital Autopilot / Flight Director Digital Automatic Flight Control System Digital Authority Full Engine Control System Data Fusion Airports [EURET] Defense Acquisition Guidelines Deutsche Angestellten-Gewerkschaft [DE] Digitales Ausbildungsgerät [DE] Digital Automatic Gain Control Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft e.V. [DE] Defense Advanced GPS Receiver [Rockwell Collins] Directional Attack Guided Rocket Decision Altitude/Height Digital Audio Interface Direct Access Intercom Distributed Artificial Intelligence Direct Altitude and Identity Readout [FAA] Distributed Aperture IR Countermeasures Distributed Aperture IR System 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 DAIS  DAIS  DAKOS  DAKOS/CBN  DAL  DAL  DALGT  DAM  DAMA  DAmd  DAME  DAME  DAN  dän  DANL  DAP  DAP  DAP  DAP  DAP  DAP  DAP  DAP  DAP  DAP  DAP  DAPA  DAPS  DAPU  DAQ  DAR  DAR  DAR  DAR  DAR  DAR  DAR  DAR  DAR  DARA  DARA  DARAAS  DARC  DARE  DARE  DARIN  DARO, Daro  DARP  DARPA, Darpa  DARS  DARS  DARS  DART

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Digital Avionics Information System Distributed Airport Information System Datenkommunikationssystem [DE] DAKOS Common Backbone Network [DE] Delta Airlines Deutsche Akademie der Luftfahrtforschung [DE] Daylight Direct Access Message Demand Assigned Multiple Access [Satellitenkommunikation] Draft Amendment Distance and Altitude Measuring Equipment Division Airspace Management Element Data Analysis dänisch [DE] Displayed Average Noise Level Data Access Protocol Data Acquisition Processor Defense Acquisition Program [US] Departure and Approach Procedures Digital Autopilot Direct Action Penetration Directorate ATM Programmes Distributed Array Processor Downlinked Aircraft Parameter Download Aircraft Parameter Dreh-Adco*ck-Peiler [Funkpeilung] Defense Acquisition Programme Administration Data Access Protocol System [ATC Mode S] Data Acquisition and Processing Unit Data Acquisition Data Access Recorder Defense Acquisition Regulation Design Analysis Report Design and Airworthiness Requirements [UK] Designated Agency Representative Deutscher Akkreditierungs-Rat [DE] Direct Access Recorder Document Acceptance Review Drone Anti-Radar (Drohne Anti-Radar) [Bw] Deutsche Agentur für Raumfahrt-Angelegenheiten GmbH [DE] Defence Aviation Repair Agency [UK] Deep Attack Rocket Assisted Artillery Shell Direct Access Radar Channel Dayton Aviation Radio & Equipment Corporation [US] Defense Avionics Research Establishment [Indien] Display, Attack, Ranging and Inertial Navigation Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office Dynamic Aircraft Route Planning Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency [US DoD] Digital Attitude-Reference System Digital Audio Radio System Drogue Air-Refuelling System Defensive Avionics Receiver Transmitter

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 DARTS  DARU  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DAS  DASA  DASA  DASA  DASA  DASC  DASC  DASC  DASD  DASI  DASDIPS  DASR  DASS, Dass  Dat  DAT  DAT  DATA  DATAC  DATCOM  Datei  DA Tech  DATF  D-ATIS  DATM  DATMAS  DATS  DAU 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Digital Airborne Radar Threat Simulator Data Acquisition and Recording Unit Damage Assessment Strike Data Acquisition System Data Analysis System Data Assimilation System Data Automation System Deep Air Strike Deep Air Support [USMC] Defense Acquisition System Defense And Space Defensive Aids Suite [EW, UK] Defensive Automation System Defensive Avionics System Designated Alteration Station Diagnostic Analysis Software Digital Analysis System Digital Autopilot System Digital Avionics System Direct Access Subscriber Direct Air Support Direct Analog Synthesizer Director Air Staff [UK] Directorate ATM Strategies Distributed Aperture System Disturbance Analysis System [EMV] Dual Attached Station Defence Analytical Services Agency [UK] Defense Atomic Support Agency Demand Assigned Single Access Deutsche Aerospace AG [jetzt: EADS Co.] [DE] Defence Aviation Safety Center [UK] Digital Avionics System Conference Direct Air Support Center Direct Access Storage Device Digital Altimeter Setting Indicator Deployable Air Situation Display and Interface Processor System Direct Air-to-Satellite Relay [USA RC-12] Defensive Aids Sub-System [Eurofighter] Datum [DE] Digital Audio Tape Digital Avionics Technology Defense Air Transportation Association [US] Digital Autonomous Terminal Access Communication [A629] Data Compendium [USAF] Daten und Kartei Deutsche Akkredidierungsstelle Technik [DE] Deployable Air Task Force Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service Dummy Air Training Missile Danish ATM Automated System Data Acquisition and Telemetry System Data Acquisition Unit 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 DAU  DAU  DAU  DAU  DAV  DAV  DAW  DAW  DAW  DAWS  DB  DB  DB  dB  DB  DB  DB  DB  DBA  dBA  dBa  DBA  DBC  DBC  DBC  dBc  DBC  dBci  DBD  DBD  DBE  DBE  DBF  DBF  DBFN  DBG  DBGE  DBGS  DBI  dBi  DBI  DBIA  dBic  dBil  DBK  DBK  dBm  DBM  DBMC  DBMS  DBMT  dBmV  dBmW

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

DBS Antenna Unit Defense Acquisition University Digital Amplifier Unit Digital-Analog-Umsetzer Data Available (Daten verfügbar) Digital Audio Video Dedicated All-Weather [Aircraft] Deep Attack Weapon Digital-Analog-Wandler Defense Automated Warning System Data Base, database (Datenbank) Data Bus, databus (Datenbus) Datenbank [DE] Decibel (Dezibel) Deutsche Bundesbahn [DE] Development Batch Diffusion Bonding Direct Broadcast Database Administrator Decibel Absolut Decibels Adjusted Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation [Network] Data Base Correlation Data Bus Cable Data Bus Coupler Decibel-current Digital Battlefield Communications Decibel-current isotropic [Antennen] Diehl BGT Defence [D, GmbH] [DE] Digital Bearing Discriminator Data Bank Eurocontrol Down Between Engines Digital Beam Forming Doppler Beat Frequency Digital Beam Forming Network [Radar] Data Base Generation Datenbasisgenerierungseinrichtung [DE, Bw] Data Base Generation System Data Bit Inversion Decibel-isotropic [Antennen] Downlink Block Identifier Data Bus Isolation Amplifier Decibel Isotropic Circular [Antennen] Decibel Isotropic Linear [Antennen] Direkte Betriebskosten (Direct Operating Costs) [DE] Dominant Battlefield Knowledge Decibel-milliwatt [Receiver Sensitivity] Dynamic Battle Management Data Base Monitor and Controller Data Base Management System Database Built and Modify Tool Decibel-milli-Volt Decibel-milli-Watt

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 DBN  DBNS  DBP  DBP  DBPSK  DBR  DBR  DBRITE  DBS  DBS . DBS  DBS  DBS  dBsm  DBTE  DBTF  DBU  dBV  dBW  DBwV  D&C  D&C  D/C  DC  DC  DC  DC  DC  DC  DC  DC  DC  DC, dc  DC  DC  DC  DC  DC, dc  DCA  DCA  DCA  DCA  DCA  DCA  DCA  DCA  DCAA  DCAS  DCAS  DCC  DCC  DCC  DCC


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Data Bus Network Doppler Bombing Navigation System Defense Budget Project [US] Deutsche Bundespost [DE] Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying Differential Beacon Receiver [DGPS] Dual Band Radar Digital Bright Radar Indicator Tower Equipment Datenbanksystem (Data Base System) [DE] Digital Broadcasting Satellite Digital Broadcast Services Direct Broadcasting Satellite Doppler Beam Sharpening (Doppler-Strahlschärfung) Decibel Square Meter [Radar Cross Section] Databus Test Equipment Duct-Burning Turbofan Data Base Unit Decibel Volt Decibel Watt Deutscher Bundeswehrverband e.V. [DE, Bw] Design & Clearance Diagnostic & Conditioning Downconverter Data Channel (Datenübertragungskanal) Data Communication (Datenübertragung) Dead Centre Decision Coverage Departure Control Differential Correction Digital Compass Digital Computer Digitally Controlled Direct Current (Gleichstrom) Direct Cycle Display Console Display Controller Dual Channel Duty Cycle Defence Certification Agency [UK] Defense Certification Authority [US] Defense Communications Agency [US, jetzt DISA] Defense Cooperation Agreement Department of Civil Aviation Directorate of Civil Aviation Distributed Communications Architecture Dual Capable Aircraft Defense Contract Audit Agency Digital Control Audio System Digital Core Avionics System Data Communications Channel Data Country Code Dedicated Crew Chief [USAF] Defense Documentation Center [Alexandria, VA]

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 DCC  DCC  DCC  DCC  DCC  DCC  DCC, DC2  DCC  DCCC  DCCC  DCCU  DCCVC  DCD  DCD  DCD  DCD  DCD  DCDU  DCE  DCGS  DCH  DCI  DCI  DCL  DCL  DCL  DCM  DCM  DCM  DCM  DCM  DCM  DCM  DCMAC  DCMC  DCMS  Dcmsd  DCN  DCN  DCN  DCN  DCO  DCON  DCP  DCP  DCP  DCP  DCP  DCP  DCPC  DCPR  DCPSK  DCR

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Détachement Civil de Coordination [FR] Digital CamCorder Digital Compact Cassette Digitally Controlled Capacitors Direct Client-to-Client Display and Control Console Distributed Command and Control Drone Control Center Data Coupling and Control Coupling Defence Collection Coordination Center Data Communications Control Unit Direct Controller-Controller Voice Communication Data Carrier Detect Data Collection Device Data Collector and Diagnoster Double Channel Duplex Downlink Channel Descriptor Datalink Control and Display Unit Data Communications Equipment Distributed Common Ground System [USAF] Dedicated Channel Defence Capabilities Initiative Display Control Interface Defence Contractors List [UK] Departure Clearance Direct Communications Link Data-Conversion Management Defense-Contract Management Deployable Communications and information systems Modules Diagnostic and Condition Monitoring Display and Control Module Document Configuration Management Dual-Carrier Modulation Directorate for Civil Military ATM Coordination Defense-Contract Management Command Digital Communications Management System Decommissioned Defense Communications Network Design Change Notice Document Change Notice Drawing Change Notice Digitally Controlled Oscillator (digital angesteuerter Oszillator) Downconverter Data Communication Process Defense Capability Plan Development Concept Paper Display Control Panel [EFIS] Dual-Circularly Polarized Dual-Core Processor Direct Controller/Pilot Communications Defense Contractors Planning Report Differentially Coherent Phase-Shift Keying Data Change Request

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 DCR  Dcr  DCR  DCR  DCR  DCR  DCR  DCRC  DCS  DCS  DCS  DCS  DCS  DCS  DCS  DCS  DCT  DCT  DCT  DCT  DCT  DCT  Dct  DCT  DCTN  Dctr  DCU  DCU  DCU  DCVR  DCWV  D&D  D&D  DD  DD  DD  DD  DD  DD  DD  DD  DD  DD  DD  DD  DDA  DDA  DDA  DDA  DDB  DDB  DDC  DDC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Decleared Combat Ready Decrease Design Certification Review Digitally Coded Radar Direct Conversion Receiver Display Control Readout Dual Combustion Ramjet Deployable Control and Reporting Centre Data Communications System Data Control Systems [Co.] Data Collection System Defense Communications System Design Cruise Speed Digital Camera System Digital Communications System Double Channel Simplex Data Collection Tool Developing Critical Technologies Digital Cable Tuner Digital Communications Terminal Digital Cordless Telephone Digital Correlation Tracker Direct routing Discrete Cosine Transform [Bildkompression] Defense Commercial Telecommunications Network Director Data Concentrator Unit Digital engine Control Unit Display Control Unit Digital Crystal Video Receiver Direct-Current Working Volts Denial & Deception Distress & Diversion Data Delivery Data Dictionary Defense Display Department of Defense Deputy Director Destroyer (Zerstörer) [USN] Diagnostic Device Differential Doppler Digital Data Digital Display Direct Digital Double Density Dedicated Digital Access Defence Diversification Agency [UK] Design Deviation Authorization Digital Differential Analyzer Digital Data Bus Dynamic Data Base Data Device Corporation [US] Defense Documentation Center [US] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 DDC  DDC  DDC  DDC  DDC  DDC  DDCS  DDCU  DDD  DDD  DDD  DDD  DDD  DDE  DDES  DDF  DDFCS  DDG  DDI  DDI  DDI  DDL  DDL  DDL  DDL  DDL  DDL  DDM  DDM  DDM  DDM  DDM  DDM  DDN  DDN  DDP  DDP  DDP  DDP  DDR  DDR  DDR  DDRMI  DDS  DDS  DDS  DDS  DDS  DDS  DDS  DDS  DDS  DDS

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Deployable Data Center Digital Display Console Digital Downconverter Direct Digital Control Display Data Channel [VESA] Distributed Digital Computer Direct Digital Chirp Synthesizer Data Display and Control Unit Detail Data Display Detailed Design Definition Detailed Design Document Direct Distance Dialing Dual Disc Drive Dynamic Data Exchange [SW] Defence Design Evaluation Support [Bw/Lw] Digital Direction Finder Dual Digital Flight Control System Guided Missiles Destroyer (Lenkwaffen-Zerstörer) Data Display Indicator Digital Display Indicator Direct Dial Indicator Data Description Language Digital Datalink Direct Data Link Dispersive Delay Line (dispersive Verzögerungsleitung) Down Data Link Dual Data Link Data Display Monitor Data Distribution Management Detecteur de Depart de Missile (Flugkörperstartdetektor) [FR] Difference in Depth Modulation (Differenz der Modulationstiefe) Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Distributed Data Management Defense Data Network Digital Data Network Declaration of Design and Performance [CAA] Defense Dissemination Program Digital Doppler Processor Distributed Data Processing Detailed Design Review Draft Document Review Double Data Rate Digital Distance Radio Magnetic Indicator Data Display System Data Dissemination System Data Distribution Service Data Distribution System Defense Dissemination System Digital Data Service Digital Data Set Digital Data Storage Direct Digital Synthesis/Synthesizer Display and Debriefing System

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 DDSA  DDSP  DDT  DDTC  DDT&E  DDTF  DDU  DDU  DDU  DE  DE  DE  DE  DE  DE  DE  DE  DEA  DEA  DEA  DEA  DEAD  DEC  Dec  Dec  Dec  Dec  DEC  DEC  DEC  DECM  DECMU  Decon  Decr  Decr  DECS  DECT  DECT  DECTRA  DECU  DED  DED, ded  DEDS  DEE  DEEC  DEECS  DEES  DE/EW  DEF  Def  DEFCS  DEFEW 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Dual Digital Servo Amplifiers Digital Doppler Signal Processor Downlink Data Transfer Directorate of Defense Trade Controls [US] Design, Development, Test and Evaluation Direct Drive Turbofan Disc Drive Unit Display Driver Unit Distance Device Unit Data Encoding Datenerfassung [DE] Defense Electronics [EW] Destroyer Escort (Zerstörerbegleitung) Deutschland [DE] Dienstantritt [DE] Directed Energy Distribution Entity Data Encryption Algorithm Data Exchange Agreement Deployed Electronics Assembly Drug Enforcement Agency Destruction of Enemy Air Defense Decca [Navigation] December Declination Decommissioned Decrease Defence Equipment Capability [UK] Digital Electronic Control (digital-elektronische Steuerung) Digital Equipment Corporation Deception ECM [EW] Digital Engine Control & Monitoring Unit [Triebwerke] (Digitale Steuerungs- und Überwachungsanlage) Decontamination Decrease Decrement Digital Engine Control System Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications Digital European Cordless Telephone/Telecommunications Decca Track and Rang Digital Engine Control Unit Data Entry Display Dedicated (.. ausschließlich für ..) Digital Entry and Display System Data Entry Equipment Digital Electronic Engine Control Digital Electronic Engine Control System Dynamic Electromagnetic Environment Simulator Directed Energy/Electronic Warfare Data Exchange Format Defense, Defence Digital Electronic Flight Control System Defensive Electronic Warfare

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 DEFL . DEFRA  DEG  Deg, deg  DEG  DEGS  DEHLA  Dekon  DEL, Del  Del  DEL, Del  DEL, Del  DELTA  DEM  Dem  DEM  Demo  Demod  DEMON  DEMP  DEMVT  DE-NIC  DEN ALT  DEOS  DEP, Dep  Dep  Dep  DEP  DEPA  Dept  DER  DER  DERA  DERD  DES  DES  DES  Des  DES  DESALT  DESC  DESC, Desc  DESC  Descr  DESO  DESS  Dest  Det  Det  DETF  DEU, DE, D  DEU  DEU

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Deflexion (Ablenkung) Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs [UK] Data Environment Generator Degree (Grad) Deutsche Edison Gesellschaft [DE] Degraded Systems Capability Deutsches Historisches Luftarchiv [DE] Dekontamination [DE] Delay Delegation [DE] Delete (streichen) Deliverable, delivery Dual Entry Large Thermal Altitude [A Lockheed Martins testing chamber] Data Exchange Mechanism [NATO] Demolition (Abbruch) Digital Elevation Model Demonstration [DE] Demodulation [DE] Demodulation Of Noise Dispersed Eletromagnetic Pulse Deutsche Gesellschaft für EMV-Technologie e.V. [DE] Deutsches Netzwerk-Informationszentrum [DE] Density Altitude (Dichtehöhe) Digital Engine Operating System Depart, departure (Abfliegen, Abflug) Dependent Depot [CH] Design Eye Position [HUD] Departure Airfield Department Departure End of Runway (Ende der Stratbahn) Designated Engineering Representative [FAA] Defence Evaluation and Research Agency [2001 in DRA umbenannt, UK MoD] Darstellung Extrahierter Radar Daten [DE, DFS] Data Encryption Standard [US, jetzt AES] Data Exchange System Defense Electronic Systems Descent to (sinken auf) [Autopilot] Design Engineering Support [USAF] Desired Altitude Defense Electronics Supply Center [Dayton, OH] Descent, Descending (Sinkflug) Defense Electronics Support Center [US] Description (Beschreibung) Defence Export Services Organization [UK] Desired Speed Destination (Bestimmungsort, Zielflughafen) Detachment (Anhang) Detonator [DE] Data-Exchange Test Facility Deutschland, deutsch (Germany, german) Diagnostic Electronic Unit Display Electronics Unit

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 DEV, dev  Dev  DEW  DEW  DEW  DEWD  DEWINT  DEWIZ  Dews  Dez  D&F  DF  DF  DF  DF  DF  DF  DF  DF  DF  DF  DF  DF  DFA  DFA  DFA  DFAS  DFAX  DFB  DFB  DFC  DFC  DFCC  DFCS  DFCS  DFD  DFD  DFDAMU  DFDAU  DFDR  DFDRS  DFDU  DFF  DFG  DFGC  DFGS  DFHB  DFI  DFI  DFI  DFIA  DFIDU  DFIS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Deviation (Abweichung) [Kompassablenkung durch eigene Magnetfelder] Device (Gerät) Directed Energy Warfare Directed Energy Weapons (ausrichtbare Energiewaffen) Distant Early Warning (Abstandsfrühwarnung) [US] Dedicated Electronic Warfare Display Directed Energy Weapons Intelligence Distance Early Warning Identification Zone Digital Electronic Warfare Simulator (digitaler EloKa-Simulator) Dezernat [DE] Determination & Findings Datenfeld (data field) [DE] Data Fusion (Datenfusion) Deflection Factor Detectability Factor Deuterium Fluoride [Laser] Digital Filter Direction Finding (Richtungsermittlung, Peilung, Standortbestimmung) Directorate Finance Display Field Dissipation Factor Doppelfernrohr [DE] Doppler Filter Diagrammformende Antennen [DE] Direction Finding Antenna (Peilantenne) Drehfeldantennen [auch: DrFeAnt] [DE] Direction Finding Antenna System (Peilantennensystem) Digital Facsimile Differential Fast Bus Dopplerfilterbank [Radar] Digital Frequency Converters (digitaler Frequenzumsetzer) Digital Flight Control (digitale Flugführung) Digital Flight Control Computer (digitaler Flugführungsrechner) Digital Fire Control System (digitales Feuerleitsystem) Digital Flight Control System (digitales Flugführungssystem) Digital Filter Design Digital Frequency Discriminator (digitaler Frequenzdiskriminator) Digital Flight Data Acquisition Management Unit Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit (digitale Flugdatenerfassungseinheit) Digital Flight Data Recorder (digitaler Flugdatenrekorder bzw. -schreiber) Digital Flight Data Recording System Digital Flight Data Unit Digital Fix Frequency Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [DE, Bonn] Digital Flight Guidance Computer (digitaler Flugführungsrechner) Digital Flight Guidance System (digitaler Flugführungssystem) Deutsch-Französisches Hubschrauber-Büro [DE] Development Flight Instrumentation Direction Finding Indicator Direction Finding Interference Dual-Frequency Integrated Antenna Dual Function Interactive Display Unit Datalink Flight Information Service [ICAO] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 DFIU  DFL  DFLD  DFM  DFM  DFMR  DFNP  DFPS  DFR  DFR  DFS  DFS  DFS  DFS  DFS  DfT  DFT  DFT  DFU  DFÜ  DFV  DFV  DFVLR  DFW  DFW  DG  DG  DG  DGA  DGA  DGAA  DGAC  DGAM  DGAP  DGC  DGCA  DGE  DGI  DGI  DGID  DGIIA  DGLR  DGLRM  DGND  DGNS  DGNSS  DGON  DGPS  DGR  DGRR  DGS  DGS  DGSM

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Digital Flight Instrument Unit Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luftfahrt [DE] Database Field Loadable Data Design For Manufacturing Digital Frequency Measurement (digitale Frequenzmessung) DFM Receiver (digitaler Frequenzmessempfänger) Deutscher Funknavigationsplan [DE] Defence Forces Public Security Digital Flight Recorder (digitaler Flugrecorder) Double Frequency Recording (Aufzeichnung mit zweifacher Frequenz) Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH (German ATC Corporation) [DE] Digital Frequency Select Digital Frequency Synthesis Direction Finding System (Peilsystem) Dynamic Frequency Selection Department for Transport Design For Test Discrete Fourier Transformation Digital Function Unit Datenfernübertragung [DE] Datenfernverarbeitung [DE] Deutsche Flugdienstberater-Vereinigung e.V. [DE] Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt [jetzt: DLR] [DE] Dallas/Forth Worth International Airport Dornier Flugzeug Werft [DE] Defense Guidance Directional Gyro (Kurskreisel, Kreiselkompaß) Director General Délégation Générale pour l’Armament [Rüstungsbehörde Frankreichs] Director-General Aircraft [UK] Director-General for Aeronautical Armaments [NATO] Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile [zivile Luftfahrtbehörde Frankreichs] Direction General de Armamento y Material [Spain] Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (German Society for Foreign Policy) [DE] Defected Ground Structure Directorate General of Civil Director General Eurocontrol Defense Geospatial Intelligence [European Conference and Exhibition] Directional Gyro Indicator Deutscher Geoinformationsdienst (German Geo Information Service) [DE] Defence Geographic and Imagery Intelligence Agency [UK] Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft und Raumfahrt e.V. [DE, Bonn] Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin e.V. [DE, Hamburg] Digital Ground Differential Global Navigation System Differential Global Navigation Satellite System Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation e.V. [DE, Bonn] Differential Global Positioning System Dangerous Goods Regulations Deutsche Gesellschaft für Raketentechnik und Raumfahrt [DE] Deployable Ground System [USAF] Digital Generation Subsystem Director-General of Support Management [RAF]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 DGTS  DGU  DGVS  DGW  DGZ  DH  DHA  DHA  DHC  DHCP  DHE  DHFS  DHI  DHI  DHS  DHS  DHU  DHUD  DHV  DHV  D&I  di  DI  DI  DI  DI  DI  DI  DIA  DIA  DIA  Dia  DIAC  DIAC  DIAD  DIADS  Diags  DIAL  DIANE  DIAP  DIAS  DIB  DIB  DIB  DIC  DIC  DIC  DICAS S  DICE  DICU  DID  DID  DieAnt 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Digital Ground Test Set Display Generation Unit Doppler Ground Velocity System Design Gross Weight Desired Ground Zero Decision Hight [Entscheidungsflughöhe bei Präzisionslandungen – ICAO] Directorate of Human Resources and Administration Display Head Assembly Deutscher Hubschrauber Club [DE] Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol [Network] Data Handling Equipment Defence Helicopter Flying School [UK, Shawbury] Daewoo Heavy Industries Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut [DE] Data Handling System Department of Homeland Security [US] Data Handling Unit Diffractive optics HUD Deutscher Hubschrauber Verband [DE] Deutscher Hängegleiterverband [DE] Discovery & Invention Innendurchmesser [DE] Data Interrupt Destination Index Direct Injection Direction Indicator Document Identifier Drag Index Defense & Intelligence Abbreviations and Acronyms Defense Intelligence Agency [US] Defense Intelligence Assessment Diameter Data Interpretation Analysis Center [US] Defense Intelligence Analysis Center Diagnostic Data Digital Integrated Air Defense System Diagrams Differential Atmospheric Lidar Digital Integrated Attack and Navigation Equipment Defense Intelligence Analysis Program Diagnostic Services Defense Industrial Base Digital Interface Box Distributed common ground system Integration Backbone [USAF] Defence Industries Council [UK] Detection In Clutter Digital Integrated Circuit Directional Command-Activated Sonobuoy System Data Integration and Collection Environment Display Interface Control Unit Data Insertion Device (Dateneinfügungsgerät, Eingabegerät) Data Item Description Dielektrische Antennen [DE] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 DieLin  DieLinAnt  DIF  Dif  DIFA  DIFAR  Diff  DIFM  DIG  DigÜNBw  DigÜSysBw  DIH  DII  DII  DII  DIIR  DIL  DIL  DIL  DiLin  DIMM  DIMS  DIN  DIN  DIN  DINA  DINAS  DINS  DINS  DIP  DIP  DIP  DIP  DipAnt  Dir  DIRCM, Dircm  DIRF  DIR/INTC  DIRS  DIS  DIS  Dis  Dis  DIS  DIS  DIS  DISA  DISA  Disc  Disch  DISCONE  Discr  DiSEqC

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Dielektrische Linse [auch: DL; DE] Dielektrische Linsen-Antennen [DE] Data Interface Format Diffuse Daten-, Informations- und Führungsverbund Aufklärung [DE, Bw] Directional acoustic Frequency Analysis and Ranging [ASW] Differential Digital IFM [Receiver] Domain-specific Information Generator Digitales Übertragungs-Netz der Bw [DE, Bw] Digitales Übertragungssystem der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Discrete Input High Defense Industry Initiative Defence Information Infrastructure Defence Integration Infrastructure [UK] Digital Infrared Image Recorder Digital Integrated Logic Discrete Input Low Dual In-Line Dielektrische Linse [Antennen; DE] Dual In-line Memory Module [IC Memory] Director International Military Staff Defense Intelligence Network Deutsche Industrie Norm [DE] Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. [DE] Direct Noise Amplification Digital Inertial Navigation Attack System Digital Inertial Navigation System Dual Inertial Navigation System Data Interrupt Program Defense Industrial Package Drop and Insert Point Dual In-line Package Dipolantennen [DE] Direct, direction, director Directed Infrared Countermeasures Direction Finding Direct Intercept Distributed Infrared System Defense Industrial Strategy Defense Intelligence Service Disable, disabled Distance Distributed Information System Distributed Interactive Simulation Draft International Standard Defense Information Security Administration Defense Information Systems Agency [US] Disconnect, disconnected Discharge (Entladung) Disc Conical Antenna Discrepancy (Diskrepanz) Digital Satellite Equipment Control

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 DISN  DISN  DISO  Disp  Disp  Diss  Dist  DITACS  DITDS  DITS  DITS  DIU  DIU  div  Div  Div  DJ  DJ  DJIOC  DJRP  DJSE  DJTF  DK  DK  DK  DKA  DKA  DKAnt  DKE  DKP  DKS  DL  DL  DL  DL  DL  DL  DL  DLA  Dla  DLAP  DLC  DLC  DLC  DLC  DLC  DLCI  D-Level  DLE  DLE  DLF  DLFP  DLH 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Defense Information Systems Network Defense Integrated Switching Network Dual Input Single Output Displaced Display (Bildschirm, Anzeige, Instrumententafel, Sichtgerät) Dissemination Distance (Distanz, Entfernung) Digital Tactical System Defense Intelligence Threat Data System Data Information Transfer System Deployable Instrumented Training System [SAAB] Data Interface Unit Digital Interface Unit Divergenz [Mathematik] Diversion, divert, diverting Division Deceptive Jamming Deterministic Jitter Defense Joint Intelligence Operations Center Digital Joint Reconnaissance Pod Deployable Joint Staff Element [NATO Reaction Force] Deployable Joint Task Force Denmark, Dänemark Dielektrizitätskonstante [DE] Display Keyboard Dachkapazitätsantenne [DE] Drehkreuzantenne [auch: DrKrAnt; DE] Dachkapazitätsantenne [auch: DKA; DE] Deutsche Elektrotechnische Kommission [DIN, VDE; DE] Design Key Point Displays und Kontroll-System [DE] Data Link (Datenverbindung) Data Loading Delay Line Dielektrische Linse [auch: DieLin:DE] Diode Laser Down Link Download Defense Logistics Agency Delay, delayed (Verspätung, verspätet) Data Link Application Processor Data Length Code Data Link Connector Data Link Control Direct Lift Control Down Link Communication Data Link Control Identifier Depot Level Maintenance Data Link Entity Diehl Luftfahrt Elektronik [DE] Data Link Frame Downlink Frame Prefix Deutsche Lufthansa AG [DE] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 DLI  DLIC  DLIR  DLJ  DLK  DLL  DLL  DLL  DLM  DLME  DLMS  DL/MSU  DLNA  DLNA  DLO  DLO  DLP  DLP  DLP  DLPU  DLR  DLS  DLS  DLS  DLSIR  DLSP  DLT  DLU  DLVA  Dly  D&M  DM  dm  DM  DM  DL  DM  DMA  DMA  DMA  DMA  DMA  DMAS  DMB  DMC  DMC  DMC  DMCD  DMD  DMD  DMDG  DME  DMEA

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Data Link Interpreter Data Link Initiation Capability Downward Looking Infrared (abwärts gerichteter Infrarotsensor) Downlink Jamming Data Link (drahtlose Datenverbindung) Data Link Library Delay Lock Loop Dynamic Link Library Data Link Management Data Link and Message Engineering Defense Logistics Management System Data Loader - Mass Storage Unit Differential Low Noise Amplifier Diplexer Low Noise Amplifier Defence Logistics Organization Division Luftbewegliche Operationen [DE, Bw] Data Link Processor Digital Light Processing [Displays] Digital Light Projector Data Link Processor Unit Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt e.V. (German Aerospace Research Center) [DE] Data Link Service Data Loader System (Datenladesystem) Decoy Launching System Implementing Rule for Interoperability on Data Link Services Data Link Service Provider Digital Linear Tape Download Unit Detector Log-Video Amplifier Daily Detection & Monitoring Data Management decimeter Delta Modulation Depot Maintenance Development Model Display Module Decision Making Aids Defense Manufacturing Association Defense Mapping Agency [US] Digital Media Adapter Direct Memory Access (Direktzugriffsspeicher) Digital Modular Avionics System (digitales, modulares Avioniksystem) Dead Main Bus Data Mode Control Datenmodulcode [DE, Bw] Display Management Computer (Bildschirmsteuerungsrechner) Directed Missile Countermeasures Device [Northrop Grumman Corp.] Digital Message Device Digital Micro-mirror Device Digital Map Display Generator Distance Measuring Equipment (Entfernungsmessgerät) [Funknavigation] Distance Measuring Equipment Antenna

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 DMEAN  DME/N  DME/P  DMEP  DMF  DMF  DMFC  DMG  DMG  DMGS  DMI  DMI  DML  DML  DMLGB  DMLS  DMM  DMM  DMN  DMN  DMO  DMO  DMO  DMOD  DMOS  DMP  DMP  DMP  DMPI  DMR  DMR  DMR  DMR  DMR  DMS  DMS  DMS  DMS  DMS  DMS  DMS  DMS  DMS  DMS  DMSO  DMSP  DMT  DMT  DMTI  DMTL  DMU  DMU  DMU 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Dynamic Management of the European Airspace Network DME/Normal DME/Precision Data Management Entry Panel Data Management Function Digital Matched Filter Direct Methanol Fuell Exchange [Brennstoffzellentechnologie] Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft e.V. [DE] Digital Map Generator Digital Map Generator System [EADS: A400M, Eurofighter, NH90, Tiger] Deutsches Marine Institut e.V. [DE] Director Military Intelligence Data Manipulation Language Depot Maintenance Level Dual Mode Laser Guided Bomb [USN] Doppler MLS Data Memory Module Digital Multi-Meter Data Multiplexing Network Digital Map Navigation Defense Material Organization Direct Mode Operation Distributed Mission Operations Distance DEModulation Diffused Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Data Management Processor Decentralized Mission Planning Decision Making Process Designated Mean Point of Impact Digital Microwave Radio Digital Modular Radio [auch: SDR] Dual Mode Radar Dual Mode Ramjet Dynamic Modular Radio DASS Management System [Eurofighter] Database Management System Data Link Management System Data Multiplex System Debris Monitoring Sensor Defense Messaging System Defensive Management System Digital moving Map System (Digital-Karten-System) Distributed Management System Dual Mode Seeker (Dualmode-Sucher) Defense Modeling and Simulation Office Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Digital Modulation Techniques (digitale Modulations-Techniken) Distributed Mission Trainer Digital Moving Target Indication (digitale Bewegtzielanzeige) Dynamic Minimum Triggering Level Data Management Unit (Datenverwaltungseinheit) Digital Mock-up Distance Measuring Unit (Entfernungsmessgerät) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 Dmux  DMV  DMW  DMZ  DN  DN  DN  DNA  DNA  DNAT  DNATS  DNC  DNC  DNCC  DND  DND  DNE  DNG  DNIC  DNK  DNL  DNL  DNS  DNS  DNS  DNS  DNSS  DNW  D&O  DO  DO  DO  DO  DO  DO, Do  DOA  DOB  DOB  DoC  DoC  DoC  DOC  Doc  DoD, DOD  DoE, DOE  DOF  DoF  DOH  DOI  DOI  DOI  DOI  DOI

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Demultiplexer Deutscher Militärischer Vertreter [DE] Dekameterwellen [HF; 3 bis 30 MHz] [DE] Demilitarized Zone Data Net Digital Non-secure Down Defense Nuclear Agency Direction de la Navigation Aérienne Defense Nuclear Advisoty Team Day and Night Airborne Thermal Sensor Direct Noise Cancelling Director of Naval Communications Data Network Control Center Department of National Defense [Canada] Doppler Noise Decoy [EW] Distributed Network Environment Dangerous, danger (gefährlich, Gefahr) Data Network Identification Code Denmark, Dänemark Differential Non-Linearity Dynamic Noise Limiter (dynamischer Rauschbegrenzer) Decca Navigation System Digital Network Signalling Direct Numerical Simulation Domain Name System Defense Navigation Satellite System (Verteidigungs-Satelliten-Navigations-System) Deutsch-Niederländische Windkanäle [DE] Description & Operation Defense Order Design Objective Design/Drawing Office Design Organisation Disciplined Oscillator Dornier [jetzt: EADS] Direction of Arrival (Ankunftsrichtung, Peilung) Defense Order of Battle Deployment Operating Base Declaration of Conformity Department of Commerce Department of Communication [Canada] Direct Operating Cost Document, Documentation Department of Defense (US-Verteidigungsministerium) Department of Energy [US] Date Of Flight (Datum des Abflugs) Degrees of Freedom (Freiheitsgrade) Discrete Output High Date Of Intercept Declaration of Intent (Absichtserklärung) Department Of Industry Department Of Interior Duration Of Illumination

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 DOJ  DOL  DOLE  DOM  Dom  DOME  DOMSAT  DON  DOP  DOP  DOPP  DOR  DORAN  DORC  DoS  DoS  DOS  DoT  DOT  DOTS  D-OTIS  DOV  DOVE  DOW  DOW  D&P  DP  DP  DP  DP  Dp  DP  DP  DP  DP  dP  DP  DP  DP  DP  DP  DP  DP  DP  DP  DPA  DPA  DPA  DPA  DPA  DPA  DPAS  DPAS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Department Of Justice Discrete Output Low Detection Of Laser Emissions (Detektion von Laserausstrahlungen) Depth Of Modulation Domestic (inländisch) Defence of Mission Critical Entities Domestic Satellite Department Of the Navy Data Operations Provider Dilution Of Precision (Genauigkeitsverschlechterung) [GPS] Doppler [Radar] Dynamic Observation Report Doppler Range And Navigation Disorientation Recovery Capability Denial of Service Department of State Disc Operating System (plattengestütztes Betriebssystem) Department of Transportation [UK, US, Canada] (Verkehrsministerium) Designated Optical Tracker Dynamic Ocean Tracking System Datalink Operational Terminal Information Service Data Over Voice Datalink Operational Validation Experiments Description Of Work [SESAR] Dry Operating Weight Development & Production Data Processing Decision Point Defense Programms Departure Procedures (Abflugprozeduren) Depot [DE] Destination Point (Zielpunkt) Development Program (Entwicklungsprogramm) Development Prototype (Entwicklungsprototyp) Dew Point temperature (Taupunkttemperatur) Differential Pressure (differentieller Druck Digital Processing Direct Path (Direktweg) Discussion Paper (Diskussionspapier) Display Processor (Displayprozessor) Distributed Power Distributed Processing Doppler-Peiler [Funkpeilung; DE] Doppler-Prinzip [Funkpeilung; DE] Dynamic Programming Data Processing Assembly Defence Procurement Agency [UK] Defense Production Act Destructive Physical Analysis Deutsches Patentamt [DE] Dopplerpeilantenne [Funkpeilung; DE] Defense Priorities and Allocation System [US] Dopplerpeilantennensystem [Funkpeilung; DE] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 DPC  DPCA  DPCM  DPCU  DP&D  DPD  DPD  DPDT  DPEW  DPF  DPG  DPH  DPI  dpi  DPL  DPLL  DPM  DPM  DPMS  DPP  DPP  DPP  DPR  DPR  DPS  DPS  DPS  DPS  DPSA  DPSK  DPSK  DPST  Dpt  DPU  DPW  DQDB  DQG  DQG  DQI  DQPSK  DQS  DQT  d.R.  DR  DR  DR, DRC  DR  DR  DR  DR  DR  DR  DR

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Defence Planning Committee (Verteidigungsplanungsausschuss) Displaced Phase Center Antenna Differential Pulse Code Modulation Digital Passenger Control Unit Data Processing and Display Digital Phase Detector Digital Pre-Distortion Double Pole - Double Throw [Mikrowellenschalter] Design-to-Price EW System Digital Processing Facility Defense Planning Guidance Data Packet Header Desired Point of Inpact dots per inch Diode-Pumped Laser Digital Phase-locked Loop Data Position Module Digital Power Manager/Management Display Power Management Signalling [VESA] Data Packet Payload Decision Point Process Discharged Produced Plasma Digital Pattern Recorder Dual Port RAM [auch: DPRAM] Data Processing System Department of Public Safety Digital Phase Shifters Dynamic Pressure Sensor Dual Polarized Sinuous Antenna Differential Phase Shift Keying [Modulationsverfahren] Digital Phase Shift Keying [IFF Mode S] Double Pole Single Throw [Mikrowellenschaltertyp] Depth Data Processing Unit Desert Patrol Vehicle Distributed-Queue Dualbus Data Quality Guidelines Digital Quartz Gyro [Navigation] Digital Quarz Inertial [Navigation] Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying [Modulationsverfahren] Deployment Qualification System [USAF] Design Qualification Test der Reserve [DE, Bw] Data Direction Data Rate Data Recording (Datenspeicherung) Data Register (Datenregister) Dead Reckoning (Koppelnavigation) Decision Review Deduced Reckoning (Koppelnavigation) [auch: dead] Design Reconstruction Detection Radar (Erfassungsradar, Suchradar) Development Report

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 DR  DR  DR  DR  DR  DR  DR  DR&A  DRA  DRA  DRA  DRA  DRA  DRA  DRA  Dracas  DRAHG  DRAM  DrKrAnt  DRB  DRC  DRC  DRC  DRC  DRC  DRC  DRCP  DRD  DRD  DRD  DRD  DRDB  DRDC  DRDC  DRDF  DRDO  DR&E  DREA  Drehfl  DREN  DRER  DRES  DRF  DRF  DRF  DrFeAnt  DRFM  Drg  DRL  DRL  DRM  DRM  DRMS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Digital Radio (Digitalfunk) Direct Directorate of Resources Disaster Recovery Dispatch Reliability Dispense Rate [z.B. Chaff] Dynamic Range Data Reduction and Analysis Defence Research Agency [jetzt DERA, UK] Defence Research Assessment Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv [DE] Digital Radar Altimeter Doppelrahmenantennen [Funkpeilung; DE] Doppelreflektorantennen [DE] Drehrahmenantennen (Loop Antennas) [DE] Data Recording And Corrective Action System Double Regulation Ad-Hoc Group Dynamic Random Access Memory [IC Memory] Drehkreuzantenne [auch: DKA] Defense Review Board Data Recording Cartridge Data Reduction Center Defense Review Committee [NATO] Design Rule Check Distance Reading Compass Distributed Random Coding Data Reduction Computer Program Digital Radar Display Document Requirements Definition Document Requirements Description Dry-Runway Distance Dual-Redundant Data Bus Defense Research and Development Canada Digital Receiver Data Conversion Digital Readout Direction Finder Defense Research and Development Organisation [Indien] Defense Research and Engineering Defense Research Establishment, Atlantic [Canada] Drehflügel [DE] Defense Research and Engineering Network Designated Radio Engineering Representative [FAA] Digital Radar Environment Simulator Deutsche Rettungsflugwacht e.V. [DE] Document Review Form Dual Role Fighter Drehfeldantennen [auch: DFA, DE] Digital RF Memory During (während) Data Requirements List Document Requirements Liest Defense Research Memorandum Digital Rights Management (digitale Rechteverwaltung) Distance Root Mean Square 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 DRN  DRNAV  Dro  DRO  DRP  DRP  DRR  DRR  DRS  DRS  DRSP  DRTS  DRU  DRU  DRVSM  DRZ  D&S  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  DS  D&SA  DSA  DSA  DSA  DSA  DSAD  DSARC  DSB  DSB  DSB-RC  DSB-SC  DSC  DSC  DSC  DSC

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Document Release Notice Dead Reckoning Navigation (Koppelnavigation) Drohne [DE, Bw] Dielectric Resonator Oscillator Deutsches Reichspatent [DE] Doppelrahmenpeiler [Funkpeilung, DE] Design Readiness Review Document Readiness Review Data Recontruction SYstem Detecting and Ranging Set Defense Reconnaissance Support Program Detection, Ranging and Tracking System Data Retrieval Unit Direct Recording Unit Domestic Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum Deep Reconnaissance Zone Defense & Security Damped Sinusoid (gedämpfte Sinusschwingung) Data Segment Data Set Data Sheet Data Source Data Strobe Data System Deep Space Defence Systems (Verteidigungssysteme) Defense Support Defense Suppression Desert Storm Desktop Services Development Specification Digital Signal Direct Sequence Direct Support Directionally Solidified (gerichtet erstarrte) [Turbinenschaufel] Dutch Space Dust Storm Dynamic Simulator Depth & Simulation Attack Data Storage Area Defence Services Asia Dielektrische Stielantennen (dielectric rod antennas) [DE] Digital Signature Algorithm Digital Service Access Device Defense Systems Acquisition Review Council [US DoD] Defense Science Board Double Side Band (Doppelseitenband) Double Side Band Reduced Carrier-transmission Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier-transmission Dedicated Signal Conditioner Defense Satellite Communications Defense Supply Center Digital Selective Call

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 DSC  DSCA  DSCC  DSCS  DSDP  DSDP  DSDU  DSE  DSE  DSE  DSEC  DSEi  DSF  DSG  DSG  DSG  DSI  DSI  DSI  DSI  DSIC  DSID  DSIR  DSL  DSL  DSLAM  DSLFI  DSM  DSM  DSMAC  DSMC  DSN  DSN  DSN  DSN  DSNA  DSNET  DSO  DSO  DSO  DSO  DSO  DSO  DSO  DSOC  DSP  DSP  DSP  DSP  DSP  DSP  DSP  DSPD 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Direct Satellite Communications Defense Security Cooperation Agency Defense Supply Center Columbus [USA] Defense Satellite Communications System [Satellitenkommunikationssystem der USAF] Data Storage and Data Processing Dispenser Station Data Base Data Signal Display Unit Data Switching Exchange Dense Signal Environment Direct Support Element Data-link Security Defence Security Systems and Equipment International [London, UK] Display System Function Digital Signal Generator Designate, designated Dynamic Scenario Generator Data Source Interface Defense Simulation Internet Denmark-Sweden Interface Digital Speech Interpolation Defense Standards Improvement Council [US] Dismounted Soldier Identification Device Department of Science and Industrial Research Data Storage Library Digital Subscriber Line Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer Digital Subscriber Line Fibre Interface Data Systems Modernization Delta-Sigma Modulator Digital Scene Matching Area Correlator [TOMAHAWK] Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Deep Space Network [NASA] Defense Switched Network Defense Services Network Digital Signal Network Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne Defense Secure Network Data Source Object Defence Sales Organization [UK] Defensive System Operator Designated Support Objectives Dielectrically Stabilized Oscillator Digital Storage Oscilloscope Division Spezielle Operationen [Bw] Defense Space Operazions Committee Datalink Service Provider Datalink Status Panel Defense Support Program [USAF] Departure Sequencing Program Digital Signal Processing/Processor (digitale Signalverarbeitung) Display Select Panel Domain Specific Part Defense Support to Public Diplomacy 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 DSPDRV  DSPN  Dspy  DSR  DSR  DSR  DSRD  DSRTK  DSRV  DSS  DSS  DSS  DSS  DSS  DSS  DSS  DSS  DSS  DSS  DSS  DSS  DSSM  DSSR  DSSS  DS&T  DST  DST  Dst  DSt  DST  DSTA  DSTAG  Dstg  DSTL  DstLtr  DSTN  DSTO  DSTP  Dstr  DSTS  DSU  DSU  DSU  DSU  DSU  DSU  DSU  DSU  DSU  DSUP  DSV  DSV  DSVD

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Display Driver Direct Sequence Pseudo Noise Display Data Service Request Digital Satellite Radio (Digitaler Satelliten-Rundfunk) Display System Replacement Data Systems Research and Development Disired Track (Sollkurs) Deep Sea Recovery Vehicle Data Storage Set (Datenspeichergerät) Decision Support System Deep Space Shuttle [Raumfahrt] Deep Space Surveillance Digital Sequencer Switch Digital Signature Standard Digital Spread Spectrum Digital Switching System (digitales Vermittlungssystem) Direct Sequence Spreading Direct Subsystem Direct Support System Dynamic Scenario Simulation Digital Single Sideband Modulator Deep Space Surveillance Radar Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Director of Science and Technology Decision Support Tools Deployment Support Team Dienst [DE] Dienststelle [DE] Display Storage Tube Defense Science & Technology Agency Defense Science and Technology Group Dienststellung [DE] Defence Science and Technology Laboratory Dientstellenleiter [DE] Double-layer Supertwist Nematic Defense Science and Technology Organization [Australia] Director Strategic Target Planning Destroy Deep Space Tracking System Data Servicing Unit Data Signalling Unit Data Storage Unit Digital Switch Unit Direct Support Unit Disc Storage Unit Display System Upgrade [Tornado] Domain Service Unit Dynamic Sensor Unit Defensive Systems Upgrade Program Defense Suppression Vehicle Dynamic Signature Verification Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data

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26. Juni 2013


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 DSVR  DSVT  D/T  dt., dt  Dt.  DT  DT  DT  DT  DT  DT  DT  DT  DTAG  DTAM  DTAP  DTAS  D-TAXI  DTC  DTC  DTC  DTCP  DTCXO  DTD  DTD  DTD  DTD  DTD  DTDB  DTDMA  DT&E  DTE  DTE  DTE  DTE  DTED  DTF  DTF  DTFP  DTG  DTH  DTI  DTI  DTIC  DTIR  DTIU  DTK  DTL  DTM  DTM  DTM  DTMF  DTN 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Design Specification Validation Report Digital Secure Validation Terminal Distance-to-Time (Entfernung-zu-Zeit) deutsch [DE] Deutsch [DE] Data Transmission Delay Time Design Tool Detection Threshold Detection Threshold Detection and Tracking Developmental Testing Down Time (Ausfallzeit) Deutsche Telekom AG [DE] Descent To And Maintain (sinken auf und beibehalten) Defense Technology Area Plan Digital Terminal Automation System Datalink Taxi clearance delivery Design-To-Cost Development Test Command Digital Technical Control Digital Transmission Content Protection Digitally Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator Data Terminal Display Data Transfer Device (Datentransfergerät) Digital Terrain Data Digital Topographic Data Document Type Definition (Dokumenttyp) Digital Terrain Database Distributed TDMA Developmental Test and Evaluation Data Terminal/Terminating Equipment (Datenstation) Data Transfer Equipment (Datentransfergerät) Data Transmission Equipment Development, Test and Evaluation (Entwicklung, Test und Erprobung) Digital Terrain Elevation Data Datalink Test Facility [ICAO] Digital Test Format Dual Tuneable Fabry-Perot [Filter] Distance-To-Go Direct-To-Home Department of Trade and Industry [UK] Digital Track Indicator Defense Technical Information Center Defense Technical Intelligence Report Data Transfer Interface Unit Desired Track (Richtung) Dioden-Transistor-Logik [DE] Data Transfer Module Demonstration Test Milestone Digital Terrain Modeling (digitales Geländemodell) Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (Zweiton-Mehrfrequenzverfahren) Data Transport Network (Datentransportnetzwerk) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 DTNLw  DTO  DTO  D-TOC  DTOP  DTP  DTP  DTP  DTPEWS  DTR  DTR  DTR  DTRA  DTR  DTRS  Dtrt  DTS  DTS  DTS  DTS  DTS  DTS  DTS  DTT  DTTL  DTU  DTU  DTU  DTV  DTVOR  DtVSt  DTW  DTX  DU  DU  DU  DU  DUA  DUAT  DUATS  DUAU  DUC  DUC  DUE, DÜ  DUE  DÜEinr  DUEV, DÜV  DüFlz  DUG  DUH  DUP  Dur  DUSD

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DTN Luftwaffe [DE, Bw] Defense Technology Objectives Digitally Tuned Oscillator Digital Transfer Of Communications Dual Threshold Operation Defence Technology Plan [UK] Desk Top Publishing Distributed Targeting Processor Design-To-Price Electronic Warfare Suite Data Terminal Ready Data Transfer Rate Draft Technical Report Defense Threat Reduction Agency Defense Transportation Regulation Data Transceiver Router Server Deteriorate, Deteriorating (verschlechtern, verschlechternd) Data Transfer System (Datentransfersystem) Data Transmission System Defense Transportation System Deutsche Tornado Staffel [DE, Bw] Digital Terminal System Digital Terrain System (digitales Geländesystem) Digital Theatre System Dynamic Tactical Targeting Data Transition Tracking Loop Data Transfer Unit Data Transmission Unit Digital Transmission Unit Digital TV Doppler Terminal VOR Deutsche Verbindungsstelle [in USA, Canada; DE] Dual Tandem Wheels Discontinuous Transmission Decision Unit Depleted Uranium Display Unit (Anzeigegerät) Dust Dedicated User Area Direct User Access Terminal Direct User Access Terminal System Data Update and Access Unit Dense Upper Cloud Digital Up-Conversion Datenübertragung [DE] Data User Element Datenübertragungseinrichtung [DE] Datenübertragungs- und Verteilersystem [DE] Düsenflugzeug [DE, Bw] Deep Underground Digitale Unterrichtshilfe [DE] Data User Programme Duration (Dauer) Deputy Undersecretary of Defense

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26. Juni 2013


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 DUST  DUT  DUV  D&V  DV  Dv  DV  DV  DV  DVA  DVAS  DVB (C/H/T/S)  DVCO  DVCS  DVD  DVDR  DVE  DVE  DVF  DVFR  DVFR  DVI  DVI  DVI  DVL  DVM  DVM  DVMC  DVO  DVO  DVOR  DVOR  DVORTAC  DVP  DVR  DVR  DVRS  DVRS  DVS  DVU  DW  DW  DWAN  DWAT  DWD  DWDM  DWFG  DWG  Dwg  DWN  DWP  DWP  DWS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Dual Use Science and Technology Device Under Test (Testbetrieb) Deep Ultra Violet Demonstration & Validation Datenverarbeitung [DE] Dienstvorschrift [DE] Digital Video Digital Voltmeter Durchführungsverordnung [DE] Datenverarbeitungsanlage Documentation and Visual Aids Specialist Digital Video Broadcasting (Cable/Handheld/Terrestrial/Satellite) Digital Voltage Controlled Oscillator Digital Voice Communication System [Becker Avionic Systems] Digital Versatile/Video Disc Digital Voice/Data Recorder Digital Video Encoding Design Verification Engines Demonstration and Validation Facility Day Visual Flight Rules Defense Visual Flight Rules Digital Video Interactive Digital Visual Interface Direct Voice Input (direktes Stimmeneingabegerät) Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt [DE] Digital Voice Module Digital Voltmeter Digital Video Map Computer Direct Vision Optics Direct Voice Output Distance VOR Doppler VOR [DE] Doppler-VOR und Tacan [DE] Development and Verification Platform [EGNOS] Design Validation Report Digital Video Recorder Digital Voice Recorder System (digitales Gesprächsaufzeichnungssystem) Display Video Recorder System Doppler Velocity Sensor Datenverarbeitungsunterstützung [DE] Data Width Deep Water Direct WAN Descent Warning After Takeoff Deutscher Wetterdienst [DE] Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Digital WaveForm Generator Digital Waveform Generator Drawing Drahtloses Wählnetz [DE, Bw] Dedicated Warning Panel Departure Waypoint Digital Weapons Simulator 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 DWS  DWT  DX  DX  DX  DYNAV  DYSIM  DZ  DZ  DZ  DZE  DZE

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Dispatcher Workstation Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wehrtechnik e.V. [DE] Direct Exchange Distance (Entfernung) Duplex Dynamic route Availability Dynamic Simulator Drizzle Dropping Zone Dual Zone Dienstzeitende [DE] Digitaler Zielextraktor [DE]

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26. Juni 2013


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

E   E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  e

Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen 2,718284..

 E-2C  E-3A/B/C/D  E-4A/B  E-6A/B  E-8C JSTARS  ea  EA  EA  EA  EA  EA  EA  EA  EA  EA  EA  EA  EA  EA  EA  EA  EA  EA  E/A  EA-6B  EA-18G  EAA  EAA  EAA  EAADS  EAAI  EAB  EAC  EAC  EAC  EAC

Bordgestützter EloAufkl-Flugzeugtyp [Hawkeye] von Northrop Grumman Corp. EloAufkl-Flugzeugtyp [AWACS] von The Boeing Co. EloKa-Flugzeugtyp [NEACP] von The Boeing Co. Mercury: EloKa-Flugzeugtyp [TACAMO] von The Boeing Co. EloKa-Flugzeugtyp von Northrop Grumman Corp. each Eigenmächtig Abwesend [DE] Electronic Attack (elektronischer Angriff) [USAF] EloKa Antennen [auch: EloKaAnt; DE] Elektronische Aufklärung [CH] Emergency Action Enemy Aircraft (feindliches Flugzeug) Energieabsorption [DE] Engine Alliance [US Co.] Engineering Activity Engineering Authority Enterprise Architecture Environmental Assessment Europe Airports Euro-Atlantic Evaluation Authority Executive Agency Extended Attributes Eingabe/Ausgabe (input/output) [EA] EloKa-Flugzeugtyp [Prowler] von Northrop Grumman Corp. EloKa-Flugzeugtyp von Boeing Electronic Attack Aircraft [EloKa-Flugzeug] European Aviation Agency (Europäische Luftfahrtagentur) Experimental Aircraft Association [US] Enhanced Area Air Defense System European Association of Aerospace Industries Emergency Air Breathing Emergency Action Code Estimate At Completion European Airlift Centre European Astronaut Center (Europäisches Astronautenzentrum) [DLR]


für für für für für für für für für

East (Ost) Echo [ICAO-Alphabet] Electronics Electronic Warfare [USAF] Elektrische Feldstärke Emergency (Notfall) Energy (Energie) Escort (Begleitschutz) das Präfix Exa [Zahlenwert 1018]

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 EAC-TM  EAC  EACARS  EACP  EAD  EAD  EAD  EAD  EADF  EADI  eADL  EADS  EADS  EADS  EADTB  EAF  EAF  EAF  EAF  EAFAS  EAFB  EAFR  EAG  EAG  EAG  EAGA  EAI  EAI  EAI  EAIP  EAKK  EAL  EAM  EAM  EAMMTS  EAN  EANPG  EANS  EAP  EAP  EAP  EAP  EAP  EAP  EAPC  EAPS  EAQG  EAR  EAR  EAR  EARN  EAROM  EARS

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European Astronaut Center Training Model Extranet Access Client Enhanced ACARS European Aeronautical Common Position Earliest Arrival Date Engine Alert Display [Luftverkehr] European AIS (= Aeronautical Information Service) Database Extended Air Defense Enhanced ADF Electronic Attitude and Directional Indicator (elektr. Fluglagenanzeiger künstlicher Horizont) enhanced Airborne Data Loader Eurofighter Air Data System European Aeronautic Defence and Space [Co.] Extended Air Defense Simulation Extended Air Defense Test Bed Ecuadorian Air Force Egyptian Air Force Expeditionary Aerospace Force Expeditionary Airfield European Academy for Aviation Safety Edwards Air Force Base Enhanced Airborne Flight Recorder Elektronischer Aufklärungs-Gerätesatz [DE] European Air Group European ATFM Group European Advisory Group on Aerospace Engine Air-Inlet (Triebwerkslufteinlass) Engine Anti-Ice (Triebwerksenteisung) European Aerospace Industry Electronic Aeronautical Information Publication Einsatzvorbereitende für Konfliktverhütung und Krisenbewältigung [DE] Evaluation Assurance Level Emergency Action Message Eurocontrol Airspace Model Euro-Atlantic Military Mobile Telecommunications System European Article Number European Air Navigation Planning Group Estonian Air Navigation Services Einsatzausbildungsprogramm Emergency Action Plan Emergency Audio Panel Engine Alert Processor Evaluation and Analysis Program [USAF] Experimental Aircraft Programme [UK] Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council Engine Air Particle Separator European Aerospace Quality Group Electronically Agile Radar Espace Aérien Réglementé (Gefahrenbereich) Export Administration Regulations [US] European Academic Research Network Electrically Alterable Read-Only Memory Electromagnetic Aircraft Recovery System

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 EARS  EARS  EARS  EARTS  EARTS  EAS  EAS  EAS  EAS  EAS  EAS  EAS  EAS  EAS  EAS  EASA  EASA  EASC  EASFEW  EASIE  EASM  EASU  EASy  EASys  EAT  EAT  EATC  Eatchip  EATM  EATMP  EATMS  EATN  EATS  EAU  EAU  EAW  EAW  EAX  EB  EB  EB  EB  EBA  EBAA  EBACE  EBAO  EBB  EBCCD  EBEM  EBG  EBHA  EBI  EBIT 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Engineering Activity Reporting System Environmental Analysis and Reporting System Expendable Acoustic Remote Sensor Enhanced Aircraft Radar Test Station En-route Automated Radar Tracking System Electronic Automotive Systems Emergency Alert System Emergency Avionics System En-route Automation System Emergency Avoidance System Equivalent Air Speed (äquivalente Fluggeschwindigkeit) Espace Aérien Supérieur European AIS (= Aeronautical Information Service) System Express Air System Extended Area Service European Aviation Safety Agency (europäische Agentur für Flugsicherheit) [Köln] European Aviation Suppliers Association European ATM Staff Representatives Conference Enhanced All Source Fusion Electronic Warfare Enhanced ATM and Mode S Implementation in Europe [Luftverkehr] Emergency Action Support Measures Engine Analyzer and Synchrophase Unit Enhanced Avionics System Erfassungs- und Auswertesystem [DE, Bw] Electronic Angle Tracking Estimated/Expected Approach Time (abgeschätzter Anflugzeitpunkt) European Air Transport Command (Europäisches Lufttransportkommando) European ATC Harmonization and Integration Programme European Air Traffic Management [Eurocontrol Programme] EATM Programme EATM System European ATN Extended Area Tracking System Emergency Action Unit Engine Analyzer Unit Electronic and Acoustic Warfare Endauswertung [EW] Electronic Automatic Exchange East Bound Electron Beam Essential Bus Executive Board Engine Bleed Air European Business Aviation Association [B, Tervuren] European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition [Genf] Effects-Based Approach to Operations [NATO] Electronic Bulletin Board [EDA] Electron Bombarded CCD Enhanced Bandwidth Efficient Modem Electromagnetic Bandgap Electrical Back-up Hydraulic Actuator [A380 FCS] Equivalent Background Illumination Earnings Before Interest and Taxes 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 EBITDA  EBMat  EBO  EBO  EBO  EBO  EBP  EBR  EBR  EBR  EBS  EBS  EBU  EBU  EBW  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC  EC135  EC145  EC155  EC225  EC725  ECA  ECA  ECA  ECA  ECA  ECA  ECAA  ECAC

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Earnings Before Interest Tax Depreciation and Amortisation Entwicklung und Beschaffung von Wehrmaterial [DE, BWB] Effects-Based Operations ESA Brussels Office Extended Base Organization Helliniki Biomichania Oplon (Hellenic Arms Industry) [auch: EVO] Emergency Bypass Processor Electron Beam Recording Enhanced Bit Rate Extended Bit Rate Electronic Beam Sharpening (elektronische Strahlbündelung) [Radar] Emergency Broadcast System [wurde durch EAS ersetzt] Engine Build-Up European Broadcasting Union Electron Beam Welding Earth Coverage [Satcom] Echo Cancelled Echo Control EICAS Computer Electronic Checklist Electronic Combat (elektronischer Kampf) Electronic Commerce Electronic Components Electronics and Countermeasures Enabling Capability Engineering Change Environmental Control [System] Environmental Criticality Error Control Error Correction Eurocopter [GmbH; DE, FR] European Commission (Europäische Kommission) European Community (Europäische Gemeinschaft) Evaluation Capacity Event Criterion Executive Committee (Exekutiv-Komitee) Executive Council Executive Controller Experiment Container Extented Coverage Bundeswehr-Schulungshubschrauber von Eurocopter Mehrzweckhubschrauber von Eurocopter und Kawasaki Ziviler und militärischer Mehrzweckhubschrauber von Eurocopter Ziviler Mehrzweckhubschrauber von Eurocopter Militärischer Mehrzweckhubschrauber mittlerer Tonage von Eurocopter Electronic Component Assembly Electronic Control Amplifier (elektronische Verstärkerregelung) European co*ckpit Association [Brüssel] European Combat Aircraft (europäisches Kampfflugzeug) Export Credit Agency Extended Coverage Area (ausgeweiteter Abdeckungsbereich) European Common Aviation Area Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 ECAC  ECAC  ECACNAV  ECAD  ECAF  ECAL  ECAM  ECAM  ECAM  ECAN  ECAP  ECAP  ECAR  ECARDA  ECARS  ECB  ECB  ECBA  ECBAG  ECC  ECC  ECC  ECC  ECC-AIRS  ECCD  ECEF  ECCG  ECCM  ECCN  EC-COIL  ECD  ECD  ECDC  ECDI  ECDIS  ECDL  ECDU  ECE  ECE  ECEF  ECF  ECG  ECG  ECG  ECHQ  ECI  ECI  ECIP  ECJ  ECL  ECL  ECL 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

European Civil Aviation Conference (Europäische Zivilluftfahrtkonferenz) European Civil Aviation Council (Europäischer Zivilluftfahrt-Rat) [FR] ECAC Navigation [Webseite von Eurocontrol] European Center for Aviation Development [ECAD GmbH, Darmstadt] ECAC Centralised Airspace Facility Equipment Calibration (Gerätekalibrierung) Electronic Caution Alert Module Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring (zentrale, elektronische Flugzeugüberwachung) [Airbus A400M, Airbus A380] Electronic Checkout And Maintenance [System] Echo Cancellation European Capability Action Plan European Conflict Analysis Project European Civil Aviation Requirement European Coherent Approach to Research and Technological Development for ATM Enhanced ACARS [Luftverkehr] Electronic Control Box Experiment Control Board Electronic Combat Battle Management EATCHIP Cost Benefit Advisory Group EATCHIP Coordination Committee Error Checking and Correcting Error Correction Code European Communications Commission European Coordination Center for Accident/Incident Reporting Systems Electronic co*ckpit Control Device Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed Experimental Centre Consultation Group Electronic Counter Countermeasures Export Control Classification Number [US] Electro Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser Enhanced Colour Display Eurocopter Deutschland Error Correction, Data Composition Electronic Course Deviation Indicator Electronic Chart Display and Information System External Cavity Diode Laser Enhanced Control and Display Unit East Central Europe Echo Cancellation Equipment Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed [Erde-bezogenes Koordinatensystem] European Combat Fighter [UK] EATCHIP Communication Gateway Electro-Cardio-Gram Electronic Control Gear Eurocontrol Headquarters EAD Client Interface Earth Centered Inertial European Convergence and Implementation Plan European Court of Justice Electronic Checklist Emitter-Control Logic Emitter Coupled Logic

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ECL  ECL  ECL  ECL  ECLSS  ECM  ECM  ECM  ECM  ECM  ECM  ECM  ECM  ECMA  ECMES  ECMM  ECMO  ECMP  ECMS  ECMT  ECN  ECN  ECN  eCN  ECNI  ECO  ECO  ECO  ECO  ECOC  ECOC  ECOM  ECOM  ECOM  Econ  ECOP  ECP  ECP  ECP  ECP  ECP  ECP  ECPT  ECR  ECR  ECR  ECR  ECR  ECS  ECS  ECS  ECS  ECS

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Engine Condition Lever English Comprehensive Level Environmental Cooling Loops Equipment Component List Environmental Control and Life Support System EATCHIP Coordination Meeting Electronic Control Module Electronic Counter-Measures Engine Condition Monitoring (Triebwerkzustandsüberwachung) Equipment Conditioning Monitoring Error Correction Mode Executive Control Message Extended Callsign Menu European Computer Manufacturers Association [Standardisierungsgremium] Electronic Combat Modeling & Evaluation System European Community Monitoring Mission Electronic Countermeasures Officer Electronic Component Management System Electronic Component Management System European Conference of Ministers of Transport Emergency Communications Network Encoding Control Notation Engineering Change Notice enlarged Commission Enhanced CNI Earth-Crossing Orbit Electron-Coupled Oscillator Engine Cut-Off Engineering Change Order Enhanced Combat Operations Center Experimental Combat Operations Center Earth Centre Of Mass Electronic Command [USA] Enroute Communications Economy Electronic Co-Pilot EICAS Control Panel Electromagnetic Compatibility Program Engineering Change Proposal Expedite Clearance Procedure Extended Capabilities Port Extended Coherent Processing European Conference on Post and Telecommunications Electronic Combat Range Electronic Combat and Reconnaissance [WS Tornado] Embedded Computer Resources Engineering Change Request Event Contract Request Electron Chart System Embedded Computer System Emergency Communications Staff Engagement Control Station Engineering Compiler System

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 ECS  ECS  ECS  ECS  ECS  ECSC  ECSEL  ECSF  ECSL  ECSS  ECT  ECT  ECT  ECTL  ECTS  ECU  ECU  ECU  ECU  ECU  ECU  ECU  ECU  ECU  ECW  ECWT  E/D, ED  Ed(s)  ED  ED  ED  ED  ED  ED  ED  ED  ED  ED  ED  ED  ED  EDA  EDA  EDA  EDA  EDAC  EDAG  EDARC  EDAS  EDAU  EDAU  EDB  EDB 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Engine Control System Engineering Change Support Engineering Compiler System Environmental Control System European Communications Satellite European Conference on Satellite Communications Electronic Combat Simulation and Evaluation Laboratory Electronic Combat Support Flight European Centre for Space Law European Cooperation for Space Standardisation Embedded Computer Technology Eurocopter Tiger European Coordination Team Emitter Coupled Transistor Logik Electronic Combat Training System EICAS Control Unit Electrical Control Unit Electronics Control Unit Emitter Classification Unit Engine Control Unit Environmental Control Unit Error Correction Unit European Currency Unit [der Euro] External Compensation Unit Electronic Combat Wing European Conference on Wireless Technology End-of-Descent Edition, Editor(s) EICAS Display Electronic Deception Electronic Device Elektrodynamik [DE] Emergency Distance Engineering Development Envelope Delay Environmental Damage Error Density Error Detection Evaluation Directive Explosive Device External Device Effective Disc Area [Helicopter] Electronic Design Automation Engineering Design Approval European Defence Agency Error Detection And Correction [auch: EDC] European Delay Analysis advisory Group Enhanced Direct Access Radar Channel European Delay Analysis System Engine Data Acquisition Unit Extended Data Acquisition Unit Emitter Data Base (Emitter-Daten-Basis) [EW/EloKa] Environmental Data Base 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 EDB  EDC  EDC  EDC  EDC  EDCARS  EDCT  EDCT  EDD  EDD  EDD  EDDS  EDDS  EDE  EDEM  EDF  EDFCS  EDG  EDG  EDH  EDI  EDI  EDI  EDI  EDI  EDIF  EDIF  EDIG  EDIINT  EDIM  EDIP  EDIS  EDIS  Edit  EDIU  EDL  EDLAR  EDM  EDL  EDM  EDM  EDM  EDM  EDM  EDM  EDMA  EDMO  EDMS  EDMS  EDMS  EDN  EDO  EDO

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Extruded Double-Base Electronic Digital Computer Error Detection and Correction (Fehlererkennung und Behebung) European Defence Community European Defence Conference Engineering Data Computer Assisted Retrieval System Emulated Deployable co*ckpit Trainer [Eurofighter, RAF] Expected Departure Clearance Time Earliest Delivery Date Electronic Data Display Estimated Departure Date Electronic Document Distribution Service Explosive Device Detection System Electronic Defense Evaluator European Defrence Equipment Market Electricité de France [FR] Electronic Digital Flight Control System Electrical Discharge Grinding Esterline Defense Group Electronic Data Handling Electronic Data Interchange Electronic Data Interface Engine Data Interface Electronic Design Information European Defense Initiative Electronic Document Interchange Format Engine Data Interface Function European Defense Industrial Group [Belgium] Electronic Data Interchange over the Internet Enhanced Diagnostic Inference Model European Defence Improvement Programm Electronic Data Imaging System Emergency Digital Information Service Editieren [DE] Engine Data Interface Unit (Interface für die Triebwerksdaten) Entry, Descent and Landing European Data Link for Aerial Reconnaissance Early Detection Mode Electric Discharge Laser Electronic Document Management Engine Data Management Engine Data Multiplexer Engineering Data Management Engineering Development (auch: Design) Model Evasive Defence Manoeuvres Enhanced Direct Memory Access Engineering Data Management Officer Electronic Data Management System Emissions & Dispersion Modelling System [FAA] Engineering Data Management System Emergency Data Network Extended Data Output Extended Duration Orbiter

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 EDP  EDP  EDP  EDP  EDP  EDP  EDP  EDPD  EDR  EDR  EDR  EDR  EDR  EDR  EDR  EDR  EDRAM  EDRS  EDS  EDS  EDS  EDS  EDS  EDS  EDS  EDS  EDS  EDSD  EDSI  EDSLSG  EDSS  EDSS  EDT  EDT  EDTIB  EDTU  EDU  EDU  EDU  EDU  EDU  EDV  EDW  EDW  EDWG  E&E  E&E  E-E, EE  EE  EE  EE  EE  EE 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Electronic Data Processing Elint Data Processor Emergency Defense Plan Engagement Decision Point Engine Driven Pump Engineering Development Pallet Environmental Data Processing Environmental Data Processing and Distribution Engineering Data Requirement Engineering Design Record Engineering Design Release Engineering Design Review Engineering Disposition Request [USAF] Enhanced Data Rate Equivalent Direct Radiation Extreme Dynamic Range Enhanced Dynamic Randon Access Memory [IC Memory] Engineering Data Retrieval System Earth Data System Electronic Data Services Electronic Data Systems Electronic Display System Electronic Distribution Show Embedded Diagnostic System (eingebautes Diagnosesystem) Engine Diagnostic System Estimated Date of Start Explosives Detection System [Flughafensicherheit] Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Device European Defence and Security Initiative Emerging DSL Study Group Electronic Document Submission System Explosive Detection Security System Electronic Data Transfer European Defence Technology European Defence Technological Industrial Base Expanded Data Transfer Unit EICAS Display Unit Electronic Display Unit [Luftverkehr] Engine Diagnostic Unit Enhanced Diagnostic Unit Error Detection Unit Elektronische Datenverarbeitung Effective Down Wind Emitter Descriptor Word Engineering & Development Working Group Electronics & Equipment Escape & Evasion End-to-End Earth Explorer Electrical Engineer Electrical Engineering Electromagnetic Emissions Electronics Equipment 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 EE  EE  EE  EE  EE  EEA  EEA  EEA  EEAS  EEB  EEC  EEC  EEC  EECS  E/ED  EED  EEDV  EEE, E3  EEE, E3  EEE, E3 EEEL  EEF  EEG  EEGS  EEI  EEI  EEI  EEI  EEFI  EELV  EEM  EEMP  EEMS  EEMTS  EEN  EEOB  EEOS  EEP  EEP  EEP  EEPLD  EEPROM  EER  EES  EES  EES  EES  EET  EET  EET  EEW  EEZ  EF

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Emergency Equipment Emergency Establishment Equipment Engineering EW Expendables Exponential Elevation Electronic Engineering Association [UK] European Economic Area European Environment Agency (Europäische Umweltbehörde) Enhanced En-route Automation System European Environmental Bureau Electronic Engine Controls Eurocontrol Experimental Centre (Eurocontrol-Versuchs-Zentrum) European Economic Community (Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft) Electrical/Electronics Cooling System Electrical/Electronic Distribution Electro-Explosive Device Entwicklung und Einführung von DV-Anlagen [DE, Bw] Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Energy Efficient Engine (Energie-Effizientes-Triebwerk) Entstrahlung-Entseuchung-Entgiftung [DE] Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory [US, NIST] Engineering Employers Federation Electro-Encephalo-Gram Emergency Electric-Generating System EFIS/EICAS Interface Electronic Engine Instruments Essential Element of Information External Environment Interface Essential Elements of Friendly Information Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle [USAF] Earth Environmental Monitoring Enhanced Electromagnetic Pulse Electrostatic Engine Monitoring System Electronic Equipment Maintenance Training System Environmental Electromagnetic Noise Enemy Electronic Order of Battle European Earth-Observing Satellite (europäische Erdbeobachtungssatelliten) Elliptical Error Probable Energy Efficiency Plan Equal Error Protection Electrically Erasable Programmable Logic Device Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory [IC Memory] Extended Echo Ranging Electromagnetic Environment Simulator Electronically-Enhanced Sensing Escape Ejection Suit European Eastern States End-to-End Tester Enhanced Environment Technology Estimated Elapsed Time (abgeschätzte Flugdauer) Equipped Empty Weight Economic Exclusion Zone Electric Field

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 EF  EF  EF  EF  EF2000  EFA  EFA  EFA  EFAB  EFAS  EFAS  EFAS  EFATO  EFB  EFB  EFC  EFCC  EFCD  EFCS  EFCS  EFCU  EFD  EFDARS  EFDAS  EFDFMG  EFDP  EFDP  EFDR  EFDR  EFDS  EFE  EFEC  EFEO  Eff  EFG  EFG  EFH  EFI  EFIC  EFIP  EFIS  EFIS  EFISCP  EFL  EFL  EFL  EFM  EFMCS  EFOG  EFOGM  EFOGS  EFOV  EFP 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Enemy Forces External Forces Eurofighter Evaluation Flight Eurofighter Typhoon: Militärischer Mehrzweck-Flugzeugtyp von Eurofighter GmbH École France-Allemande [FR] Engineering Field Activity European Fighter Aircraft [Eurofighter] (europäisches Kampfflugzeug) Extended Forward Avionics Bay  Electronic Flash Approach Light (elektronische Blitzanflugfeuerkette) Enroute Flight Advisory Service Expanded Flank Array Sonar Engine Failure After Take-Off Einsatzführungsbereich [DE, Bw] Electronic Flight Bag (elektronischer Flugkoffer) [Piloten] Expected Further Clearance Enhanced Fire-Control Computer Electromagnetically Functionalized Colloidal Dispersion [Mikrostreifenantennen] Electronic Flight Control System (elektronisches Flugführungssystem) European Fire Control System (europäisches Feuerleitsystem) Electronic Flight Control Unit Electronic Flight Display (elektronisches Flugdisplay) Expandable Flight-Data Acquisition and Recording System [FAA] European Flight Logical Data Server [Eurocontrol] Eurocontrol Flow Data and Flow Management Group European Flight Data Processing [Eurocontrol] Expanded Flight Data Processing European Flight Data Recorder (erweiterter Flugdatenrekorder) Expanded Flight Data Recorder Expeditionary Force Development System Environmentally Friendly Engine (umweltfreundliches Triebwerk) [EU-Programm] Enhanced Forward Error Correction European Flight Engineers Organization Efficiency, effective Einführungsgenehmigung [DE, BWB] Electric Field Generator Engine Flight Hours Electronic Flight Instrumentation Electronic Flight Instrument Controller Electronic Flight Instrument Processor Electronic Flight Information System Electronic Flight Instrument System (elektronisches Fluginstrumentensystem) EFIS Control Panel English as a Foreign Language Entry Flight Level Estimated Flight Level (abgeschätzte Flugfläche) Enhanced Fighter Maneuverability Enhanced Fighter-Management Computer System Enhanced Fiber Optic Guided Enhanced Fiber Optic Guided Missile Enhanced Fiber-Optic-Gyro Missile Effective FOV Explosively Formed Penetrator (explodierendes Durchschlagsgeschoss) 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 EFP  EFP  EFQM  EFR  EFR  EFS  EFS  EFS  EFS  EFT  EFT  EFTA  EFüSys  EFV  EFVS  EFW  EFW  EFZ  e.g.  EG  EG  EG  EG  EGA  EGA  EGAC  EGAMA  EGASF  EGAST

Exponential Floating Point Enhanced Full Rate European Foundation for Quality Management Equipment Facility Requirements Extended Flight Rules Electric Field Sensor Electric Field Strength (elektrische Feldstärke) [Volt/Meter] Electronic Flight Strip Extented Flight Store Electromagnetic Fast Transients Euro File Transfer European Free Trade Association Einatzführungssystem [DE, Bw] Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle Enhanced Flight Vision System (verbessertes Flugsichtsystem) Elbe Flugzeugwerke [DE, Co.] Electric Field and Wave Einflugzeichensender [DE] Exempli Gratia (zum Beispiel, z.B.) Einsatzgeschwader [DE, Bw] Emploi General [FR] (Mehrzweck) Europäische Gemeinschaft [DE] Expert Group Enhanced Graphics Adapter [Monitor] Exhaust-Gas Analyzer Enhanced General Avionics Computer European General Aviation Manufactures European General Aviation Safety Foundation European General Aviation Safety Team (europäisches Sicherheitsteam der allgemeinen Luftfahrt)  EGB Electrostatisch Gefährdete Bauelemente [EMV; DE]  EGBU Enhanced Glide/Guided Bomb Unit  EGCS Environmental Generation and Control System  EGD EATMP Generic Document  EGG Elektrostatisches Gravitationsradiometer [DE, DLR]  EGI Enhanced GPS/INS (verbessertes GPS/INS)  EGI Embedded GPS/INS  EGIU Electric Generator Interface Unit  EGM Earth Gravity Model  EGM Elektronische Gegenmaßnahmen [CH]  EGNOS, Egnos European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Services/System  EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol  EGPRS Enhanced General Packet Radio System  EGPWS Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System  EGR Embedded GPS Receiver  EGR Engine Ground Run  EGS Earth Ground Station  EGS Engineering Graphics System  EGS Electronic Ground System  EGSE Electronic Ground Support Equipment  EGSS Elint Ground Support Station  EGT Exhaust-Gas Temperature (Abgastemperatur) [Indicator]  EGU European Geophysical Union

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 EGU  EGV  EGV  EGV-SAL  EH  EH101  EHA  EHA  EHBS  EHAC  EHAS  EHD  EHDD  EHDM  EHEST  EHF  EHF  EHIP  EHM  EHMS  ehp  EHQ  EHR  EHR  EHS  EHS  EHSI  EHT  EHUM  EHV  EHV  EHVL  EI  EI  EI  EI  EI  EI  EI  EIA  EIA  EIA  EIA  EIA  EIA  EIADS  EIAJ  EIANS  EIAP  EIB  EIC  EIC  EIC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

European Gliding Union Einsatzgruppenversorger [DE, Bw/Marine] Erweiterter GRID-Verbund [DE, Bw] EGV Sensor Aufklärung Lage [DE, Bw] European Helicopter Militärischer & ziviler Mehrzweckhubschraubertyp von AugustaWestland Ltd. Electrically Hydraulic Actuator European Helicopter Association [Amsterdam, NL] Enhanced High-Band Subsystem En-route High Altitude Chart Electro-Hydrostatic Actuation System [F-35 JSF] Electro-Hydro-Dynamic Electronic Head-Down Display Enhanced Hierarchical Development Methodology European Helicopter Safety Team (europäisches Hubschraubersicherheitsteam) Electro-Hydraulic Effects Extremely High Frequency (Höchstfrequenzen, Millimeterwellen) [30 bis 300 GHz] European HAWK Improvement Programme Engine Health Monitoring/Monitor Engine Health Monitoring System (Zustandsüberwachungssystem für Triebwerke) Equivalent Horsepower [Triebwerk] (äquivalente Pferdestärke) Eurocontrol Headquarters Electronic Health Records Engine History Recorder Enhanced Surveillance [Flugsicherung] Environment, Health and Safety Electronic Horizontal-Situation Indicator (elektronischer Fluglagenanzeiger) Extra High Tension [Volt] Engine Health and Usage Monitor Electro-Hydraulic Valve Extremely High Voltage Enhanced Hyper Velocity Launcher Electronic Intelligence Emissions Index Engineering Information Engineering Investigation Engine Indication (Triebwerksanzeige) Entry Interface Error Indicator Electrical Industries Association Electronic Industries Association [US] Enhanced Imagery Analysis Environmental Impact Analysis Experiment Interface Agreement Extended Interaction Amplifier Extended Integrated Air Defense System Electronic Industries Association of Japan Eurocontrol Institute of Air Navigation Services European Integrated Aeronautics Programme European Investment Bank Editor-In-Chief (Chefredakteur) Electronic Imaging Center Equipment Identification Code 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 EIC  EICAS, Eicas  EICASC  EICMS  EICTA  EID  EID  EID  EIDE  EIDS  EIF  EIF  EIFEL  EIIC  EIK  EIKA  EIL  EIMS  EIN/AUS  EinbGer  EinbS  EinbTle  EingrKr  Einh  Einr  EinsFüBe  EinsFüKdo  EinsFüStab  EinsKrH  EinsLogH  EIO  EIP  EIP  EIPA  E-IPF  EIPI  EIR  EIR  EIRP  EIRP, eirp  EIRP, eirp  EIS  EIS  EIS  EIS  EIS  EIS  EIS  EIS  EIS  EIS  EIS

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Equipment Installer’s Code Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System EICAS Controls Engine In-flight Condition Monitoring System European Information and Communications Technology Industry Association Electronic Identification Device Emitter Identification Data (Sender-Identifizierung) Equipment Identifier Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics Engine Instrument Display System Electronic Industries Foundation Extended Interface Function Elektronisches Informations- und Führungssystem für die Einsatzbereitschaft der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw/Lw] Electronics Installation and Implementation Centre Extented Interaction Klystron Extended Interaction Klystron Amplifier Equipment Identification List European Innovation Monitoring System Eingabe/Ausgabe [DE] Einbaugerät [DE] Einbausatz [DE] Einbauteile [DE] Eingreifkräfte [DE, Bw] Einheit [DE] Einrichtung [DE] Einsatzführungsbereich [DE, Bw/Lw] Einsatzführungskommando [DE, Bw] Einsatzführungsstab [DE, BMVg] Einsatzkräfte des Heeres [DE, Bw] Einsatzlogistik des Heeres [DE, Bw] Extended Interaction Oscillator École d’Initiation Pilotage [F] Environmental Impact Parameter European Institute of Public Administration Experimental Integrity Processing Facility Extended Initial Protocol Identifier Environmental Impact Report Equipment Identy Register Earth Incident Radiated Power Effective Isotropically Radiated Power (effektiv-isotropisch abgestrahlte Leistung) Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (äquivalente isotrope Strahlungsleistung) Earth Imaging System EATM Implementation Support [Services] Ejection Initiation Subsystem Electronic Instrument System (elektronisches Instrumentensystem) Emergency Information System Engine Indication System (Triebwerk-Anzeige-System) Engineering Information System Enhanced Imagery System Entry-Into-Service (Dienstantritt) Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Information Sampling

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 EIS  EIS  EISA  EIT  EITB  EITO  EIU  EIU  EIU  EIU  EIU  EIU  EIW  EIWG  EJ  EJ  EJS  E.K.  EK  EK  EKD  EKF  EKF  EKH  EKMS  EKO  EKT  EKV  E.L.  EL  EL  EL, El  EL  EL  ELAC  ELAC  ELASS  ELB  ELB  ELB  ELBA  ELC  ELCU  ELD  ELD  ELD  ELDR  ELDS  Elec  ELES  ELEV  ELEVATOR  Elevon 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Eurocontrol Implementation Support Executive Information System Extended Industry Standard Architecture [Computers] Exoatmospheric Interceptor Technology Engineering Industry Training Board European Information Technology Observatory EFIS Interface Unit EICAS Interface Unit Electronic Interface Unit [EFIS/EICAS] Emergency Interface Unit Engine Interface Unit Equipment Interface Unit Economic Information Warfare Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide Electronic Jamming Eurojet [Eurofighter EJ2000 Triebwerk] Enhanced JTIDS Elektronische Kriegführung/Kampfführung, Elektronischer Kampf Eingreifkräfte [DE, Bw] Einsatz-Kräfte [DE, Bw] Electronic Key Distribution Elektronische Kriegsführung [CH] Extented Kalman Filter Elektronischer Kampf des Heeres [DE] Electronic Key Management System ESA Kourou Office Einsatzkameratruppe [DE, Bw] Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle [ICBM] Erkennungsleuchte [DE] Electro-Luminescent (Elektrolumineszenz) [Displays] Elektrizitätslehre [DE] Elevation (Erhebungswinkel) [Stations- bzw Ortshöhe über MSL] Emitter Locator (Senderlokalisator) Entflechtungslinie (Deconfliction Line) [DE] Elevator and Aileron Computer [A320 FCS] En-route Low Altitude Chart Enhanced Low-Altitude Surveillance System Electronic Logbook Emergency Locator Beacon Extended Littoral Battlespace Emergency Locator Beacon - Aircraft Engine-Life Computer Electronic Load Control Unit [CAA] Electroluminescent Display Emitter Location Data Expendable Laser Decoy Enhanced Low Dose Rate Electrical Launch Drive System Electrical (elektrisch) Enhanced Launcher Electronics System [NATO] Elevation (Ortshöhe über MSL bzw. Flugplatzhöhe) Höhenruder Elevator Aileron (Höhen- und Querruder) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ELF  ELG  ELI  ELI  ELINT, Elint  ELIPS  ELISA  ELISA  ELITE  Elm  ELM  ELMS  ELMS  ELNOT  Elo  elo  ELO  EloAufkl  EloGM  EloKa  EloKaAnt  EloMP  ELOS  ELPAC  EloSM  EloUM  EloUMAnt  ELP  ELR  ELROB  ELS  ELS  ELS  ELS  ELSA  ELSEC  ELSS  ElT  ELT  ELT  ELT  ELV  ELV  E&M  e/m  EM  EM  EM  EM  EM  EM  EM  EM

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Extremely Low Frequencies [300 Hz bis 3 kHz] Emergency Landing Ground Emitter Library [EW] Emitter Location and Identification Electronic Intelligence [EW] (Elektronische Aufklärung) Electronic Integrated Protection Shield Electronic Intelligence Satellite Electronic Intelligence Search and Analysis Electronic Warfare Live Training Exercise [NATO, D] Element Extended Length Message [ATC Mode S] Electrical Load Management System [B777] Electronic Mail System Emitter Library Notation Elektronik [CH, DE] elektronisch [DE] Extremely Low Observable Elektronische Aufklärung [AT, DE; EloKa] Elektronische Gegenmaßnahmen [AT, DE; EloKa] Elektronische Kampfführung, Elektronischer Kampf [AT, DE] EloKa Antennen (EW antennas) [DE] EloKa Missionsplanung [DE] Extended Line-Of-Site English Language Proficiency for Aeronautical Communications Elektronische Schutzmaßnahmen [AT, DE; EloKa] Elektronische Unterstützungsmaßnahmen [AT, DE; EloKa] EloUM Antennen [DE] Electroluminescent Panel Extra Long Range aircraft European Land Robot (Europäische Leistungsschau Robotik) Electronic Library System (oder Service) Elementary Surveillance [Flugsicherung] Emitter Location System (Radarlokalisierungssystem) [Bw; WS Tornado] Emergency Landing Strip Electronic Lobe-Switching Antenna Electronics Security [auch: Elsec] Environmental Life-Support System Elektrotechnik [DE] Elettronica [It., Co.] Emergency Landing Technique Emergency Locator Transmitter (Notrufpeilsender) Erweiterte Luftverteidigung [Bw] Expendable Launch Vehicles Engineering & Maintenance electron charge/mass ratio Elektromagnetisch (electro magnetic) [DE] Emergency Maintenance Emission (Abstrahlung, Ausstrahlung) Engineering Manual Engineering Model Engine Manual Entfernungsmesser [DE] Equivalent Manning

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 EM  EMA  EMA  EMA  EMAC  EMAC  EMAGR  EMARSS  E-Mail  EMALS  EMAT  EMB  EMB  EMB  EMB-145  EMB-145SA  EMB-314/A29  EMBARC  Embd  EMBRAER  EMC  EMC  EMC  EMC  EMCAB  EMCDAS  EMCON  EMCP  EMCS  EMCS  EMCTP  EMD  EMD  EMD  EMD  EMD  EMD  EMD  EMDa  EMDB  EMDB  EMDG  EMDr  EME  EME  EME  EMe  EME  EME  EMER, Emer  EMES  EMETF  EMEU 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Executive Manager Electro-Mechanical Actuator Evolution in Military Affairs Extended Memory Area Ethernet Media Access Controller European Military Aircraft Company Enhanced Miniaturized Airborne GPS Receiver Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System [US Army] Electronic Mail Electromagnetic Aircraft Launching System Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer Elektromagnetische Beeinflussung [DE] Extended MAD Boom Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. [Brasilien] Militärischer Transporter von EMB EloAufkl-Flugzeugtyp von Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. EloAufkl-Flugzeugtyp von Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. Electronic Mail Broadcast to a Roaming Computer Embedded Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica SA [brazilianischer Flugzeughersteller] Electromagnetic Compatibility (Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, EMV) Electromagnetic Coupling Entertainment Multiplexer Controller Equipment Manufacturer’s Code Electromagnetic Compatibility Advisory Board Electromagnetic Compatibility Data Acquisition System Emission Control (Sendersteuerung) Electromagnetic Control Plan Electromagnetic Compatibility Sociaty [IEEE] Energy Monitoring and Control System Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Plan Effective Miss Distance Eidgenossisches Militärdepartment [CH] Electromagnetic Manufactoring Development Electronique Marcel Dassault [FR] Emergency Distance Energy Management Display Engineering and Manufacturing Development [Projektphase] Emergency Distance Available Equipment Maintenance Data Base Eureka Mission Data Base Euromissile Dynamics Group [Aerospaciale, DASA, und BAe-Matra Missile] Emergency Distance Required Electromagnetic Emissions Electromagnetic Energy (elektromagnetische Energie) Electromagnetic Environment (elektromagnetische Umgebung) Elektromechanisch [DE] Eurocontrol Military Expert Expert Militaire d’Eurocontrol Emergency [auch: EMG, EMERG] (Notsituation) Electromagnetic Environment Simulator Electromagnetic Environment Test Facility Eurocontrol Military Expert Unit 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 EMF  EMF  EMF  EMF  EMF  EMF  EMF  EMG  EMG  Emg  EMH  EMI  EMI  EMI  EMIC  EMICP  EMIE  EMIF  EMINT  EMIR  EMIS  EMISMS  EMK  EML  EML  EMM  EMM  EMMF  EMMS  EMMU  EMO  EMP  EMP  EMP  EMPAR  EMPP  EMPRS  EMR  EMR  EMRE  EMRP  EMRS  EMS  EMS  EMS  EMS  EMS  EMS  EMS  EMS  EMS  EMS  EMS

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Electromagnetic Field bzw. Elektromagnetische Felder Electromotive Force (Elektromotorische Kraft) Electromagnetic Frequency [E] bzw. Elektromagnetische Frequenz [DE] Embarked Military Forces Excellence Management Function Exercise Management Facility Expeditionary Medical Facility Electromagnetic Gun Electro-Myo-Gram Emergency [ICAO] EATCHIP Management Handbook Electromagnetic Induction (Elektromagnetische Induktion) Electromagnetic Interference (Elektromagnetische Interferenzen) Ernst-Mach-Institut [Frauenhofer, Freiburg] Electromagnetic Interference Control Electromagnetic Interference Control Plan Electromagnetic Interference Effects External Memory Interface Electromagnetic Intelligence Elektronisches Management Informationssystem Rüstung [DE, BWB] Engine Monitoring Instrument System (Instrumentensystem zur Triebwerküberwachung) Electromagnetic Interference Safety Margins Emergency Medical Kit Electromagnetic Launcher (elektromagnetischer Starter) Emergency Medical Link Electromagnetic Measurements Expanded Memory Manager (erweiterter Speichermanager) European Multinational Maritime Force Electronic Mail and Message System Engine Monitor Multiplexer Unit ESA Moscow Office Electrical Motor Pump Electromagnetic Protection (Elektromagnetischer Schutz) Electro Magnetic Pulse (Elektromagnetischer Puls) European Multifunction Phased Array Radar [auch: Empar] Electromagnetic Pulse Protection Enroute Mission Planning and Rehearsal System Electromagnetic Radiation (Elektromagnetische Abstrahlung) Electromagnetic Resonance Electromagnetic Radiation Effects Effective Monopulse Radiated Power Electromagnetic Remote Sensing Earth-Moon System Electromagnetic Spectrum (Elektromagnetisches Spektrum) Electromagnetic Susceptibility (Elektromagnetische Suszeptibilität) Electromagnetic-pulse Shielding Electronic Manufacturing Services Electronic Message System Emergency Medical Services (Medizinische Notfalldienste) EM-pulse Shielding (EMP Abschirmung) Energy Management System Engine Management System Engine Monitoring System

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 EMS  EMS  EMS  EMS  EMS  EMS  EMS  EMSA  EMSC  EMSEC  EMSEC  EMSG  EMSL  EMSP  EMSS  EMSS  EMT  EMT  EMT  EMT  EMT  EMTD  EMTE  EMTE  EMTI  EMU  EMU  EMU  EMU  EMU  EMU  EMU  EMUT  EMUV  EMV  EMV  EMVA  EMVG  EMW  EMW  EN  EN  EN  EN  ENA  ENA  ENAC  ENAV  ENAV  Enbl  ENC  Enc  E-NCF 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Engineering Modeling System Enhanced Messaging Service Environment Management System Equipment Maintenance Squadron [USAF] Expanded Memory Specification Extended Memory System European Mobile System European Maritime Safety Agency [auch: Emsa] Engine Monitoring System Computer Emanations Security Emission Security European Maintenance System Guide European Material Science Laboratory Enhanced Modular Signal Processor Enhanced Mobile Satellite Services European Mobile Satellite Services Elapsed Maintenance Time Enhanced Moving Target Equivalent Megatons Error-Maintenance Training Eye-Movement Tracking Enhanced Moving Target Detection [Radar] Electro Magnetic Test Environment Electro Magnetic Threat Environment Enhanced Moving Target Indicator [Radar] Electromagnetic Unit Electronic Mockup Engine Monitoring Unit Environment Management Unit Environment Monitoring Unit Extended Memory Unit (erweiterte Speichereinheit) Extravehicular Maneuvering/Mobility Unit Enhanced Manpack UHF Terminal Elektromagnetische Umweltverträglichkeit [DE] Electromagnetic Vulnerability Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (electromagnetic compatibility, EMC) [DE] EMV-Antennen [DE] EMV-Gesetz [Geräte, Anlagen] [DE] Elektromagnetische Wellen [DE] Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare [USMC] Electronic Neutralization Electronic Notebook Equipment Number European Norm Exhaust Nozzle Area Exercise Notification Area Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile [FR] Electronic Navigation Enroute Navigation Aids Enable Electronic Noise Cancelling Encode Experimental Navigation Control Facility 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 Endce  ENDONEMP  Endr  ENE  ENET  ENG  Eng  Eng  Enga  engl.  ENH  ENHA  ENI  ENIAC  ENIU  ENJJPT  Enl  EnMAP  ENNA  ENOB  ENOC  ENPRM  Enq  ENR  ENR  ENR, ER  ENR  ENR  ENR  ENRI  Enrt  ENS  ENSA  ENSAM  ENSCE  ENSS  ENSYN  Ent  ENT  Entf  ENTG  EntMGer  Entr  Entw  ENV  Env  Env  ENVG  ENVISAT  ENU  ENV  E/O  EO

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Endurance Endo-atmosperical Nuclear EMP Endurance East-North-East Ethernet Electronic News Gathering Engine (Motor, Triebwerk) Engineering Engage Englisch [DE] Earth Near Horizon En-route Holding Area Equivalent Noise Input Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer Enhanced Network Interface Unit Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training Enlisted Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program [DLR] Etablissem*nt National de la Navigation Aérienne [FR] Effective Number Of Bits Engineering Network Operations Center Eurocontrol Notice of Proposed Rule-Making Enquire, enquiry Electronic Noise Reduction Energy-to-Noise Ratio En-Route [ICAO] Equivalent Noise Resistance European Navy Radar (NH90) Excess Noise Ratio Electronic Navigation Research Institute [US] En Route, enroute (auf der Flugstrecke) Emergency Notification System École Nationale Supérieure de l’Aéronautique [FR] École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aéronautique [FR] Enemy Situation correlation Element European Navigation Satellite System Environmental Synthesizer Enter (Eingabe) Equivalent Noise Temperature (äquivalente Rauschtemperatur) Entfernung [DE] Euro-NATO Training Group Entfernungsmeßgerät [DE] Entire Entwurf [DE] East-North Vertical Envelope Environment system [CFMU] Enhanced Night Vision Goggles (verbesserte Nachtsichtbrillen) Environment Satellite [ESA] East-North-Up East-North-Vertical Engine Out (Triebwerk ausgeschaltet) Earth Observation (Erdbeobachtung)

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 EO  EO  EO  EO  EO  EOA  EOAD  EOB  EOB  EOBT  EOC  EOC  EOC  EOC  EOC  EOC  EOC  EOCCM  EOCD  EOCM  EOD  EOD  EOD  EOD  EOD  EOD  EOD  EOD  EOD  EODAS  EODC  EODP  EOE  EOEM  EOF  EOF  EOF  EOF  EOF  EOFC  EOFCS  EOGB  EOGCS  EOGWCM  EOI  EOI  EOI  EOID  EOIS  EO/IR  EO/IR CM  EO/IR/LD  EO-LOROPS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Electro-Optical Engagement Operations Engineering Order Erasable Optical Executive Order Early Operational Assessment Earth Observation Applications Department Electronic Order of Battle End of Block (Blockende) Estimated Off-Block Time (abgeschätzte Abblockzeit) Edge Of Coverage [Antennen] Electro-Optical Convertor (elektro-optische Umsetzer) Emergency Operations Center End of Character (Zeichenende) End Of Conversion Essential Operational Capability Extended Operational Capability (verlängerte Operationsfähigkeit) [Eurofighter] Electro-Optical Counter Countermeasures (elektro-optische Schutzmaßnahmen) EATMS Operational Concept Document Electro-Optical Countermeasures (elektro-optische Gegen Maßnahmen) Electro-Optical Device (Schaltung, Gerät) Embedded Optical Database End Of Data End Of Day Enhanced Operating Database Erasable Optical Disc Ergebnis-Orientierte Dienststelle [DE, BWB] Eraseable Optical Disc (löschbare optische Diskette) Explosive Ordnance Demolition/Disposal (Kampfmittelbeseitigung) Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System [USAF F-35] Earth Observation Data Centre [UK] EATMS Options Discussion Paper Elasto-Optical Effect (elasto-optischer Effekt) Electronic Original Equipment Manufacturer Electro-Optical Frequency [von 300 bis etwa 3x107 Ghz] Emergency Operating Facility End-Of-File End-Of-Frame Essential Operating Facility Electro-Optical Fire Control (elektro-optische Feuerleitung) Electro-Optical Fire Control System Electro-Optical Guided Bomb (elektro-optisch gelenkte Bomben) Electro-Optical Gunfire Control System Electro-Optical Guided Weapons Countermeasures Electro-Optical Imagery End Of Identity Expression Of Interest (Bekanntgabe vom Interesse) Electro-Optical Identification (elektro-optische Identifizierung) Electro-Optical Imaging System (elektro-optisches Bildgenerierungssystem) Electro-Optical / Infrared [EW] Electro-Optical / Infrared Countermeasures Electro-Optical / Infrared / Laser Designator Electro-Optical - Long-Range Oblique Photography System (ASTOR) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 EOL  EOL  EOL  EOL  EOM  EOM  EOP  EOP  EOP  EOP  EOP  EOP  EOQ  EOQC  EOR  EOR  EOR  EOR  EORSAT  EOS  EOS  EOS  EOS  EOS  EOS  EOS  EOSAEL  EOSAT  EOS/ESD  EOSM  EOSP  EOSS  EOSS  EOSS  EOT  EOT  EOT  EOT  EOTAD  EOTC  EOTFCS  EOTS  EOUT  EOVL  EOVS  EOW  EOY  EP-3E  EP  EP  EP  EP  EP

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End Of Life (Lebensende) End Of Line End Of Link Engine-Off Landing Earth Observation Mission (Erdbeobachtungsmission) End Of Message (Übertragungsende) Earth Observing Platform Electro-Optic Payload (elektro-optische Nutzlast) Electro-Optic Processor Emergency Operating Procedures Engine Oil Pressure Engine Operating Point European Organisation for Quality European Organization for Quality Control End Of Retransmission End Of Runway (Ende der Piste) Engage On Remote Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance (Kampfmittelerkundung) Electronic-intelligence Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite Earth Observation Satellite (Erdbeobachtungssatellit) Earth Observation System (Erdbeobachtungssystem) Electrophoresis Operations in Space End Of Selection End Of Sequence End Of Set Europäische Organisation für Sicherheit [DE] Electro-Optical Systems Atmospheric Effects Library Earth Observation Satellite The Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Association Electro-Optical Support Measures Electro-Optical Signal Processor (elektro-optischer Signalprozessor) Electro-Optical Simulation System Electro-Optical Surveillance System Elektro-Optisches Sensor-System [EloKa, DE] Electro-Optical Tracker/Tracking End Of Test End Of Text End Of Transmission (Übertragungsende) Electro-Optical Target Acquisistion and Designation European Organization for Testing and Certification Electro-Optical Tracking and Fire Control System Electro-Optical Targeting System [EW] (elektro-optisches Zielungssystem) Engine Out Engine-Out Vertical Landing Electro-Optical Viewing System Electro-Optical Warfare End Of Year EloKa-Flugzeugtyp von Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co. Electronic Protection [EW] Engineering Project Environmental Protection Error Pattern Error Propagation

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 EP  EP  EP  EP  EP  EP  EPA  EPA  EPA  EPA  EPAF  EPAM  EPAM  EPB  EPC  EPC  EPC  EPC  EPC  EPCS  EPCs  EPD  EPD  EPD  EPD  EPDA  EPDC  EPG  EPG  ERGM  EPGS  EPI  EPI  EPI  EPI  EPI  EPI  EPI  EPIC  EPIC  EPI/DCT  EPIRB  E-PIREPS  EPL  EPL  EPL  EPL  EPL  EPL  EPLD  EPLRS  EPM  EPMC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Estimated Position Execution Planning Expert Panel Extended Performance Extended Protocol External Power Enhanced Performance Architecture Environmental Protection Agency [US] Epoxy Poly-Amide European/Experimental Prototype Aircraft European Participating Air Force Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor Electronic Pilot-activity and Alertness Monitor Electronic Planning Board Electronic Power Conditioner Electronic Product Code Elementary Pilot Certificate Engineering Project Contractor External Power Connector Engine Propulsion Control System Eurofighter Partner Companies Electric Power Distribution Electronic Product Definition Engineering Production Document Exaust-Plume Dilution Electric Power Distribution Assembly Electrical Power Distribution and Control Electronic Programming Guides European Participating Governments [F-16 Fighting Falcon] Extended Range Guided Munition Electric Power Generation System Electronic Performance Inspection Electronic Protection Initiatives Element Performance Inspection Elevator Position Indicator Engine Performance Indicator (Triebwerksleistungsanzeiger) Engineering Process Improvement Europrop International [Triebwerkskonsortium] Epitaxial Passivated Integrated Circuit Integriertes Avioniksystem von Honeywell Element Performance Inspection/Data Collection Tool Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon Electronic Pilot Reports Echo Path Loss ELINT Parameter List Emitter Parameter List Engine Power Level Equipment Parts List Evaluated Products List Electronically Programmable Logic Device Enhanced Position Locating and Reporting System Electronic Protection Measures [Saturn] (elektronische Schutzmaßnahmen) Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 EPMS  EPMS  EPN  EPN  EPN  EPO  EPO  EPON  EPOS  EPP  EPR  EPRC  EPRI  EPRL  EPROM  EPRT  EPS  EPS  EPS  EPS  EPS  EPS  EPS  EPS . EPS  EPS  EPSS  EPSS  EPSU  EPU  EPU  EPU  EPU  EPV  EPW  EPW  EPWG  EQM  EQP  Eqpt  EQT  EQTG  E&R  ER  ER  ER  ER  ER  ER  ER  Er  ER  ER TC

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Electrical Power Management System Engine Performance Monitoring System (System zur Triebwerksleistungsüberwachung) Effective Perceived Noise Eurofighter Partner Nations European Participating Nations Earth Parking Orbit European Patent Office [DE, München] Ethernet Passive Optical Network [Network] European Proximity Operations Simulation [ESA, DLR] Enhanced Parallel Port Engine Pressure Ratio (Druckverhältnis bei einem Turbinentriebwerk) Enhanced PACU [Preprocessor Avionics Control Unit] Replacement Computer Electric Power Research Institute Engine Pressure Ratio Limit Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (löschbar-programmierbare Festwertspeicher) Engine Pressure Ratio Transmitter Earnings Per Share Electrical Power System Electronic Protection System Embedded Processor System Emergency Power System Emergency Propulsion System Engineering Performance Standards Enhanced Propulsion System Eumetsat Polar System Extended Protocol Specification Electronic Performance Support System Enhanced Packet Switched Service European Public Service Union Electrical Power Unit Emergency Power Unit (Notstromaggregat) Estimated Position Uncertainty Extended Processing Unit End-Point Voltage Earth Penetrating Warhead (in die Erde eindringender Gefechtskopf) Earth Penetrating Weapon Environmental Protection Working Group Engineering Qualification Model Equipment (Ausrüstung, Gerät, Gerätesatz) Equipment [auch: Equip] Environmental Qualification Test Electronic Qualification Test Guide Evation & Recovery Echo Replay (Echo-Antwort) Efficient Review Electronic Reconnaissance (elektronische Aufklärung) Emergency Room En-Route Entity Relationship Error Correcting Erbium [chem. Symbol] Extended Range (verlängerte Reichweite) En-Route Tactical Controller

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 ERA  ERA  ER-AAM  ERA  ERAAS  ERAM  ERAM  ERAD  ERASE  ERASER  ERAST  ERATO  ERB  ERBM  ERC  ERC  ERC  ERC . ERC  ERCC  ERCS  ERCS  ERD  ERD  ERDA  ERDI  ER/DL  ERE  EREC  ERF  Erf  erf  ERG  ErG  Erg  ERGM  ERGMS  ERGP  ERHAC  Erieye  ERINT  ERIP  ERIP  ERIS  Erkd  ErdKdo  ErkGew  ERL  Erl  ERL  Erl  ERLAC  ERLink


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Electrically Reconfigurable Array Explosive Reactive Armour Extended Range Air-to-Air Missile European Regional Airlines Association Extended Range Autonomous Attack System ECCM Requirements and Assessments Manual En-Route Automation Modernization En-Route Broadband Radar Electronic Radiation Source Elimination Enhanced Recognition And Sensing Radar Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology En Route Air Traffic Organiser Engineering Review Board Electronic Range/Bearing Marker Electrical Rule Check Electronics Research Center Engineering Research Center En-Route Chart European Research Council En-Route Control Centre ECM-Resistant Communications System Enhanced Radar Cross Section End Routing Domain Equipment Requirements Document Energy Research and Development Administration [US] En Route Domain Infrastructure Extended Range Data Link External Roll Extrusion Error Resilient Entropy Code Emergency Related Forwarding Erfassung [DE] error function Electro-mechanic Release Gate Erbium-Glass Ergänzung [DE] Extended-Range Gun Munition Extended-Range Guided Munition System Extended-Range Guided Projectile En-Route High-Altitude Chart Bordg. Frühwarn- und Leitradar von Ericsson, Schweden Extended-Range Interceptor EAD Remote Interface Package Engine Reliability Improvement Program Exo-atmospheric Reentry Vehicle Interception System Erkundung [DE] Erkundungskommando [DE] Erkenntnissgewinnung [DE] Echo Return Loss Erlaß [DE] Electronic Research Laboratories [Australia] Erlass [DE] En-Route Low-Altitude Chart Emergency Response Link

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ERM  ERM  ERMES  ERMP  ERN  ERNO  ERNP  ERO  ERO  ERO  EROPS  EROS  EROS  ERP  ERP  ERP  ERP  ERP  Erp  ERP  ERP  ERPD  ERPDU  ERPPDU  ErpSt  ERR  ERR  ERRF  ERS  ERS  ERS  ERS  ERS  ERS  ERS  ERS  ERS  ERSA  Erse  ERSS  ERSTA  ERSU  ERT  ERT  ERT  ERT  ERTC  ERTS  ERTZ  ERU  ERU  ERU  ERU

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Earth Resource Monitoring En Route Metering European Radio Messaging System Extended-Range/Multi-Purpose Earth Referenced Navigation Entwicklungsring Nord [DE] European Radio Navigation Plan (Europäischer Funknavigationsplan) Equipment Repair Order Extended Range Ordnance Extended Resonance Oscillator Extended Range Operations Earth Remote Observation System/Satellite [auch: Eros] Earth Resources Observation System [US] Earth Reference Plane Effective Radiated Power [Radar, Radio] Emergency Response Plan Equipment Reception Point Equivalent Radiated Power [IR] Erprobung [DE] Event Related Potential Eye Reference Point Effective Radiated Power Density [Radar] Error Protocol Data Unit Echo Replay Protocol Data Unit Erprobungsstelle [DE, BWB] (Test Center) Engineering Release Record Engineering Revision Request European Rapid Reaction Force Early Retirement Scheme Earth-Resources Satellite Electronic Resource System Emergency Radio Switching ESA Remote-sensing Satellite Execution Reference Time Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron Expeditionary Refuelling System External Reference Specification En-Route Supplement Australia Erase Eurocontrol Radar Surveillance Standard Electro-optical Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition Environmental Remote-Sensing Unit Emergency Response Team (Notfall-Reaktions-Team) Enhanced Reconnaissance and Targeting Execution Reference Time Extended-Range Tank En-Route Tactical Controller Earth Resources Technology Satellite Equipment Radiation Tempest Zone Ejector Release Unit Electronic Routing Unit Emergency Reaction Unit Engine Relay Unit

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 ERV  ERV  ER-WCMD  ERWE  E.S.  ES  ES  ES  ES  ES  ES  ES  ES  ES  ES  ES  ES  ES  ES  ES  ES  ES  ES  ESA  ESA  ESA  ESA  ESA  ESA  ESA  ESA  ESA  ESAA  ESAMS  ESAR  ESAR  ESARR  ESAS  ESAS  ESAS  ESASI  ESB  ESC  ESC  Esc  ESC  ESC  E-Scan  ESCS  ESD  ESD  ESD  ESD 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

ECM Resistant Voice Expendable Rocket Vehicle Extended-Range Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser Enhanced Radar Warning Equipment Erkennungssignal [DE] Electromagnetic Switching Electronically Scanned Electronic (Warfare) Support Electronic Suppression Electrostatic Elektronische Störung [CH] Emergency System End System Engineering Support Equipment Support Erweitertes System [DE] Escape Signal Espania, Spanien, Spain Eurocontrol Standard Expert System Explanatory Statement Extended Squitter [Luftverkehr] Extra Segment Aircraft Survivability Equipment Effective Surveillance Area Electronically Scanning Antenna [Radar] Electronically Steered Array [Radar] Engineering Source Approval Enhanced Signal Average Estimated Safe Altitude European Space Agency (Europäische Raumfahrtbehörde) European Supply Agency (Europäische Versorgungsbehörde) Electronic Scanning Array Antenna Enhanced Surface-to-Air Missile Simulator Electromagnetic Spectrum Allocation Request Enhanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Eurocontrol Safety Regulatory Requirements Electronically Steerable Antenna System Electronic Situational Awareness System [co*ckpit-Instrument] Enhanced Situational Awareness System The European Sociaty of Air Safety Investigators Einsatzbedingter Sofortbedarf [DE, BWB] Electronics System Center [USAF] Enhanced Satellite Capability Escape European Space Conference Executive Steering Committee Electronic Scanning [Radar] Emergency Satcom System Electronic Systems Division Electrostatic Damage Electrostatic Discharge (elektrostatische Entladung) Electrostatic Sensitive Device 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ESD  ESD  ESDA  ESDA  ESDA  ESDCP  ESDE  ES&DF  ESDI  ESDI  ESDP  ESDS  ESDs  ESDSP  ESE  ESE  ESE  ESE  ESE  ESEC  ESF  ESF  ESF  ESFRI  ESG  ESG  ESG  ESGN  ESH  ESHP  ESID  ESIM  ESIMS  ESIL  ESIS  ESIS  ESJ  ESJ  ESK  ESL  ESL  ESL  ESLE  ESLR  ESLRF  ESM  ESM  ESM  ESME  ESMO  ESMR  ESN  ESNI

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European Security and Defence Engine Shut-Down Electronic System Design Aid Electronic System Design Automation European Security and Defence Agency Electrostatic Discharge Control Program Electrostatic Discharge Equipment Electronic Support and Direction Finding Enhanced Small Device Interface European Security and Defence Identy European Security and Defence Policy Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Electrostatic Sensitive Devices Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Parts East-South-East Electronic Support Enhancement Electronic Surveillance Enhancement Ethernet Switching Equipment Expert Systems Environment Enroute broadband Secondary radar Essential Support Facilities European Security Forum European Science Foundation European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures Electronic Systems Group Elektronik-System and Logistik-GmbH Executive Steering Group Electrically Suspended Gyro Navigator Environment Safety and Health Equivalent Shaft Horsepower Engine and System Indication Display EloKa-Simulator [DE] ESARR Implementation Monitoring and Support [Programme] Eye-Safe Infrared Laser Electronic Standby Instrument System Engine and System Indication System Escort Screening Jammer EW Stand-off Jammer Einsatzfahrzeug Spezialisierte Kräfte [DE, Bw] English as a Second Language Expert Support Laboratory Eye-Safe Laser Electronic Survivor Location Equipment Electronically Scanned Laser Radar Eye-Safe Laser Range Finder Electronic Support Measures [jetzt: ES] (Elektronische Schutzmassnahmen) Electronic Surveillance Measures Electronic Surveillance Monitoring Enhanced Simulation Modelling Environment ESM Operator Electronically Scanning Microwave Radiometer Electronic Serial Number European Satellite Navigation Industries [Galileo]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 ESO  ESOC  ESP  ESP  ESP  ESP . ESP  ESP  ESP  ESPA . ESPI  ESR  ESR

 ESRC  ESRIN  ESRO  ESRP  ESRP  ESS  ESS  ESS  ESS  ESS  ESS  Ess  ESS  ESSA  ESSD  ESSI  ESSIP  ESSM  ESSM  ESSP  ESSS  EST  Est  EST  ESTA  ESTB  ESTEC  ESTOL  ESU  ESU  ESU  ESU  ESU  ESV  ESV  ESVS  ESVS  ESW 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Engineering Standards Order European Space Operations Centre [Darmstadt] (Europäisches Operationszentrum für Weltraumforschung) Electrical Standard Practice En-route Spacing Program European ATM Safety Programme [ATM] European Situational Picture European Space Policy External Starting Power Spain (Spanien) Electronically Scanned Phased Array [Radar] European Space Policy Institute Equivalent Series Resistance European Staff Requirements [Eurofighter, Airbus A400M] (Anforderungen der europäischen Kommandobehörden) Engineering and Sciences Research Council [UK] European Space Research Institute European Space Research Organnization [ESA] (Europäische Organisation zur Weltraumforschung) European Security Research Programme European Supersonic Research Programme Echo Suppression Subsystem Electronic Switching System Elint Support System Environmental Stress Screening Equipment Support Section ESM Subsystem Essential Eurofighter Simulation Systems GmbH [DE] Environmental Sciences Services Administration Electrostatic Sensitive Device Europäische Strategische Sicherheitsinitiative [DE] European Single Sky Implementation [Mechanism] Evolved Sea-Sparrow Missile Enhanced Sea-Sparrow Missile Environmental Stress Screen Procedure External Stores Support System Electronic-system Support Training Estimate, Estimated (Schätzung, abgeschätzt) European Staff Target (Ziele der europäischen Kommandobehörden) Electronically Scanned Tacan Antenna Egnos System Test Bed European Space research and Technology Centre Extremely Short Take-Off and Landing (extremes Kurz-Starten und -Landen) Electronic Storage Unit Electronic-system Support Unit [USCG] Emergency Supply Unit Environment Sensor Unit Ethernet Switch Unit Earth Satellite Vehicle Enhanced Synthetic Vision Enhanced Synthetic Vision System [co*ckpit-Instrument] Escape Suit Ventilation System Einsatzsoftware [DE, Bw] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ESW  ESYS  ET  ET  ET  ET  ET  ET  ET  ET  ET  ET  ET  ET  ET  ET  ET  ET  ET  ETA  ETA  ETA  ETAC  ETAM  ETAP  ETAS  ETB  ETB  ETB  ETBed  ETC  ETC  ETC  ETCS  ETCAS  ETCM  ETD  ETD  ETD  ETDP  ET&E  ETE  ETE  ETE  ETETS  ETF  ETF  ETF  ETF  ETF  ETFMS  ETG  ETG

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Extel Systems Wedel Enroute Equipment Systems Earth Terminal Edge Taper [Antennas] (Randabfall) Elapsed Time Electronics Technician Electro-Thermal Elektronische Täuschung [CH] Elektrotechnik [DE] Emergency Technology Engine Time (Motor- bzw Triebwerkslaufzeit) Enhanced Terminal Ephemeris Time [Navigation] Error Type Ersatzteil [DE, Bw] Executive Task Executive Transport External Tank (Außentank) Extra-Terrestrial Effective Turn Angle Estimated Time of Acquisition Estimated Time of Arrival (abgeschätzte Ankunftszeit) [Luftverkehr] Enlisted Tactical Air Controller European Tactical Airlift Meet European Technology Acquisition Programme Enhanced Tower Automation System Engineering and Technology Board [UK] Engineering Test Bed Entwicklungstechnische Betreuung [DE, BWB] Ersatzteilbedarf [DE] Enhanced Tactical Computer Estimated Time of Completion (abgeschätzte Abschlusszeit) European Transport Carrier Expeditionary Tactical Communications System [USMC] Enhanced Traffic Alert Collision Avoidance System [Luftverkehr] Engine Trend and Condition Monitoring Estimated Time of Departure (abgeschätzte Abflugzeit) [Luftverkehr] Expendable Towed Decoy (abwerfbarer Schleppköder) [Kampfmittel] Explosive Trace Detection Exploration Technology Development Program [NASA] European Test and Evaluation [USAF] Earth-To-Earth Environmental Test and Evaluation Estimated Time of Enroute (voraussichtliche Flugdauer) [Luftverkehr] End-To-End Test System Engine Test Facility (Triebwerkstesteinrichtung) Engineering Task Force Enhanced Tactical Fighter (leistungsgesteigertes Kampfflugzeug) European Transport Federation Experimental Test Facility Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System Electronic Target Generator (elektronischer Zielgenerator) Enhanced Target Generator

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26. Juni 2013


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 ETG  Ethernet  ETHZ  ETI  ETI  ETI  ETICS  ETIPS  ETKat  ETL  ETM  ETM  ETM  ETMC  ETMS  ETN  ETNO  ETO  ETO  ETOPS, Etops  ETOT  ETOW  ETP  ETP  ETP  ETPS  ETR  ETR  ETRAC  ETRACS  ETRAS  ETRC  ETREM  ETrUS  ETS  ETS  ETS  ETS  ETS  ETS  ETS  ETS  ETS  ETS  ETS  ETS  ETSA  ETSC  ETSI  ETSO  ETT  ETU 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

European Triparty Group [GNSS] Ether-network (Äther-Netzwerk) [Datentransfer] Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich [CH] Elapsed Time Indicator (Betriebsstundenanzeiger) Engine Technology Improvement Estimated Time of Intercept Embedded Tactical Information Control System Electrothermal Ice-Protection System Ersatzteilkatalog [DE, Bw] Einkreis-Turbinenluftstrahltriebwerk Elapsed Time Measurement Electronic Training Manuals Electronic Transmission Eurogrid Tactical Management Computer [EADS] Enhanced Traffic Management System [Air Traffic, FAA] Electronic Telecommunications Network European Telecommunications Network Operations Earth-To-Orbit [Launcher] Estimated Time of Overfly (abgeschätzte Überflugzeit) Extended-range Twin-engine Operations (erweiterte Operationen für zweistrahlige Maschinen) Estimated Take-Off Time Engine Time On Wing Enhanced Thermal Protection Equal Time Points Estimated Time of Penetration Empire Test Pilot’s School [UK] Estimated Time to Repair European Transport Rack Enhanced Tactical Radar Correlator Enhanced Tactical Radar Correlator System Electromechanical Thrust Reverser Actuation System Expected Taxi Ramp Clearance Eurocontrol Technical Requirements Model Einsatztruppenunterstützungsschiff [DE, Bw] Earth Technology Satellite Elapsed Time in Service Electronic Systems Test Emergency Telecommunications Services Emissions Trading Scheme Emitter Targeting System Engineer Test Satellite Engineering Test Satellite Engineering Test Station Experimental Test Site External Tank System (Außentanksystem) European Telecommunications Standard (Europäische Telekommunikationsnorm) European Training Simulation Association European Transport Safety Council European Telecommunications Standards Institute European Technical Standard Order Extended Temperature Testing Engineering Test Unit

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ETU  ETVS  ETW  ETX  ETX  EU  EU  Eu  EU  EUACA  EUAFS  E-UAV  EUB  EUBG  EUC  EuCAP  EuCARE  EuCLID  EUCOM  EuFOR  EUGIN  EULER  EUIR  EUM  EuMA  EuMC  EUMC  EuMed  EuMIC  EUMS  EuMW  EUPS  Eur  Eur  EUR  EURAC  EuRAD  EURANP  EURATN  EURESCO  EURFCB  EURET  EURICAS  EURO  EUROCAE  Eurocopter  Eurodass  Eurofighter  EuroMALE  Euron  EUROPOL

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

External Transmitter Unit Enhanced Terminal Voice Switch Europäischer Transonischer Windkanal [in Köln] (European Transonic Wind Tunnel) End of Transmission (Ende der Aussendung) Estimated Time of Exit Electronic Unit European Union, Europäische Union Europium [chem. Symbol] Execution Unit European Union Airport Coordinators Association Enhanced Upper Air Forecast System Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Essential User Bypass European Union Battle Group [EU-BG] End-Use Certification [US] European Conference on Antennas and Propagation European Confidential Aviation-safety Reporting Network European Co-operation for the Long-term In Defence European Command [US] European Force European Union Group of Institutes of Navigation European Ultra-Low Emission Recuperator European Upper Flight Information Region [ICAO] (europäisches oberes Fluginformationsgebiet) European Mediterranean Region [ICAO] (europäische Mittelmeerregion) European Microwave Association European Microwave Conference European Union Military Committee European Mediterranean air navigation region European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference Engine Usage Monitoring System European Microwave Week [Konferenz mit Ausstellung] External Uninterruptible Power Supply Euro European European Region [ICAO] (Europa Region) European Air Chiefs Conference European Radar Conference European Air Navigation Plan [ICAO] European Aeronautical Telecommunications Network European Research Conferences European Frequency-Coordinating Body [ICAO] European Research Programme in Transport European Research Institute for Civil Aviation Safety Eurocontrol [Europäische Flugsichrungsorganisation] European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment [FR; RTCA] (Europäische Organisation zur Zertifizierung von Avioniksystemen für zivile Luftfahrzeuge) European Helicopter European DASS European Fighter (Europäisches Jagdflugzeug) European Medium Altitude Long Endurance [Missionsdrohne] European Robotics Research Network European Law Enforcement Organisation

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26. Juni 2013


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 EUR-TFG  EUS  EUT  EUT  Eutelsat  EUTM SOM  EUV  EUVSA  EuWiT  e.V.  eV  EV  EVA  EVAIR  EVAS  EVAS  EVC  EVCS  EVCS  EVD  EVD  EVD  EVED  EVIR  EVM  EVM  EVM  EVP  EVR  EVS  EVS  EVS  EVS  EVS HUD  EVT  EVU  EW  EW  EW  EW  EWA  EWA  EWAC  EWAC  EWACS  EWACS  EWAN  EWAR  EWAS  EWAT  EWAU  EWBM  EWC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

European Traffic Forecast Group [Eurocontrol] Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem [DE] End-User Terminal Equipment Under Test European Telecommunications Satellite Organization [Paris] EU Training Mission Somalia Extreme Ultra Violet European Unmanned Vehicle Systems Association European WirelessTechnology Conference eingetragener Verein [DE] Elektronenvolt [DE] Enhanced Vision Extra-Vehicular Activity [ISS] Eurocontrol Voluntary ATM Incident Reporting [System] Emergency Vision Assurance System Enhanced Vortex Advisory System Enhanced Video Connector Emergency Voice Communications System Extravehicular Communications System Elementary Vortex Distribution Enhanced Versatile Disc Explosive Vapour-Detector Eidgenossische Verkehrs- und Energiewirtschafts-Department [CH] Enhanced Vision IR Earth Viewing Module Engine Vibration Monitoring [Triebwerk] Error Vector Magnitude [Messtechnik] European Validation Platform Electronic Video Recording Electro-optical Viewing System Enhanced Vision Sensor Enhanced Vision Systems Evaluation System Enhanced Vision Systems Head-Up Display Extravehicular Transfer Energieversorgungsunternehmen [DE] Early Warning (Frühwarnung) Earth Watch Electronic Warfare (Elektronischer Kampf) Elliptical Waveguide Electronic Warfare Associates [US Inc.] Error Warning Area Electronic Warfare Anechoic Chamber Electronic Warning and Analysis Center Early Warning And Control System Emergency, Warning And Caution System Egnos Wide Area Network Electronic Warfare Electronic Warfare Analysis System Electronic Warfare Advanced Technology Electronic Warfare Avionics Unit Electronic Warfare Battle Management Electronic Warfare Center 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 EWC  EWCC  EWCP  EWCS  EWCS  EWCS  EWCS  EWCU  EWD  EW/DE  EWEB  EWEP  EWES  EWG  EWG  EWG  EWGCI  EWI  EWIO  EWIP  EWIS  EWIS  EWMC  EWMP  EWMS  EWMS  EWO  EWO  EWOAG  EWOBT  EWOP  EWOS  EWOS  EWOSE  EWPA  EWPE  EWPI  EWR  EWR  EWR  EWRL  EWS  EWS  EWS  EWS  EWS  EWS  EWSI  EWSM  EWSM  EWSP  EWSS  EWSSA

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Electronic Warfare Coordinator Electronic Warfare Coordination Cell/Center Electronic Warfare Control Processor Early Warning and Control System Electronic Warfare Control Ship Electronic Warfare Coordination System Electronic Warfare Core System [Swedish AF] Electronic Warfare Computer Unit Electronic Warfare Division Electronic Warfare/Defense Electronics Ethernet Webb Electronic Warfare Evaluation Program Electronic Warfare Evaluation System [USAF] Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft [DE] Executive Working Group Expert Working Groups [IRIS-T] Electronic Warfare and Ground Control Intercept Electronic Warfare Indicator [Tornado] Electronic Warfare Information Operations Electronic Warfare Integrated Programming Electrical Wiring Interconnection System Electronic Warfare Integrated System [Taridan; Israel] Electronic Warfare Mission Commander Electronic Warfare Master Plan Electronic Warfare Management System Electronic Warfare Mission System Electronic Warfare Officer ESA Washington Office Electronic Warfare Operational Advisory Group Electronic Warfare On-Board Trainer Electronic Warfare Operator [USN] Electronic Warfare Operational Shortfall Electronic Warfare Operational Support Electronic Warfare Operational Support Establishment [UK] European Women Pilot’s Association Electronic Warfare Preprocessing Equipment Electronic Warfare Prime Indicator Early Warning Radar (Frühwarnradar) Electronic Warfare Reprogramming Entwicklungsring [Süd] [DE] Electronic Warfare Reprogrammable Library Elektronisches Wählsystem [DE] Early Warning System Electronic Warfare Simulation Electronic Warfare Suite/System (EloKa-Gerätesatz) Electronic Warfare Support [früher: ESM] External Weapon Station Electronic Warfare Systems Integration Early Warning Support Measures (Frühwarnunterstützungsmaßnahmen) Electronic Warfare Support Measures Electronic Warfare Self Protection (EloKa-Selbstschutz) Electronic Warfare Support System [EADS] Electronic Warfare Software Support Activity

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 EWST  EWT  EWTES  EWTGU  EWTS  EWTS-R  EWVA  ExACT  Exc  EXCAP  EXCM  EXCO  EXDIR  Ex, excp  EXCM  EXCM  EXD  Exe  Exec  Exec  Exer  EXIM  EXINT  EXJAM  EXLITE  EXO  EXON  EXONEMP  Exp  Exp  Exper  Explt  Expt  EXSPEC  Ext  Ext  Extd  Extrm  ExW  EZ  EZAP  EZB  EZB  EZM  EZU


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Electronic Warfare Simulation Technology Electronic Warfare Techniques Electronic Warfare Threat Environment Simulator Electronic Warfare Technical Guidance Unit Electronic Warfare Training System (EloKa-Trainingsystem) Electronic Warfare Training System - Radar Electronic Warfare Vulnerability Assessment Exploring Autonomous Control Technology Except (ausgenommen) Expanded Capability (erweiterte Fähigkeit bzw Kampfwertsteigerung) Expendable Countermeasures (abwerfbare Gegenmaßnahmen, d.h. Chaff und/oder Flares) Executive Council Executive Director [CIA] Expect, expected Expendable Countermeasures External Countermeasures Expand Display Execution (Ausführung) Execute Executive (die Exekutive) Exercise (Übung) Export/Import Extraction/Insertion Expendable Jammer Extented Life Tire Exo-Atmospheric Exercise Control Exo-atmospherical Nuclear EMP Expect, expected, excepting (erwarten, erwartet, erwartend) Expendables [EW] Experience Extrapolation, extrapolate Experiment [DE] Exercise Specification Extension External Extend, extended, extending (ausgedehnen, ausgedehnt, ausdehnend) Extreme Explosive Welding Extraction Zone Enhanced Zonal Analysis Procedure Einsatzzusatzbedarf [DE] Europäische Zentralbank [DE, Frankfurt a/M] Engagement Zone Manager Extented Zone Unit

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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F   F  F  F  F  °F  F  f  f  F  F  F  F  F2T2  F-1  F-2  F-4EJ  F-5A/B  F-5E  F-10/J10  F-15J  F-4F  F-14  F-15  F-15K  F-16  F-22  F-35 JSF  F-117  F 122  F 123  F 125  F/A  F/A-18  FA  FA  FA  FA  FA  FA  FA  FA  FA  FA  FA  FA  FA

Formelzeichen für Force (Kraft) Formelzeichen für Frequenz in Herz Formelzeichen für die Kapazitätseinheit Farad Kurzzeichen für Foxtrot [ICAO-Alphabet] Kurzeichen für die Temperatureinheit Fahrenheit Kurzzeichen für Force(s) (Streitkräfte) Kurzzeichen für das Präfix Femto [Zahlenwert 10-15] Kurzzeichen für feuer [Feuerleitung] Kurzzeichen für Fighter (Jäger) [USAF] Kurzzeichen für Fog (Nebel) Kurzzeichen für France [auch: FR] Kurzzeichen für Frigate (Fregatte) Find, Fix, Track and Target Militärischer Flugzeugtyp von Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Militärischer Flugzeugtyp von Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Militärischer Flugzeugtyp von Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Militärischer Flugzeugtyp von Northrop Grumman Militärischer Flugzeugtyp von Northrop Grumman Militärischer Mehrzweckjäger von Chengdu [VR China] Militärischer Flugzeugtyp von Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Phantom: Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Abfangjäger] von Boeing Militärischer Mehrzweckflugzeugtyp von Northrop Grumman Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Abfangjäger] von Boeing Militärischer Mehrzweckflugzeugtyp von Boeing, Luftfahrtunternehmen von Südkorea & Israel Militärischer Mehrzweckflugzeugtyp von Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Raptor: Militärischer Mehrzweckflugzeugtyp von Lockheed Martin Aeronautics & Boeing Militärischer Mehrzweckflugzeugtyp von Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co. [auch: Lightning II] Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Jagdbomber] von Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Fregatte Klasse 122 Fregatte Klasse 123 Fregatte Klasse 125 Fighter/Attack (Jagdbomber, Jabo) [USAF] Militärischer Mehrzweck-Flugzeugtyp von Boeing Fähigkeitsanalyse [DE, Bw] Failure Analysis (Ausfallanalyse) False Alarm (falscher/blinder Alarm) Feasibility Assessment (Machtbarkeitsabschätzung) Feldanzug [DE, Bw] Feldwebelanwärter [DE, Bw] Fernausbildung [DE, BWB] Fernmeldeamt [DE] Field Analysis Field Artillery Final Acceptance Final Approach Final Assembly

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 Fa  FA  FA  FA  FA  FA  FA  FA  FA  FA  FAA  FAA  FAA  FAA  FAA  FAA  FAA  FAAA  FAAAC  FAACIS  FAAD  FAAOC  FAAR  FAATC  FAATSAT  FAB  FAB  FAB  FAB  FAB  FAB  FAB  FAB-EC  FAC  FAC  FAC  FAC  FAC  FAC  FAC  FAC  FACE  FachInfoSys  FACIA  FAD  FAD  FAD  FAD  FAD  FADD  FADEC  FADM  FADOC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Firma [DE] Fixed to an Altitude Flachantennen [auch: FlAnt] Focus Area Forward Area Frequency Adjustment (Frequenzjustierung) Frequency Agility (Frequenzagilität) Functional Analysis Functional Architecture Funk-Aufklärung [DE, Bw] Federal Aviation Administration [Luftfahrtbehörde der US] Federal Aviation Agency [Luftfahrtbundesamt der US] Fleet Air Arm (Marinebordflieger) [UK] Foreign Airlines Association [UK] Foreign Assistance Act Fuerza Aerea Argentina (Luftstreitkräfte Argentiniens) Functional Analysis and Allocation Fehlerarten- und –auswirkungsanalysen [DE, Bw] FAA Aeronautical Center FAA Communications Information System Forward-Area Air Defense (vorderer Bereich der Luftverteidigung) Foreign Aircraft Air Operator’s Certificate Forward Area Alerting Radar FAA Technical Centre [Atlantic City, NJ] FAA Telecommunications Satellite Fabrication Functional Airspace Block Fast Action Button Forca Aerea Brasileira (Luftstreitkräfte Brasiliens) Forward Air Base Forward Avionics Bay Functional Airspace Block FAB for Europe Central Facility, Facilities (Anlagen, Einrichtungen) Farnborough Aerospace Consortium [UK] Fast Attack Craft Federal Acquisition Circular Federal Airports Corporation [Australia] Final Approach Course Flight Augmentation Computer (Flugdämpfungsrechner) [A320 FCS] Forward Air Control [luftg., vorgeschobene Überwachung von Bodenaktivitäten; JTAC] Forward Aviation Combat Engineering Fachinformationssysteme [DE, Bw] Fatigue- And Corrosion-Insensitive Aircraft Feature Analysis Data Fighter Aerodynamics Development Fleet Air Defense [US] Force Activity Designator Functional Analysis Document Fatigue and Damage Data Full-Authority Digital Engine Control (vollautomatische, digitale Triebwerksregelung) Flottilenadmiral [DE, Bw] Future Air Defense Operation Concept 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FADR  FADS  FAEC  FAEED  FAEI  FAEWS  FäFo  FAF  FAF  FAF, F&F  FAF  FAFIC  fa*g  fa*gC  fa*gr  FAI  FAI  FAI  FAI  FAI  FAIL  FaKat  FAL  FALCON  FALT  FAM  FAM  FAM  FAM  FAM  FAMASS  FAMIS  FAMS  FAN  FAN  FANS, Fans  FAO  FAOR  FAP  FAP  FAP  FAP  FAP  FAP  FAQ  FAR  FAR  FAR  FAR  FAR  FAR  FAR  FAR

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Fixed Air Defense Radar (bodengestütztes Flugabwehrradar) Flush Air Data System [EADS] Full-Authority Fuel Controller FAA Aircraft Engine Emission Database Federation of Aerospace Enterprises in Ireland Fleet Airborne EW System Fähigkeitsforderung [DE] Fast Access Format Final Approach Fix (Endanflugfix) Fire-And-Forget (Feuern und Vergessen) French Air Force (französische Luftstreitkräfte) Federal Armed Forces Intelligence Center [FRG] Fernmeldeanlagengesetz [DE] Fast Automatic Gain Control [Radar] Fernaufklärungsgruppe [DE, Bw] (Long Range Reconnaissance Wing) Fatal Accident Inquiry Féderation Aéronautique Internationale [CH, Lausanne] Final Acceptance Inspection Finnish Aerospace Industries First Article Inspection FMC Fail Firmenkatalog [DE] Final Assembly Line (Endmontagelinie) Force Amplification and Launch from CONUS Final Altitude Familiarization Fighter Attack Manoeuvring Final Approach Mode Fine Acquisition Mode Functional Area Model Field-level Avionics Maintenance Support System [EADS] Full Aircraft Management/Inertial System Family of Air Missile Systems False Alarm Normalizer [Radar] Forward Air Navigator Future Air Navigation Systems [ICAO] (künftige Flugnavigationssysteme) Forward Area of Operations Fighter Area of Responsibility False Alarm Probability (Falschalarmwahrscheinlichkeit) Federation of Australian Pilots Final Approach Point (Endanflugpunkt) Fleet Average Performance Forca Aera Portuguesa Future ATM Profile [Simulation] Frequently Asked Questions (öfters gestellte Fragen) False Alarm Rate (Falschalarmrate) False Alarm Receiver (Falschalarmempfänger) Fatal-Accident Rate Federal Acquisition Regulations Federal Aviation Regulations Federal Air/Aviation Regulations Fighter-Attack-Recon [USAF] Final Acceptance Review

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 FAR  FAR  FARAWAY  Farcos  Farm  FARB  FARP  FARS  FArt  FAS  FAS  FAS  FAS  FAS  FAS  FAS  FAS  FAS  FAS  FAS  FAS  FAS  FAS  FASAT  FASGW  FASGW  FASH  FASM  FASM  FASS  FAST  FAST  FAST  FAST  FAST  FAST  FAST  FAST  FAST  FASTA  FASTI  FAT  FAT  FAT  FAT  FAT  FAT  FATA  FATAC  FATDS  FATE  FATE  FATG 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Flight Acceptance Review Force d’Action Rapide [F] Fusion of Radar and ADS Data through two Way datalink Fast Adaptive Radio Communications System Facilities for Antenna and RCS Measurement [Radar Cross Section] Forward Air Refuelling Position Forward Arming and Refuelling Points [NATO] Fast Acquisition Receiver System Feldartillerie [DE, Bw] Federation of American Scientists Final Approach Segment Flank Array Sonar Flare Augmentation System Fliegerhelm mit ABC-Schutz [DE, Bw] Flight-level Allocation System Flughafen-Abferigungs-Steuersystem [DE] Forces Aériennes Stratégiques Forward Acquisition Sensor Frame Alignment Signal Frequency Agile Subsystem Frequency Assignment Subcommittee Functional Area Services Future Antenna Suite Future Anti-Satellite Future Air/Surface Guided Weapon Future Anti-Ship Guided Weapon Future Amphibious Support Helicopter Farnborough Air Science Museum Forward Air Support Munition Frequency Agile Signal Simulator Fan And Supersonic Turbine Fast Access Spacecraft Testbed Final Approach Spacing Tool Final Assembly and Test Fla-Aufklärungsschnittstelle Tiefflugbereich [DE, Bw/Heer] Flexible Acquisition Sustainment Tool Forecasting and Assessment of Science and Technology Future Access to Satellite Technology Future Artillery Systems Technology Flugzeugabwehrstartanlage [DE, Bw] First ATC Support Tools Implementation [Programme] False Alarm Time (Falschalarmzeit) Factory Acceptance Test File Allocation Table Final Acceptance Trial First Article Testing Free Air Temperature Force Aérienne Tactique Alliée [FR, NATO] Force Aérienne Tactique [French Air Force Tactical Air Command] Field Artillery Tactical Data System Factory Acceptance Test Equipment Future Aircraft Technology Enhancement Fixed Air-To-Ground 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FATO  FAU  FAUST  FAV  FAWP  FAWS  Fax  FB  FB  Fb  fb  FB  FB  FB  FB  FB  FBA  FBAH  FBAR  FBC  FBC  FBC  FBCH  FB-DIMM  FBE  FBG  FBI  FBK  FBL  FBM  FBMS  FBN  FBO  FBO  FBO  FBPAR  FBR  FBR  FBS  FBS  FBU  FBW  F/C  FC  FC  FC  FC  FC  FC  FC  FC  FC  FC

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Final Approach and Take-Off area Forward Antenna Unit Führungsausstattung Taktisch [DE, Bw] Fast Attack Vehicle Final Approach Waypoint Future Airborne Weapon System Facsimile Fachbereich [DE, Bw] Fallback Feedback feuerbereit [Feuerleitung; DE, Bw] Fighter-Bomber [UK] Fingerprint Biometrics Flare Block Flugbegleiter (Flight Attendent) Forward Boundary Fighter-Bomber Attack Future Battlefield Attack Helicopter Film-Bulk Acoustic Oscillator Fan - Booster - Compressor Fly-By-Cable (Stromkabel-gestütztes Flugführungssystem) Furnished By Contractor Fast Feedback Channel Fully-Buffered DIMM [IC Memory] Fleet Battle Experiment [USN] Fighter Bomber Group [USAF] Federal Bureau of Investigation [US] Fernbedienkasten [DE, Bw] Fly-by-Light (lichtfaser-gestütztes Flugführungssystem) Fleet Ballistic Missile Fleet Ballistic Missile System Fly-by-Night (Flugführungssystem für die Nacht) Fan-Blade Off Fixed Based Operator Flights Between Overhauls Fixed Based Precision Approach Radar Fast Breeder Reactor Functional Baseline Review Fallback System Fly-by-Speech (sprach-gestütztes Flugführungssystem) Flight Briefing Unit Fly-by-Wire (elektrisches Flugführungssystem) Forecast False Change Feature Code Fibre Channel Fire Control (Feuerleitung) First Class Fixed Cost Flight Computer (Flugrechner) Flight Control (Flugsteuerung) Flight Crew Flight Critical

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 FC  FC  FC  FC  FC  FC  FC  FC  FC-1/JF-17  FCA  FCA  FCA  FCA  FCA  FCAV  FCB  FCB  FCAC  FCAS  FCB  FCBA  FCC  FCC  FCC  FCC  FCC  FCC  FCC  FCC  FCC  FC&D  FCD  FCD  FCDA  FCDC  FCDC  FCDC  FCDS  FCDS  FCE  FCE  FCE  FCE  FCE  FCEM  FCES  FCF  FCF  FCFS  FCG  FCGC  FCH  FCI 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Foot Candels Force Commander Forecast Formalised Clearance Frame Control Frequency Change Fuel Cell Functional Component Luftüberlegenheitsjäger und Erdkämpfer von Chengdu [VR China] Flight Control Avionics Flight Critical Avionics Functional Configuration Audit Future Cargo Aircraft (zukünftiger Frachttransporter) Future Cycle Accumulation [Triebwerk] Fibre Channel Audio Video Frequency Coordination Body Functional Capabilities Board Future Combat Air Capability (zukünftige Luftkampffähigkeit) Future Combat Air System (zukünftiges Luftkampfsystem) Frequency Coordinating Body Future Carrier-Borne Aircraft (zukünftiges trägergestütztes Flugzeug) Facility Control Computer Federal Communications Commission [US-Fernmeldebehörde] Fighter Control Center Fire Control Computer (Feuerleitrechner) Fire Coordination Center Fleet Command Center Flight Control Computer (Flugführungsrechner, Flugregelrechner) Flow Coordination Cell Frequency Conversion and Control (Frequenzumsetzung und Steuerung) Flight Control & Dynamics Fault Current Detection [EMC] Flow Control Decision Federal Civil Defense Administration [US] Flight Control Data Concentrator [A330 FCS] Flight Control Digital Computer (digitaler Flugführungsrechner) Flight Critical Direct Current Flight Control Display System Frequency Channel and Distribution System Facility Core Elements Flight Control Electronics Flight Crew Environment Flow Control Electronics Full co*ckpit Emulator Flight Control Execution Message Flight Control Electronics System Free Cash Flow [Wirtschaft] Functional Checkout Flight First Come First Served Flux Compression Generator Flight Control and Guidance Computer Frame Control Header Flight Command Indicator (Flugkommandoanzeiger) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FCI  FCI  FCI  FCL  FCM  FCM  FCM  FCMA  FCMC  FCMS  FCNP  FCNS  FCNU  FCO  FCO  FCO  FCO  FCOC  FCOM  FCOS  FCOS  FCOT  FCP  FCP  FCP  FCP  FCP  FCPA  FCPC  FCR  FCR  FCRAM  FCRS  FCS  FCS  FCS  FCS  FCS  FCS  FCS  FCS  FCS  FCSC  FCSS  FCST  Fcst  FCT  FCT  FCT  FCT  FCT  FCT  FCT

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Foreign Counter-Intelligence Fuel Consumption Indicator (Kraftstoffverbrauchsanzeiger) Functional Configuration Identification Flight Crew Licensing Flight Confirmation Message [CFMU] Flow and Capacity Management Future Concepts for Maintenance FANS Central Monitoring Agency Fuel Control and Monitoring Computer [A340-500/600] Fuel Control and Monitoring System [A340-500/600] Fire Control and Navigation Panel Fibre Channel Network Switch Flight Control Navigation Unit Final Change Order Fire-Control Operator Formal Change Order Future Concepts Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler Flight Crew Operations Manual Flight Computer Operating System Flight Control Operational Software Future Concepts Team Flight Control Panel (Flugsteuerungs-Bedienanlage) Flight Control Procedure Flight Control Processor (Flugsteuerungs-Prozessor) Fuel Cell Powerplant Fusion and Correlation Processor Foreign Corrupt Practices Act [US] Flight Control Primary Computer [A330/340 FCS] Fire Control Radar (Feuerleitradar) Flow Control Request Fast Cycle Random Access Memory [IC Memory] Flight Crew Recording System Failure Combat System Feedback Control System Fire Control System (Feuerleitsystem) Flight Control Software (Flugsteuerungssoftware) Flight Control System (Flugsteuerungssystem, Flugregelsystem) Frame Check Sequence Free Channel Search Future Combat System (zukünftiges Kampfsystem) [USA] Future Concepts for Simulators Flight Control Secondary Computer [A330/340 FCS] Fire Control Sight System Federal Council for Science and Technology [US] Forecast (Wettervorhersage) Final Contract Trial First Configuration Test Flight Control Team Flight Crew Training Foreign Comparative Testing [USAF] Friction Coefficient Fuel-Cell Technology

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26. Juni 2013


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 FCT  FCTL  FCTS  FCU  FCU  FCU  FCV  FCXO  FCZ  Fd  FD  FD  FD  FD  Fd  Fd  FD  FD  FD  FD  FD  FD  FD  FD  FD-Boot  FD  FD  FD  FD  FD  FD  FD  FD  FD  FD  FD  FD  FD  FDA  FDA  FDAI  FDDS  FDAF  FDAI  FDAMS  FDAU  FDB  FDBK, Fdbk  FDB  FDB  FDC, FD&C  FDC  FDC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Functional Test Flow Control Flight Controller Training Simulator Facility Control Unit Flight Control Unit (Flugkontrolleinheit, Flugregler) Fuel Control Unit (Treibstoffkontrolleinheit, Treibstoff-Bediengerät) Future Combat Vehicle Frequency Controlled Crystal Oscillator Forward Combat Zone Formelzeichen für Doppler Frequenz [DE] Fachdienst [DE, Bw] Failure Density Faltdipol [Antenne; DE] Fault Detection Feind [DE] Field Final Data Finite Difference Firing Device Flight Data (Flugdaten) Flight Deck Flight Director (Flugleitanlage, Flugkommandogerät) Flight Dynamics (Flugdynamik) Floppy Disc Flottendienstboot [DE] Flux Density Focal Distance Forward Display Frequency Discriminator (Frequenzdiskriminator) Frequency Diversity Frequency Divided Frequency Domain Frequency Doubler Frequency Duplexer Full Development Full Duplex Functional Description Functional Design Fault Detection and Annunciation Flight Data Acquisition (Flugdatenerfassung) Foreningen for Dansk Aerospace Industri Flight Deck Display System Flight Data Acquisition Function Flight-Director Attitude Indicator Flight Data Acquisition and Management System Flight Data Acquisition Unit Full Data Block Feedback Fleet Data Base Flightplan Data Bank Fault Detection and Correction Fire Direction Center Flexible Display Center 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FDC  FDC  FDC  FDC  FDC  FDC  FDCS  FDD  FDD  FDD  FDDI  FDDP  FD&E  FDE  FDE  FDE  FDE  FDE  FDEP  FDF  FDFM  FDG  FDH  FDI  FDI  FDI  FDI  FDI  FDI  FDIMU  FDIO  FDIOC  FDIR  FDIR  FDIS  fdl  FDL  FDL  FDL  FdLg  FdLgBer  FDLP  FDM  FDM  FDM  FDM  FDMA  FDMD  FDMS  FDMU  FDMU  FDO  FDOA

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Flight Data Center Flight Deck Communications Flight-Director Computer Floppy-Disk Controller Frequency to Digital Converter Fuel Data Concentrator [A340-500/600] Flight Deck Communications System Flight Data Display Floppy Disc Drive [Computers] Frequency Division Duplexing Fiber-optics Distributed Data Interface [Netzwerktechnologie] Full-Digital Design Process Forces Development and Evaluation [USAF] Fault Detection and Exclusion (Störungsdetektion und Behebung) Fire Detection and Extinguishing Flight Data Exchange Flight Deck Enhancement Force Development Evaluation Flight Data Entry Panel Flight Dynamics Facility Flight Data and Flow Management [ICAO] Flight plan Data Generator Flight-Deck Handset Fault Detection and Identification Fault Detection and Isolation (Störungsdetektion und Behebung) Flight Data Interface Flight-Director Indicator (Flugkommandoanzeiger) Flight Display Integration Foreign Direct Investment Flight Data Interface Management Unit Flight Data Input/Output (Flugdaten Ein/Ausgabe) Flight Data Input/Output Center Fault Detection, Isolation and Reconfiguration Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery Final Draft International Standard feindlich [DE] Fighter Data Link (Datenlink von Kampfflugzeugen) Fixed Distance Lighting Flight Dynamics Laboratory Feindlage [DE, Bw] Feindlagebericht [DE, Bw] Flight Deck Landing Practice Finite Difference Method Flight Data Message Flight Data Monitoring (Flugdatenüberwachung) Frequency Division Multiplex (Frequenz-Teilungs-Multiplex) Frequency Division Multiple Access (Frequenz-Teilungs-Mehrfach-Zugriff) Flight Data Management and Distribution Flight Data Management System Flight Data Management Unit Flight Data Monitoring Unit Flight Deck Officer (Flugdeckoffizier) Frequency Difference Of Arrival [EW]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 FDP  FDPD  FDPS  f.d.R.  FDR  FDR  FDR  FDR  FDR  FDR  FDR  FDR  FDR  FDRS  FDS  FDS  FDS  FDS  FDS  FDS  FDS  FDS  FDS  FDS  FDSC  FDSE  FDSS  FDSS  FDSU  FDSS  FDT  FDT  FDT  FDT  FD-TD  FDU  FDU  FDX  FDX  F&E  F&E  FE  FE  FE  FE  Fe  FE  FE  FE  FE  FE  FE  FEA 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Flight Data Processor (Flugdatenprozessor) Flight Data Processing and Distribution Flight Data Processing System (Flugdatenverarbeitungssystem) Für die Richtigkeit [DE] Final Design Review Flight Data Recorder (Flugdatenschreiber) Flight Deck Reporting Flight Deck Runway Flight Dynamics Reports Flight Dynamics Room Formal Design Review Frequency Domain Reflectometry Future Digital Radio Flight Data Recorder System (Flugdatenaufzeichnungssystem) Fault Detection System Field Deployable Simulator Fire Detection and Suppression Fixed Distributed System Flight Data Set Flight Deck Simulator Flight Director System (Flugkommandosystem) Flight Display System (Flugdisplaysystem) Flight Dynamics Support Flight Dynamics System Future Defense Supply Chain Full Duplex Switched Ethernet Flight Display Subsystem Flight Dynamics Support System Flight Data Storage Unit (Flugdatenspeichergerät) Fault Detection Subsystem False Doppler Target (falsches Dopplerziel) Flight Data Transmitter (Flugdatensender) Flight Deck Terminal Frequency Domain Techniques (Techniken bzw Verfahren im Frequenzbereich) Finite Difference - Time Domain [Radar] Flight Data Unit (Flugdatengerät) Flux Detector Unit Fast Switched Ethernet Full Duplex Facilities and Equipment Forschung und Entwicklung (Research and Development) [DE] Fan Exit Fatal Error Fernmeldemittel und Elektronik [DE, BWB] Ferroelectric Ferrum bzw Eisen [chem. Symbol] (Iron) Field Engineer Field Evacuation Finite Element Flight Engineer (Flug-Ingenieur) Functional Entities Fundamenterdung [DE] Failure Effect Analysis 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FEA  FEA  FEA  FEAL  FEAR  FEAST  FEATMS  FEATS  FeAufkl  Feb  FEB  FEBA  FEBE  FEC  FEC  FEC  Fed  FED  FED  FED-STD  FEE  FEE  FEE  FEEP  FEFA  FEFO  FEI  FEI  FEK  FEL  FELC  FELEX  FELT  FELS  FEM  FEM  FEMA  FEN  FENE  FEO  FEP  FEP  FEPS  FER  FER  FERROD  FES  FEST  FET  FETT  FeV  FEW  FEWP

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Federal Energy Administration Finite Element Analysis [DE] Front-End Analysis Fast Encryption Algorithm Failure-Effects Analysis Report First European Air Traffic Controller Selection Test Future European Air Traffic Management System Future European Air Traffic System [ICAO] Fernaufklärung [DE, Bw] February, Februar Functional Electronic Block Forward Edge of Battle Area [jetzt: FLOT] Front End / Back End Fast Ethernet Controller Forward Error Correction Front End Controller Federal, Federation, Federated Feldeffektdiode [DE] Field Emission Display Federal Standard Flight Engineer Examiner Forschung, Entwicklung und Erprobung [DE] Front End Electronics Field-Emission Electric Propulsion Future European Fighter Aircraft First Ended, First Out Federation of the Electronics Industry [UK] File Encryption Key Frequency Exchange Keying Free Electron Laser Field-Effect Liquid Crystal Frigate Life Extension [Program] Free Electron Laser Technology Fast Emitter Location System Finite Elements Method Front-End Module Federal Emergency Management Agency [US] Failure Event Notification Fixed Exit Nozzle Engine Federal Energy Office [US] Flight Efficiency Plan Front-End Processor Flight Envelope Protection System Final Evaluation Report Frame Error Rate Ferrite Rod [Antenne] Fixed Earth Station Foreign Emergency Support Team [USAF] Feld-Effekt-Transistor First Engine To Test Fernvermittlung [DE] Fighter Escort Wing Federation of European Women Pilots

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 FEWS  FEWS  FEWSG  FEZ  F&F  F/F  FF  FF  FF  FF  FF  FF  FF  FF  FF  FF  FF  FFA  FFA  FFA  FFAR  FFAS  FFB  FFBD  FFBW  FFC  FFCC  FFCS  FFCS  FFCS  FFCS  FFD  FFF  FFF, F3Fit,  FFG  FF/FU  FFG  FFH  FFH  FFHN  FFI  FFI  FFIS  FFK  FFL  FFLG  FFM  FFM  FFM  FFM  FFM  FFM  FFN 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Follow-on Early Warning System Future Early Warning System Fleet Electronic Warfare Support Group [USN] Fighter aircraft Engagement Zone Fire & Forget First Flight (Erstflug) Far Field (Fernfeld) Fast Frigate [Navy] Flugzeugführer [DE, Bw] Fuel Flow Final Fix Fixed Frequency Flip-Flop [elektronischer Speicher] Free Flight Friendly Fire Fleet Frigate Fuel Flow (Treibstoffverbrauch) Free Fire Area Foam-Filled Aluminium Functional Failure Analysis Folding-Fin Aerial Rocket (luftg. Rakete mit gefaltetem Leitwerk) Free Flight Air Space Faltfestbrücke [DE, Bw] Functional Flow Block Diagram Fully Fly-By-Wire For Futher Clearance Forward-Facing Crew co*ckpit Fire and Flight Control System (Feuerleit- und Flugführungssystem) Fly-by-Wire Flight Control System Formation Flight Control System Free-Fall Control System [ICBM] FMS Flight Data Film Forming Foam Form and Function Fleet Frigate Guided [Missile, USN] Fuel Flow / Fuel Used Flensburger Fahrzeugbau GmbH [DE] Fast Frequency Hopping Aviation Frigate Nuclear-powered Aviation Frigate Final Factory Inspection Full Force Integration Formation Flight Instrumentation System Full-Function Keyboard Corvette Guided Missile Corvette Far-Field Monitor Fire and Forget Missile Frankfurt am Main Free Flight Mode Fuel Flow Meter (Kraftstoff-Durchfluß-Meßeinheit) Fuel Flow Monitor Far-Field Noise 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FFNAC  FFO  FFO  FFOS  FFP  FFP  FFP  FFP  FFR  FFR  FFRDC  FFS  FFS  FFS  FFS  FFS  FFSK  FFSP  FFT  FFT  FFT  FFT  FFT  FFT  FFTAU  FFTCU  FFT-SA  FFTx  FFV  FFW  FFW  F/G  FG  FG  FG  FG  FGA FGAN

 FGBAD  FGC  FGCP  FGCS  FGG  Fgn  FGP  FGPA  FGR  FGR  FGS  FGS  FGV  FH  FH

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Fédération Francaise des Navigants de l’Aviation Civile Fixed Frequency Oscillator Flugfunkforschung [DE] Forward Flying Observation System Far-Field Pattern Firm Fixed Price Free-Fall Parachuting Free Flight Phase Fuel-Flow Regulator Full Flight Release Federally Funded Research and Development Center Fee For Service Force Fusion System Formation Flight System [Honeywell] Führungs- and Förderungssystem [DE, DFS] (guidance and promotion system) Full Flight Simulator (kompletter Flugsimulator) Fast FSK Full Function Signal Processor Fact Finding Teams Fast Fourier Transformation Fixed Field Transponder Full Flight Trainer (kompletter Flugtrainer) Full-scale Fatigue Test Training Frigate Fast Fourier Transformation Arithmetic Unit Fast Fourier Transformation Control Unit FFT Spektrumanalysator [DE] Fuel-Flowmeter Transmitter Flexible Fueled Vehicle Failure Free Warranty Future Force Warrior Foreground Fighter Group [USAF] Flight Guidance Fog (Nebel) Funktionsgenerator [DE] Fighter Ground Attack [UK] (Bodenzielangriffsflugzeug) Forschungsgesellschaft für Angewandte Naturwissenschaften e.V. [DE] Future Ground Based Air Defense [NL] Flight Guidance Computer (Flugführungsrechner) Flight Guidance Control Panel Flight Guidance and Control System Führungsgrundgebiet [DE] Foreign Flight Guidance Panel Field-Gate Programmble Array Fighter Ground-attack and Reconnaissance [UK] (Bodenzielangriffsflugzeug und Aufklärung) Flugabwehr-Gefechtsstand Roland [DE, Bw] Fine-Guidance Sensor Flight Guidance System (Flugführungssystem) Field-Gradient Voltage Fachhochschule [DE] Fleet Hospital

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 FH  FH  FH  FHA  FHA  FHD  FH/DS  FHMA  FHMUX  FHQ  fhr  FHR  Fhr  FHS  FHS  FHS  FHSS  FHSS  FHU  FHW  FI  FI  FI  FI  FI  FI  FIA  FIA  FIA  FIAS  FIB  FIC  FIC  FIC  FIC  FIC  FIC  FICEURLANT  FICPAC  FICS  FIDAE  FIDB  FIDO  FIDS  FIDS  FIE  FIE  FIFO  FIFOR  FIFV  FIG  Fig  FIH 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Flight Hours Flying Helmet [Helmvisier des Eurofighters] Frequency Hopping (Frequenzsprung(verfahren)) Fault Hazard Assessment Functional Hazard Analysis/Assessment Function Hierarchy Diagram Frequency Hopping/Direct Sequence Frequency Hop Multiple Access Frequency Hopping Multiplexers Force Headquarters (Streitkräfte-Hauptquartier) flight hour Frauenhofer-Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Radar [DE] Führer [DE] Fachhochschule [DE] Fliegender Helikopter Simulator [DE] Flight Hardware Simulator Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (Frequenzsprung-Bandspreitzverfahren) Force Helicopter Unit Fault History Word Fatigue Index Fault Isolation Finland Fleet Intelligence Flying Instructor Foreign Intelligence Flight Information Area Foreign Intelligence Agency Future Imagery Architecture Formation Internationale Aéronautique et Spatiale Forwarding Information Base Film Integrated Circuits Fleet Intelligence Center Flight Information Center (Fluginformationszentrale) Flight Inspection Computer Fractal Image Compression Frequency Interference Control Fleet Intelligence Center, Europe and Atlantic Fleet Intelligence Center, Pacific Fully Integrated Communications System International Aerospace and Defence Fair [Santiago, Chile] Fundamental Intelligence Data Base Flight Dynamics Officer Fault Identification and Detection System Flight Information Display System Flight Instructor Examiner Foreign Intelligence Element First In - First Out Flight Forecast Future Infantery Fighting Vehicle Fighter Interceptor Group Figure Flight Information Handbook 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FIKI  Fil  Filg  FILS  FIM  FIM  FIM  FIMA  Fin  FIN  FIN  FIN  FIN  FINS  FIO  FIP  FIP  FIP  FIPR  FIPS  FIPS  FIPS  FIR  FIR  FIR  FIR  FIR  FIR  FIRAMS  FIRE  FIRF  FIRMU  FIRST  FIR-F  FIS  FIS  FIS  FIS  FIS  FIS  FIS  FIS-A  FIS-B  FISINT  FISO  FISS  FIST  FIST  FIST  FIST  FISTA  FIT  FIT

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Flight Into Known Icing Filter Filling Fault Isolation and Location System Fault Isolation Manual Fault Isolation Monitoring Field-Ion Microscope Future International Military Airlifter Financial Finland Fixed-site Intelligence Network Functional Identification Number Functional Item Number Fixed Imagery Navigation Sensor [Lantirn] Flight Information Office Federal Implementation Plan Federal Information Precessing Flight Instruction Programm Federal Information Precessing Resources Federal Information Processing Standard Fleet Intelligence Production System Flight Information Processing System Far Infrared (fernes Infrarot) Fault Isolation Resolution Finite Impulse Response Flight-Incident Recorder Flight Information Region (Fluginformationsgebiet) Forward-link Interrogation Range Flight-Incident Recorder and Monitor System Fused Intelligence Report in Europe Future Information Requirements Forecast Flight-Incident Recorder Memory Unit Fast Infrared Search and Track Finite Impulse Response Filter Federal Inspector Services Fighter Intercept Squadron Flight Information Services (Fluginformationsdienste) Flight Information System Flight Instructors School Flight Instrument System Foreign Intelligence Service Flight Information Services- Automated (automat. FIS) Flight Information Services- Broadcast (rundgesendetes FIS) Foreign Instrumentation and Signals Intelligence Flight Information Service Officer Flight Information Service Station Final Integrated System Test Fire Support Team Forward Instability Shock Test Future Infantry Soldier Technology Flying IR Signature Technology Aircraft Factory Inspection Test FANS Interoperability Team

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 FIT  FIT  FIT  FIT  FIT  FITE  FITE  FITS  FITS  FIU  FIV  FIWC  FIX  FIXe  FJ  FJ  FJA  FJg  FK  FK  FKA  FKdo  FKG  FKH  FKIE  FKK  FKL  FKM  FKKG  FKS  FL  FL  FL  Fl  FL  FL  FL  FlA  Fla  FLA  FlaAufklZg  Flab  FlaBtl  FLAEG  FLAG  Flak  FlaMG  FlakPz  Flam  FlAnt  FLAP  Flaperon  FlaPz 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Fault Isolation Test Fault Isolation Tree First Indication of Trouble Flight Integration Task Floating Input Transistor Fusion Interfaces for Tactical Environment Future Imersive Training Environment Flir Internal Targeting System Fully Integrated Tactical System (voll integriertes Taktiksystem) [EADS CASA] Fingerprint Identification Unit Future Infantery Vehicle Fleet Information Warfare Center Fixpoint Fix error [Navigation] Fast Jet Fuel Jettison Forward Jamming Antenna Feldjäger [DE, Bw] Flugkörper [DE, Bw] Fregattenkapitän [DE, Bw] Fächerkeulenantennen [DE] Feuerkommando [DE, Bw] Flugkörpergeschwader [DE, Bw] Förderkreis Deutsches Heer e.V. (Association of the German Army) [DE] Frauenhofer-Institut für Kommunikation, Informationsverarbeitung und Ergonomie [FGAN, DE] Flug-Klar-Kontrolle Fahrzeugkran – Leicht [DE] Fahrzeugkran – Mittel [DE] Flugkörperkommandogerät [DE, Bw] Formation Keeping System [Airbus A400M] Fan Lift Fernleitung [DE] Feuerleitung [DE, Bw] Flieger [AT, CH] Flight Level (Flugfläche) Flight Line Fluid Fliegerabwehr [AT] Flugabwehr [DE, Bw] Future Large Aircraft [Airbus A400M] Flugabwehraufklärungszug [DE, Bw] Fliegerabwehr [CH] Flugabwehrbataillon [DE, Bw] Future Large Aircraft Exploratory Group Fiber Link Around the Globe Flieger- bzw. Flugabwehrkanone [DE, Bw] Flugabwehrmaschinengewähr [DE, Bw] Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer [DE, Bw] Future Land Attack Missile Flachantenne [auch: FA; DE] Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam, Paris Flap Aileron (Flügelhinterkantenklappen) Flugabwehrpanzer [DE, Bw] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FLAR  FlaRak  FlaRakG  FlaRakGrp  FlaRakPz  FlaRakWaSys  FlaRgt  FLAS  FLASH  FlaStff  FlAusbZLw  FlAusr  FLB  FlBer  Flbtr  FlBtrbBw  FLC  FLC  FLCC  FLCD  FLCH  FLCP  FLCS  FLD  Fld  FLE  FLEAS  FleetCd  Flf  flg  flg  Flg  FlgAusbZLw  FlgFst  FlgGrp  FlgH  FlHdb  Flhf  FlgStff  FlgVbd  FLID  FLIP  FLIP  FLIPCY  FLIR  FLITZ  Flk  FlKdo  FlKfz  FLL  FLL  FLM  FLM

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Forward-Looking Airborne Radar Flugabwehrrakete [DE, Bw] Flugabwehrraketengeschwader [DE, Bw] Flugabwehrraketengruppe [DE, Bw] Flugabwehrraketenpanzer [DE, Bw] Flugabwehrraketen-Waffensystem [DE, Bw] Flugabwehrregiment [DE, Bw] Flight Level Allocation System Flying Laser Against Seeker Head [Self-Defence System] Flugabwehrstaffel [DE, Bw] Fliegendes Ausbildungszentrum der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw/Lw] Flugausrüstung [DE, Bw] Flugberechtigte [DE] Flugberater [DE] Flugbetrieb [DE] Flugbetrieb in der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Ferro-electric Liquid Crystal Flight Level Change Flight Control Computer Ferro-electric Liquid Crystal Display Flight Level Change Flight Control Panel Flight Control System Fault Location Device Field (Feld) Fatigue Life Expended Flexible Light Electronic Attack System Fleet Command (Flottenkommando) Fliegerfaust [DE, Bw/Heer] flashing (blinkend) fliegend, fliegerisch [DE] Flug, Flieger [DE, Bw] Flugausbildungszentrum der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw] Fliegerfaust [Stinger] [DE, Bw] Fliegende Gruppe [DE, Bw] Fliegerhorst [DE, Bw] Flughandbuch [DE, Bw] Flughafen [CH] Fliegende Staffel [DE, Bw] Fliegender Verband [DE, Bw] Flight Identification Flight Information Publication Flight Instruction Procedures Flight Plan Consistency Forward Looking Infrared (nach vorne blickende Infrarotkamera) [auch: Flir] Flugbetriebs- und Informationszentrale [DE, Lw] Flugkörper [CH] Flottenkommando [DE, Bw] Feuerlösch-Kraftfahrzeug [DE] Flight Line Level Frequency Locked Loop Flight Line Maintenance Focused Lethality Munition [USAF]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 Flmelde  FLO  FLOP  FLOPS  Flpl  Flot  FLOT  FlottenKdo  FLPL  Flprn  FLPS  FlPl  Flr  FLR  FLRCM  FLS  FLS  FlS  FLS  FLSU  Flt  FLT, Flt  FLT, Flt  FLT  FLTA  FLTCK  FLTCTRL  FLTINST  Fltl  FltPz  FLTR  FLTSAT  FLTSATCOM  Flt Ctrl  Fluc  FlUUG  FLW  FLW  FLW  FLW  Flwe  FLY  Flz  Flzg  FM  FM  FM  FM, Fm  FM  FM  FM  FM  FM 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Flugmeldedienst [DE] Frequency Locked Oscillator Floating-point Operations Floating-point Operations Per Second [Computers] Flugplatz [CH] Flotilla Forward Line of Own Troops (vordere Linie der eigenen Truppen) [früher: Feba] Flottenkommando [DE, Bw] Flight Plan (Flugplan) Flaperon (Landeklappenquerruder) Flightline Payload Simulator Flugplatz [DE] Flares Forward Looking Radar (nach vorne gerichtetes Radar) Future Long Range Cruise Missile Feuerleitsystem [DE] Field Loadable Software Fliegerschule [AT] Flight Suspension [Message] Fast Link Set-Up Feuerleit [DE, Bw] Fleet (Flotte) Flight (Flug) Flight Line Tester Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance (nach vorne blickende Geländevermeidung) Flight Check (Flugcheck) Flight Control Flight Instrument Flottile [DE, Bw] Feuerleitpanzer [DE, Bw] Filter Fleet Satellite Fleet Satellite Communications Flight Control (Flugkontrolle) Fluctuation, fluctuating Flugunfalluntersuchung [DE] Fernbedienbare Leichte Waffenstation [DE] Folow, following (folgen, folgend) Forward Looking Windshear [Radar] Friedrich Lürssen Werft [DE] Flugwesen [CH] Fly, flying (Flug, fliegen) Flugzeug [AT, CH] Flugzeug [DE] Facility Management Failure Mode Fan Marker Beacon (Fächer-Markierungsfunkfeuer) [ILS] Fernmelde [DE] Field Manual Figure of Merit Flight Model Flow Manager Frequency Management (Frequenzverwaltung) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FM  FM  FM  FM  FM  FMA  FMA  FmAbt  FmABw  FMAC  FmAufkl  FmAufkl  FmAufklBtrb  FmAufkl P  FMB  FmBer  FMBT  FMC  FMC  FMC  FMC  FMC  FMC  FMC  FMC  FMCDU  FMCF  FMCS  FMCW  FMCWR  FMD  FMD  FME  FMEA  FMECA  FmEloAufkl  FMF  FMF  FMF  FMF  FMG  FMG  FMGC  FMGEC  FMGS  FM-ICWR  FmKdo  FmKp  FML  FML  FmMat  FmN  FMN

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Frequency Measurement Frequency Modulation (Frequenzmodulation) Flight Management (Flugmanagement) Fight Mission From (von) Final Monitor Aid Flight Mode Annunciator Fernmeldeabteilung [DE, Bw] Fernmeldeamt der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Frequency Management Advisory Council Fernmeldeaufklärer [DE, Bw] Fernmeldeaufklärung (COMINT) [DE, Bw] Fernmeldeaufklärungsbetrieb [DE, Bw] Fernmeldeaufklärer Peilfunk [DE, Bw] Forward Mounting Base Fernmeldebereich [DE, Bw] Future Main Battle Tank Fatigue Monitoring Computer (Rechner zur Überwachung der Ermüdung) Fixed Mobile Convergence Flight Management Computer (Flugführungsrechner) Flight Management Control Forward Motion Compensation Front Mounted Camera Fully Mission Capable [USAF] Future Concepts for Maintenance (zukünftige Managementkonzepte) Flight Management Control and Display Unit Flight Management Computer Function Flight Management Control/Computer System (Flugbetriebssystem) Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar Flight Management Display (Flugbetriebsdisplay) Flow Management Division Foreign Material Exploitation Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis Fernmelde Elektronische Aufklärung (signal intelligence) [DE, Bw] Fleet Marine Forces Flight Management Function Foreign Military Financing Frequency Matched Filter Flow Management Group [ICAO] Flughafen München GmbH Flight Management and Guidance Computer Flight Management and Guidance Envelope Computer [A330/340 FCS] Flight Management and Guidance System Frequency Modulated - Interrupted Continuous Wave [Radar] Fernmeldekommando [DE, Bw] Fernmeldekompanie [DE, Bw] Forum Militärische Luftfahrt [DE] Frequency Memory Loop Fernmeldematerial [DE, Bw] Fernmeldenetz [DE] Fernmeldenetz [AT]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 FmNAufkl  FMO  FMOD  FMOP  FMP  FMP  FMP  FMPG  FMR  FMRAAM  FM-Radar  FmRgt  FMS  FMS  FmS  FMS  FMS  FMS  FMS  FMS  FMS  FMS  FMSP  FMSP  FMST  FmStab  FmSys  FmSysBw  FmSysFlaRak  FmSysH  FMT  FMT  FMTP  FMTV  FMU  FMU  FMU  FMU  FMV  FMV  FmVbdg  FmVbdgDst  FmVbdgPl  FmZ  FmZe  Fn  FN  FN  FN  FNA  FNA  FNBW 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Fernmeldenahaufklärung [DE, Bw] Frequency Management Office Federal Ministy of Defense (BMVg) [Germany] Frequency Modulation On Pulse Fleet Modernization Program Flight Mode Panel Functional Management Program Flow Management Planning Group [ICAO] Ferromagnetic Resonance Future Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (zukünftiger Luftziel-LFK mittlerer Reichweite) Frequenzmoduliertes Radar [DE] Fernmelderegiment [DE, Bw] Fatigue Management System Fault Management System Fernmeldeschule [DE] File Management System Flight Management System (Flugmanagementsystem, Flugdurchführungssystem) Flugsicherheitsmitteilung [DE] Foreign Military Sales (militärische Auslandsverkäufe) Fuel Management System (Kraftstoffmanagementsystem) Full Mission Simulator (Vollmissionssimulator) [Eurofighter] Full Motion Simulator [Sechs Freiheitsgrade; EC135] Flight Management Selector Panel Flight Management System Procedure Flight Management System Trainer (Flugmanagementsystem-Trainer) Fernmeldestab [DE, Bw] Fernmeldesystem [DE] Fernmeldesystem der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Fernmeldesystem Flugabwehrrakete [DE, Bw] Fernmeldesystem des Heeres [DE, Bw/Heer] Fade Measurement Techniques Full Mission Trainer (Vollmissionstrainer) Flight Message Transfer Protocol Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles Flight Management Unit (Flugmanagementeinheit) Flow Management Unit Fuel Management Unit Fuel Metering Unit Försvarets Materielverk [Beschaffungsbehörde Schwedens] [Swedish Defense Armaments Agency / Materiel Administration] Full Motion Video Fernmeldeverbindung [DE, Bw] Fernmeldeverbindungsdienst [DE, Bw] Fernmeldeverbindungsplan [DE, Bw] Fernmeldezentrale [DE, Bw] Fernmeldezelle [DE, Bw] Formelzeichen für die Empfängerrauschleistung [DE] False Negative Foreign Nation Funktionsnachweis [DE, Bw] Final Approach (Endanflug) Final Network Acceptance First Null Beam Witdh

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FNC  FND  FNM  FNPT  FNS  FO  FO  FO  FO  FO  FO  FO  FO  FOA  FOAC  FOAS  FOB  FOB  FOB  FOBS  FOC  FOC  FOC  FOC  FOC  FOC  FOC  Foc  FOC  FOC  FOC  FOCA  FOCA . FOCAC  FOCR  FOD  FOD  FOD  FOD  FODA  FODB  FODCS  FODH  FODT  FOEB  FOES  FOFA  FO/FS  FOG  FOG  FOG  FOG-M  FOHMD

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Future Naval Capability Friend, Friendly Flight Notification Message Flight and Navigation Procedure Trainer FAA Nav Sat Fiber Optics (Lichtfaser) Field Officer First/Flying Officer [auch: F/O] Fold-Out Foreign Object Foreign Office Forward Observer (vorgeschobener Beobachter) Fuel/Oil (Treibstoff/Öl) Future Offensive Aircraft (zukünftiges Angriffsflugzeug) Future Offensive Aircraft Capability Future Offensive Air Systems (zukünftige Angriffs-Luftsysteme) Forward Operating Base (vorgeschobene Operationsbasis) Free On Board Fuel On-Board Fractional Orbiting Bombardment System Fiber Optic Cable (Lichtwellenleiter) Fiber Optic Connector Final Operational Clearance First Of Class Flight Operational Commonality Flight Operations Center Flight Operations Control Focus Free Of Charge (kostenfrei) Fuel/Oil Cooler Full Operational Capability/Clearance (volle operationelle Einsatzfähigkeit) Federal Office of Civil Aviation [CH] Floor Of Controlled Airspace Forum On China African Cooperation Final Operational Clearance Recommendation Fiber Optic Data First Operational Delivery Flight Operations Department [UK] Foreign Object Damage/Debris (Fremdkörperschaden, -teile) Flight Operations Data Analysis (Flugbetriebsdatenanalyse) Fiber Optic Data Bus Fiber Optic Digital Control System Fiber Optic Data Highway Fiber Optic Data Transmission Flight Operation Evaluation Board Fiber Optic Engine Sensor Follow-On Forces Attack Fail Operational/Fail Safe Fiber Optic Guidance/Guided (Lichtwellenleiterlenkung) Fiber Optic Gyroscope Flight Operations Group Fiber Optic Guided Missile Fiber Optic Helmet Mounted Display

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 FOI  FOI  FOI  FOIA  FOIBS  FOIU  FOL  FOL  FOM  FOM  FOM  FOMC  FON  FOO  FOO  FOPEN  FOQA  FoR  FOR  FORCECAP  Fordg  FORM  Form  FORMS  forts.  Fortran  FoS  FOS  FOS  FOS  FOS  FOS  FOS  FOS  FOSC  FOSS  FOT  FOT  FOT  FOTC  FOTD  FOTP  FOU  FOUO  FOV  FOW  FOW  FOWG  FP  FP  FP  FP  FP 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Flying Operations Inspector Follow-On Interceptor Fundamentals Of Instructing Freedom Of Information Act Flight Object Interoperability Proposed Standard Fiber Optic Interface Unit Fiber Optic Link Forward Operating Location Fiber Optic Modem Figure of Merit [ADS] Forschungsinstitut für Optronik und Mustererkennung [DE, Frauenfoher FOM] Fiber Optic Microcable Freedom Of Navigation Flugzeugoperationsoffizier [DE, Bw] Fuel Operation Officer [A310 MRT] Foliage Penetration Flight Operations Quality Assurance Field of Regard (Betrachtungsfeld) Flight Operations Review Force Combat Air Patrol Forderung [DE] Flight Operations Risk Management Formation Flight Operations Risk Management Service fortschrittliches, fortschrittlicher, fortschrittliche [DE] Formula Translation [Informatik] Family of Systems Fiber Optics Subcommittee Fiber Optics Sensor Fiber Optics System Flight Operations Segment Fuel Operation Station [A310 MRT] Full Operational Status Fundamental Operating System Fiber Optics Satellite Communications Fiber Optics Sensor System Fiber Optic Topology Fiber Optic Transmission Future Oriented Technologies Fiber Optic Tow Cable Fiber Optic Towed Decoy Fiber Optic Test Procedure Frequency Of Use For Official Use Only Field of View (Blickfeld) Family Of Weapons Fiber Optics Wire (Lichtfaserkabel) Fiber Optic Wave Guide False Positive Feldpuls Filter Panel Firing Point Fixed Price 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FP  FP  FP  FP  FP  FP  FP  FP  FP  FP  FP  FPA  FPA  FPA  FPA  FPA  FPA  FPA  FPAC  FPAP  FPAP  FPAS  FPB  FPB  FPB  FPBD  FPC  FPC  FPC  FPC  FPC  FPCD  FPCS  FPD  FPE  FPF  FPFS  FPGA  FPI  FPI  FPI  FPL  FPL  FPL  FPLA  FPLN, fpln  FPM  FPM, fpm  FPM  FPM  FPM  FPMH  FPP

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Flight Path Flight Plan Flight Progress Floating Point Force Protection Freezing Point Frequency Panel Fuel, Petroleum Full Potential [Aerodynamic] Funk-Peilung [DE] Future Point False Plot Analysis Flat-Plate Antenna Flight Path Accelerometer Flight Path Angle Floating Point Accelerator Focal Plane Array Focal Plane Assembly Flight Path Acceleration Flight Plan Alignment Point Floating Point Array Processor Focal Plane Array Seeker Fast Patrol Boat Flight Progress Board Fuel Pre-Burner Functional Plan Block Diagram Flight Path Control Flight Planning Centre Flight Profile Comparator Frequency and Power Converter Front Panel Control Flat-Panel Color Display Flight Path Control System Flat Panel Display Foreign Pilot Examiner Flight Plan Fallback First Planned First Served Field Programmable Gate Array Fabry-Perot-Interferometer Fixed Price Insentive Flap Position Indicator (Landeklappen-Stellungs-Anzeiger) Filed flight Plan message (Aufgegebene Flugplanmeldung) Flight Plan Full Performance Level [US] Field Programmable Logic Array Flight Plan (Flugplan) Fast Page Mode [IC Memory] Feet Per Minute (Fuß je Minute) Flight Path Monitor Flight Position Monitor Flight Progress Message Failures Per Million Hours Flight Plan Processing

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 FPPS  FPR  FPR  FPR  F&PS  FPS  FPS  FPS  FPT  FPT  FPTA  FPTAS  FPTS  FPU  FPU  FPU  FPV  FPW  FQA  FQI  FQIS  FQPU  FQPSK  FQPU  FQR  FQR  FQT  FQT  Fqt  F&R  F/R  F/R  FR  FR  FR  FR  FR  FR  FR  FR  FR  FR  FR  FR  FR  FR  Fr  FR  FR  FR  FR  FRA  FRA 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Flight Plan Processing System Fan Pressure Ratio Flight Plan Route Flug-Profil-Recorder (Flugprofilschreiber) Functional and Performance Specification [EATCHIP] Flight Planning Software Frames Per Second Functional Performance Specification Flight Plan Terminal Funkpeiltechnik [DE, Bw] Flight Plan Target Altitude Flight Path Threat Analysis Simulation Forward Propagation by Tropospheric Scatter Fin Processor Unit Floating Point Unit Forwarding Participating Units Flight Path Vector (Flugweg-Vektor) Focused Pressure Wave Full Quality Assurance Fuel Quantity Indicator (Kraftstoffvorratsanzeiger) Fuel Quantity Indicating System (System zur Kraftstoffvorratsanzeige) Fuel Quantity Processor Unit Filtered QPSK Fuel Quantity Processor Unit [B777] Formal Qualification Review Functional Qualification Review Factory Qualification Test Formal Qualification Testing Frequent Function and Reliability Final Run Function Reliability Failure Rate Falling Rapidly Federal Register [US] Fighter Reconnaissance Final Report Flame Retardant FLIEGERREVUE [Magazin, DE] Flight Recorder (Flugschreiber) Flight Refuelling (Flugbetankung) FLUG REVUE [Magazin, DE] Forward/Right Frame Relay France, Frankreich Frequency Response Freitag [DE, Bw] From (von) Fuel Remaining Full Reference Functional Requirement Failure Reporting and Analysis Flap Retraction Altitude 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FRA  FRA  FRAC  FRACAS  FRAD  FRAG  FRAG  Frag  FRAM  FRAP  Fraport  FRAS  FRAT  FRAT  FRB  FRC  FRC  FRC  FRC  FRC  FRC  FRCI  FRCS  FRD  FRED  Freg  FREQ, freq  FRES  FRES-SV  FRF  FRF  FRG  FRH  Fri  FRL  FRL  FRM  FRMR  FRN  Frng  Frng  FrnKp  FrnSt  FrnTr  FRO  FRP  FRP  FRP  FRP  FRPA  Frq  Frq  FRR

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

France [auch: F, FR] Free Route Airspace Free Route Airspace Concept Failure Reporting Analysis and Corrective Action System Frame Relay Access Device Fatigue Research Advisory Group Fehlerregistrier- und Auswertegerät [DE, Bw] Fragmentation Ferro-electric Random Access Memory [IC Memory] Free Route Airspace Programme Frankfurter Airport AG Fuel Resources Analysis System Field Reliability Acceptance Test Flight Readiness Acceptance Test Failure Review Board Fast Response Cutter Federal Radio Commission [US] Fiber-Reinforced Composite Flight Reference Card Full Route Clearance [request] Future Rotorcraft Flexible Reusable Carbon Insulation Flight Recorder Configuration Standard Functional Requirements Document Flight Recorder Electronic Documentation Fregatte [DE, Bw] Frequency (Frequenz) Future Rapid Effects System [UK Army] Future Rapid Effects System - Support Vehicle [UK Army] Fiber Reinforced Foam Frequency-Response Function Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) Flap Retraction Height Friday Flight Refuelling Limited Fuselage Reference Line Fault Reporting Manual Frame Reject Field Reference Number Firing (feuern) Foreign (fremde Nation) Fernmeldekompanie [DE, Bw] Fernmeldestelle [DE, Bw] Fernmeldetruppe [DE, Bw] Failure Requiring Overhaul (Ausfall der eine Überholung notwendig macht) Federal Radionavigation Plan [US DoT] Fibre-Reinforced Plastics (glasfaserverstärkte Kunststoffe) Flight-Refuelling Probe (Flugbetankungssonde) Full Rate Production Fixed Reception Pattern Antenna Frequency (Frequenz) Frequent (oft) Flight Readiness Review

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 FRS  FRS  FRS  FRS  FRS  Frst  FRT  FRUIT  FRU  FRV  FrW  Frw  FrWSys  FRY  FRZ  F/S  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FS  FSA  FSA  FSA  FSA  FSA  FSA  FSA  FSA  FSAA  FSAF  FSAS  FSAS  FSAS  FSB 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Fighter Reconnaissance Strike [UK] Fan Rotation Speed Field Repair Squadron [RAF] Fighter, Reconnaissance, Strike [UK] Functional Requirements Specifications (Spezifikation der Funktionsforderungen) [EATMS] Frost (Frost) Flight Readiness Test False Replies from Unsynchronized Interrogator Transmissions [auch: Fruit] (falsche Antworten von nicht synchronisierten Interrogator-Transmissionen) Field Replaceable Unit Future Reconnaissance Vehicle Friction Welding Frühwarnung [CH] Frühwarnsystem [DE, Bw] Former Republic of Yugoslavia Freeze [z.B. Einfrieren von Displaydaten] Flightline Support Fachschule [DE, Bw] Fail-Safe (ausfallsicher, Fehlsicherung) Feasibility Study (Durchführbarkeitsstudie) Field Strength (Feldstärke) Fighter Squadron (Kampfgeschwader) [USAF] Final Speed Fire Support Flight Safety Flight Service Flight Simulator (Flugsimulator) Flight Speed Flugsicherung [DE] Flugsimulator [DE] Forward Scattering Frame Station Frequency Scan (Frquenzabtastung) Frequency Shift (Frequenzverschiebung) Frequency Synthesizer (Frequenzsynthesizer) Full Scale Full Service Functional Statement [ICAO] Fuselage Station Fahrzeugschutzausstattung [DE, Bw] Ferritstabantennen [DE] Final Site Acceptance Final Squint Angle Fire Support Area Frequency Spectrum Availability Functional Systems Audit Future Strike Aircraft [USAF] Flight Simulator for Advanced Aircraft [NASA] Famille de Systemes Surface-Air Futurs (Familie von zukünftigen Boden/Luft Flugkörpern) [FR] Flight Service Automation System Flight Standard Automation System Fuel-Saving Advisory System Fasten Seat-Belts (Sitzgurt-Anlegen)

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FSB  FSB  FSB  FSB  FSBS  FSC  FSC  FSC  FSC  FSC  FSC  FSCAP  FSCC  FSCL  FSCP  FSCS  FSD  FSD  FSDE  FSD TF  FSE  FSE  FSE  FSE  FSED  FSEU  FSF  FSFS  FSFT  FS/FW  FSG  FSG  FSG  FSH  FSHT  FSI  FSI  FSI  FSI  FSII  FSK  FSL  FSL  FSL  FSL  FSM  FSM  FSM  FSM  FSN  FSN  FSN  FSN

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Fleet Satellite Broadcast Flight Standardization Board [US] Forward Support Base Front-Side Bus Fleet Submarine Broadcast System Fire Support Coordinator Flight Safety Committee [UK] Flight Safety Critical Fuel Saving Computer Fuel System Controller Future Surface Combatant [UK] Flight Safety-Critical Aircraft Part Fire Support Coordination Center Fire Support Coordination Line Flap/Slat Control Processor Fleet Satellite Communications System Full-Scale Deflexion Full-Scale Development Flight Software Development Environment Functional Specification Development Task Force Fans Systems Engineering Field Service Engineer Fire Support Element Flight Support Equipment Full Scale Engineering Development Flap Slat Electronics Unit [B777] Flight Safety Foundation [Organization für Flugsicherheit] Fast-Switching Frequency Synthesizer Full-Scale Fatigue Test Fighter Squadron/Wing [USAF] Faltstraßengerät [DE, Bw] Flight Simulation Group Fluid-Sphere Gyro Flugsicherheit [CH] Fachschule des Heeres für Technik [DE, Bw] Field Service Instructions Flight Safety International [US Inc.] Foreign Service Institute Functionally Significant Item Fuel System Icing Inhibitor Frequency Shift Keying Fast Serial Link Fluid Science Laboratory Free Space Loss (Freiraumverluste) Full Stop Landing Field Strength Meter (Feldstärkemesser) Flight Schedule Monitor Flight Simulator Metrics Frequency Shift Modulation Factory Serial Number Federal Stock Number French Speaking Nation Full Scale Service

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 FSO  FSO  FSOP  FSP  FSP  FSP  FspNBw  FSR  FSR  FSRA  FSRAS  FSRS  FSRS  FSS  FSS  FSS  FSS  FSS  FSS  FSS  FSSkt-A  FSSR  FST  Fst  FST  FST  FST  FST  FST  FSTA  FStg  FSTL  FSTP  FSU  FSU  FSU  FSU  FSV  FSVM  FSVS  FSW  FSW  F&T  FT  FT  FT  FT, ft  FT  FT  FT  FT  FTA  FTA 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Facility Security Officer Front Sector Optronic Full Scale Output Flight Safety Part Full Scale Production Full Service Provider Fernsprechnetz der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Flight Safety Reporting Frequency Set-on Receiver Frequenzselektive Reflektorantennen [DE] Frequenzselektive Reflektorantennensystem [DE] Frequency-Selective Receiver System Flight Safety Recording System Fire Suppression System Fixed Satellite Services Flight Screening Squadron [USAF] Flight Service Station Flight Standards Service Flight Support System (Flugunterstützungssystem) Frequency Selective Surface [Radar] Flugsicherungssektor A [DE] Federal Safety Standard Regulations Feuerstellung [DE, Bw] First Fleet Synthetic Training [Bw] Flight Simulation Test (Flugsimulationstest) Fuel-Spike Test Full Scale Tunnel Functional Systems Test Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (zukünftiges strategisches Tankfluhzeug) [UK] Feuerstellung [DE, Bw] Free Space Transmission Loss Full Spectrum Threat Protection File Server Unit Flir Sensor Unit Former Soviet Union Frequency Set-on Unit Fire Support Vehicle Frequenzselektives Voltmesser [DE] Future Secure Voice System Flight Software Forward Swept Wing Forschung & Technologie [DE] False Target (falsches Ziel, blinder Alarm) Fast-Track Fault Tolerant Feet (Fuß) [Längenmaßeinheit von 0,305m] Flügeltank [Flugzeug] [DE] Fourier Transform Functional Test (Funktionstest) Funktelegrafie [DE] Fast Tactical Attack Fault Tree Analysis 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FTA  FT/ADIRS  FTAJ  FTB  FTC . FTC  FTC  FTCA  FTD  FTD  FTD  FTD  FTDC  FTE  FTE  FTE  FTE  FTE  FTEP  FTG  FTH  FTI  FTI  FTI  FTI  FTI  FTI  FTIR  FTIT  FTK  FTL  FTLO  FTLO  FTM  FTM  FTNW  FTO  FTO  FTP  FTP  FTP  FTP  FTPP  FTR  FTR  Ftr  FTR  FTS  FTS  FTS  FTS  FTS  FTS

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Foreign Technology Assessment Fault Tolerant/Air Data Inertial Reference System Frequency/Time Ambiguity Jamming Flying Test Bed [Boeing 757 für F-22 Raptor] Fast Time Constant Federal Trade Commission [US] Flight Test Center Future Tactical Combat Aircraft (zukünftiges taktisches Kampfflugzeug) Field Training Detachement [USAF] Flight Training Device Foreign Technology Division [USAF] Fuze Triggering Device Fault Tolerant Distributed Computing Field Test Equipment First Time Exhibitor Flight Technical Error Flight Test Engineer (Flugtest-Ingenieur) Full Time Equivalent Full Time Error Protection False Target Generator (Falschzielgenerator) [EW] Future Transport Helicopter (zukünftiger Transporthubschrauber) [Bw, Heer] Fast Tactical Imagery Fixed Target Imagery Fixed Target Indication/Indicator Fixed Time Intervall Flight Test Instrumentation (Flugtest-Instrumentierung bzw -Ausrüstung) Full Time Intervall Fourier Transform Infrared Fan Turbine Inlet Temperature Fuel Tank Future Target List False Target Lock-On Fast Tuned Local Oscillator Flight Test Missile Flight Test Mission Future Tactical Nuclear Weapon Flexible Take-Off Flight Training Organisation Ficticious Threshold Point File Transfer Protocol [Internet, Datenübertragung] Flight Test Procedure/Plan Functional Test Procedure Fault Tolerant Power Panel Failed To Return False Target Rejection (Falschzielausschluss) Fighter Future Transport Rotorcraft Fatigue-Test Specimen Federal Telecommunications System Flight Training Squadron Flug- und Taktik-Simulator [DE] Flying Training School Fourier Transform Spectometer

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 FTS  FTS  FTSA  FTSC  FTSC  FTSE  FTT  FTTU  FTU  FTU  FTU  FTV  FTX  FTZ  FTZ  FTZ  F/U  FU  FU  FU  FU  FU  Fu  FUA  FuA  FUE  Fü  FüAkBw  FuBl  FuE  FüFz  FuG  FüH  FüInfoSys  FüInfoSysLw  FüInfoSysSK  FüL  FüM  FüNeMa  FüS  FuMO  FunkAufkl  FUR  FUS  FUS  FUS  FuS  FUS  FuSE  FUSK  FüU  FüUstg  FüUstgBerLw 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Frequency Time Standard Functional and Technical Specification Fault Tolerant System Architecture Fault Tolerant Spacecraft Computer Fleet Technical Support Center Financial Times Stock Exchange Flight Technical Tolerance Fliegender Technologie-Träger Unbemannt [Bw] Flight Test Unit Forecast Tactical Unit Forward Transmitter Unit First-flight Test Vehicle Field Training Exercise Fernmeldetechnisches Zentralamt [jetzt: BZT] [DE] Flugtestzentrum (Flight Test Center) [DE] Foreign Trade Zone Fire and Update Feuerunterstützung [DE, Bw] Fire Unit Forecast Unit Fuel Uplifted Führungsunterstützung [CH] Funk (radio), Funker [DE] Flexible Use of Airspace Funkgeräteausstattung [DE, Bw] First Unit Equipped Führung, Führungsstab [DE, Bw] Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Funkblindlandegerät [DE] Funk-Empfänger (radio receiver) [DE] Führungsfahrzeug [DE, Bw] Funkgerät (radio equipment) [DE] Führungsstab des Heeres [DE, Bw] Führungs-Informations-System [DE, Bw] Führungs-Informations-System Luftwaffe [DE, Bw/Lw] Führungs-Informations-System der Streitkräfte [DE, Bw] Führungsstab der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw] Führungsstab der Marine [DE, Bw] Führungsnetz Marine [DE, Bw] Führungsstab der Streitkräfte [DE, Bw] Funkmessortungsgerät [DE, Bw] Funk-Aufklärung [DE, Bw] Future Utility Rotorcraft Far UV Spectrometer Flugunfalluntersuchungsstelle [DE] Functional Units or Systems Funksender [DE] Fusulage (Flugzeug-Rumpf) Funksendeempfangsgerät [DE] Fully Used Sub Carrier Führungsunterstützung [AT] Führungs-Unterstützung [DE, Bw] Führungs-Unterstützung Bereich Luftwaffe [DE, Bw/Lw] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 FüUstgBw  FüUstgMa  FUV  FuVbdg  FüWEP  FüWes  FuZ  FüZBw  FüZLw  FüZNatLV  FV  FV  FV  FVA  FVD  FVHF  FVI  FVK  FVLF  FVS  FVTF  FVW  F/W  F/W, FW  FW  Fw  FW  FW  Fw  Fw  FWA  FWC  FWC  FWCS  FWD, fwd  Fwd CP  FWDL  FWE  FWE  FWETE  FWG  FWHM  FWIC  FWN  FWR  Fwrk  FWS  FWS  FWS  FWV  FWW  FWW  Fxd

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Führungs-Unterstützung der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Führungsunterstützung Marine [DE, Bw] Far Ultra-Violet Funkverbindung [DE, Bw] Führungs- und Waffeneinsatzprogramm [DE, Bw] Führungs- und Waffeneinsatzsystem [DE, Bw] Funkzentrale [DE, Bw] Führungszentrum der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Führungszentrum der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw] Führungszentrum Nationale Luftverteidigung [DE, Bw/Lw] Fighting Vehicle Flight Visibility Funkverkehr [DE, Bw] Feldversuchsausstattung [DE, Bw] Fluorescent Vakuum Display Future VHF System Study Flugversuchsingenieur [DE] Flugverkehrskontrolle [DE] (Air Traffic Control) Fixed Very Low Frequency Flight Verification System Future Vision Task Force Faserverbundwerkstoffe [DE] Fail/Warning (Ausfall/Warnung) Fixed Wing (Starrflügler) Failure Warning (Ausfallswarnung) Fehlweisung [DE] Fighter Wing [USAF] Fixed Wheel Führungswebel [DE, Bw] Focker-Wulf Flight Watch Area Fault Warning Computer (Fehler-Warn-Computer) Flight Warning Computer (Flug-Warn-Computer Flight Watch Control Station Forward (vorwärts) Forward Command Post [NATO] Freiwillige Wehrdienstleistende [DE, Bw] Fighter Wing Equivalent Foreign Weapons Evaluation Foreign Weapons Equipment Technology Evaluation [US DoD] Forschungsinstitut für Wasserschall und Geophysik [DE, BWB] Full Width at Half Maximum Fighter Weapon Instructor Course Fahrzeugwerke Nord [DE] Frühwarnradar [DE, Bw] Fahrwerk [DE] Fighter Weapons School [USAF] Fire Warning System Flight Warning System Fixed-Wing Vehicle Fighter Weapons Wing Flugwetterwarte [DE] Fixed

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 FY  FYDP  FYDS  FYI  FYROM  Fz  FZ  FZ  FZD  Fzg  FZFG  FZJ  FZK  FZP  FZL  FZRA


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Fiscal / Financial Year Future Year Defense Plan Flight director - Yaw Damper System For Your Information Former Yogoslav Republic of Macedonia Fahrzeug [DE, Bw] Forschungszentrum [DE] Freezing (gefrierend) Flugzieldarstellung [DE, Bw] Fahrzeug [DE] Freezing Fog Forschungszentrum Jülich [DE, Jülich] Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe [DE, Karlsruhe] Frenel-Zone Plate Freezing Level Freezing Rain

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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G   G . G  g  G  G  G  G  G  G

 G/A  Ga  GA  GA  GA  GA  GA  GA  GA  GA  GA GA

 GA  GA  GA  GAA  GAA  GAA  GAAA  GAAC  GaAlAs  GAAP  GaAs  GAAS  GaAs-FET  GAC  GAC . GAC  GAC  GACC  GACC  GACS  GACW  GADS  GAF  GAF  GAF  GAFAD

Formelzeichen für: Antennengewinn Formelzeichen für: Elektrischer Leitwert in Siemens Formelzeichen für: Erdanziehungsbeschleunigung, Lastvielfaches Kurzzeichen für Golf [ICAO-Alphabet] Gravitationskonstante [Zahlenwert 6,6732x10-11 Nm2kg-2] Kurzzeichen für Germany [auch: D, De, DE, GE] Kurzzeichen für Geschwader [DE, Bw] Kurzzeichen für Gewähr [DE, Bw] Kurzzeichen für das Präfix Giga [Zahlenwert 109] Ground-to-Air (Boden/Luft, Boden/Board) Gallium [chem. Symbol] Gas Analysis Gate Array Gegenangriff [AT] General Aviation (Allgemeine Luftfahrt) Generic Algorithm [mathematische Optimierungsmethode] Go Ahead Go Around Grid Amplifier Ground Antenna (Bodenantenne) Ground Aids (Bodenhilfen) Ground Attack Gruppen-Antennen [DE] Grundausbildung [DE, Bw] General Aviation Activity General Aviation Association [Australien] Grid Array Amplifier General Aviation Activity and Avionics General Aviation Awareness Council [UK] Gallium-Aluminium-Arsenid [chem. Verbindung] Generally Accepted Accounting Practice/Principles Gallium-Arsenid [chem. Verbindung] Generic Approach for ATM Systems Gallium Arsenide Field Effect Transistor General Aviation Center General Avionics Computer GMMES Advisory Council Go-Around Computer General Aviation Consultative Committee Ground Attack Control Capability Generic ATN Communications Service Gust Above Constant Wind Generic Aircraft Display System Gabon Air Force German Air Force (Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte bzw. Luftwaffe) Greek Air Force German Air Force Air Defence variant [Tornado]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 GAFLO  GAFO  GAFO  GAFOR  GAF T.O.  G/A/G  GAGAN  GAINS  GAIT  gal  GAL  GAM  GAM  GAM  GAM  GAMA  GAMA  GAMET  GAMS  GAMSS  GaN  GAN  GAN  GANS  GANTT  GAO  GaP  GAP  GAP  GAP  GAP  GAPA  GAPA  GAPCU  GAPE  GAR  GAR/I  GARP  GARS  GARS  Garteur  GaSb  gas  GAS  GAS  GASC  GASC  GASCO  GASCO  GASP  GASP  GASP  GASS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

German Air Force Liaison Officer German Air Force Office (Deutsches Luftwaffenamt) German Air Force Officer (Deutscher Luftwaffenoffizier) General Aviation Forecast (Flugwettervorhersage für die allgemeine Luftfahrt) German Air Force Technical Order [AE/DE, Bw] Ground-to-Air and Air-to-Ground GPS And Geostationary Augmentation Network [Indien] GPS-Aided INS (GPS-unterstütztes INS) Ground-based Augmentation and Integrity Technique Gallon Generic Array Logic German Army (Deutsches Heer) GPS-Aided Munitions (GPS-unterstützte Munition) Ground Attack Missile Ground-to-Air Missile (Boden/Luft-Lenkwaffe) General Authority Civil Aviation [Saudi Arabia] General Aviation Manufacturers Association [US] General Aviation Meteorological General Airlines Management Simulation Global Air Mobility Support System Gallium-Nitrid [chem. Verbindung] Generic Access Network Global Area Network (globales Raumnetzwerk) Global Access, Navigation and Safety General Agreement on National Trade and Tariffs General/Government Accounting Office [US] Gallium-Phosphid [chem. Verbindung] General Aviation Propulsion Global Action Plan GPS Airborne Pseudolite Ground Accident Prevention General Aviation Pilots’ Association Ground-to-Air Pilotless Aircraft Ground and Auxiliary Power Control Unit General Aviation Pilot Education [FAA] Ground Abort Rate Ground Acquisition Receiver/Interrogator Global Atmospheric Research Programme Global Area Reference System Gyrocompassing Attitude Reference System Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe Gallium-Antimonid [chem. Verbindung] gasoline Global-positioning Adaptive-antenna System Global Antenna System Global Aviation Satellite Communications System Ground Air Support Command [USAF] General Aviation Safety Council [UK] Ground Air Support Command Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik [EU; DE] General Aviation Strategic Plan Global Aviation Safety Plan General Air and Surface Situation [NATO] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 GASS  GAST  GAT  GAT  GAT  GAT  GATCOM  GATE  GATE  GATM  GATR  GATS  GATT  GATX  GAU  GAV  GAViS  GAVRS  GB  GB  GB  GB  GB  GB  GBA  GBA  GBAD  GBADS  GBAD-WS  GBAS  GBCS  GBDM  GbE  GBI  GBIB  GBit  GBL  GBL  GBMD  GBP  GBP  GBR  GBPS  GBPS  GBR  GBRAS  GBR-P  GBS  GBS  GBS  GBST  GBT  GBTS

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Generic Acoustic Simulation System Gemeinsames Auswertesystem Streitkräfte [DE, Bw] General Air Traffic (allgemeiner Luftverkehr) General Aviation Terminal (Terminal bzw. Abfertigung für die allgemeine Luftfahrt) Global Air Traffic (allgemeiner/globaler Luftverkehr) Government Acceptance Test German Air Transport Command (Deutsches Lufttransportkommando) Galileo Test- und Entwicklungsumgebung [DE] German Airport Technolgy and Equipment e.V. [DE] Global Air Traffic Management Ground/Air Transmit/Receive GPS-Aided Targeting System General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs General American Transportation Größter Anzunehmender Unfall [Kernkraftwerke] [DE] Ground Access Vehicle General Aviation Vision System Gyrocompassing Attitude and Velocity Reference System Gain/Bandwidth Gerätebeschreibung [DE, BWB] GigaByte [1Gb=109Bytes] Glide Bomb Great Britain (Großbritannien) Groupe de Bombardement [FR] Geostationary Broadcast Area Groupe de Bombardement d’Assaut [FR] Ground-Based Air Defence [UK] (bodengestützte Luftverteidigung) Ground-Based Air Defense System [Südafrika] Ground-Based Air Defence Weapon System Ground-Based Augmentation System (bodengestütztes Leistungssteigerungssystem) Ground-Based Common Sensor Ground-Based Data Management Gigabit Ethernet Ground-Based Interceptor Ground-Based Integrity Broadcast Gigabit Ground-Based Laboratory Ground-Based Laser (bodengestützter Laser) Global Ballistic Missile Defense Gain-Bandwidth Product (Bandbreiten-Gewinn-Produkt) Great Brittain Pounds Great Brittain Giga Bits Per Second Great Brittain Pounds Sterling Ground-Based Radar (bodengebundene Radaranlagen) Ground-Based Regional Augmentation System Ground-Based Radar - Prototype Global Broadcast Satellite Global Broadcast Service Ground-Based Sensors (bodengebundene Sensoren) Ground-Based Software Tool Ground-Based Transceiver (bodengebundener Transceiver) Ground-Based Training System [Teil von JPATS]

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 GBU  GBU-10  GBU-12  GBU-15  GBU-24  GBU-27  GBU-28  GBU-31  GBU-32  GBU-35  GBU-36  GBU-37  GBU-43

Guided Bomb Unit [Intelligente, GPS-, IR-, Laser- oder TV-gelenkte Gleitbomben]

 GByte  G&C  GC  GC  GC  GC  GC  GC  GC  GC  GC  GCA  GCA  GCA  GCAA  GCAM  GCAS  GCB  GCBU  GCC  GCC  GCC  GCC  GCC  GCCS  GCE  GCE  GCE  GCE  GCF  GCI  GCHQ  GCLP  GCM  GCN  GCNSS  GCCS  GCOS  GCP

Gigabyte Guidance & Control Gain Control Goggles Compatible [NVG] Graphics Controller Great Circle Ground Control (Bodenkontrolle) Ground Controller Groupe de Chasse (Kampfgeschwader) [FR] Gun Camera Gyrocompass German co*ckpit Association Ground Collision Avoidance (Kollisionsvermeidung am Boden) Ground-Controlled Approach [Radar] (bodengesteuertes Anflugradarsystem) General Civil Aviation Authority [UAE] Ground Collision Avoidance Module (Kollisionsvermeidung am Boden) Ground-based Collision Avoidance System (bodengestütztes Kollisionsvermeidungssystem) Generator Circuit Breaker Ground Control Bombing Unit Global Climate Change Goggles Compatible co*ckpit [NVG] Graduated Combat Capability Ground Cluster Controller [ACARS] Gulf Cooperation Council [Inmarsat] Global Command and Control System [USA] General Certificate of Education Ground Communications Equipment Ground Control Element Ground Control Equipment Global Certification Forum [Mobilfunk] Ground-Controlled Interception [Radar] (bodengeführte Abfangjagd) Government Communications Headquarters [UK] Guidance Control Law Parameter Ground Clutter Map [Radar] Ground Communications Network Global Communications, Navigation and Surveillance System Global Control and Command System Global Climate Observing System General Conditions of Purchase


Paveway II: Halp-Lasergelenkte Gleitbombe Paveway II: Halp-Lasergelenkte Gleitbombe TV- (für Tag) und IR- (für Nacht) gelenkte Gleitbombe Paveway III: Fortschrittliche Lasergelenkte Gleitbombe Fortschrittliche Lasergelenkte Gleitbombe Bunker Buster: Lasergelenkte Gleitbombe JDAM – Gleitende, gelenkte Angriffsmunition JDAM – Gleitende, gelenkte Angriffsmunition JDAM – Gleitende, gelenkte Angriffsmunition GPS-unterstützte, gleitende Angriffsmunition GPS-unterstützte, gleitende Angriffsmunition

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 GCP  GCP  GCP  GCR  GCS  GCS  GCS  GCS  GCSE  GCSS  GCT  GCU  GCU  GCU  GCU  GCV  GCV  GD  CDA  GDB  GDBI  GDC  GDC  GDC  GDE  GDE  GDE  GDF  GDI  GDIC  GDIN  GDIP  GDL  GDL  Gdlg  GDLP  GDM  GDOP  GDP  GDP  GDP  GDP  GDP  GDP  GDRS  GDS  GDS  GDS  GDS  GDSS  GDT  GDT  G/E

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Generic Control Panel Glareshield Control Panel Ground-Controlled Processor Ground Clutter Reduction [Radar] General Communications System Global Communications System Ground-Clutter Suppression [Radar] Ground Control Station (Bodenkontrollstation) General Certificate of Secondary Education Global Combat Support System Greenwich Civil Time Generator Control Unit Ground Control Unit Guidance Control Unit Gun Control Unit Ground Check Vehicle Ground Combat Vehicle General Dynamics [US Aerospace] Gimbaled Dish Antenna Ground Data Bus Generic Data Base Interface General Design Criteria General Dynamic Corporation [US, Co.] Gyro Display Coupler Gas-Discharge Element Graphics Differential Engine Ground Demonstrator Engine Group Distribution Frame Geodateninfrastruktur [DE, Bw] General Defense Intelligence Community Global Defense Information Network General Defense Intelligence Program Gas Dynamic Laser Ground Data Link Grundlage [DE] Ground Data Link Processor Generalized Development Model Geometrical Dilution Of Precision (geometrische Genauigkeitsverschlechterung) General Data Processor General Defence Plan Geometrical Degradation of Performance Graphics Drawing Processor Gross Domestic Product (Bruttoinlandsprodukt) Ground Delay Programm Ground Data Reduction System Global Decision Support [USAF] Global Distribution System [SITA] Ground Debriefing Station Gunshot Detection System Global Decision Support System General Databus Traffic Ground Data Terminal Graphite/Epoxy

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 Ge, Gef  GE  GE  Ge  GE  GE  GE  GE ADCOM  GEA  GEANS  GE DC  GEADGE  GEASA  GEBB, g.e.b.b.  GEBECOMA  GebJg  GEC  GEC  GeCu  GEE  GEE  GEE  Gef  GEF  GeFaS  Geff  GefFlÜbw  GefFüSys  GefMun  GefSimZH  GefStd  GefStdT  GefStoffV  GefÜb  GefÜbZ  GefÜbZH  GefÜbSimSys  GeFüSys  GefVbd  GEH  GEL  GELIS  GEM  GEM  GEM  GEM  GEM  GEM  GEM  GEMIL FLIP  GEMS  GEMS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Gefecht [DE, Bw] General Electric [US Triebwerkshersteller] Germany, German Germanium [chem. Symbol] Gigabit Ethernet Global Engagement Ground Environment German Air Defence Commander General Electric Aviation [US Co.] Gimballed Electrostatic Aircraft Navigation System German Duty Controllers German Air Defence Ground Environment Group of Experts on Aviation Safety and Assistance Gesellschaft für Entwicklung, Beschaffung und Betrieb [DE, BWB] Belgian Aerospace Industries Association Gebirgsjäger [DE, Bw] General Electric Company [UK] Graphite Epoxy Composite Germanium-Kupfer [chem. Verbindung, IR-Detektormaterial] Ground Environment Equipment Ground Evaluation Equipment Ground Exploitation Equipment Gefecht [CH] General Engineering Flight [RAF] Geschütztes Fahrzeugsystem [DE, Bw] Gefechtsfeld [DE, Bw] Gefechtsfeldüberwachung [DE, Bw] Gefechtsführungssystem [DE, Bw] Gefechtsmunition [DE, Bw] Gefechtssimulationszentrum Heer [DE, Bw] Gefechtsstand [DE, Bw] Gefechtsstandtechnik [DE, Bw] Gefahrenstoffverordnung [DE, Bw] Gefechtsübung [DE, Bw] Gefechtsübungszentrum [DE, Bw] Gefechtsübungszentrum Heer [DE, Bw] Gefechtsübungs- und Simulationssystem [DE, Bw] Gefechtsführungssystem [DE, Bw] Gefechtsverbund [DE, Bw] Graphite-Epoxy Honeycomb Graphite-Epoxy Laminate [Feststofftriebwerk] Ground-Emitter Location and Identification System Generalized Emulation of Microcircuits GPS Embedded Module Graphics Engine Monitor Graphite-Epoxy Motor Ground Effect Machine Ground Environment Material Guidance Enhanced Missile German Military Flight Information Publication (Deutsche militärische Fluginformations-Publikation) Generic Error Modelling System Generic Earth-station Management System

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 GEMS  GEMS  GEMS  Gen  Gen  GenArztLw  GenIsp  GENOT  GenSek  GeNu  GenWELw  GEnx  Gen-X  Geo  GEO  GEO  GEODSS  GeoInfoDBw  GEOREF  GEOS  GEOSAR  GEOSAR  GEOSAT  GEOSIT . GEOSS  GEP  gep  GEP  GEPA  GEPNA  GEPON  Ger  GerDp  GerEinh  GerK  GerS  GES  GES  GES  GES  Gesch  Geschw  GESI  GESM  GET  GET  GETA  GETI  Getr  GEU  GEU  GeV  GEV

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Global Environment Management System [Lärmbelästigung] Global Expeditionary Medical System [USAF] Gravity and Extreme Magnetism SMEX General (allgemein, Allgemeines) [DE] Generator [DE] Generalarzt der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw/Lw] Genaral Inspektor General Notice Generalsekretär [DE, Bw] Genehmigung zur Nutzung [DE, BWB] General Weiterentwicklung der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw/Lw] General Electric Next Generation [Triebwerke für Airbus A350 und Boeing 747] Generic Expendable Geographic Geosynchronous/Geostationary Earth Orbit [auch: Geo; Orbit: 36.000 km] Group on Earth Observations Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep-space Surveillance System Geoinformationsdienst der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Geographic Reference Geostationary Satellite Geographic SAR Geosynchronous SAR Geosynchronous Satellite Geographic Situation Global Earth Observation System of Systems Geographic Envelope Protection gepanzert [DE, Bw] Ground Entry Point Groupement d’Etudes de Phénomenes Aériens Groupe Européen de Planification de la Navigation Aérienne Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network Gerät (equipment) [DE] Gerätedepot [DE, Bw] Geräteeinheit [DE, Bw] Gerätekennung [DE, Bw] Gerätesatz [DE, Bw] Gateway Earth Station Ground Earth Station [von ADS-B, Satcom] Ground Entry Station Ground Exploitation Station Geschoß [DE, Bw] Geschwindigkeit [DE, Bw] Gefechtssimulation [DE, Bw/Heer] Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module Ground Elapsed Time Ground Entry Terminal Graphite-Epoxy/Titanium/Aluminium Ground Elapsed Time of Ignition Getriebe [DE, Bw] Guidance Electronics Unit Gun Electronics Unit Gigaelectron Volt Ground-Effect Vehicle

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 GEVS  Gew  Gew  GEW  GEWP  GeZi  GF  GF  GF  GFAC  GFAC  GFAE  GF/BPL  GFC  GFDI  GFE  GFE  GFF  GFI  GFI  GFI  GFK  GFL  GFLOP  GFM  GFP  GFP  GFRP  GFS  GFS  GFS  GFS  GFSK  GFT  GfW  GFW  GFZ  GG  GG  GG  GG  GG  GG  Ggag  GGCS  GGDC  ggf  GGM  GGM  GGOS  GGR  GGS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

General Environmental Verification Standard Gewehr [DE, Bw] Gewicht [DE, Bw] Ground-Effect Wing Generic Electronic Warfare Platform Geschäftszimmer [DE] Geospatial Force Gold Film Ground Fog (Bodennebel) Government Furnished Active Countermeasures Ground Forward Air Controller Government-Furnished Avionic Equipment Government-Furnished Baseline Parts List German Frigate Conversion GNSS Fault Detection and Isolation Government Furnished Equipment Green Flag East Geschütztes Führungs- und Funktionsfahrzeug [DE, Bw/Heer] (armoured command & utility vehicle) General Format Identifier Government Furnished Information [US] Ground Fault Interrupter Glasfaserverstärkter Kunststoff (Glass-reinforced plastics) [DE] Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Luftschifffahrt [DE] Giga Floating Point Operations Government-Furnished Material [US] Generic Framing Protocol Government Furnished Property Glass-Fiber Reinforced Plastics [GFK] Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Segelflugforschung [DE] Gesellschaft für Führungssysteme [DE] Global Fleet Station Government-Furnished Software Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying General Flight Test Gesellschaft für Weltraumforschung [DE] Green Flag West GeoForschungsZentrum [Potsdam] [DE] Gas Generator Gefechtsgewicht [DE, Bw] Graphics Generator Gravity Gradient Ground-to-Ground Grundgesetz [DE] Gegenangriff [CH] Ground-to-Ground Communications System [ICAO] Ground-to-Ground Data Communication gegebenfalls [DE] GPS Guided Munition Graphics Generator Module Global Geodetic Observing System Ground-to-Ground Router GPS Ground Station

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Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 GGS  GGschw  GGSS  GGTFM  GGV  GH  GH  GHFS  GHMI  Ghs  GHz  GI  GI  GI  GI  GIA  GIADS  GIB  GIB  GIB  GIC  GIC  GIC  GICB  GID  GID  GIEL  GIES  G.I.F.  GIF  GIFAS, Gifas  GIFT  GIG  GIG  GIG-BE  GIHO  GII  GIMS  GINS  GINS  GIOVE -A  GIP  GIP  GIP  GIPS  GIPS  GIPS  GIRTS  GIS  GIS  GIS  GIS  GIS

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Gravity Gradient Satellite Geleitgeschwader [DE, Bw] Gesicherter, Gewerblicher, Strategischer Seeverkehr [DE] Ground-to-Ground Traffic Flow Management Gefahrengutverordnung [DE] Ground Handling Global Hawk [RQ-4A/B] Global High Frequency System [Funknetz der USAF] (globale Hochfrequenzsytem) Ground Human-Machine Interface Gehäuse [DE] Gigahertz [DE] Geometrics and Imagery Gitter-Interferometer Government Issue Group Identifier Government Inspection Agency German Improved Air Defence System Genehmigung der Inbetriebnahme [DE] GNSS Integrity Broadcast GPS Integrity Broadcast Geostationary Integrity Channel GNSS Integrity Channel GPS Integrity Channel Ground-Initiated Comm-B Government Inspection Division [CAA] Group Identification Groupement des Industries Electroniques [FR] Ground Imagery Exploitation Station Groupement d’Ineret Economique [FR] Graphics Interchange Format [Computers] Groupement des Industries Francaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales [FR] Geosynchronous Imaging Fourier Transform Global Information Grid GPS Integration Guidelines Global Information Grid - Band Expansion Ground Initiated Hand-Off Global Information Infrastructure Global Information Management System GPS Inertial Navigation System Gravimetric INS Galileo In-Orbit Validation Experiment-A Generic Interface Processor Government-Industry Partnership Ground Instructor Pilot General Image Processing System Giga Instructions Per Second Global Initial Positioning System Generic IR Training System [ASD] Gas Insulated Subsystem Geodetic Information System Geographic Information System Global Information System GNSS Integrity Channel

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 GIS  GIS  GISP  GISS  GIT  GIVE  GIWS  GJU  GK  GL  GL  GL  GL  GL  GL  GLA  GLAADS  GLAST  GLC  GLCM  GLCS  Gld  GLINT  GLLD  GLMC  GLN  GLNS  GLNU  GLO  GLOC  Glonass  GLOW  GLS  GLS  GLS  GLS  GLSU  GLTD  GLU  GLU  GLU  GLW  G/M  GM  GM  GM  GM  GM  GM  GM  GM  GMA 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Graphical Information System Group Information System Global Internet Service Provider Goddard Institute for Space Studies [NASA, New York City] General Interface Terminal Grid Ionosphäric Vertical Error Gesellschaft für Intelligente Wirksysteme (mbH) [DE] Galileo Joint Undertaking Gefechtskopf [DE, Bw] Gelände [DE, Bw] Grenade Launcher Ground Level Ground Location [ACARS] Group Length Gruppenleiter [DE] Gust Load Alleviation (Böhenlastabminderung) Gun Low-Altitude Air Defense System [USA] Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope [NASA; now Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope] Ground-Loop Coupling Ground-Launched Cruise Missile (bodengestarteter Marschflugkörper) Global Launch Control System Glider (Segelflugzeug) Gated Laser Intensifier Ground Laser Locator-Designator Ground Launched Cruise Missile GPS Landing Navigation GPS Landing and Navigation System GPS Landing and Navigation Unit Ground Liaison Officer Gravity induced Loss Of Conciousness (gravitationsbedingter Bewusstseinsverlust) Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System [Satelliennavigationssystem der Russischen Föderation] Gross Lift-Off Weight Gesellschaft für Logistischen Service [DE] GNSS-based Landing System GPS-based Landing System Ground Loading System [Eurofighter] GPS-based Landing System Unit Ground-based Laser Target Designation GNSS Landing Unit GPS Landing Unit Ground Load Unit [Eurofighter] Gross Liftoff Weight Gun/Missile Gain Margin General Motors [US Co.] Geometry Modelling Ground Mapping [Radar] Guaranteed Minimum Guidance Material Guided Missile Guided Munition Gefahrenmeldeanlage [DE]

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 GMA  GMA  GMADS  GMAS  GmbH  GMC  GMC  GMC  GMD  GMD  GMD  GMDS  GMDSS  GMES  GMF  GMFP  GMFSC  GMI  GMIC  GML  GMLRS ER  GMLS  GMoU  GMP  GMR  GMR  GMR  GMS  GMS  GMS  GMS  GMS  GMS  GMSK  GMSP  GMT  GMTI  GMU  GMVLS  G&N  GN  Gn  GN  GNA  GNADIRU  GNAS  GNC  GNC  GNC  GNC, GN&C  GNCS  GND  Gnd

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Generic Missile Architecture Graphics Media Accelerator Ground-based Maintenance Aid and Diagnostic System Global Military Aircraft Systems [US, Co.] Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung [DE] (limited liability company; incoporated company) Ground and Mobile Communications Ground Movement Control Guided Missile Cruiser General Meeting of Directors Global Missile Defense Ground-based Midcourse Defense [ICBM System] Ground Mobile Data Service Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (Globales maritimes Notruf- und Sicherheitssystem) Global Monitoring for Environment and Security [Erdbeobachtungsprogramm der ESA] Ground Mobile Forces Global Military Force Policy Ground Mobile Forces Satellite Communications General Military Intelligence Glass Microwave Integrated Circuits Gross Moving Load Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System - Extended Range [MBDA] Guided Missile Launching System General MoU Geostationary Mini-satellite Platform Giant Magnetoresistance Ground Mapping Radar (Bodendarstellungsradar) Ground Mobile Radio Geostationary Meteorological Satellite Ground-based Midcourse System Ground Monitoring Station Ground Monitoring System (Bodenüberwachungssystem) Ground Movement Surveillance (System) Groupement des Missiles Stratégiques [FR] Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying Global Multimission Support Platform Greenwich Mean Time (Mittlere Greenwich-Zeit) Ground Moving Target Indicator GPS-height Monitoring Unit Guided Missile Vertical Launch System Guidance and Navigation Gaussian Noise Green Ground Network Global Network Architecture Global Navigation Air Data Inertial Reference Unit General National Airspace System General Navigation Computer Global Navigation Chart Graphic Numerical Control Guidance, Navigation and Control Guidance Navigation Control System Global information grid Network Defense Ground (Boden, Erdoberfläche, Grund)

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 GNDCK  GNDFG  GNE  GNG  GNLS  GNLU  GNO  GNOSC  GNP  GNR  GNR  GNS  GNS  GNSS  GNT  GNU  GNY  GO  GO  GO  GOB . GOC  GOCE  GOCO  GOES  GOES  GOLD  GOME  GOP  GOP  GOP  GOPS  GOR  GOS  GOS  GOSAT  GOSE  GOSIP  GOTS, Gots  Govt  GP  GP  GP  GP  GP  GP  GPa  GPA  GPA  GPADIRS  GPALS  GPB  GPB


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Ground Check Ground Fog Gross Navigational Error German Naval Group GPS/GNSS Navigation and Landing System GPS/GNSS Navigation and Landing Unit Global Network Operations Global Network Operations Security Center Gross National Product Global Navigation Receiver Global Network Radio Global Navigation Satellite Global Navigation System Global Navigation Satellite System [ICAO] Gross Nozzle Thrust GNSS Navigation Unit German Navy (Deutsche Marine) General Order Governmental Organisation Groupe d’Observation [FR] Ground Order of Battle Galileo Operating Company Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer [ESA Satellit] Government Owned / Contractor Operated Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Gyro-stabilized Opto-Electronic System General On-Line Diagnostic Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment General Output Ground Operations Plan Guidelines for Operational Planning Giga Operations Per Second [Informatik] General Operational Requirement General Operator Station Global Observing System Greenhouse gas Observing Satellite Gravity-field and steady-state Oceanic Circulation Explorer [ESA] Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile Government Off-The-Shelf Government General (Elecrtric) Pratt (and Whitney) [US, Co.] General Purpose [bombs] (Mehrzweckbomben) Geographical Position Glide Path (Gleitweg) Group Guiding Principles Gigapascal [Maßeinheit für den atmosphärischen Druck] Glide Path Angle [Landeanflug] Ground Plane Antennas Global Positioning, Air Data, Inertial Reference System [Navigation] Global Protection Against Limited Strikes [ersetzt durch BMD] General Purpose Bomb (Mehrzweckbombe, Sprengbombe) Ground Power Breaker

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 GPBC  GP&C  GPC  GPC  GPCBT  GPCDU  GPCU  GPCU  GPDC  GPEA  GPEC  GPH  GPI  GPI  GPI  GPI  GPI  GPI  GPI  GPI  GPIB  GPIB  GPIN  GPIO  GPIR  GPIRS  GPIWG  GPL  GPM  gpm  GPM  GPM  GPMG  GPON  GPP  GPPE  GPPPA  GPR  GPRS  GPS  GPS  GPSCS  GPS-HMU  GPSI  GPSI  GPSS  GPSSU  GPT  GPTE  GPU  GPU  GPU  GPV

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Gold-Plated Beryllium Copper Global Positioning and Communications General-Purpose Computer Government Procurement Code [US] Guidelines for the Computer-Based Training [Eurocontrol] General Purpose Control and Display Unit General Purpose Computer Unit Ground Power Control Unit General Purpose Digital Computer Groupe Permanent de l’Espace Aérien [FR] General Police-equipment Exhibition & Conference Gallons Per Hour General Purpose Interface Generic Packet Interfaces Glide Path Indicator (Gleitweganzeiger) Glide Path Intercept Global Positioning Inertial Ground Plane Interference Ground Point of Interception Ground Position Indicator General Purpose Instrument Bus General Purpose Interface Board Global Positioning / Inertial Navigation General Purpose Input Output Ground Penetrating Imaging Radar Global Positioning/Inertial Reference System [Navigation] Glide Path Intercept Waypoint General Programming Language General Purpose Module Gallons Per Minute [auch: cal/min] Glas Polycarbonate Mix Ground Position Module General Purpose Machine Gun Gigabit Passive Optical Network General Purpose Processor [Informatik, Datenverarbeitung] General Purpose Processing Element Groupement Pour la Préservation du Patrimoine Aérien [FR] Ground Penetrating Radar [Minensuche] (den Boden durchdringendes Radar) General Packet Radio Services/System [Funkkommunikation] Global Positioning Satellite (globaler Positionsbestimmungssatellit) [Navigationssystem] Global Positioning System (globales Positionsbestimmungssystem) [Navigationsystem] General Purpose Satellite Communications System GPS Height Measuring Equipment (GPS-gestütztes Höhenmessgerät) GPS Inertial GPS Interferometer General Purpose Simulation Software GPS Sensor Unit Glidepath Tracking General Purpose Test Equipment Graphics Processing Unit [Informatik, Datenverarbeitung] Ground Power Unit Gun Pod Unit GNSS Performance Validation

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 GPW  GPWC  GPWS  GPWSU  GR  Gr  GR  GR  GR  GR  GR  GRAB  GRACE  GRACE  GRCA  grad  grad  GRADE  GRADE  GRAM  GRANAS  GRAP  GRAS  GRASER  GRB  GRBM  GRC  GRC  GRCS  grd, grnd  GRD  GREL  Gren  grf, g.r.f.  GRG  gri, g.r.i.  GRIS  GRM  GRMS  GRO  GROBI  GRP  GRP  Grp  GRS  GRS  GRS  GRS  GRT  G/S  GS  GS  GS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Ground Proximity Warning (Bodenanäherungswarnung) Ground Proximity Warning Computer (Bodenannäherungs-Warnrechner) Ground Proximity Warning System (Bodenannäherungs-Warnsystem) Ground Proximity Warning Sensor Unit Graduated Response Graphite Greece Ground-attack and Reconnaissance [UK] Ground Relay Ground Router Groupe de Reconnaissance [FR] Galactic Radiation And Background Geographical Association and Classification of Events Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment [DLR] Ground Reference Coverage Area gradient graduate Graphical Airspace Design Environment Ground Return Area Digital Eliminator GPS-Receiver Application Module Global Radio Navigation System [DE] Ground Recognised Air Picture Ground-based Regional Augmentation System [Funknavigation] Gamma-Ray Laser Gamma-Ray Burst Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor Glenn Research Center Greece (Griechenland) Guardrail Common Sensor [USA RC-12] Ground Gruppe für Rüstungsdienste [CH] Gemeinsames Rollenbasiertes Einsatzlagebild [DE, Bw] Grenadier [DE, Bw] Group Repetition Frequency Ground-Roll Guidance Group Repetition Intervall Global Reconnaissance Information System Ground-Roll Monitor Ground Reference and Monitor Station [DGPS] Gamma-Ray Observatory Graphical Object Interface Geographic Reference Point Glassfibre Reinforced Plastic (glasfaserverstärkter Kunststoff) Group, Gruppe Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Global Receiver System Global Reconnaissance Strike [US] Grob-Rundsicht Radar [Flugsicherung; DE] Gross Registered Tonnage Guided Steering General Schedule Generalsekretär [DE] General Service 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 GS  GS  GS  Gs  GS, G/S  GS  GS  GS  GS  GS  GS  GSA  GSA  GSA  GSA  GSAR  GSARS  GSAT  GSC  Gschw  GSDI  GSE  GSE  GSFC  GSG  GSI  GSI  GSI  GSIF  GSK  GSLV  GSM  GSM  GSM  GSMC  GSMS  GSO  GSO  GSOC  GSP  GSP  GSR  GSR  GSR  GSR  GSRT  GSS  GSS  GSS  GSS  GSSS  GST  GST

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General Support Geological Survey German Singleseater [Eurofighter] Geschütz [De, Bw] Glide Slope (Gleitweg) [ILS] Ground Segment Ground Speed (Geschwindigkeit über Grund) Ground Station (Bodenstation) Ground Stop Group Separator Gruppenstrahler [DE] General Services Administration Global Security Asia Gigasample GNSS Supervisory Authority [ESA] Generic Semi-Active Radar Ground-Surveillance Airborne Radar System Geostationary Satellite Ground Station Controller [ACARS] Geschwader [DE, Bw] Ground Speed and Drift Indicator Ground Service Equipment Ground Support Equipment Goddard Space Flight Center [NASA, Greenbelt, Maryland] Grenzschutzgruppe [DE] Gefechtsschadeninstandsetzung [DE, Bw, GSI-Trupp] Glideslope Indicator Grand-Scale Integration Ground Station Information Frame Geschützschaltkasten [DE] Geostationary Satellite/Space Launch Vehicle Global Systems Mobile GPS Sensor Module Ground Station Module Global System for Mobile Communications Ground Station Management System Geo-Stationary Orbit Geo-Synchronous Orbit German Space Operations Center (Deutsches Raumfahrtzentrum) [Oberpfaffenhofen] Glare Shield Panel Ground Service Plug General Staff Requirement [UK] Ground, sea and air Surveillance Radar Ground Service Relay Ground Surveillance Radar Global Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Targeting Global System Study Ground Support and Services [Eurofighter] Ground Support System Gyro Subsystem Gyro-Stabilized Sight System Galileo System Time General Staff Target

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 GST  GSTB  GSTF  GSTS  GSU  GSV  GT  GT  GT  GT  GT  GT  GT  GTA  GTA  GTA  GTA  GTACS  GTAS  GTC  GTC  GTC  GTDS  GTE  GTEM  GTF  GTF  GTF  GTIB  GTIN  GTK  GTL  GTM  GTM  GTN  GTO  GTOW  GTP  GTP  GTR  GTR  GTR  GTRC  GTRI  GTS  GTS  GTS  GTS  GTSS  GTT  GTU  GTV  GTV 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Greenwich Sideral Time Galileo System Test Bed Global Strike Task Force Ground-based Surveillance and Tracking System [US, SDI Program] Group Support Unit Gray Scale Voltages Gas Temperature Gasturbine [DE, Bw] German Trainer [Eurofighter] German Twinseater [Eurofighter] Greater Than Ground Transmitter Group Technology General Terms Agreement Global Transport Aircraft Ground-crew Training Aids [Eurofighter] Ground Track Angle Ground Target Attack Control System Ground-To-Air Signals Gain Time Control Ground Terminal Computer [Data Link] Gyro Time-Constant Ground Tracking Data Station Gas Turbine Engine Gigaherz Transverse Electromagnetic cell Geared Turbofan (Getriebe-Turbofan) Geschütztes Transportfahrzeug [DE, Bw/Heer] (armoured transport vehicle) Ground Test Facility Genehmigung der Teil-Inbetriebnahme [DE, Bw] Global Trade Item Number Gepanzertes Transport-Kraftfahrzeug [DE, Bw/Heer] Gas-To-Liquid Global Transportation Management Ground Targeting Mode Global Transportation Network Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit Gross Take-Off Weight General Test Plan Gruppentransportfahrzeug [DE, Bw] General Technical Requirements Greater Gulf Test Range General Technical Requirements and Conditions Georgia Tech Research Institute Gas Turbine Starter Generic Threat Simulator Global Telecommunications System Global Transmission System Ground Target Surveillance Sensor Ground Test Time Ground Test Unit Ground Test Vehicle Guidance Test Vehicle 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 GTWT  GU  g.u.  GUI  GUND  GUS  GUS  GUST  GUT  GÜZ  GVE  GVI  GVIF  GVT  GVW  GW  GW  GW  GW  GWC  GWD  GWDL  GWDS  GWEN  GWLR  GWM  GWOT  GWS  GWS  GWS  GWT  Gy  Gyro  Gyrotron  GZ

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Gridded TWT Generalunternehmer [DE] Gravity Unit Graphical User Interface Geoid Undulation Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten [früher UdSSR] Ground Uplink Station German UK Synthetic Training [Bw] Grand Unified Theorie (Vereinheitlichungstheorie) Gefechtsübungszentrum [DE, Bw] Graphics Vector Engine General Visual Inspection Gigabyte Video Interface Ground Vibration Tests Gross Vehicle Weight Gateway Ground Wave (Bodenwelle) Gross Weight Guided Weapons (Lenkwaffen) Global Weather Central Grundwehrdienst [DE, Bw] Grundwehrdienstleistende [DE, Bw] Graphic Weather Display System Ground-Wave Emergency Network Ground Weapons Locator Radar Gruppe Wehrtechnische Messen [DE, BDI] Global War On Terrorism Graphical Weather Services Guided Weapon System [RN] Gun Weapon System Gross Weight Grey [Radiation Dose] Gyroscope Gyro Electron Ground Zero

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

H   h  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  h  h  H  H, h  H

Zeichen für Hekto [Zahlenwert 102] Kurzzeichen für Hotel [ICAO-Alphabet] Zeichen für die Induktivitätseinheit Henry Formelzeichen für die Magnetische Feldstärke bzw. für den magnetischen Feldvektor Kurzzeichen für Hardned Kurzzeichen für Hauptmann [DE] Kurzzeichen für Hazard Kurzzeichen für Heer [DE, Bw/Heer] (Army) Kurzzeichen für Helicopter (Helikopter, Hubschrauber) Kurzzeichen für Heliport Kurzzeichen für hoch [DE] Kurzzeichen für Höhe [DE] Kurzzeichen für Homing Zeichen für die Zeiteinheit Hora/Hour (Stunde) Hungary

 H-3  H-6E  H-60  HA  HA  HA  ha  HA  HA  HA  HA  HA  HA  HAA  HAA  HAA  HAA  HAAC  HAAMC  HAB  HAB  HAB  HAB  HABE  HABM  HABV  HAC  HAC  HAC  HAC  HAC

Sea King: Mehrzweckhubschrauber Bomber- und Tankerflugzeugtyp von Xian Aircraft Company [VR China] Blackhawk: Leichter Transporthubschrauber Hauptamt [DE, Bw] Heeresamt [DE, Bw] Heeresausschuss [CH] Hektar [veraltete Flächeneinheit: 104 m2] [DE] Helixantenne [auch: HelAnt; DE] High Altitude High Availability Hilfsantenne [DE] Holding to an Altitude Hornantennen [auch: HorAnt; DE] Height Above Airport (Höhe über Flugplatzhöhe) Helicopter Alighting Area Helicopter Association of Australia High Altitude Airship Helicopter Air-to-Air Combat Head of Aircraft Airworthiness and Maintenance Control Hardned Aircraft Bunker Helicopter Acquisition Beacon High-Altitude Bombing High-Altitude Burst High-Altitude Balloon Experiment Hypervelocity Air Breathing Missile Hypersonic Air Breathing Vehicle Heading Alignment Cone Helicopter Active Control Helicopter Aircraft Commander Helicopter Aircraft Controller Helicopter Association of Canada


26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 HAC  HAC  HAC  HAC  HACO  HACP  HACS  HACT  HAD  HAD  HAD  HAD  HADAS  HADEC  HADR  HADS  HADS  HAE  HAE  HAEMP  HAF  HAF  HAGB  HAGR  HAHO  HAHST  HAI  HAI  HAIG  HAIG  HAILSS  HAINS  HAIR  HAISS  HAL  HAL  HAL  HAL  HALE, Hale  HALO  HALO  HALO  HALO  HALO  HALO  HALS  HALS  HALT  HALWR  HAM  HAMLeT  HAMOTS  HAMS

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Helicoptere Anti-Char [FR] (Panzerabwehrhubschrauber) High Acceleration co*ckpit House Appropriations Committee [US Congress] Hughes Aircraft Company Hannover and Deco [Sectors] High Altitude Communication Platform Helicopter Active Control System Helicopter Active Control Technology Hardware Architecture Document Hélicoptère d’Appui Destruction [FR] Hole Accumulation Diode Hybrid Analog/Digital Helmet Airborne Display And Sight Highly Adaptive Digital Engine Control Hughes Air Defense Radar Helicopter Air Data System High Accuracy Digital Sensor High Altitude long-Endurance Hight Above Field High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse [auch: HEMP] Hellenic Air Force Honduran Air Force Helicopter Association of Great Britain High-gain Advanced GPS Receiver High-Altitude High-Opening High-Altitude High-Speed Target Helicopter Association International Hellenic Aircraft Industry Ltd. [Greece, Tanagra] Hellenic Aerospace Industries Group Hongdu Aviation Industry Group [VR China] Helicopter Aircrew Integrated Life Support System High-Accuracy INS High-Altitude Infrared High-Altitude Infrared Sensor System Hardware Abstraction Layer Hardwired Array Logic Height Above Landing Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. [Indien] High-Altitude, Long-Endurance [UAV] High-Altitude, Large Optics High-Altitude, Long Operation High-Altitude, Low Observable [UAV] High-Altitude Low-Opening High-Awareness Littoral Observation Hostile Artillery Locating [System] Helicopter Autonomous Landing System High Approach Landing System Highly Accelerated Life Testing High-Accuracy Laser Warning Receiver Head of Aircraft Maintenance Hazardous Material Localization and person Tracking High-Altitude Multiple Objects Tracking System Hot Air Management System

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 HAN  HAN  HANE  HANEMP  HAP  HAP  HAP  HAP  HAPI  HAPP  HAPS, Haps  HAPS, Haps  HAR  HAR  HARD, Hard  HARDS, Hards  Harm  HARM, Harm  HARP  HARQ  HARS  HARS  HART  HARV  HAS  HAS  HAS  HAS  HAS  HASC  HASS  HAST  HAT  HAT  HAT  HATM  HATS  HAufklTr  HAV  HAW  HAW  HAWC  Hawk  Hawtads  Hazcam  HAZ MAT  HB  HBA  HBAW  HBC  HBD  HBF  HBK 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Hauptauftragnehmer [DE, BWB] Home Area Network High-Altitude Nuclear Effects High Altitude NEMP Hazardous Air Pollutant HGS Annunciator Panel Hélicoptère d’Appui et de Protection [FR] High Altitude Platform Helicopter Approach-Path Indicator High Altitude Powered Platform [Solar] Helicopter Acoustic Processing System Helmet-Angle Position Sensor Harbor Advisory Radar Helicopter, Air Rescue Helicopter and Aeroplane/Aircraft Radar/Radio Detection [Radarsystem] High-Altitude Radiation Detection System Harmonic High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile [Antiradarflugkörper hoher Geschwindigkeit] High-Altitude Release Point Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request Heading and Attitude Reference System (Kurs- und Fluglagereferensystem) High Altitude Route System Heterogenous Airborne Reconnaissance Team Harassment Vehicle [UAV] Hardned Aircraft Shelter (gehärteter Flugzeughangar bzw Bunker) Hazard Awareness System Heading and Attitude Sensor Heading and Attitude System Helicopter Anti-Submarine [UK] House Armed Services Committee [US] Highly Accelerated Stress Screening High Altitude Supersonic Target Height Above Threshold Height Above Touchdown High-Accuracy Tracking Hypervelocity Anti Tank Missile (Panzerabwehrrakete hoher Geschwindigkeit) Helicopter Automatic Targeting System Heeresaufklärungstruppe [DE, Bw] High Acceleration Vehicle Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften [DE, Hamburg] Hypersonic Aerodynamic Weapons Homing And Warning Computer Homing All the Way Killer Helicopter All-Weather Target Acquisition And Destruction System Hazard Camera Hazardous Material Height of Burst Host Bus Adapter Handbook Bulletin for Airworthiness [FAA] Hawker Beechcraft Corporation Human Body Discharge Heeresbergführer [DE, Bw] Handbook 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 HBM  HBN  HBPR  HBR  HBR  HBS  HBSS  HBT  HC  Hc  HC  HC  HC  HC  HC  HC  HC  HC  HCA  HCA  HCAA  HCAP  HCAS  HCAT  HCDC  HCDR  HCF  HCF  HCGB  HCHO  HCI  HCI  HCL  HCM  HCMOS  HCP  HCP  HCP  HCP  HCP  HCR  HCS  HCS  HCT  HCTR  HCU  HCU  HCU  HCV  HD  HD  HD  HD

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Human Body Model [ESD] Hazard Beacon (Gefahrenfeuer) High By-Pass Ratio High Bit Rate Human Behaviour Representation Hauptbildschirm [DE] High Band Subsystem [Elint] Hetero-junction BipolarTransistor Hard Copy Height Change (Flughöhenänderung) Helicopter Cargo (Frachttransporthubschrauber) Helicopter Combat (Kampfhubschrauber) Holographic guidance system Computer High Capacity High Criticality High speed CMOS Critical Height Hydrocarbon [chem. Verbindung] Helicopter Club of America High-Cycle Aircraft Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority High Capacity carriers Hostile Casualty Hamburg Centre of Aviation Training [DE] House of Commons Defence Committee [UK] High Capacity Data Radio High Command of Forces High-Cycle Fatigue Helicopter Club of Great Britain Formaldehyde [chem. Verbindung] Helicopter Club of Ireland Human/Computer Interface (Mensch-Computer-Schnittstelle) Hydrochloride Hypersonic Cruise Missile High-density CMOS Hard Copy Printer Head-up Control Panel Helicoptere de Combat Polyvalent [FR] Holographic guidance system Control Panel Horizontal Coupling Plane [ESD] High Chip Rate Helicopter Combat Support Host Computer System Helicopter Control Trainer High Capacity Trunk Radio High Capacity computer Unit HUD Combiner Unit Hydraulic Control Unit Hypervelocity/Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle Harmonisation Document Height Difference Helmdisplay [DE, Bw] Help Desk

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 HD  HD  HD  HD  HD  HD  HD  HD  HDAC  HDAS  HDB  Hdb  HDBK  HDC  HDD  HDD  HDDR  HDDV  HDESS  HDF  HDFPA  HDG, hdg  HDG SEL  HDI  HDI  HDIR  HDISK , HDK  HDL  HDLC  HDLC  HDLMS  HDM  HDMI  HDMI  HDMR  HDMS  HDOP  HDP  HDp  HDPA  HDPS  HDR  HDR  HDRR  HDS  HDSL  HDSS  HDT  HDT  HDTV  HDU  HDU  HDv 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Hertzscher Dipol [auch: HerDip] [DE] High Definition High Demand High Density High Drag Hochdruck [Triebwerk] [DE] Homeland Defence (Heimatschutz) [UK] Horizontal Distance House [of Representatives] Defense Appropriations Committee Hypersonic Deep Attack System High Density Bombing Handbuch [DE] Handbook Hard Disc Controller Hard Disc Drive Head Down Display [co*ckpitdisplay auf dem Instrumentenbrett] High Density Digital Recording Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicle High Density Signal Simulator High-frequency Direction Finding (Kurzwellenpeiler) High Density Focal Plane Array Heading (Steuerkurs) Heading Select High Density Interconnection Homeland Defense Interceptor High Definition Infrared Hard Disc Hybrid Data Link High-level Data Link Communication High-level Data Link Control Hybrid Data Link Management System Hierarchical Development Methodology High Definition Multimedia Interface High Definition Multiple Interface High Density Multitrack Recording High Density Memory System Horizontal Dilution Of Precision Hardware Development Plan Heeresdepot [DE, Bw] High-Definition Projection Array [USAF] High Density Power Supply Hard Disc Recorder High Data Rate High Data Rate Recorder Hard Disc Subsystem High-datarate Digital Subscriber Line Holographic Data Storage System High Damage Tolerance High Duty Tequnique High Definition Television Horizontal Display Unit Hose Drum Unit [Air Refuelling] Heeresdienstvorschrift [DE, Bw] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 HDV  HDW  HDX  HE  He  He  HE  HE  HE  HEA  HEART  HEAT  HEAT  HEAT  HEAT  HECS  Hed  HED  HED  HEDI  HEDP  HEF  HEI  HEL  HEL  HelAnt  HELCM  HELD  HEL-H  HELI, Heli  HEL-L  HELLADS  HELLANET  HELLAS  HEL-M  HELO, Helo  Helps  Helraps  Helras  HELS  HELTADS  HELWS  HEMA  HEMP  HEMS  HEMT  HEND  HeNe  HeNe-Laser  HEO  HEOB  HEP  HEP

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Hochdruckverdichter [Triebwerk, DE] Howaldswerke Deutsche Werft AG [DE] Half Duplex Heer [CH] Helium [chem. Symbol] Altitude Error (Höhenfehler) High Energy [Ignition] High Explosive (hoch explosiv) Horizontal Encoding Head Equipment Assembly [Eurofighter] (Helmsichtsystem) Health Evaluation And Risk Tabulation Hazard Estimation After TBM Helicopter External Air Transport High-Energy Advanced Trainer High-Explosive Anti-Tank (hoch-explosive panzerbrechende Sprengsätze) High-performance Engine Control System Heading (Kursrichtung) High Energy Density Hybrid Electric Drive High Endo-atmospheric Defense Interceptor [SDI-Programm] High Explosive Dual Purpose High Expansion Foam Human Error Identification Helicopter (Helikopter, Hubschrauber) High Energy Laser (Hochenergielaser) Helixantenne [auch: HA] [DE] High Energy Laser Countermeasures High Energy Laser Designator Helicopter - Heavy Helicopter (Helikopter, Hubschrauber) [CH, DE] Helicopter - Light High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System [Programm von DARPA] Hellenic Aeronautical Network Helicopter Laserradar [Hinderniswarnsystem für Hubschrauber] Helicopter - Medium Helicopter (Helikopter, Hubschrauber) Helicopter Protection and Support Heliborne Long Range Acoustic Path Sonar Helicopter Long-Range Active Sonar [ASW] High Energy Laser System High Energy Laser Tactical Air Defense System [USA] High Energy Laser Weapon System [USN] Heavy Maintenance High-altitude Electromagnetic Pulse Helicopter Emergency Medical Services High Electron Mobility Transistor High Energy Neutron Detector Helium-Neon [chem. Verbindung, Laser] Helium-Neon-Laser Highly-inclined Elliptical Orbit [Earth] Hostile Electronic Order of Battle Haupt-Entstrahlungs-Entseuchungs-Entgiftungs-Platz [Bw] High Explosive Plastic

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 HEP  HEP  HEPL  HER  HERA  HERAS  HerDip  HERF  HERF  HERF  HERGIS  HERM  HERMES  HEROS  HERP  HEST  HET  Het  Het-Rec  HEU  HEW  HEW-784  HEWS  HEWSPS  Hex  Hex  HEZ  Hf  HF  HF  HF  HF  HF  HF  HF  HFA  HFA  HFAC  HFACS  HfB2  HFCA  HFCS  HFD  HFD  HFDD  HFDF  HFDL  HFDM  HFDR  HFDS  HFE  HFE  HFET 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Horizontal Expansion Programme Human Error Probability High Energy Pulse Laser (Hochenergie-Pulslaser) Helicopter Experimental Radar High Energy Research and Applications Hellenic Radar System Hertzscher Dipol [auch: HD] [DE] Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Flight/Fuel High Energy Radio Frequency High Energy Radiated Fields interference Heeresflieger Gefechtsführungs- Informationssystem [DE, Bw-Projekt] Helicopter Rotor Modulation High Energy Radiation Megavolt Electron Source Heeresführungsinformationssystem für Rechnergestützte Operationsführung in Stäben [DE, Bw] Hazard of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel High Explosive Simulation Technique Heavy Equipment Transporter Heterodyne Heterodyne Receiver (Überlagerungsempfänger) Highly Enriched Uranium (hoch angereichtes Uranium) Helicopter Early Warning Helicopter Early Warning Radar von Ericsson, Schweden [EH101] Helicopter Electronic Warfare System/Suite Helicopter Electronic Warfare Self Protection Suite Hexadecimal (Hexadezimal) Heat Exchanger (Wärmetauscher) Haupteinflugzeichen [DE] Hafnium [chem. Symbol] Hauptfeldwebel [DE, Bw] Height-Finder [Radar] High Frequency (Hochfrequenz bzw. Kurzwelle) Holding to a Fix (Haltepunkt) Human Factors Hybrid Fan Hydrogen Fluoride [chem. Verbindung] High Frequency Amplifier High Frequency Antenna Helicopter Flight Advisory Computer Human Factors Analysis and Classification System Hafnium-Boride [chem. Verbindung] Helicopter Flying and Coordination Area Helicopter Flight Control System Head-up Flight Display High Frequency Data Hybrid Frequency Division Duplex High Frequency Direction Finder High Frequency Data Link High Frequency Data Modem High Frequency Data Radio Head-up Flight Display System Heavy Fuel Engine Human Factor Engineering Heterojunction Field Effect Transistor 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 HFGWR  HFI  HFI  HFI  HFK  HFL  HFlaAFüSys  HFlaS  HFlaTr  HFlg  HFlgBrig  HFlgRgt  HFlgStff  HFlgVbd  HFlgWaS  HFNPDU  HFO  HFOM  HFOV  HFP  HFR  HFR  HFR  HFS  HFSG  HFSG  HFSNL  HFSS  HFSWR  HFT  HFTA  HFTS  HFüKdo  HFVT  HFWS  HG  HG  Hg  HGA  HGA  HGAA  HGAS  HGC  HgCdTe  HGD  HGI  HGS  HGS  HGS  HGT, hgt  HGU  HH  HH-60G

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

High Frequency Ground Wave Radar [OTH] Helicopter Foundation International Hostile Fire Indicator Human Factors Integration Hochgeschwindigkeitsflugkörper (high speed vehicle) [DE, Bw] Hydrogen Fluoride Laser Heeres-Flugabwehr-, Aufklärungs- und Führungssystem [DE, Bw] Heeresflugabwehrschule [DE, Bw] Heeresflugabwehrtruppe [DE, Bw] Heeresflieger [DE, Bw] Heeresfliegerbrigade [DE, Bw] Heeresfliegerregiment [DE, Bw] Heeresfliegerstaffel [DE, Bw] Heeresfliegerverbund [DE, Bw] Heeresfliegerwaffenschule [DE, Bw] High Frequency Network Protocol Data Unit High Frequency Oscillator Horizontal Figure Of Merit Horizontal Field Of View High-Fragmentation Projectile Heeresfliegerregiment [DE, Bw] Height Finder Radar High Frequency Receiver High Frequency System High Frequency Signal Generator Human Factors Study Group HF Sub Network Layer High Frequency Structure Simulator [Ansoft] High Frequency Surface-Wave Radar High Frequency Transmitter High Frequency Towed Array Helicopter Flight Training Services GmbH [DE] Heeresführungskommando [DE, Bw] Hybrid Fan Vectored Thrust Heeresfliegerwaffenschule [DE, Bw] Hängegleiter [DE] Head-up Guidance Chem. Symbol für das Element Quecksilber [Hydrargyrum, Mercury] High Gain Antenna (Hochgewinnantenne) Hubschrauberführer-Grundausbildung [DE, Bw] High Gain Active Antenna High Gain Antenna System Head-up Guidance Computer Mercury Cadmium Telluride [IR-Detektormaterial] Head-up Guidance Display Hot Gas Ingestion HFDL Ground Station Holographic Guidance System HUD Guidance System Height (Höhe über Grund, vertikaler Abstand) Horizon Gyro Unit Hand-Held Pave Hawk: Such- und Rettungs- Kampfhubschrauber der USAF

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 HH-60H  HH-60J  HH-65A  HHC  HHD  HHELS  HHLD  HHMD  HHmm  HHMMSS  HHR  HHRA  HHTI  HHUD  HI  HI  HI  HIAL  HIBIRD  HIBRAD  HIC  HIC  HICON  HID  HID  Hidar  HIDAS , Hidas  HIDSS  HIFA  Hifar  HIFR  Hi-Fi  HIFI  HIFV  Higger  Hightech  HIL  HIL  HIL  HIL  HIL  HILAST  Hi-Lo-Hi  HILS  HIM  HIMAD  HIMARS  HiMAT  HiMaTE  HIMEZ  HIO  HIO  HIOL 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Sea Hawk: Such- und Rettungs- Kampfhubschrauber der USN Jay Hawk: Such- und Rettungs- Kampfhubschrauber Dolphin: Leichter Helikopter der USCG Hand-Held Computer Hybrid Hard Disc Hybrid High Energy Laser System Heading Hold Hand-Held Metal Detector Hours and Minutes Hours-Minutes-Seconds High Hop Rate Human Health Risk Assessment Hand-Held Thermal Imager Holographic HUD Heading Indicator High (hoch) High Intensity High Intensity Approach Lighting Helicopter Identification By IR Detection Helicopter Identification By Radar Detection Head Impact Criteria Hybrid IC Higher Control Level Host Interface Display Human Interface Device High Data Rate Helicopter Integrated Defensive Aids Suite/System [UK, WAH-64 Apache] Helmet Intagrated Display Sighting System Human factors Integration in Future Air traffic management systems High Frequency Surface-wave Array Radar Helicopter In-Flight Refuelling High Fidelity Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared Heavy Infantry Fighting Vehicle High Integrity GPS Guidance Enhanced Receiver High Technology Hardware-In-the-Loop Heeresinstandsetzungslogistik [DE, Bw] High Intensity Lighting High Interest List Horizontal Integrity Limit High Altitude Large Area Surveillance Tactic High - Low - High Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulator High-Inclination Mission High to Medium Air Defense High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System [USA] Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Technology High Mach Turbine Engine High-altitude Missile Engagement Zone Highly Inclined Orbit Highly Interesting Object High Intensity Obstacle Lights 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 HIP  HIPAR  Hipas  HIPCOR  Hipep  HIPER-LAN  HIPIR  HIPPI  HIPRA  HIR  Hi-Rel  HIRES  HIRF  HIRF  HIRL  HIRNS  HIRO  HIRS  HIRS  HIRSS  HIRTA  HIS  HISAR  Hisat  Hisos  HISU  HIT  HIT  Hit  Hit  HITL  HITS  HITS  HIU  HIWAS  HJ  HKL  H/L  HL  HL  HL  HL  HL  HLA  HLA  HLA  HLA  HLBA  HLCS  HLCS  HLD  Hld  HLDC

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Hardware Interface Program High-Power Acquisition Radar High Performance Active Sonar High-Power Coherent Radar High-Power Electric Propulsion High Performance LAN High Powered Illuminating Radar High Performance Parallel Interface High Speed Digital Processor Architecture Higher High Reliability High Resolution [Radar] High Intensity Radiated Fields High Intensity Radio Frequency High Intensity Runway Lights (Hochleistungs-, Start- und Landebahnbeleuchtungssystem) Helicopter IR Navigation System High Intensity Runway Operations Helicopter IR System High-resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder Hover Infrared Suppression System High Intensity Radio Telecommunication Area Honeywell Information System High-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar von Raytheon Co. High Speed Air-to-air Target Helicopter Integrated Sonar System Hybrid Inertial Sensor Unit Hardware Integration Test High Interest Track Homing Intercept Technology Hybrid/Inertial Technology Human In-The-Loop Highway In The Sky Hostile Identification and Targeting System Headset Interface Unit Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service Sunrise to Sunset Hauptkampflinie [DE, Bw] High/Low Hand Launched Heavy Lifter Height Loss Helicopter Launched (vom Helikopter gestartet, helikoptergestützt) Höhenleitwerk [DE] Helicopter Landing Area High Level Airspace High Level Architecture [US DoD] High-Level Assembly High Level Bus Analyzer Harpoon Launch Control System High Lift Control System Head-Level Display Hold (Halten bzw Einfrieren der Anzeige) High Level Datalink Control

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 HL  Hldg  HLE  HLFG  HLH  HLL  HLLV  HLM  HLogTr  HLS  HLS  HLT  HLTC  HLUAV  HLV  HLWE  HLZ  HM  HM  HM  HM  HM  HMA  HMA  HMC  HMCD  HMCDU  HMCS  HMCU  HMD  HMD  HMD  HMD  HMD  HMDS  HME  HMG  HMH  HMI  HMIC  HMMS  HMMWV  HMNVS  HMOS  HMR  HMR  HMS  HMS  HMS  HMS  HMS  HMSD  HMSS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Hohlladung [DE, Bw] Holding [Warteverfahren] Higher Layer Entity Holding (Warteverfahren) Heavy-Lift Helicopter High Level Language Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicle Hoch-Leistungs-Mikrowellen [DE] Heereslogistiktruppen [DE, Bw] Helicopter Landing Site Homeland Security (Heimatschutz) Heavy Load Threshold High Level Target Concept Hand-Launched UAV Heavy Lift Vehicle [Space] Helicopter Laser Warning Equipment Helicopter Landing Zone Handling Mechanism Hazardous Material Health Management Health Monitoring Heavy Maintenance Helicopter Maritime Attack [UK] High Memory Area Health Monitoring Computer Helmet-Mounted Cueing Display Hybrid Multifunction Control Display Unit Helmet-Mounted Cueing System Hydraulic Monitoring Computer Unit Hand-held Metal Detector Head-Mounted Display Helicopter Mine Dispenser Helmet-Mounted Display (helmmontiertes Sichtgerät) Horizontal Miss Distance [ACAS, TCAS] Helmet-Mounted Display System (helmmontiertes Displaysystem) Height Monitoring Element Her/His Majesty’s Government Helmet-Mounted HUD (helmmontiertes HUD) Human-Machine Interface (Mensch-Maschine-Interface) Heterolithic MIC Helmet Mounted Mobility Sensor High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle [US Army, USQ-146] Helmet Mounted Night Vision System High-density Metall Oxide Semiconductor Health Monitoring Recorder Helicopter Main Routes Health Maintenance System Health Monitoring System Helmet-Mounted Sight (helmmontiertes Visier) Her/His Majesty’s Ship [RN, UK] Hull Mounted Sonar Helmet-Mounted Sight Display (helmmontiertes Visierdisplay) Helmet-Mounted Symbology System (helmmontiertes Symbologiesystem) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 HMTAS  HMT/D  HMTDS  HMTI  HMU  HMU  HMW  HN  HN  HNBS  HNM  HNR  HNS  HNSA  HNSE  HNV  HNVG  HNVS  HO  HOA  HOA  HOB  HOBA  HOCAS  HOD  HOFO  HOG  HOJ  HOL  Hol  HOLC  Hold  HOM  HOM  HOMS  HOOD  HOP  HOPE  Hops  Hor  HorAnt  Horizon  Hos  HOSBE  HOSP  HOT  HOTAS  HOTAS  HOTC  HOTOL  HOV  HOW

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Helmet-Mounted Target Acquisition Sight (helmmontiertes Zielakquisitionsvisier) Helmet-Mounted Tracker/Display Helmet-Mounted Target Designation System (helmmontiertes Zielbestimmungssystem) Hochmobiles Taktisches Internet [DE] Height Monitoring Unit (Höhenüberwachungseinheit) Helmet Mounted Unit Hektometerwellen [300 kHz bis 3 MHz] Host-Nation Sunset to Sunrise Harrier Night Bombing System [UK] Helicopter Noise Model Highband Networking Radio Host-Nation Support Host-Nation Support Agreement Horizontal Navigation System Error Holographic Night Vision Holographic Night Vision Goggles Helicopter Night Vision System (Nachtsichtsystem für Helikopter) Hand-Off Hand-Off Acceptance Hemispherical Omni Antenna Height Of Burst High Off-Boresight Angle Hands On Collective And Stick Head Of Delegation Head Of Flying Operations Hermann Oberth Gesellschaft [e.V., DE] Home-On Jam [EW] Higher Order Language Holiday Higher Order Language Computer Holding Head Of Mission High Orbit Mission Homing Optical Missile System Hierarchical Object Oriented Design Hand-Off Proposal Hochleistungspenetrator [DE, Gleitflugkörper] Helmet Optical Position Sensor Horizontal [DE] Hornantennen [auch: HA; DE] Hélicoptère d’Observation Radar et d’Investigation sur Zone Hostile Hochleistungssprengbombe [DE, Gleitflugkörper] Hospital aircraft Haute subsonique Optiquement teleguidé tiré d’un Tube [FR] (optisch gelenkter, aus einem Rohr verschossener, Ultraschallbereich-Flugkörper) Hands On Throttle And Stick [Eurofighter] (Hände am Schubhebel und Steuerknüppel) Head Of Training And Standards Head Of Training and Checking Horizontal Take-Off and Landing High Occupancy Vehicle Hand-Over Word (Übergabewort) [GPS]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 HOWD  HP  HP  HP  HP  HP  hp  hPa  HPA  HPA  HPAS  HPBB  HPBW  HPC  HPC  HPCM  HPD  HPD  HPD  HPE  HPEC  HPF  HPFL  HPFOTD  HPI  HPI  HPI  HP-IB  HP-IL  HPIR  HPIS  HPL  HPLA  HPM  HPMSK  HPOI  HPOX  HPPM  HPPMG  HPR  HPRF  HPS  HPSLT  HPSK  HPT  HPT  HPT  HPT  HPTC  HPTE  HPTS  HPU  HPV 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Helicopter Obstacle Warning Device Hewlett-Packard [US Co.] High Pass (Hochpass) [Filter] High Precision (hochgenau, mit hoher Präzision) High Pressure [Compressor] (Hochdruck) Horizontal Polarization Horse Power (Pferdestärke) Hectopascal [102 Pa] High Power Amplifier (Hochleistungsverstärker) Hornparabolantennen [DE] High Pressure Air System [Ship] High Power Broadband Half Power Beamwidth (Antennenkeulenbreite bei der halben Leistung) High Performance Computing High Pressure Compressor (Hochdruckkompressor) High Power Countermeasures High Power Density High Power Discriminator [Radar] Horizontal Polar Diagram (horizontales Polardiagramm) High Power Electromagnetics High Performance Embedded Computing High Pass Filter (Hochpassfilter) High Power Fiber Laser High Power Fiber Optic Towed Decoy High Power Illuminator (Beleuchter hoher Leistung) High Probability of Intercept (hohe Erfassungswahrscheinlichkeit) Host Port Interface Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus [IEEE-48, IEC-Bus] Hewlett-Packard Interface Loop High Probability of Intercept Receiver High Performance Imagery Satellite High Power Laser (Hochleistungslaser) High Power Linear Amplifier High Power Microwaves (Hochleistungsmikrowellen) High Priority Mission Support Kit High Probability-Of-Intercept High Pressure Oxygen High Power Pulsed Microwaves High Power Pulsed Microwaves Generator High Power Relay (Relais für hohe Leistungen) High Pulse Repetition Frequency (hohe Pulsfolgefrequenz) Hops Per Second High Power Semiconductor Laser Technology Hybrid Phase Shift Keying High Payoff Target High Power Transmission High Precision Thermostat High Pressure Turbine (Hochdruckturbine) High Performance Technical Computing High Performance Turbine Engines High Power Transmission Set Hydraulic Power Unit Hauptprozessverantwortlicher [DE, Bw] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 HPVI  HPXO  HPZ  HQ  HQ  HQ  HR  HR  HR  HR  HR  HR  hr, hrs  HR  HRS  HRA  HRA  HRA  HRB  HRD  HRD  HRDF  HRDL  HRDS  HRE  HRF  HRG  HRG  HRGM  HRI  HRIR  HRIS  HRM  HRM  HRM  HROD  HRR  HRR  HRS  HRS  HRSAR  Hrsg  HRTI  HRV  HRZ  HRZN  HS  HS  HS  HS, H&S  HS  HS  HS

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Hypervelocity Impact High Precision Crystal Oscillator Helicopter Protected Zone Have Quick Head Quarters (Hauptquartier) Quecksilber Croatia, Kroatien Helicopter Request Helicopter Route High Resolution [Imaging] High Risk Horn Reflector [DE, Antenne] hour, hours (Stunde, Stunden) Human Resources Hydrant Refuelling System Health Risk Assessment High Resolution Array Human Reliability Analysis Horizontal Reference Bar High Rate Data Home Routing Domain High Resolution Direction Finder (Peiler hoher Auflösung) High Rate Data Link High Resolution Display System Hypersonic Ram-Engine Human Research Facility High Resolution Geometric High Resolution Graphics (Graphik hoher Auflösung) High Resolution Ground Map Hazard Risk Index High Resolution Infrared Radiometer (Infrarotradiometer hoher Auflösung) Human Resources Information Management High Rate Multiplexer Home Regional Manager Human Resources Management High Rate Of Descent High Range Resolution [Radar] (hohe Entfernungsauflösung) High Resolution Radar (hochauflösendes Radar) Hemispheric Radar System Horizon Reference System (Horizontbezugssystem) High Resolution Synthetic Apertur Radar Herausgeber (publisher) [DE] High Resolution Terrain Information Croatia Helicopter Restricted Zone Horizon Handshake Hazard Analysis Headset (Kopfgerätesatz) Health and Safety Helical Scan Helicopter anti-Submarine [USN] Helicopter Squadron [USAF]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 HS  HS  HS  HS  HSA  HSA  HSA  HSACE  HSAL  HSB  HSBw  HSC  HSch  HSCSD  HSCT  HSCU  HSD  HSD  HSD  HSD  HSDB  HSDC  HSDL  HSDPA  HSE  HSEC  HSFS  HSI  HSI  HSI  HSI  HSIC  HSIT  HSL  HSL  HSLV  HSM  HSOS  HSP  HSPS  HSPT  HSPA  HSR  HSR  HSR  HSS  HSS  HSS  HSS  HSS  HSS  HSSDB  HSSI 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

High Speed Homeland Security (Heimatschutz) Hubschrauber [AT, DE] Hyperspectral Hochschulamt [DE] Hollandse Signaal Apparaten [NL] Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator Control Electronics High Speed Algebraic Logic High Speed Boat Hochschule der Bundeswehr [DE] Helicopter Sea Combat Heimatschutz [DE, Bw] High Speed Circuit Switched Data High Speed Commercial Transport Horizontal Stabilizer Control Unit Hawker Siddeley Dynamics High Speed Data (Hochgeschwindigkeitsdaten) Homeland Security and Defense [US] Horizontal Situational Display (Horizontlagedisplay) High Speed fiberoptic Data Bus (Datenbus hoher Geschwindigkeit) High Speed Data Channel High-Speed Directed Launcher High Speed Downlink Packet Access Health and Security Executive [UK] High Stability Engine Control Hochstromfunkstrecke [DE] Horizontal Situational Indicator (Horizontalsituationsanzeiger, Fluglageanzeiger) Hot Section Inspection Hours Since Inspection Hyper-Spectral Imagery High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware and Software Integration Test Heading Select Higher Sensor Layer High Speed Low Voltage High Speed Modem Helicopter Stabilized Optical Sight High Speed Penetrator Helicopter Self-Protection System High Speed Penetrator Technology High Speed Packet Access High Sink Rate High Speed Research High Stabiliy Reference Health Service Support Helicopter Stabilized Sight Helicopter Support Ship High Static Strength Homeland Security Sensor Hypersonic Sound High Speed Serial Data Bus High Speed Serial Interface 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 HSSM  HSPA  HSSR  HSSS  HST  HST  HST  HST  HSTA  HSTF  HSUPA  HSV  HSW  HSWT  HSz  HT  ht  HTA  HTA  HTA  HTADS  HTAWS  HTC  HTC  HTC . HTC  HTD  HTH  HTI  HTI  HTK  HTKP  HTL  HTM  HTML  HTNS  HTOHL  HTOL  HTOVL  HTP  HTPB  HTRB  HTrKdo  HTS  HTS  HTS  HTSC  HTSF  HTT  HTTP  HTU  HTV  HTV

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High Speed Strike Missile High Speed Packet Access [UMTS] High Speed Solid State Recorder Helicopter Secure Speech System High Speed Train High Speed Transceivers High Speed Tunnel Hypersonic Transport System Horizontal Stabilizer Trim Actuator Hawk Synthetic Training Facility High Speed Uplink Packet Access High Speed Vessel High Speed Weapon High Speed Wind Tunnel Hauptszenarium [DE] Hecktank [Flugzeug] [DE] Height (Höhe) Heavier Than Air Hierarchical Task Analysis Horizontal Target Attack Helmet Target Acquisition and Designation System Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System Hard Target Capability Highest Two-way Channel Human To Computer Huston Technology Center Hard Target Defeat Heavy Transport Helicopter Horizontal Technology Integration [USA] Hypertransport Interface Hit To Kill Hard Target Kill Propability High-level Transistor Logic Hierarchical Temporal Memory Hyper Text Markup Language [Informatik] Helicopter Tactical Navigation System Horizontal Take Off, Horizontal Landing High Temperature Operating Life Horizontal Take Off, Vertical Landing Hard Target Penetrator (Bunkerbrecher) Hydroxyl-Terminiertes Poly Butadien [IRIS-T Treibsatz] High Temperature Reverse Bias Heerestruppenkomando [DE, Bw/Heer] Harmonized Tariff Schedule [US] Harm Targeting System High Temperature Superconducting High Temperature Super Conductors Hard Target Smart Fuze High Temperature Transistor Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Handheld Terminal Unit Hover Test Vehicle [Space] Hypersonic Test Vehicle

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 HTW  HTWT  HTZ  HU  HU  HU  HU  Hubschr  HUCP  HUCR  HUD  HUDC  HUDC  HUDWAC  HUG  HUGS  HUKdo  HULA  HUM, Hum  HUMC  HUMINT  Hums  Hums  HUMU  HUN  HUP  Hurcn  HURT  HUS  Hv  HV  HV, h.v.  HVA  HVAA  HVAC  HVAR  HVAT  HVB  HVD  HVDC  HVDF  HVG  HV-HBT  HVI  HVK  HVL  HVM  HVO  HVOR  HVP  HVP  HVP  HVPS 167218

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Heereseinheitliche Taktische Weiterbildung [DE, Bw/Heer] Helix Travelling Wave Tube (Helix-Wanderfeldröhre) Helicopter Traffic Zone Headset Unit Helicopter Utility Helmet Unit Hungary Hubschrauber [DE, Bw] Highest Usuful Compression Pressure Highest Usuful Compression Ratio Head-Up Display (Kopfhöhen-Display) Head-Up Display Camera Head-Up Display Computer HUD Weapon-Aiming Computer (HUD-gestützter Waffeneinweisungsrechner) Hornet Upgrade program [Australien] Head-Up Guidance System (HUD-gestütztes Lenksystem) Heeresunterstützungskommando [DE, Bw] Hybrid Ultra-Large Aircraft Health and Usage Monitor Health and Usage Monitor Computer Human Intelligence Health and Usage Monitor Sensor Health and Usage Monitoring System (Zustands- und Benutzbarkeitsüberwachungssystem) Health and Usage Monitor Unit Hungary Harm Upgrade Program Hurricane Heterogenous Unmanned Reconnaissance Team [Northrop Grumman Corp.] Heeresunteroffizierschule [DE, Bw/Heer] Heavy High Velocity High Voltage (Hochspannung) High Value Asset High Value Airborne Asset Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning High Velocity Aircraft Rocket [USN] High Voltage Anti-Tank High Voltage Breakdown Helmet Visor Display High Voltage Direct Current High and Very high frequency Direction Finding Hypervelocity Gun Highvoltage Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Helmet Vehicle Interface Hauptverteidigungskräfte [DE, Bw] Hypervelocity Launcher Hyper-Velocity Missile (Überschallflugkörper) Heeresverbindungsoffizier [DE, Bw] High-altitude VOR High Video Pass [EW] High Voltage Power Hyper-Velocity Projectile High Voltage Power Supply (Hochspannungsleistungsversorgung) 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 HVPS  HVR  HVS  HVT  HVTA  HVU  HVV  HVVFET  Hvy  HW  HW  HW, H/W  HWAS  HWCI  HWIL  HWITL  HWP  HWS  HW/SW  HWT  HWT  HWU  Hwvr  Hwy  HX  hyd  HYDIM  hydro  HyFly  HYSA  HySTP  HyTech  HZ  Hz  HZS

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High Volume Precipitation Sensor Hyper-Velocity Rocket Human Visual System High-Value Target (hochwertiges Ziel) High-Value Target Acquisition High-Value Unit High-Voltage Vertical High-Voltage Vertical Field Effect Transistor Heavy Half Wave Handwaffe [DE] Hardware Hazardous in-flight Weather Advisory system HW Configuration Item Hardware In-the-Loop [Simulation] Hardware In-The-Loop Holding Waypoint Hauptwaffensystem [DE] Hardware/Software Hypersonic Weapons Technology Hypersonic Wind Tunnel Hardware Unit However Highway Heat Exchanger (Wärmetauscher) Hydraulic Hydraulic Interface Module hydrographic Hypersonic Flight Hyundai Space and Aircraft Hypervelocity System Technology Program [NASA/USAF] Hypersonic Technology Haze Hertz [DE] Horizontal Surfaces

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

I   I  I  I  I, i

Kurzzeichen für das Land Italien [auch: IT] Kurzzeichen für India [ICAO-Alphabet] Kurzzeichen für Interference Formelzeichen für die Elektrische Stromstärke

 I&A  I&A  i.A.  i.A.  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IA  IAA  IAA  IAA  IAA  IAA  IAA  IAAE  IAAFA  IAAI  IABG  IAC  IAC  IAC  IAC  IAC  IAC  IAC  IACA  IACE

Identification and Authentification Imagery and Analysis im Auftrag [DE] in Ausbildung [DE] Imagery Analysis Impact Assessment Indirect Access Industry Activities [ARINC] Information Assurance Initial Approach Initial Assessment Initial Attack Inspection Authorization Instantaneous Access Instrument Approach (Instrumentenanflug) Integrated Antennas Integrated Avionics Intelligence Analysis Intelligence Assistant Interface Adapter Interface Attribute International Alphabet Interoperability Assessment Inspector of Air Accidents Internal Aids Approach (Anflug mit Bordinstumenten) International Academy of Aeronautics International Aerospace Abstracts International Astronautical Association Irish Aviation Authority International Association of Airport Executives Inter-American Air Forces Academy International Airports Authority of India Industrie Anlagen Betriebsgesellschaft (mbH) [DE] Industry Advisory Committee Information Analysis Centers Instrument Approach Chart Integrated Avionics Computer (integrierter Avionikrechner) Intelligence Analysis Center [US] International Astronautical Congress [UK, Glasgow] Irish Aviation Council [Ireland] International Air Carrier Association [UK] International Air Cadet Exchange


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 IACS  IACSP  IAD  IADB  IADL  IADS  IAE  IAEA  IAEI  IAF  IAF  IAF  IAF  IAF  IAF  IAF  IAF  IAG  IAGC  IAGFA  IAGS  IAI  IAIN  IAIS  IAL  IAL  IAM  IAM  IAM  IAM  IAN  IANS  IAO  IAO  IAOA  IAOPA  IAP  IAP  IAPA  IAPA  IAPC  IAPS  IAQG  IAR  IAR  IAR  IARU  IAS  IAS  IAS  IAS  IAS  IAS

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Integrated Avionics Control System International Aeronautical Communications Service Provider Integrated Antenna Detector Inter-American Defense Board (Interamerikanische Verteidigungskommission) Interoperable Air Data Link Integrated Air Defence System (integriertes Luftverteidigungssystem) International Aero Engines [Konsortium] International Atomic Energy Agency (Internationale Atomenergiebehörde) International Association of Electrical Inspectors Indian Air Force (Indische Luftstreitkräfte) Indonesian Air Force Initial Approach Fix (Anfangs-Anflug-Festpunkt) Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik [DE, Frauenhofer, Freiburg] International Astronautical Federation [Paris] Iraqi Air Force (Luftstreitkräfte Iraks) Israeli Air Force (Luftstreitkräfte Israels) Italian Air Force (Luftstreitkräfte Italiens) International Association of Geodesy Instantaneous Automatic Gain Control Integrierte Arbeitsgruppe Fähigkeitsanalyse [DE,Bw] Integrated ARINC Ground Station Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. [Israel] International Association of Institutes of Navigation Industrial Aerodynamics Information Service International Air-traffic League Instrument Approach and Landing chart (Instrumentenanflug und Landekarte) Imagery Analysis Memorandum Inertial-Aided Munition (trägheitsgestützte Munition) Institute of Aviation Medicine [UK] Instrument Approach Mode Imagery Analysis Notice Institute of Air Navigation Services [Eurocontrol, Luxembourg] In And Out of clouds Internal Audit Office Indicated Angle Of Attack (angezeigter Anstellwinkel) International Council of Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Instrument Approach Procedure International Airport Instrument Approach Procedures Automation International Airline Passangers Association [UK, Croyton] Instrument Approach Procedure Chart Integrated Avionics Processing System International Aerospace Quality Group Imagery Analysis Report Institute for Aerospace Research [Canada] Interoperability Assessment Report International Amateur Radio Union Impact Attenuation System Indicated Air Speed (angezeigte Fluggeschwindigkeit) [ICAO] Information Awareness and Survivability Institut Aéronautique et Spacial [FR] Integrated Acoustic System Integrated Airport Systems

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 IAS  IAS  IAS  IAS  IASA  IASE . IASF  IASI  IASSF  IAT  IAT  IATA  IATC  IAU  IAU  IAU  IAVA  IAW, i.a.w.  IAWA  IAWG  IAWP  I/B  IB  IB  IB  IBA  IBA  IBAA  IBAC  IBAP  IBB  IBC  IBC  IBC  IBC  IBC  IBCS  IBEX  IBIS  IBIT  IBIT  IBLS  IBM  IBn  IBN  IBN  IBP  IBP  IBR  IBR  IBR  IBR  IBRD


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Integriertes Avioniksystem (integrated avionics system) [DE] Intelligence Analysis System Interferometerantennensystem [DE] International Accounting Standards International Aviation Safety Assessment [FAA] Information Assurance Support Environment Israel Air and Space Force Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer Integrated Avionics Software Support Facilities Indonesia Air Transport International Atomic Time International Air Transport Association (Internationaler Lufttransportverband) [Genf, Montreal] International Air Traffic Control (Internationale Flugverkehrskontrolle) Integrated Avionics Unit Interface Adapter Unit International Astronomical Union Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert In Accordance With (in Übereinstimmung mit) International Aviation Women’s Association Industrial Avionics Working Group [UK] Initial Approach Waypoint Inboard Inbound [Traffic] (ankommender Luftverkehr, Einflug) Information Button [Display] Ion Beam [Erosion] Information, Betreuung, Anerkennung [DE] International Bureau of Aviation [Europe] International Business Aviation Association [Europe] International Business Aviation Council Industry Based Prototype International Broadcasting Bureau ILS Back Course Individual Blade Control [Helicopter] Integrated Broadband Communications Intelligent Bandwidth Compression International Broadcast Convention Integrated (Air and Missile Defense) Battle Command System Interstellar Boundary Explorer [NASA] I/O Buffer Information Specification Initiated Built-In Test Interrupted Built-In Test Integrity Beacon Landing System International Business Machines [Int. Co.] Identification Beacon (Kennfeuer) Image-Based Navigation Integriertes Bordnetz [DE] Industry-Based Prototype Ion-Beam Processing Integrated Baseline Review Integrated Blade Rotor Intelligence Broadcast Receiver Intermediate Bit Rate International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 IBS  IBS  IBS  IBSSU  IBU  IBU  IBUR  IBW  IBW  IBW  I&C  I&C  I&C  i/c  i/c  IC3  IC  IC  IC  IC  IC  IC  IC  IC  IC  IC  IC  IC  IC  IC  ICA  ICA  ICA  ICA  ICA  ICAA  ICAA  ICAAS  ICAD  ICAD  ICADS  ICADS  ICAF  ICAI  ICAN  ICAO  ICAP  ICAP  ICARD  ICARUS  ICAS  ICAT

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Integrated Bridge System Integrated Broadcast Service [US Forces] Intelligence Broadcasting System Internal Bearing Stabilized Sighting Unit Independent Back-up Unit Interference Blanker Unit Intelligence Bottom-Up Review Impulse Bandwidth Intelligence-Based Warfare Instantaneous Bandwidth (momentane Bandbreite) Installation and Checkout Instrumentation and Control Interface and Control in charge Intercom Integrated Command, Control, and Communications Ice Crystals [Met] Incident Commander Integrated Circuit (integrierter Schaltkreis) Intelligence Center Intelligence Collection Intelligence Community Intercabinet Intercept Interceptor Controller Intercom Intercomputer Communication Internal Combustion Internal Communications bzw Intercom (Inter-Kommunikation) Interrogator Code Initial Cruise Altitude Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness Intelligence Center Atlantic Interactive Computerunterstützte Ausbildung [DE, Bw] International Cartographic Association International Civil Airports Association International Commettee of Aerospace Activities Integrated Controls in Avionics for Air Superiority [USAF] Improved Control And Display Individual Concern and Deficiency Individual Combat-Aircrew Display System Integrated Cover and Deception System International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction International Commission on Air Navigation [Paris] International Civil Aviation Organization (Intern. Organisation für Zivilluftfahrt) [Montreal, Canada] Improved Capability (Leistungssteigerung) Increased Capability (Leistungssteigerung) ICAO five letter name code and Route Designator system Intelligent Control and Autonomous Replanning of Unmanned Systems International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences [US, Dayton] International Center for Air Transportation

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 ICAU  ICB  ICB  ICB  ICBM  ICC  ICC  ICC  ICC  ICC  ICC  ICC  ICC  ICC  ICCA  ICCAIA  ICCD  ICCDS  ICCP  ICCS  ICCS  ICD  ICD  ICD  ICDS  ICDS  ICDS  ICDS  ICDU  ICE  ICE  ICE  ICE  ICE  ICEWS  ICG  ICG  ICG  ICGS  ICH  ICH  ICHE  ICI  ICI  ICI  ICIRS  ICJ  ICLP  ICM  ICM  ICM  ICM  ICM 167218

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International Civil Aviation University [Melbourne] Industry Consultation Body Interface Control Board International Competitive Bidding Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (interkontinentale ballistische Flugkörper) Information Coordination Circular Information and Coordination Center [WS Patriot] Integrated Cargo Carrier Integrated Command and Control Integrated Communications Center Intelligence Coordination Center [US Coast Guard] International Chamber of Commerce [Paris] International Code of Conduct International Control Commission International Civil Certification Authorities International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations Intensified Charge-Coupled Device Integrated co*ckpit Control and Display System Integrated Communications Control Panel Integrated Command and Control Subsystem Integrated Communications Control System Initial Capabilities Document Installation Control Drawing Interface Control Document Integrated co*ckpit Display System Integrated Combat Direction System Integrated Control and Display System Interactive co*ckpit Display System Integrated Control and Display Unit Improved Combat Efficiency [Kampfwertsteigerungsprogramm für die deutschen F-4F] In-Circuit Emulation Information and Content Exchange [Netzwerkprotokoll] Interference Cancellation Equipment Internal Combustion Engine Integrated Common Electronic Warfare System [Lockheed Martin & ITT: USN] Icing (Vereisung) International Communications Group International Coordinating Group [IRIS-T] Integrated Coast Guard System Integrated Communications Helmet International Countermeasures Handbook Intercooler Heat-Exchanger Incoming Call Identification Initial Capability Inspection Intelligent Communication Interface Incoherent Infrared Sensor Intelligent Communications Jamming International Conference on Lightning Protection Improved Conventional Munition Instrument Communications Manager Integrated Connector Module Intercontinental Missile Interim Control Module 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ICMD  ICMP  ICMS  ICMS  ICN  ICN  ICNIS  ICNIA  ICNIRP  ICNS  ICO  ICO  ICO  ICOC  ICON  ICONS  ICP  ICP  ICP  ICP  ICPA  ICR  ICR  ICR  ICR  ICR  ICRC  ICRRA  ICS  ICS  ICS  ICS  ICS  ICS  ICS  ICS  ICS  ICS  ICS  ICS  ICS  ICS  ICSA  ICSS  ICSC  ICSS  ICSU  ICT  ICT  ICTP  ICU  ICU  ICU

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Improved Countermeasures Dispenser Internet Control Message Protocol Integrated Conventional-stores Management System Integrated Counter Measures System Interface Control Net Interim Change Notice Integrated Communication, Navigation and Identification System Integrated Communications, Navigation and Identification Avionics [USAF/USN] International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Integrated Communications and Navigation System Idle Cut-Off Ignition Cut-Off Intermediate Circular Orbit [10.000 bis 15.000 km] International Code Of Conduct Integration Contract Integrated Control and Operations Network System Integrated Control Panel Integrated Core Processor Interactive Control Panel Internal Clarification Project Indian Commercial Pilot’s Association Integrated Cancellation Ratio Integrated Cassette Recorder Intelligence Collection Requirements Interactive Conflict Resolution Interface Change Request International Committee of the Red Cross Integrated Capabilities Review and Risk Assessment Improved Communications System Improved Composite Structure Information Command System Integrated Communications System Integrated Computer System Intelligent Control System Inter-co*ckpit Communications System Intercommunications System Interface Control Specification Interference Cancellation System Internal Communications System Internal Countermeasures System [EW] International Classification for Standards Inverse Conical Scan/Scanning [EW] International Centre for Security Analysis Integrated Communications Switching System International Communications Satellite Corporation International Communications Switching System International Council of Scientific Unions Information and Communication Technology Institut für Chemische Technologie [Frauenhofer, Pfinztal] Information Collection, Transfer and Processing Interface Computer Unit Interface Control Unit Integrated Control Unit

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 ICU  ICU  ICUWB  ICV  ICV  ICW  ICW, icw  ICWAR  ICWI  ICW-Radar  I&D  ID  ID  ID  ID  ID  IDA  IDA  IDA  IDA  IDA  IDA  IDA  IDAFLIEG  IDAL  IDAP  IDAS  IDAS  IDAS  IDAS  IDAS  IDAS  IDB  IDC  IDC  IDC  IDCA  IDCP  IDD  IDDD  IDE  IDE  IDE  IDE  IDE  IDD  IDECM  IDEF  Ident  IDEX  IDEX  i.d.F.  IDF 167218

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Intensive Care Unit Interstation Control Unit International Conference on Ultra-Wideband Inter-Clutter Visibility Integrity Check Value In Coordination With Intermittent Continuous Wave Improved IC Acquisition Radar Interrupted Continuous Wave Illuminator Interrupted Continuous Wave Radar Integrate and Dump Identification, identifier [ICAO] (Identifizierung, Kennung) Information Display Initiating Derivative Inner Diameter Inside Diameter Indirect Access Initial Design Activity Initial Distribution Area Institute for Defense Analysis Integrated Digital Audio Integrated Digital Avionics Intrusion Detection Alarm Interessengemeinschaft Deutscher Akademischer Fliegergruppen e.V. [DE] Integrated Defense Avionics Laboratory Integrated Defense Avionics Program Integrated Data Acquisition System Integrated Defensive Aids System Integrated Defensive Avionics Software Interactive Defence & Armament for Submarines [DE, Bw/Marine] Interactive Defensive & Attack System Interactive Defensive Avionics System Integrated Data Base Imperial Defence College [UK] Indicator Display Control Initial Defense Capability Integrated Detector Cooler Assembly Identification Data Combining Process Interface Design Document International Direct Distance Dialling Integrated Development Environment Integrated Device/Disc Electronics Integrated Digital Environment Interactive Development Environment Intrusion Detection Equipment Internet Data Distribution Integrated Defensive Electronic Countermeasures International Defense Industry Fair Identification (Identifikation) Imagery Data Exploitation system International Defense Expo (Internationale Rüstungsmesse) in der Fassung [DE] Indigenous Defence Fighter 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 IDF  IDF  IDF  IDF  IdFlieg  IDG  IDH  IDHS  IDHS  IDI  IDIQ  IDIS  ID/IQ  IDL  IDL  IDL  IDLS  IDM  IDM  IDM  IDM  IDMS  IDMU  IDN  IDP  IDP  IDP  IDP  IDPs  i.d.R.  IDR  IDR  IDR  IDS  IDS  IDS  IDS  IDS  IDS  IDS  IDS  IDS  IDS  IDS  IDS  IDS  IDSCS  IDSN  IDSS  IDST  IDST  IDT  IDT

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Infrared Decoy Flare Instantaneous Direction Finding Intelligent Data Fusion Israeli Defense Forces Inspektion der Fliegertruppen [DE, Bw] Integrated Drive Generator Intelligence Data Handling Integrated Data Handling System Intelligence Data Handling System Initial Domain Identifier Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity Intelligent Display and Information System Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity [Contract] Interface Definition Language Interoperable Data Link Intraflight Data Link International Data Link Society Improved Data Modem Inductive Debris Monitor Integrated Data Modem Integrated Decision Making Integrated Database Management System Integrated Data Management Unit Integrated Digital Network Imagery Display Processor Initial Domain Part Integrated Data Processing Intelligence Data Processor Interplanetary Dust Particles in der Regel [DE] Initial Design Review Integrated Design Review Internet Domain Routing Ice Detection System Improved Data Set Independent Sideband Information Display System Infrared Detecting Set Integrated Decoy System Integrated Deepwater System Integrated Defense Solutions/Systems Integrated Diagnostic System Integrated Display System Interdictor Strike [UK, Angriffsvariante des WS Tornado] Interface Design Specification Intrusion Detection System Initial Defense Satellite Communications System Integrated Digital Services Network Interoperability Dicision Support System Integrated Decision Support Tool Intrusion Detection System Technology Integrated Development Team Inter-Digital Transducer

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 IDTC  IDTV  IDU  IDU  IDU  IDW  IdZ  IDZ  IdZ-ES  I&E  i.e., ie  IE  IE  IE  IE  IE  IE  IE  IE  IEA  IEA  IEA  IEA  IEB  IEC  IEC  IECMS  IED  IED  IEDM  IEE  IEEE  IEG  IEG  IEMP  IEN . IEOS  IEP  IEPG  IEPR  IER  IER  IER  IER  IERA  IERE  IERS  IES  IES  IES  IESD  IESI  IESS


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Inter-Deployment Training Cycle Improved Definition Television Integrated Display Unit Interactive Display Unit Interface Demonstration Unit Intra-pulse Descriptor Word Infanterist der Zukunft [DE, Bw] Inner Defense Zone IdZ - Erweitertes System [DE, Bw] Inspection and Evaluation Ed Est (das heißt) Incremental Ejection Industrial Engineering Information Element Initial Equipment Institution of Electronics [UK] Instrument Error Internet Explorer Ireland Integrated Electronic Assembly International Energy Agency International Energy Agreement International Ergonomics Association Institut für Extraterrestrische Biologie [DE] International Electrotechnical Commission/Committee International Engineering Consortium In-flight Engine Condition Monitoring System Improvised Explosive Devices Intelligent Electronic Device International Electron Devices Meeting The Institute of Electrical Engineers [UK, London] The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers [US, Inc.] Imagery Exploitation Group Information Exchange Gateways Induced Electromagnetic Pulse Internal Engineering Notice Integrated Earth Observation System [US] Information Exchange Programme Independent European Programme Group Integrated Engine Pressure Ratio Independent Evaluation Report Information Engineering Release Information Exchange Requirement Initial Evaluation Review Institute for Environmental Risk Assessment Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers [UK] International Earth Rotation Service Image Enhancement System Imagery Exploitation System Interface Editor System Internal Electrostatic Discharge Integrated Electronics Standby Instruments Imagery Exploitation Support System

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 IES  IES  IESS  IESSG  IET  IET  IETD  IETF  IETM  IETP  IEU  IEVS  IEW  IEWS  IEWS  IEWS  IEWS  I/F, IF  IF  IF  IF  IF  IF  IF  IFA  IFA  IFA  Ifa*g  IF Amp  IFAPA  IFAST  IFATCA  IFATE  IfB  IFB  IFBW  IFC  IFC  IFC  IFC  IFCS  IFCS  IFCS  IFCNC  IFD  IFD  IFD  IFDAPS  IFDL  IFDS  IFE  IFE  IFEA

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Interface Editor System Institute of Environmental Sciences Integrated Electromagnetic System Symulator Institute of Engineering, Surveying and Space Geodesy Initial Entry Training Institution of Engineering and Technology Interaktive Elektronische Technische Dokumentation [DE] Internet Engineering Task Force Interactive Electronic Training Manual Interactive Electronic Technical Publication Interface Electronic Unit Infrared Enhanced Vision System Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Integrated EW System Integrated Electronic Warfare System Information and Electronic Warfare System Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors [USA] Interface (Schnittstelle) Ice Fog Initial Fix Instrument Flight Intermediate Fix Intermediate Frequency (Zwischenfrequenz) Intermediate approach Fix (Zwischenanflugpunkt) Image Frequency Attenuation International Federation of Airworthiness [UK, East Grinstead] Internationale Funk-Ausstellung [Berlin] Institut Für Angewandte Geodäsie [seit 1997: Bundesamt für Kartografie und Geodäsie, DE] Intermediate Frequency Amplifier International Federation of Airline Pilots Association [auch: IFALPA] Integrated Flexibility for Avionics System Test [USAF] International Feredation of Air Traffic Controllers Association International Feredation of Airworthiness Technology and Engineering Institut für Begleitforschung [DE] Invitation For Bid (Einladung zur Angebotseinreichung) Intermediate Frequency Bandwidth ILS Front Course In-Flight Control Intelligence Fusion Center Instantaneous Frequency Correlator [EW] Improved Fire Control System Integrated Fire Control System Integrated Flight Control System Integrated Flight Control and Navigation Computer Integrated Feasibility Demonstration Intermediate Frequency Digitizer Initial Functional Description Integrated Flight Data Processing System Intra Flight Data Link Interactive Flight Data System In-Flight Emergency In-Flight Entertainment In-Flight Emergency Assistance

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 IFEM  IFEO  IFEWS  IFF  IFF  IFFN  IFFT  IFG  IFGR  IFGS  IFHA  IFI  IFIM  IFIS  IFIS  Ifl  IFL  IFL  IFM  IFM  IFMA  IFMCW  IFME  IFMR  IFM/SHR  IFMU  IFN  IFO  IFOG  IFOR  IFOV  IFP  IFP  IFP  IFPA  IFPC  IFPG  IFPL  IFPL  IFPM  IFPS  IFR  IFR  IFR  IFR  IFRA  IFRB  IFRU  IFS  IFS  IFS  IFS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Integrated Force and Execution Management International Flight Engineers Organization [UK] In-Flight Electronic Warfare Simulator [DBD] Identification Friend or Foe (Freund/Feind-Identifizierung) Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals Identification Friend, Foe or Neutral Inverse FFT Interframe Gap Information For Global Research [USAF] Integrated Flight Guidance System (integriertes Flugführungssystem) International Federation of Helicopter Association International Friction Index International Flight Information Manual Independent Flight Inspection System Integrated Flight Information System Instrumentenflug [CH] Intelligent Fault Locator Intermediate Flight Level In-Flight Monitor Instantaneous Frequency Measurement (Sofortfrequenzmessung) [EloKa-Empfänger] In-Flight Mission Abort Interrupted FMCW In-Flight Medical Emergency IFM Receiver (Sofortfrequenzmess-Empfänger) IFM Superhet Receiver Integrated Flight Management Unit (integrierte Flugmanagementeinheit) Institute Francais de Navigation International Field Office Interferometric Fiber Optic Gyro Implementation Forces (Durchführungs-Streitkräfte) [NATO/UN Friedenstruppe für Bosnien-Herzegowina] Instantaneous Field of View (momentaner Blickwinkel) In-Flight Performance Initial Flight Path Integrated Flight Planner Indirect Fire Precision Attack Integrated Flight and Propulsion Control International Frequency Planning Group Individual Flight Plan Message In-Flight Power Loss In-Flight Performance Monitor Initial Flight Plan Processing System In-Flight Refuelling (Betankung während des Fluges) Initial Flight Release (Erstflugfreigabe) Internationaler Förderkreis für Raumfahrt [DE] Instrument Flight Rules (Instrumentenflugregeln) In-Flight Refuelling Area (Luftbetankungsgebiet) International Frequency Registration Board (Internationaler Frequenzregistrierungsrat) Interference Rejection Unit Indirect Frequency Synthesizer Institut für Segelflugforschung [DE] Instrument Flight Simulator Ionospheric Forward Scatter

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 IFSAR  IFSD  IFRS  IFSS  IFT  IFT  IFT  IFT  IFT  IFT  IFTS  IFTS  IFU  IFU  IFV  IFW  IFWP  IFX  i.G.  IG  IG  IG  IGA  IGA  IGAA  IGB  IGB  IGBAD  IGBT  IGCN  IGE  IGEB  IGES  IGFET  IG/L  Ign  IGP  IGRV . IGS  IGS  IGS  IGSO  IGTI  IGV  IGW  IH  IH  IHAS  IHAS  IHAS  IHDS  IHDSS  IHEC

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Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar In-Flight Shut Down International Financial Reporting Standards International Flight Service Station Initial Flight Test Integrated Flight Test Intelligent Flight Trainer Intercept Flight Test Instrument Flight Trainer Inverse Fourier Transform Integrated Flir and Targeting System International Force Tracking System Interface Unit Internationale Fernmeldeunion Infantry Fighting Vehicle [Puma] In-Flight Weight Intermediate Fix Waypoint Integrated Flight Experiment im Generalstabsdienst [DE, Bw] Image Generation Implementation Group Inverse Gain [EW] Intermediate Gain Antenna (Antenne mittleren Gewinns) International General Aviation (Internationale Allgemeine Luftfahrt) Inspection Générale de l’Armée de l’Air [FR] Image Guided Bomb (Bild- Gelenkte Bombe) Inner German Boarder Integrated Ground-Based Air Defence Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Independent Ground Communications Network In-Ground-Effect [bei Hubschraubern] Interagency GPS Executive Board Interim Ground Earth Station Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor Intelligence Gain/Loss Ignition (Zündung) Ionospheric Grid Point Improved Guardrail V [USA RC-12] Information Gathering Satellites Instrument Guidance System Integrated Ground Software Inclined Geosynchron Orbit International Gas Turbine Institute [US] Inlet Guide Vane Increased Gross Weight Improved Hawk Inhibition Height Integrated Hazard Avoidance System Integrated Hazard Awareness System Integrated Helicopter Attack System (integriertes Helikopeter-Angriffssystem) Integrated Helmet-mounted Display System (integriertes, helmgestütztes Displaysystem) Integrated Helmet Display and Sighting System [USA] (integriertes Helmvisier und Sichtsystem) Integrated Helicopter Emissions Control

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 IHEWS  IHF  IHMD  IHO  I.H.P., i.h.p.  IHPRPT  IHPTET  IHST  IHU  II, I2  II, I2  II  IIC  IICU  IID  IID  IID  IID  IIDS  IIF  IIG  IIL, I2L  IIMSES  IIN  IIN  IIP  IIR  IIR  IIR  IIR  IIR  IIR  IIR  IIRA  IIRT  IIS  IIS  IIS  IIS  IIS  IIS  IISA  IISI  IISL  IISLS  IISS  IIT  IITB  IITV  IIU  IIU  IIW 167218

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Integrated Helicopter Electronic Warfare Suite [Kampfhubschrauber] (integriertes Hubschrauber-EloKa-System) Instanthaltung und Fertigung [DE, Bw] Integrated Helmet Mounted Display International Hydrographic Organization Indicator Horsepower Integrated High-Payoff Rocket Propulsion Technology Integrated High-Performance Turbine Engine Technology International Helicopter Safety Team Integrated Helmet Unit Image Intensification (Bildverstärkung) Image Interpretation Interrogator Identity Information Integration Center Integrated Interface Control Unit [auch: I2CU] Independent, Identically Distributed Interface Identifier Integrated Information Display Integrated Instrument Display Integrated Instrument Display System Imagery Interpretation Facility Instantaneous Inverse Gain Integrated Ignition Logic Initial Implementation Mode S Enhanced Surveillance [Euro Project] Instituto Italiano di Navigazione [IT] Intelligentes Informations-Netzwerk [auch: I2N] Interoperability Improvement Program Imaging Infrared (bildgebende Infrarotsensoren) [auch: I2R] Infinite Impulse Response [Radar] Infrared Imaging Radar Institute for International Research [US] Integrated Independent Review Intelligence Information Report International Industry Representative Integrated Inertial Reference Assembly Integrated Independent Review Team Infrared Imaging System (bildgebendes Infrarotsystem) Integrated Information System (integriertes Informationssystem) Integrated Instrument System (integriertes Instrumentensystem) Internal Information System Internet Information Services Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen [Frauenhofer, Erlangen, DE] Integrated Inertial Sensor Assembly Institute for Information Superiority and Innovation [auch: I2SI] International Institute of Space Law Improved Interrogation Sidelobe Suppression International Institute for Strategic Studies Image Intensifier Tube Institut für Informations- und Datenverarbeitung [Frauenhofer, Karlsruhe, DE] Image Intensified Television Imagery Interface Unit Imagery Interpretation Unit International Institute for Welding

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 IIZ  IJC3S  IJMS  Ik  IKAT  IKBS  IKF  IKS  IKT  IKTA  IKW  IKZ  Il  IL  IL  ILA  ILA  ILA  ILA  ILA  ILAA  ILAAS  ILC  ILD  ILF  ILGH  ILL  ILLCH  ILM  ILS  ILS  ILS  ILSP  I&M  IM  IM  IM  IM  IM  IM  IMA  IMA  IMA  IMAC  IMAD  IMAL  IMAR  Imarsat  IMAS  IMATE  IMAWP  IMC  IMC

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Industrie-Instandsetzungs-Zentrum Integrated Joint Command, Control, and Communications System Interim JTIDS Message Standard Informatik [CH] Interactiv Keyboard and Terminal Intelligent Knowledge-Based System Indirekte Kriegsführung [CH] Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme [DE] Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien [CH, DE] Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologieamt [CH] Intercept and Kill Weapon Initiativkreis Zukunft [DE] Ilyushin Intermediate Location Israel [Staat] Image Light Amplifier International Language for Aviation International Law Association [London] Internationale Luft- und Raumfahrt-Ausstellung [DE, Berlin] Internationales Luftfahrt-Archiv [DE] Integrated Landing and Approach Aid Integrated Low Altitude Attack Subsystem IATA Learning Centre Injection Laser Diode Infra-Low Frequency Interessengemeinschaft Luftfahrt-Geräte-Handel [DE] Internationale Luftverkehrsliga [DE] Illuminated Chaff Independent Landing Monitor Instrument Landing System (Instrumentenlandesystem) Integrated Logistics Support International Launch Services Integrated Logistics Support Program Installation and Maintenance Information Management Inner Marker (Platzeinflugzeichen) [ILS] Instant Messaging Intensitätsmodulation [DE] Interface Management Intermodulation [DE] Institute for Military Assistance Integrated Modular Avionics (integrierte Modularavionik) Integrated Microwave Assembly Integrated Microwave Amplifier Converter Integrated Multisensor Airborne Display Integrity Monitoring Alarm Limit Instrument Mission Assurance Requirements International Maritime Satellite Integrated Mission Avionics System Integrated Maintenance Test & Evaluation Initial Missed Approach Waypoint Image Movement Compensator Instrument Meteorological Conditions (Instrumentflugwetterbedingungen)

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26. Juni 2013


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 IMC  IMCC  IMCMS  IMCS  IMD  IMD  IMDC  IMDEX  IMDS  Imdt  IME  IMET  IMET  IMETS  IMEWS  IMEWS  IMF  IMF  Img  IMG  IMG  IMG  IMI  IMI  IMI  IMI  IMI  Imint  Imis  IMIT  IML  IMLS  IMMC  IMN  IMNET  IMO  IMOSAR  Imp  IMP  IMP  IMP  IMP  IMP  IMP  IMP  IMP  Impatt  IMPC  IMPD  IMPF  Impl  IMPLAN  Impr 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Intermetallic-Matrix Compound International Military Control Commission Integrated Mine Countermeasures System Integrated Monitoring and Control System Integrated Mechanical Diagnostics Intermodulation Distortion Isolated, Missing, Detained, or Captured International Maritime Defense Exhibition & Conference [ASIA] Integrated Maintenance Data System [USAF] Immediate Integrated Modelling Environment International Military Education and Training International Military Education and Training Integrated Meteorological System Integrated Missile Early Warning Satellite/System Integrated Multi-mission Electronic Warfare System Intelligent Mine Field International Monetary Fund [UN] Immigration Implementation Management Group Industry Management Groups Internationale Messegesellschaft [DE] Imbedded Message Identifier Initial Maintenance Intervall Intermediate Maintenance Instruction International Military Information Israel Military Industries (Rüstungsindustrie von Israel) Imagery Intelligence (abbildende Aufklärung) Integrated Maintenance Information System [USAF] International Military Information Team International Micro-gravity Loboratory [Spacelab] Interim MLS Integrated Mission Management Computer Indicated Mach Number Imagery Network International Maritime Organisation [UNO; London] IMO Search And Rescue manual Implementation [Services] Indication of Microwave Propagation Information Management Plan Integrated Management Plan Integrated Mission Processing Interactive Micro Programmable Interface Message Protocol Intermodulation Products [HF/MW-Technik] Interplanetary Monitoring Platform Impact Avalanche and Transition Time [Halbleiterelektronik] Integrated Multi-Platform Countermeasures [UK] Interactive Multi Purpose Display International Microcravity Plasma Facility Implementation Implementation Plan Improved, improve, improvement (verbessert, verbessern) 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 Impt  IMR  IMRS  IMRS  IMRuS  IMS  IMS  IMS  IMS  IMS  IMS  IMS  IMS  IMS  IMSAT  IMSP  IMSS  Imt  IMT  IMT  IMT  IMTS  IMU  IMUS  IMUX  IMZBw  IN  in  IN  IN  IN  IN  IN  IN  INA  INA  INA  INA  INA  INADS  InAs  INAS  InAsSb  INAV  Inbd  Inbd  Inc, Inc.  INC  Inc  INC  INCA  INCA  Incans

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Important Imaging Microwave Radiometer (abbildendes Mikrowellenradiometer) Information Monitoring and Recording System [Eurofighter] Integrated Maintenance Recording System Integriertes Modulares Rettungs- und Sicherheitssystem [Bw] Industrial-Military-Space Inertial Measurement System (Trägheitsmesssystem) Information Management System Integrated Master Schedule Integrated Mission System International Microwave Symposium International Military Services/Staff/Standardization [UK, NATO] Intrusion Monitoring System Inventory Management System Imagery Satellite Instrument Mode Select Panel Integrated Multi-Sensor System Immediate, Immediatly (sofort) Implementation Team International Mobile Telecommunications Inovative Micro Technology Integrated Maintenance Training System Inertial Measurement Unit (Trägheits-Messeinheit) Integriertes Message-handling Und Steuerungssystem [Rohde & Schwarz, DE] Input Multiplexer Informations- und Medienzentrale der Bundeswehr [Bw] Impulse Noise inch (Längeneinheit) Indian Navy Inertial Navigation (Inertial- bzw Trägheitsnavigation) Infantry (Infanterie) Instructor (Ausbilder) Intelligence (Signal-Aufklärung, Nachrichten-Gewinnung) Intelligent Network (Netzwerk zur Nachrichtengewinnung) Initial Approach (Anfangsanflug) Institut de la Navigation Aérienne [Luxembourg] (Institut für Flugnavigation) International Navigation Association Inc. [US] International Normal Atmosphere (internationale Normalatmosphäre) Internationale Normalatmosphäre Integrated Naval Air Defense Simulation Indium-Arsenid [chem. Verbindung] Inertial Navigation and Attacking System (Trägheitsnavigations- und Angriffssystem) InAs-Antimonid [chem. Verbindung] Interactive Navigation (interaktive Navigation) Inboard (Innen) Inbound (Einflug, ankommend) Incorporated [Company, US] In Cloud Increase, increasing Internet Controller Intelligence Communications Architecture Interference Cancellation Interference Cancellation System

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 Incas  InCAS  INCERFA  INCD  INCITS  IND  IND, Ind  IND, Ind  INERU  INEWS  INEWT  INF, Inf  Inf  In-FEEP  INFES  Infil  INFINT  INFO, info  InfObjSLw  Infonet  InfoOps  Infosec  Infowar  Infra  InFü  InGaN  IN/GPS  Ini  Init  Inj  INL  INL  INM  INM  Inmarsat  INMMiC  INMS  InN  INO  INO  INO  Inop  INOUI  InP  Inph  INPR  INR  INR  INREQ  ins  INS  INS  Ins 167218

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Integrated Navigation and Collision Avoidance System Interactive Collision Avoidance System Uncertainty Phase Integrated Navigation, Controls and Display System International Committee for Information Technology Standards Improvised Nuclear Device Indicator (Anzeiger) Industry (Industrie) International Noise Exposure Reference Unit Integrated Electronic Warfare System [USAF/USN] [auch: Inews] Integrated Electronic Warfare Trainer Infanty Infanterie [DE, Bw] Indium FEEP Instandsetzungs-Führungs- und Einsatzsystem [DE, Bw] Infiltration [CH] Information Intelligence Information (Information, Auskunft) Infanteristischer Objektschutz Luftwaffe [DE, Bw] Informationsnetz [CH] Informationsoperationen [DE] Information Security Information Warfare Infrastucture [NATO] Innere Führung [DE, Bw] Indium Gallium Nitride [chem. Verbindung] Inertial Navigation/Global Positioning System Initiation Initialize, initialization (initializieren) Injection Integral Non-Linearity Internal Noise Level Integrated Network Management Integrated Noise Model International Maritime Satellite [Organisation] Integrated Nonlinear Microwaves and Millimeter Circuits Integrated Network Management System Indium-Nitrid [chem. Verbindung] Indian Ocean Region Innovative R&D International NOTAM Operation Inoperative (außer Betrieb, ausgefallen) Innovative Operational UAS Integration Indium Phosphide [chem. Verbindung] Interphone In Progress Input Reconstruction Integrated Navigation Receiver Information Request inches (Zoll) [Maßeinheit] Inertial Navigation System (Inertial- bzw Trägheitsnavigationssystem) Information Network System Instruction 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 INS  InSAR  INSAT  InSb  INSC  Insp  Insp  inspiz  INSS  Inst  Inst  Inst, Instr  IstKdo  Instal, inst  INT  Int  Int  Int  Int  Int  Int  Int  Int  INTACS  Intc  Intel  Intel  Intelnet  Intelsat  Inter  Intercom  Intern  Internet  Interop  Inters  Intfc  Intl  Intl  INTNET  INTO  INTOPS  Intr  INTREP  Intrg  Intrg  Intsf  Intst  INTSUM  INU  Inv  Inv  INVH  Invol

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Instrumentation Systems Interferometrisches SAR Indian Satellite Indium-Antimonid [chem. Verbindung] Integrated Network for Secure Communications Inspekteur [DE, Bw] Inspection inspiziert [DE, Bw] Integrated Navigation Sensor System Instanzsetzung [DE] Instruction Instrument [DE] Instantsetzungskommando [DE, Bw/Heer] Install, installation, installed Institut für Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Trendanalysen [Frauenhofer, Euskirchen, DE] Integrated Intelligence Intercom Interdiction Interrogation Interrupt Intersection (Kreuzung) Interval Integrated Tactical Communications System Intercept [auch: Intcp] Integrated Electronics Intelligence Intelligence Network International Telecommunications Satellite [Consortium] Intermittent, intermittently [Met] Inter-Communication International International Network Interoperability Intersection Interface International International Integration Network Intelligence Officer Interdiction Operations Interior Intelligence Report Interrogated, interrogator (abgefragt, Abfragegerät) Interrupt, interrupted, interruption (unterbrochen, aussetzend) Intensify, intensifying Intensity Intelligence Summary Inertial Navigation Unit Inverse, inverted, inverter Invalid Integrated Night-Vision Helmet Involuntary

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 Invrn  INW  INWP  I/O  IO  IO  IO  IO  IO  IO  IO  IOA  IOAT  IOC  IOC  IOC  IOC  IOCD  IOD  IOD  IOIS  IOM, I/O-M  IoN  IONCAP  Ionds  IOP  IOP  IOR  IOR  IOR  IOS  IOSA  IOSA  IOSB  IOT  IOT  IOTA  IOT&E  IOU  IOV  IOV  I/P  IP  IP  IP  IP  IP  IP  IP  IP  IP  IP  IP 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Inversion Information Warfare Intermediate Waypoint Input/Output Identification Officer Indian Ocean Information Objectives Information Officer Information Operations Integrated Optics Interoperability Initial Operational Assessment Indicated Outside Air Temperature Initial Operational Capability/Clearance (erste Betriebsbereitschaft) Input/Output Controller Integrated Optical Circuit Investigations Operations Center Initial Operational Concept Document In-Orbit Demonstration Issue Of Data Integrated Operational Intelligence System Input/Output Modul Institute of Navigation Ionospheric Communications Analysis and Protection Integrated Operational Nuclear Detection System Information Operations Planning Input/Output Processor Immediate Operational Requirement Indian Ocean Region Initial Operating Requirement Internal Operating System IATA [International Air Transport Association] Operational Safety Audit [Program] Integrated Optical Spectrum Analyzer Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung [Frauenhofer, DE] In-Orbit-Test Interoperabilitätstester [DE] Information Operations Technology Alliance [USAF] Initial Operational Tests & Evaluation Input/Output Unit In-Orbit Validation [Galileo Sat] In-Orbit Verification/Validation Identification Position [US] Imagery Processing Impact Point (Aufschlagspunkt) [Flugkörper] Implementation Package Identification Position [IFF] Identification Pulse [SSR] Industrial Participation Information Button Information Paper Ingress Protection Initial Point [Bombing] Initial Position 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 IP  IP  IP  IP  IP  IP  IP  IP  IPA  IPA  IPA  IPA  IPAG  IPAS  IPAS  IPAS  IPAX  IPB  IPB  IPC  IPC  IPC  IPC  IPC  IPCI  IPCI-E  IPD  IPD  IPD  IPD  IPDS  IPE  IPF  IPF  IPFD  IPG  IPI  IPL  IPL  IPL  IPL  IPM  IPM  IPM  IPM  IPM  IPM  IPMS  IPNVG  IPO  IPO  IPP  IPP

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Initial Production Instructor Pilot Instrument Panel (Instrumentenbrett) Intellectual Property (geistiges Eigentum) Intelligent Peripheral Intercept Point (Abfangstelle) Intermediate Pressure Internet Protocol Independent Pilot’s Association [UK] Industrial Participation Agreement Instrumented Production Aircraft [Eurofighter] Intermediate Power Amplifier Intellectual Property Advisory Group Installed Performance of Antennas on AeroStructures Integrated Preparation and Analysis System Integrated Pressure Air System Internet Protocol for Aeronautical Exchange Illustrated Parts Breakdown Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield Illustrated Parts Catalogue Information Processing Center Integrated Processing Cabinet Integrated Processing Center Instructions Per Cycle Industrial Peripheral Component Interface [PCI Bus] Industrial Peripheral Component Interface Express [PCIe Bus] Improved Point Defense Initial Production Delivery Integrated Product Delivery Integrated Product Development Improved Position Determining System Improved Performance Engine Information Processing Facility Integration and Processing Facility [USA RC-12] Integrated Primary Flight Display Internet Program Guide Initial Protocol Identifier Illustrated Parts List Initial Programme Loading Integrated Priority List Intermediate Flight Plan Impulses Per Minute Integrated Performance Manager Interference Prediction Model Internal Polarization Modulation Interplanetary Medium Interruptions Per Minute Integrated Platform Management System Integrated Panoramic Night Vision Goggels Initial Public Offering International Program Office Impact Point Prediction (Aufschlagspunktabschätzung) Installation Protection Program

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 IPP  IPPD  IPR  IPR  IPR  IPRA  IPRT  IPS  IPS  IPS  IPS  IPS  IPS  IPS  IPS  IPS  IPS  IPSE  IPSE  IPSEC  IPSO  IPT  IPT  IPT  IPT  IPU  IPU  IPU  IPU  Ipv  IPv4  IPv6  IPW  I/Q  IQ  IQA  IQF  IQM  IQT  i.R.  IR  IR  IR  IR  IR  IR  IR  IR  IR  IR  IR  IR  IR 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Institut für Plasma-Physik [DE] Integrated Product and Process Development In-Progress Review Intellectual Property Rights (geistige Eigentumsrechte) Internet Protocol Router Independent Precision Radar Approach Internal Processing Response Time Imagery Processing System Information Processing System Instructions per Second Integrated Power System [Chip] Integriertes Prüfsystem [Bw] Interactive Pilot Station [Eurofighter] Intercept Passive Sonar Intermittent Positive Control [ATC] Interruptions Per Second Ion Propulsion System Integrated Product Support Environment Integrated Programming Support Environment Internet Protocol Security Implementation Program for Safety Operations [Africa] Integrated Product/Project Team [F-22 Raptor] Intelligent Power Terminal Intermediate Pressure Turbine Internal Processing Time Image Processing Unit Integrated Power Unit Integrated Processor Unit Interface Processor Unit Improve Internet Protocol Version 4 Internet Protocol Version 6 Institut für Physikalische Weltraumforschung [DE] In-Phase/Quatrature [Channels, MTI-Radar] Intelligence Quotient The Institute of Quality Assurance [UK] Intrinsic Quality Factor Integrated Quality Management Initial Qualification Testing im Ruhestand [DE] Ice on Runway (Eis auf der Rollbahn) Identified Risk Illumination Rate Implementing Rule Impulse Response Induced Radiation Information Rate Information Requirement Infrared (Infrarot) Initial Radiation Inspection Report Instrument Rating Integrated Receiver 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 IR  IR  IR  IR  Ir  I2R  IRA  IRA  IRAD  IRAD  IRADS  IRADS  IRAM  IRAS  IRAS  IRAS  IRBM  IRC  IRCC  IRCCD  IRCCM  IRCM  IRCS  IR&D  IR&D  IR-Detektor  IRD  IRD  IRD  IRD  IRD  IRD  IrDA  IRDF  IRDS  IRDT  IRE  IREN  IR/EO  IR-EVS  IREW  IREXP  IRF  IRF  IRFB  IRFPA  IRI  IRID  IRIG  IRINT, Irint  IRIS, Iris  IRIS  IRIS

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Intelligence Requirement Interne Revision [BWB] Interrogator-Responder Ireland Iridium [chem. Symbol] Imaging Infrared Infrared Astronomy Inertial Reference Assembly Independent Research and Development Internal Research and Development Infrared Acquisition and Detection System Infrared Attack & Designation System [F-117] Integrated Random Access Memory Infrared Alerting System Infrared Augmentation System Interactive Radar Analysis System Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile International Replay Coupon (Internationaler Antwortschein) International Radio Consultative Committee Infrared Charge-Coupled Devices Infrared Counter Countermeasures Infrared Countermeasures International Call Sign Independent Research and Development Industry Research & Development Infrarotdetektor [DE] Incidental Radiation Devices Infrared Detection Initial Requirements Document Integrated Receiver/Decoder Interface Requirements Document Interoperability Requirements Document Infrared Data Association Infrared Direction Finding Infrared Detecting System Inflatable Re-entry and Descent Technology Institution of Radio Engineers [UK] Incident Reporting European Network Infrared/Electro-Optical Infrared - Enhanced Vision System Infrared Electronic Warfare Infrared Expendables Immediate Reaction Force [NATO] Interrogation Repetition Frequency International Frequency Registration Board Infrared Focal Plane Array Ionosperic Research Instrument Infrared Identification Inter-Range Instrumentation Group Infrared Intelligence Infrared Imaging System Integrated Radio Information System Integrated Risk Information System

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 IRIS  IRIS  IRIS  IRIS  IRIS-T  IRIS-T-SL  IRJ  IRL  IRLS  IRM  IRMA  IRMS  IRMWS  IROV  IRP  IRPA  IRQ  IRR  IRR  IRRS  IRS  IRS  IRS  IRS  IRS  IRS  IRS  IRS  IRS  IRSC  IRSCAN  IRSIM  IRSL  IRSM  IRST  IRST  IRSTS  IRT  IRT  IRT  IRT  IRT  IRT  IRTH  IRTS  IRU  IR/UV  IRV  IRVR  IRWR  IS  IS  IS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Integrierte, Rechnergestützte Informations-Steuerung Intelligence Reconnaissance Imaging System Interactive Reconnaissance and Interpretation System Internet Router In Space Infrared Imaging System-Tail/Thrust vector controlled IRIS-T - Surface Launched Infrared Jammer Ireland Infrared Line Scanner (Infraroter Zeilenscanner) Image Rejection Mixer Infrared Modeling and Analysis Integrated Radio Management System Infrared Missile Warning System Flugkörperwarnung auf Infrarotbasis] Intervention Remotetly Operated Vehicle Integrated Risk Picture International Radiation Protection Association Interrupt Request (Unterbrechungsanfrage) Infrared Radiation Intelligence Radar Reporting Infrared Reconnaissance System [Aufklärung auf Infrarotbasis] Inertial Reference Sensor (Inertial- bzw Trägheitsreferenzsensor) Inertial Reference System (Inertial- bzw Trägheitsreferenzsystem) Infrared Surveillance (Infrarot-Überwachung) [Sbirs] Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme [Uni Stuttgart] Interface Requirements Specification (Spezifikation der Schnittstellenforderungen) Internal Reporting System Internal Revenue Service Infrared Signature (Infrarotsignatur) Intrusion Response System Infrared Signature Control Infrared Scan (Infrarotabtastung) Infrared Simulation Infrared Searchlight Infrared Surveillance Measures Infrared Search and Track [Zielsuche und Zielverfolgung auf Infrarotbasis] Intelligence, Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Tracking Infrared Search and Track Sensor Independent Review Team [US] Initial Response Team Infrared Telescope Input Recovery Time Interrogation Repetition Time (Wiederholzeit der Abfrage bei Interrogatoren) Institut für Rundfunktechnik [DE] Infrared Terminal Homing (Endphasenlenkung auf Infrarotbasis) Infrared Threat Simulator Inertial Reference Unit [autonome Navigation] Infrared/Ultra-Violet Infrared Vision (Wärmebild) Instrument Runway Visual Range Infrared Warning Receiver (Warnempfänger auf Infrarotbasis) Iceland Indirect Synthesis Information Superiority 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 IS  IS  IS  IS  IS  IS  IS  IS  ISA  ISA  ISA  ISA  ISA  ISA  ISA  ISA  ISA  ISA  ISAF  ISAN  ISAP  ISAR  ISARI . ISAS  ISAS  ISAT  ISAW  ISB  ISB  ISBN  ISC  ISC  ISC  ISCS  ISD  ISD  ISD  IDS  ISD  ISDB  ISDB  ISDN  ISDS  ISDS  ISDU  ISE  ISF  ISG  ISG  ISHM  ISI  ISI  ISI

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Information System Integrated Systems Interface Specification (Schnittstellenspezifikation) Interim Standard Intermediate System Interswitch Isotropstrahler [DE] Italian Singleseater [Eurofighter] Independent Safety Auditor Industry Standard Architecture [ISA PC Bus] Inertial Sensor Assembly Innovative Slot Allocation Integrated Servo-Actuator International Standard Atmosphere (Internationale Standard- bzw Normalatmosphäre) International Standardization Agreement Instantaneous Self-Assessment Instruction Set Architecture Instrumentation Society of America International Security Armed/Assistance Force [Afghanistan] Integrity for Satellite Navigation International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science Integrated Situational Awareness System Integrated Situational Awareness & Targeting International Society of Aviation Writers Independent Sideband Intermediate Staging-Base International Standard Book Number Industrial Source Complex [Model] Integrated Systems Controller International Suppliers Center Integrated Sensor Control System In-Service Date (Einführungsdatum) In-Service Decision Integrated Self-Defense Integrated Standby Display Integrated Systems Development Integrated Satcom Database Integrated Signal Data Base Integrated Services Digital Network Infantry Self-Defense System In-Service Data system Inertial System Display Unit Information Security Engineering Integrated Support Facility Industry Specification Group Information Synchronization Group Integrated Structural Health Monitoring Institute for Scientific Information Inter-Symbol Interference Inter-System Interface

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26. Juni 2013


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 ISIM  ISIS  ISIS  ISIS  ISIS  ISISS  ISL  ISLN, Isln  ISLS  ISM  ISM  ISM  ISMF  ISMG  ISMLS  ISMS  ISMS  ISNS  ISO  ISO  ISO 9000  ISO 14000  Isol  ISONET  ISOPA  ISOR  ISOS  ISP  ISP  ISP  ISP  ISP  ISP  ISPA  ISPR  ISPR  ISPS  ISPS  ISPS  ISQMS  ISR  ISR  ISR  ISR  ISR  ISR  ISR  ISR  ISRBM  ISRC  ISRO  ISS 167218

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Integrated Safety Investigation Methodology Integrated Standby Instrument System Integrated Strike and Interception System Integrated Submarine Imaging System International Satellites for Ionospheric Studies Integrated Sigint Sensor System Integrated Sidelobe Level Isolation Interrogation Side Lobe Suppression Industrial, Scientific and Medical [Applications] Information Security Management Information Supply Management Information Security Management Framework Institute Strategy and Management Group [Eurocontrol] Interim Standard MLS In-flight Safety Monitoring System Integrated Survival Management System International Satellite Navigation Service Infrared Space Observatory International Standards Organization [Genf] (Internationaler Normenausschuss) ISO-Empfehlungen hinsichtlich Qualitätsmanagementsystemen [DIN] ISO-Empfehlung hinsichtlich Umwelt-Management [Minimierung der negativenUmwelt-Einflüssen] Isolated ISO information Network ISO Protocol Architecture Initial Statement of Requirements Inertially Stabilized Optronic Sensor Integrated Safety Plan Integrated Sensing and Processing Integrated Support Plan Integrated Switching Panel International Standardized Profile Internet Service Provider (Anbieter von Internetzugängen) Instrumented Series Production Aircraft In-Service Performance Review International Standard Payload Rack Information Security Policy Statement Integrated Self-Protection System (integriertes Selbstschutzsystem) International Ship Port-facility Security Integrated Safety and Quality Management System Image Storage and Retrieval Independent Standby Radio Initial Service Release Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Interference-to-Signal Ratio Integrated Signature Reduction Interrupt Service Routine In-Service Review Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Battle Management [USAF] International Search and Rescue Convention Indian Space Research Organization Imaging Seeker Surrogate

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ISS  ISS  ISS . ISS  ISS  ISS  ISS  ISS  ISS  ISS  ISS  ISS  ISS  ISSC  ISSC  ISSCC  ISSN  ISSN  ISSN  ISSO  ISSPU  IST  ISTAR  ISTF  ISTS  ISU  ISU  ISU  ISUS  ISVA  ISW  I&T  IT  IT  IT  IT  IT  IT  IT, It  ITA  ITA  ITA  ITA  ITA  ITA  ITAA  ITAA  ITAC  ITAC  ITACS  ITAG  ITALD . ITAR

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Impending Stall Speed Implementation Support Services Indonesian Space Society Information Satellite System Information Support System Information Systems Sector Information Systems Security Integrated Instrument System (integriertes Instrumentensystem) Integrated Satellite System Integrated Sensor System (integriertes Sensorsystem) Integrated Surveillance System (integriertes Überwachungssystem) [Rockwell Collins] Intelligent Sensor System (intelligentes Sensorsystem) International Space Station (Internationale Raumstation) International Seminars and Symposia Centre International Solid-State Conference (Internationale Halbleiter-Konferenz) International Solid-State Circuit Conference Integrated Space Surveillance Network Intermediate System Subnetwork International Standard Serial Number Information Systems Security Organization [NSA] Integrated Surveillance System Processor Unit Integrated System Test Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance Integrated Systems Test Facility Integrated Space Transport System Initial Signal Unit Integrated Sensor Unit International Space University [Strasburg] Integrated Submarine System Intelligenter Sensor-Verbund Aufklärung [Bw] Integrated Strike Warfare Integration and Testing Inclusive Tour (Pauschalreise) Independently Targetable Information Technology (Informationstechnik) Interactive Touchscreen Internationaler Ton [DE] Italian Twinseater [Eurofighter] Italy, Italien Independent Technical Authority Industry Technical Agreement Institut du Transport Aérien [Paris] (Institut für den Lufttransport) Internationales Telegrafen-Alphabet International Trade in Arms/Armaments Italy, Italien Information Technology Association of America Inspection Technique de l’Armée de l’Air [FR] Integrated Tactical-Aircraft Control Intelligence and Threat Analysis Center [USA] Integrated Tactical Air Control System [USAF] Inertial Terrain-Aided Guidance Improved Tactical Air Launched Decoy (verbessertes TALD) International Traffic in Armas Regulation

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 ITL  ITALSAT  ITAM  IT-AmtBw  ITAP  ITAR  ITARS  ITAS  ITAS  ITB  ITC  ITC  ITCM  ITD  ITD  ITE  ITE  ITEC  ITEM  ITEMS  ITEWS  ITG  ITG  ITGA  ITI  ITI  ITI  ITIL  ITK  ITLw  ITM  ITM  ITNS  ITO  ITO  ITP  ITP  ITP  ITP  ITP  ITP  ITP  ITP  ITP  ITPR  ITPS  ITQ  ITR  ITR  ITR  ITRB  IST 167218

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Information Technology Laboratory [US, NIST] Italian Satellite [Comsat] Integrated Task Analysis Methodology Das Bundesamt für Informationsmanagement und Informationstechnik der Bundeswehr [DE] Interim Track Analysis Program International Trade/Traffic in Arms Regulations/Rules Integrated Terrain Access and Retrieval System Improved Target Acquisition System Integrated Tactical Avionics System Integrated Test Bed [NATO] Industrial Telecom Bus Internet Traffic Control Integrated Tactical Countermeasures (integrierte, taktische Gegenmaßnahmen) [EloKa] Interactive Touchscreen Display Interim Trainings Device [Eurofighter] Information Technology Equipment Institute of Telecommunications Engineers International Training and Education Conference [UK] (Internationale Konferenz für Training und Fortbildung) Integrated Test and Maintenance (integrierte Prüfung und Wartung) Interactive Tactical Environment Management System [USA] Integrated Tactical Electronic Warfare System Informationstechnische Gesellschaft [VDE, DE] Interdiction Target Graphic Improved Target Geolocation Accuracy Information Technology Industry [Council] Interactive Terminal Interface (Interaktive Datenstationsschnittstelle) Italian Interface IT Infrastructure Library Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik [DE, Bw] Informationstechnik der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw] Information Technology Management Internet Traffic Management Intagrated Tactical Navigation System Independent Test Organization Indium-Tin Oxide [chem. Verbindung] Industria de Turbo Propulsores In-Trail Procedure [Airbus: Programm] Initial Technical Proposal (Erstes Technisches Angebot) [US] Innovation and Technology Partnership [EDA] Instruction To Proceed [UK] Integrated Technical Planning Integrated Test Plan Intention To Purchase (Kaufabsicht) Invitation to Propose (Einladung zum Anbieten) IR Temperature-Profile Radiometer International Test Pilot’s School [UK] Invitation To Qualify Initial Technical Review Integrated-Technology Rotor [USA] International Transit Route Information Technology Review Board Imagery Transmission System

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ITS  ITS  ITS  ITS  ITSE  ITSEC  IT-SM  ITSO  IT-SP  ITSS  ITSTC  IT-SysBw  ITT  ITT  ITT  ITTS  ITU  ITU  ITU  ITU FA  ITV  ITV  ITV  ITV  ITV  ITV  ITV  ITW  ITW  ITWS  ITZ  IU  IU  IU  IU  IUE  IUG  IuK  IUKADGE  IUMS  IUPS  IUS  IUSS  IUT  i.V.  IV  IV  IV  IV  IVA  IVA  IVAO  IVCS

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Independent Target System Integrated Test System Intelligent Transportation System Intelligent Tutoring System Integrated Test and Support Environment Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria Information Technology Service Management International Telecommunications Satellite Organization Information Technology Service Process Integrated Tactical Surveillance System [USA] Information Technology Steering Committee Das IT-System der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Innovation and Technology Transfer Interstage Turbine Temperature Invitation To Tender (Einladung zum Angebot) Instrumentation Targets and Threat Simulation International Telecommunications Union [UNO, Genf] (Internationale Fernmelde-Behörde) Interrogator -Translator Unit IT-Unterstützung [DE, Bw] IT-Unterstützung Fähigkeitsanalyse [DE, Bw] Inclination To Vertical [Fallschirm] Improved TOW Vehicle Independently Targeted Vehicle Instrumented Test Vehicle Integrated Test Vehicle Internally Transportable Vehicle Interplanetary Transfer Vehicle [Raumfahrt] Initial Training Wing [RAF] Integrated Threat Warning Integrated Terminal Weather Station Informationstechnisches Zentrum [DE] Illuminated Unit Image Understanding Input Unit Interface Unit International UV Explorer Intelligence Users’ Guide Information und Kommunikation [DE, Bw] Improved UK Air Defense Ground Environment Integrated Utilities Management System Internal Uninterruptible Power Supply Inertial Upper Stage Integrated Undersea Surveillance System Instructor Under Training in Vetretung [DE] Independent Verification Intelligent Vehicle Interactive Voice Isolation Valve Input Video Amplifier Intravehicular Activity International Virtual Aviation Organisation Integrated Vehicle Communications System

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 IVD  IVDT  IVDU  IVH  IVHM  IVHMS  IVHS  IVI  IVIS  IVM  IVMS  IVR  IVS  IVS  IVS  IVS  IVSC  IVSI  IVSN  IVU  IV&V  IVV  I&W  I&W  IW  IW  IW  IW  IWA  IWA  IWAAS  IWAC  IWBR  IWC  IWC  IWC  IWCE  IWDS  IWF  IWG  IWG  IWG  IWI  IWI  IWIDS  IWK  IWL  IWN  IWP  IWR  IWS  IWS  IWS 167218

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Interactive Voice Disc Integrated Voice Data Terminal Intelligent Visual Display Unit Integrated Vehicle Health Integrated Vehicle Health Management Integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring System Intelligent Vehicle Highway System Interchangeable Virtual Instrumentation Inter-Vehicular Information System Informationsverbund Marine [DE, Bw] Integrated Vehicle Management System Instrumented Visual Range Inertial Vertical Speed Intelligent Vehicle System Interactive Video System Interactive Voice System Integrated Vehicle Subsystem Controller Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator [Variometer] Initial Voice Switched Network Inflatable Vision Unit Independent Validation and Verification Instantaneous Vertical Velocity Indications & Warning Intelligence & Warning Information Warfare Inside Wiring Integrated Waveform Intelligence Wing International Workshop Agreement Internationale Waffenausstellung [DE] Initial Wide Area Augmentation System Integrated Weapon Aiming Computer Independent Wideband Repeater Information Warfare Center Information-operations Warfare Commander Integrated Weapon Complex International Wireless Communications Expo Integrated Weapons Delivery System Integrated Warning Function Integrated Waveguide Intelligence Working Group Internet Working Group Illuminated Wind Indicator Interceptor Weapons Instructor Integrated Weather Information Display System Internationale Weltkarte [DE] Interoperability Watch List Integrated Wireless Network Intermediate Waypoint Instrument Weather Rating Information Warfare Squadron Integrated Warfare System [USN] Integrated Weapons System [USN] 26. Juni 2013

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Intelligence Work Station Integrated Weapon System Data Base International Weapon System Support Centre [Eurofighter] International Weapon System Support System [Eurofighter] Indications and Warning Training System Infantry Weapon Training Simulator [DE, Bw] Information Exploitation Officer [DARPA] Institut für Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration [DE, Frauenhofer]

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

J   J  J  J, j  J  J-10  JA  JAA  JAA  JAA  JAADS  JAAF  JAAR  JAAS  JAAT  Jabo  JaboG  JAC  JAC  JAC  JACC  JACIS  JACTS  JAD  JADO  JADT  JADT  JAFE  JAFF  JaFlz  Jafü  JAG  JAGM  JaHs  JAIC  JAIC  JAIS  JaK  JAL  JALO  JAMES  JAMS  Jan  JAN  JANAF  JAOC  JAP  JAPCC 167218

Kurzzeichen für Juliett [ICAO-Alphabet] Jet Joule [Energieeinheit] Jammer, jamming (Störer, Störung) Multirole Fighter von CAC [VR China] Joint Action (Beschluss) Japan Aeronautics Association Joint Airworthiness Authorities [Europe] (Zusammenschluss Europäischer Lufttüchtigkeitsbehörden) Joint Aviation Authorities (Zusammenschluss bzw Vereinigung europäischer Luftfahrtbehörden) Joint Allied Air Defense System Joint Action Armed Forces Joint After Action Report Joint Architecture for Aircraft Survivability Joint Air Attack Team Jagdbomber [CH, DE] (Fighter Bomber) Jagdbombergeschwader [DE, Bw] (Fighter Bomber Wing) Joint Air Command Joint Airworthiness Code Joint Analysis Center Joint Airspace Control Center Joint Applications Command Information System Joint Air Combat Training Squadron [USAF, USN] Joint Application Design Joint Air Defense Operations Joint Avionics Design Team Joint Avionics Development Team Joint Advanced Fighter Engine Jammer-illuminated Chaff [auch: Jaff] Jagdflugzeug [AT] Jagdführer [DE] Jagdausbildungsgeschwader [DE] Joint Air-to-Ground Missile Jagdhubschrauber [AT] Japanese Aircraft Industry Council Joint Air Intelligence Center Japan Air Intelligence System Jagdkampf [AT] Japan Airlines (Japanische Fluggesellschaften) Joint Air-Land Organisation Joint Asset Management Engineering Solutions Jamming Analysis Measurement System January (Januar) Joint Army-Navy Joint Army-Navy-Air Force [Publications] Joint Air Operations Center Jahresausbildungsplan [DE] Joint Air Power Competence Centre [NATO] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 JAR  JAR  JAR  JARA  JAR-ATS-OPS  JAR-AWO  JAR-FCL  JAR-OPS  JARIC  JART  JAS  JAS-39  JASA  JASDF  Jasmin  JASO  JASS  JASS  JASSM  JASSM-ER  JAST  JASU  JAT  JAT  JAT  JAT  JAT  JATAS  JATAS  JATE  JATO  JATO  JATS  JATS  JAWS  JAWS  JAWS  JAWS  JAXA  JB  JB  JBG, JaboG  JBOX  JCA  JCA  JCA  JCA  JCA  JCAB  JCAS  JCAT  JCC

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Joint Activity Report Joint Airworthiness Requirements (gemeinsame Lufttüchtigkeitsforderungen) Joint Aviation Requirements [Europe] Joint Airborne Recce Assessment Joint Aviation Requirements - Air Traffic Services-Operations JAR - All Weather Operations (JAR-Allwettereinsätze) Joint Aviation Requirements - Flight Crew Licensing [JAA] Joint Airworthiness Requirements Operations Joint Air Reconnaissance and Intelligence Centre [UK] Joint Assessment and Ranking Team Jakt (Jagd) Attack (Angriff) Spaning (Aufklärung) [Schweden] Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Mehrzweckjäger] von Saab Aerosystems Joint Airborne Sigint Architecture (gemeinsame luftg. Signal-Aufklärungs-Architektur) Japanese Air Self-Defense Forces (Japanische Luftstreitkräfte) Joint Auswertesystem des Militärischen Nachrichtenwesens [DE, Bw] [Joint Analysis Military Intelligence] Joint Air Support Organization [UK] Joint Airborne Sigint System Joint Anti-Submarine School [UK] Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile [US] (gemeinsamer Bodenziel-Abstandslenkflugkörper) JASSM Extended Range (JASSM mit größerer Einsatzreichweite) Joint-service Advanced Strike Technology [F-35 JSF] Jet Aircraft Starting Unit (Anlasseinheit für Strahlflugzeuge) Jam Angle Track Joint Acceptance Test Joint Aircraft Team Joint Analysis Team Joint Avionics Team [Eurofighter] Joint Aircraft Threat Awareness System [USN, NAVAIR] Joint and Allied Threat Awareness System Joint Air Transport Establishment Jammer Techniques Optimization Jet-Assisted Take-Off Jamming Analysis and Transmission Selection Joint Air Traffic Services Jamming And Warning System Joint Advanced Weapons System Joint Airport Weather Studies Joint Attack Weapon System Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency Jet-probelled Bomb Junction Box Jagdbombergeschwader [DE, Bw] (Fighter Wing) Junction Box Jamming Control Authority Joint Capability Area Joint Combat Aircraft [UK] Joint Cargo Aircraft [US] Jamming Control Authority Japanese Civil Aviation Bureau Joint Close Air Support Joint Crisis Action Team Joint Commander Center

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 JCC, JC2  JCCB  JCDP  JCDR  JCEWS  JCF  JCIT  JCM  JCMP  JCN  JCOP  JCP  JCPoF  JCS  JCSAR  JCSDA  Jct  JCTD  JCTP  JCSC  JCSS  JD  JDA  JDA  JDAM  JDCP  JDEM  JDF  JDF  JDL  JDN  JDN  JDP  JDS  JDSS  JECM  JED  JEDEC  JEFX  JEL  JEM  JEPAC  JESS  JET  JETDS  JETEC  Jetp  JETS  Jett  JEWC  JF-7  JF 90  JFACC 167218

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Joint Common Configuration Joint Configuration Control Board Joint Conceptual Definition Phase Joint Critical Design Review Joint Combat Electronic Warfare System Joint Communications Facility Joint Combat Information Terminal Joint Common Missile Joint Common Missile Program [US] Joint Communications Network Joint Common Operational Picture [NATO] Joint Certification Procedures Joint Command Post of the Future Joint Chiefs of Staff [USAF/USN] Joint Combat Search And Rescue Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation Junction Joint Capability Technology Demonstration Joint Concept Technology Program Joint Communications Satellite Center Japan Combat Support System Julian Day Japan Defense Agency Joint Deployment Agency Joint Direct Attack Munition (gemeinsame Direkt-Angriffsmunition) Joint Development Concept Phase Joint Dark Energy Mission [NASA] Japanese Defense Force Joint Development Facility Joint Directors of Laboratories Joint Data Network Julian Day Number Joint Definition Phase (gemeinsame Definitionsphase) Joint Deployment System Joint Decision Support System Joint Electronic Countermeasures The Journal of Electronic Defense [US, AOC-Magazine] Joint Electron Device Engineering Council Joint Expeditionary Force Experiment Joint Electronic Library Jet Engine Modulation Joint Electronic Protection foc Air Combat Joint Exercise Support System Joint Estimate Team Joint Electronics Type Designation System [NATO] Joint Expendable Turbine Engine Concepts Jet-Propelled Joint Emitter Targeting System Jettison [auch: Jtsn] Joint Electronic Warfare Center [US] (gemeinsames EloKa-Zentrum) Fighter Aircraft [PRC] Jagdflugzeug 90 [DE, Eurofighter] Joint Forces Air Component Command [NATO] 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 JFC  JFC  JFCCs  JFCOM  JFET  JFI  JFM  JFMO  JFN  JFS  JFS  JFST  JFTL  JFTOT  JFTP  JFX  Jg  JG  JGr  JgRgt  JGSDF  JFC  JHC  JHL  JHMCS  JHPSSL  JHQ  JHSU  JHSV  JI  JI  JIADS  JIAMD  JIAWG  JIB  JIC  JIC  JIC  JIC  JIDS  JIF  JIIM  JIM  JIMM  JIO  JIOC  JIOWC  JIS  JIS  JIS  JISA  JISC  JISE

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Joint Forces Commander Joint Functional Concept Joint Force Component Commands [NATO] Joint Forces Command Junction Field Effect Transistor Joint Force Integrator Joint Force Memorandum Joint Frequency Management Office Joint Forces Network Jet Fuel Starter Joint Fire Support (Streitkräftegemeinsame Feuerunterstützung) Joint Fire Support Team Joint Future Theater Lift [USA] Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidation Tester Joint Flight Test Plan Joint Forces Exercise Jäger [AT, DE, Bw/Lw] Jagdgeschwader [DE, Bw/Lw] Jagdgruppe [DE, Bw] Jägerregiment [DE, Bw] Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Joint Force Commander Joint Helicopter Command Joint Heavy Lift [gemeinsamer Schwerlasten-Helikopter] Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (gemeinsames helmmontiertes Nachführsystem) Joint High-Powered Solid-State Laser Joint Headquarters [NATO] Joint Helicopter Support Unit Joint High-Speed Vessel Joint Implementation Joint Inspection Joint Integrated Air Defence System Joint Integrated Airborne Missile Defense Joint Industrial Avionics Working Group Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Information Center Joint Intelligence Cell Joint Intelligence Center Joint Intelligence Concept Joint Intrusion Detection System Joint Integration Facility Joint Intelligence Information Management JESS Intelligence Model Joint Integrated Mission Model Joint Intelligence Organization Joint Intelligence Operations Center [US DoD] Joint Information Operations Warfighting Center Japanese Industrial Standard Joint Information System Joint Interface System Joint Intelligence Support Architecture Joint Intelligence Support Center Joint Intelligence Support Element

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 JISI  JISR  JISS  JIT  JITC  JITF  JJs  JLE  JLENS  JLSG  JLTV  JM  JMA  JMASS  JMC  JMCC  JMCIS  JMIC  JMPS  Jmr  JMRR  JMSDF  JMSP  J/N  JNN  JNR  JNT  JNTC  JOA  JOC  JOC  JOCC  JOE  JOR  JOT  JOT&E  JOTS  JP  JP  JP  JP  JP  JPALS  JPATS  JPDO  JPEG  JPEO  JPF  JPG  JPI  JPL  JPN . JPO


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Joint Intelligence System Integration Joint Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Japan Intelligence Support System Joint Implementation Team [Eurocontrol] Joint Interoperbility Test Center Joint Integration Testing Facility Josephson Junctions Jammer Locator Electronics Joint Land Attack Elevated Netted Sensor [Cruise Missile Defense] Joint Logistic Support Group Joint Light Tactical Vehicle [USMC] Joint Mission Joint Mission Analysis Joint Modeling and Simulation System Joint Maritime Course Joint Mobile Command Center Joint Maritime Command and Information System [USN, NATO] Joint Military Intelligence College [Bolling AFB] Joint Mission Planning System Jammer Joint Military Readiness Review Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force Joint Multispectral Sensor Program Jammer-to-Noise Joint Networking Nodes Jamming-to-Noise Ratio Joint (gemeinsam) Joint National Training Capability Joint Operations Area Joint Operations Center Joint Operations Concept Joint Operations Command Center Joint Operating Environment Joint Operational Requirements Joint Operational Team Joint Operational Test & Evaluation Joint Operational Tactical System Jamming Pulse Jet Pilot Jet Propellant Jet Propulsion Joint Publication Joint Precision Approach and Landing System [USAF, USN] Joint Primary Aircraft Training System [primäres Pilotentrainingsflugzeug der USAF und USN] Joint Planning and Development Office [US] Joint Photographic Experts Group [Arbeitsgruppe von ISO und ITU] Joint Program Executive Office Joint Programmable Fuze Joint Planning Group Joint Precision Interdiction [NATO] (gemeinsamer Präzisionsangriff) Jet Propulsion Laboratory [US, Caltech] Joint Planning Network Japanese Patent Office

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 JPO  JPOW  JPRS  JPS  JPT  JPz  JQ-5J  JQR  JR  JRA  JRC  JRC  JRCC  JRFL  JRG  JRP  JRRF  JRS  JRTC  J/S  JS  JS  JSA  JSAF  JSAT  JSC  JSC  JSC  JSC  JSCP  JSDF  JSEF  JSF  JSIMS  JSIPS  JSIR  JSME  JSOC  JSOR  JSOW  JSP  JSPOC  JSR  JSR  JSR  J/S-Ratio  JSRC  JSRR  JSS  JSS  JSS  JSST  JSST

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Joint Project Office [US] (gemeinsames Projektbüro) Joint Project Optic Windmill Joint Publications Research Service Joint Processing System Jet-Pipe Temperature (Strahldüsen-Temperatur) Jagdpanzer [DE, Bw] Fortgeschrittenentrainer von Hongdu Aviation Industry Group [VR China] Joint Qualification Requirement Jam Resistance Joint Rotary-wing Aircraft Joint Reconnaissance Center Joint Resources Council Joint Reception Coordination Center Joint Restricted Frequency List Joint Review Group Joint Requirements Panel Joint Rapid Reaction Force [NATO] Joint Reporting Structure Joint Readiness Training Center Jammer-to-Signal Ratio Jamming System (Störsystem) The Joint Staff Joint Security Area Joint Sigint Avionics Family Joint System Acceptance Test Johnson Space Center [US; Houston] Joint Security Commission Joint Spectrum Center Joint Steering Committee Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan Japanese Self Defense Force (Streitkräfte Japans) Joint Satcom Engineering Center Joint Strike Fighter [US] (gemeinsames Angriffs-Kampfflugzeug) Joint Simulation System Joint Services Imagery Processing System Joint Spectrum Interference Resolution Joint Spectrum Management Element Joint Special Operations Command Joint Services Operational Requirements Joint Stand-Off Weapon (gemeinsame Abstandswaffe) Joint Services Publication Joint Space Operation Center Joint Staff Requirements (gemeinsame Stabsforderungen) Jammer Saturation Range (Störsignal-Sättigungs-Reichweite) Jammer Support Receiver Jamming-to-Signal Ratio [auch: JSR] (Stör-zu-Nutzsignal-Verhältnis) Joint Search and Rescue Center Jamming-to-Signal Ratio Required Joint Support Service Joint Support Ship Joint Surveillance System Joint Space Support Team Joint Special Support Team

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 JST  J-Stars  JSTeF  JT  JTA  JTA  JTAC  JTAC  JTACMS  JTAEWS  JTAGS  JTAO  JTARS  JTC  JTC  JTC  JTD  JTDE  JT&E  JTEB  JTF  JTF  JTF-GNO  JTI  JTIC  JTIDS, J-Tids  JTL  JTLS  JTN  JTO  JTRS  JTSC  JTT  JTTP  JTSO  JTST  JTU  JTUAV  JU  J-UCAS  Jul  Jun  JV, J/V  JV  JVB  JVE  JVIDS  JVMF  JWA  JWAC  JWARN  JWARS  JWC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Joy Stick (Steuerknüppel) Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System [luftg. Bodenüberwachungsradarsystem] JTRS Science and Technology Forum Joint Test Joint Technical Architecture Joint Test Assembly Joint Tactical Air Controllers Joint Tactical Attack Controller [früher: FAC] Joint Tactical Missile System Joint Tactical Air Electronic Warfare Study Joint Tactical Ground Station Joint Tactical Air Operations Joint Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance System Joint Tactical Command Joint Technical Committee [ISO/IEC] Joint Technology Center Joint Test Director Joint Technology Demonstrator Engine [USAF/USN] Joint Test & Evaluation Joint Test and Evaluation Board Joint Tactical Fusion Joint Task Force Joint Task Force - Global Network Operations Joint Technology Initiative Joint Transportation Intelligence Center Joint Tactical Information Distribution System [Informationsaustauschsystem der NATO] Joint Target List Joint Theatre Level Simulation [NATO] Joint Targeting Network Joint Technology Office [US] Joint Tactical Radio System [US] Joint Technology Steering Committee Joint Tactics Terminal Joint Tactics, Techniques and Procedures Joint Technical Standanrd Order Jet Stream Joint Test Unit Joint Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Joint Undertaking Joint - Unmanned Combat Air System July (Juli) June (Juni) Joint Venture Joint Vision Joint Virtual Battlespace Joint Verification Experiment Joint Visual Integrated Display System Joint Variable Message Format John Wayne Airport [CA] Joint Warfare Analysis Center Joint Warning And Reporting Network Joint Warfare Analysis and Requirements System Joint Warfare Center 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense


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Joint Warfighting Capability Objective Joint Warfighting Center Joint Working Group Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System Joint Warfighter Interoperability Demonstration [NATO] Joint Weather Impacts System [USAF] James Webb Space Telescope Joint Warfighting Science and Technology Plan

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26. Juni 2013


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

K   k  K  k  K  K  K  K  K

Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen

für für für für für für für für

das Präfix Kilo [Zahlenwert 103] Kilo [ICAO-Alphabet] die Boltzmannkonstante [Radar] die Temperatureinheit Kelvin Tanker [UK, US, Flugzeugtyp] Kerosin Krieg [CH] Korvette

 K 130  KA  kA  KA  Ka  Ka-27/28  Ka-29  Ka-31  Ka-32  Ka-50  Ka-52  Ka-60  Ka-62  Ka-137

Korvette Klasse 130 [DE] Kill Assessment Kiloampere Knotenamt [DE] Kamov, Kamow [Hubschrauberhersteller; Russland]

 KAD  KAF  KAI  Kap  KAL  KAR . KARI  KARLDAP  Kas  KasGel  KasKdt  kb, kbit  KBA  KB  KB  KB  kbps  KBps  KBS  KBU  KByte  kc  KC

Korpsaufklärungsdrohne [DE, Bw] Kuwait Air Force Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. Kapitel [DE] Key Asset List Karlsruhe [DE] Korea Aerospace Reaserch Institute Karlsruhe automatic Data Processing and display system Kaserne [DE, Bw] Kasernengelände [DE, Bw] Kasernenkommandant [DE, Bw] Kilobit Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt [DE] Kilobyte Kleinbombe [DE] Knowledge Base kilobits per second Kilobytes per second Knowledge-Based System Keyboard Unit Kilobyte Kilocycle Tanker Cargo (Tank- und Fracht-Flugzeug) [US, Flugzeugtyp]

 KC-10A

Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von The Boeing Co.


ASW-Hubschraubertyp von Kamow Land- und Bordgestützter Mehrzwecktransporthubschraubertyp von Kamow Land- und Bordgestützter AEW-Hubschraubertyp von Kamow Ziviler, mittelschwerer Transporthubschraubertyp von Kamow Kampfhubschraubertyp von Kamow Kampfhubschraubertyp von Kamow Unterstützungshubschraubertyp von Kamow Unterstützungshubschraubertyp von Kamow Mehrzweckdrohne von Kamow 

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 KC-30  KC-130F/R/T  KC-135A/E  KC-135R  KC-767  kcal  KCAS  KCCU  kc/s  KDA  KDAR  KdB, KdBw  KDC  KDH  KDH  KDIA  Kdo  KdoFhr  KdoFOSK  KdoKp  KdoMFüSys  KdoOpFüLuSK  KdoStraAufkl  KDP  KDP  KDR  KDR  Kdr  KDT  Kdt  KE  KEAS  KEI  KEK  KEK  KEL  KEM  KEP  KEP  KEP  KEPD, Kepd  KEW  KFA  KFK  KF  Kf  Kfir 2000  Kfir C2  Kfir C7  KFOR  KFP  KfR  KfV

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Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Northrop Grumman Corp. Militärischer Tanker von Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co. Stratotanker: Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Boeing Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Boeing Militärischer Tanker/Transporter von Boeing Kilogram-calorie Knots Calibrated Airspeed Keyboard Cursor Control Unit [Airbus A380] kilocycles per second (Kilohertz, kHz) Kreuzdipolantenne [Funkpeilung, DE] Kleindrohne-Anti-Radar [DE, Bw] Konzeption der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Key Distribution Center Kampfdrohne Heer [DE, Bw] Kleindrohne Heer [DE, Bw] Korea Defense Industry Association Kommando [DE, Bw] Kommandoführer [DE, Bw] Kommando Führung Operationen Spezialkräfte [DE, Bw] Kommandokompanie [DE, Bw] Kommando Marineführungssystem [DE, Bw] Kommando Operative Führung Luftstreitkräfte [DE, Bw] Kommando Strategische Aufklärung [DE, Bw] Key Data Processor Key Decision Points Keyboard Data Recorder Knowledge Deficiency Report Kommandeur [DE, Bw] Keyboard Display Terminal Komanandant [DE, Bw] Kinetic Energy Knots Equivalent Airspeed Kinetic Energy Interceptor Key Encryption Key Kinetic Energy Kill Komponenten Experimentalprogramm Luft [DE] Kinetic Energy Missile (LFK kinetischer Energie) Key Emmiter Parameters Kinetic Energy Penetrator Kourier-, Express- und Paketdienste [DE] KEP and Destroyer (Durchschlags- und Zerstörungsswaffe kinet. Energie) [Taurus] Kinetic Energy Weapons (Waffen kinetischer Energie) Keulenformende Antennen [DE] Kohlestoff-Faserverstärkter Kunststoff [DE] Kalman Filter [DE] Kraftfahrer [DE] Militärischer Kampfflugzeugtyp von Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. Militärischer Kampfflugzeugtyp von Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. Militärischer Kampfflugzeugtyp von Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. Kosovo Force [NATO] Korean Fighter Programme [KAI, F-16C/D] Kommission für Raumfahrttechnik [DE] Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit [AT]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 KFz  KFZ  KG  KG  kg  KG  KG  KGA  KGA  Kgl.  KGv  KGv UAV Bw  KH  KHA  KHS  kHz  KHI  KHTT  KI  KIA  KIAS  KIP  KIS  KIT  kJ  KKC  KKF  KKV  KKW  KKW  KLK  KLR  KLV  km  KMC-SL  km/h  KMR  km/s  KMU  KMW  KMW  kN  Kn  KNA  KNC  KNG  KNN  KO  KO-1  KOD  KonAnt  KORA  KOSA 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Kampffahrzeug [DE, Bw] Kraftfahrzeug [DE] Kampfgeschwader [DE, Bw] (Bomber Wing) Key Generator Kilogramm [DE] Kommandierender General [DE, Bw] Kraftfahrzeug- und Gerätetechnik [DE, BWB] Konforme-Gruppenantennen [DE] Kreis-Gruppenantennen [DE] Königlich [DE] Konzeptionelle Grundvorstellungen [DE, Bw] KGv Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Bundeswehr Keyhole Konische Helix-Antennen [DE] Kampfhubschrauber [AT] Kilohertz [DE] Kawasaki Heavy Industry [Japan, Co.] Know-How Transfer Training Künstliche Intelligenz [DE] Killed In Action Knots Indicated Airspeed (in Knoten angezeigte Fluggeschwindigkeit) Key Interface Profile Key Information System Karlsruher Institut für Technologie [DE] Kilojoule [DE] Kosten-Kompetenz-Center [DE, BWB] Kreuzkorrelationsfunktion [DE, Radar] Kinetic Kill Vehicle Kernkraftwerk [DE] Kinetic Kill Weapon Kommando Luftbewegliche Kräfte [DE, Bw] Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung [DE, BWB] Kosten- und Leistungsverantwortung [DE, BWB] Kilometer [103 m] [DE] Kelvin Millimeterwave Connector - Sexless Kilometer per Hour (Kilometer pro Stunde) Kwajalein Missile Range Kilometer per Second Klein- und Mittelständige Unternehmen [DE] Krauss-Maffei Wegmann [GmbH und Co KG, DE] Kilometerwellen [LF, LW; 30 bis 300 kHz] [DE] Kilo-Newton (1 kN = 101,9716 Kilopond) [DE] Knoten [Seemeile pro Stunde, sm/h] [DE] Kuwait National Airlines Kabelnetzcontainer [DE] Kampfschiff Neuer Generation [DE] Künstliche Neurale Netze [DE] Klystron Oscillator Militärischer Kampfflugzeugtyp von Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. Key Of Day Konische Antennen [DE] Korpsrahmenmodell [DE, Bw] Kompetenzzentrum Sonaranalyse [DE, Bw/Marine] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 KOX  KP  Kp  KPA  kPa  KPA  KpfTr  KPI  KpK  KPP  KPS  KPS  KPT  KPU  KPz  KQA  Kr  KRA  KRC  KrDiAnt  KrRaAnt  KRK  KRP  KS  KS  KSA  KSA  KSA  KSC  KSD  KSEA  KSK  KSL  KSR  KSTAN  KSZE  kt, kts  KTAS  KtgFhr  KTP  KTW  KUAC  KUH  KUR  KUT  KV  kV  K/V  kVA  KVDT  KVP  KVR  KVZ

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Karlsruhe Operational Exchange Key Personnel Kompanie [DE, Bw] Key Performance Area Kilopascal [103 Pa] [DE] Klystron Power Amplifier Kampftruppe [DE, Bw] Key Performance Indicator Kompaßkurs [DE] Key Performance Parameter Kilobytes Per Second Knowledge Processing System Karlsruhe Planning Team Keyboard Printer Unit Kamfpanzer [DE, Bw] Kosekans-Quadratantennen [DE] Kräfte [DE, Bw] Kreuzrahmenantennen [Funkpeilung] [DE] King Radio Corporation [US] Kreuzdipolantennen [auch: KDA] [DE] Kreuzrahmenantennen [auch: KRA] [DE] Krisenreaktionskräfte [DE, Bw] Kreuzrahmenpeiler [Funkpeilung, DE] Koordinatensystem [DE] Kugelstrahler [Antennentyp] [DE] Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Kommando Strategische Aufklärung [DE, Bw] Keulenstrahlantennen [Antennentyp] [DE] Kennedy Space Center [US; Florida] Kontrollsteifendruck [DE] Koordinierungs-Stab für Einsatzaufgaben [DE, Bw] Kommando Spezialkräfte [DE, Bw] Kombiniertes Schein-Ziel für die Luftwaffe [DE, Bw/Lw] Kathodenstrahlröhre [Bildschirm] [DE] Kriegsstärke- und Ausrüstungsnachweisung [DE] Konferenz zur Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa [DE] Knots (Knoten) Knots True Air Speed Kontingentführer [DE, Bw] Knowledge Transfer Partnership Kolbentriebwerk [DE] Karlsruhe Upper Airspace Control [ATC] Korean Utility Helicopter Key User Requirements Krisenunterstützungsteam [DE, Bw] Kill Vehicle Kilovolt [103 Volt] [DE] Konservierung und Verpackung [DE] Kilovoltampere [DE] Keyboard Video Display Terminal Kontinuierlich (laufendes) Verbesserungsprogramm [DE, BWB] Kassettenvideorekorder [DE] Kryptomittelverteilerzentrale [DE, Bw]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 KW  kW  KW  KW  KW  KWA  KWE  kWh  KWS  KWü  Kyb  KYB  KZO  k


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Key Word Kilowatt [103 Watt] [DE] Kinetic Warfare Kinetic Warhead Kurzwellen (Short Waves) [3 bis 30 MHz] [AT, DE] Kampfwert-Anpassung (Upgrade, fighting capability adaptation) [DE, BWB, Bw] Kampfwert-Erhaltung (Upgrade, fighting capability sustentation) [DE, BWB, Bw] Kilowatt-Hours (Kilowattstunden) Kampfwertsteigerung (Upgrade, fighting capability improvement) [DE, BWB, Bw] Kurzwehrübung [DE, Bw] Kybernetik [DE] Keyboard (Tastatur) Kleinfluggerät Ziel-Ortung [DE, Bw/Heer] Kilo-Ohm [103 ] [DE]

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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L   l  L  L  L, l  L  L  L  L  L  L  L

Formelzeichen für Längeneinheit Meter Formelzeichen für die Induktivität Henry Kurzzeichen für Lima [ICAO-Alphabet] Kurzzeichen für Lab, Laboratory (Labor) Kurzzeichen für Landing (Landung) Kurzzeichen für Launch (starten, abschießen) Kurzzeichen für Left (links) Kurzzeichen für die Volumeneinheit Liter Kurzzeichen für Locator (Anflugfunkfeuer) [ILS] Kurzzeichen für das Land Luxemburg Kurzzeichen für Luftwaffe [DE, Bw]

 L1  L2  L5  L-3  L-15  LA  La  LA  LA  LA  LA  LA  LA  LA  LA  LA  LA  LA  LAA  LAA  LAA  LAA  LAA  LAA  LAAA  LAAAS  LAAD  LAADS  LAAF  LAAG  LAAM  LAAP  LAAR  LAAS  LAAS

L-Band-Trägerfrequenz 1,575 GHz von GPS L-Band-Trägerfrequenz 1,227 GHz von GPS L-Band-Trägerfrequenz 1,176 GHz von GPS Lanza - LaPenta - Lehman [US, Co.] Fortgeschrittenentrainer und Erdkämpfer von Hongdu Aviation Industry Group [VR China] LAN Adapter Lanthanium [chem. Element] Launch Azimuth Lenkungsausschuss [DE] Lighter than Air (leichter als die Luft) Limiting Amplifier (Begrenzungsamplifier) Linear Antennas (Stabantennen) Linsen-Antennen Local Action Logarirthmic Amplifier (log. Verstärker) Loiter Altitude Luftangriff [DE] Luftaufklärung [CH] Lateral Accelerometer Local Airport Advisory Local Area Augmentation Low Altitude Airspace Low Altitude Alert Lowest Acceptable Altitude Light Anti-Aircraft Artillery Low-Altitude Airfield Attack System Latin American Aero & Defense [Rio de Janeiro Trade Show] Low Altitude Air Defense System (Tieffliegerabwehrsystem) Libyan Arab Air Force Light Anti-Aircraft Gun Light Anti-Aircraft Missile Low Altitude Autopilot Light Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft Local Area Augmentation System Low Altitude Alert System

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 LAAS  LAAV  Lab  LAB  LAB  LABRV  LABS  LABS, Labs  LACAC  LACK  LACM  LACS  LACS  LAD  LAD  LAD  LAD  LAD  Ladar  LADAR  LADD  LADGNSS  LADGNSS  LADGPS  LADGPS  LADS  LADS  LAEMP  LAEO  LAF  LAGPS  LAH  LAHAT  LAI  LAIRCM  LAKS  LAL  LaL  LALO  LALT  LAM  LAM  LAMD  Lamda  Lamp  Lamp  Lamps  Lamps  LAMV  LAN  LANA  LANDSAT  LANE 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Low Altitude Attack System Light Airborne ASW Vehicle Laboratory Linkless Ammunition Box Logik Array Block Large Advanced Ballistic Re-entry Vehicle Laser Airborne Bathymetry System Low Altitude Bombing System (Tiefflugbombenabwurfsystem) Latin American Civil Aviation Commission Logical Acknowledgement Land-Attack Cruise Missile Lightweight Artillery Computing System Local Area Control System Laser Acquisition Device Large Area Display Local Area Differential Look Ahead Display Low-Altitude Dispenser (Tiefflugabwurfbehälter) Laser Detection and Ranging Laser Radar Low Angle Drogue Delivery Landing GNSS Local Area Differential GNSS Landing GPS Local Area Differential GPS Laser Area Defense System Life Assessment Detector System Low Altitude EMP Low Altitude Electro-Optics Libyan Air Force Local Area GPS Light Attack Helicopter (leichter Angriffshelikopter) Laser Homing Anti-Tank (Panzerverfolgung mit Laser) [Bw] Luxembourg Aerospace Industries Group Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures [US] Leitungs-, Auswerte- und Kontrollstation [DE, Bw/Heer] Launch And Leave Leichter als Luft [DE] Low Altitude Low Opening Laser Altimeter (Laserhöhenmesser) Land Attack Missile Loitering Attack Missile Lightweight Airborne Mine Detection Large Aperture Multiband Deployable Antenna Large Aperture Mirror Program Low Angle Multi-Path Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System [USN MH-60R] Low Altitude Multi-Purpose System [USAF] Light Aerial Multipurpose Vehicle Local Area Network Low Altitude Night Attack Land Satellite Low Altitude Navigation Equipment 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 LANIA  LANL  LANS  LANSU  Lantirn  Lapam  LAPAS  LAPB  LAQ  LAR  LARA  LARA  LARA  LARS  LARS  LAS  LAS  LAS  LAS  LAS  LAS  LAS  LASA  Lascom  Laser  LASG  Lasint  LaSK  LASM  LASR  LASS  LASSO  LAST  LASW  LAT  LAT, lat  LATA  Latam  LATAN  LATAR  LATC  LATCC  LATS  LAU  LAU  LAV  LAV  LAW  LAW  LAWRS  LAWS  LAWS

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Low Altitude Night Intercept Area (Luftraum für Abfangjagd imniedrigen Höhenbereich) Los Alamos National Laboratory Land Navigation System Local Air Navigation Services Unit Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night [USAF, NATO] (Tiefflugnavigations- und Zielzuweisungs-Infrarotsystem für Nachteinsätze) Low Altitude Penetrating Attack Missile Luftgestütztes Aktiv/Passive Aufklärungssystem [DE, Bw] Link Access Protocol-Balanced Local Air Quality Laser Aided Rocket Light Armed Reconnaissance Aircraft (leicht bewaffnetes Aufklärungsflugzeug) Local and Regional Airspace Management Low-Altitude Radar Altimeter (Niedrig-Höhen Radarhöhenmesser) Lightweight Airborne Recovery System Light Artillery Rocket System Landing Aid System Launch Abort System [NASA] Linear-Antennen-System [DE] Linsen-Antennen-System [DE] Local Area Surveillance Low-Altitude Surveillance Lower Airspace Sector Luftgekühlter ABC-Schutzanzug [DE, Bw] Laser Communications [auch: Lasercom] Light Amplification by Stimmulated Emission of Radiation Large Area Smoke Generator Laser Intelligence Landstreitkräfte [DE] Land-Attack Standard Missile Low Altitude Surveillance Radar Low Altitude Surveillance System Light Armor System against Shaped Ordnance Low Altitude Supersonic Target Littoral Anti Submarine Warfare Large Area Telescope [NASA] Latitude (geografische Breite, Breitengrad) Local Access and Transport Area Latin America Low-Altitude Terrain-Aided Navigation Laser-Augmented Target Acquisition and Recognition Local Air Traffic Control London Air Traffic Control Centre Large Aperture Tracking System Launcher Armament Unit Local Approach Unit Least Absolute Value Light Armoured Vehicle (leicht gepanzertes Fahrzeug) Land Attack Weapon Light Antitank Weapon Limited Aviation Weather Reporting Station Light Aircraft Warning System Light Anti-tank Weapon System

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 LB  LB, lb  LB  LB  LB  LBA  LBA  LBAS  LBD  LBH  LBI  LBI  LBL  LBL  LB-LFK  LBO  LBR  LBR  LBR  LBRG  LBS  LBS, lbs  LBSR  LBSS  LBT  LBT  LBVDS  LBW  LBwBrig  LBZ  LC  LC  LC  LC  LC  LC  LC  LC  LC  LC  LC  LC  LCA  LCA  LCA  LCA  Lca  LCAA  LCAAS  LCAC  LCAP  LCAS  LCASW 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Laser Beam (Laserstrahl) Libra [US], Pound [UK] Light Bomber (leichter Bomber) Live Broadcast Luft/Boden [Bord/Boden] [DE] Logical Block Addressing Luftfahrtbundesamt [DE, Braunschweig] (German Civil Aviation Authority) Lufthansa Bombardier Aviation Services Laser Beam Detector Light Battlefield Helicopter (leichter Gefechtsfeld-Helikopter) Long-Baseline Interferometer Low Band Interrogator Länder-Behörden der Luftfahrt [DE] Luneberg Linse [DE] Luft/Boden-Lenkflugkörper [DE, Bw] Landbasierte Operationen [DE] Laser Beam Recorder Laser Beam Rider Low Bit Rate Laser Beam-Riding Guidance Location Based Service Pounds Lightweight Battlefield Surveillance Radar Low Band Subsystem Listen Bevore Transmit Low Band Transmitter Lightweight Broadband Variable-Depth Sonar Laser Beam Welding Luftbewegliche Brigade [DE, Bw] Luftfahrtberatungszentrale [DE] Cargo Aircraft Inductance/Capacitance Least Cost Letter Contract Life Cycle Limited Capability Line of Communication Line of Contact Liquid Crystal Load Centre Local Control Low Criticality Layered Component Architecture Life Cycle Assessment Light Combat Aircraft [Indien] (leichtes Kampfflugzeug) Load Control Assembly Local, lacally, located, location Latvian Civil Aviation Authority Low-Cost Autonomous Attack System Landing Craft Air Cushion Low Combat Air Patrol Light Close Air Support Low Cost ASW 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 LCAW  LCB  LCB  LCC  LCC  LCC  LCC  LCC  LCCM  LCCMD  LCD  LCE  LCE  LCF  LCF  LCF  LCF  LCF  LCFPD  LCH  Lchr  LCI  LCIP  LCL  LCL  Lcl  LCM  LCM  LCM  LCM  LCM  LCM  LCMP  LCMS  LCN  LCN  LCO  LCO  LCoS  LCP  LCP  LCP  LCR  LCR  LCR  LCS  LCS  LCS  LCS  LCS  LCSS  LCT  LCT

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Low Cost ASW Weapon Line of Constant Bearing Lowest Compliand Bidder [NATO] Land Component Command [NATO] Launch Control Center Leadless Chip Carrier Life-Cycle Cost (Lebenswegkosten) Low Cost Carrier Laser Counter Countermeasures Low Cost Cruise Missile Defense Liquid Crystal Display (Flüssigkristalldisplay) Launch Control Element Lifecycle Engineering Large Cargo Freighter Launch Control Facility Link Control Field Local Control Facility Low Cycle Fatigue Liquid Crystal Flat Panel Display Light Combat Helicopter (leichter Kampfhubschrauber) Launcher Logical Channel Idendifier Local Convergence and Implementation Plan Longitudinal Conversion Loss Laser Centerline Localizer (Laser-Landemittellinien-Anzeige) Local Laser Countermeasures (Laser-Gegenmaßnahmen) Life Cycle Management Lightweight Communications Module Liquid Crystal Module Logic Control Module Low-Cost Manufacturing Life Cycle Management Plan Low-Cost Missile System Load Classification Number Local Communications Network Limit Cycle Oscillation Low Cost Operations Liquid Crystal on Silicon Lifecycle Plan Lighting Control Panel Liquid Crystal Polymer Inductance, Capacitance, Resistance Limited Combat Ready (teilweise Einsatzbereitschaft) Link Connection Refusal Littoral Combat Ship (Flachwasser-Kampfschiff) Loop Control System Low Cost Satellite Low Cost Seeker Low Cost Sonobuoy Life Cycle Software Support Laser Communications Terminal Life Cycle Test

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 LCT  Lctd  LCTI  Lctn  LCU  LCU  LCV  LCVP  LCWS  L/D  LD  LD  LD  LD  LD  LD  LD  LD  LD  LDA  LDA  LDA  LDA  LdA  LDA  LDA  LDA  LDAR  LDAS  LDB  LDCC  LDD  LdE  Ldg, ldg  LDG  LDGB  LDGNSS  LDGPS  LDHD  LDI  LDI  LDM  LDM  LDM  LDMOS  LDO  LDOC  LDOC  LDP  LDP  LDR  Ldr  LDR 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Landing Craft Tank Located Low Cost Tactical Imager Location Launch Correlation Unit Lightweight Computer Unit Landing Craft Vehicle Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel Low-Cost Workstation Lift-to-Drag ratio Landing Distance Laser Defense Laser Diode Line of Departure Load Logarithmic Detector Long Distance Low Density Low Drag (Bombs) Landing Directional Aid Landing Distance Available (verfügbare Landestrecke) Langdrahtantennen [DE] Laterally Displaced Approach Leiter der Aufklärung [DE, Bw] Landing Distance Available Laser Diode Array Localizer-type Directional Aid Lightning Detection And Ranging Laser Detector and Analysis System Launch Data Bus Leaded Chip Carrier Laser Diode Drivers Leiter der Erfassung [DE] Landing (Landung) Landing Gear (Fahrwerk) Low-Drag General-purpose Bomb (widerstandsarme Mehrzweckbombe) Local-area Differential GNSS Local-area Differential GPS Low-Density, High-Demand Landing Direction Indicator (Landerichtungsanzeiger) Laser Direct Imaging Lift/Drag Meter (Auftriebs/Luftwiderstands-Messer) Limited Distance Modem Linear Device Modeling Laterally-Diffused Metal Oxide Semiconductor Low Drop-Out Long Distance Operational Control Long Distance Operations Communication [Langstreckenfunkverkehr] Landing Decision Point Laser Designator Pod Landing Distance Required Loader Low Data Rate 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 LDRCL  LDRF  LDS  LDS  LDS  LD/SD  LDT  LDT  LDTTL  LDU  LDV  LDV  LDV  LDv  LDW  LE, le  LE  LE  LE  LEA  LEAP  LEARAS  Lect  LED  LED  LED  LEDA  LEDS  LEDS  LeFlaSys  LeFlaRak  LeFlaRakBttr  LFDS  LEG  LEM  LEMP  LEMV  Len  LEO  LEOP  LEP  LEP  LEP  LER  LER  LERX, Lerx  LES  LET  LET  LETF  LEU  LEV  LEW

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Low-Density Radio-Communications Link Laser Designator and Range Finder Laser Detecting Set Lightning Detection System Lithium Doped Silicon Look Down/Shoot Down Large Diameter Target Laser Detector and Tracker Linear Data-Transition Tracking Loop Lamp Driver Unit Laser Doppler Velocimeter Laser Doppler Velocity Limiting Descent Velocity Luftwaffendienstvorschrift [DE, Bw] Landing Weight Leading Edge Life Extension Link Established Logik Element [DE] Law Enforcement Authority [FAA] Lightweight Exo-Atmospheric Projectile Light Emitter Acquisition Recording and Analysis System Lecture Leading-Edge Device Light Emitting Diode (Licht emittierende Diode, Leuchtdiode, Lumineszenzdiode) Low Endoatmospheric Defense Lebensdauer-Verlängerungsmaßnahmen [DE, BWB] Land Electronic Defensive System Link 11 Display System Leichtes Flugabwehrsystem [DE, Bw] Leichte Flugabwehrraketen [DE, Bw] Leichte Flugabwehrraketenbatterie [DE, Bw] Large Format Display System Lead Edge Gate Laser-Entfernungsmesser [AT, DE] Lightning EMP Long Endurance Multi-intelligence Vehicle Length Low Earth Orbit (niedrige Erdumlaufbahn < 2.000 km) Launch and Early Orbit Phase Laser Eye Protection [laser-reflektierende Gläser, Kontaktlinsen, usw] Light Emitting Polymer Linear Error Probable Leading-Edge Radius Long-Endurance Rotorcraft Leading-Edge Root Extensions Limited Effects Submunition Licht Emittierender Transistor Light Equipment Transporter Launch Equipment Test Facility Low Enriched Uranium Low Emission Vehicle Limited Effects Weapons

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 LEWK  LEX  LF  LF  LF  LF  LF  LFA  LFA  LFA  LFADF  LFAPS  LFATS  LFAS  LFB  LFC  LFC  LFD  LFDS  LFE  LFF  LFix  LFK  LFK NG  LFL  LFM  LFMS  LFR  LFR  LFS  LFT  LFT  LFTASS  LFV  Lfz  LFX  LG  LG  LG  LG  LG  lg  LG  LGA  LGB  LGC  LGC  LGM  LGT  LGTD  LGW  LGDM  LGI 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Loitering Electronic Warfare Killer Leading Edge Extension Laminar Flow Landing Force Launch Facility Likelihood Function Low Frequencies (Langwellen) [30 bis 300 kHz] Low Flying Area (Tieffluggebiete) Low Frequency Active Luftfahrtforschungsanstalt [DE] Low Frequency ADF Low Frequency Active Passive Sonar Low Frequency Active Towed Sonar Low Frequency Active Sonar Luftfahrzeugbesatzung [DE] (aircraft crew) Laminar Flow Control Land Forces Command Lineat Finite-Difference Large Format Display System Lead-Free Electronics Luftfahrzeugführer [DE] Last Fix Lenkflugkörper [DE] (guided missile) Lenkflugkörper Neue Generation [DE] Last-reported Flight Level Linear Frequency Modulation Low Frequency Measurement System Live Fire Range Low Frequency Radio-range Löschfunkstrecke [DE] Live Fire Test Luftfahrttechnik [DE] Low Frequency Towed Active Sonar System Luftfartsverket [CAA of SW] Luftfahrzeug [AT, DE] Live Fire eXercise Landing Gear (Fahrwerk) Landing Ground Laser Gyro Lehrgeschwader [DE, Bw] (Instructional Wing) Lilienthal-Gesellschaft für Luftfahrtforschung [DE] Logarithmus [DE] Luftfahrzeuge und Luftfahrtgerätetechnik [DE, BWB] Low Gain Antenna (Antenne mit niedrigem Gewinn) Laser Guided Bombs (Laser-gelenkte Bomben) Landing Gear Computer Landing Gear Control Laser Guided Missiles (Laser-gelenkte Flugkörper) Lighting (Befeuerung) Lighted (beleuchted) Laser Guided Weapons (Laser-gelenkte Waffen) Laser Guided Dispenser Munition (Laser-gelenkte, abgeworfene Kampfmittel) Laser Glideslope Indicator (Laser-Gleitpfad-Anzeige) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 LGR  LGR  LGS  LGT, Lgt  LGT  LGTD  LGW  LGW  LH, L/H  LH  LH  LHA  LHA  LHC  LHCP  LHM  LHP  LHR  LHR  LHT  LHT  LHTEC  LHWR  LHX  LHW  LI  LI  LI  LI  Li  LIB  LID  LID  LID  LID  Lidar  Lidar  LIDS  LIF  LiFe  LIFEX  LIFM  Lifo  LIFT  LIH  LII  LiION  LIL  LIL  LIL  Lilo  LIM  Lim

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Laser Guidance Receiver (Laserlenkempfänger) Laser Guided Rocket (Laser-gelenkte Rakete) Laser Gyro Strapdown Light, Lighting (Feuer, Beleuchtung, Befeuerung) Luftfahrtgerätetechnik (aerospace equipment technology) [DE] Lighted (beleuchtet) Landing Gross Weight Laser Guided Weapon Left Hand Light Helicopter (leichter Helikopter) Lufthansa [DE, AG] Large Helicopter Assault carrier [USN] London Heathrow Airport Left Hand Circular Left Hand Circular Polarization Laser Hardened Material Lightning HIRF Protection London Heathrow [UK] Low Hop Rate Lightweight Hybrid Torpedo Lufthansa Technik [AG, DE] Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Company Lightning Hazard Warning Radar Lightweight Helicopter Experimental [US Army] Laser Homing Weapon Lane Identification Laser Interrogator Letter of Intent Lightning Imager Lithium [chem. Symbol] Left Inboard Large Integrated Display Laser Irradiation Detector Linear Imaging Device Lift-Improvement Device Laser Imaging Detection And Ranging Light Detection And Ranging Low Impact Docking System Light Interference Filter Lithium-Eisen [chem. Verbindung] Life Extension Linear IFM Last In, First Out Lead-In Fighter Trainer Light Intensity - High (Hochleistungsbeleuchtung) Light Image Intensifier (Lichtbildverstärker) Lithium-Ionen [DE] Longitudinal Impetance Loss Light Intensity - Low (Niederleistungsbeleuchtung) Low Insertion Loss Last In, Last Out Light Intensity - Medium Limit

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 LIM  LIMAR  LIME  LINAC  LINAPS  Link 11  Link 16  Lins  LIOL  LIPs  LIR  LIR  LIRCM  LIRCM  LIRL  LIRS  LIS . LISA  LISA  LISA  LISN  LIT  LITE  LIU  LIVEX  Lj  LJ  LJDAK  LJR  LJS  LK  LKF  LKT  LKW  L/L  LL  LL  LL  LL  LL, L/L  LLA  LLAD  LLAPI  LLC  LLCCD  LLDR  LLDV  LLE  LLF  LLF  LLGB  LLGB  LLI


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Locator Inner Marker Laser Imaging and Ranging Laser Induced Microwave Emissions Linear Accelerator Laser Inertial Automatic Pointing System Taktische Datalink der Marine [DE, w/Marine] Taktische Datalink [JTIDS] [DE] Laser Inertial Navigation System Low Intensity Obstacle Lights Logical Interoperability Procedures Laser Intercept Receiver Launch and Impact Report Large-aircraft Infrared Countermeasures Laser Infrared Countermeasures Low Intensity Runway Lights Laser Inertial Reference System Logistics Information System Laser Interferometer Space Antenna Limited Instruction Set Architecture Linear Infrared Scanning Array Line Impedance Stabilization Network Link Integration Team Local Integrated Tower Equipment Line Interface Unit Live Exercises Lichtjahr (light year) [DE] Light Jet Laser Joint Direct Attack Munition Low Jet Route Laser Jamming System Landeklappen [Flugzeug] Luftkissenfahrzeug [DE, Bw] Look-Through Lastkraftwagen [DE] Latitude/Longitude Long Lead [Time] Low Level Lower Limit Luftlandung [AT, DE, Bw] Luft/Luft ( air-to-air) [AT, CH, DE] Leitungs-Linsen-Antennen [DE] Low Level Air Defense Low Level Air Picture Information [Bw] Logical Link Control Low Light CCD Leightweight Laser Designator Rangefinder Luftlagedatenverarbeitung [DE, Bw] Launch Location Error Log-Likelihood Function Long Lead Funding Launch & Leave Guided Bomb Low-Level Guided Bomb Long Lead Item

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 LL-LFK  LLLGB  LLLTV  LLM  LLM  LLM  LLM  LLMS  LLN  LLO  LLOp  LLS  LLT  LLTR  LLTV  LLV  LLWAS  LLWaTrg  LLWaTr  Llz  L/M  LM  LM  LM  LM  LM  lm  LMAC  LMATC  LMATTS  LMC  LMC . LMCLS  LMCP  LMCS  LMDS  LME  LMG  LMI  LMLG  LMM  LMMS  LMM  LMN  LMPS  LMR  LMS  LMS  LMS  LMS  LMSC  LMT  LMT

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Luft/Luft-Lenkflugkörper [DE, Bw] Low Level Laser-Guided Bomb Low-Light Level TV L-band Land Mobile Laserlichtmodul [DE] Launcher-Loader Module Long Lead time Material Liquid Level Measurement System Low-Level Navigation Low Level Operations Luftlandeoperationen [DE, Bw] Laser Linescan System Long Lead Time Low Level Transit Route Low Light TV Linearer Leistungsverstärker [DE] Low-Level Windshear Alert System Luft/Land-Waffenträger [DE, Bw] Luftlandewaffenträger [DE] Localizer [Landekurssender beim ILS] List of Materials Ladungsmeister [DE] Laser Module Locator Middle (Mittlerer Marker) [Anflugfunkfeuer beim ILS] Lockheed Martin [US Co.] Loitering Munition Einheitenzeichen für die Lichtstromeinheit Lumen Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center Lockheed Martin Alenia Tactical Transport System Load Master Controls Lockheed Martin Corporation Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services Load Master Control Panel Local Multipoint Communication System Local Multipoint Distribution Service Link Management Entity Lightweight Machine Gun (Leichtes Maschinengewähr) Logical Management Interface Left Main Landing Gear Lightweight Multirole Missile [Thales UK] Land Mobile Missile System Locator at Middle Marker Local Mach Number Local MultiPoint Distribution System Land Mobile Radio Learning Management System Least Mean Square Local Monitor Station Loran Monitor Site Lockheed Missile and Space Company Land Mobility Technologies Local Mean Time (mittlere Ortszeit)

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 LMT  LMTR  LMU  LMW  LMWS  LMZ  ln  ln  LNA  LNA  LNAV  LNB  LNDG, Lndg  LNM  LNO  LNU  LO  LO, l.o. LO  LO  Lo  Lo  LO  LOA  LOA  LOA  LOA  LOA  LOA  LOAA  LOAAAI  LOAC  LOAL  LOAM  LOB  LOB  LOBL  LOC  LOC  LOC  LOC  LOC  Loc  LOC  Loc  LOC  LOCAAS  LOCAAS  LOCAP  LOCD  LOCID  LOCLAND  LOCM


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Lockheed Martin [US Corp.] Laser Marker and Target Ranger Location Monitoring Unit Littoral and Mine Warfare Load Master Work Station Luftmachtzentrum [DE, Bw] liaison logarithmus naturalis Logarithmic Narrowband Amplifier Low Noise Amplifier Lateral Navigation Low Noise Block [Converter] Landing (Landung) Low-Noise Mixer Liaison Officer Luft-Nah-Unterstützung [DE, Bw] Liaison Officer (Verbindungsoffizier) Local Oscillator (Lokaloszillator, Überlagerungsoszillator) Locator Outer (Äußerer Marker) Lock-On Longitude Low (niedrig) Low Observable [Technology] Letter Of Agreement Letter Of Authorization Letter Of Offer and Acceptance Line Of Action Line Of Attack List Of Abbreviations List Of Abbreviations and Acronyms List Of Abbreviations, Acronyms and Initialisms Law Of Armed Conflict Lock-On After-Launch Laser Obstacle Avoidance and Monitoring Left Outboard Line Of Bearing Lock-On Before-Launch Launch Operations Center Letter Of Credit Level Of Capability Limited Operational Capability Lines Of Communication Localizer (Landekurssender) [ILS] Local-Operations Console Location Loss-Of Control Low Cost Anti-Armor Submunition Low Cost Autonomous Attack System [USN] Low Combat Air Patrol Low Cost Dispenser Location Identifier Low Cost Low Altitude Dispenser Low Observable Cruise Missile

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 LOCON  LOCUS  LOD  LOE  LOE  LOE  LOF  LOF  LOFAR  LOFAR  LOFT  log  LOG  LogABw  LOGAMP  LogBrig LOGCON

 LOGFAS  LogInfoSysH  LOGREP  Logs  LogS  LogSysM  LogZBw  LOH  LoI  LoL  LOM  LOM  LOM  LOMEZ  Lon, Long  Longbow LLC  LOO  LOP  LOP  LOPAR  Lora  Lorad  Loran  Lord  Lores  Loro  Loroc  Lorops  LOS  LOS  LOS  LoS  LOS  LOS  LoS  LOSA

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Lower Control Level Laser Obstacle-Cable Unmasking System [Helicopter] Launch On Demand Lane Of Entry Level Of Effort Line Oriented Evaluation Line Of Flight Lowest Operating Frequency Low Frequency Analysis and Recording [ASW] Low Frequency Array Line Oriented Flight Training Logarithmic (Logarithmus) Logistik-Systembetreungs-Gesellschaft [DE] Logistikamt der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Logarithmic Amplifier (logarithmischer Verstärker) Logistikbrigade [DE, Bw] Logistic Control (Logistiksteuerung) Logistics Functional Area Services [NATO] Logistisches Informationssystem Heer [DE, Bw] Logistics Reporting [NATO] (Logistisches Meldewesen) Logistics (Logistik) Logistikschule [DE] Logistisches System der Marine [DE, Bw] Logistikzentrum der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Light Observation Helicopter (leichter Beobachtungs-Helikopter) Letter of Intent (Absichtserklärung) Lost of Licence (Lizenzverlust) Level Of Maturity Locator at Outer Marker Low Observable Materials Low-Missile Engagement Zone Longitude (geografische Länge, Längengrad) Ein Joint-Venture von Lockheed Martin und Northrop Grumman Line Of Operation Line Of Position (Standlinie) Local Operating Procedure Low Powered Acquisition Radar Low Frequency Radar Long Range Air Defense Long Range Air Navigation (Langstreckennavigation) [Navigationssystem] Laser Obstacle Ranging and Display Low Resolution (geringe Auflösung) Lobe On Receive Only Long Range Optical Camera Long Range Optical System Large Optical Segment Law Of the Sea Level Of Service Line of Sight (Sichtlinie) Linear Optical Sensor Line Oriented Simulation Loss of Signal (Signalverlust) Line Operations Safety Audit

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 LOTEX  LOW  LOW  Low  LOWTRAN  LOx  LOz  L/P  LP  LP  LP  LP  LP  LP  LP  LP  LP  LP  LPA  LPA  LPAR  LPC  LPC  LPC  LPD  LPDA  LPDS  LPDU  LPE  LPE  LPE  LPF  LP-FM  LPH  LPHS  LPI  LPID  LPIR  LPL  LPM  LPN  LPRF Radar  LPS  LPS  LPS  LPSSR  LPT  LPT  LPT  LPU  LPU  LPV  LQA 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Life-Of-Type Extension Launch On Warning Laws Of War Lower Airspace Low resolution Transmission Liquid Oxygen (flüssiger Sauerstoff) Liquid Ozon Logarithmisch/Periodische [Antenne, DE] Launch Platform Lightning Protection (Blitzschutz) Linearpolarization [DE] Linear Programming Line Printer (Zeilen-Drucker) [auch: lpt] Link Protection Low Pass (Tiefpassfilter) Low Power (niedrige Leistung) Low Pressure [Compressor] Low Profile [GPS Antennen] Linear Power Amplifier (linearer Leistungsverstärker) Logarithmic Periodic Antennas (Logarithmisch-Periodische Antennen) Large Phased-Array Radar Linear Predictive Coding [Datenverarbeitung] Low Pressure Compressor (Niederdruckverdichter) Luftfahrt Presseclub [DE] Low Probability of Detection (niedrige Erfassungswahrscheinlichkeit) Logarithmic Periodic Dipole Antenna Landing Platform Docking Ship Link Protocol Data Unit Liquid Phase Epitaxy Lightning Pulse Environment Low Probability of Exploitation Low Pass Filter (Tiefpassfilter) Low Power Frequency Modulation Landing Amphibious Helicopter Landing Platform Helicopter Ship Low Probability of Interception (geringe Entdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit) Low Probability of Identification [Radar] Low Probability of Intercept Radar Linear Polarized Laser Lines Per Minute (Zeilen pro Minute) Low Phase Noise (niedriges Phasenrauschen) Low Pulse Repetition Frequency Radar (Radar mit niedriger Pulsfogefrequenz) Launch Processing System Lines Per Second (Zeilen pro Sekunde) Local Positioning System Low Power Spread Spectrum Radar (Radar mit Bandspreizung und niedriger Sendeleistung) Limited Performance Test Lineprinter (Zeilendrucker) Low Pressure Turbine (Niederdruckturbine) Life Preserver Unit Limited Procurement Urgent Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance Link Quality Analysis 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 LQM  LR  LR  LR  LR  LRA  LRA  LRA  LRAAM  LRAD  LRAM  LRAS3  LRASM  LRASV  LRAT  LRBM  LRC  LRC  LRC  LRC  LRCA  LRCM  LRCS  LRD  LRE  LRF  LRG  LRG  LRGB  LRI  LRI/U  LRI  LRI  LRIP  LRIR  LRIST  LRIT  LRLAP  LRLS  LRM  LRMP  LRMTS  LRN  LRNS  LRNZ  LRO  LROPS  LRPA  LRR  LRR  LRRA  LRRP  LRS

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Link Quality Monitor Lethal Range Likelihood Ratio Linear Regression Long Range (Langstrecken, große/lange Reichweite) Line Replaceable Assembly Long Range Aviation Low-range Radar Altimeter (Radarhöhenmesser geringer Reichweite) Long Range Air-to-Air Missile (Luft/Luft-Flugkörper großer Reichweite) Long Range Acoustic Device Long Range Attack Missile Long Range Advanced Scout Surveillance System Long Range Anti-Ship Missile Long Range Airborne Surface Vessel Large Radar Array Technology Long Range Ballistic Missile (ballistische Langstrecken-Flugkörper) Legal Recording Local Radio Control Long Range Cruise (Langstreckenflug, großer Aktionsradius) Longitudinal Redundancy Check Long Range Combat Aircraft (Langstrecken-Kampfflugzeug) Long Range Cruise Missile (Langstrecken-Marschflugkörper) Long Range Communications System Laser Ranger & Designator (Laserentfernungsmesser und Markierer) Launch and Recovery Element Laser Range Finder (Laserentfernungsmesser) Laser Ring Gyroscope (Laserringkreisel) Long Range aircraft (Langstrecken, Flugzeug großer Reichweite) Long Range Glide Bomb (Langstrecken-Gleitbombe) Long Range Interception (Langstreckenabfang) Line Replaceable Item/Unit Long Range Interceptor Luft- und Raumfahrt-Industrie [DE] Low Rate Initial Production Long Range Imaging Radar Long Range IR Search and Track Long Range Identification and Tracking Long Range Land-Attack Projectile Laser Radar Landing System (Laserradar-Landesystem) Line Replaceable Module Long Range Maritime Patrol (Langstrecken-Seeraum-Überwachung) Laser Ranger & Marked Target Seeker (Laserentfernungsmesser und Sucher für markierte Ziele) Long Range Navigation (Langstrecken-Navigation) Long Range Navigation System (Langstrecken-Navigationssystem) Luftraumnutzungszentrale [DE] Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter [NASA] Long Range Operations (Langstrecken-Operationen) Long Range Patrol Aircraft (Langstrecken-Überwachungs-Flugzeug) Launch Readiness Review Long Range Radar (Radar großer Reichweite) Low Range Radar Altimeter (hochpräziser Radarhöhenmesser für niedrige Flughöhen) Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol Laser Radiometer System

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 LRS  LRS  LRS  LRS  LRS  LRS  LRS  LRSO  LRS&T  LRSU  LRTS  LRU  LRU  LRV  LRW  LS  LS  LS  LS  LS  LS  LS  LS  LS  LS  LS  LSA  LSA  LSA  LSA  LSA  LSAC  LSAH  LSALT  LSAR  LSAS  LSAS  LSAT  LSB  LSB  LSC  LSC  LSCD  LSD  LSD  LSE  LSE  LSG  LSI  LSI  LSIC  LSK  LSK 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Laser Reference System Littoral Remote Sensing [Minensuche] Launch and Recovery Site Local Route Sequence Long Range Sonar Long Range Strike Lunar Radar Sounder [Japan] Long Range Stand-Off Long Range Surveillance & Track Long Range Surveillance Unit Long Range Tactical Surveillance Least Recently Used Line/Lowest Replaceable Unit Launch and Recovery Vehicle Long Range Warning (Langstreckenwarnung, Frühwarnung) Landing System (Landesystem) Launch System Launching Station Leitfunkstelle [DE] Leistungsstab [DE, BWB] Lightning Stroke Logistics Support Loiter Speed Loudspeaker Low-power Schottky Luftschutz [DE] Light Sport Aircraft Logistics Support Analysis Lowest Safe Altitude [auch: LSALT] Low Sidelobe Antenna (Antenne mit niedrigen Nebenkeulen) Low Situational Awareness Low Signature Armoured Cab Laser Semi-Active Homing Lowest Safe Altitude Logistics Support Analysis Records Longitudinal Stability Augmentation System Longititunal Stability Augmentation System Leightweight Small Arms Technology Least Significant Bit (Bit geringster Priorität) Lower Side Band (niedrigeres Seitenband) Laser Signature Control Laser Space Communications (Laser-Weltraum-Kommunikation) Laser Standoff Chemical Detector Large Screen Display Least Significant Digit (Digit geringster Priorität) Life-Support Equipment Luftverlegbare Sanitätseinrichtungen [DE, Bw] Large Scale Graphics Large Scale Integration (großer Integrationsumfang) Lead Systems Integrator (Hauptauftragnehmer der Systemintegration) Large Scale Integrated Circuit Line Select Key Luftstreitkräfte [DE, Bw] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 LSL  LSL  LSM  LSM  LSN  LSO  LSP  LSS  LSS  LSS  LSS  LSS  LSS  LSS  LSSIP  LSST  LST  LST  LSV  LSV  LSV  Lt. Col.  LT  LT  LT  Lt  LT, lt  LT  LT  LT  LT  LT  LT  LT  LT  LTA  LTA  LTA  LTA  LTB  LTBB  LTCC  LtCdr  LTD  Ltd  LTDP  LTDS  LTE  LTE  Ltg  LTG  LTG  LTGen

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Lärmschutzanforderungen für Luftfahrzeuge [DE] Lower Sensor Layer Littoral Sea Mine (Küsten-See-Minen) Low Speed Modem (langsames Modem) Local Sub-Network (lokales Sub-Netzwerk) Landing Signal Officer (Landeleitoffizier) Loudspeaker Large Space Structure Library Support SYstem Life Support System Lightning Sensor System (Blitzschutzsensorsystem) Linear Scanning Seeker Littoral Surveillance System (Küstenüberwachungssystem) Local Speed of Sound (lokale Schallgeschwindigkeit) Local Single Sky Implementation Laser Spot Seeker/Tracker (Laserpunktsucher/tracker) Laser Spot Tracker (Laserpunkttracker) Local Siderial Time Langsame Störsichere Verbindung [DE, Bw] Large Scale Vehicle [große, unbemannte U-Boote] Logistics Support Vessel Lieutenant Colonel Laser Tracker Launch Time Left Turn (Linkskurve) Leutnant [AT, CH, DE] Light (Licht, Helligkeit; leicht, geringes Gewicht) Lithuania Local Terminal Local Time (lokale Zeit, mittlere Ortszeit) Long Term Look-Through (durchsehen) [EloKa-Verfahren] Low Temperature (niedrige Temperatur) Low-pressure Turbine (Niederdruckturbine) Lufttransport [CH] Light Tactical Aircraft (leichtes taktisches Flugzeug) Light Transport Aircraft (leichtes Transportflugzeug) Lighter-Than-Air Lufttüchtigkeitsanweisung (airworthiness directive) [DE] Luftfahrt-Technischer Betrieb [DE] Look Through Blanking Bus Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic Lieutenant Commander (Oberstleutnant, Fregattenkapitän) Laser Target Designator (Laser-Ziel-Markierer) Limited company [UK] (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) Long Term Defence Programme Laser Target Designator Set Laser-Tracker Equipment Long Term Evolution [UMTS] Leitung [DE] Lightning (Blitz, Blitzschlag) Lufttransportgeschwader [DE, Bw/Lw] Lieutenant General

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 LTH  LtHo  LTIP  LTK, LTKdo  LTM  LTM  LTM  LTMA  LTMR  LTO  LTOG  LTP  LTP  LTPG  LTPT  Ltr  ltr  LTS  LTS, Lts  LTT  LTU  LTU  LTVS  LTWA  LTWTA  LU  LUA  LÜA  lub  LUF  LuFo  LuftBO  luftg.  LuftGer  LuftGerPV  LuftSiG  LuftVG  LuftVO  LuftVZO  LUH  LUHF  LUL  LUNA  LÜR  LÜSA  LuSK  LUT  LUT  LUT  LUWA  LUX  L/V  LV 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Light Tansport Helicopter (leichter Transporthubschrauber) [NH90] Lighthouse Long Term Incentive Plan Lufttransportkommando [DE, Bw/Lw] Laser Target Marker (Laser-Ziel-Markierer) Local Traffic Management (regionales Flugverkehrsmanagement) Long Term Memory London Terminal Control Area Laser Target Marker and Receiver (Laser-Ziel-Markierer und -Empfänger) Landing and Take-Off (Landung und Start) Long Term Objectives Groups Landing Threshold Point Legal and Technical Panel Long Term Planning Guidance [NATO] Low Turbulence Pressure Tunnel Leiter [DE] letter Lantirn Targeting System Lights Led Tin Telluride Lithuania Lufttransportunternehmen [GmbH & Co. KG] [DE] Long Term Verification Software Long Trailing Wire Antenna [TACAMO] (lange Schleppseilkommunikationsantennen) Linear Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier Luxembourg Launch Under Attack Leistungsübertragungsanlage [DE] lubricant Lowest Usable Frequency Luftfahrt-Forschung [DE] Betriebsordnung für Luftfahrtgerät [DE] luftgestütztes oder luftgestützter oder luftgestützte [DE] Luftfahrtgerät [DE] Verordnung zur Prüfung von Luftfahrtgeräten [DE] Luftsicherheitsgesetz [DE] Luftverkehrsgesetz [DE] Luftverkehrsordnung [DE] Luft-Verkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung [DE] Light Utiliy Helicopter (leichter Unterstützungshubschrauber) Lowest Usable High Frequency Lowest Usable Level Luftgestützte Unbemannte Nahaufklärungs-Ausstattung [DE, Bw/Heer] Luftraumüberwachungsrarar (airspace surveillance radar) [DE, Bw] Lehr-Übung System Artilerie [DE, Bw/Heer] Luft-Streitkräfte (Air Forces) [DE, Bw/Lw] Limited User Test Local User Terminal Look-Up Table Luftverlastbarer Waffenträger [DE, Bw] Luxembourg Lethality/Vulnerability Landesverteidigung [AT] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 LV  LV  LV  LV  LV  LV  LV  LV  LV  LV  LVA  LVA  LVA  Lvb Flab  LVC  LVC  LVD  LVDS  LVDT  LVDT  LVE  LVFR  LVG  LVJ  Lvl  LVL  LVLA  LVLCHG  LVOR  LVors  LVP  LVP  LVPS  LVRR  LVS  LVS  LVT  LVTO  LVTTL  LW  LW  LW  LW  LW, l.w.  LW  LW, Lw  LWA  LWA  LWA  LwA  LwAusbKdo  LWD  Lwd

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Landesvorstand [DE] Laser Vision Latvia Launch Vehicle (Startgerät, Starteinrichtung) Leistungsverstärker [DE] Light and Variable Low Voltage Low Volume Lower-sideband Voice Luftverteidigung (air defence) [DE, Bw] Latvia Large Vertical Aperture (große vertikale Apertur) [Antennen] Logarithmic Video Amplifier Lehrverband Fliegerabwehr [Schweiz] Live Virtual Constructive Low Visibility Conditions (niedrige Sichtbarkeits-Verhältnisse) Low Voltage Directive [EMV] Low Voltage Differential Signalling Linear Variable Differential Transformer Linear Voltage Differential Transducer Leave, Leaving Low Visibility Flight Rules (Flugregeln bei geringer Sichtweite) Luftverkehrsgesetz [DE] Luftverteidigungsjäger [DE] Level Low Visibility Landing (Landung bei geringer Sichtweite) Laser Visual Landing Aids (Lasersichtlandehilfe) Level Change Low-altitude VOR Landesvorsitzender [DE] Low Visibility Procedures (Verfahren bei geringer Sichtweite) Low Voltage Protection Low Voltage Power Supply (Niederspannungsversorgung) Launch Vehicle Readiness Review Layout-Versus-Schematic Logistics Vehicle System Low Volume Terminals [Mids, JTIDS] Low Visibility Take-Off (Start bei geringer Sichtweite) Low Voltage TTL Landing Weight (Landemasse) Langwellen (long waves) [DE] Littoral Warfare (Küstennahe Kriegführung) Lichtwert [Fotografie] (exposure value) [DE] Long Wave (Langwellen) Luftwaffe [CH] [Deutsche] Luftwaffe (German Air Force) [DE, Bw/Lw] Laser Warning Analyzer Light Weight Aircraft Long Wire Antennas Luftwaffenamt [DE, Bw/Lw] Luftwaffenausbildungskommando [DE, Bw/Lw] Left Wing Down Lowered

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 LwDiv  Lwf  LWF  LwFüKdo  LwFüSt  LwInsthRgt  LWIR  LWIS  LWL  LWLD  LwMatKdo  LWR  LWR  LwRüst  LWS  LWS  LwStr  LWT  LwUKdo  LWÜA  LwVersRegt  Lx  lx  ly  Lynx 300  Lyr  LZ  LZA  LZE


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Luftwaffendivision [DE] Lenkwaffe [CH] Light-Weight Fighter (leichtes Kampfflugzeug) Luftwaffenführungskommando [DE, Bw/Lw] Luftwaffenführungsstab [DE, Bw] Luftwaffeninstanthaltungsregiment [DE, Bw/Lw] Long Wavelength Infrared (langwelliges Infrarot) Lightweight Instrumentation System Lichtwellenleiter (fibre optic cable) Lightweight Laser Designator (leichter Laser-Markierer) Luftwaffenmaterialkommando [DE, Bw/Lw] Laser Warning Receiver (Laser-Warn-Empfänger) Luftwaffenring e.V. [DE] Luftwaffenrüstung [DE, Bw] Laser Warning System (Laser-Warn-System) Luftgestütztes Waffensystem [DE, Bw] Luftwaffenstruktur [DE, Bw/Lw] Light Weight Torpedo Luftwaffenunterstützungskommando [DE, Bw] Luftgestützte Weiträumige Überwachung und Aufklärung [DE] Luftwaffenversorgungsregiment [DE, Bw/Lw] Lightning (Blitz, Blitzschlag) lux (Lux) [Einheitenzeichen für die Beleuchtungsstärke] Light Year (Lichtjahr, kurz Lj) [Einheitenzeichen für die astronomische Längeneinheit] Militärischer Mehrzweckhubschraubertyp von AugustaWestland Ltd. Layer, layered Landing Zone Local Zenith Angle Luminous-Zone Emissivity [IRCM, Flares]

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

M   M, Ma  m  M  M  M  m  m  m, min  M  M

Formelzeichen für die Machzahl Formelzeichen für die Masse Kurzzeichen für Mike [ICAO-Alphabet] Kurzzeichen für Marine Kurzzeichen für das Präfix Mega [Zahlenwert 106] Kurzzeichen für das Einheitenzeichen für Länge Meter Kurzzeichen für das Präfix Milli [Zahlenwert 10-3] Kurzzeichen für für die Zeiteinheit Minute Kurzzeichen für Mischer [HF-Empfänger] Kurzzeichen für Modernisierung

 M3  M3AR  M3R  M3SR  M3TR  M-311  M-346  M&A  M/A  MA  MA  MA  MA  MA  MA, ma  MA  MA  MA  MA  MA  MA  MA  MA  MA  MAA  MAA  MAA  MAA  MAA  MAA  MAA  MAAA  MAAH  MAAP  MAAS

Kurzzeichen für Multiband, Multimode, Multirole [Rohde und Schwarz] M3 Airborne Radio Mobile Multifunctional Modular Radio M3 Software Radio M3 Tactical Radio Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Trainer] von Aermacchi SpA Militärischer Fortgeschrittenenstrahltrainer von Aermacchi SpA Mergers & Acquisitions Mach/Airspeed Marokko Member Association Message Assurance Meteorological Authorities Militär-Attache [DE] Milliampere [10-3 A] [DE] Minor Airfields Missed Approach Missile Active Missile Alert Mission Abort, Missions-Abbruch Mission Analysis, Missions-Analyse Mission Assessment Monopolantennen [DE] Multiple-Access Manufacturers’ Aircraft Association [US] Maximum Authorized IFR Altitude Missed Approach Action Mission Area Analysis Mission Area Assessment Monitoring Angle of Attack Multibeam Adaptive Antenna Medium Anti-Aircraft Artillery Minimum Asymmetric Approach Height Master Air Attack Planning Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 MAAS  MAB  MAC  MAC  MAC  MAC  MAC  MAC  MAC  MAC  MAC  MAC  MAC  MAC  MAC  MACA  MACAS  MACC  MACC  MACC  MACC  MACCS  MACE  MACE  MACE  MACI  M/A-COM  MACOS  MACS  MACS  MACS  MACS  MACS  MACSAT  MAD  MAD  MAD  MAD  MAD  MAD  MAD  MAD  MADAP  MADARS  MADC  MADD  MADE  MADGE  MADL  MADL  MADLS  MADM  MADREC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Mobile Aircraft Arrestment System Military ATM Board Maintenance Analysis Center Management Advisory Committee Master Air Controller [UK] Mean Aerodynamic Chord Media Access Control [Network] Message Act Cancelled Metal Augmented Charge Mid-Air Collision Military Airlift Command [USAF] Military Areas of Coordination MissileAnalysis Center Multi-Activity Contract Multi-Array Correlator Military Assistance to Civil Authorities Mid-Air Collision Avoidance System Manchester Area Control Centre Military Area Control Centre Multi-Application Control Computer Modified Air Control Center Marine Air Command and Control System [US DoD] Multiple Adaptive Combat Environment Multi-criteria Analysis for Concept Evaluation Multistatic ASW Capability Enhancement Military Adaptation of Commercial Items Microwaves/Associates-Communications [US Co.] Maritime Automatic Comint System Military Aeronautical Communications System [Canada] Mobile Approach Control System Modular Airborne Computer System [Gripen] Multiple Access Communications System Multiple Applications Control System Multiple Access Communication Satellite Maximum Acquisition Distance Magnetic Anomaly Detector Magnetic Azimuth Detector Mass Air Delivery Militärischer Abschirmdienst (Military Counterintelligence Service) [DE, Bw] Military Air Distress Multiwavelength Anomalous Diffraction Mutually Assured Destruction Maastricht Automatic Data Processing and display system Malfunction Analysis, Detection And Recording System Miniature Air-Data Computer Microwave Acoustic Delay Device Military Airspace Data Entry Microwave Aircraft Digital Guidance Equipment Multi-Aperture Data Link Multifunction Advanced Data Link [USAF] Mobile Air Defense Launching System Modified Atmosphere Density Model Maasticht Data Recording 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MADS  MADS  MADS  MAE  MAE  MAE  MAEO  MAEWTF  MAF  MAF  MAF  MAFFS  Mag  Mag  Mag  MAG  MAG  MAG  MAG  Magerd  Magfet  MAGIC  Magnet  MAGR  MAGTF  MAGVAR  mAh  MAH  MAHF  MAHP  MAHRS  MAHWP  Maint  MAIR  MAIS  MAIS  Maj  MAJCOM  MAJIC  MAK  Mal  MAL  MALD  MALDT  MALE  MALI  MALJ  MALS  MALS  MALV  MAM  MAM  Mamba

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Modified Air Defense System Modified Automatic Dependent Surveillance [ICAO] Modular Auxiliary Data System Medium Altitude Endurance [UAV] Men And Equipment Modular Avionics Emulator Medium Altitude Electro-Optics Multinational Aircrew Electronic Warfare Training Facility [NATO] Maintenance Action Form Marine Amphibious Force Mexican Air Force Modulare Airborne Fire Fighting System Magazin [DE] Magnetic [Navigation] (magnetisch; mißweisend) Magnetometer [DE] Marine Aircraft Group Maximum Allowable Gain Maximum Available Gain Military Advisory Group MRCA AGE Requirements Document Magnetic MOSFET Multimission Advanced Ground Intelligent Control Maritime Awareness Global Network Miniature Airborne GPS Receiver Marine Air-Ground Task Force Magnetic Variation Milli-Ampere-Hours (Milli-Ampere-Stunden) Militärische Ausbildungshilfe [DE, Bw] Missed Approach Holding Fix Missed Approach Holding Point (Fehlanflugshaltepunkt) Magnetic Attitude and Heading Reference Sensor Missed Approach Holding Waypoint Maintenance (Wartung) Modular Airborne Intercept Radar Military Airlift Intelligence System Military Aircrew Information System Major [CH, DE] Major Command Monopulse Angle Jamming Integrated Countermeasures [EW] Maximale Arbeitsplatzkonzentration [DE] Malfunction Maximum Allowable [TOGW] Miniature Air-Launched Decoy [USAF] Mean Administrative and Logistics Delay Time Medium-Altitude, Long-Endurance (mittlere Flughöhe, lange Flugdauer) Miniature Air-Launched Interceptor Miniature Air-Launched Jammer Medium-intensity Approach Light System Mobile Analytical Lab System Miniature Air-Launched Vehicle Mission Adapter Module Multibeam Array Module (mehrkeulen Arraymodul) Mobile Artillery Monitoring Battlefield [UK]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 Mams  Man  MAN  Manet  Mania  Manpads  Mantas  ManTech  Mantis  Mantis  MAO  MAOC  MAP  MAP  MAP  Map  MAP  MAP  MAP  MAP  MAP  MAP  MAP  MAP  MAP  MAP  MAP  MAP  MAP  MAP  MAP  MAP  MAPO  MAPR  MAPS  MAPS  MAPS  MAPt  MAR  Mar  MAR  MAR  MAR  MAR  MAR  MAR  MarA  MARA, Mara  MARAD  MARC  MARS  MARS  MArs 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Microgravity Acceleration Measurement System Manual (Handbuch) Metropolitan Area Network Mobile Ad-hoc Network Medium Altitude Night Intercept Area (mittlerer Höhenbereich für die Abfangjagd bei Nacht) Man-Portable Air Defense System (tragbares Flugabwehrsystem) Maastricht ATC New Tools and Systems Manufacturing Technology Multi-Adaptable Night Tactical Imaging System Multispectral Adaptive Networked Tactical Imaging System Maritime Air Operations Maritime Air Operations Center Maintenance Action Plan Management Authorization Process Manifold Air Pressure (Ladedruck) Mapping [Karteneinblendung in Navigations- und EloKa-Displays] Maximun A priori Probability Media Access Protocol Microgravity Applications Programme Military Aid Program [US] Military Airport Program [FAA] Military Assistance Program [US] Missed Alert Parameter Missed Approached Point (Fehlanflugpunkt) Missed Approach Procedure Mission Area Plan Mission Assurance Plan Missionsausrüstungspaket [DE, Bw] Mode Annunciator Panel Modular Airborne Processor Monitor Alert Parameter Multiple Aim Point Moscow Aircraft Production Organization Multiple Antenna Profiler Radar Minimum Aircraft Performance Standards Mission Area Planning System Multidimensional Adaptive Parameter Sampling Missed Approach Point (Fehlanflugpunkt) Major Aircraft Review March (März) Military Aircraft Release [UK] Mission Abort Rate Mission Assurance Requirements Mobile Access Router Multiple Access Recorder Multiple Array Radar Marineamt [DE, Bw] Modular Architecture for Real-time Applications Maritime Administration Multi-Access Remote Control Maastricht Reserve System Magnetic Array Sensor Marinearsenal [DE, Bw] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MARS  MARS  MARS  MARS  MARS  MARS  MARS  MARS  MARS  MARS  MARS  MARS  MARS  MARS  MARSA  MARTEL  MARSS  MARSS  MARSS  MART  MART  MARTACS  MARTOS  MARV  MAS  MAS  MAS  MAS  MAS  MAS  MAS  MAS  MAS  MAS  MAS  MAS UAC  MASA  MASC  MASC  MASE  Maser  MASFET  M/ASI, Masi  Masint  MASPS  MASPS  MASR  Mass  Mass  Mass  Mass  Mass  Mass

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Medium Altitude Reconnaissance System Mid-Air Recovery System [USAF/USN] Mid-Air Refuelling Squadron Military Air Route Structure Military Archives and Research Services [UK] Mittleres Artillerieraketensystem [DE, Bw/Heer] Modular Adaptable Radar Simulator Modular Airborne Radio System Modular Analysis and Research System Multi-Access Retrieval System Multi-Aperture Radar System Multi-Applications Recording System Multi-spectral Agile Reconnaissance System Multiple-band Avionics Radar Suite Military authority Assumes Responsibility for Separation of Aircraft [US DoD/FAA] Missile Anti-Radar Television (Fernseh-gelenkte Radarbekämpfungsflugkörper) Medium-Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System Microwave Airborne Radiometer and Scanning System Multi-mission Airborne Reconnaissance and Surveillance System Mean Active Repair Time Message Acknowledge Response Time Maritime Tactics MADAP Real-Time Operating System Manoeuvring Re-entry Vehicle [US] Manage Airspace Marineaufklärungsstaffel [DE, Bw/Marine] Message Assurance Service Microwave Amplifier System Middle Airspace (mittlerer Luftraum) Military Agency for Standardization [NATO] Military Air Systems (militärische Luftfahrtsysteme) Mine Avoidance Sonar Missionsavioniksystem [DE] Monitor- und Anzeigesystem Monopulsantennensystem [DE] Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre Multi Arm Spiral Array Maritime Airborne Surveillance and Control Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center Multi-Axis Seat Ejection Microwave/Molecular Ampflification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Metal-Aluminium-Silicon FET [DE] Mach / Air Speed Indicator Measurement And Signature Intelligence Minimum Aircraft/Aviation System Performance Standards Minimum Airborne/Aircraft System Performance Specifications Multiple Antenna Surveillance Radar Magnetic Array Sensor System Military Airborne Surveillance System Military Air Solutions and Support Military Approach and Surveillance System Mission Avionics Sensor Synergism Modular Acoustic Simulation System

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 MASS  Mass  Mass  Mast  Mast  Mast  Mast  Mast  Master  MASU  MASU  MAT  MAT  MAT  MAT  MAT  MAT  MatAH  MatALw  MatAmt  MATC  Matcals  MATCC  MATCON  MatDep  MatE  MATE  MATE  MatGr  MATO, Mato  MATRAC  Matrix  MATS  MATS  MATS  MATS  MATS  MATT  MATV  MATWP  MATZ  MAU  MAU  MAUW  MAV  MAV  MAVUS  MAW  MAW  MAW  MAW  MAWP  MAWS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Modular Armored Security Shield Multi Ammunition Softkill System [Rheinmetall] Multifunction Airborne Surveillance System Man-portable Aircraft Survivability equipment System Trainer [AAI Corp.] Micro Autonomous Systems and Technology Mission Avionics System Trainer Multi-mission Airborne Surveillance Technology Multi-Aircraft Simulation Terminal Military Aircraft Satcom Terminal Military Aviation Storage Unit Multiple Acceleration Sensor Unit Maintenance Access Terminal [B777] Message Acknowledge Time Mission Allowable Temperature Missionsausrüstungsträger [ESG, DE] Moderne Ausbildungstechnologie [DE] Modification Aproval Test Materialamt des Heeres [DE, Bw/Heer] Materialamt der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw/Lw] Materialamt [DE] Mobile ATC Marine Air Traffic Control And Landing System Military ATC Centre Mobile Air Traffic Control unit Materialdepot [DE, Bw] Materialerhaltung [AT] Modular Automatic Test Equipment Multi Aircraft Training Environment Materialgruppe [DE] Military Air Traffic Operations [UK] Military Air Traffic Radar Control Centre Multi-service Automatic Target Recognition Imagery Exploitation Malta Air Traffic Services Ltd. Manual of Air Traffic Services Military Air Transport Services [USAF] Military Aircraft Target System Multi-Altitude Transponder System Multimission Advanced Tactical Terminal Multi-Axis Thrust Vectoring [USAF] Missed Approach Turning Waypoint Military Airfield Traffic Zone Marine Amphibious Unit [USMC] Modular Avionics Unit (modulare Avionikmodule) [Heneywell EPIC] Maximum All Up Weight Medium Access Control Micro Air Vehicle Maritime Vertical Takeoff and Landing Unmanned Aerial System Marine Airlift Wing [USMC] Military Airlift Wing [USAF] Missile Approach Warner [Eurofighter] Mission Adaptive Wings Missed Approach Waypoint Missile Approach Warning System (Flugkörperannäherungs-Warnsystem) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MAWS  max  MAX AB  MAZ  MAZ  MB  MB  MB  MB  Mb  MB  MB  mb  MB 339  MBA  MBA  MBA  MBA  MBAR  MBAT  MBB  MBC  MBC  MBC  MBC  MBCA  MBCS  MBD  MBD  MBDL  MBE  MBE  MBER  MBFN  MBFR  MBG  Mbit  MBL  MBL  MBM  MBMR  MBMS  MBN  Mbps  MBps  MBR  MBR  MBRV  MBS  MBS  MBS  MBS  MBST

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Modular Automated Weather System Maximum, maximal [auch: max] Maximum Afterburner Magnetische Aufzeichnung [DE] MLS Azimuth Magnetic Bearing (mißweisende Peilung) Marker Beacon Maschinelles Berichtswesen [DE] Medium Bomber Megabit [Zahlenwert 220 = 1.048.576 Bits] Megabyte [Zahlenwert 220 = 1.048.576 Bytes] Meteor Burst Millibar [frühere Luftdruckeinheit] Fortgeschrittenenschulungs- und Erdkampf-Flugzeugtyp von Aermachi Main Battle Area (Hauptgefechtsfeld) Marker Beacon Antenna Master of Business Administration Multiple Beam Antenna (Mehrkeulen-Gruppenantenne) Multiple Beam Acquisition Radar (Mehrkeulen-Erfassungsradar) Multibeam Array Transmitter Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm [DE, Co., jetzt: EADS] Main Beam Clutter (Hauptkeulenclutter) Meteor Burst Communication Military Budget Committee Missile Boresight Correlator Multifunction Buoyant Antenna Meteor Burst Communications System Matra BAe Dynamics Model-Based Development Missile Battery Data Link Molecular Beam Epitaxy Multiple Bit Error (mehrfacher Bitfehler) Maximum Bit Error Rate (max. Bitfehlerrate) Multiple Beam Forming Network Mutual Balanced Force Reductions (gemeinsame, ausgeglichene Truppenreduzierungen) Multi-Band Gap Megabit [Zahlenwert 220 = 1.048.576 bit] Multi-Band Laser Musterprüfstelle der Bundeswehr für Luftfahrtgerät [DE] Magnetic Bubble Memory (Magnetische Blasenspeicher) Multiband Multimode Radio Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service [Mobilfunk] Marine Battalion Megabits Per Second Megabytes Per Second Marker Beacon Receiver Mittelbereich Radar [DE] Manouvrable Ballistic Re-entry Vehicle Mobile Base System Mobile Broadcast Services Modular Bomb Set Multicast Broadcast Service Microburst

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 MBT  MBTR  MBV  MBytes  MBZ  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  Mc, mc  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC  MC-130  MCA  MCA  MCA  MCA  MCA  MCA  MCA  MCA  MCA  MCA  MCA  MCA  MCAS  MCAS  MCB  MCB  MCBF  MCC  MCC  MCC  MCC  MCC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Main Battle-Tank (Kampfpanzer) [Leopard 2] Maximum Bit Transfer Rate Model Based Vision Megabytes [Zahlenwert 220 = 1.048.576 Bytes] Mandatory Broadcast Zone Magnetic Course (mißweisender Kurs) Main Computer (Hauptcomputer) Major Component Management Controls Manufacturing Cost Marine Corps [USMC] Master Caution Master Change Master Clock (Hauptzeitgeber) Maximum Certificated [Altitude] Medium Capacity [Bomb] Medium Criticality Megacycles Microcircuit Military Characteristics Military Committee (Militärausschuss) [NATO] Military Community Missile Control Mission Capable Mission Computer Mobility Corridor Monitoring Computer Motion Cueing Multifunction Computer Multimission Cargo/Transport Combat Talon Major Component Assembly Maximum Calling Area Micro Channel Architecture Military/Civil Action Minimum Crossing Altitude Minimum Controllable Airspeed Ministry of Civil Aviation Mission Concept Approval Mission Critical Applications Mission Criticality Analysis Multichannel Analyzer Multi Chip Assembly Marine Corps Air Station (Marine-Infanterie-Flugbasis) [USMC] Micro Communications and Avionics Systems Marine Corps Base Microwave Circuit Board Mean Cycles Between Failures Main Combustion Chamber Main Communications Control Main Computer Complex Maintenance Control Center Maintenance Control Computer 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MCC  MCC  MCC  MCC  MCC  MCC  MCC  MCC  MCC  MCC  MCC  MCC  MCC  MCCA, MC2A  MCCS  MCCS  MCCS  MCCIS  MCD  MCD  MCD  MCDC  MCDC  MCDM  MCDP  MCDU  MCDU  MCDU  MCDU  MCDW  MCE  MCE  MCE  MCF  MC/FD  MCG  MCG  MCGS  MCI  MCI  MCI  MCI  MCID  MCK  MCL  MCL  MCL  MCM  MCM  MCM  MCM  MCM  MCM

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Maritime Command and Control Maritime Component Command Master Control Center Midcourse Correction Military Control Center Military Coordination Center Mission Control Cell Mission Control Console Mission Crew Commander Mobile Command Center Mobile Computer Core Movement Control Center Multi-Crew Coordination Multi-sensor Command and Control Aircraft Mission Critical Computer System Mobile Command and Control System Multi-function Command and Control System Maritime Command and Control Information System [NATO, Bundesmarine] Minimum Cost Design Monitor Control and Display Multi Color Display Modified Condition Decision Coverage Multiple Condition Decision Coverage Multi-Criteria Decision Making Maintenance Control and Display Panel Maintenance and Control Display Unit Microprocessor Controlled Display Unit Multifunction Control and Display Unit [Airbus A400M, Airbus A380] Multipurpose Control and Display Unit [ACARS] Minimum Collateral Damage Weapon (Waffe mit minimalen Kollateralschäden) Military Competence Examiner Mission Control Element Modular Control Equipment Military Computer Family Modular Chaff Flares Dispenser Master Clock Generator Mobile Communications Gateway [Zivilluftfahrt] Microwave Command-Guidance System Master Configuration Index Master Conformance Index Mobile Communication Infrastructure Mode C Intruder Master Channel ID Mission Control Keyboard Master Caution Light Microcomputer Compiler Language Middle Compass Locator Main Control Module Maintenance Control Manual Mine Countermeasures Mission Control Module Monte-Carlo Method Multi-Chip Module

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 MCM-C  MCM-D  MCM-L  MCMV  MCN  MCN  MCOS  MCOPS  MCOS  MCP  MCP  MCP  MCP  MCP  MCP  MCP  MCP  MCP  MCP  MCP  MCP  MCQFS  MCR  MCR  MCR  MCR  MCR  MCR  MCR  MCR  MCRC  Mcrit  mc/s  MCS  MCS  MCS  MCS  MCS  MCS  MCS  MCS  MCS  MCS  MCS  MCS  MCS  MCSC  MCT  MCT  MCT  MCT  MCT  MCT 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Multi-Chip Module - Ceramic Multi-Chip Module - Deposited Multi-Chip Module - Laminated Mine Countermeasures Vessel Manufacturing Control Number Mission Critical Network Multi Computing Operating System Millions of Computer Operations Per Second Multi-Computing Operating System Maintenance Control Panel (Wartungsbedienbrett) Management Control Plan Maximum Continuous Power Maximum Climb Power Micro Channel Plate Military Construction Program [USAF] Missile Control Panel Mission Critical Performance (missionskritische Leistungen) Mobile Command Post Mode Control Panel (Betriebsartenbedienbrett) Modular Countermeasures Pod Monitoring and Control Panel Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulators [ICAO] Magnetic Charakter Recognition Maximum Control Range Maximum Cruising Rate Mission Computer Replacement Mission Confirmation Review Mobile Cellular Radio Multichannel Receiver (Mehrkanalempfänger) Multichannel Recorder (Mehrkanalrekorder) Mobile Control and Reporting Center Critical Mach Number megacycle per second (Megahertz, MHz) Maintenance and Control System Master Control Station (Hauptkontrollstation) Master Control System Micro Computer System Minimum Control Speed Missile Control System Mission Computer System (Missionsrechnersystem) Mission Control System (Missionssteuerungssystem) Modular Cooling System Monitoring and Control Station Monte-Carlo Simulation Multi-aircraft co*ckpit Simulation (co*ckpitsimulation von mehreren Flugzeugen) Multi-functional Control Surface Marine Corps Systems Command Maastricht Coordination Team Maximum Continuous Thrust (maximaler Dauerschub) Mercury-Cadmium-Telluride (HgCdTe) [Halbleitermaterial zur Herstellung von Infrarotsensoren] Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Controlled Transistor Microwave Computerized Testing Military Communications Terminal 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MCT  MCT  MCTA  MCTL  MCTOW  MCTS  MCU  MCU  MCU  MCU  MCU  MCU  MCU  MCU  MCU  MCU  MCU  MCU  MCUR  MCV  MCW  MCWP  MCXO  M&D  MD  MD  MD  MD  MD  MD  MD  MDA  MDA  MDA  MDA  MDA  MDA  MDA  MDA  MDA  MDAC  MDAH  MDAP  MDAS  MDAU  MDB  MdB  MDC  MDC  MDC  MDC  MDCRS  MDD

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Military Critical Technology Minimum Connecting Time Militarily-Critical Technology Agreement Militarily-Critical Technologies List Maximum Certificated Take-Off Weight Maritime Composite Training System Master Control Unit Microclimate Cooling Unit Microcomputer Unit Minimum Configuration Unit Mission Computer Upgrade Mobile Command Unit Mobile Communications Unit Modular Concept Unit [etwa 1/8-ATR] Modular Component Unit Motor Control Unit Multifunction Concept Unit Munitions Control Unit Mean Cycles between Unsscheduled Removals Mobile Communications Vehicle Modulated Continuous Wave Marine Corps Warfare Publication Microcomputer Compensated Crystal Oscillator Maintenance and Development Map Distance Military District Miss Distance Missile Defense (Abwehr von Flugkörpern) Mission Data Mitteldruck [Triebwerk, DE] Moldavia Main Distribution Assembly Maritime Domain Awareness McDonnell-Douglas Aerospace Metal De-Activator Milestone Decision Authority Minimum Defense Altitude (minimale Luftverteidigungshöhe) Minimum Descent Altitude (minimale Sinkflughöhe bzw. Anflughöhe MSL) Missile Defense Agency [Flugkörperabwehrbehörde der US] Moldova, Moldavien McDonnell Douglas Astronautics [US Co.] Minimum Descent Altitude/Height Major Defense Acquisition Program Multifunction Defense Avionics System Maintenance Data Acquisition Unit Master Database [Simulation] Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages [DE] Main Display Console Maintenance Diagnostic Computer McDonnell Douglas Corporation [US Co.] Message Distribution Center Meteorological Data Collection and Reporting Service McDonnell Douglas Corporation [US]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 MDD  MDD  MDD  MDDR  MDE  MDE  MdE  Mde  MDF  MDF  MDF  MDF  MDF  MDF  MDF  MDG  MDF  MDG  MDH  MDH  MDI  MDI  MDI  MDI  MDI  MDL  MDL  MDL  MdL  MDL  MDL  MDLP  MDLT  MDLT  MDM  MDP  MDP  MDp  MDP  MDP  MDPC  MDPS  MDR  MDR  MDR  MDR  MDR  MDR  MDR  MDR  MDS  MDS  MDS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Meteorological Data Distribution Mission Data Debrief Mission Dependent Data Mobile DDR [IC Memory] Manual Data Entry Mission Data Entry Mitglied des Europaparlamentes [DE] Mode (Modus, Betriebsart) Magnetic Direction Finding Main Defense Forces [NATO] Main Distribution Frame Medium frequency Direction Finding system Miss Distance Filtering Mission Data File Multisensor Data Fusion, Multi-Sensorendaten-Fusion Map Display Generator Miss Distance Filtering Mission Data Generator McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Minimum Descent Height (Sinkflugmindesthöhe über Flugplatz) Minimum Departure Intervall Miss Distance Indicator Moving Dial Indicator Multiple Display Indicator Multiple Document Interface Military Data Link (militärische Datenverbindung) Minimum Detectable Level Mission Data Loader (Missionsdaten-Ladegerät) Mitglied des Landtages [DE] Multipurpose Data Link (Mehrzweckdatenverbindung) Multiuse Data Link Multi Data Link Processor Mine Detection Laser Technology Mobile Data Link Terminal Multiplexer-Demultiplexer Maastricht Development Plan MADAP Data Processor Marinedepot [DE, Bw] Maximum Dry Power Maintenance Data Panel (Wartungsdatentafel) Mission and Display Processing Computer Mission Data Preparation System Major Defect Report Mandatory Dry Run [Trockenlauf] Medium Data Rate (mittlere Datenrate) Milestone Decision Review Mission Data Recorder (Missionsdatenrekorder) Mission Definition Review Mode Digital Radio (digitales Mehrbetriebsfunkgerät) Multimode Digital Radio Maintenance Data Station (Wartungsdatenstation) Maintenance Diagnostics System (Wartungsdiagnose-System) Microcomputer Development System (Mikrocomputer-Entwicklungssystem) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MDS  MDS  MDS  MDS  MDS  MDS  MDS  MDS  MDSS  MDT  MDT  MDT  MDT  MDT  MDT  MDT  Mdt  MDTD  MDU  MDU  MDU  MDv  MDV  MDZ  ME  ME  ME  ME  MEA  Meads  Meads  MEB  ME/C  MEC  MEC  MEC  MEC  MEC  MECA  MECAS  MECD  Mech  Mech  Mechatronik  MECO  MECU  MECS  Med  Med  Med  MEDA  Medcom  Medevac

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Microwave Distribution System (Mikrowellenverteilungssystem) Minimum Detectable/Discernible Signal (minimal-detektierbares Signal) Missile Defense System [US ICBM] Mobile Defense Solution Modular Dispenser System Multilevel Database System Multi-mission Drone System Multipoint Distribution Service Multiple Domain Smart Sensor Maintenance Data Terminal (Wartungsdatenstation) Maintenance Display Terminal (Wartungsdatenstations-Bildschirm) Maintenance Down Time Mean Down Time (mittlere Totzeit bzw Ausfallzeit) Message Distribution Terminal Mission Data Terminal (Missionsdatenstation) Mission Data Tool Moderate (mittelmäßig) Minimum Detectable Temperature Difference Microwave Distribution Unit (Mikrowellenverteilungseinheit) Mission Data Update Multipurpose Display Unit Marinedienstvorschrift [DE, Bw] Minimum Detectable Velocity Maritime Defense Zone Middle East Military Electronics Multi-Engine Munitions Effectiveness Minimum En-route IFR Altitude [ICAO] (Mindestreisehöhe über eine Flugroute) Minimum En-route IFR Altitude Data System Medium Extended Air Defense System [US, DE, It] Modular Expendable Block Military Electronics/Countermeasures Main Engine Control Main Equipment Center Main Evaluation Center Media Expansion Card Modular Electronics Concept Microscopy, Electrochemistry and Conductivity Analyzer [Space] Modular Clothing and Accessories System [Bw] Military Equipment Characteristics Document [NATO] Mechanik [Bw] Mechanized Mechanik Elektronik [DE] Main Engine Cutt-Off Millions of ECU Multiple Effects Catridge System [Simulation, Training] Medical Mediterranean Medium Military Emergency Diversion Airfield Medical Command Medical Evacuation

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 MEDICS  MEDINT  MEF  MEF  MEFL  MEG  Megg  MEI  MEIF  MEIRS  MEK  MEKO  MEL  MEL  MEL  MEL/CDL  MELLS  MELP  MEM  MEM  MEM  MEM  MEMPS  Mems  Mems  MEO  MEP  MEP  MEP  MEP  MEPS  MER  MEHR  MER  MERA  MERFS  MERS  MERTS  MERZ  MES, M&ES  MES  MES  MES  MES  MES  MESA, Mesa  MESA, Mesa  MESFET  Met  MET  MET  MET/AIS  METAR, Metar 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Medical Information and Communication System [NATO] Medical Intelligence Maximum Elevation Figures Minimum Essential Facilities Maximum Expected Flight Level Multiple Emitter Generator Merging Message Exchange Interface Master ELINT Intercept File Multiple EO/IR System Mobiles Einsatzkommando [DE] Mehrzweck Kombination [Schiffsbau, DE] Master Equipment List Minimum Enroute Level Minimum Equipment List Minimum Equipment List/Configuration Deviation List Mehrrollenfähiges Leichtes Lenkflugkörper System [DE, Bw] Mixed Excitation Linear Protection Memory [auch: mem] Message Exchange Mechanism [NATO] Microwave and Electromagnetics Mission Effectiveness Model Mobile EMP Simulator Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Micromachined Materials and Structures Medium Earth Orbit [Orbithöhe: 10.000 bis 20.000 km] Mean Effective Pressure Minimum Entry Point Mission Equipment Package Multi-Engine Piston Missile Engagement Planning System Message Error Rate Minimum Essential Requirements Modulation Error Ratio Molecular Applications for Radar Electronics Micro-Electromagnetic RF System [Antennen] Multifunction Electromagnetic Radiation System Mobile EW and Radar Test System [Herley: EWST] Marineeinsatzrettungszentrum [DE, Bw] Magnetic & Electromagnetic Silencing Magnetischer Eigenschutz [DE] Main Engine Start Materialerhaltungsstufe [DE, Bw] Mobile Earth Station Multiple Emitter Simulator Mechanically Steered Antenna Multifunction Electronically Scanned Array Metal Electrode Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor Meteorology (Meteorologie, Wetterkunde, Wetter; Flugwetterkunde) Mission Elapsed Time Mobile EW Test Meteorological and Aeronautical Information processing System Meteorological Aviation routine Report (planmäßiger Wetter-Report, Flugwettermeldung) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 Meteor  Meteosat  METI, Meti  METO  METOC, Metoc  METRAD  METSAT  METT  MEU  MEURO  MEV  MEV  MEW  MEWS  MEWS  MEWSG  MEWSS  MEZ  MEZ  MF  MF  MF  MF  MF  MF  MFA . MFA  MFA  MFAR  MFAS  MFBF  MFC  MFC  MFC  MFC  MFCD  MFCDU  MFCP  MFCR  MFD  MFD  MFD  MFD  MFDA  MFDAU  MFDS  MFDT  MFDU  MFEW  MFF  MFF  MFG  MFG

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Europäischer Luft/Luft-Lenkflugkörper [DE] Meteorological Satellite Meteorological Information Maximum Except Take-Off Meteorological and Oceanographic Meteorological Radar (Wetterradar) Meteorological Satellite Mobile EW Test system Tornado [EADS] Mission Essential Unit Millions of Euro Mehrfrequenzverfahren [DE] Million Electron Volts Microwave Early Warning Mobile EW System (mobiles bzw. verlegbares EloKa-System) Modular EW System (modulares EloKa-System) Maritime EW Support Group [UK] Mobile EW Support System [USMC] (mobiles EloKa-Unterstützungssystem) Maritime Exclusion Zone Missile Engagement Zone Maintenance Facility Major Function Matched Filter [Radar] (angepasstes Filter) Medium Frequency (Mittelwelle) Multi-Function (Mehrfunktion) Multiplication Factor Message Format Area Ministry of Foreign Affairs [Japan] Multi-Function Antennas (Mehrfachfunktionsantennen) Multi-Function Array Radar (Mehrfunktionsarrayradar) Multi-Function Active Sensor (aktiver Mehrfunktionssensor) Multi-Function Bomb Fuse (Mehrfunktionsbombenzünder) Main Fuel Control (Haupttreibstoffsteuerung) Multi-Frequency Coding (Mehrfrequenzkodierung) Multi-Function Console (Mehrfunktionskonsole) Multinational Force Commander Multi-Function Color Display (Multifunktionsfarbdisplay) Multi-Function Control and Display Unit (Mehrfunktionssteuerungs- und Anzeigeeinheit) Multi-Function Control-display Panel Multi-function Fire Control Radar (Mehrzweckfeuerleitradar) Malfunction Display Maximum Frequency Deviation (maximale Frequenzabweichung) Micro-Fabrication Techniques Multi-Function Display (Mehrzweckdisplay, Mehrfachanzeige) Military Flight Data Assistant Miscellaneous Flight Data Acquisition Unit Multi-Function Display System (Mehrzweckdisplaysystem) Multiple False Doppler Target (mehrfache falsche Dopplerziele) Multi-Function Display Unit (Mehrzweckdisplayeinheit) Multifunction Electronic Warfare (Mehrzweck-EloKa) Mediterranean Free Flight Mixed Fleet Flying Marinefliegergeschwader [DE, Bw] (Navy Aviation Wing) Master Frequency Generator (Hauptfrequenzgenerator)

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 MFI  MFIT  MFK  MFK  MFL  MFL  MFlg  MFlgAufklStff  MFlgDiv  MFlgH  MFLOPS  MFLS  MFM  MFM  MFM  MFM  MFMR  MFMS  MFmZ  MFN  MFOV  MFP  MFP  MFP  MFPU  Mfr  MFR  MFR  MFRFS  MFS  MFS  MFSK  MFSP  MFSS  MFSSS  MFT  MFT  MFTA  MFTD  MFTS  MFUR  MFuS/Est  MFüSys  MFV  MFV  MFW  MFWA  MFZ  Mg  MG  mg  MG  MGARJS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

MarineForce International [London] Mean Fault Isolation Time (mittlere Störbehebungszeit) Marschflugkörper (Cruise Missile) [CH, DE] Multifunction Keyboard (Mehrzwecktastatur) Maintenance Fault List (Wartungsausfallliste) Military Flight List (Militärflugliste) Marineflieger [DE, Bw] Marinefliegeraufklärungsstaffel [DE, Bw] Marinefliegerdivision [DE, Bw] Marinefliegerhorst [DE, Bw] Million Floating Operations Per Second Multi-Function Laser System (Mehrzwecklasersystem) Maintenance Fault Memory (Wartungsausfallspeicher) Materielles Fähigkeitsmanagement [DE, Bw] Modified Frequency Modulation (Mmodifizierte Frequenzmodulation) Multi-Function Modules Multi-Frequency Microwave Radiometer (Mehrfrequenzmikrowellenradiometer) Military Flight-Management System (Militärisches Flugmanagementsystem) Marinefernmeldezentrum [DE] Multi-Frequency Network (Mehrfrequenznetzwerk) Medium Field Of View Matched Field Processing Miniature Flat-Panel Multi-Function Peripherals Mobile Field Processing Unit Manufacturer Multi-Function Radar (Mehrzweckradar) Multiple Frequency Repeater (Mehrfachfrequenzwiederholer) Multi-Function Radio Frequency System (Mehtzweckfunkfrequenzsystem) Magnetic Field Strength Media File Server Multiple Frequency Shift Keying Multi-Function Sigint Payload Mobile Fire Support System Multi-Function Staring Sensor Suite Master File Table Multi-Function Terminal Multi-Function Towed Array Multi-Function Threat Detector Military Flying Training System [UK] Most Frequently Used Route Marinefunksende-/-empfangsstellen [DE] Marineführungssystem [DE, Bw] Main Fuel Valve Mehrfrequenzverfahren [DE] Maximum Fuel Weight Magnetron Forward Wave Amplifier Multifunktionszünder [DE] Magnesium [chem. Symbol] Maschinengewehr (machine gun) [AT, DE, Bw] Milligramm [DE] Missile Guidance (Flugkörperlenkung) Mobile Ground-to-Air Radar Jamming System 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MGB  MGC  MGC  MGCP  MGD  MGFA  MGGB  MGID  MGMSS  Mgmt  MGO  MGP  MGPS  MGR, Mgr  MGRS  MGS  MGS  MGS  MGSCU  MGSE  MGT, Mgt  MGTG  MGV  MGW  MGZ  MH  mH  MH  MH-47D  MH-53  MH-53J  MH-60R  MHA  MHA  MHD  MHD  MHD  MHDD  MHDEMP  MHE  MHEMT  MHF  MHI  MH/K  MHNW  MHQ  MHQ  MHRS  MHS  MHS  MHS  MHT  MHT

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Medium Girder Bridge Main Graphics Controller Manual Gain Control Multinational Geospacial Coproduction Program Magneto Gas Dynamics Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt [DE] Modular Guided Glide Bomb Military Geographic Information and Demonstration Microwaves Global Military Space Systems Management Militärische Grundorganisation [DE, Bw] MLS Glidpath (MLS Gleitweg) Mobile Ground Processing System Manager Military Grid Reference System Mission Ground Station Mible Ground Station Mobile Gun System Main Geer Steering Control Unit Mechanical Ground Support Equipment Management Moving Ground Target Detection Manned Ground Vehicle Modular Guided Weapon, Modular-Gelenkte Waffe) Mittlere Greenwich-Zeit [DE] Magnetic Heading (mißweisender Steuerkurs) Milli-Henry Marine Helicopter (Marinehubschrauber) Chinnok: Transporthelikopter Sea Dragon: USN-Helikopter zur Bekämpfung von See-Minen Pave Low: USAF-Langstrecken-Helikopter für In- und Exfiltration Bordgestützter Mehrzweckhubschraubertyp von Sikorsky Aircraft Minimum Holding Altitude Multiple Headset Adapter Magnetic Hard Drive Magnetohydrodynamics (Magnetohydrodynamik) Multi Hazard Display Multifunction Head Down Displays Magnetohydrodynamic EMP Main Heat Exchanger Metamorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor Medium High Frequency Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Mine Hunter/Killer Militärisches Nachrichtenwesen [DE, Bw] Marinehauptquartier [DE, Bw] Marine Head Quarter Magnetic Heading Reference System Message Handling Service Message Handling System Microwave Humidity Sounder Missile Height Target Multi Head Tracking

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MHT  MHV  MHX  MHz  M&I  MI  MI  MI  Mi  MI  MIA  MIA  MIA  MIA  MIB  MIB  MIC  MIC  MIC, mic  MIC  MIC  MIC  MIC  MICA  MICA  MICAM  MICOM  MID  MIDAS  Midas  Midas  Midas  MIDL  MIDS, Mids  Mids/LVT  Mids  MIDU  MIF  MIG  MiG  MIG-21  MIG-23  MIG-25  MIG-27  MIG-29  MIG-31  MIG-35

Multihypothesentracker [DE] Miniature Homing Vehicle Main Heat Exchanger Megahertz [106 Hz] Maintenance and Inspection [USAF] Meads International Michelson-Interferometer Military Intelligence Mischer [DE] Modulation Index Minimum IFR Altitude Missing In Action Modular Integrated Avionics Multiplexer Interface Adapter Management Information Base Millitary Intelligence Board Management Information Center Maritime Intelligence Center Microphone Microwave Integrated Circuit Minimum Ignition Current Monolithic Integrated Circuit Mutual Interface Chart Missile d’Interception et de Combat Aerien [FR] (Abfangs- und Luftkampfflugkörper) Mode S Interrogator Code Allocation Military Code Allocation Method Missile Command [USA] Mobile Internet Device Man-machine Integration Design and Analysis System Mine and Ice Detection and Avoidance Sonar Missile Defense Alarm System Multifunctional Integrated Defence Avionics System Modular Interoperable Data Link Multifunktional Information Distribution System Mids Low Volume Terminal Multifunktional Information Distribution System Multipurpose Interactive Display Unit MTI Improvement Factor Microsystems Industrial Group

 MIG  MIGCAP  Mikado  MIKE  MIL, Mil

Military Intelligence Guide MiG Compat Air Patrol Mikroaufklärungsdrohne für den Ortsbereich [DE, Bw/Heer] Multitask Internet Key Exchange Military, Militär


Mikojan-Gurewitch Militärischer Militärischer Militärischer Militärischer Militärischer Militärischer Militärischer

Flugzeugtyp von MiG Russian Aircraft Corp. Flugzeugtyp von MiG Russian Aircraft Corp. Flugzeugtyp von MiG Russian Aircraft Corp. Flugzeugtyp von MiG Russian Aircraft Corp. Mehrzweckflugzeugtyp von MiG Russian Aircraft Corp. Flugzeugtyp von MiG Russian Aircraft Corp. Flugzeugtyp von MiG Russian Aircraft Corp.

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 mil  MILAERO  MilAk  Milan  MILATCC  MilBer  MilBez  Milcom  Milcomsat  Milcon  Mildec  Milds  Miles  MilEvakOp  MILFS, Mil FS  MilFüSys  MILHAG  MIL-HDBK  MILINT  MILNET  MilNW  MILO  MilOps  MilOrgBer  Milows  Milrep  MILS  Milsatcom  Milspec  Milstar  MilStr  MILSTRIP  MILTECH  MIL-STD  MIM  MIMIC  MIMO, Mimo  Mims  Mimu  MIN  Min, min  min  MIND, Mind  MINT, Mint  MINTOF  Mio  MIOL  MiOWS  MIP  MIP  MIP  MIP  MIPS

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militärisch [DE] Military/Aeronautical Militärakademie [AT] Missile d’Infanterie Liger Antichar [FR] Military Air Traffic Control Center Militärischer Bereich [DE, Bw] Militärischer Bezirk [DE, Bw] Military Communications Military Communications Satellite Military Construction Military Deception Missile Launched Detection System [EADS LFK] Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System Militärische Evakuierungsoperationen [DE, Bw] Militärische Flugsicherung (Military ATC) [DE] Militärisches Führungssystem [DE, Bw] Military Harmonisation Group Military Handbook Military Intelligence Military Network Militärisches Nachrichtenwesen [DE, Bw] Military Liaison Officer Military Operations Militärische Organisationsbereiche [DE, Bw] Military Obstacle Warning System Military Representative/Representation Multiple Independent Levels of Security Military Satellite Communications Military Specification Military Strategic and Tactical Relay Satellite System [US] Militärische Straße [DE] Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures [US DOD 4000.25-1-M] Military Technology Military Standard [auch: Mil-Std] Metal-Insulator-Metal Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit Multiple Input - Multiple Output Multi Image - Multi Spectral Miniature Inertial Measurement Unit Message Identification Number Minimum Minute Multiple Infrared Naval Decoy Multi Intelligence Minimum Take-Off Fuel Million [106] Medium Intensity Obstacle Lights Military Obstacle Warning System [EADS] Maintenance Implementation Procedures Mean Indicated Pressure Multilateral Interoperability Programme Multinational Information Production Management Interface Protocol Specification

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 MIPS, Mips  MIR  MIR  MIR  MIR  MIR  MIR  MIRACL  MIRAS  MIREC  MIRFS  MIRL  MiRPz  MIRV  MIS  MIS  MIS  MIS  MIS  Misc, misc  MISFET  MISO, miso  MISPI  MISREP  MISS  MISSIM  MISSIM  Mist  MIT  MITAC  MITATT  MITE  MITEQ  Mitgl  MITL  MITRE  MITS  MITS  MITS  MIU  MIW  MIWCC  MiWS  MJ  MJ  mJ  MJ  MJD  Mjr  Mk  MK  MKA  MKF 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Million Instructions Per Second Master Inspection Record Microwave Imaging Radiometer Microwave Impulse Radar Middle Infrared Most Important Requirement Multiband Infrared Middle IR Advanced Chemical Laser Multicolor IR Alerting Sensor [auch: Miras; Eurofighter, A400M] Mission Recording Multifunction Integrated Radio Frequency System Medium Intensity Runway Lights Minenräumpanzer [DE] Multiple Independently-targetable Re-entry Vehicle Management Information System Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Micro-Inertial Sensors Missile Squadron [US] Modular Insertion Stage Miscellaneous Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor Multiple Input - Single Output Monopulse Information Signal Processing Mission Report Modular Intelligent Sensor System Missile Simulation Missionssimulator [DE, Bw] Modular Interoperable Surface Terminal Massachusetts Institute of Technology Micro TACAN Mixed Tunneling And Transit Time Megapixel Imaging Technology Microwave Information Transmission Equipment [US, Inc.] Mitglied [DE] Man In The Loop Massachusetts Intitute for Technology, Research and Engineering Maritime Integrated Training System Mission Integrated Transparency System Multiple Independent Threat Simulator Missile Interface Unit Mine Warfare Mine Warfare Command and Control [auch: MIWC2] Minenwurfsystem [DE, Bw] Mega Joule [106 J] Microwave Journal [US, Magazine] milli-Joule [10-3 J] Minenjagd [DE, Bw] Modified Julian Day Major [AT] Mark (Version, Model) [UK] Maschinenkanone [DE, Bw] Mehrfachkeulenantennen [DE] Militärkraftfahrer [DE, Bw] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MKB  MKBS  MKD  MKP  MKR  MKSA  MKV  ML  ML  ML  ml  ML  ML  ML  MLA  MLA  MLat  MLB  MLBM  MLC  MLC  MLC  MLC  MLD  MLD  MLDT  MLFMM  MLG  MLG  MLI  MLI  MLJ  MLJR  MLM  MLM  MLO  MLP  MLP  MLP  MLRS  MLS  MLS  MLS  MLS  MLS  MLT  MLT  MLT  MLT  MLU  MLV  MLV  MLVS

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Multipurpose Keyboard [Airbus A400M] Modulare Kommando Bodenstation Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Multifunction Keypad Marker radio beacon (Markierungsfunkfeuer) Meter Kilogramm Sekunde Ampere [Einheitensystem, DE] Multiple Kill Vehicle Maximum Likelihood Mean Level Meldelinie [DE, Bw] Milliliter [DE, SI-Einheit] Missile Launch (Flugkörperstart) Mode Locking Motor-Luftstrahltriebwerk [Triebwerk, DE] Maneuver Limited Altitude Multispectral Linear Array Multilateration Multi Layer Board (Mehrlagen-Platte) Modern Large Ballistic Missile Main Lobe Cancellation [EW] Main Lobe Clutter [Radar] Maneuver Load Control (Manöverlastregelung) Multi Level Cell Maximum Likelihood Detector Missile Launched Detection/Detector [EW] Mean Logistics Delay Time Multi-Level Fast Multipole Method [Radar] Main Landing Gear Marineleichtgeschütz [DE, Bw] Mid-Life Improvement Multilayered Insulation Military Low Jet Military Low Jet Route Mid-Level Management Mid-Life Modernisation Multi-Layer Organic Mobile Landing Platform Mobile Launcher Platform Multi-Level Plating Multiple Launch Rocket System [USA] Maximal Length Sequence Mean Sea Level Microwave Landing System (Mikrowellenlandesystem) Miles Multilevel Security Malta Mobile Land Target Multilateration Multi Level Transition Mid-Life Update [auch: Upgrade] Medium Launch Vehicle Memory Loader and Verifier (Speicherlade- und Verifizierungsgerät) Memory Loader and Verifier Set

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 MLW  MM  MM  MM  mm  MM  MM  MMA  MMatDp  MMB  MMBA  MMC  MMC  MMDA  MMC  MMC  MMC  MMD  MMD  MMD  MMDS  MMDS  MME  MMEL  MMF  MMF  MMI  MMIC  MMLS  MMM  MMM  MMMS  MMO  MMO  MMR  MMR  MMR  MMRC  MMRCA  MMRS  MMS  MMS  MMS  MMS  MMS  MMS  MMS  MMSA  MMSC  MMSE  MMSI  MMSR  MMT 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Maximum Landing Weight (Maximal-zullässige Landemasse) Major Mode Mass Memory (Massenspeicher) Middle Marker [Haupteinflugzeichen beim ILS] Millimeter [DE, SI-Einheit] Mission Management Mobile Map Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft [USN] Marinematerialdepot [DE, Bw] Miniature Multiband Beacon Multi-beam Multi-mission Broadband Antenna Maintenance Monitor Console Metal Matrix Composite Multi-Mode Digital Avionics Maintenance Monitoring Console Mission Management Computer Modular Mission Computer Manufacturing, Maintenance and Disposal Mean Mission Duration Moving Map Display (Bewegtkarten-Display) Multichannel Multipoint Distribution System Multipoint Microwave Distribution System Moving Map Equipment (Bewegtkarten-Gerät) Master Minimum Equipment List [ICAO] Mismatched Filter [Radar] Multimedia Formats Man-Machine Interface Monolithic MIC [auch: MIMIC] Mobile Microwave Landing System (mobiles Mikrowellenlandesystem) Mass Memory Module Multiband, Multimode, Multirole [M3] Military Mission Management System Mach Maximum Overspeed Main Meteorological Office Multi-Mission Radar Multi-Mode Radar Multi-Mode Receiver Modular Multirole Computer Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft [IAF] Multi-Mission Radar System Maintenance Management System Maintenance Monitoring System Mast-Mounted Sight (Rotormast-Visier) Minimum Mean-Squared Mission Management System Mobile Mass Spectometer Multimission Modular Spacecraft Multi-Mission Surveillance Aircraft Mission Management System Computer Multiuse Mission Support Equipment Miniature Munition Standard Interface Mobiles Minensuch- und Räumgerät [DE, Bw] Mean Maintenance Time 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MMT  MMTF  MMTS  MMU  MMU  MMuDep  MMW, mmW  MMW  MMWR  MN  MN  Mn  MNC  MNC  MNCC  MNCS  MND  MND  MNF  MNFC  MNIC  Mnm  MNO  MNPS  MNPSA  MNS  MNS  MNSH  Mnt  MNTN  MNV  MNVD  M&O  M&O  MO  MO  MO  MO  Mo  MoA  MOA  MOAB  MOAT  MOB  MOB  MOB, mob  Mob  MobKommSys  MobMFG  MOBS  MOC  MOC  MoC

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Mission Management Team Modular Medical Treatment Facilities Military Mobile Telecommunications System Mass Memory Unit Memory Management Unit Marinemunitionsdepot [DE, Bw] Millimeterwellen, Millimeter Waves [30 bis 300 GHz] Myriameterwellen [3 bis 30 kHz] [DE] Millimeterwave Radar Magnetic North (mißweisender Nord) Multi-National Mangan [chem. Symbol] Major NATO Commander Multi National Corps [NATO] Multinational Coordination Centre Multipoint Network Control System (Steuersystem für ein Mehrpunktnetzwerk) Ministry of National Defence [Polen] (Ministerium der Nationalen Verteidigung) Multi National Division Multi-National Force Multi-National Force Commander Multi-National Intelligence Cell Minimum Multinationale Operationen [DE] Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications (Spezifikation minimaler Navigationsleistungen) MNPS Airspace Managed Network Service Mobile Network Services Mobile Naval Surgical Hospital Monitor, Monitoring, Monitored (Überwachungsgerät, überwachen, überwacht) Maintain, maintained, maintaining (beibehalten) Mine-Neutralization Vehicle Monocular Night Vision Device Maintenance & Operation Managing and Operating Magneto-Optical Marine Operations [Bw] Master Oscillator Medical Officer Molybdenum [Chem. Element] Memorandum of Agreement (Übereinstimmungsmemorandum) Military Operations Area (militärischer Operationsbereich) Massive Ordnance Air Blast Missile on Aircraft Test Main Operating Base Missile Order of Battle Mobile, Mobility (mobil, beweglich) Mobilmachung [DE, Bw] Mobiles Kommunikationssystem [DE, Bw] Mobiles Marinefliegergeschwader Multiple-Orbital Bombardment System Maritime Operations Center Means Of Compliance Memorandum of Cooperation (Kooperationsmemorandum)

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 MOC  MOC  MOC  MOCA  MOD  MOD, MoD  Mod  Mod  Mod  MODA  Modar  Modas  Modcom  Mode A  Mode C  Mode S  Mode S  Modem  Modif  MODIR  MODTRAN  MOE  MOE  MOEMS  MOF, MoF  MOF  MoI  MOICS  MOL  MOL  MOLF  MOM  MoM  MOM  Mon  Mon  MON  MONA  MoO  MOOTW  MOP  MoP  MoP  MOP  MOPA  MOPR  MOPS, Mops  MOPS, Mops  MOQA  MOR  MOR 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Minimum Obstacle Clearance (minimaler Abstand von Hindernissen) [ICAO] Ministry Of Communications Mission Operations Center Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude (minimale hindernissfreie Flughöhe) Magneto-Optical Drive Ministry Of Defence [UK] (Ministerium der Verteidigung) Moderate, moderately Modification, modified Modulator Ministry Of Defence and Aviation Modular Adaptable Radar Modular Defensive Aids Modular Communications ATC Mode A [Angabe von Entfernung und Richtung] ATC Mode C [Angabe von Entfernung, Richtung und Flughöhe] ATC Mode S [Angabe von Entfernung, Richtung, Flughöhe und Identifikation] Mode Select Modulation/Demodulation [DE] Modifikation [DE] Modulated IR [Jammer] Moderate Transmission Measure Of Effectiveness Mittel-Ost Europa Micro, Optics, Electro-Mechanical Systems Ministry of Finance Mode Of Flight Measures of Interest MEMS-based Optical Identification and Communication System Machine-Oriented Language Manned Orbital Laboratory Modular Laser Fire control Metal-Oxide-Metal Method of Moments [Radar] Mission Operations Manager Monday (Montag) Monitor Metropolitan Optical Network Monitoring Aids Measure of Outcome Military Operations Other Than War [NATO] Massive Ordnance Penetrator Measure of Performance Memorandum of Policy Modulation On Pulse Master Oscillator Power Amplifier Minimum Operational Performance Requirements (Minimale, operationelle Leistungsforderungen) Million Operations Per Second [FAA] Minimum Operational Performance Specifications/Standards (Minimale, operationelle Leistungsspezifikationen bzw -standards) Maintenance Operations Quality Assurance (Qualitätssicherung von Wartungsarbeiten) Military Operational Requirements (militärische Einsatzforderungen) Mission Operations Review

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MORA  MORE  MORS  MOS  MOS  MOS  MOS  MOS  MOS  MOSA, Mosa  MOSD  MoSeS  MOSFET  MOSRAM  MOSS  MOSS  MOST  MOST  MOT  MOT, MoT  Mot  MOT&E  MOTNE  MOTS  MOU, MoU  MOUT  MOV  MOV  Mov  MOZ  MP  MP  MP  MP  MP, MPi  MP  MP  Mp, µP  MP  MP  MP  MP  MP  MP  MP  MP  MPA  MPA  MPA  MPa  MPA  MPA  MPA

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Minimum Off-Route Altitude Multi-Optical Reconnaissance Military Operational Requirements Subgroup [NATO] Marine Observation Satellite Marineoperationsschule [DE, Bw/Marine] Measure Of Suitability Metall Oxide Silicon/Semiconductor Minimum Operating Strip Minimum Operational Signal/Sensitivity Modular Open Systems Approach/Architecture Mission, Objectives and Strategy Document Mobile Sensor System [Bw, Heer] Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor [auch: Mosfet] Metal Oxide Semiconductor Random Access Memory [auch: Mosram] Manned Orbital Space Station Mobile Submarine Simulator Mission Operations Support Team Mosaic Optical Sensor Technology Military Ocean Terminal Ministry Of Transport Motor [DE, Bw] Multinational Operational Testing and Evaluation Meteorological Operational Telecommunications Network Europe Military Off-The-Self Memorandum of Understanding (Verständigungsmemorandum, Regierungsvereinbarung) Military Operations in Urban Terrain Metal Oxide Varistor Military Owned Vehicle Move, moved, moving Mittlere Ortszeit Main Processor (Hauptprozessor) Maintenance Plan (Wartungsplan) Manpower Planning Maritime Patrol Maschinenpistole [DE, Bw] Meldepunkt [DE] Metal Particle Microprocessor Military Police (Militärpolizei) Militärpolizei [AT, CH] Mission Planning Mission Processor (Missionscomputer) Monitor Processor Mono-Puls [DE] Multipole Multi-Purpose Materialprüfungsanstalt [DE] Maritime Patrol Aircraft (Seeraumüberwachungsflugzeug) Medium Power Amplifier (Verstärker mittlerer Leistung) Megapascal [106 Pa] Miniaturized Power Amplifier Mission Payload Analysis Monopolantennen [DE]

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 MPA  MPA  MPAR  MPAS  MPB  MPC  MPC  MPC  MPC  MPCD  MPCDL  MPCS  MPCS  MPCU  MPD  MPD  MPD  MPDR  MPDR  MPDR  MPDS  MPDS  MPDS  MPE  MPE  MPEG  MPEG  MPEL  MPG  MPG  MPH, mph  MPI  MPI  MPI  MPL  MPL  MPL  MPL  MPL  MPLH  MPM  MPM  MPM  MPM  MPMC  MPO  MPO  MPP  MPP  MPP  MPP  MPP  MPP 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Multiport Power Amplifier Muschelparabolantennen [DE] Multipurpose Airport Radar (Mehrzweckflughafenradar) Monopulsantennensystem [DE] Maintenance Planning Board Message Processing Centre Mobile Processing Center Multipurpose Console Multi-Platform Compatible Multipurpose Color Display Multi-Platform Common Data Link [ auch: MP-CDL] Mission Planning and Control Station Multipurpose Combat System [MBDA, RDE] Multiport Protocol Converter Unit Medium-prf Pulse Doppler Microwave Power Device Multi Purpose Display (Mehrzweckdisplay) Medium Powered Doppler Radar (Dopplerradar mittlerer Sendeleistung) Mono-Pulse Doppler Radar (Monopulsdopplerradar) Multipurpose Data Recorder Mission Planning and Debriefing System Mobile Packet Data Service Multipurpose Display System Maximum Permissible Exposure (maximal zulässige Belichtungszeit) Mission Planning Element Moving Pictures Expert Group [Arbeitsgruppe von ISO und ITU] Multi-Platform Emitter Geolocation Maximum Permissable Exposure Level Max-Planck-Gesellschaft e.V. [DE, München] Micro Power Generation Miles Per Hour (Landmeilen pro Stunde) Major Periodic Inspection Mean Point of Impact Message Passing Interface Maximum Permissable Level Mini Flight Plan Minimum Power Level Minimum Processing Latency Multi-crew Pilot Licence [ICAO] Multipupose Light Helicopter Magnetic Permanent Memory Maintenance Policy Manual Maximum Permitted Mileage Microwave Power Module Multi-Platform Mission Computer Maastricht Project Office Management Project Office Materials, Processes and Parts Microwave Power Products Modernization Planning Process Monopulspeiler [DE] Most Probable Position Multipurpose Penetrator 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MPPS  MPPS  MPPU  MPR  MPR  MPR  MPR  MPR  MPRF  MPRF-Radar  MPRL  MP-RTIP  MPS  MPS  MPS  MPD  MPS  MPS, mps  MPS  MPS  MPT  MPT  MPT  MPU  MPW  MPW  MPX  MQ-1  MQ-9  MQAM  MQW  M&R  MR  MR  MR  MR  MR  MR  MR  MR  MRA  MRA  MRA  MRA  MRAAM  mrad, mr  MRAM  MRAP  MRASM  MRAV  MRB  MRB  MRBM

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Million Pulses Per Second Monopulspeilersystem [DE] Multipurpose Processor Unit Maritime Patrol Radar Maritime Patrol Reconnaissance Maximum Power Reserve Medium Powered Radar Monopulse Radar (Monopulsradar) Maritime Patrol & Reconnaissance Forces Medium Pulse Repetition Frequency Radar (Radar mittlerer Pulsfolgefrequenz) Master Parts Reference List Multi-Purpose Radar Technology Insertion Program [auch: MPRTIP] Magnetospheric Particle Sensor Main Propulsion System Maintenance Processor System Master Plan Supplement Max-Planck Institut für Solarsysteme [DE] Meters Per Second Minimum Performance Specification (minimale Leistungsspezifikationen) Mission Planning Subsystem (Missionsplanungs-Subsystem) Memory Protocol Translator Minimum Performance Transponder (Transponder minimaler Leistung) Multi-Purpose Terminal Multifunction Processor Unit Maximum Permissible Weight (maximal zulässiges Gewicht) Multi-Project Water Multiplex Predator: Elektronische Aufklärungs- und Erdkampfdrohne von General Atomics Inc. Reaper: Elektronische Aufklärungs- und Erdkampfdrohne von General Atomics Inc. Multilevel Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Multi Quantum Well Maintenance & Repairs Magnetic Resonance Maritime Reconnaissance [UK] (Seeraumaufklärung) Marker Ranger [Laserentfernungsmarkierer] Medium Range (mittlere Reichweite, Mittelstrecken) Microwave Receiver (Mikrowellenempfänger) Military Region Mixed Reality Multi-Role Maritime Reconnaissance and Attack [UK/RAF] (Seeraumaufklärungs- und Angriffsflugzeug) Military Reserved Airspace (für das Militär reservierter Luftraum) Minimum Reception Altitude (minimale Empfangshöhe) Mutual Recognition Agreement Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (Luft/Luft-Flugkörper mittlerer Reichweite) Milliradian [10-3 rad] [DE] Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory Mine Resistant Ambush Protected [USMC Vehicle; Truppentransportfahrzeug] Medium-Range Air-to-Surface Missile Multi-Role Armoured Vehicle [Boxer, Bw-Heer] Maintenance Review Board [FAA] Mission Requirements Board Medium-Range Ballistic Missile

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 MRC  MRC  MRCA  MRCM  MRCM  MRCR  MRCV  MRD  MRD  MRDFS  MRDL  MRDP  MRDU  MRDV  MRES  MRE  MRE  MRF  MRF  MRG  MRI  MRJ  Mrk  MRK BCN  MRL  MRL  MRLG  MRM  MRMMS  MRO  MRO  MROC  MROSE  MRP  MRR  MRR  MRR  MRR  MRR  MRRD  MRRP  MRRS  MRS  MRS  MRS  MrsKpfSys  MRSV  MRT  MRT  MRT  MRT  MRT  MRT 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Major Regional Conflict Military Radar Controller Multi Rolle Combat Aircraft [Tornado WS] (Mehrrollen-Kampfflugzeug) Monitoring, Reconnaissance, Countermeasures Multi-Role Combat Missile Medium Range Countermeasures Rocket Multi-Role Combat Vehicle Maintenance Requirements Document Mission Requirements Document Manpack Radio Direction Finding System Multi Role Data Link Multi Radar Data Processing Multi-channel Receiver/Decoder Unit Multi Radar Datenverarbeitung Mobile Remote Emitter Simulator Meals Ready to Eat Multirole Endurance Microwaves and RF [US, Magazine] Multi-Role Fighter [USAF] (Mehrrollenkampfflugzeug) Medium Range (mittlere Reichweite) Magnetic Resonance Imaging Mitsubishi Regional Jet Marker Marker Beacon Minimum Risk Level Multiple Rocket Launcher (mehrfacher Raketenstrarter) Monolithic Ring Laser Gyro (Monolithischer Ringlaserkreisel) Medium Range Missile (Mittelstreckenraketen) Millimeterwave Reflectivity Measurement System Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (Wartung, Reparatur und Überholung) Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Multi-Role Operations Cabin Multi-tasking Real-time Operating System Executive Met Reporting Point Manufacturing Revision Request Minimum Risk Route Mission Readiness Review Modulating Retroreflector Multi-Role-Radio Minimum Resolvable Radiance Difference (minimal auflösbare Strahlungsdifferenz) Minimum Risk Routing Point Multi-Role Radar Simulator Medium Range Sonar Microwave Radiometer System (Mikrowellenradiometersystem) Monitoring and Ranging Stations (Überwachungs- und Entfernungsmessstationen) Mörserkampfsystem [DE, Bw/Heer] Multi-Role Support Vessel Mean Repair Time (mittlere Reparaturzeit) Mean Response Time (mittlere Rückmeldezeit) Minimum Resolvable Temperature Mission Readiness Test Multi Radar Tracking Multi Remote Terminal 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MRT  MRTD  MRTIP  MRTT  MRU  MRUAV  MRUUV  MRV  MRV  MRVA  MRW  Mrz  M&S  M&S  m/s, mps  MS  MS  MS  MS  MS  MS  MS  MS  MS  MS  MS  ms  MS  MS  MS  MS  MS  MS  MSA  MSA  MSA  MSA  MSA  MSA  MSA  MSA  MSA  MSA  MSAAS  MSAG  MSAM  MSAW  MSAR  MSAR  MSAS  MSAT  MSAT  MSAW

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Multi-Role Turret Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference Multiplatform Radar Technology Insertion Program [auch: MR-Tip] Multi-Role Transporter Tanker Transporter Mobile Radio Unit Medium Range Unmanned Air Vehicle Mission Reconfigurable Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Maneuvering Reentry Vehicle Multiple-Re-entry Vehicle Minimum Radar Vectoring Altitude (minimale Radarführungshöhe) Maximum Ramp Weight März [DE] Merging and Spacing Modeling and Simulation [Bw] Meter per Second Main Storage Management System Maritime Security Massenspektrometer [DE] Mass Storage (Massenspeicher) Member States Microscan [Receiver] Microsoft Milestone Military Service Military Standard Milliseconds (Millisekunden) [10-3 s] Minus Missile Seeker (Lenkflugkörperzielsuchkopf) Mobile Station Mobile Subscriber Monitor and Support Multi-Spectral Major System Acquisition Maritime Surveillance Aircraft (Seeraumüberwachungsflugzeug) Mechanically Scanned Antenna (mechanisch abtastende Antenne) Mechanically Steering Array (mechanisch nachführbare Anordnung) Microstrip Antenna Minimum Safe Altitude (minimale Sicherheitsflughöhe) Minimum Scattering Antenna (minimalstreuende Antenne) Minimum Sector Altitude (minimale Sicherheitssektorhöhe) Modeling, Simulation and Analysis Modulare Schutzausstattung [Bw] Multi-Spectral Air-to-Air Seeker Multifunction Self-Alined Gate Medium Surface-to-Air Missile Minimum Safe Altitude Warning Maritime Synthetic Aperture Radar Miniature Synthetic Aperture Radar Multifunction transport Satellite-based Augmentation System [Japan] Mobile Source Air Toxic Multi-Sensor Aided Targeting Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (minimale Sicherheitsflughöhe-Warnung)

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 MSB  MSBLS  MSC  MSC  MSC  MSC  MSC  MSC  MSC  MSC  MSC  MSCC  Msch  MSCP  MSCT  MS&D  MSD  MSD  MSD  MSD  MSDF  MSDS  MSE  MSF  MSF  MSF  MSF  MSFC  MSG  MSG  MSG  Msg  MSH  MSH  MSH  MSHR  MSI  MSI  MSI  MSI  MSI  MSIC  MSI IR  MSIS  MSK  MSL  MSL  MSL  MSL  MSLC  MSMS  MSN  MSN 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Most Significant Bit (Bit höchster Priorität) Microwave Scan Beam Landing System Magnetic Signature Control Marconi Selenia Communications [Co.] Message Sequence Chart Mission Success Criteria Mission System Computer (Missionssystemcomputer) Mobile Switching Center (Funkvermittlung) Motion System Control Multiple Sidelobe Canceller Multispectral Signature Control Mode S Conspicuity Code [Transponder] Manschaft, Manschaften [DE, Bw] Mobile Satellite Service Provider Multi-Source Correlator Tracker Maritime Security & Defence (International conference and exihibition) Mass Storage Device (Massenspeichergerät) Minimum Separation Distance Most Significant Digit Multi-Sensor Display Maritime Self Defense Force Material Safety Data Sheets Modulare Sanitätseinrichtungen [DE, Bw] Master Simulation Facility Mission Support Facility (Missionsunterstützungseinrichtungen) Mobile Strike Force Multi-Sensor Fusion Marshall Space Flight Center [Alabama] Maintenance Steering Group Marine und Sondertechnik GmbH [DE] Maximum Stable Gain Message (Nachricht, Meldung) Maritime Strike Helicopter Missile Seeker Head (Flugkörpersuchkopf) Mobile Surgical Hospital Miniature Secure Handheld Radio Medium Scale Integration (mittlerer Integrationsumfang) Mission Systems Integration Mode S Implementation Multi-Sensor Integration Multi-Spectral Imagery Missile and Space Intelligence Center Mode S Implementation Implementing Rule Multi-Sensor Integrated System Minimum Shift Keying Mars Science Laboratory Material Sciences Laboratory Maximum Stress Load Mean See Level (mittlere Meereshöhe) Multiple Sidelobe Canceller Magnetic Signature Measurement System Manufacturer’s Serial Number Message Switching Network 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MSN  MSO  MSOW  MSP  MSP  MSP  MSP  MSP  MSP  MSP  MSPS  MSR  MSR  MSR  MSR  MSR  MSR  MSR  MSR  MSRD  MSS  MSS  MSS  MSS  MSS  MSS  MSS  MSS  MSS  MSS  MSS  MSS  MSS  MSS  MSS  MSS  MSSR  MSSS  MSST  MST  MST  MST  MST  MSTU  MSTAR  MSTS  MSTS  MSU  MSU  MSU  MSW  MSWS  MSX

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Microwave Systems News [US, Magazine) Mission Support Officer Modular Stand-Off Weapon [US] (modulare Abstandswaffen) Military Space Plane Mission Specific Processing Mission System Provider Mode Select Panel Mode S Specific Protocol Multi-Sensor Plattform Multi-Spektrale-Plattform Modular Self-Protection System Main Supply Route Management Status Report Maximum Speed Range Microscan Receiver Misrouted Missile Site Radar Multi-Sensor Reconnaissance Multi-Swing-Role Mission/System Requirements Document Maintenance and Support Services Mass Storage System Maximum Sonar Speed Message Storage System Message Switching System Microwave Surveillance System MilSatServices [GmbH] Mine Search System Mission Support System [Eurofighter] Mobile Satellite Services Mobile Surveillance System Multi-Sensor System Multi-Service Switch Multi-Spectral Scanner Multisensor Surveillance System [Flugsicherungssystem von Era Corp.] Multi-Spectral Scanner Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar [Flugsicherung, Streckennavigation] Mode S Specific Services [Flugsicherung] Multi-Stage Supersonic Target Medium Scale Technology Missile Surveillance Technology Mobile Subscriber Terminal Multiple Sensor Tracking [Datenfusion] Multiple Stagger Trigger Unit Moving and Stationary Target Acquisition and Recognition Multi-Source Targeting System Multi-Spectral Test System Magnetic Sensor Unit Management Storage Unit Mode Select Unit Machine Status Word Multi-Sensor Warning System Midcourse Space Experiment

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 M/T  MT  MT  MT  MT  MT  MT  MT  Mt  MT  MTA  MTA  MTA  MTAC  MTADS  MTAS  MTAS  MTAT  MTBCF  MTBF  MTBIE  MTBM  MTBMD-F  MTBO  MTBR  MTBUR  MTBUR  MTC  MTC  MTC  MTC  MTC  MTC  MTC  MTCA  MTCC  MTCD  MTCDR  MTCS  MTD  MTD  MTD  MTD  MTE  MTES  MTF  MTF  MTF  MTF  MTF  MTG  MTG  MTG 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Medium Term Magnetic Track (mißweisender Kurs) Maintenance Terminal Malta Megatonne [Nukleare Sprengsätze] Microwaves Technology Minimum Time Monitor Terminal Mountain (Berg) Multitone Medium Transport Aircraft Military Training Area (militärisches Trainingsareal) Missionstaktischer Arbeitsplatz [DE] Multiple Time Around Clutter Modernized Target Acquisition and Designation Sight Multi-sensor Target Acquisition System (Mehrsensoren-Zielerfassungssystem) Millimetric Target Acquisition System (Millimeter-Zielerfassungssystem) Multiple Time Around Targets Mean Time Between Critical Failures Mean Time Between Failures Mean Time Between Instability Events Mean Time Between Maintenance Maritime Ballistic Missile Defense Forum Meann Time Between Overhauls/Outages Mean Time Between Removals/Repairs Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals/Repairs Mean Time Between Unit Replacements Maintenance Terminal Cabinet Message Transfer Cycle Military Technologies Conference Minimum Terrain Clearance [Flugsicherung] Mission Tactical Computer Mission and Traffic Control system Mission Training Center Medium Term Conflict Alert Modular Tactical Communications Center Medium Term Conflict Detection Medium Term Conflict Detection and Resolution Militärisch Technische Wirtschaftliche Forderung [DE] Maintenance Terminal Display Micro Tabular Display Missile Technology Demonstration Moving Target Detection (Bewegtzielerfassung) [Puls-Doppler-Radar] Mission Task Elements Multi-spectral Threat Emitter System Maintenance Terminal Function Maritime Task Force Medical Treatment Facility Message Text Format Modulation Transfer Function Maintenance Test Group Marinetechnik GmbH [DE] Maritime Task Group [NATO] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 Mtg  MTG  MTH  MTHEL  MTI  MTIm  MTL  MTM  MTMIU  MTN  MTO  MTOC  MTOGW  MTOM  MTOW  MTP  MTP  MTR  MTR  MTR  MTR  MTR  MTR  MTR  MTRI  MTS  MTS  MTS  MTS  MTS  MTS  MTS  MTS  MTS  MTSAT  MTT  MTT  MTT  MTTF  MTTM  MTTMA  MTTR  MTTR  MTTRS  MTTUR  MTT-S  MTU  MTU  MTU  MTU  MTU  MTU  MTV

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Meeting Meteosat Third Generation [ESA] Medium Transport Helicopter (mittlerer Transporthubschrauber) Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser [bodengestützte Laserkanone] Moving Target Indicator [Bewegtzielanzeige beim Puls-Doppler-Radar] Moving Target Imaging Mean Tide Level Module Test and Maintenance Module Test and Maintenance bus Interface Unit Mega Transport Network Maintenance Training Organisation Mechanical Test Operations Centre Maximum Take-Off Gross Weight Maximum Take-Off Mass (max. Abflugmasse) Maximum Take-Off Weight (maximal-zulässiges Startgewicht) Maximum Tyre Pressure Medium Term Plan Manteltriebwerk, Mantelstrahltriebwerk [DE] Marked Target Receiver Mean Time to Restore Military Training Routes Missile Track Radar MTU Aero Engines, Turbomeca and Rolls-Royce GmbH Multiple Target Reports MTR ITP GmbH [Tiger Helicopter] Marine-Technik-Schule [Parow, DE] M/A-COM Technology Solutions Marine Transportation System Memory Time Switch Message Transport System Mobile Tracking System [Sat] Movement Tracking System Multiple Target Surveillance Multi-spectral Targeting System Multi-function Transport Satellite [Japan] Microwave Theory and Techniques Minimum Time Track Multiple Target Tracking [Eurofighter] Mean Time To Failure Mean Time To Maintenance Mean Time To Maintenance Alert Mean Time To Recover Mean Time To Repair/Restore Mean Time To Restore Service Mean Time To Unschelduled Removal Microwave Theory and Techniques Symposium [IEEE] Magnetic Tape Unit Master Timing Unit Master Trigger Unit Maximum Transfer Unit Motoren and Turbinen Union [Aero Engines GmbH, DE] Moving Target Uncertainty Magnesium Teflon Viton [Material zur Herstellung von IR-Fackeln]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 MTVC  MTW  MTW  MTW  MTWF  MTZ  MU  MU  MU  MUAC  MUAC  MUD  MUE  MUF  MUKdo  MULE  Mult  MULTI  MUM  MUOS  MUPSOW  MUR  MUS  MUSA  MUSC  MUSE  MUSIC  MUSIC  MUSP  MUSIS  MUSS  MUST  MUST  MUSTRS  MUT  MUTES  MUVE  MUX, mux  Mux Bus  MUXSAT  m.V.  MV  mV  MV  MVA  MVA  MVAR  MVC  MVDS  Mve  MVFR  MVIS  MVMS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Manual Thrust Vector Control Mannschaftstransportwagen [DE, Bw] Mountain Waves Maximum Taxi Weight Militärisch-Technische Wirtschaftliche Forderungen [DE, BWB] Militärische Technische Zielsetzung [DE, BWB] Maintenance Unit [RAF] Management Unit [ACARS] Multiple User Maastricht Upper Area Control [Centre] Military Upper Area Control Multi User Domain Modernized User Equipment Maximum Usable Frequency (die maximal verwendbare Frequenz) [Funkverkehr] Marineunterstützungskommando [DE, Bw] Multifunction Utility/Logistics Equipment [LM] Multiplier (Multiplizierer) Mechanisierte Umschlag-, Lager- und Transport-Integration [DE, Bw] Manned-Unmanned Mobile User Objective System Multipurpose Stand-Off Weapon Message Unit Radio Minimum User Specification Multi-Splitter-Aktiv [DE, B] Microgravity User Support Center Multi-User System Environment Multiple Signal Classification Multi-Spectral Infrared Countermeasures Multi-Splitter-Passiv Multinational Spacebased Imaging System Multifunktionales Selbstschutzsystem [DE, Bw] (multi-functional self-protection system) Maximizing Usable Service Time Multi-mission UHF Satcom Terminal Multi-Sensor Target Recognition System Mean Up Time Multiple Threat Emitter Simulator Multi-User Virtual Environment Multiplexer Multiplex Bus Multi-channel Satellite Terminals mit Verzögerung [DE] Medical Vehicle [USN MV-22 Helicopter] Millivolt [10-3 V] [DE] Multivibrator Minimum Vectoring Altitude Multi-dominated, Vertically Aligned Magnetic Variation Manual Volume Control (manuelle Lautstärkeregelung) Microwave Video Distribution System Move Marginal Visual Flight Rules Microgravity Vibration Isolation Mount Mobile Video Messaging Services 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 MVP  MVP  MVPA  MVR  MVS  MVT  MVW  MW  MW  MW  MW  MW  mW  MW  MW  Mw  MW  MWA  MWARA  MWDC  MWE  MWF  MWI  MWIR  MWJ  mwK  MWL  MWL  MW/MC  mwN  MWO  MWP  MWP  MWR  MWR  MWR  MWS  MWS  MWS  MWS  MWSS  MWT  MWV  MXO  MXCOP  MXFL  MY  MYP  MZ  MZA  MZFW  MZI  µC

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Master Verification Plan Mobile Voice Pack Military Variable Profile Area Multi-Radio Van Minimum Visible Signal Mission Validation Test Massenvernichtungswaffen [DE] Megawatt [106 Watt] [DE] Mehrzweckwaffe (Multi-purpose weapon) [DE] Meterwellen [VHF; 30 bis 300 MHz] Microwaves (Mikrowellen) [3 bis 30 GHz] Millimetric Waves (Millimeterwellen) [EHF; 30 bis 300 GHz] Milliwatt [10-3 Watt] [DE] Missile Warning Missile Wing [USAF] Mißweisung [DE] Mittelwellen [300 kHz bis 3 MHz] [DE] Message Warning Area Major World Air Route Area Mine Warfare Data Center Manufacturer Weight Empty Millimeter Waves Frequencies (Millimeterwellenfrequenzen) Message Waiting Indicator Mid Wavelength Infrared Microwave Journal [US] missweisender Kurs [Navigation, DE] Master Warning Light (Hauptwarnlicht) Microwave Link Master Warning/Master Caution (Hauptwarnung) Missweisend North [Navigation] Meteorological Watch Office (Meteorologisches Flugwetter-Überwachungsbüro) Meteorological Weather Processor (meteorologischer Wetterprozessor) Meteorological Working Position Microwave Radiometer (Mikrowellenradiometer) Missile Warning Receiver (Flugkörperwarnempfänger) Missile Warning Spacecraft (Flugkörperwarn-Raumschiff) Missile Warning Sensor (Flugkörperwarnsensor) Missile Warning System (Flugkörperwarnsystem) Missile Weapon System (Flugkörperwaffensystem) Modular Weapon System Missile Warning Satellite System (Flugkörperwarn-Satellitensystem) Mean Waiting Time Maximum Working Voltage Multiplied Crystall Oscillator MADAP Exit Coordination Point MADAP Exit Flight Level Man Year (Manjahr) Multi-Year Procurement Mehrzweck [DE] Mehrzweckanlage [CH] Maximum Zero Fuel Weight Mach-Zehnder-Interferometer [DE] Microcomputer, Mikrocomputer

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 µm  µP  µs  µW


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Micrometer, Mikrometer [10-6 m] Microprocessor, Mikroprozessor Mikrosekunde [10-6 s] [DE] Mikrowatt [10-6 W] [DE]

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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N   n  n  N  N  N  N  N  N

Kurzzeichen für das Präfix Nano [Zahlenwert 10-9] Formelzeichen für die Brechzahl [Optik] Kurzzeichen für November [ICAO-Alphabet] Kurzzeichen für Navigation Kurzzeichen für Navy [USN] (Marine) Kurzzeichen für die Krafteinheit Newton [SI-Einheit] Kurzzeichen für North Kurzzeichen für Noise (Rauschleistung)

 N1  N2  N2C2M2  N3  N/A  N/A  n.A.  Na  nA  Na  NA  n.a.  NA  NAA  NAA  NAAFI  NAASW  NAB  NAB  NABS, Nabs  NAC  NAC  NAC  NAC  NAC  NACA  NACCIS  Nachr  NachrGew  Nachw  NACIC  NACK  NACMA  NACOS  NACSI  NACSIM  NAD  NADC

Fan speed Intermediate compressor speed Network-Enabled Command and Control Maturity Model [DE, Bw] High compressor speed Not Applicable (nicht anwendbar) Not Available (nicht verfügbar) not Applicable (nicht anwendbar) Nachrichten [CH] Nanoampere [10-9 A] [DE] Natrium [chem. Symbol] Network Adapter nicht aktiv [DE] Numerische Apertur [DE] National Aviation Authority North Atlantic Alliance Navy, Army & Air Force Institutes Non-Acoustic Anti-Submarine Warfare National Association of Broadcasters Navy Air Base (Marineluftstützpunkt) National Augmentation Broadcast System (nationales, verbessertes Rundfunksystem) Naval/National Air Command [UK] Naval Avionics Center [jetzt in NAWCAD integriert] Network Access Control Network Admission Control North Atlantic Council [NATO] National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics [seit 1958 NASA] NATO Command and Control Information System Nachricht [DE] Nachrichtengewinnung [DE, Bw] Nachweis [DE] National Counterintelligence Center Negative Acknowledgement [Communication] NATO Agency for Command and Control System Management Navigation And Command System National Comsec Instruction [Tempest] National Comsec Instruction Memorandum [Tempest] National Armament Directors (nationale Rüstungsdirektoren) NATO Air Defence Committee

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26. Juni 2013


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Naval Air Development Center [jetzt in NAWCAD integriert] Naval Aviation Depot NATO Air Defence Ground Environment (NATO-Luftverteidigungsbodenanlagen) National Airspace Data Interchange Network [US] Network Anomaly Detection and Intrusion Reporter Nachrichtendienstinformationssystem [DE] National Air Defence System National Academy of Engineering NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force [Geilenkirchen, DE] NATO Airborne Early Warning Force NATO Architectural Framework Naval Air Facility [USN] (Marineflieger-Einrichtung) Nigerian Air Force Navy-Air Force Interface National Automated Fingerprint Identification System NATO AGS Management Organisation NATO Helicopter Management Agency Netherlands Aerospace Industries New Athens International Airport National Air Intelligence Center North American Industry Classification System National Airspace Integrated Logistics Support National Airspace Incident Monitoring System Norwegian Aeronautical Information System Negativ Acknowledgment [of Transmission] National Aerospace Laboratory [Japan] National Long Lines Agency Nautical Air Miles Non-Acoustic Module North America Region National Measurement Accreditation Service [UK] Nadge ADMAR Message Exchange NATO Missile Firing Installation [Griechenland, Kreta] NATO Armaments Meteorological Kernel NATO MRCA Development and Procurement Management Agency Narrow band Advanced Mobile Phone System NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency NATO Maintenance and Supply Organisation Nanosatellite National Audit Office [US] National Airborne Operations Center National Academy Press Network Access Point Noise Abatement Procedures Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Assn. [GUS] National Airspace Performance Reporting System North Atlantic Region National Archives and Records Administration National Aeronautical Corporation [US] Norwegian Automatic Dependent Surveillance National Radio Frequencies Agency National Association of Radio and Telecommunications Engineers [US]

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 NAS  NAS  NaS  NAS  NAS  NAS  NAS NASA  NASAMS  NASC  NASCOM  NASDA  NASDAC  NASIC  NASM  NASM  NASP  NASPAC  NASPALS  NASTRAN  NaSysBw  NaSysLw  NaSysM  NAT  NAufklKp  NAT  NAT  NAT  NAT  NATA  NATA  NATADS  NATAR  NATC  NATCA  NATCMA  NATCO  NATINAD  NATINADS  NATMC  NATMC  NATO, Nato  NATO ACCS  NATS  NATS  NATS  NAU  NAV, Nav, nav  NAVAID  NAVAIR  NAVDB  NAVCM  NAVFAC

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National Aircraft Standard [US] National Airspace System [US, FAA] Natriumsulfid [chem. Verbindung] Naval Air Station [USN] (Marineluftstützpunkt, Marinefliegerbasis) Naval Air Systems Command [US] Navigation and Attack System Network Administration System National Aeronautics and Space Administration [US-Nachfolgebehörde der NACA] Norwegian Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System National AIS Service Centre NASA Communication National Space Development Agency [Japan] National Aviation Safety Data Analysis Center National Air and Space Intelligence Center National Air and Space Model [Warfare] National Air and Space Museum [US] Non-Acoustic Sensor Platform National Airspace System Performance Analysis Capability National Airspace System Precision Approach and Landing System NASA Structural Analysis Nachrichtenbearbeitungssystem der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Nachrichtenbearbeitungssystem der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw] Nachrichtenbearbeitungssystem der Marine [DE, Bw] National Air Traffic Nahaufklärungskompanie [DE, Bw] Navaid Training Network Address Translation [Network] North Atlantic [ICAO Region] North Atlantic Tracks National Air Transport Association [US, Inc.] North American Telecommunications Association North Atlantic Automatic Dependent Surveillance NATO Transatlantic Advanced Radar Naval Air Test Center [USN; jetzt in NAWCAD integriert]] National Air Traffic Controllers Association [US] North Atlantic Region Central Monitoring Agency National Communications [Switching Center] NATO Integrated Air Defense NATO Integrated Air Defense System NATO Air Traffic Management Committee National Airspace and Traffic Management Centre [DE] North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO Air Command and Control System National Air Traffic Services [UK] North American Telephone System North Atlantic Track System Network Access Unit Navigation Navigational Aid Naval Air [Systems Command; USN; Washington, D.C.] Navigation Data Base Navigation Countermeasures Naval Facility [Engineering Command]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 Navi  Navsat  NAVSEA  NAVSOC  NAVSTAR  NAVWAR  NAVWASS  N/AW  NAWAS  NAWAU  NAWC  NAWCAD  NAWCWPNS  NAWPF  NB  NB  Nb  Nb  NB  NBAA  NBC  NBCAP  NBD  NBDS  NBDVS  NBFM  NBG  NbGer  NBIF  NBILST  NBR  NBRN  NBRVF  NBS  NBS  NBSV  N/C  N/C, NC  NC  NC  NC  NC  NC  NC  NC  NC  NCA  NCA  NCAA  NCAA  NCAB  NCADE  NCAR 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Navigation [DE] Navigationssatellit [DE] Naval Sea [Systems Command, USN] Naval Space Operations Center Navigation Satellite Timing And and Ranging [US, DoD, GPS] Navigation Warfare Navigation & Weapon Aiming Sub-System Night/All-Weather (Nacht/Allwetter) National Warning System National Aviation Weather Advisory Unit Naval Air Warfare Center [USN] Naval Air Warfare Center - Aircraft Division Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division National Aviation Weather Processing Facility Nachbrenner [Triebwerk, DE] Narrow Band Nebel [CH, DE, Bw] Niobium [chem. Element] Noise Blanker National Business Aviation Association Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare National Beacon Code Allocation Plan Network Based Defense [SWE] Nuclear Burst Detection System Narrow-Band Digital Voice System Narrow-Band Frequency Modulation Nordic Battle Group Nebelgerät [DE, Vw] Narrow-Band Intermediate Frequency Narrow-Beam Interleaved Search and Track [F-22 Raptor, EW] Nachrichtenbeschaffungsraum [CH] Narrow-Band Repeater Noise Narrow-Band Radio Voice Frequency Narrow-Band Superheterodyne National Bureau of Standards [jetzt: NIST] Narrow-Band Secure Voice Not Comparable/Compliant (nicht vergleichbar, unverträglich) Non-Critical (unkritisch) Navigation Computer (Navigationsrechner) Network Centric Netzcomputer [DE] No Change (keine Änderung) No Connection (keine Verbindung) Normally Closed Normally Connected Numerically Controlled (numerische Steuerung) National Command Authority Nuclear Command Authority NATO Civil Aviation Authority Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority National Civil Aviation Board Network Centric Airborne Defense Element National Center for Atmospheric Research 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 NCASW  NCATT  NCC  NCC  NCC  NCC  NCC, NC2  NCCA  NC3A  NCES  NCCOE  NCCS  NCCT  NCD  NCD  NCEP  NCF  NCI  NCID  NCII  NCMMW  NCN  NCO  NCO  NCOIC  NCOW  NCP  NCRS  NCS  NCS  NCS  NCS  NCS  NCS  NCS  NCS  NCS  NCS  NCSA  NCSC  NCSC  NCTI  NCTR  NCU  NCU  NCW  NCW  n.D.  ND, NDst  ND  ND  Nd  ND

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Network Centric Anti-Submarine Warfare National Center for Aircraft Technician Training [US] Naval Component Command Navstar Control Center [GPS] Navy Command Center Network Control Center Nuclear Command and Control No Clearance to Civil Aircraft NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency Net-Centric Enterprise Services Network Centric Capabilities Operating Environment Navy Command and Control System Network-Centric Collaborative Targeting Nano-Chronics Display No Computed Data National Center for Environmental Prediction [US/NWS] National Control Facility Not Currently Implemented Non Cooperative Identification Net Centric Information Infrastructure National Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave [VR China] Non-Compliance Notification Network Centric Operations Numerically Controlled Oscillator Network-Centric Operations Industry Consortium Network-Centric Operations and Warfare Noise Compatibility Program Network-Centric Radio System National Center for Simulation National Communications System Naval Communications Systems Navigational Computer System Network-Centric System Network Communications System Network Control Station Network Control System Network Coordination Station Noise Calibration System National Computer Security Association [US] National Communications Security Committee National Computer Security Center Non-Cooperative Target Identification Non-Cooperative Target Recognition Navigation and Communications Unit (Navigations- und Kommunikationseinheit) Navigation Computer Unit (Navigationsrechner) Network Centric Warfare (netzwerkzentrierte Kriegführung) Non Conformance Warning nach Dienst [DE, Bw] Nachrichtendienst [CH, DE] Navigation Display (Navigationsanzeigegerät) [EFIS] Nenndruck [DE] Neodym [chem. Symbol] Niederdruck [Triebwerk, DE]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 NDA  NDA  NDAA  NDB  NDB  NDB  NDBX  NDCS  NDE  NDEW  NDF  NDI  NDI  NDIC  NDM  NDP  NDR  NDRS  NDS  NDS  NDS  NDT  NDU  NDV  Nd:Yag  NE  NE  NE  NE  Ne  NEA  NEACP  NEAN  NEAP  NEAR  NEASCOG  NEB  NEC  NEC  NEC  NECSS  NED  NEDT  NEFA  NEFMA  NEG, Neg  NEI  NEI  NEL  NELC  NELS  NEM  NEMA 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

National Distribution Agency Non Disclosure Agreement National Defense Authorization Act Nachrichtendienst des Bundes [CH] Navigation Data Base (Navigationsdatenbank) Non Directional radio Beacon (ungerichtetes Funkfeuer) [ADF, Navigation] Navigation Data Base Open Standard Network Data Control System Non Destructive Evaluation Nuclear Directed Energy Weapon National Defense Force Non Destructive Inspection Non Developmental Item National Defence Industries Council [UK] Nonlinear Device Modeling Night Defense Position Network Disaster Recovery Program National Distress and Response System Naval Decoy System News Distribution Service Nuclear-detonation Detection System Non Destructive Testing National Defense University [US] Nutzungsdauerverlängerung [DE, BWB] Neodymium:Yttrium-Aluminium Garnet [chem. Verbindung] Nanoelektronik [DE] Near-Earth Network Element North/East (Nordost) Neon [chem. Symbol] Negative Electron Affinity National Emergency Airborne Command Post [US] North European ADS-B Network North European Application Project [CNS/ATM] National Emergency Alarm Repeater NATO/Eurocontrol ATM Security Coordinating Group Noise Equivalent Bandwidth National Electric Code Network Enabled Capabilities [UK] NOAA Executive Council Naval Electronic Combat and Surveillance System Network Enterprise Domain Noise-Equivalent Delta Temperature New European Fighter Aircraft NATO Eurofighter Management Agency [auch: Nefma] Negative Noise Equivalent Input/Irradiance Noise Exposure Index National Exploitation Laboratory Naval Electronics Laboratory Center Northwest European Loran System Noise Exposure Map National Electrical Manufacturers Association 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 NEMF  NEMP  NEMPCM  NEN  NEN  NEO  NEO  NEO  NEOF  NEP  NEP  NEPA  NERC  NERD  NES  NES  NES  NESC  NESDIS  NESN  NESSIE  NET  NET  NET  NET  NetA  NETCAP  NETCOS  NETD  NETIF  NETMA  NETN  NetOpFü  NETOPS  NeTTS  NETWARS  NEW  NEWAC  NEWAC  NEWCS  NEWS  NEWS  NEWTS  NexCom  NexRad  NexGen  NexSat  NF  NF  NF  NF  NFC  NFCS

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Natural Electromagnetic Field Nuclear Electro-Magnetic Pulse NEMP Countermeasures NASA Engineering Network Near Earth Network Near Earth Objects Network Enabled Operations Non-combatant Evacuation Operations [NATO] No Evidence Of Failure Noise Equivalent Power Nominal Entry Point National Environment Policy Act New En-Route Control Centre [UK] Noise Equivalent Radiance Difference [auch: Nerd] Navigation ground Earth Stations Network Encryption System Noise Equivalent Signal Naval Electronic Systems Command National Environment Satellite - Data and Information Service NATO English-Speaking Nations New European Single Sky Initiative by Eurocontrol National Emission Trends Network (Netzwerk) [auch: Net] Network Entity Title Norme Européenne de Télécommunication Network Attack Network Capacity [Simulator] Network Centric Operations Simulation Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference Network Interface NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency [auch: Netma] NATO Education and Training Network [NATO] Netzwerkzentrierte Operationsführung [DE, Bw] (network centric warfare) Network Operations [auch: NetOps] Networked Tactical Training Solutions Network Warfare Simulation Network Enabled Warfare NATO Electronic Warfare Advisory Committee New Aero Engines Core Concepts NATO Electronic Warfare Core Staff Network Early Warning System NBC Evaluation and Warning System Navy EW Training Simulator Next-generation Communication Next-generation weather Radar Next Generation Next-generation Satellite Near Field (Nahfeld) Niederfrequenz [DE] Noise Figure/Factor (Rauschzahl) Noise Frequency (Rauschfrequenz) Near Field Communication Nuclear Forces Communications Satellite

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 N.f.D., NfD  NFDC  NFDD  NFF  NFFI  NFH  NFIB . NFIRE  NFIS  NfL  NFLGB  NFO  NFOV  NFP  NFR  N-FRG  NFRM  NFS  NFS  NFS  NFS  NFSN  NFT  NFTC  NFWS  NFZ  NG  NGA, NG&A  NGA  NGA  NGAEA  NGATM  NGATS  NGC  NGDC  NGDS  NGF  NGFS  NGG  NGI  NGIC  NGIP  NGJ  NGLT  NGM  NGMN  NGN . NGO  NGP  NGP  NGP  NGP  NGPV


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Nur für den Dienstgebrauch (confidential) [DE] National Flight Data Center National Flight Data Digest No Faults Found NATO Friendly Forces Information NATO Frigate Helicopter National Foreign Intelligence Board Near Field Infrared Experiment National Facilities Information System Nachrichten für Luftfahrer [= NOTAM] [DE] Nachrichten für Luftfahrt Gerichte Beratung [DE] Naval Flight Officer (Marineflieger-Offizier) [USN] Narrow FOV Near-Field Pattern Non-Functional Requirement Nothern Federal Republic of Germany Notice of Final Rule Making Naval Air Support Network File Server Network File System Netzfreischaltung [DE] NATO French-Speaking Nations Nominal Flight Trajectory NATO Flying Training Canada Naval Fighter Weapons School [USN] No-Fly Zone New/Next Generation Nachrichtengewinnung und Aufklärung [DE, Bw] (Intelligence Collection & Reconnaissance) National Geospatial-intelligence Agency National Governmental Authorities [NATO] Next Generation Airborne Electronic Attack New Generation Air Traffic Management Next Generation Air Transportation System Northrop Grumman Corporation [US] National Geophysical Data Center Next Generation Decoy System Naval Gunfire Naval Gunfire Support Next Generation Gunship Next Generation Internet National Ground Intelligence Center Next Generation Implementation Plan Next Generation Jammer Next Generation Launch Technology Next Generation Memory Next Generation Mobile Network Next/New Generation Network Non-Governmental Organisation Next Generation Peripheral Neue Generation Plattformen [DE, Bw] Neue Gepanzerte Plattform [DE, Bw] Next Generation Piston Next Generation Patrol Vessel

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 NGS  NGS  NGSS  NGT  NGT  NGT  Ngt  NGTS  NGuA  NG-UAS  NH  NH  NH3  NH90  NHDD  NHI  NHIP  NI  NI  Ni  NIA  NIAC  NIAG  NIAR  NIC  NIC  NIC  NIC  NiCd  NICE  NICE  NICS  NID  NID  NID  NID  NIDTS  NIFAC  NiFe  NIH  NII  NILE  NIM  NIM  NIMA  NiMH  NIMS  NINS-NILS  NIP  NIP  NIP

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

NATO Ground Segment Non-Governmental Standards Next Generation Satellite System NASA Ground Terminal Next Generation Test Next Generation Trainer Night (Nacht) New Generation Test system (Testsystem der neuen Generation) Nachrichtengewinnung und Aufklärung [DE, EloKa] (Electronic Intelligence and Reconnaissance) Next Generation Unmanned Aerial System (Unbemannte Luftsysteme der nächsten Generation) NATO Helicopter Nike Hercules [Weapon System] Ammonia [chem. Verbindung] Mehrzweckhubschrauber von NH Industries [DE] Navigators Head Down Display [Tornado] NATO Helicopter Industries Nordic Harmonisation and Integration Programme Network Interface Not Identified Nickel [chem. Element] Neurotechnology for Intelligence Analysis National Airspace System Information Architecture Committee [US/FAA] NATO Industrial Advisory Group [CNAD] National Institute for Aviation Research [US, Kansas] National Intelligence Council NATO Item Code Network Interface Controller New Installation Concepts Nickel-Cadmium [chem. Verbindung; Akkumulatoren] NATO Internet Crypto Equipment Network Integrated Cabin Equipment NATO Integrated Communications System Navy Intelligence Database Network Information Database Network Interface Device Network Inward Dialing NATO Initial Data Transfer System Night Forward Air Controller Nickel-Eisen [chem. Verbindung; Akkumulatoren] Not Invented Here National Information Infrastructure NATO Improved Link Eleven [Link 11] Navigational Integrity Monitoring [ICAO] National Imagery and Mapping [US] (Nationale Abbildung und Kartendarstellung) National Imagery and Mapping Agency [US DOD] (Nationale Abbildungs- und Kartendarstellungs-Behörde) Nickel-Metall-Hybrid [chem. Verbindung] NAS Infrastructure Management System New Integrated Navigation System - New Integrated Landing System National Information Infrastructure National Industrial Participation Network Interface Processor

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 NIR  NIR  NIRCM  NIRV  NIS  NIS  NIS  NIS  NIS  NISBS  NISC  NISC  NIST  NIT  NITA  NITE  NIU  NIU  NIZ  NJ  NJG  NJS  NL  NL  nl  NL  NL  NLA  NLD  NLES  NLF  NLFM  NLFZ  NLG  NLK  NLL  NLM  NLO  NLOS  NLOS LS  NLP  NLR  NLR  NLR  NLT  NLTL  NLW  NLWS  N-m  nm  NM, nm, nmi  NM  NM 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Near Infrared Network Interface Router Netherlands Ifrared Consulting and Modelling Network Interface Router VDL National Intelligence Survey NATO Identification System Navigation Information Service Network Infrastructure and Security Not In Service NATO Interoperable Submarine Broadcast System NAS Information Security Coordination Naval Intelligence Support Center National Institute of Standards and Technology [US] Nordic Implementation Team New Information Technologies in Aviation Night Imaging and Threat Evaluation Navigation Interface Unit Network Interface Unit Notfall-Informations-Zentrum [DE] Noise Jamming (Rauschstörung) [EloKa] Nachtjagdgeschwader [DE, Bw] Noise Jamming Simulator Network Layer The Netherlands (die Niederlande) niederländisch [DE] Noise Level Noise Limiter New Large Aircraft The Netherlands, Niederlande Navigation Land Earth Station Natural Laminar Flow Nichtlineare Frequenzmodulation [Radar, DE] Nationales Lage- und Führungszentrum [DE] Nose Landing Gear Nutzlastklasse [DE, Bw] Night-Low-Level System (Nachttiefflugsystem) Network Loadable Module Non-Linear Optics Non Line Of Sight NLOS Launch System Network Layer Protocol Naval Research Laboratory [Washington, D.C.] Netherlands National Aerospace Laboratory No License Reqired No Less Than Non-Linear Transmission Line Nichtletale Wirkmittel (non-lethal weapon) [DE] Naval Laser Warning System Newtonmeter [SI-Einheit] Nanometer [10-9 m, SI-Einheit] Nautical Mile [Seemeile = 1852 m] Network Management North Marker 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 NMA  NMAC  NMASP  NMC  NMC  NMC  NMC  NMC  NMCD  NMCE  NMCS  NMCS  NMD  NMD  NMF  NMHC  NMI  NMI  NMIRS  NML  Nml  NMOG  N-MOS  NMP  NMP  NMPS  NMR  NMR  NMR  NMS  NMS  NMS  NMSG  NMT  NMT  NMU  NMV  NN  NNB  NNE  NNEC  NNEMP  NNEW  NNI  NNSS  NNW  NNWC  N&O  NO  NO  No  NO2  NoA

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

NATO Military Authorities Near Mid Air Collision Nano-Mechanical Array Signal Processor National Meteorological Center NATO Military Council Navigation Management Computer (Navigationsmanagementrechner) Network Management Cell Normal Mode Coupling Network Management Category Diagram Network Monitoring and Control Equipment National Military Command System Network Monitoring and Control System National Military Defense National Missile Defense Network Management Function Non-Methan Hydrocarbons National Microelectronics Institute [UK] Nautical Miles Network Management Interface Requirements Specification NATO Maturity Levels Normal (normal) Non-Methan Organic Gases Negative (n-type) MOS Network Management Plan (Netzwerkmanagementplan) Nullstellenmonopuls [Funkpeilung, DE] Naval Mission Planning System National Military Representative Normal Mode Rejection Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Navigation Management System Network Management System Network Modeling and Simulation NATO Modelling and Simulation Group [NATO] Nordic Mobile Telephone Not More Than Navigation Management Unit Normal Mode Voltage Normalnull [mittlere Seehöhe] Netznachbildung [DE] North-Northeast NATO Network Enabled Capability [NATO] Non-Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Nextgen Network Enabled Weather Network-to-Network Interface Navy Navigation Satellite System North-Northwest Navy Network Warfare Command Navigation und Ortung [DE] Navigationsoffizier [DE] Norway, Norwegen Number Nitrogen Dioxide [chem. Verbindung] Notice of Arrival

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 NOAA  NOAH  NOB  NOB  NOB  NOC  NoC  NOC  NOC  NOC  NOCAR  NOCC  NOCC  NoCom  NOCUS  NOD  NODE  NODS  NOE  NOF  NOFORN  NOI  NOI  NOMAS  NOMOS  NOMS  NOMTS  NONCOMM  NOP  NOP  NOP  NOPAC  NOPAL  NOPV  NOR  NORAC  NORAD  Nord  Norm  NOS  NOS  NOS  NOSC  NOSS  NOT  NOTAM  NOTAR  NOTUS  Nov  NOVA  NOVRAM  NOx  NOZ 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [Klimabehörde der US] Norwegian Adapted Hawk [RNAF] Naval Operating Base Naval Order of Battle Number Of Blades Network Operations Center Network On Chip Notice Of Change (Änderungsmeldung) Notice Of Completion Number Of Cylinders North-Atlantic Oceanic Concept And Requirements National Operational Control Center Network Operations Control Center No Communication North Continental US Night Observation Device NATO’s Operational Display Equipment Night Observation and Detection System Nap Of the Earth (Tiefstkonturenflug) (International) NOTAM Office No Foreign Nationals Notice Of Inquiry [FCC] Notice Of Intention (Absichtserklärung) NOTAM Management System [NL] Noise Monitoring System Nuclear Operations Monitoring System Naval Ordnance Missile Test Station [White Sands] Non Communication Network Operations Plan No Operation Notification Of Problem (Problemmeldung) North Pacific area of operation [Alaska, Japan] Network Operations Plan Access Layer Naval Offshore Patrol Vessel [IN] Norway, Norwegen No Radio Contact Northern Region Air Defense [Luftverteidigungssystem von US und Canada] Nordic Normal National Oceanic Service Network Operating System Number Of Slots Naval Oceans Systems Center Navy Ocean Surveillance Satellite Non-Operational Temperatures Notices To AirMen (Nachrichten für Luftfahrer) [ICAO] No Tail Rotor [Hubschrauber] Notice to Users [ARINC] November Netzwerkzentrierte Operative Verfahren Austria [AT] Non-Volatile RAM (nicht-flüchtiges RAM) Nitrous Oxide (Stickoxide) [chem. Verbindungen] Normal Operating Zone 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 NOZ POS  Np  NP  NP  nPa  NPA  NPA  NPA  NPB  NPB  NPD  NPDU  NPG  NPGS  NPIAS  NPIC  NPL  NPL  NPl  NPL  NPN  NPOESS  NPR  NPR  NPRM  NPS  NPT  NPT  NPT  NPT  NPU  NPV  NQA  NQIS  NQO  NQR  NR  NR  NR  NR  NR  Nr.  Nr  NRA  NRC  NRC  NRC  NRC  NRC  NRC  NRCS  NRCS  NRD

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Nozzle Position Neper [Natürlicher Logarithmus, ln, des Verhältnisses von zwei Stromstärken: ln(I1/I2)] Network Protocol (Netzwerkprotokoll) Nullpunkt [CH] Nano-Pascal [10-9 Pa] [DE] NATO Parliamentary Assembly Non-Precision Approach Notice of Proposed Amendment [FAA, JAR] Neutral Particle Beam Nuclear Powered/Propelled Bomber (nuklear angetriebener Bomber) NASA Policy Directive Network Protocol Data Unit Nukleare Plannungsgruppe [DE] Naval Postgraduate School National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems National Photographic Interpretation Center National Physical Laboratory [UK] National Physics Laboratory [US] Netzplan [DE] Night Plan Negative-Positive-Negative [N-P-N Transistor, DE] National Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellite System National Performance Review Noise Power Ratio Notice of Proposed Rule Making [FAA] Naval Postgraduate School Netzplantechnik [DE] Non-Proliferation Treaty [Vertrag über die Nichtweitergabe von Nuklearwaffen] Normal Pressure and Temperature Nullpunkt [DE] Navigation Processor Unit Net Present Value National Quality Assurance [UK] Navigation-Quality Inertial Sensor National Qualification Office Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Naval Research Navigation Radar Network Router Noise Rating Noise Ratio Number (Nummer) Nummer [AT, CH, DE] NASA Research Announcement NATO-Russian Council National Research Center [US] National Research Council [US] Noise Reduction Circuit Non-Recurring Charge Nuclear Regulatory Commission [US] National Radio Communications Systems Normalized Radar Cross Section Network Routing Domain

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 NRE  NRF  NRFT  NRH  NRH  NRI  NRL  NRO  NRP  NRP  NRP  NRP  NRRC  NRS  NRSC  Nrst  NRTS  NRT  NRT  NRT  NRV  NRWE  NRZ  ns, nsec  NS  NS  NS  NS  NS  NS  Ns  NS  NSA  NSA  NSA  NSA  NSA  NSAP  NSB  NSC/NCO  NSC  NSC  NSC  Nsch  NSD  NSDA  NSDU  NSE  NSF  NSF  NSG  NSI  NSL 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Non-Recurrent Engineering NATO Response Force Naval Radio Transmitter Facility No Reply Heard No Response Heard Net Radio Interface Naval Research Laboratory [USN] National Reconnaissance Office [US] National Route Program Navigation Reference Point Non-Return Point North Reference Pulse Nuclear-Risk Reduction Centers Navigation Reference System National Remote Sensing Centre Nearest Near Real Time Reconnaissance Near Real Time (fast in Echtzeit) Nettoregistertonne [DE] Non-Real-Time Nuclear Regulatory Commission [US] New Radar Warning Receiver [Tornado] Non-Return to Zero [Datenübertragung] Nanosecond [10-9 s, SI-Einheit] National Security National Standard NATO Secret Navigation Separation Network Service Next Sector Nimbostratus [Wolkentyp] Nord-Süd [DE] National Security Administration National Security Adviser National Security Agency [US] National Supervisory Authority NATO Standardization Agency Network Service Access Point Naval Studies Board National Support Centre/Organization [Eurofighter] National Security Council [US] Network Service Center New Scottish Center Nachschub [DE, Bw] Navigational Status Display National Space Development Agency Network Service Data Unit Navigation System Error National Science Foundation National Strike Force NATO Standardization Group Nationwide Structures Inc. Noise Spectrum Level 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 NSM  NSM  NSM  NSMV  NSN  NSN  NSNR  NSOC  NSOF  NSP  NSP  NSR  NSR  NSR  NSRS  NSS  NSS  NSS  NSS  NSSL  NSSR  NSTB  NSTL  NSU  NSU  NSVN  NSW  NS WAN  NSWC  NT  nT  NT  NTAP  NTBA  NTC  NTC  NTC  NTCC  NTD  NTDS  NTE  NTE  NTF  NTF  NTF  NTFS  NTG  NTH  NTI  NTI  NTIA  NTIS  Ntl

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Network Security Monitor Network system Management New Surface Missile (neuer Bodenziel-Flugkörper) Near Space Manoeuvring Vehicle National Stock Number NATO Stock Number Normalized Signal-to-Noise Ratio National Sigint Operations Center NOAA Satellite Operations Facility Network Signal Processor Night Surveillance Payload Naval Staff Requirements New Source Review North Sea Range NATO Submarine Rescue System (U-Bootrettungssystem) National Security System Naval Simulation System Navair Support System Night Surveillance System National Severe Storms Laboratory New Secondary Surveillance Radar [MADAP] National Satellite Test Bed National Space Technology Laboratories Navigation Sensor Unit Network Server Unit NATO Secure Voice Network Naval Special Warfare NATO Secret Wide Area Network Naval Surface Weapons Center Nanotechnologie [DE] Nanotesla [10-9 T] New Technologies Notices To Airmen Publications Netzwerk-Terminierungs-Basis-Anschluss [DE] National Training Center Negative Temperature Coefficient Network Control Terminal Naval Telecommunications Center Navigation and Tactical Display Naval/Navy Tactical Data System [USN] Naval Test and Evaluation Not To Exceed Nacht-Tiefflug-Fähigkeit [Bw] National Test Facility No Trouble Found New Technology File System Nachrichtentechnische Gesellschaft [VDE; jetzt: ITG, DE] New Training Helicopter [USA] Network Terminating Interface NSA Training Initiative National Telecommunications and Information Administration [US] National Technical Information Service National

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 NTM  NTM  NTMS  NTN  NTN  NTP  NTP  NTP  Ntp, ntp  NTPS  NTR  NTR  NTS  NTS  NTSB  NTSC  NTT  NTT  NTT  NTT  NTTP  NTW  NTW  NTWS  NTZ  Nu  Nuc  NUA  NUAC  NUCAS  NUCINT  NUDET  NÜS  NUI  NuKomBw  NuM  NUMA  NUP  NURAD  NURC  NUREG  NUREP  NUT  NUV  NV  NV  NV  NVA  NVCD  NVD  NVE  NVEO  NVES 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

National Technical Means Notice To Mariners National Telecommunications Management Structure NATO Track Number Network Terminal Number National Transportation Policy Navy Tactical Publication Network Time Protocol (Netzwerk-Zeit-Protokoll) Normal Temperature and Pressure Naval Test Pilots School [USN] Network Time Reference New Task Request Navigation Technology Satellite Night Targeting System (Nacht-Zielungs-System) National Transportation Safety Board [US] National Television Standards Committee Nachttiefflug [DE] Naval Tactical Trainer [UK] Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Non-Threat Traffic Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Navy Theater Weapon Navy Theater Wide New Threat Warning System Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift [DE] Nutzung [DE, BWB] Nuclear Network User Address Nordic Upper Area Control [Centre] Navy Unmanned Combat Air System [USN] Nuclear Intelligence Nuclear Detection Nachrichtenübertragungssystem [DE] Network User Identification Nutzorientierte Kommunikation der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Nutzungsmanager [DE, BWB] Non-Uniform Memory Access NEAN Upgrade Programme Nuclear Radiation Detection NATO Undersea Research Center [NATO, Spezia, Italien] Nuclear Regulation Nuclear-weapons Report New Threat Upgrade Near Ultraviolet (Nahes UV) Network Variable Night Vision (Nachtsicht) Non-Volatile (nicht-flüchtig) Nationale Volksarmee [in der ehemaligen DDR, DE] Night Vision Cueing and Display Night Vision Device Night Vision Equipment (Nachtsichtgeräte) Night Vision Electro-Optics (elektro-optische Nachtsicht) Night Vision Electronic Sensors 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 NVFR  NVG  NVIS  NVIS  NVM  NVRAM  NVS  NVS  NVTS  NVV  N&W  nW  NW  NW  NW  NW  NW  NWA  NWC  NWC  NWC  NWC  NWC  NWDS  NWEF  NWFZ  NWI  NWIP  NWLw  NWL  NWP  NWP  NWPAC  NWS  NWS  NWS  NWS  NWSC  NWSTG  NWU  NXRD  NXRPT  Nxt  NYIFO  NZ

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Night Visual Flight Rules (Nacht VFR) Night Vision Goggles (Nachtsichtgerät, bzw -Brille) Near-Vertical Incidence Skywave Night Vision Imaging System Non-Volatile Memory (nicht-flüchtiger Speicher) Non-Volatile RAM Night Vision System (Nachtsichtsystem) Noise and Vibration Suppression Night Vision Targeting Sight Nicht-Verbreitungs-Vertrag [Nuklearwaffen] Narrowband & Wideband Nanowatt [10-9 W, SI-Einheit] Navigation Warfare Network Warfare North/West (Nordwest) Nuclear Warfare Nuclear Weapon Netzwerkanalysator (network analyzer) [DE] National War College National Warning Center Naval Weapons Center [USN; China Lake] Navy War College Nuclear Weapons Center Navigation and Weapon Delivery System Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility [Albuquerque, NM] Nuklearwaffenfrei Zone [DE] Navy-Wide Intranet Naval Warfare Information Publication Nachrichtenwesen der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw] Naval Weapons Laboratory Naval Warfare Publication Numerical Weather Prediction Nort-West Pacific National Weather Service [US] Naval Weapons Station North Warning System Nose-Wheel Steering Naval Weapons Support Center NWS Telecommunications Gateway Navy Working Uniform Advanced Weather Radar Next Reporting Point Next (nächster, nächste, nächstes) New York International Field Office New Zeeland

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

O  O  O  O  O  O  O  O  O

Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen Kurzzeichen

 O2  OA  OA  OA  OA  OA  OA  OA  OAC  OAC  OACA  OACC  OACI

Oxygen [chem. Symbol] (Sauerstoff) Obstacle Avoidance (Vermeidung von Hinternissen) Offizierausbildung [DE, Bw] Offiziersanwärter [CH, DE, Bw] Omnirange Antenna Open Architecture Operational Assessment Operations Analysis Oceanic Area Centre Operations Advisory Committee [UK, CAA] Office of Airports and Civil Aviation Oceanic Area Control Centre Organisation de l’Aviation Civile International (Internationale Zivilluftfahrt Organisation, International Civil Aviation Organisation, ICAO) Operation Allied Forces [NATO] Official Airline Guide Öffentlicher Auftraggeber Operational Advisory Group Operation, Administration, Maintenance Optical Access Network [Network] Office of Airspace Regulation Office of Atmospheric Research Open Air Range Operational Advisory Group Obstacle Assessment Surface Oceanic Automation System [ICAO, ADS] Offensive Air Support (offensive Luftunterstützung) Offensive Avionics System Omnidirectional Airspeed System Offensive Aircraft Survivability Equipment Oceanic Area System Improvement Study Open Architecture for Simulation Systems Open ATC System Integration Strategy Operational Application of Special Intelligence Systems Operational Area Satellite Information System Overall Sound Pressure Level Obstacle Avoidance System (System zur Vermeidung von Hinternissen) Office of Aerospace Technology Operational Acceptance Test (operationelle Abnahmetests)

 OAF  OAG  ÖAG  OAG  OAM  OAN  OAR  OAR  OAR  OAR  OAS  OAS  OAS  OAS  OAS  OASE  OASIS  OASIS  OASIS  OASIS  OASIS  OASPL  OASYS  OAT  OAT 167218

für für für für für für für für

Oscar [ICAO-Alphabet] Oceanic Oberst Objekt [CH] Offizier [AT] Optical Ordnung Ost

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 OAT  OAT  OAT  OATA  OAT-IFR  OATS  OATS  OATTS  OB  OB  OBA  OBC  OBCM  OBDP  OBE  OBEWS  ÖBH  OBI  OBIGGS  Obj  OBJ  ObjSBtLw  ObjSLw  OBOGS  OB-RFI  OBS  Obs  Obs  OBS  OBS  OBS  OBS  OBS  OBS  Obsc  OBSS  OBT  Obst  Obstr  OBW  O&C  OC  OC  OC  OC  OC  OCA  OCA  OCA  OCA  OCA  OCH  OCAP

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Operational Air Traffic (operationeller Luftverkehr) Optional Auxiliary Terminal Outside Air Temperature (Außenlufttemperatur) Overall ATM/CNS Target Architecture Operational Air Traffic under Instrument Flight Rules Open Area Test Site (Freifeldmessplatz) Orbit and Attitude Tracking System OAT-IFR Transit System Order of Battle Outboard Off Boresight Angle On-Board Computer (Bordrechner) Off-Board Countermeasures Onboard Data Processor Off-Board Expendaples On-Board Electronic Warfare Simulator Österreichises Bundesheer [AT] Omni-Bearing Indicator (Azimutanzeige) On-Board Inert Gas Generating System Object, objective On-Board Jammer Objektschutzbattaillon der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw/Lw] Objektschutz Luftwaffe [DE, Bw/Lw] On-Board Oxygen Generation System (bordgestütztes Sauerstoff generierendes System) On-Board - RF Interoperability Observation Status Observe, observed, observation (bebachten, beobachtet, Beobachtung) Obstacle (Hindernis) Offboard Source Omni Bearing Selector (Kurswähler) [VOR-Bedienknopf] On-Board Simulation On-Board System Optical Bypass Switch Organisational Breakdown Structure Obscure, obscured, obscuring Orbiter Boom Sensor System [ISS] On-Board Trainer/Training Obstacle Obstruction Operating Bandwidth (Betriebsbandbreite) Operations & Control Object Correlator Officer Commanding Operating Certificate Operations Center Overcurrent Obstacle Clearance Altitude (hindernisfreie Flughöhe über Meeresspiegel) Oceanic Control Area Offensive Counter Air Operational Control Authority Overall Concept and Architecture activity Obstacle Clearance Height Out of Control Action Plan

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 OCC  OCC  OCC  OCCAR  OCCM  OCD  OCD  OCD  OCDE  OCG  OCH  OCIC  OCL  OCL  OCM  OCM  OCM  Ocnl  OCO  OCONUS  OCP  OCP  OCP  OCR  OCR  OCR  OCR  OCR TF  OCS  OCS  OCS  OCSW  Oct  OCT  OCTF  OCTAS  OCU  OCU  OCU  OCV  OCV  OCVCXO  OCXO  OD  OD  OD  OD  OD  ODA  ODA  ODA  ODAL  ODAPS 167218

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Oceanic Control Center Operations Communications Center Operations Control Center (Operations-Kontroll-Zentrum) Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en Matière d’ARmement [Europa] Optical Counter Countermeasures (optische Gegen-Gegenmaßnahmen bzw Schutzmaßnahmen) Oceanic Clearance Delivery Operational Concept Document Operational Concept Demonstration (Nachweis des operationellen Konzepts) Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques [FR] Operations Coordination Group Obstacle Clearance Height (hindernisfreie Flughöhe über Grund) Operations Control Incident Center Obstacle Clearance Limit [ICAO] Oceanic Clearance delivery Oceanic Clearance Message Optical Countermeasures (optische Gegenmaßnahmen) Options Configuration Module Ocasionally (gelegentlich) Overseas Contingency Operations Outside CONUS Obstacle Clearance Panel Oceanic Clearance Processor Operational Computer Programme Operational and Certification Requirements (operationelle und Zertifizierungs-Anforderungen) Optical Character Reader Optical Character Recognition (optische Zeichenerkennung) Order Change Request Operational and Certification Requirements Task Force Obstacle Clearance Surface (hindernisfreie Oberfläche) Operational Control Segment Operational Control Station (Betriebskontrollstation) Objective Crew-Served Weapon October (Oktober) Operational Control Terminal Operation Concept Task Force Obstacle Cable and Terrain Avoidance System Operational Capabilities Upgrade/Update Operational Conversion Unit Operator Control Unit Operational Coverage Volume Orbital Combat Vehicle Oven Controlled - Voltage Cotrolled Crystal Oscillator Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator Okulardisplay [DE] Optical Density Optical Disc Orbit Determination Outside Diameter (Außendurchmesser) Omni-Directional Antenna (Rundstrahlantenne) Open Document Architecture Orbital Debris Assessment Omnidirectional Approach Lighting system Oceanic Display And Planning System 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ODAR  ODAS  ODB  ODBC  ODC  ODC  ODDS  ODE  ODF  ODF  ODI  ODID  ODIF  ODIN  ODL  ODL  ODL  ODM  ODN  ODN  ODP  ODP  ODP  ODR  ODS  ODS  ODS  ODS  ODT  ODU  ODU  ODU  OE  OE  OEA  OEC  OECD  OEF  OEI  OEIC  OELD  OEM  OEO  OEO  OEO  OEP  OEST  OET  OETA  OEU  OEU  OEW

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Organizational Designated Airworthiness Representative Omni-Directional Antenna System (Rundstrahlantennensystem) Objektdatenbank [DE] Open Database Connectivity [Computers] Office of Defense Cooperation Operator Display Console Off-Board Deception Device System Ordinary Differential Equation Oceanic Development Facility [ICAO] Operational Degradation Factor Open Datalink Interface Operational Display and Input Development Open Document Interchange Format Operational Data Interface Oceanic Data Link Optical Data Link Optical Delay Line Oil Debris Monitoring Open Data Network Optical Distribution Network [Network] Obstacle Departure Procedure Open Distributed Processing Operational and Data Processing [ATM Requirements] Overland Downlook Radar [AWACS] Operational Data Store Operations Display System Operator input and Display System Optical Disc System Omnidirectional Transmission Optical-channel Data Unit Optical Display Unit Output Distribution System Operating Environment Opto-Electronics Operational Environmental Assessment Optical-Electrical Converter Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Organisation für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung) Operation Enduring Freedom [Afghanistan] One Engine Inoperative Opto-Electronic Integrated Circuit Organic Electro-Luminescent Display Original Equipment Manufacturer One Engine Out One Equity Partners Opto-Electronic Oscillator Operational Evolution Plan Outline European Staff Targets [Eurofighter] Office of Engineering and Technology [US] Original estimated Time of Arrival Operational Evaluation Unit [UK] Overhead Electronics Units Offensive Electronic Warfare

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 OFA  OFAC  OFAC  OFDM  OFDMA  OFET  OFF  OFFIS  Offz  OFI  OFIR  OFIS  OFL  OFM  OFOR  OFP  Ofst  OFT  OFT  OFTS  OFw  OFW  OFZ  OG  OGC  OGE  OGE  OGM  OGN  OGSE  OH  OH  OH, O/H  OHA  OHA  OHB  OHD  OHK  OHL  OHP  OHQ  OHR  OHS  OHTF  OHU  OI  OI  OI  OIC  OID  OID  OIDS  OIF 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Object Free Area Office Fédéral de l’Aviation Civile [CH] Office of Foreign Asset Control [US] Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access Organic Field Effect Transistor Off (aus) [Anzeige, Schalterstellung] Operatives Feldjäger-Führungs- und Informationssystem [DE, Bw] Offizier, Offiziere [DE, Bw] Operational Flight Instrumentation Oceanic FIR Operational Flight Information System Off-Line Orthogonal Frequency Modulation Opposing Forces Operational Flight Program (operationeller Flugplan) Offset Operational Flight Trainer Outer Fix Time Operational Flight and Tactics Simulator Oberfeldwebel [DE] Objective Force Warrior Obstacle Free Zone (Hindernis-freie Zone) Operations Group [USAF] Open Geospacial Consortium Operational Ground Equipment Out of Ground Effect Objectives - Goals - Mission Originate Operational Ground Support Equipment [Eurofighter] Offener Himmel (Open Skies) [DE] Operational Handbook Overhead Operational Hazard Assessment Operations Hazard Analysis Orbitale Hochtechnologie Bremen AG [DE] Overhead Display (Display über dem Kopf) Orts- und Häuserkampf [DE] Oberste Heeresleitung [DE] Overhead Projector Operations Headquarters Over the Horizon Radar [auch: OTH-R] Offiziers-Hochschule [DE] Operational Harmonisation Task Force Overhead Unit [HUD] Operational Improvement Operational Instructions (Betriebsinstruktionen) Operational Instrumentation Officer In Charge Object Identifier Outline Installation Drawing Operational Information Display System Operations Iraqi Freedom 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 OIG  OIP  OIP3  OIS  OIS  OIS  OIS  OIT  OIU  OIW  OJ  OJT  OK  OKB  OKGA  OKH  OKL  OL  OL  OLAN  OLDI  OLE  OLE  OLED  Olmos  OLR  OLS  OLS  OLt  OLT  OLT  O&M  OM  OM  OM  OM  OMADA  OMB  OMC  OMC  OMC  OMD  OME  OMD  OMF  OMG  OMG  OMI  OMI  OMLT  OMM  OMS  OMS

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Operational Information Groups [NATO] Optical Information Processing Output Intercept Point Third-order Obstacle Identification Surface OGE Input Simulator Onboard Information System Optical Imaging System Onboard Information Terminal Orientation/Introduction Unit Offensive Information Warfare Official Journal [EU] On-the-Job Training All Correct Bezeichnung von Konstruktionsbüros in Russland Oberflächenkonforme Gruppenantennen [DE] Oberkommando des Heeres [DE] Oberkommando der Luftwaffe [DE] Open Loop Operating Location On-board Local Area Network On-Line Data Interchange Object Linking and Embedding [Computers] On-Line Editing (Realzeit-Bearbeitung) Organic Light Emitting Diodes [Displays] Onboard Life Monitoring System Off Load Route Off-Line System Optical Landing System Oberleutnant [Nur in Listen, DE] Optical Line Terminal [Network] Optical Line Termination [Network] Operation and Maintenance (Betrieb & Wartung) Operations Management Operations Manual Ortsmissweisung [DE] Outer Marker [Voreinflugzeichen, Teil von ILS] Open Multimedia ANCS Deployment Architecture Office of Management and Budget [US] Operation and Maintenance Center Operational Monitoring Complex Organic Matrix Composite Onboard Maintenance Documentation Operating Mass Empty (Betriebsleermasse) Operational Management Domain Opposing Militant Forces Object Management Group Operational Monitoring Group [ACAS] Omnibearing Magnetic Indicator Organisation Maritime Internationale [FR] Operational Monitoring and Liaison Teams Organisation Météorologique Mondiale [FR] (Meteorologische Weltorganisation) Onboard Maintenance System [Airbus] Operational Mission Simulator

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 OMS  OMS  OMT  OMT  OMTS  ÖMZ  OMV  ON  ON  ONA  ONER  ONI  ONL  ONNI  ONNS  ONP  ONR  ONS  ONT  ONU  OO  OOA  OOA  OOB  OOB  OOD  OOK  OOOI  OOP  OOT  OOTiAv  OP  OP  OP  OPA  OPALE  Op-Amp  OPAS  OPB  OPBC  OpBewR  OPC  OPC  OPC  OPC  OPCOM  OPCON  OPD  OPDAR  OPDER  Oper  OPEVAL  OPF 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Orbital Maneuvering System Order Management System Onboard Maintenance Terminal Object Modelling Technique Optical Motion Tracking System [Eurofighter] Österreichische Militärische Zeitschrift [AT] Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle Octane Number On (an) [Anzeige, Schalterstellung] Open Network Architecture Oceanic Navigation Error Report Office of Naval Intelligence On-Line Optical transport Network Node Interface [Network] Optical Network Navigation System Open Network Provision Office of Naval Research [USN] Omega Navigation System Optical Network Terminal [Network] Optical Network Unit [Network] Object Oriented Object Oriented Analysis Out Of Area Order Of Battle Out Of Band Object Oriented Design On-Off Keying Out of the gate, Off the ground, On the ground, In the gate Object Oriented Programming (objektorientierte Programmierung) Object Oriented Technology Object Oriented Technology in Aviation Observation Point/Post Operational (operativ) Optimum Operational Performance Assessment Optionally Piloted Aircraft Long Endurance Operational Amplifier (Operationsverstärker) Overhead Panel ARINC 629 System Outer Performance Boundary Overhead Panel Bus Controller Operationen Bewaffneter Rückführung [DE, Bw] Offshore Patrol Craft Operational Planning Cell Operational Communications Operational Program Configuration Operator Control and Measurement computer Operational Control Operational Procedure Document Optical Detection And Ranging Operation Order Operation (Operation) Operational Evaluation Orbiter Processing Facility 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 OP Freq  OpFü  OPHELIOS  OPHR  Opint  OPLAN  OPLT  opm  Opn  OPNET  OPO  OPORD  ÖPP  OPP  OPR  OPR  Opr  OPR  OPRD  Ops  OPS  OPS  OPS  OPSEC  Op-Specs  OPSW  Opt  OPT, Opt  OPT, Opt  Optcom  Optint  Optr  Optronik  OPU  OPV  OpVbuKr  OpZ  OPZLw  O-QAR  OQPSK  O/R, OR  OR  OR  OR  OR  OR  OR  ORA  ORASIS  ORBAT  ORC  ORCA  ORCAM

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Operating Frequency Operationsführung [DE] Optischer, Passiver, Hoch Empfindlicher, Leichter, Infrarot-Optischer Sensor [DE, Bw] Operating Hours (Betriebs-Stunden) Optical Intelligence (optische Aufklärung) Operation Plan/Planning Operational acceptable Level of Traffic Opertaions Per Minute Open (offen), opened, opening Operational Network Optic Parametric Oscillator bzw. Optisch-Parametrischer Oszillator Operation Order Öffentlich-Private Partnerschaften [DE] Operational Planning Process Once Per Revolution Operator, operate, operating, operational Operator [Betreiber, DE] Overall engine Pressure Ratio Operation Order Operations Operational Performance Standards Operations Per Second (Operationen pro Sekunde) Operational Sequence Operations Security Operational Specifications [auch: OpSpecs] Operational Switch Optik, optisch [De] Optimum Optional Optical Communications Optical Intelligence Optronik [DE] Optoelektronik [DE] Overspeed Protection Unit (Übergeschwindigkeitsschutzeinrichtung) Offshore Patrol Vessels (Küstennahe-Patrouille-Schiffe) Operation Verbundene Kräfte Operationszentrale [DE, Bw] Operationszentrale Luftwaffe [DE, Bw] Optical - Quick Access Recorder Offset QPSK (versetztes QPSK) On Request (auf Anforderung) Operating Range (Betriebsreichweite) Operating System (Betriebssystem) Operational Requirements (operationelle Anforderungen) [RAF] Operationally Ready Operations Research Overrun (Überlauf) Operations Research and Analysis Group Optical Realtime Adaptive Signature Identification System Order of Battle Offshore Raiding Craft Optical Relay Communications Architecture Originating Region Code Assignment Method

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 Ord  ORD  ORD  ORE  ORF  ORFI  Org  OrgBer  OrgLtr  ORI  ORI  Orig  ORION  ORR  ORS  ORS  ORS  ORT  ORTA  ORTF  Ortg  O&S, OS  O/S  OS  OS  OS  OS  OSA  OSA  OSA  OSA  OSAP  OSAT  OSB  OSB  OSC  OSC  OSC  OSC  OSC  OSC  OSC, osc  OSCAR  OSD  OSD  OSD  OSD  OSDR  OSDS  OSED  OSF  OSF  OSFw 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Order Operational Readiness Demonstration Operational Requirements Document Operatinal Readiness Evaluation Orbit Reference Frame Onboard Radio Frequency Interoperability Organization, Organisation Organisationsbereich [DE, Bw] Organisationsleiter [DE] Open Radio Equipment Operational Readiness Inspection Origin (Ursprung) Operative Information Office of Regulations Review Online Response System Operationally Responsive Space [USAF Sat] Operations Research und Systemanalyse [DE, Bw] Owner Requirements Table Office of Research and Technology Applications Operational Requirements Task Force Ortung [DE, Bw] Operations & Support Overspeed Offiziersschule [CH] Open Service Operating System (Betriebssystem) Operational Stability Open Systems Architecture Operational Support Aircraft Optical Society of America Optischer Spektrumanalysator Ocean Surveillance Air Patrol On-Site Acceptance Test Output Signal Balance Option Select Button On Screen Display Operation Support Cell Operational Steering Committee Optical Signature Control Orbital Sciences Corporation [US] Order Status Report Oscillator (Oszillator) Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio Office of the Secretary of Defense [US] Operational Scenario Document Operational Suitability Demonstration Out of Service Date (Ausmusterungsdatum) Oil Slick Detection Radar Oceanic System Development Support Operational Service and Environment Description Open System Foundation Optronic Secteur Frontal [Rafale, FR] Optronische Sensor zur Frühwarnung [DE, Bw] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 OSG  OSH . OSI  OSI  OSI  OSI  OSIE  OSIE-RM  OSINT  OSIP  OSLw  OSM  OSM  OSMC  OSMP  OSO  OSP  OSPF  OSR  OSR  OSRVT  OSS  OSS  OSS  OSS  OSS  OSS  OSSM  OST  OST . OST  OST  OStFw  OSTP  OSV  OSV  OSVPM  Osz  OSZE  OT  OT  OTA  OTAC  OTAN  OTAP  OTC  OTD  OTD  OT&E  OTF  OTF  OTFP  OTH Radar

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Operational Service Group Offiziersschule des Heeres [DE, Bw/Heer] Office of Science and Information [UK] Open Source Initiative Open Systems Interconnection Open Systems Interface OSI Environment Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model Open Source Intelligence [offene Informationsgewinnung] Overhaull and Special Inspections Periods Offizierschule der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw] Offiziersschule der Marine [DE, Bw] Optical Support Measures (Laser) Open Systems Mission Computer Open Systems Map Processor Offensive System Operator Orbital Space Plane Open Shortest Path First Office of Scientific Research Optical Solar Reflections One System Remote Video Terminal Objekt-Schutz-System (Site Defense System) [DE] Open Source Software Operational Support Squadron [USAF] Operations Support System Optimum Sonar Speed Option Selectable Software Omni Spectra Small Sub Miniature Office Of Science and Technology [US] Operational Support Traffic Outer Space Treaty Outline Staff Target (Anforderungsprofil) [Airbus A400M] Oberstabsfeldwebel [DE] Office of Science and Technology Policy [US] Ocean Station Vessel Overall System Validation Open Systems Video Processing Module Oszillator [DE] Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa [DE] Operational Testing Other Times Office of Technology Assessment [US] Overseas Territories Aviation Circulars [UK] Organisation du Traité de l’Atlantique Nord [FR, NATO] Over The Air Performance Official Test Center Operational Target Date Operational Test Director Operational Test and Evaluation Operational Task Force Organisatorisch Technische Forderung Operational Traffic Flow Planning Over-The-Horizon Radar

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 OTH-B  OTH-F  OTH-R  OTH-SW  OTH-T  OTL  Otlk  OTM  OTM  OTP  OTP  OTP  OTP  OTR  OTR  OTRR  OTS  OTS  OTS  OTT  OTT&E  OTU  OTV  OUSD  Out  Oubd  Outbd  OV  OV  OV  OV  o.V.  Ovc  OVD  OvD  Ovht  OVI  OVP  Ovrd  OVS  OW  OW  OWB  OWE  OWF  OWS  OWS  oxy  oz  OZ  OZA


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

OTH-Backscatter [auch: OTHB] OTH-Forward [Scatter; auch: OTHF] OTH-Radar [auch: OTHR] OTH-Surface-Wave [Radar; auch: OTHSW] OTH-Targeting [auch: OTHT] Oberstleutnant [DE, Bw] Outlook On The Move On Time Marker Office of Telecommunications Policy [US] On Top (über Wolkengrenze) Operational Test Plan Overall Test Plan Oceanic Transition Route Operational Turn Around Operational Test Readiness Review Oceanic Track System Off-The-Shelf Organized Track System Operational Tactics Trainer Operational Test Training & Evaluation Operational Training Unit Orbital Transfer Vehicle Office of the Under Secretary of Defense [US] Output (Ausgabe von Daten) Outbound Outboard Operational View Orbital Vehicle Overflow (Überlauf) Overvoltage ohne Verzögerung [DE] Overcast (bedeckt) Occulaire de Vision Deportee [FR] Offizier vom Dienst [DE] Overheat Operator Vehicle Interface Over Voltage Protection Override Overhead Video System Ost-West Over Water Offiziersweiterbildung [DE, Bw] Operating Weight Empty Optimum Working Frequency Obstacle Warning System (Hindernis-Warnsystem) Ocean Weather Station oxygen (Sauerstoff) ounce Oktanzahl [DE] Optronische Zielortung Artillerie [DE]

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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P   P, p  P  p  P  P  p  p  P  p  p  p  p  P

Formelzeichen für: Luftdruck, Leistung, Wahrscheinlichkeit Kurzzeichen für Papa [ICAO-Alphabet] Kurzzeichen für page (Seite) [Plural: pp] Kurzzeichen für parity (Parität) Kurzzeichen für das Präfix Peta [SI-Einheit, Zahlenwert 1015] Kurzzeichen für das Präfix Pico [SI-Einheit, Zahlenwert 10-12] Kurzzeichen für patrol Kurzzeichen für Personal Kurzzeichen für polarization Kurzzeichen für precision (Präzision) Kurzzeichen für prohibited area (Luftsperrgebiet) Kurzzeichen für prototype (Prototyp) Phosphor [chem. Element]

 P-3C  P-3C Orion  P-8A  P3I  PA  PA  PA  PA  PA  Pa  pa  PA  PA  PA  PA  PA  pA  PA  PA  PA  PA  PA  PA  PA  PA  PA  PA  PA  PA  PA  PA  PA

EloKa-Flugzeugtyp von Kawasaki Heavy Industries EloKa-Flugzeugtyp von Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co. EloKa-Flugzeugtyp von The Boeing Co. Pre-Planned Production Improvements (vorgeplante Produktionsverbesserungen) Pan Am [Pan American] Panzerabwehr [AT] Parabol Antennas (Parabolantennen) Parametric Amplifier Participating Area Pascal [Luftdruckeinheit] passenger (Passagier) Passenger Address Peilanlage [Funkpeilung, DE] Peilanordnung [Funkpeilung, DE] Peilantenne [Funkpeilung, DE] Physical Address Picoampere [10-12 A] Planarantennen [auch: PlaAnt] [DE] Port Authority Postamt [DE] Potenzialausgleich [DE] Power Amplifier (Leistungsverstärker) Precision Approach (Präzisionsanflug) Preliminary Assessment Pressure Altitude (Druckhöhe) Primary Advanced Process Area Program Analysis Program Authorization [USAF] Progress Assessment Prohibited Area (Luftsperrgebiet) Projektabteilung [DE, BWB]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 PA  PA  PA  PA  PA  PA  p.a.  PAA  PAA  PAA  PAA  PAA  PAAMS  PA/CI  PAC  PAC  PAC  PAC  PAC  PAC  PACAF  PACFLT  PACIS  PACM  PACOM  PACOTS  PACQ  PAD  PAD  PÄD  PADAC  PADAR  PADS  PA&E  PAE  PAF  PAF  PAF  PAF  PAF  PAFC  PAG  PAGODA  PAH  PAHS  PAI  Pak  PAK  PAL  PAL  PAL  PAL  PAL 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Proposal Architecture Provisional Acceptance Public Affairs Pulse Amplifier Pulse Amplitude Pyramidenabsorber [DE] per annum Phased Array Antenna Pilot Accuracy Analysis Plot Accuracy Analysis Primary Aircraft Authorization Procurement Action Approval Principal Anti-Air Missile System [auch: Paams] Passenger Address - Cabin Interphone Pacific Region [ICAO] Path Attenuation Compensation PATRIOT Advanced Capability [US, NATO] Pre-Application Checklist Preliminary Activation message Public Accounts Committee [UK] Pacific Air Forces [USAF] Pacific Fleet Passenger Address and Communication Interphone System Patriot Anti-Cruise Missile Pacific Command Pacific Organized Track System Probability of Acquisition Packet Assembler-Disassembler Passenger Available for Disembarkation Problemmeldungs- und Änderungsdienst [DE] PRISMIL Automated Data Acquisition and Collection [Tool] Passive Detection and Ranging Precision Airdrop Systems [USAF, USA, RAF] Program Assessment and Evaluation Power-Added Efficiency Pakistan Air Force Peruvian Air Force Philippine Air Force Polish Air Force Portuguese Air Force Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell Product Assurance Group Profile Alignment Group for Open Document Architecture Panzer-Abwehr-Hubschrauber [DE, Bw] (Anti-Tank Helicopter) Panzer-Abwehr-Hubschrauber [AT] Principal Avionics Inspector Panzerabwehrkanone [DE, Bw] Pilot Acknowledgement Panzer-Abwehr-Lenkwaffe [AT, CH] Phase Alteration Line Philippine Airlines Pilot Activated Lighting Programmable Array Logic 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 PALIS  PALLAS  PALS  PALS  pam  PAM  PAM  PAM  PAMB  PAMC  PAMR  PAN  PANAR  PANNAP  PANS  PANS-ABC  PANS-ATM  PANS-OPS  PANS-RAC  PAPI  PAPR  PAR  PAR  PAR  PAR  PAR  PAR  PAR  PAR  PAR  Para  Para  PARAMP  Parl  PARR  PARS  PAS  PAS  PAS  PAS  PASI  PASS  PASS  PAT  PAT  PAT  PAT  PAT  PATA  PATA  PATC  PATIN  PATRIOT

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Passives Link System [DE] Phased Automation of the Hellenic ATC System Passive Littoral Surveillance System Precision Approach Lighting System pamphlet Pilot Acknowledgement Message Precision Attack Munition Pulse Amplitude Modulation (Pulsamplitudenmodulation) Pressure - Ambient Provisional Acceptance Means of Compliance Public Access Mobile Radio Personal Area Network Panoramic Radar Panavia New Aircraft Project Procedures for Air Navigation Services [ICAO] Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Abbreviations and Codes [ICAO] Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Air Traffic Management [ICAO] Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services Precision Approach Path Indicator (Prezisionsgleitwinkelbefeuerung) Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Peak-to-Average Ratio Performance Analysis and Review Perimeter Acquisition Radar Phased Array Radar Planning, Analysis and Reporting Precision Approach Radar (Präzisionsanflugradar) [ICAO] Preferential Arrival Route Preliminary Acceptance Review Pulse Acquisition Radar Paragraph (paragraph) [DE] Phase Array Radar Antennas Parametric Amplifier (parametrischer Verstärker) Parallel Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking Panzer-Abwehr-Raketen-System [DE, Bw] Paris Air Show Passenger Address System Peil-Antennen-System [DE] Publicly Available Specification Pre-Application Statement of Intent Performance and Safety Aspects of STCA Primary Avionics System Software Passive Angle Track Pilot Access Terminal Power Amplifier Transmitter Primary Access Terminal Production Acceptance Test Personal Air Transportation Alliance Polish Air Traffic Agency Precision Approach Terrain Chart Protection of Air Transportation and Infrastructure Phased Array Tracking to Intercept Of Targets

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 PATS  PAV  PAVE  PAVES  Pax  PAW  PAWS  PAWES  PAWS  PAWS  PAWS  PAWS  Pax  PB  PB  PB  PB  PB  Pb  PB  PBA  PBA  PBA  PBCT  PBD  PBE  PBE  PBER  PBG  PBI  PBIT  PBIT  PBL  PBL  PBL  PbMN  PBN  PBOT  PBP  PBRAM  PBRF  PbS  PBS  PBS  PbSe  PbSi  PBT  PBV  PBW  PBW  PC  pc  PC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Precision Attack Targeting System Presence And Validity Precision Avionics Vectoring Equipment Programmable Audio Video Entertainment System Passengers Peilauswertung [DE] Parallel Assessment Window System Performance Assessment and Workload Evaluation Palletized Autonomous Weapon System Passive Airborne Warning System [IAF] Passive Approach Warning System Phased Array Warning System Passenger panzerbrechend [Munition, DE, Bw] Particle Beam (Teilchenstrahl) Patrol Boat Petabytes [1015 Bytes] Playback Blei [chem. Symbol] (Plumbum) Project Board Pencil Beam Antennas Physical Bock Address Push Button Annunciator Proposed Boundary Crossing Time Place Bearing/Distance Peripheral Bus Extender Personalbedarfsermittlung [DE, BWB] Pseudo-Bit-Error-Ratio Photonic Band Gap Push Button Indicator Periodic BIT Power-up BIT Patrol Boat, Light Performance Based Logistics Problem-Based Learning Lead Magnesium Niobate [chem. Verbindung] Performance-Based Navigation Post Burn Out Tracker Performance Based Payment Pipelined Burst RAM [IC Memory] Pilot Briefing Lead Sulphide bzw. Plei-Sulfid [chem. Verbindung] Protective Breathing System Public Broadcasting Service [US] Lead Selenide bzw. Blei-Selenid [chem. Verbindung] Lead Silicide [chem. Verbindung] Phase Bearing Tracker Post-Boost Vehicle Particle-Beam Weapon Power-By-Wire Parallel Computing Kurzzeichen für die astronomische Längeneinheit Parsec Patroll Coastal 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 PC  PC  pc  PC  PC  PC  PC  PC  PC  PC  PC  PC  Pc  PCA  PCA  PCA  PCA  PCA  PCA  PCA  PCA  PCA  PCA  PSAF  PCAS  PCATD  PCB  PCC  PCC  PCC  PCCADS  PCD  PCD  Pcd  PCE  PCE  PCF  PCFL  PCFV  PCHK  PCI  PCI  PCI  PCID  Pcip  PCL  PCL  PCL  PCM  PCM  PCM  PCM  PCM

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Personal Computer Photo Conductive piece Potential Conflict Power Converter (Leistungsumsetzer) Printed Circuit (gedruckte Schaltung) Probabiliy of Conflict Production Control Project Coordinator Proposed Change Provisional Council [Eurocontrol] Pulse Compression [Pulskompressionsradar] Cumulative Probability (kummulative Wahrscheinlichkeit) [Radar] Partnership and Cooperation Agreement Phase Comparison Antennas (Phasenvergleichsantennen) Physical Configuration Audit Pneumatic Control Assembly Point of Closest Approach Positive Control Airspace Pre-Conditioned Air system Primary Category Aircraft Propulsion Controlled Aircraft Power Control Assembly Precision Small-Arms Fire [Sniper] Portable Collision Avoidance System Personal Computer-based Aviation Training Device Printed Circuit Board (Leiterplatte) Peripheral Computer Complex Provisional Council Coordinating [Eurocontrol] Pilot-Controller Communication Panoramic co*ckpit Control and Display System Panoramic co*ckpit Display Probability of Code Detection Proceed, proceeding Passive Circuit Elements Phase Control Electronics Pulse Compression Filter (Pulskompressionsfilter) Preferred Cruise Flight Level Protected Command & Functional Vehicles Parity Checking Peripheral Component Interconnect/-face [Architektur] Physical Configuration Inspection Protocol Control Information Preliminary Change In Design Precipitation (Niederschlag) Parallel Communications Link Passive Coherent Locator [Radar] Pilot Controlled Lighting Phase Control Module Power Converter Module Pulse Code Modulation (Puls Code Modulation) [DE] Pulskompressionsmodulation (Pulse Compression Modulation) [DE] Pyrotechnic Countermeasures

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 PCMCIA  PCME  PCMMU  PCMP  PCN  PCN  PCN  PCN  PCN  PCO  P-Code  PCP  PCP  PCPN  PCR  PCR  PCR  PCR  PCRT  PCS  PCS  PCS  PCS  PCS  PCS  PCS  PCSB  PCSV  PCT  PCU  PCU  PCU  PCV  PCZ  Pd  PD  PD  PD  PD  PD  PD  PD  PD  Pd  Pd  PD  PD  PD  PD  PD  PD  PDA  PDA 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Personal Computer Memory Card International Association Pulse Code Modulation Encoder Pulse Coded Modulation Master Unit Project Configuration Management Plan Pavement Classification Number [ICAO] Personal Communications Network Production Control Number Public Cellular Network Photochemical Oxidant Prime Contract Office Precise/Protected Code [GPS] Program Change Proposal Project Control Plan Precipitation Amount Passive Covert Radar Phase Coded Radar (phasenkodiertes Radar) Program Change Request Program Clock Reference (Programmzeitreferenz) Projection Cathode Ray Tube Performance Command System Personal Communications Services Photon Collecting System Pitch Control System Powerplant Control System Primary Control Station Process Control System Pulse-Coded Scanning Beam Pilot-to-Controller Service Protocoll Conformance Test Passenger Control Unit Pod Conditioning Unit Power Control Unit Probability of Code Validation Personal Control Zone [Tempest] Palladium [chem. Symbol] Passive Detection Phase Detector (Phasendetektor) Photodetektor [De] Photodiode [DE] Point Detonation Power Detector Power Divider (Leistungsteiler) [Mikrowellenbauteil] Preliminary Design (vorläufiger Entwurf) Probability of Damage Probability of Detection (Detektionswahrscheinlichkeit) Procurement Document Profile Descent Programme Director Project Definition Pulse Duration (Pulsdauer, Pulsbreite) Pulse Doppler (Pulsdoppler) [Radar] Personal Digital Assistant Photon Detector Assembly [Space] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 PDA  PDAM  PDAR  PDARS  PDAT  PDB  PDB  PDBS  PD/C  PDC  PDC  PDC  PDC  PDC  PDC  PDC  PDCS  PDCV  PDD  PDD  PDD  PDD  PDD  PDDI  PDE  PDE  PDES  PDES  PDF  PDF  PDF  pdf  PDG  PDG  PDG  PDG  PDH  PDI  PDI  PDI  PDI  PDID  PDL  PDL  PDM  PDM  PDM  PDM  PDM  PDME  PDMS  PDMV  PDN

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Pin Diode Attenuator Precision Direct-Attack Munition Preferential Departure and Arrival Route Performance Data Analysis and Reporting System Portable Data Access Terminal Performance Data Base Precision Digital Barometer Pilot Data Broadcast System Power Dividers/Combiners (Leistungs-Teiler/Kombinierer) Performance Data Computer Personal Digital Cellular Policy Development Committee Power Distribution Center Pre-Departure Clearance Pressure-Drop Control Programme Development Card Performance Data Computer System Pressure-Drop Control Valve Package Design Document Personnel Detection Device Post-Delivery Development Product Data Directory Product Design Data Product Definition Data Interface Partial Differential Equation Pulse Detonation Engine Product Data Exchange Specification Pulse Doppler Elevation Scan Portable Document Format Precision Direction Finding (Präzisionspeilung bzw -peiler) Primary Display Function (primäre Displayfunktion) Probability Density Function (Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichtefunktion) Pilot´s Display Group Precision Drop Glider Program Dependency Graph Programmable Display Generator Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy Pictorial Deviation Indicator [Kurslagenanzeiger] Post Detection Integration [Radar] Primary Direction Indicator Pulse Doppler Illuminator Pulse Doppler Identification Portable Data Loader (portables Datenladegerät) Program Design Language Program Decision Memorandum Programmed Depot Maintenance Project Development Manager Pulsdauermodulation (Pulse-Duration Modulation) [DE] Pulse Delta Modulation Precision Distance Measuring Equipment Point Defense Missile System Phasendifferenz-Monopulsverfahren [DE] Power Dividing Network

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 PDN  PDN  PDO  PDOP  PDP  PDP  PDP  PDP  PDP  PDPC  PDR  PDR  PDR  PDR  PDRC  PDRJ  PDRR  PDRS  PDS  PDS  PDS  PDS  PDS  PDS  PDS  PDS  PDS  PDS  PDS  PDSE  PDT  PDT  PDT  PDT  PDT  PDT  PDU  PDU  PDU  PDU  PDU  PDVOR  PDW  PDWE  PE  PE  PE  PE  PE  PE  PE  PE  PE 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Public Data Network Pulse Doppler Navigation (Puls-Doppler-Navigation) Product Distribution Organisation Position Dilution Of Precision [GPS] Plasma Display Panel (Plasma-Anzeige-Tafel) Polar Diagramm Plotter Pre-Delivery Payment Programmable Data Processor Project Definition Phase (Projektdefinitionsphase) Post Detection Pulse Compression Preferential Departure Route Preliminary Design Review Pulse-Doppler Radar (Pulsdopplerradar) Pulse Drop Rate Pressure-Drop Ratio Control Pulse-Doppler Radar Jammer Program-Definition and Risk-Reduction Payload Deployment and Retrieval System Passive Defense System Passive Detection System Payload Data Set Pin Diodes Switches (Pin-Diodenschalter) Portable Dynamic Simulator Portable Data Store Power Distribution System Primary Display System Program Data Source Project Definition Study Protected Distribution System Pre-Departure Service Check Passive Detection and Tracking Portable Data Terminal Pre-Deployment Training Product Design Team Product Development Team Programmable Data Terminal Photographic Development Unit Pilot´s Display Unit Power Distribution Unit Power Drive Unit Protocol Data Unit Precision Doppler VOR Pulse Descriptive Word [ESM, ELINT] Pulse Detonation Wave Engine Parameters of Earth Peilempfänger [Funkpeilung] [DE] Permanent Echo Phase Encoded Pilot Error Piston Engine Position Error Precise Ephemeris (präzise Bahndaten) [Satnav] Precision Engagement 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 PE  PE  PE  PE  PE  PE  PE  PE  PE  PE  PEAT  PEB  PEC  PEC  PECC  PECM  PECM  PED  PEE  PEH  PEI  PeilFu  PeilG  PeilSt  PeilTr  PeilZ  PEL  PEL  PELA  PELSS  PEM  PEM  PEM  PEM  PEMFC  PEN  PENS  PEO  PEO  PEP  PEP  PEP  PEP  PER  PER  Per  Per  Peri  Perm  Permly  PERP  PERT  PES

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Pre-Emptive Program Element Preliminary Exploitation Probable Error Processing Element Procurement Executive [UK MoD] Program Element Project Engineer Protected Earth Error Probability (Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit) Procedural Event Analysis Tool Performance Evaluation Board Position Error Correction Pressure Error Correction Patient Evacuation Coordination Center Passive ECM Pulsed Electro-Chemical Matching Personal (oder: Portable) Electronic Device Photoelectron Emission Probable Error in Height Professional Engineering Institutions Peilfunker [DE, Bw] Peilgerät [DE, Bw] Peilstelle [DE, Bw] Peiltrupp [DE, Bw] Peilzentrale [DE, Bw] Personnel Exposure Limits Personnel Licensing Proficiency test in the English Language for ATC Precision Emitter Location Strike System Parametric Estimation Model Photoelectromagnetic Program Element Monitor [US DoD] Proton Exchange Membrane Proton Exchange Mebrane Fuell Cell [Brennstoffzellentechnologie] Photonic Exchange Network Pan-European fixed Network Service [Datalink] Polar Earth Orbit [Satnav] Program Executive Officer Peak Envelope Power Predesignated Ejection Point Pre-Engine Production Programmierbares Eingabepanel Packet Encoding Rules Packet Error Ratio Performance (Leistung) [auch: Perf] Perishible (verderbliche Güter) Periskop [DE] Permanent (dauerhaft) Permanently [FAA] Peak Effective Radiated Power Programme Evaluation and Review Technique Passenger Entertainment System

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 PES  PESM  PET  PET  PETAL  PEU  PEW  PEZ  PF  pF  PF  PF, p.f.  PF  PF  PFA, PFA  PFAT  PFB  PFC  PFC  PFCS  PFCS  PFD  PFD  PFD  PFD  PFE  PFI  PFI  PFIS  PFL  PFL  PFLD  PFM  PFM  PFM  PFMA  PFMG  PFN  PFOV  PfP  PFPS  PFR  PFR  PFR  PFS  PFT  PFT  PFT  PG  PG  PGA  PGA  PGA 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Performance Evaluation System Passive Electronic Support Measures Pacific Engineering Trials Passive Emitter Tracking Preliminary Eurocontrol Test of Air-to-ground data Link Processing Electronics Unit Passive Electronic Warfare Platzeinflugzeichen [ILS] [DE] Parabolic Flight Picofarad [SI-Einheit, 10-12 F] Pilot Flying Power Factor Produktfamilie [DE] Protection Factor Probability of False Alarm (Falschalarmwahrscheinlichkeit) Production Flight Acceptance Test [Eurofighter] Pre-Flight Briefing Passenger Facility Charges Primary Flight Computer (primärer Flugcomputer) Primary Flight Computer System (primäres Flugcomputersystem) Primary Flight Control System (primäres Flugführungssystem) [B777] Phase-Frequency Detector Primary Flight Director (primärer Flugdirektor) Primary Flight Display (primäres Fluglagedisplay) Probability of Failure Detection (Ausfallsentdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit) Path Following Error Primary Flight Information Private Financial Initiative Passenger Flight Information System Pilot’s Fault List Planned Flight Level Pilot’s Fault List Display Precise Frequency Measurement Pre-Flight Message (Vorfluginformation-EloKa) Pulsfrequenzmodulation (Pulse Frequency Modulation) [DE] Post-Flight Mission Analysis Pre-Flight Message Generator Pulse Forming Network Primary Field Of View Partnership for Peace [NATO] Portable Flight-Planning System Post Flight Report Preferred Route Primary Flight Reference Product File Sets Physical Fitness Test Pre-Flight Tester Programmable Fixed Time Procedures and Guidelines Processing Gain (Verarbeitungsgewinn) Phasengesteuerte Gruppenantennen [DE] Pin Grid Array Programmable Gate Array 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 PGAM  PGB  PGK  PGM  PGMM  PGM  PGM  PGS  PGSM  PGW  P&H  PH  ph  PH  Ph  PHA  PHARE  PHB  PHD  PHDD  pHEMT  PHI  PHMET  PHOLED  Phone  Photint  PHS  phys.  PI  PI  PI  PI  PI  PI  PI  PI  PI  PI  Pi  PI  PI  PI  PIA  PIA  PIA  PIB  PiBtl  PIC  PIC  PIC  PICS  PICT  PID

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Precision Guided Artillery Munition Precision Guided Bombs (präzisionsgelenkte Bomben) Precision Guidance Kit Precision Guided Munition (präzisionsgelenkte Munition) Precision Guided Mortar Munition Program (Programm) Pulse Group Modulation (Pulsgruppenmodulation) Precision Gun System Precision Guided Submunition Precision Guided Weapons (präzisionsgelenkte Waffen) Press and Hold Performance History Phot [Unit of Illuminance: 104 lx] Public Holiday Probability of Hit Preliminary Hazard Analysis (vorläufige Gefahrenanalyse) Program for Harmonized ATC and Research in Eurocontrol Pilot’s Handbook Pilot’s Horizontal Display Pilots Head Down Display [Tornado] Pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor Position and Homing Indicator (Standort- und Zielanfluganzeiger) Pseudomorphic High Mobility Electronic Technology Phosphoreszierendes OLED [DE] Telephone Photographic Intelligence Personal Handy-Phone System Physikalisch [DE] Parallel Instruction Parameter Identifier Payload Interrogator Performance Indicator Peripheral Interface Photo Interpreter Pitch Indicator (Längsneigungsanzeiger) Point of Interception Practice Intercept (Abfang-Übung) Principal Inspector Probability of Intercept Product Improvement (Produktverbesserung) Production Improvement (Produktionsverbesserung) Production Installation Performance, Integrity and Availability Peripheral Interface Adapter [parallele Schnittstelle] Pilot Initiated Approach (Pilot-gesteuerter Anflug) Pre-flight Information Bulletin [ICAO] Pionierbataillon [DE, Bw] Pilot In Command Plastic Insulated Cable Pyrotechnik Initiator Controller Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement Product Implementation Conformance Statement Packet Identifier

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 PID  PID  PID  PID  PID  PID  PID  PID  PID  PID  PIDS  PIDS  PIDS  PIDS  PIE  PIG  PIK  PIL  PILOT  PIMAWS  PIN  PIN  PIN  PIND  PINE  PIO  PIO  PIO  PIP  PIP  PIP  PIP  PIP  PIP  PIP  PIP  PIR  PIR  PIR  PIR  PIRATE  PIRC  PIREP  PiSi  PIT  PITS  PIU  PIU  PIU  PIV  PIV  Pixel  PIZ 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Panel-Integrated Display Parameter Identifier Particle Injection Device Passive Identification Device Pilot Information Display Pilot Information Downlink Positive Identification Primitive Identifier Probability of correct Identification Process Identifier Passive Infrared Devices Perimeter Intrusion Detection System Positive Identification System Pylon Integrated Dispenser System Pulse Interference Elimination Pilot’s Information Guide Panel-Integrated Keyboard Parts Identification List Phased Integrated Laser Optics Technology Passive Infrared Missile Approach Warning System [Bw] Part Identifying Number Personal Identification Number Positive Intrinsic Negative (p-i-n Diode) Particle Impact Noise Detection Passive Infrared Night Equipment Parallel Input/Output device [parallele Schnittstelle] Processor Input/Output Public Information Officer [UK] Plug-In-Panel Predicted Impact Point Predicted Intercept Point Product-Improvement Package Product-Improvement Program Production Investment Phase Programme Initialization Parameter Pulse Intervall Processor Passive Infrared Pilot Incident Report Precision Instrument Runway Priority Intelligence Requirements Passive Infrared Airborne Tracking Equipment [Eurofighter] Pre-emptive IR Countermeasures Pilot weather Report [ICAO] Platinum Silicide Pilot Instructor Training Passive Identification and Targeting System Plasma Ignition Unit Processor Interface Unit Pylon Interface Unit Peak Inverse Voltage Personal Identity Verification Picture Element Presse- und Informationszentrale [DE] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 PJND  Pk  PK  PKdo  PKF  Pkg  PKI  PKL  PKW  P/L  PL  PL  PL  PL  PL  PL  PL  PL  PL  PL  PL  PLAID  PLAN  PLA  PLA  PLA  PLAID  PlaAnt  PLB  PLB  PLC  PLC  PLC, plc  PLCU  PLCU  PLD  PLD  PLD  PLDA  PLDIU  PLED  PLF  PLGR  PLHR  PLL  PL/M  PLM  PLM  PLM  PLN  PLN  Plng  PLO

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Perceived Just Noticeable Difference Probability of Kill [auch: pK] Pulskompression [Radar] [DE] Peilkommando [DE] Pulskompressionsfilter [Radar] [DE] Package Public Key Infrastructure Peilkommandoleiter [DE] Personenkraftwagen [DE] Payload Parameter Length Parts List Payload Phyllips Laboratory Plain Language Poland, Polen Position Line Primary Lighting Projektleiter [DE] Propagation Losses (Ausbreitungsverluste) [Radar, Funk] Pulse Length Precision Location And Identification People Liberation Army Navigation [Volksrepublik von China] Power Lift Aircraft Practice Low Approach (Tieffanflug-Übung) Programmable Logic Array (programmierbare Logikanordnung) Position Location And Identification Planarantenne [auch: PA] [DE] Payload Bay Personal Locator Beacon Power Line Communications (Kommunikation über Starkstromleitungen) Power Line Conditioner Puplic Limited Company Payload Control Unit Primary Lighting Control Unit Precision Laser Designator (Präzisionslaserbeleuchter) Pulse Length Discrimination Programmable Logik Device (programmierbarer Logikbaustein) Power Line Disturbance Analyzer Payload Distribution and Interface Unit Polymeric Light Emitting Diode Passenger Load Factor (Passagierauslastungsfaktor) Precision Lightweight GPS Receiver Power Line Harmonic Radiation Phase Locked Loop (Phasensynchronisierungsschleife) Programming Language for Microprocessors Product Lifecycle Management Pulse Length Modulation Pulse Length Monitor Flight Plan (Flugplan) Private Line Network Planning Phase-Locked Oscillator (phasengekoppelter Oszillator)

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 PLOG  PLP  PLR  PLR  PLR  PLRS  PLS  PLS  PLS  PLSP  PLSS  PLSS  Plt  PLT  PLU  PLU  PLV  PLVL  PLWS  PLWS  PLZ  p.m.  PM  PM  PM  PM  PM  PM  PM  PM  PM  PM  PM  PM  PM  PM  PM  PMA  PMA  PMA  PMA  PMA  PMA  PMA  PMAD  PMAT  P-Maws  PMB  PMB  PMC  PMC  PMC  PMCS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Pilot’s Log Patienten-Liege-Plätze [DE, Bw] Power Line Radiation Precision Landing Receiver Pulse Link Repeater Position Location and Reporting System Personnel Locating System Portable Launching System Precision Landing System Payload Signal Processor Portable Life Support System Precision Location Strike System Platoon Post-Launch Test Position Location Uncertainty Program Load Unit Payload Launch Vehicle Present Level Personal Laser Warning System Precision Lighting Warning System Potential Landing Zone Post Meridiem Passive Matrix Permanent Magnet Pershing Missile Phase Modulation (Phasenmodulation) Pilot Monitoring Photomultiplier [DE] Post Meridian Power Management Preventive Maintenance Product Manager Program Manager/Management Progress Meeting Project Manager Protected Mode Pulse Modulation/Modulator Parts Manufacturing Agreement/Approval Permanent Magnet Alternator Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy Post-Mission Analysis Preliminary Mission Analysis Program Manager Air Portable Maintenance Aid Power Management and Distribution Portable Maintenance Access Terminal Passive Missile Approach Warning System Programme Management Board Project Management Bureau PCI Mezzanine Card Project Management Cell Power Management Control Performance Management Computer System 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 PMD  PME  PME  PMET  PMG  PMG  PMI  PMM  PMMS  PMMW  PMO  PMOP  PMOS  PMP  PMP  PMP  PMP  PMPS  PMR  PMR  PMR  PMS  PMT  PMT  PMTC  PN, P/N  pn  PN  PN  PN  PNB  PNCS  PND  PND  PNAV  Pneu  PNF  PNI  PNL  PNL  PNP  PNR  PNS  PNT  PNV  PNVG  PNVS  PNU  PO  PO  Po  PO  PO

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Power Management Directive Peacetime Military Engagement Prime Mission Equipment PME Training Permanent Magnet Generator Program Management Group (Programmsteuerungsgruppe) Payload Mission Integrator Performance Monitoring Module Passive Multi-Mode Sensing Passive Millimeter Wave Program/Project Management Office Phase Modulation On Pulse Positive (p-type) MOS Personal Media Player Phasen-Monopuls Primary Maintenante Process Program/Project Management Plan Portable Mission Planning System [USAF] Portable MLS Receiver Precision Multi-mode Radar Professional Mobile Radio Peformance Management/Monitoring System Photomultiplier Tube Project Management Tool Pacific Missile Test Center (Pazifische Flugkörper-Erprobungsstelle) [NAWCWPNS] Part Number Positive-Negative (pn-Übergang) Prior Notice required Proportionalnavigation [DE, Bw] Pseudo Noise Passive Narrowband Performance Navigation Computer System Personal Navigation Device Primary Navigation Display Precision Navigation Pneumatic Pilot Not Flying Pictorial Navigation Indicator [Kurslagenanzeiger] Panel (Feld; Instrumentenbrett; Bediengerät) Perceived Noise Level Positive-Negative-Positive (p-n-p Transistor) Point of No Return Precision Navigation System Position, Navigation, Timing [GPS] Pilot Night Vision Panoramic Night Vision Goggles Pilot’s Night Vision Sight/System [Navigations- und Zieldetektions Flir] Precision Navigation Unit [HARM] Part Of (Teil von) Pilot Officer Polonium [chem. Symbol] Port Outer Purchase Order

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26. Juni 2013


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 PoAF  POB  POC  POC  POD  PoD  POE  POE  POE  PoE  POEMS  POES  POET  POEW  POF  POF  POFA  POFZ  POH  POI  POI  POI  PoI  POL  POL  POL  Pol  Pol  POM  PON  PoP  POP  POP  POR  PoR  PoR  POS  Pos  Pos  POSINT  POSIX  POSNAV  POSREF  Poss  POST  POST  POST  Post-IOC  POT  Pot  POT  POW  pp 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Portuguese Air Force Persons On Board Point Of Contact Proof Of Concept Port Of Debarkation Probability of Detection (Entdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit) [EW/Radar] Point Of Entry Port Of Embarkation Power Over Ethernet Probability of Error (Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit) Pre-Operational European Mode S Station Polar Operational Environment Satellites Primed Oscillator Expendable Transporter Portable Offensive Electronic Warfare Physics Of Failure Point Of Failure Probability Of False Alarm (Falschalarmwahrscheinlichkeit) Precision Obstacle Free Zone Pilot Operating Handbook Point Of Interest Point Of Interface Principal Operations Inspector Probability of Intercept [EW/Radar] Petroleum, Oil, Lubricants Point Of Load Poland, Polen Polarität [DE] Polarization [DE] Programme Objective Memorandum Passive Optical Network [Network] Package-on-Package Point Of Pressure Pulse-On-Pulse Pacific Ocean Region (Region Pazifischer Ozean) Point of Resolution Point of Risk Portable Oxygen System Position (geografische Position, Standort) Positive Position Initialization Portable Operating System Interface Position Navigation Position Reference Possible Passive Optical Seeker Technology [Stinger] Portable Satellite Terminal Power-On Self-Test Post Initial Operation Capability Point Of Termination Potentiometer [DE] Power Oscillator Transmitter Prisoner Of War Pages 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 PP, pp  PP  PP  PP  PP, pp  PP  PP, pp  PP, pp  PP, pp  PP  PPA  PPA  ppb  PPC  PPC  PPC  PPC  PPC  PPD  PPD  PPDU  PPE  PPE  PPF  PPI  PPI, ppi  PPI, ppi  PPI  PPIF  PPL  PPL  PPL  ppm  PPM, ppm  PPM  PPM  ppn  PPOS  PPP  PPP  PPP  PPP  PPPI, P3I  PPR  PPR  PPS  PPS  PPS  PPS  PPS  pps  PPSN  PPSN

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Peak-to-Peak Peilprinzip [DE] Pilotprojekte [DE] Point-to-Point Postage Paid Pre-Processor Pre-Production aircraft Preprogrammed Present Position Project Plan Pilot’s Personal Assistent Production Preparation Agreement Parts Per Billion Physical Protected Circuit Policy Planning Committee Power PC Predicted Propagation Corrections (voraussichtliche Ausbreitungskorrekturen) Pulse Position Code Penetration Protection Device [Tempest] Pilot References Downlink Physical layer Protocol Data Unit Patriot Peculiar Equipment Private Pilot Examiner Photographic Processing Facility Plane Position Indicator (Rundsichtdisplay) [Radar] Pixel/Points Per Inch Points Per Inch Programmable Periphereal Interface [parallele Schnittstelle] Photo-Processing and Interpretation Facility Preferred Parts List Private Pilot Licence (Privat-Piloten-Lizenz) Processor-to-Processor Link Parts Per Million Pages Pro Minute Planned Preventive Maintenance Pulse Position Modulation precipitation Present Position Point-to-Point Position Point-to-Point Protocol [Network] Program Performance Parameter Public Private Partnership Pre-Planned Product Improvement [US] Prior Permission Required (vorherige Erlaubnis erforderlich) Pulse Repetition Rate (Pulswiederholrate) Packets Per Second (digitale Pakete pro Sekunde) [auch: pps] Photovoltaic Power System Pixels Per Second [auch: pps] Precise Positioning Service [GPS Receiver] Propulsion Power System Pulses Per Second (Pulse pro Sekunde) [auch: pps] Present Position Public Packet Switching Network

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 PPT  PPT  PPV  PPZ-H  PQ  PQA  PQM  PQP  PQT  PR  pr  PR  PR  PR  PR  Pr  PR  PR  PR  PR  PR  PR  PR  PR  PR  PR  PR  PR  PR  PRA  PRAIM  PRAM  PRAM  PRAT  PRB  PRC  PRC  PRC  PRC  PRD  PRD  Pre  Pre  PRE  PRELIM  Prep  Pres  Prev  PRF  PRG  Pri  PRI  PRIF 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Programmable Power Technology Pulsed Power Transistor Protected Patrol Vehicle Prüfprogrammzentrum Heer [DE, Bw] Product Qualification Preliminary Quality Assessment Project Quality Manager Project Quality Plan Preliminary Qualification Test Packet Radio (Packetfunk) [digitales Funkkommunikationsverfahren] partial Rersonal Recovery Photo Reconnaissance (fotografische Aufklärung) Portugal Power Relay Presse [DE] Pressure Ratio (Druckverhältnis) Primary Radar (Primärradar) Position Reporting Primary surveillance Radar Probability of Recognition Problem Report (Problemmeldung) Progress Report (Fortschrittsmeldung) Project Risk Pseudorandom Pseudorange Public Relations (Öffentlichkeits-Beziehungen) Pulse Rate Purchase Request (Kaufforderung) Particular Risk Analysis Predictive Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Prerecorded Announcement Machine Productivity, Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Production Reliability Acceptance Test Private Radio Bureau [US] People’s Republic of China (Volksrepublik von China) Performance Review Commission Portable Radio Communication (Tragbare Funkkommunikation) Process Review Committee Program Requirements Document Prohibited, Restricted and Danger area Preset Preview Production Risk Evaluation Preliminary data Preparation Pressure, pressurization (Druck) Previous (vorherig) Pulse Recurrance/Repetition Frequency (Pulswiederholfrequenz) Program Review Group primary (primär) Pulse Repetition Intervall (Pulswiederholintervall) Präzise Rohrmunition für Indirektes Feuer [DE, Bw] 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 PRISM  PRISMA  PRISME  PRISMIL  PRJ  Prkg  PRL  PRM  PRM  PRM  PRN  P-RNAV  PRO  Prob  Proc  Proc  Procnet  Prod  Prof  Prog  Prom  Prop  PRORES  PROS  PROSAT  PROSIT  Prov  Prox  PRP  PRQ  PRR  PRR  PRR  PRR  PRRM  PRS  PRS  PRS  PRS  PRS  PRS  PRSOV  P/RST  PRT  PRT  PRT  PRT  PRTCS  Prtr  PRTV  PRU  PRU  PRV

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Passive Radar Identification System Primary Imaging System for Multiple Applications Pan-European Repository of Information Supporting the Management of EATM Pan-European Repository of Information Supporting Military [Key Performance Indicators] Projected Radar Jammer Parking (parken) Pilot Request Level Precision Runway Monitoring [ATC] Proposed Rule-Making Pulse Rate Modulation Pseudorandom Noise (Pseudozufallsrauschen) Precision Area Navigation (Präzisions-Flächennavigation) Primary Responsible Organization Probability (Wahrscheinlichkeit), probable Procedure (Prozedur, Verfahren) Procurement Procurement Network Production Profile Programm [auch programme] Programmable Read-Only Memory (programmierbarer Festwertspeicher) Propeller [DE] Problem Resolution Present Position Program Satellite [ESA] Problem Situation Provisional (vorläufig) [ICAO] Proximity (ungefähr, annähernd) [GPWS] Pulse Repetition Period [Radar] Pilot Request Performance Review Report Preliminary Requirements Review Production Readiness Review Pulse Repetition Rate Propeller Rotor Modulation Passive Ranging Sonar Performance Review System Picture Repetition Store Precission Ranging System Pressure Ratio Sensor Public Regulated Services [Galileo] Pressure Reducing Shut-Off Valve Press-To-Reset Potrugal Processing Response Time Pulse Repetition Time Pulse Rise Time Portable Radar Tracking and Control System Printer (Drucker) Production Readiness Test Vehicle [F-22 Raptor] Performance Review Unit Physical Resource Units Personnel Recovery Vehicle

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 PRW  PS  PS  ps  PS  Ps  PS, P.S., ps  PS  PS  Ps  PSA  PSA  PSA  PSA  PSAA  PSAD  PSAS  PSB  PSC  PSC  PSC  PSCAN  PSCP  PSCU  PSD  PSD  PSDN  PSDN  PSDP  PSE  PSE  PSE  PSE  PSE  PSEU  Psg  PSI, psi  PSI  PSI  PSK  PSK  PSL/PSA  PSLV  PSM  PSM  PSM  PSM  PSMK  PSN  PSN  PSN  PSNR  PSO 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Passive Radar Warning Palmer Scan Pferdestärke (Horsepower) [0,7355 kW] Picosekunde [SI-Einheit, Zahlenwert 10-12 s] Position Symbol Positive Postscript Power Supply (Strom-/Spannungsversorgung) Pressure Static Probability of Servival Passive Slot Allocation Pneumatic Sensor Assembly Power Supply Assembly Primary Subject Area Product Support & Assurance Agreement Passive Sensor for Aircraft Detection Primary Stability Augmentation System Parallel System Bus Performance - Standards – Conditions Political and Security Committee Project Steering Committee Panorama Scan Project Specific Certification Plans Programmable System Control Unit Phase Sensitive Detector Power Spectral Density (spektrale Leistungsdichte) Packet Switched Data Network Public Switched Data Network Programmable Signal Data Processor Packet Switching Exchange Payload Support Equipment Power Supply Equipment Primary Surveillance Equipment Program System Engineering Proximity Sensor Electronics Unit [B777] Passing Pounds per Square Inch [amerikanische Druckeinheit] Price Sensitive Information Proliferation Security Initiative Phase Shift Keying (Phasenumtastung) [Satcom] Präzisionsschützenkommando [DE] Problem Statement Language - Problem Statement Analyzer Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle Personalstrukturmodell [DE, Bw] Power Supply Modules Product Support Management Project Safety Manager Personal Sensor Moding Key [EFA] Packet Switched Network Position (Position, Standort) Public Switched Network Power Signal-to-Noise Ratio Peace Support Operation (friedensunterstützende Operation) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 PSP  PSP  PSP  PSP  PSP  PSP  PSP  PSPDN  PSPEC  PSPL  PSPO  PSR  PSR  PSR  PSR  PSR  PSR  PSR  PSR  PSR  PSRA  PSRAM  PSRO  PSS  PSS  PSSA  PS&T  PST  PSTN  PSTN  PSU  PSU  PSU  PSU  PSU  PSYOP  PSYW  PT  pt  PT, pt  PT  Pt  PT  PT  PTAN  PTB  PTC  PTC  Ptbl  Ptch  PTD  PTD  PTD

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Partnership for Safety Plan Payload Signal Processor Performance Share Plan Primary Spare Part Production Software Package Production System Package Programable Signal Processor (programmierbarer Signalprozessor) Packet Switched Public Data Network Performance Specification Preferred Standard Part List (bevorzugte Standard-Ersatzleiteliste) Polaris Special Project Office Post Strike Reconnaissance Power Supply Rejection Precision Secondary Radar Predicted Sonar Range Primary Secondary Radar Primary Surveillance Radar (primäres Überwachungsradar) Program Status Review Project Status Review Propeller Shaft Rate/Revolution Polarisationssensitive Reflektorantennen [DE] Pseudo-SRAM [IC Memory] Polar Space Launch Vehicle Proximity Sensor System Public Safety and Security Preliminary System Safety Assessment Precision Strike and Targeting Post Stall Technology [Technologie] Public Switched Telecommunications Network Public Switched Telephone Network (öffentliches, festes Fernmeldenetzwerk) Passenger Service Unit Port Security Unit [USCG] Power Supply Unit (Stromversorgungseinheit) Passenger Service Unit Power Switch Unit Psychological Operations Psychological Warfare Peacetime pint Point Portugal Pressure Total (totaler Luftdruck) Procedure Turn Product Team Precision Terrain Aided Navigation (geländegestützte Präzisionsnavigation) Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt [DE, Eichbehörde] Passive Thermal Control Programming and Training Center Portable (tragbar) Pitch (Nicken, Längsneigung) Performance Test Domain Physical Theory of Difraction Post Tuning Drift [VCO]

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 PTDS  PTE  PTEC  PTF  PTF  Pth  PTI  PTI  PTI  PTIR  Ptl  PTL  PTM  PTM  PTN  PTN  PTO  PTO  PTO  PTP  PTP  P-t-P  PTR  PTRS  PTS  PTS  PTS  PTS  PTSD  PtSi  PPT  PTT  PTT  PTT  PTU  PTV  PTW  PU  Pu  PU  PU  PU  Pub  PUMA  PUP  PUPS  PUS  PUSC  PV  PV  PV  PV  PV 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Persistent Threat Detection System Patienten-Transport-Einheiten [DE, Bw] Passive Time Error Correction Precise Time and Frequency Precise Timing Facility Path (Weg) Packet Type Identifier Precision Targeting Identification Processing Time Intervall Precision Track Illuminator Radar Patrol (Patrouille, patrouillieren) Propeller-Turbinen-Luftstrahltriebwerk [Triebwerk, DE] Peripheral Transition Module Pulse Time Modulation Procedure Turn (Verfahrenskurve) Public Telecommunications Network Power Take-Off Preferred Time Over Public Telecommunications Operator Point-To-Point [Navigation] Production Test Plan Point-to-Point Production Test Requirements Performance Tracking and Reporting System Photogrammetric Target System Polar Track Structure Practical Test Standards Problem Tracking System Production Test Specification Document Platinum-Silicide (Platinsilizid) [chem. Verbindung] Part Task Trainer Post, Telephone, Telegraph Push-To-Talk Push-To-Test Power Transfer Unit Protected Transport Vehicle Project Team Work Participating Units Plutonium [chem. Element] Power Unit Processing Unit Projektunterstützung [DE, BWB] Publication Precision Underwater Mapping Array Pull-Up-Point Portable Universal Programming System Pilotenunterstützungssystem [DE] Partly Used Sub Carrier Parameter Value Performance Verification (Leistungsnachweis) Photovoltaic [DE] Present Value Private Venture [Firmeneigene Mittel für Forschung und Entwicklung] 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 PV  PV  PVA  PVASI  PVC  PVC  PVC  PVD  PVDS  PVI  Pvl  PVM  PVOR  PVP  PVP  PVP  PVT  PVT  Pvt  PW  pW  PW  PW  PW, pw  PWA  PWB  PWB  PWC  PWC  PWD  PWD  PWD  PWG  PWI  PWI  PWM  PWMA  PWR  Pwr  PWS  PWS  PWSN  PWT  PWT  PWT  PWTN  PWW  Px  Px  PXO  Pz  PzAbw  PzAbwLFK

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Product Verification Produktverbesserung [BWB] Photovoltaic Array Pulsating Visual Approach Slope Indicator (pulsierende Gleitwinkelbeleuchtung) Permanent Virtual Circuit Pneumatic Vortex Control Polyninyl Chloride Plan View Display Propelled Variable-Depth Sonar Pilot-Vehicle Interface Prevail Performance Verification Matrix Precision VOR Payload Verification Plan Performance Verification Plan Permanent Virtual Path [Netzwerktopologie] Position, Velocity, Time Pressure, Volume, Temperature Private Panzerwaffen [DE] Picowatt [10-12 W] [DE] Plane Wave Pratt and Whitney [US Co.] Pulsewidth (Pulsbreite) Printed Wire Assembly Pilot’s Weather Briefing Printed Wiring Board (gedruckte Schaltung) Password Control Pratt and Whitney Canada [US/Canada, Co.] Pilots Warning Display (Pilotenwarndisplay) Present-Weather Detector Pulsewidth Discriminator (Pulsbreitendiskriminator) [EW] Planning Working Group [Eurocontrol] Preliminary Warning Instruction Proximity Warning Indicator (Annäherungswarnanzeiger) Pulse Width Modulation (Pulsbreitenmodulation) Primary Warfare Mission Area Passive Warning Radar (passives Warnradar) Power (Kraft, Leistung, Stromversorgung) Predictive Windshear System Proximity Warning System Public Safety Wireless Network Parachute Wind Tunnel Plasma Wind Tunnel Propulsion Wind Tunnel Paper White Twisted Nematic Predictive Windshear Warning Post Exchange Position Report Programmable Crystal Oscillator Panzer [DE, Bw/Heer] Panzerabwehr [DE, Bw] Panzerabwehrlenkflugkörper [DE, Bw/Heer]

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26. Juni 2013


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 PzAbwLRak  PzAufkl  PzAufklBtl  PzAufklKp  PzBrig  PzBtl  PzDiv  PzF  PzFst, Pzf  PzFu  PzGrenBtl  PzH  PzJg  PzK  PzKp  PzRgt  PzTr   


Seite 432 von 579

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Panzerabwehrlenkrakete [DE, Bw/Heer] Panzeraufklärung [DE, Bw] Panzeraufklärungsbataillon [DE, Bw] Panzeraufklärungskompanie [DE, Bw] Panzerbrigade [DE, Bw] Panzerbataillon [DE, Bw/Heer] Panzerdivision [DE, Bw/Heer] Panzerfaust [CH] Panzerfaust [DE, Bw/Heer] Panzerfunker [DE, Bw] Panzergrenadierbataillon [DE, Bw/Heer] Panzerhaubitze [DE, Bw/Heer] Panzerjäger [DE, Bw/Heer] Panzerkanone [DE, Bw/Heer] Panzerkompanie [DE, Bw/Heer] Panzerregiment [DE, Bw/Heer] Panzertruppe [DE, Bw/Heer] Mathematisches Symbol für die Zahl 3,14159...

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Seite 433 von 579

Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Q Q, q Q Q Q Q

Formelzeichen für die elektrische Ladungseinheit Coulomb Kurzzeichen für Québec [ICAO-Alphabet] Kurzzeichen für Drone (Drohne) [Mil. Flugzeugtyp, USAF] Code für den atmosphärischen Druck bei mittlerer Meereshöhe (MSL) Question

Q&A QA QA QAA QAB QAB QAE QAM QAM QANTAS QAP QAP QAP QAPP QAR QAR QAR QAT QBL QC QC QC QCI QCL QCM QCM QCR QCPP QD QD QDIP QDM

Questions and Answers Quality Assessment Quality Assurance (Qualitätssicherung) Quality Assurance Agency Qualitätsausbildungsbefehl [DE, Bw] Quick Action Button Quality Assurance Evaluator Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Quality Assurance Manual Queensland And Northern Territory Air Service [Airline] Qualitätsausbildungsplan [DE, Bw] Quality Assurance Plan (Qualitätssicherungsplan) Quality Assurance Procedure Quality Assurance Project Plan Quality Action Request Quick Access Recorder (Schnellzugrifsspeicher) Quality Assurance Representatve Quality Action Team Qualified Bidders List Quality Control (Qualitätskontrolle, Qualitätssteuerung) Quality Criteria Quick Change [rasch umrüstaber Flugzeugtyp] Quality Conformance Inspection Quantum Cascade Laser Quality Assurance Manager Quarz Crystal Microbalance Qualitative Construction Requirement Quality Control Program Plan Quantendynamik [DE] Quick Disconnect Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetector Magnetic heading [ICAO-Nav.-Code] [zu benutzender mißweisender Steuerkurs zur Bodenstation] Magnetic bearing (mißweisende Peilung) [ICAO-Nav.-Code] Quadrennial Defense Report [US DoD] Quadrennial Defense Review [US DoD] Quality Deficiency Report Quality Engineering Quick Engine Change Quadrantal Error Correlator Quantum Electrodynamics (Quantenelektrodynamik) Quod Erat Demonstradum (Was zu beweisen war) Qualification, Evaluation, Release Quantenelektronische Systeme GmbH [DE] Quick Engine Test


Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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QF QFA QFD QFE QFF QFHD QFI QFP QFU QFV QG QHI QI QI QIP QIS QM QM QMC QML QMP QMS QMWG QNE QNH QNH QoI QOP QoP QoS QoV QP QP QPA QPC QPD QPL QPL QPR QPSK QR QR QR QRA QRA QRA QRC QRD QRF QRH QRP QRPS QRSA QRT QRT QRT 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Quality Factor Route weather forecast (Flugstreckenwettervorhersage) [Met.-Code] Quality Function Deployment Queens Field Elevation Airfield/Runway pressure (zu benutzender Luftdruck in Flugplatzhöhe) [Nav.-Code] Quad Full High Definition Qualified Flying Instructor Quad Flat Pack Magnetic orietation of the runway to be used [Nav.-Code] (zu benutzende mißweisende Richtung der Start- und Landebahn) Querfeldverstärker [DE] Qualification Group Qualified Helicopter Instructor Quality Improvement Quality Index Quadrolaterales Interoperabilitätsprogramm [DE] Quality Information System Qualitätsmanagement [DE] Quality assurance Management Quantum Monte Carlo [numerisches Simulationsverfahren] Qualified Manufacturers List Quality Management Plan Quality Management System (Qualitätsmanagementsystem) Quality Management Working Group Queens Natural Elevation Queens Natural Height Sea Level Pressure (Luftdruck auf Meeresspiegel) Quality of Information Quality Operating Procedures Quality of Protection Quality of Service Quality of Voice Quality Plan/Procedure Quasi-Peak Quasi-Peak Adapter Quadratic Phase Coding Quadrature Phase Detector Qualified Parts List Qualified Products List Quality Problem Report Quadrature [Orthogonal] Phase Shift Keying (Modulationsverfahren) Quadrantal Receiver (Quadranten-Empfänger) Quick Reaction Quiet Radar (stilles, schwer-entdeckbares Radar) Qualitative Risk Analysis Quick Reaction Aircraft Quick Reaction Alert (Schnell-Reaktions-Warnung) [Bw/Lw; Eurofighter] Quick Reaction Capability (schnelle Reaktionsfähigkeit) Quick Reaction Demonstration Quick Reaction Forces (schnell verlegbare Kräfte) Quick Reference Handbook (kurzes Referenzhandbuch) Quick Reaction Program Route Points Store Quick Reaction Satellite Antenae Quick Reaction Task Quick Reaction Terminal Quick Reaction Test 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

QS QS QSC QSG QSR QSS QT QTE QTE QTG QTM QTOL QTP QTR QTR Qty QUA Quad Qual QUEST QUJ QV QV QVI QVL QWI QWI QWIP qWS QZSS

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Quick Scan Quick Strike Quality Steering Council Quality Support Group Quick Strike Reconnaissance Quality, Safety, Security (Qualität, Sicherheit {Unfall}, Sicherheit {Abwehr}) Qualification Test (Qualifikationstest) Qualification Test and Evaluation (Qualifikationstest und Erprobung) Rechtweisende Funkstandlinie [DE] Qualification Test Guide Quality Technical Memorandum (technisches Qualitätsmemorandum) Quiet Take-Off and Landing Qualification Test Procedure Quad Tiltrotor [Helicopter] Quality Technical Requirements (technische Qualitäts-Anforderungen) Quantity (Quantität) Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Quadrant [DE] Qualification, quality Quantum Engineering Rechtweisende Peilung zur Bodenstation [DE] Quality Verification Quantitative Visualization (quantitative Visualisierung) [DE] Quasi-Vertical Incidence (quasi-vertikaler Einfall) [Funk, DE] Qualified Vendor List (qualifizierte Zuliefererliste) Qualified Weapons Instructor (qualifizierter Waffenausbilder) Quantum Well Intermixing Quantum Well IR Photodetector (IR-Quantenphotodetektoren) querschnittliche Waffenstation [DE, Bw/Heer] Quasi-Zenith Satellite System [Satnav, DE]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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Seite 436 von 579

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

R   R  R  R  R  R  R  R  R  R  R  R  R  R  R

Formelzeichen für den elektrischen Widerstand in Ohm Kurzzeichen für Romeo [ICAO-Alphabet] Kurzzeichen für Radiation Kurzzeichen für Radio (Funk) [JETDS] Kurzzeichen für Range [Entfernung bzw Reichweite, z.B. Radar, Flugkörper, Flugzeug, usw] Kurzzeichen für Reconnaissance (elektronische Aufklärung) Kurzzeichen für Red Kurzzeichen für Report Kurzzeichen für Restricted Area (Flugbeschränkungsgebiet) [ICAO] Kurzzeichen für Reynolds Number Kurzzeichen für Right (rechts) Kurzzeichen für das Land Rumänien Kurzzeichen für Route (Flugstrecke) Kurzzeichen für Rüstung

 RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RA  RAA  RAA  RAA  RAAF

Radio Access Radar/Radio Altimeter (Funkhöhenmesser) Radar Antennas (Radarantennen) Radiation Area Radioaktivität [CH] Radio Altitude (Funkhöhe) Radio Astronomy Radius of Action (Aktionsradius) Rahmenantennen (Loop Antennas) [DE] Rain (Regen) [ICAO] Receiver Address Receiver Attenuation (Empfängerschwächung) Referenzantenne [Funkpeilung] [DE] Reflektorantennen (Reflector Antennas) [DE] Regional Augmentation Relay Assembly Reliability Analysis (Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse) Research Association [UK] Resident Agent Resolution Advisory [TCAS II] Resonanzantennen [auch: ReAnt] [DE] Restricted Area Richtantennen [DE] Right Ascension Risk Analysis Risk Assessment Route Analysia Routing Area Regional Airlines Association Remote Airport Advisory Responsibility, Authority, and Accountability Royal Australian Air Force (Königliche Australische Luftwaffe)


26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 RAAP  RAARR  RAAS  RAAS  RAAWS  RABE  RAC  RAC  RAC  RAC  RAC  RAC  RAC  RAC  RACE  Racoms  Racon  RACR  RA&D  Rad  Rad  Rad  RAD  Rad  Rad  Rad  RAD  RAD  RAD  RAD  RAD  RAD  RAD  RADALT  Radan  Radar  Radarsat  RADBN  RADC  Radcom  Radcon  Radcon  DADCM  Radcon  Radec  Radex  RADP  Rad-Hard  Radhaz  RADIAC  Radin  Radin  Radint

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Rapid Application of Air Power Radar Arrival Regional Area Augmentation System Runway Awareness and Advisory System Radar Altimeter and Altitude Warning System Radar-Außenbehälter [DE, Bw/Lw] Radar Absorbing Chaff (radarabsorbierende Düppel) Radiometric Area Correlation (radiometrischer Flächenkorrelator) Remote Acoustic Control Representative Advisory Committee [IEEE] Research and Analysis Company Risk Assessment Classification Rules of the Air and traffic Control services (Luftverkehrsregeln und Flugverkehrsdienste) [UK] Rulemaking Advisory Commettee [FAA] Runway Capacity Enhacement Radio Communication Systems [GmbH & Co. KG, D] Radar Beacon Raytheon’s Advanced Combat Radar [Raytheon; F-16] Requirements Analysis & Design Radar Radial (Leitstrahl) Radiation (Abstrahlung) Radiation Absorbed Dose Radio (Funk) Radioactive Radius Random Access Device Random Agile Deinterleaver Rapid Application Development Request Authority to Develop Required Availability Date Requirements Application Document Resource Allocation Document Radio Altimeter (Funkhöhenmesser) Radar Doppler Automatic Navigation Radio Detection And Ranging Radar Satellite [Canadian satellite based SAR] Radio Battalion Rome Air Development Center Radio Communications Radiation Contamination Radiological Control Radar Countermeasures Radiation Control Radiation Detection Capability Radiation Exposure Radar Departure Radiation Hardened (strahlungsgehärtet) Radiation Hazard Radioactive Detection, Indication, and Computation Radar Data Interchange Network Radar Data Interface Radiation Intelligence

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 Radnet  Radnet  Radome  RadPro  RADS  RADU  RAE  RAeS  RAF  RAF  RAFC  RAFES  RAFL  RAFO  RAFS  Rag  RAG  RAG  RAG  RAI  RAI  RAI  RAID  RAIDRS  RAIDS  RAIL  RAIM  RALT  RAM  RAM  RAM  RAM  RAM  RAM  RAM  RAM  Rambo  Ramics  Ramon  Ramos  Ramp  Rams  Rams  RAMSES  RAMT  RAMTIP  RAN  RAN  RAND  RANGR  RANSU  RANT  RAP 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Radar Data Network Radar-data Distribution Network Radar Dome (Radome; Radarkuppel) Radiation Protection Rapid Air Defense System Range and Azimuth Display Unit Royal Aerospace/Aircraft Establishment [UK, Farnborough] Royal Aeronautical Society [UK] Romanian Air Force Royal Air Force (Königliche Britische Luftwaffe) Regional Area Forecast Centre (Regionale Gebietsvorhersagezentrale) Rechnergestütztes ABC-Abwehr-, Führungs- und Einsatzsystem [DE, Bw] Rainfall Royal Airforce of Oman Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standard Ragged Range-Azimuth Gate Replacement Air Group (fliegende Ersatzgruppe) Runway Arresting Gear Radio Altimeter Indicator Reconnaissanceaa/Attack Interface Runway Alignment Indicator [ICAO] Redundant Array of Independent Disks Rapid Attack Identification Detection and Reporting System [US Program] Rapid Area Integrated Defense System Runway Alignment Indicator Lights (Start- und Landebahn Seitenbeleuchtungssystem) Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Radar/Radio Altimeter [auch: RADALT] (Funkhöhenmesser) Radar Absorbing Material [Stealth-Technologie] Raketen-, Artillerie- und Mörsergranaten (Rocket, Artillery, Mortar) [DE] Random Access Memory (Schreib-Lese-Speicher) Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (Zuverlässigkeit, Verfügbarkeit, Wartbarkeit) Repair and Maintenance Requirements Allocation Matrix Resource Allocation Matrix Rolling Airframe Missile [USN, Bundesmarine] Reliable, Available, Maintainable, Benefits, Objectives Rapid Airborne Mine Clearance System Radio Monitoring (Funküberwachung) Russian-American Observation Satellite Regional Aircraft Modernization Program Radiation Area Monitor System Remote Atmospheric Monitoring System Reprogrammable Advanced Multimode Shipborne ECM System Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Testing Reliability and Maintainability Technology Insertion Program Regional Air Navigation Royal Australian Navy (Königliche Australische Marine) Research And Development [USAF Think Tank, Corp.] Raytheon Advanced Next Generation Radar Regional Air Navigation Services Unit (regionale Flugnavigationskontrollstelle) unintentional Radiation Intelligence Radio Access Point 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 RAP  RAP  RAP  RAP  RAP  RAP  RAP  RAP  Rapco  RAPIC  Rapcon  RAPIDS  Rapps  Rapport  Raps  Raptor  Raptor  RAR  RAR  RAR  RARAD  RARO  RAS  RAS  RAS  RAS  RAS  RAS  RAS  RASA  RASC  RASD  RASIF  RaSigma  RASIM  RASIT  RASP  RASS  RASSR  RASV  RAT  RAT  RA/TA  RATAC  RATAN  RATC  RATCC  RATG  RATMP  RATO  RATOG  RATS  RAU

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Rocket-Assisted Projectile Recognized Air Picture (identifizierte Luftlage) Regulatory Advisory Panel Reliable Acoustic Path Required Aircraft Performance Required Automation Performance Resource Allocation Process Restricted Access Program Radar Approach Control [USAF] Radar Picture Radar Approach Control [FAA] Radar Passive Identification System Remote Area Precision Positioning System Rapid Alert Programmed Powermanagement Of Radar Targets Recovery Access Presentation System Reconnaissance Airborne Pod for Tornado [UK RAF] Responsive Aircraft Programm for Theater Operations Restricted Area Requested Risk Analysis Report Runway Acceptance Rate Radar Advisory Remote Aerial Refuelling Operator Radar Absorbing Structure Radar Advisory Service Rectified Air Speed (berichtigte Luftgeschwindigkeit) Reference Approach Speed Reliability, Availability, Serviceability Resource Allocation System Row Address Strobe Requirements, Analysis, Strategy and Architecture Regional AIS (= Aeronatical Information Service) System Centre Requirements And Systems Definition Radar Simulator Flugsicherung [DE] Radar-Signatur-Messanlage [DE] Radar-Simulator [DE] Radar de Survaillance Intermediaire Radar Surface Picture Radar Analysis Support System Reliable Advanced Solid-State Radar Responsibility Air Space Volume Ram Air Temperature Ram Air Turbine (Luftstrom/Staudruck Hilfsturbine) Resolution Advisory/Traffic Advisory Radar de Tir pour l’Artillerie de Campagne Radar And Television Aid to Navigation Radar Air Traffic Control Radar Air Traffic Control Center Ram-Air Turbine Generator Required Air Traffic Management Performance Rocket-Assisted Take-Off (raketenunterstützter Start) Rocket-Assisted Take-Off Gear Radar Analysis and Test System [DE] Radio Access Unit

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 RAU  RAU  RAU  raumges.  RAuxAF  RAV  RAVM  RA/VSI  RAW  RAWS  RAWS  RB  RB  RB  RB  RB  RB  Rb  RBA  RBCI  RBD  RBE  RBE2  RBF  RBI  RBI  RbK  RBL  RBN  RBOC  RBP  RBS  RBT  RBU  RBW  RBW  RbXO  R-C  R/C  R/C  RC  RC  RC  RC, rc  RC RC  RC  RC  RC  RC  RC  RC  RC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Rear Antenna Unit Remote Access Unit Remote Acquisition Unit raumgestützter, raumgestützte, raumgestütztes [DE] Royal Auxiliary Air Force Review And Validation Range Atmosphere Visibility Monitoring Resolution Advisory/Vertical Speed Indicator Reliability Assurance Warranties Radar Altitude Warning System Radar Attack and Warning System Rapid Bloom [EloGM] Reconnaissance Bomber (Aufklärungsbomber) Reentry Body Relative Bearing (Funkseitenpeilung) Rescue Boat [ICAO] Resonanzbereich [DE] Rubidium [chem. Symbol] Reentry Body Assembly Radio Based Combat Identification Radar Beacon Digitizer Radar a Bayalage Electronique [Rafale, FR] Bordg. AESA-Multifunktionsradar von Thales Airborne Systems [Rafale, FR] Remove Before Flight Radar Blip Identification [ICAO] Relative Bearing Indicator Reihenbildkamera [DE] Radar Boresight Line Radio Beacon (Funkbake) Rapid Blooming Offboard Chaff/Countermeasures [EW] Radar Bypass Processor Radar Beacon System [FAA] Reference Business Trajectory Remote Backup Receiver Bandwidth (Empfängerrauschbandbreite) Resolution Bandwidth (Auflösungsbandbreite) Rubidium Crystal Oscillator Resistor-Capacitor network Radio Control Rate of Climb Radar Computer Radar/Radio Control (Radar/Funk-Steuerung) Radiochemical Radio Controlled [auch: R/C] (funkferngesteuert) Rate of Climb (Steigrate) Reconnaissance/Cargo (Aufklärung/Fracht) [Flugzeugtyp der USAF] Regional Command [NATO] Regional Conflict Regulatory Committee Reinforcing Capability Remote Command Remote Control Required Capabilities

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 RC  RC  RC  RC  RC  RC-12  RC-135S  RC-135U  RC-135V/W  RC-400  RCA  RCA  RCA  RCA  RCA  RCA  RCAF  RCAF  RCAG  RCAG  RCAT  RCB  RCC  RCC  RCC  RCC  RCD  RCDL  R-CDL  Rcdr  RCDSS  RCE  RCE  RCF  RCF  RCFI  Rch  RCh  RCI  RCIED  RCL  Rcl  RCL  RCLL  RCLM  RCLR  Rclr  RCLS  RCLT  RCM  RCMS  RCMS  RCMU

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Resistance/Capacitance [auch: R-C] Resource Controller Road Reconnaissance Rockwell Collins [US Inc.] Rotating Components of gas-tubine engine Guardrail: Hochgenaues Signalerfassungsplattform (COMINT/ELINT) der USA Rivet Joint: EloKa-Flugzeugtyp von Boeing EloKa-Flugzeugtyp von Boeing EloKa-Flugzeugtyp von Boeing Bordg., allwetterfähiges Multifunktionsradar von Thales Airborne Systems [FR] Radio Communications Analysator [Mobilfunk] Radio Corporation of America [US] Reach Cruising Altitude (Erreichen der Reiseflughöhe) [ICAO] Reduced Coordination Airspace Request for Corrective Action Royal Canadian Army Republic of China Air Force [TAIWAN] Royal Canadian Airforce Remote Communications Air-to-Ground facility Remote Control Air-to-Ground Reconfigurable co*ckpit Avionics Testbed [USAF] Runway Cratering Bomb (startbahn-brechende Bombe) Radar Control Computer Reinforced Carbon-Carbon Remote Charge Converter Rescue Coordination Center (Rettungs-Koordinations-Zentrale) Radar Cable Detection Radio Common Data Link [Funkdatenverbindung] Radar Common Data Link Recorder (Rekorder, Aufzeichnungsgerät, Schreiber) [auch: rcdr] Radar Control and Display Subsystem Radio Control Equipment (Funksteuergerät) Reaction Control Engine [Triebwerk] Radio Communication Failure message (Funkausfallmeldung) Remote Communication Facility Radio Channel Frequency Indicator Reach, reaching Richtcharakteristik [von Antennen] [DE] Rockwell Collins Incorporation [US] Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Radio Communications Link (Funkkommunikationslink) Recall (Abruf) Runway Centre Line (Mittellinie bei Start- und Landebahnen) Runway Centre Line Lights Runway Centerline Marking [FAA] RCL Repeater Recleared Runway Centre-line Lighting System (Start- und Landebahn-Mittellinienbeleuchtung) RCL Terminal Radar/Radio Countermeasures Remote Controlled and Monitoring System Resonator Controlled Microwave Source Remote Control and Monitoring Unit

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 RCN  RCO  RCO  RCP  RCP  RCP  RCP  RCR  RCRT  RCS  RCS  RCS  RCS  RCS  RCSM  RCSR  RCSS  RCSS  RCSR  RCT  RCT  RCU  RCU  RCU  RCU  RCVR, rcvr  RCVR/XMTR  R-C&W  R&D  R/D  RD  RD  RD  RD  RD  RD  RD  RD  RD  RD  RD  RD&A  RDA  RDA  RDA  RDAF  RDARA  RDAU  RDB  RDC  RDC  RDC  RDC 167218

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Requirements Change Notice Reduced Cumulative Overloads Remote Communications Outlet Radio Control Panel Recce Control Panel [Tornado] Required Communications Performance Right-hand Circular Polarization Runway Condition Reading Refresh Cycle Response Time Radar Cross Section (Radarrückstreufläche) Rapid Control System Reaction Control System Regional Control Station Remote Control Station Radar Cross Section Measurement Radar Cross Section Reduction Remote-Controlled Signals-intelligence System Remotly Controlled Surveillance System RCS Reduction Radio Conformance Test Rear Cargo Tank Radio Control Unit Range Conversion Unit Reference Control Unit Remote Controlled Unit Receiver (Empfänger) Receiver/Transmitter Rack-Connectors & Wiring Research and Development (F&E, Forschung und Entwicklung) Rate of Descent Radar Detection Radiation Detection Ramp Door Read Relative Density Report Departure Restricted Data Richtdiagramm [einer Antenne] [DE] Risk Display Routing Deviation Routing Domain Research, Development, and Application Requirements, Development and Analysis Research, Development, and Acquisition Royal Danish Army Royal Danish Air Force Regional and Domestic Air Route Area Remote Data Acquisition Unit Row-Data Buffer (Rohdatenpuffer bzw Rohdatenzwischenspeicher) Radar Data Converter Radar Data Correlator Range-Doppler Coupling Rapid Deployment Capability 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 RDC  RDC  RDC  RD&D  RDD  RDD  RDDMI  RD&E  RDE  RDE  RDF  RDF  RDF  RDG  RDH  RDI  RDI  RDL  RDMI  RDO  RDO  RDP  RDPS  RDPU  RDQC  RDR  RDR  RDR-4 B  RDR-1400  RDR-1500  RDR-1600  RDR-1700  RDR-2000  RDR-2100  RDR-4000  RDS  RDS  RDS  RDSS  RD&T  RDT&E  RDU  RDU  RDU  RDV  RDVS  RDX  Rdy  RDY-2  R&E  R/E  RE  RE

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Rate-of-Descent Computer Remote Data Concentrator Routing Domain Confederation Research, Development, and Demonstration Radar Data Display Raw Data Display Radio Digital Distance Magnetic Indicator Research, Development, and Engineering Radiation Detection Equipment Rheinmetall Defence Electronics [GmbH] Radio Direction Finding (Funkpeilung) Rapid Development Force [US] Routing Domain Format Radar Data Generator Reference Datum Height Radar Doppler a Impulsion [FR] (Pulsdopplerradar) Radio Direction Indicator/Identifier Radial (Leitstrahl) Radio Distance Magnetic Indicator [bordgestützt] Radio (Funk) [FAA] Rapid Decision Operations Radar Data Processing/Processor Radar Data Processing System Radar Display Processing Unit Radar Data Quality Control Radar Radar Data Recording Bordg. Wetterradar, Version 4B, von Honeywell Aerospace, Arizona Bordg. Wetter- und Suchradar von Telephonics Bordg. Wetter- und Suchradar von Telephonics Bordg. Wetter- und Suchradar von Telephonics Bordg. Wetter- und Suchradar von Telephonics Bordg. Wetterradar, Version 2000, von Honeywell Aerospace, Arizona Bordg. Wetterradar, Version 2100, von Honeywell Aerospace, Arizona Bordg. Wetterradar, Version 4000, von Honeywell Aerospace, Arizona Radio Data Service/System Remote Diagnostic Service Remote Display System Radio Determination Satellite Service Research, Development, and Testing Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation/Engineering Receiver/Decoder Unit Remote Data Unit Remote Display Unit Requirements Development and Validation Rapid Deployment Voice Switch Radar Data Extractor Ready Bordg. allwetterfähiges Multifunktionsradar von Thales Airborne Systems [FR] Research and Engineering Receiver/Exiter Radiated Emission Range Error

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 RE  RE  RE  RE  RE  Re  REA  REA  REACT  ReAnt  REC  Rec  Rec  Rec  Rec  REC  RECAP  Recce  Reci  Reco  Recon  Recsat  RECM  RE&D  REDAC  REDAR  REDI  REDL  REES  Ref  Refl  ReG  Reg  Reg  Regl  RegTP  REIL  Rej  Rel  Rel  REL  REM  REMBASS  REMS  RENL  REO  REP  REP  REP  REP  REP  Rep 167218

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Receive Element Recent Re-Engined Relay Research & Engineering Reynolds Number Radar Electronics Assembly Rapid Environmental Assessment Rain Echo Attenuation Compensation Technique [Honeywell] Resonanzantennen [auch: RA] [DE] Radio Electronic Combat [GUS, Russland] Receive (empfangen), receiver, received Recommend (empfohlen) Reconnaissance (Aufklärung) Recording (speichern) Remote Equipment Control Reliability Evaluation and Corrective Action Program (Zuverlässigkeits-Evaluierung und Korrekturenaktionsprogramm) Reconnaissance (elektronische Aufklärung) [EloAufkl] Radar Emitter Classification Identification Remote Control (Fernsteuerung) Reconnaissance (elektronische Aufklärung) Reconnaissance Satellite Radar Electronic CounterMeasures Research, Engineering & Development Research, Engineering and Development Advisory Committee [FAA] Radiation and Environmental Data Acquisition and Recording Ruggedized Enhanced Design Implementation Runway Edge Lights Radar Electromagnetic Environment Simulator Reference to, refer to (Bezugnahme auf) Reflexion Realisierungsgenehmigung [DE, Bw] Registration (Luftfahrzeugkennung) Regulation Regional Regierungsbehörde für Telecommunikation und Post [DE] Runway-End Identification Lights (Star- und Landebahn-Endbeleuchtung) Rejection message Relative Release (freigeben) Runway Edge Lighting Radio Emergency Modul Remotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System [USA] Remote Sensor Runway End Lights Radar/Electro-Optical Radial Error Probability Range Error Probable Recognised Environmental Picture (anerkanntes Umweltbild) Resource Engineering Project Reliability Enhancement Program Reparatur [CH]

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 Rep  Rep  REP  Rep  REP  Req  Req  RER  Rer  Rerte  RER  RERP  RES  RES  RES  RES  RES  RES  Res  RES  Res  RESA  RESA  RESA  RESM  Resp  RESS  Rest  Resta  RET  RET  Ret  Retrans  RETS  REU  Rev  Rev  Rev  RevO  REVS  REW  REWS  REX  RF  RF  RF  RF  RF  RF, rf  RFA  RFA  RFA  RFA

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Replacement Report, repoted, reporting Reporting Point (Meldepunkt, Meldestelle) [ICAO] Representative Required Environmental Performance Request, requested (ersuchen, ersucht) Requirement, required Radial Error Rate Rerouting Reroute Residual Error Rate Reliability Enhancement and Re-enging Progam Radar Emitter Simulator Radar Environment Simulator (Radarscenariosimulator) [Herley/EWST] Radar Environment System (Radarscenariosystem) Radio Emission Surveillance Remote Earth Sensing Reprogrammable Emitter Simulator Reserve [CH, DE] Reset Signal (Rücksetzsignal) Residual Research and Evaluation System Analysis [auch: Resa] Rotating Electronically Scanned Array Runway End Safety Area Radar Electronic Support Measures (Radar elektronische Unterstützungsmaßnahmen) Response Radar Emitter Simulator System [DE] Restriction Reconnaissance, Surveillance & Target Acquisition Reliability Enhanced Testing Reliability Evaluation Test (Zuverlässigkeitsnachweistest) Return Retransmission Reliability Electrical Test Specification Remote Electronics Unit [Boeing 787] Reverse (Umkehrkurs) Review Revision [CH, DE] Revisionsordnung [DE] Radar Enhanced Vision System (Radar-verbessertes Sichtsystem) Radio EW Range EW Simulator Receiver-Exciter Radiation Forcing [Triebwerke] Radio Frequency (Funkfrequenz; Hochfrequenz) Range Finder Reaction Forces [NATO] Reconnaissance Fighter [USAF] Refuelling (Betankung) Radio Frequency Altimeter (Funkhöhenmesser) Radio Frequency Amplifier (RF-Verstärker) Request for Action Request for Alteration

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 RFA  RFC  RFC  RFC  RFC  RFC  RFC  RFC  RFCF  RFCM  RFD  RFD  RFDA  RF/DC  RFDC  RFEA  RFED  RFEG  RFEP  RFEXP  RFF  RFFA  RFFE  RFFS  RFG  RFI  RFI  RFI  RFIC  RFID  RFI  RFK  RFL  RFL  RFLAN  RFLG, rflg  RFM  RFM  RFM  RFM  RFMD  RFO  RFP  RFP  RFP  RFPG  RF-PON  RFQ  RFR  RFS  RFS  RFS  RFS 167218

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Richtfunkantennen [DE] Radio Frequency Carrier Regional Forecasting Centre [Wetter] Reinforced Fibre Composite Request for Change Request for Collection Request for Comments (Aufforderung zur Abgabe von Kommentaren) Royal Flying Corps Runway Field Clearance Floor Radio Frequency Countermeasures (Funk-Gegenmaßnahmen) Reconfigurable Flight Deck (rekonfigurierbares Flugdeck) Request For Deviation Radio Frequency Distribution Amplifier Radio Frequency Data Collection Radio Frequency Data Communication Rundfunkempfangsantennen [DE] Radio Frequency Expendable Decoy Radio Frequency Environment Generator Radar Front-End Processor RF Expendables Radio Frequency Fuse (Funkzünder) Rescue and Fire-Fighting Services RF Front-End Rescue and Fire Fighting Service Radio Frequency Generator Radar-Frequency Interferometer Radio Frequency Interference (RF-Interferenzen) Request for Information (Bitte um Informationen) Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit (RF integrierter Schaltkreis) Radio Frequency Identification (RF Identifizierung) Radio Frequency Jammer Radiometrischer Flächenkorrelator [DE] Request Flight Level Restricted Frequency List Radio Frequency LAN Refuelling (Betankung) Remote Field Monitoring (Fernfeldüberwachung) Radio Frequency Modulator Radio Frequency Memory (RF-Speicher) Rotorcraft Flight Manual RF Micro Devices [Inc.] Request For Offer (Angebotsaufforderung) Replacement Flight Plan (Ersatzflugplan) Request For Production Request For Proposal (Aufforderung zur Abgabe von Vorschlägen) Radio Frequency Protection Guidelines Radio Frequency PON [Network] Request for Quotation (Aufforderung zur Abgabe eines Kostenvoranschlags) Radio Frequency Radiation Radar Fallback System Radar Fire Signal Random Field Sequencing Research Flight Simulator 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 RFSA  RFSC  RFSIM  RFSM  RFSS  RFSS  RFT  RFT  RFTDL  RFTP  RFTU  RFU  RFV  Rfz  Rg, rg  RG  RGA  RGA  RGA  RGB  RGD  RGF  RGN, rgn  RGPI  RGPO  RGS  RGS  RGS  RGS  RGS  Rgt  RGT  RGT  Rgt, rgt  RGWO  RGWS  RH  RH  RH  RH, rh  RH  Rh  RH  RHA  RHAW  RHAWS  RHC  RHC  RHC  RHCP  RHD  RHDD  RHE

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Rundfunksendeantennen [DE] Radio Frequency Signature Control Radio Frequency Simulation Radio Frequency Spectrum Management Radar Frequency Simulator System Radio Frequency Surveillance System Request for Tender (Aufforderung zur Einreichung von Angeboten) Radio Frequency Tuner (RF-Abstimmungsbauteil) Rangefinder Target-Designator Laser Request For Technical Proposal (Aufforderung zur Abgabe eines technischen Angebots) Radar Flight Test Unit Radio Frequency Unit (Funkfrequenzeinheit) Request For Visit Rufzeichen [DE] Range Reconnaissance Group (Aufklärungsgruppe) Radargestützte Aufklärung [DE] Raumgestützte Aufklärung [DE] Rate Gyro Assembly Red/Rot, Green/Grün, Blue/Blau Range Gate Deception [EW/Radar] Range Gate Filter Region [ICAO] Range Gate Pull-In [EW/Radar] Range Gate Pull-Off [EW/Radar] Range Gate Steeling [EW/Radar] Recce Ground Station (Bodenaufklärungsstation) [Tornado] Regional Ground Station Relay Ground Station Remote Ground Station Regiment [DE, Bw] Reliability Growrth Test (Zuverlässigkeitswachstumstest) Remote Ground Terminal Right Range Gate Walk-Off [EW/Radar] Radar Guided Weapon System Radar Head Radio Handler Radio Height Reheat Relative Humidity Rhodium [chem. Symbol] Right Hand Rillenhornantennen [DE] Radar Homing And Warning Radar Homing And Warning System Right Hand Circuit Right Hand Circular [Polarisation] Ruggedized Hand-held Computer Right Hand Circular Polarization Radar Horizon Distance Radiation Hardened Disc Drive Radiation Hazard Effects

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26. Juni 2013


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 RHELS  RHI  RHIC  RHO  RHP  RHR  RHSM  RHWR  RHWS  RI  RI  RI  RI  RI  RI  RI  RI  RIA  RIA  RIAT  RIB  RIB  RIC  RIC  RIC  RID  RIDR  RIDS  RIDSN  RIF  RIF  RIFF  RIFTO  Rifu  RIG  RII  RIIA  RIM  RIM  RIMPAC  RIMS  RIMS  RIMU  RIN  RINT  RIO  RIP  RIPS  RIR  RIRT  RIS  RIS  RIS 167218

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Re-deployable High-Energy Laser System [Boeing] Range and Height Indicator [Radar] Radiation Hardened IC Response on Hand-Off Radar Head Processor Radio Horizon Range Reduced Horizontal Separation Minima Radar Homing and Warning Receiver (Radar-Peil- und Warnempfänger) Radar Homing and Warning System (Radar-Peil- und Warnsystem) Radar Interrogator Radiation Intensity (Strahlungsintensität) Radio Interference Risk Index Rockwell International Route Intercept Routing Indicator Runway Incursion Range Instrumentation Aircraft Runway Independent Aircraft Royal International Air Tattoo [UK, Fairford] Right In-Board Routing Information Base Reconnaissance Interpretation Centre Reportbale Item Code [NATO] Resistance-Inductance-Capacitance Requirements Identification Document Runway Incursion Detection Radar Radio Information Distribution System Radar Imaging and Deep Space Network Radio Influence Field Reclearance In Flight (Freigabe im Fluge) Reverse Identification Friend or Foe [Thales] Restricted Instrument Flight Take-Off Richtfunk [DE] Rate Integrating Gyro Request for Intelligence Information Royal Institute of International Affairs [UK] Range Imaging Remote Interface Module Rim of the Pacific Ranging and Integrity Monitoring Station [EGNOS] Roll-stabilized Inertial Measurement System Reentry Inertial Measurement Unit The Royal Institute of Navigation [UK] Radiation Intelligence Radio Intercept Officer Routing Information Protocol Record and Image Processing System Reverse-link Interrogation Range Russian Institute of Radionavigation and Time [St. Petersburg] Radar Information Service [ICAO] Radar Integration System Range Information System 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 RIS  RIS  RIS  RISA  RISC  RISC  RISLS  Rista  RIT  RIT  RIT  RIT  RIT  RITA  RITN  RIU  RIU  RIU  RIV  RIW  RJ  RJ  RJ  RJAF  RK  RK  RKAF  RL  RL  RL  RL  RL  RL  RL  RL  RL  RL  Rla  RLAN  RLC  RLC  RLCU  RLD  RLE  RLG  RLGA  RLGN  RLI  RLLS  RLM  RLM  RLOS  RLP

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Range Instrumentation System Reconnaissance Interface System Regulation Impact Statement Reduced Instruction Set Architecture Reduced Instruction Set Chip Reduced Instruction Set Computer Receiver Interrogation Sidelobe Suppression Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radio Interface Terminal Reduced Idle Thrust Reference Inhouse Test Remote Image Transceiver Rotor Inlet Temperature Replay Interface for TCAS Alerts Real-time Information Transfer and Networking Radar Interface Unit Radio Interference Unit Remote Interface Unit Radio Influence Voltage Reliability Improvement Warranty Ramjet Regional Jet Rivet Joint [USAF, Sigint] Royal Jordanian Air Force Range Known Richtkoppler [DE] Republic of Korea Air Force Radiolocation Radioluminescent Red Label Report Leaving Resistance Inductance Return Link Return Loss Reverberation Level Rocket Launcher Rotman-Linsen [DE] Relay to Radio LAN Request flight Level Change Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance Remote Launch Control Unit Reference Launching Distance Response on Link Establishment Ring Laser Gyroscope [Navigation] Ring Laser Gyroscope Assembly Ring Laser Gyroscope Navigation Relative Location Indicator Runway Lead-in Lighting System Radar, Laser and Missile warning suite Reichsluftfahrtministerium [DE] Radar Line Of Sight Remote Line Printer

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 RLS  RLS  RLS  RLSM  RLSU  RLV  Rly  R&M  RM  RM  RM  RM  RM  RM  RM  RM  RM  RM  RM&A  RMA  RMA  RMAF  RMAF  RMC  RMCC  RMCS  RMD  RMDI  RMF  RMI  RMI  RMIT  Rmk  RMK  RML  RMLG  RMM  RMMS  Rmn  Rmndr  RMOS  RMP  RMP  RMP  RMP  RMP  RMP  RMPA  RM&S  RMS  RMS  RMS  RMS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Reliable Link Service Reliable Link Source Remote Light Sensor Reduced Lateral Separation Minimum Robust Link Set-Up [Protocol] Reusable Launch Vehicle Relay Reliability and Maintainability (Zuverlässigkeit und Wartbarkeit) Radio Maintenance Radio Monitoring Redundancy Measurement Remarks (Bemerkungen) Requirements Management Research Memorandum Resource Management Risk Management Risk Manager Rückmeldung [DE] Reliability, Maintainability & Availability (Zuverlässigkeit, Wartbarkeit und Verfügbarkeit) Regional Monitoring Agency Remote Maintenance Access Royal Malaysian Air Force Royal Moroccan Air Force Resin Matrix Composite Remote Monitoring and Control Console Remote Monitoring and Control System Radar Monitoring Display (Radarüberwachungsdisplay) Radio Magnetic Direction Indicator Remote Monitoring Facility Radio Magnetic Indicator (Radiokompaßanzeige) Radio Magnetic Interference Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Remarks (Bemerkungen) Rückstoßfreie Maschinenkanone [DE] Radio Microwave Link Right Main Landing Gear Radiometric Mathematical Model Remote Maintenance Monitoring System Remain Remainder Refractory MOS Radio Management Panel Recognized Maritime Picture Remote Maintenance Panel (Fern-Wartungs-Bediengerät) Reprogrammable Microprocessor Required Monitoring Performance (erforderliche Überwachungsleistungen) Risk Management/Minimization Plan (Risikomanagementplan bzw Risikominimierungsplan) Replacement MPA (MPA-Nachfolger) Reliability, Maintainability and Supportability Radio Monitoring System Range Measurement System (Entfernungsmesssystem) Rapid Multilingual Support Reisemotorsegler [DE] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 RMS  RMS  RMS  RMS  RMS  RMS, rms  RMS  RMSE  RM&T  Rmt  RMU  RMV  RMV  Rmvl  Rn  RN  RN  RNAF  RNAF  RNAS  RNAV  RNC  RNC  Rnd  Rnds  RNDSG  Rndz  RNEP  RNF  RNF  RNG  Rng  RNLAF  RNLN  RNO  RNP  RNP  RNP  RNPC  RNPC  RNPTF  RNPU  RNR  RNS  RNT  Rnwy  RNZAF  RO  RO  RO  RO  RO  RO

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Remote Manipulator System Remote Minehunting Sonar Remote Monitoring System (Fernüberwachungssystem) Resource Management Services Risk Management System Root Mean Square (quadratischer Mittelwert) Rotary Mirror Scanner Root Mean Square Error (quadratischer Mittelwertfehler) Reliability, Maintainability and Testability (Zuverlässigkeit, Wartbarkeit und Prüfbarkeit) Remote (fern) Radio Management Unit Remotely Managed Vehicle Remote Minehunting Vehicle Removal Radon [chem. Element] Recovery Net [UAV, RPV] Royal Navy [UK] (Königliche Britische Marine) Royal Netherlands Air Force Royal Norwegian Air Force Royal Naval Air Station Area Navigation (Flächennavigation) [auch: R-Nav, R-NAV] Radio Network Controller Required Navigation Capability (erforderliche Navigationskapazitäten) Random (zufällig) Rounds [Gun] Route Network Development Sub-Group Rendezvous Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator Radio Navigation Facilities Receiver Noise Factor/Figure Radio Range (Funk-Reichweite) [ICAO, FAA] Range, ranging The Royal Netherlands Air Force Royal Netherlands Navy Regional Nuclear Options Radio Navigation Point Remote Network Processor Required Navigation Performance (erforderliche Navigationsleistungen) Required Navigation Performance Capability Required Navigation Performance Criteria Required Navigation Performance Task Force Radar and Navigation Processing Unit Receive Not Ready Radar and Navigation System (navigierendes Radarsystem) Rapid Network Tool Runway (Rollbahn; Start- und Landebahn) Royal New Zeeland Air Force Radar Operator (Radarbediener) Radio Operator (Funkbediener) Range Only (nur Entfernung) Receive Only Roll Out (ausrollen) Romania (Rumenien)

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 ROA  ROA  ROA  ROA  ROB  ROB  ROC  ROC  ROC  ROC  ROC  ROCAT  ROD  ROD  ROD  RODS  ROE  ROE  ROF  ROF  ROFOR  RoHS  ROI  ROIC  ROIC  ROIP  ROK  ROKAF  RoKN  Rol  ROL  ROM  ROM  ROM  ROM  ROMATSA  ROMC  RON  ROO  ROP  ROR  ROR  RORSAT  ROP  ROS  ROSE  ROSE  ROT  rot  ROT  ROTHR  ROTV  ROU 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Radius Of Action (Aktionsradius) Recognized Operating Agency Remotely Operated Aircraft Reserve Offizieranwärter [DE, Bw] Radar Order of Battle Right Outboard Rate Of Climb (Steigrate) Rate of Operational Capability Receiver Operational Characteritic (operationelle Empfänger-Kenngrößen) [ASW] Republic Of China Required Operational Capability Rocket Catapult Rate Of Discending (Sinkrate) Record Of Decision Reliability data On Demand Ruggedized Optical-Disk System Remote Operating Equipment Rules Of Engagement (Begegnungsregeln) Rate Of Exchange Required Operational Function Route Forcast (Streckenwettervorhersage) [auch: Rofor] Restriction of Hazardous Substances Return On Investment (Rückfluss von Investitionen) Read-Out Integrated Circuit Return On Invested Capital (Rückfluss vom investierten Kapital) Radio Over Internet Protocol (Funk übers Internetprotokoll) Republic Of Korea [Südkorea] Republic Of Korea Air Force Republic of Korea Navy Roll (rollen) Roll On Landing Read Only Memory (Nur-Lese-Speicher) Reduced-Order Methods Romania Rough Order of Magnitude Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration Read Only Memory Control Receiving Only [ICAO] Record Of Origination Rotor Overspeed Protection Range Only Radar Release On Range Radar Observation/Oceanic Reconnaissance Satellite [auch: Rorsat] Recommended Operating Procedure Reduced Operating Status Remote Operations Service Element Remote Optical Sensing of the Environment Rate Of Turn Rotation [Mathematik] Runway Occupancy Time Relocatable OTH-Radar Remotely Operated Towed Vehicle Radius Of Uncertainty 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 ROV  ROWS  ROWS  ROZ  R/P  RP  RP  RP  RP  RP  RP  RP  RP  RP  RP  RP  RPA  RPA  RPA  RPA  RPA  RP/C  RPC  RPC  RPC  RPD  RPD  RPDU  RPG  RPG  RPH  RPI  RPI  RPI  RPI  RPL  RPL  RPL  RPM  RPM  RPM, rpm  RPN  RPP  RPRV  RPS  RPS  RPS, rps  RPS  Rpt  Rpt  Rptg  RPU  RPU

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Remotely Operated Vehicle Remotely Operated Weapon Station Remotely Operated Weapon System Restricted Operations Zone Receiver/Processor Radar Post Radar Processor Radiation Protection Receiver Protection/Protectors Reference Point Release Point Rendezvous Point Reporting Point Rocket Projectile Rocket Propellant Routing Protocol Radio Propagation Analysis Real-time Pulse Analyzer Remotly Piloted Aircraft (ferngelenktes Luftfahrzeug) Rotations-Parabol-Antennen [DE] Rules and Practices for Aerodromes Rocket Pod Container Rapid Positioning Capability Remote Power Controller Restoration Priority Code Random Pulse Discrimination Reliability and Performance Demonstration Remote Power Distribution Unit Radar Precision Guided weapon Rocket-Propelled Grenade Remotly Piloted Helicopter Radar Position Indicator Rapid Process Improvement Regulatory Performance Indicator Runway Point of Intercept Rated Power Level Realisierungsplan [DE] Repetitive-flight Plan (Dauerflugplan) Radar Performance Monitor Remotely Piloted Munition Revolutions Per Minute (Umdrehungen pro Minute) Relative Precision Navigation Reliability Program Plan Remotely Piloted Research Vehicle Radar Position Symbol Recording and Playback System Revolutions Per Second (Umdrehungen pro Sekunde) Robot Passive Sonar Repeat (wiederholen) Report Reporting Radar Processing Unit Receiver/Processor Unit

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 RPV  RPVD  R/P/Y  Rpy  RQ  RPZ  RQ  RQ  RQ-1  RQ-4  RQ-5  RQ-8  RQA  RQD  RQM  RQN  RQP  RQS  RQT  Rqt  R&R  R&R  RR  RR  RR  RR  RR  RR  RR  RR  RR  RR  RR  RRA  RRA  RRA  RRC  RRC  RRC  RRC  RRCA  RRD  RRE  RREP  RRF  RRG  RRG  RRI  RRIS  RRL  RRM  RRM  RRP 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Remotely Piloted Vehicle (ferngelengtes Luftfahrzeug) Radar Plan View Display Roll, Pitch, Yaw (Rollen, Nicken, Gieren) Reply (Antwort) Reconnaissance/Drone (elektronische Aufklärungsdrohne) [US] Runway Protection Zone Request (Frage) Require, required Elektronische Aufklärungsdrohne von General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. [Predator A] Elektronische Aufklärungsdrohne von Northrop Grumman Corp. [Global Hawk] Elektronische Aufklärungsdrohne von Northrop Grumman Corp. Unbemmanter Überwachungshubschrauber von Northrop Grumman Corp. Reliability and Quality Assurance Required (gefordert, erforderlich) [auch: RQRD] Radar Quality Monitoring Request NOTAM Request for Flight Plan Request Supplementary flight plan Reliability Qualification Test (Zuverlässigkeits-Qualifikationstest) Requesting (ersuchen, erfordern) Remove and Replace Rest and Recuperation Radiometric Resolution (radiometrische Auflösung) Radio Relay Railroad Rain Area Randezvous Radar Receive Ready (Empfängerbereitschaft) Repetition Rate Report Reaching Retroreflection Reverse Route (Umkehrstrecke) Rolls-Royce [UK, PLC] Radar Recording and Analysis Radar Reflective Area Risc Reduction Activity Radar Reflecting Chaff Radar Resolution Cell Rapid Reaction Corps [NATO] Requirements Review Council [USA] Radar Reference Coverage Area Rolls-Royce Deutschland Risc Reduction Effort Radio Reconnaissance Equipment Program Rapid Reaction Force [NATO] Radarrundsuchgerät [DE] Roll Rate Gyro Router Reference Implementation Reduced Resolution Image Set Radio Research Laboratory Radio Resource Management Risk Reduction Measures Remote Radar Post 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 RRP  RRR  RRS  RRT  RRTS  RRU  RRW  R&S  R-S  RS  RS  RS  RS  RS  RS  RS  RS  RS  RS  RS  RS  RS  RS  RS  RSA  RSA  RSA  RSA  RSA  RSAF  RSAF  RSan  RSB  RSC  RSC  RSC  RSCD  RSD  RSD  RSD  RSDP  RSDS  RSE  RSF  RSFQ  RSG  RSG  RSI  RSI  RSIP  RSIP  RSL  RSLS

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Runway Reference Point Radar Recording and Replay [System] Remote Receiving Station [Drohnen] Radar Receiver/Transmitter Radar Real Time Simulator Remote Radio Unit Reliable Replacement Warhead Rohde und Schwarz [DE, GmbH] Reed-Solomon Radar Set/System Radiated Susceptibility Radio System (Funkkommunikationssystem) Raster Scan [Radar] Receiver Segment Recommended Standard Reconnaissance Squadron Reentry System Reference Station Remote Sensing Replacement Study Replenishment Spares Retical Scanning Rettungsstation [DE, Bw] Return to Search Radar Service Area Reference Station Antenna [GPS] Republic of South Africa Rundstrahlantennen [DE] Runway Safety Area Republic of Singapore Air Force Royal Saudi Air Force (Königliche Saudische Luftstreitkräfte) Rettungssanitäter [DE, Bw] Radarschirmbild [DE] Radar Scan Converter Rescue Sub-Centre Runway Surface Condition Runway Surface Condition Radar Signal Display Raster Scan Display Retinal Scanning Display Reliable Sequencing Delivery Confirmation Protocol Radar Signal Detecting Set Range Support Element Refurbishment and Subassembly Facility Rapid Single Flux Quantum [Logische Schaltung] Radar Scenario Generator Research Study Group Radiation Status Indicator Repetitive Stress Injury Radar System Improvement Program Receiver Sensitivity Increase Required Received Signal Level Receiver Side-Lobe Suppression

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 RSM  RSMB  RSN  RSNF  RSO  RSO  RSO  RSP  RSP  RSP  RSP  RSPD  RSPL  RSR  RSR  RSR  RSRM  RSS  RSS  RSS  RSS  RSS  RSS  RSS  RSS  RSS  RSS  RSS  RSSI  RSSP  RST  RST  RST  RST  RSTA  RSTD  RST-V  RSU  RSU  RSV  Rsv  Rsvr  RS/W  RSW  RSwN  R/T  RT  RT  RT  RT  RT  RT  RT 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Radar Service Message Responsive Space Modular Bus Regional Subnetwork Royal Saudi Naval Forces Receiver Set-On Reconnaissance System Officer Reduced Spacing Operations Radar Signal Processor Required Surveillance Performance Required System Performance Responder beacon (Antwortsenderbake) Reported Speed Recommended Spare Parts List Radar Service Request En-Route Surveillance Radar (Flugstreckenrundsichtradar) Random Signal Radar Reuseable Solid Rocket Motor Radar Scenario Simulator Radar Separation Standard Radar Subsystem Range Safety System Received Signal Strength Reflexion Suppression System (System zur Unterdrückung von Reflexionen) Reliability and Safety Society [UK] Remote Sensing Society Remote Surveillance System (Fernüberwachungssystem) Root Sum Squared Rosette Scanning Seeker Received Signal Strength Indicator Radar Systems Specialist Panel [NATO] Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Targeting Receiver Shadow Time Reheat Specific Thrust Robotic Systems Technology Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition Restricted (Nur für den Dienstgebrauch, NfD; beschränkt) [auch: rstd und rstr] Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Targeting - Vehicle Relay Switching Unit Runway Supervisory Unit Reconnaissance and Surveillance Vehicle (Aufklärungs- und Überwachungsfahrzeug) [USA] Reserve Reservoir Reconnaissance Squadron/Wing [USAF] Reflected Schockwave Royal Swedish Navy Receiver/Transmitter Radio Telecommunication Radio Transmitter (Funksender) Real-Time (Echtzeit) Reaction Time (Reaktionszeit) Receiver-Transmitter Registered Traveller Remote Terminal (Fernterminal) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 RT  RT  RT  RT  RT  RTA  RTA  RTA  RTA  RTA  RTAF  RTAF  RTAIS  RTB  RTB  RTB  RTB  RTBDA  RTC  RTC  RTC  RTC  RTC  RTC  RTC  RTC  RTC  RTCA  RTCA  RTCA  RTCADO-160  RTCADO-178  RTCE  RTCM  RTD  RTD  RTD  RTD  RTD  Rtd, rtd.  Rtd  RTDS  Rte  RTES  RTES  RTF  RTF  RTF  RTF  RTF  RTFM  RTG

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Remote Transmitter (Fernsender) Retarded (verzögert, verlangsamt) Right Turn (Rechtskurve) Rise Time Round Trip (Hin- und Rückflug) Real-Time Acquisition Receiver-Transmitter Antenna Required Time of Arrival Research and Technology Agency [NATO] Revolutionary Turbine Accelerator Republic of Tunisia Air Force Royal Thai Air Force Real-Time Artifficial Intelligence System Real-time Test Bed Radar Tool Box Research and Technology Board [NATO] Return To Base Real-Time Battle Damage Assessment Radio Transmission Control Real Time Clock Real Time Command Real Time Control Receiver Transfer Characteristic Regional Technical Conference [Europe] Resident Training Center [USAF] Rotorcraft Ruggitized Transport Case Radio Technical Corporation of America [US, Inc.] Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (Technische Kommission für Luftfahrtfunkgeräte) [US] Requirements and Technical Concepts for Aviation RTCA Document 160 RTCA Document 178 Real-Time Channel Evaluation Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services Radar Target Designator Real Time Disc Real Time Display Research and Technology Development Resistance Temperature Detector Retired (außer Dienst) Routed Real Time Digital Simulator Route (Route, Strecke, Weg) Real Time Embedded System Real Time Engineering Simulation Radar Test Facility Radio Telephony (Funktelefonie, Sprechfunk) Real Time Fusion Remote Test Facility Requirements Task Force Regulated Tactical Flight Model Receive Transition Gap

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 RTI  RTI  RTI  RTI  RTI  RTI  RTIC  RTIL  RTIP  RTIRL  RTIS  RTK  RTL  RTLS  RTLS  RTM  RTM  RTM  RTM  RTM  RTMA  RTMR  Rtn  RTNR  RTO  RTO  RTO  RTO  RTO  RTO  RTOS  RTP  RTP  RTP  RTP  RTP  RTP  RTPTR  RTQC  RTR  RTR  RTR  RTR  Rtrd  Rtrn  RTS  RTS  RTS  RTS  RTS  RTS  RTS  RTS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Radar Target Indicator Radar Target Interrogator Real Time Imagery Real Time Inspection Real Time Interrogation (Echtzeit-Abfrage) Referred To Input Real Time Information in the co*ckpit Runway Threshold Identification Lights Radar Technology Insertion Program Real Time Infrared Linescanner Road Travel Information Services Real Time Kinematic [DGPS] Resistor-Transistor Logic Real Time Location System Return To Launch Site Radar Terrain Mapping Radio Transmission Module (Funksendemodul) Rastertunnelmikroskop [DE] Requirements Traceability Matrix Revenue Ton Miles Radio-Television Manufacturers Association [US] Real Time Mission Radius Return, returned, returning Real Time Network Routing Range Training Officer Reduced Take-Off and landing Referred To Output Rejected Take-Off (abgelehnter Start) Research and Technology Organization [NATO] Responsible Test Organization Real Time Operating System (Realzeit operierendes System) Radio Tuning Panel [Funkgerät] Real Time Processor Reliability Test Plan (Zuverlässigkeitstestplan) Request for Technical Proposal Request To Purchase Research and Technology Projects/Programs Real Time Precision Targeting Radar Real Time Quality Control (Echtzeitqualitätskontrolle) Ready-To-Receive Real Time Reconnaissance (elektronische Echtzeit-Aufklärung) Remote Transmitter-Receiver Reserve Thrust Rating Retard (verzögert) Return (Rückkehr) Radar Target Simulator (Radarzielsimulator) Radar Test Subsystem Rapid Targeting System (schnelles Zielungssystem) Real Time Simulation (Realzeitsimulator) Remote Tracking Stations Request To Send (Aufforderung zum Senden) Return To Service Run Time Services 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 RTSA  RTSDL  RTSIM  RTSMP  RTSP  RTSP  RTSW  RTT  RTT  RTT  RTT  RTT  RTT  RTTI  RTTP  RTTY  RTU  RTU  RTU  RTV  RTV  RTVM  RTW  RTX  RTZ  RU  RU  RU  RU  RU  RÜA  RUC  RUG  RUL  RUM  Rü  RÜZ  R&V  RV  RV  RV  RV  RV  RV  RV  RVA  RVCD  RVD  RVD  RVDP  RVDT  RVP  RVR

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Real Time Spectrum Analyzer Real Time Surveillance Data Link Real Time Simulation (Realzeitsimulator) Real Time Symmetrical Multiprocessing Real Time Signal Processor Required Total System Performance (erforderliche totale Systemleistungen) Real Time Solar Wind Radio Telephone Terminal Ready To Task Realistic Target Training Reconfigurable Tactical Trainer Reserve Take-off Thrust Round Trip Time Run-Time Type Identification Real Time Tracking and Positioning Radioteletype (Funkfernschreiben) Radio Tuning Unit Remote Terminal Unit Replacement Training Unit Rapid Terrain Visualization Rocket Test Vehicle Requirements Traceability and Verification Matrix Real Time Workshop Request To Transmit Runway Touchdown Zone [UK] Rack Unit Radar Unit Range Unknown Regulatory Unit Russian Federation [ISO Ländercode] Rundstrahl-Überwachungsantennen [DE] Rapid Update Cycle Receiver Upgrade Remaining Usuful Life Codierte Bez. von schiffsgestützten U-Bootbekämpfungsflugkörpern [USN] Rüstung [DE, BWB] Regionales Übungszentrum [DE, Bw] Review & Validation Radius of Vulnerability Random Variable Receive Variable Re-entry Vehicle (Wiedereintrittskörper) Reconnaissance Vehicle Rendezvous Rescue Vessel (Rettungsfahrzeug) [ICAO] Radar Vectoring Area Requirements Verification Compliance Document Rear View Display Rendezvous and Docking Radar Video Data Processor Rotary Voltage Differential Transducer Required Vision Performance Rear View Radar

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 RVR  RVSD  RVSM  RVV  R/W  RW  RW  RW  rw  RW  RWA  RW-CAS  RWD  RWE  RWE  RWE  RWH  RWI  RWI  rwK  RWM  rwN  RWP  RWP  RWR  RWR  RWS  RWS  RWS  RWS  RWS  RWS  RWS  RWS  RWTH  RWTÜV  RWV  Rwy  Rx  RXD  RZ  RZ  Rz  RZ  RZ  RZ  Rz  RZ-BW  RzBw  RZI


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Runway Visual Range (Start- und Landebahnsichtweite) Revised (überarbeitet) Reduced Vertical Separation Minima Runway Visibility Value Read/Write (Lese/Schreibe) Radioactive Waste (Radioaktiver Abfall) Radiological Warfare Reconnaissance Wing [USAF] (Aufklärungsgruppe, -geschwader) rechtweisend [DE] Runway (Start- und Landebahn) Reaction Wheel Assembly Rotary Wing Close Air Support Right Wing Down Radarwarnempfänger [DE] Radar Warning Equipment (Radarwarneinrichtung) Reichweitenerhöhung [DE] Radar Warning & Homing Radio and Wire Integration Runway Incursion rechtweisender Kurs [DE] Read/Write Memory (Lese/Schreib-Speicher) rechtweisend Nord [DE] Realtime Weather Processor (Echtzeitwetterprozessor) Required Weather Performance (erforderliche Wetterleistungen) Radar Warning Receiver (Radarwarnempfänger) Rear Warning Radar Radar Warning System (Radarwarnsystem) Radio and Wireless Symposium Range While Scan (Entfernungsmessung während des Scans) Reactive Windshear System Remote Weapon Station Remote Weapon System Remote Workstation Runway Strip Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule [DE] Rheinisch-Westfälischer Technischer Überwachungsverein [DE] Rotary Wing Vehicle (Drehflügler) Runway (Rollfeld, Start- und Landebahn, Piste) [ICAO] Receiver (Empfänger) Received Data Radiation Zone Raumfahrtzentrum [DE] Rechenzentrum [AT, DE] Recovery Zone Rettungszentrum [DE, Bw] Return to Zero [Übertragungstechnik] Rückzug [CH] Raumfahrtzentrum - Baden Württemberg [DE] Rechenzentrum der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Real-Zero Interpolation

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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S   s  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  s  S  S  S  S  S  S  S

Zeichen für für die Zeiteinheit Sekunde [SI-Einheit] Zeichen für die Maßeinheit der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit Siemens Kurzzeichen für Siera [ICAO-Alphabet] Kurzzeichen für Schall [DE] Kurzzeichen für Schule [CH, DE] Kurzzeichen für Schütze [CH] Kurzzeichen für Signal [DE] Kurzzeichen für Sikorsky [US Co.] Kurzzeichen für Snow (Schnee) Kurzzeichen für Soldat [DE] Kurzzeichen für South (Süd, der Süden) Kurzzeichen für Space (Raum) Kurzzeichen für Standard Deviation (Standardabweichung) Kurzzeichen für Stress (Ermüdung) Kurzzeichen für Submarine [US] Kurzzeichen für Süd, Süden, südlich [CH, DE] Kurzzeichen für Summe [DE] Kurzzeichen für Support (Unterstützung) Kurzzeichen für Surface (Fläche, Oberfläche) Kurzzeichen für Schweden

 S-3A/B  S-76  S-92  S&A  S&A  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA, Sat  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA

Viking: Trägergestütztes U-Bootjagdflugzeug der USN Mehrzweckhubschraubertyp von Sikorsky Aircraft Mehrzweckhubschraubertyp von Sikorsky Aircraft Sampling and Analysis Sense and Avoid (Detektieren und Vermeiden) Safety Action [FAA] Safety Altitude Safety Assessment Sand Satellite Scan Analysis (Scananalyse) Schutzausstattung [DE, Bw] Schlitzantennen (Slot Antennas) [DE] Search/Attack (Suche/Angriff) [USN] Secondary Advanced Security Architecture Selective Availability [GPS] Self-Assessment (Selbst-Einschätzung) Separation Assurance Signal Analysis, Signalanalyse Situational Awareness (Situationskenntniss) Situational Assessment (Lage-Einschätzung) Slot Antennas (Schlitzantennen) Sociedad Anonymo [Spain] Société Anonyme [FR] Spectrum Analyzer (Spektrumanalysator)

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SA  SAA  SAA  SAA  SAA  SAA  SAA  SAA  SAAAR  SAAC  SAAC  SAAF  SAAHS  SAAM  SAAM  SAAM  SAARU  SAAS  SAASM  SAATEG  SAB  SABENA  SABR  SAC  SAC  SAC  SAC  SAC  SAC  Sacdin  Saceur  Saclant  Saclos  SaCo  SACON  SACT  SACT  SACU  SAD  SAD 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Spiral Antennas (Spiralantennen) Stand-Alone (freistehend) Standard Atmosphere Stabantennen (Linear Antennas) [DE] Standard Assembly Stielantennen (Rod Antennas) [DE] Storage Activities Strategic Analysis Strategic Attack Successive Approximation Supportability Analysis Surface-to-Air Swept Audio System Analysis Sense And Avoid Service Access Area South African Airways Space Act Agreement Special Activity Airspace Systems Application Architecture Strategic Air Army Special Aircraft and Aircrew Authorization Required Simulation for Air-to-Air Combat Strategic Analysis Applications Center South African Air Forces Stability Augmentation and Attitude Hold System Selective Availability Anti-spoofing Module Surface-to-Air Anti-Missile system System for traffic Asignment and Analysis at a Macroscopic level Secondary Attitude Air-data Reference Unit [B777] Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module System zur Abbildenden Aufklärung in der Tiefe des Einsatzgebietes [Bw, RDE GmbH] Scientific Advisory Board Société Anonyme Belge d’Exploitation de la Navigation Aérienne Scalable Agile Beam Radar [Northrop Grumman Corp.] Scientific Advisory Committee Source Area Code Space Analysis Center [USAF] Strategic Air Command [aufgelöstes US-Bomberkommando, jetzt ACC] Strategic Airlift Capability Supreme Allied Commander Strategic Air Command Digital Information Network Supreme Allied Commander Europe Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic Semi Automatic Command Line of Sight Samarium-Cobalt [chem. Verbindung] Slovak Aeronautical Communication Network Strategic Allied Command for Transformation [NATO] Supreme Allied Commander Transformation [NATO] Stand-Alone Communications Unit Seek And Destroy Situational Awareness Display 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SAD  SAD  SAD  SAD  SAD  SADATS  SADL  SADLS  SADS  SADS  SADT  SAE  SAe  SAE  SAE  SAEC  SAEW  Saf  SAF  SAF  SAF  SAF  SAFA  SAFAR  SAFEE  SAFER  SafeTec  SAFI  SAFM  SAFR  SAFREP  SAFREP-TF  SAG  SAG  SAG  SAGA Lw  SAGE  SAGR  SAGW  SAH  SAH  SAHR  SAHR  SAHRS  SAI  SAI  SAI  SAI  SAI  SAI  SAIA  SAIC  SAICO

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Software Architecture Document Solar Array Drive Submarine Anomaly Detector Surface-to-Air Defense System Architecture Document Space Detection And Tracking System Situational Awareness Data Link Small Arms Detection & Location System Ship Air Defense System Simulated Air Defense System Software Architecture Design Team Signal Analysis and Exploitation Singapore Aerospace Society of Aeronautical Engineers [US] Society of Automotive Engineers [US] Station d’Appui Electronique Contact [F] Ships Advanced Electronic Warfare Safety (Sicherheit) Secretary of the Air Force Singapore Armed Forces Spanish Air Force Swedish Air Force Safety Assessment for Foreign Aircraft Small Aircraft Future Avionics Architecture Safety of Aircraft in the Future European Environment Safety And Error Safety Technology Semi Automatic Flight Inspection Safe Monitor Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Raumfahrt [CH] Safety data Reporting & data flow SAFREP Task Force Scientific Advisory Group [US] Semi-Active Guidance (halbaktive Lenkung) Strategic Advisory Group Studien- und Arbeitsgruppen Analysephase Luftwaffe [DE, Bw/Lw] Semi-Automatic Ground Environment [USAF] Stand-Alone GPS Receiver Surface-to-Air Guided Weapon (Boden/Luft-Lenkwaffe) Sample And Hold Semi-Active Homing Semi-Active Homing Radar Standby Altitude and Heading Reference (Lage- und Kursreferenzgerät in Standby) Standard Attitude and Heading Reference System (Standard Lage- und Kursreferenzsystem) Safety Attribute Inspection Spherical Attitude Indicator (sphärische Lageanzeige) Standby Airspeed Indicator Standby Attitude Indicator Systems Architecture and Interfaces Swedish Aerospace Industries Swedish Aerospace Industries Association Science Applications International Corporation Swedish Aeronautical Information Computer aided system

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 SAIFR  SAIL  SAILSS  SAIM  SAINT  SAIPT  SAIRST  SAIS  SAL  SAL  SAL  SAL  SAL  SALIS  SALR  SALS  SALS  SALS  SALT  SALTI  SAM  SAM  SAM  SAM  SAM  SAM  SAM  SAM  SAM  SAM  SAM  SAMA  SAMCOM  SAMD  SAME  SAMID  SAMM  Samoc  Samos  SAMP  SAMP/T  SAMSO  SA-N  San  San  SAN  SAN  SAN  SanA  SanABw  SANDF  SanFüKdo 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Systems Aids for Integration and Fault Reporting Schuttle Avionics Integrated Laboratory [JSC] Smart Aircrew Integrated Life Support System Situational Awareness and Information Management Satellite Interceptor Situational Awareness Integrated Product Team Situational Awareness Infrared Search and Track Semi-Automated Imagery Processing Semi-Active Laser (halbaktiver Laser) Slot Allocation List [CFMU] Supplementary Airline Licence Synthetic Aperture Ladar (Laser-Radar synthetischer Apertur) Systems Address Label [ARINC 429] Strategic Air Lift Interim Solution Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate Shipborne Aircraft Landing System Short Approach Lighting System Simple Approach Lighting System Strategic Arms Limitation Talks/Treaty (Verhandlungen/Vertrag über die Begrenzung von strategischen Waffen) Synthetic Aperture Ladar for Tactical Imaging Safety Assessment Methodology Signal Analysis Module Slot Allocation Management Slot Allocation Message [CFMU] Sound Absorbing Material (schallabsorbierendes Material) South American Region Special Air Mission Standard Avionics Module Surface-to-Air Missile (Boden/Luft-Lenkflugkörper) Swept Amplitude Modulation Systems Assurance Manager Small Aircraft Manufactures Association Special Air Mission Communications SAM Development Safety Assessment Made Easier Ships Anti-Missile Integrated Defense Surface Area Movement Management (Oberflächenbewegungsmanagement) Surface-to-Air Missile Operations Center [Bw] Satellite And Missile Observation System Single Acquisition Management Plan Sol-Air Moyenne Portee / Terrestre [FR] Space And Missile Systems Organization [US DoD] Surface-to-Air - Naval missile Sanitary Sanitäter [DE, Bw] Satellite Access Node South African Navy Storage Area Network Sanitätsamt [DE, Bw] Sanitätsamt der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] South African National Defense Force Sanitätsführungskommando [DE, Bw]

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SanKdo  SanKfz  SanStff  SanTrp  SanVbd  SAO  SAO  SAP  SAP  SAP  SAP  SAP  SAP  SAPD  SAPPHIRE  SAR  SAR  SAR  SAR  SAR  SAR  SAR  SAR  SAR  SAR  SAR  SAR  SAR  SARBE  SARG  SARH  Saris  SARL  SARM  SARP  SARPs  SARSAT  SART  SART  SARV  SAS  SAS  SAS  SAS  SAS  SAS, S.A.S.  SAS  SAS  SAS  SAS  SAS  SAS  SAS

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Sanitätskommando [DE, Bw] Sanitätskraftfahrzeug [DE, Bw] Sanitätsstaffel [DE, Bw] Sanitätstrupp [DE, Bw] Sanitätsverband [DE, Bw] Systems Acquisition Office Systems Assurance Office Scan Analysis Processor Semi-Armor Piercing Service Access Point Special Access Program Surveillance Appraisal Programme System Access Parameter (Systemzugriffsparameter) System Acquisition & Product Development Satellite and Aircraft Database Programme for System Integrity Research Safety Assessment Report Search And Rescue (Such- und Rettungsdienst) Selected Acquisition Report [US DoD] Semi-Active Radar (halbaktives Radar) Special Access Required Specific Absorption Rate bzw Spezifische Absorptions-Rate Stand-Alone Receiver/Radar Successive Approximation Register Synthetic Aperture Radar (Radar mit synthetischer Strahlöffnung) Synthetic Array Radar Systems Acceptance Review Systems Activity Report Systems Analysis Recording Search And Rescue Beacon Equipment [UK] Semi-Active Radar Guidance (halbaktive Radarlenkung) Semi-Active Radar Homing (halbaktive Radarverfolgung) Semi-Active Radar Imaging Seeker (halbaktiver, abbildender Radarsuchkopf) Subsonic Aerodynamic Research Laboratory SAR Mapping (SAR-Abtastung) Standards And Recommended Practices Standards And Recommended Practices [ICAO] Search And Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking (satellitengestütztes Such- und Rettungssystem) Search And Rescue Transponder (Such- und Rettungstransponder) Situational Awareness Rating Technique Strategic Aircraft Recovery Team Scandinavian Airlines System [Airline] School of Aviation Safety [USN] Sea-Air-Space Signature Augmentation System Situational Awareness System Société par Actions Simplifiées [FR] Special Air Service [UK Army] Stability Augmentation System Standardanwendungssoftware [DE] Staring Array Seeker Station Address Set Survival Avionic System Synthetic Aperture Sonar

Myrodis Athanassiou

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 SASC  SASHA  SASM  SASP  SASPF  SASRS  SASS  SASS  SASS-S  Sat  Sat  Sat  Sat  SAT  SAT  SAT  SAT  SAT  SAT  SAT  SAT  SATCNS  SATCO  Satcom  SatcomBw  SATIN  SATIR  SATM  Satnav  Satnet  Satops  Satran  SATP  SATS  SATS  SATS  SATSA  Saturn  Satvul  SAU  SAVI  SAVR  SAW  SAWCS  SAWS  SAWS  SAWVS  SaZ  S-Band  Sb  SB  SB  SB 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Senate Armed Services Committee Situation Awareness for SHAPE Strategic Air-to-Surface Missile Single Advanced Signal Processor Standard-Anwendungs-Software Produkt-Familie [DE, Bw] Satellite-Aided Search and Rescue System Spectrally Agile Sensor System Surveillance Analysis Support System [Eurocontrol] SASS Sensor [Radar] Satellite Satisfactory Saturation Saturday Signal Analysis Tool Simulation Assessment Team Site Acceptance Tests Software Acceptance Tests Static Air Temperature (Temperatur der ungestauten Luft) System Acceptance Test (System-Abnahme-Erprobung) System Analysis Team Systems Approach to Training Satellite Communications Navigation and Surveillance Signal Automatic Control Satellite Communications (Satellitenkommunikation) Satellite Communications Bundeswehr [Bw] Survivability Augmentation for Transport Installation Now [Lockheed Martin] System zur Auswertung taktischer Informationen auf Rechnerschiffen [DE, Bw] Synchronous Asynchronous Transfer Mode Satellite Navigation (Satellitennavigation) Satellite Network (Satellitennetzwerk) Satellite Operations Satellite Transmission Software Acceptance Test Plan (Softwareabnahmetestplan) Semi-Active Test System Simulator for Air Traffic Services Small Aircraft Transportation System Swedish ATS Academy Second Generation Anti-Jam Tactical UHF Radios for NATO Satellite Vulnerability Signal Acquisition Unit Space Active Vibration Isolation Satellite Vulnerability Report Surface Acoustic Waves (akustische Oberflächenwellen, AOW) [Filter] Submarine Acoustic Warfare Command System Silent Attack Warning System Standalone Weather Sensors Satellite Attack Warning and Verification System Soldat auf Zeit [DE, Bw] Radar-Frequenzband von 2 bis 4 GHz Antimon bzw Antimonium [chem. Symbol] Scan-Bereich (Scan Volume, Scan Range) [DE] Sektorbreite (Sector Width) [DE] Self-Biased 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SB  SB  SB  SB  SB  SBA  SBA  SBAC  SBAS  SBB  SBB  SBC  SBC  SBD  SBD  SBE  SBEON  SBHRG  SBI  SBI  SBIR  Sbirs  SBIS  SBJ  SBL  SBLE  SBLER  SBM  SBM  SBMD  SBMLW  SBN  SBP  SBR  SBR  SBS  SBS  SBS  SBS  SBSR  SBSS  SBT  SBTC  SBU  SBV  SB-WASS  SBX  SBX  SBY  S&C  S/C  S/C  Sc

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Service Bulletin Sideband Southbound Strahlbreite [einer Antenne] (Beam Width) [DE] Suchbereich [Radar] [DE] Serial Bus Analyzer Short Blade Antenna Sociaty of British Aerospace Companies Satellite/Space Based Augmentation System Sigle Beam Blanking Swift Broadband Single Board Computer Slave Beam Controller Schematic Block Diagram Schotky Barrier Diode Single Bit Error Space-Based Electro-Optical Network Space-Based Hypervelocity Railgun Short Baseline Interferometer Space-Based Interceptors Small Business Innovation Research Space-Based Infrared System [USAF] Space-Based Infrared System [auch: SBIRS] Space-Based Jammer Space-Based Laser Sub-Block Error Sub-Block Error Rate Single Board Map Space Battle Management Sea-Based Missile Defense Space-Based Missile Launch Warning System [USAF] Strontium-Barium-Niobate [chem. Verbindung] Space-Based Platform Signal-to-Background Ratio Space-Based Radar (raumgestütztes Radar) Sidelobe Blanking System [Radar] Silicon Bilateral Switch Space-Based Sensor (raumgestützter Sensor) Special Boat Service [UK Royal Navy] Space-Based Secondary Radar Space-Based Surveillance System [USAF] Sea-Based Terminal Speed Brake/Thrust Controller Strategic Business Unit Space-Based Visible Space-Based Wide Area Surveillance System Sea-Based X-Band Radar Space-Based Interceptor Experiment Stand-By Stability & Control Spacecraft (Raumschiff) Step Climb Scandium [chem. Symbol]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SC  SCA  SCA  SCA  SCA  SCA  SCA  SCAA  SCAA  SCAC  SCAD  Scalp  Scam  Scan  Scan  Scan  SCAN  Scan  Scare  SCAS  Scat  Scat  Scat  Scat  Scat  Scat  SCC  SCC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Sector Coordinator Security Council Semiconductor Senior Controller Service Ceiling Single Card Single Carrier Single Channel Single Cristal (Einkristalschaufel) [Triebwerke] Signature Control Simultaneous Call Smart Card Space Control Special Committee Special Corridor Standing Committee Start Conversion Steering Committee Strategic Command [NATO] Strategic Communications Stratocumulus [Wolkentyp] Sub Carrier Supercavitating Supply Chain System Controller Sequence Control Assembly Ship Controlled Approach Shuttle Carrier Aircraft Software Common Architecture Software Communications Architecture System Communications Architecture Slovenian Civil Aviation Authority Swedish Civil Aviation Authority Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company Submarine Countermeasure Acoustic Device Système de Croisière conventionnel Autonome à Longue Portée de precision [FR] (konventioneller, autonomer, präziser Marschflugkörper großer Reichweite) Strike Camera Self-Correcting Automatic Navigator Simulated Comprehensive Air Navigation Surface Condition Analyser Swiss Control Area Network Switch Communications Automatic Network Simulated Clutter for Airborne Radar Evaluation Stability and Control Augmentation System Satellite Control of Air Traffic Security Control of Air Traffic Space Communications And Tracking Special Category [Landeverfahren] Supersonic Commercial Air Transport Supersonic Civil Air Transport Satellite Control Center Space Control Center

26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SCC  SCC  SCC  SCC  SCC  SCCB  SCCI  SCCM  SCCS  SCD  SCD  SCD  SCDL  SCDU  SCE  SCE  SCE  SCF  SCG  SCh  SchÜbZ  SCHUKO  Schtz  SCI  SCI  SCI  SCID  SCIF  Scimitar  SCIP  SCIP  Scisat  SCL  SCM  SCM  SCM  SCM  SCMAR  SCMP  SCN  SCN  SCN  SCO  SCP  SCP  SCP  SCP  SCP  SCPC  SCPS  Scr  SCR  SCR

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Standards Consultative Council Standing Consultative Commissio Statement of Compliance Checklist Supercomputer Center System Control Center Software Configuration Control Board System Controller and co*ckpit Indicators Shipboard Communications Countermeasures Secure Communications Control System Secure Control Drawing Specifications Control Drawing Systems Category Diagram Surveillance Control Data Link [JSTARS] Satellite Control Data Unit Servicing Customers Engineer Software Capability Evaluation Super Conducting Electronics Satellite Control Facility Serbia and Montenegro Strahlungscharakteristik [einer Antenne, DE] Schießübungszentrum [DE] Schutzkontakt (Earthing Contact) [DE] Schütze [DE, Bw] Sensitive Compartmented Information Serial Communication Interface Software Configuration Item Software Configuration Index Drawing Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility System for Countering Interdiction Missiles and Target Acquisition Radars Secure Communications Interoperability Protocol [Bw] Shipboard Countermeasures Interface Package Science Satellite [Canada] Serial Clock Single-Chip Microprocessor Software Configuration Management Supply Chain Management System Control Module Spacecraft Mission Assurance Requirements Software Configuration Management Plan Satellite Control Network Specification Change Notice Strategic Communications Network Shanghai Cooperation Organization Safety Critical Personnel Security Cooperation Participants Stores Control Panel Service Control Point Support Computer Programme Single Carrier Per Channel Satellite Communications Protocol Standards Scroll Semiconductor-Controlled Rectifier Signal Corps Radar

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 SCR  SCR  SCR  SCR  SCR  SCR  SCR  SCRA  Scramjet  SCRB  SCRJ  SCS  SCS  SCS  SCS  SCS  SCS  SCS  SCS  SCS  SCSI  SCSR  SC-SSP  Sct  SCT  SCT  SCT  SCU  SCU  SCU  SCU  SCU  SCUBA  Scud  SCV  SD  SD  SD  SD  SD  SD  SD  SD  SD  SD  SD  SD  SD  SD  SD  SD  SD  SD 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Signal-to-Clutter Ratio Silicon-Controlled Rectifier Single Channel Radio Software Compatibility Report Special Certification Review Special Communications Requirements System Concept Review Single Channel Radio Access Supersonic Combustion Ramjet Software Configuration Review Board Supersonic Combustion Ramjet [Scramjet] Satellite Communication System Sea Control Ship Ship Control System Silicon-Controlled Switch Single Channel Simplex Small Compact Size Stabilization Control System Submarine Combat System Surface Combat Ship Small Computer Standard/Systems Interface Single Channel Signalling Rate Supercavitating - Supersonic Projectile Scattered [Wetter] Single Channel Terminal Single Channel Transponder Systems Configuration Table Satellite Communications Unit Sensor Control Unit Signal Conditioning Unit Signal Conversion Unit System Control Unit Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus Subsonic Cruise Unarmed Decoy Sub-Clutter Visibility [Radar] Schalldämpfer [DE] Secure Digital Self Destruct Sensor Data Serial Dialling Sicherheitsdienst [DE] Situation Display Software Development Space Debris Standard Definition Standard Deviation (Standardabweichung) Standard Digital Statistical Display Storm Detection Strahlungsdiagramm [einer Antenne] [DE] Surveillance Drone System Design System Display 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SD  S&DA  SDA  SDA  SD&AH  SDB  SDB  Sdby  SDC  SDC  SDC  SDC  SDC  SDC  SDC  SDD  SDD  SDD  SDD  SDD  SDD  SDD  SDD  SDD  SDD  SDD  SDD  SDD  SDD  SDDLC  SDDN  SDE  SDE  SDEAD  SDF  SDF  SDF  SDF  SDG  SDG  SDG  SDH  SDHS  SDI  SDI  SDI  SDI  SDIN  SDIN  SDIS  SDK  SDL  SDL

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Systems Engineering Strike & Damage Assessment Strategic Defense Architecture System Design Authority System Design and Analysis Harmonization Small-Diameter Bomb [USAF] Space Database Standby Satellite Data Communication Signal Data Converter Space Defense Centre [USAF] Spread Doppler Clutter Staff Development Centre Standard Departure Clearance Strategic Defense Command [USAF] Secure Data Device Sensor Data Degradation Sensor Display Driver Situation Data Display Software Design Document Standard Disc Drive Surveillance Data Distribution Synthetic Data Display Synthetic Dynamic Display System Design and Development System Development and Demonstration System/Software Design Document System Definition Document System Description Document System Design and Development Life Cycle SW Defined Data Network Software Development Environment System Development Environment Suppression and Destruction of Enemy Air Defence Simplified Direction Finding Single Degree of Freedom Software Defined Network Strategic Detterence Forces Sensor Data Generator Spectrum Signal Generator System Dependency Graph Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Satellite Data Handling System Secure Digital Intercommunication Serial Digital Interface Source/Destination Identifier Strategic Defense Initiative [US, DoD] Secure Digital Information Network Space Defense Interface Network Switched Digital Intergrated Service Software Development Kit Software Data Loader Standard Distribution List

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 SDLC  SDLM  SDLVA  SDLS  SDM  SDM  SDM  SDMA  SDN  SDNS  SDO  SDOF  SDP  SDP  SDP  SDP  SDP  SDP  SDPD  SDPDS  SDR  SDR  SDR  SDR  SDR  SDR  SDR  SDR  SDR  SDR  SDR  SDRAM  SDRL  SDS  SDS  SDS  SDS  SDS  SDS  SDS  SDSL  SDSN  SDSR  SDT  SDT  Sdt  SDT  SDT  SDT  SDTV  SDU  SDU  SDU 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Synchronous Data Link Control Standard Depot Level Maintenance Successive Detection Log Video Amplifier Satellite Data Link System Software Development Methodology Stammdienststelle der Marine [DE, Bw/Marine] System Definition Manual Spaced Division Multiple Access Software Defined Network Secure Data Network System Standards Development Organization Six Degree Of Freedom Safety Data Package Signal Data Processor Signal-Detektions-Prozess Software Development Phase/Plan Strategic Development Project Surveillance Data Processing SDP and Distribution SDPD System Service Difficulty Report Signal Data Recorder Signal-to-Distortion Ratio Software Defined Radio [Funkkommunikation] Software Design Review Spectral Dynamic Range Strategic Defence Review [UK] System Definition Review System Design Responsibility System Design Review System Development Requirements (Systementwicklungsforderungen) Synchronous Dynamic RAM Supplier Data Requirements List Satellite Data System Short Data Service Software Development System Space Defense System Strategic Defense System Switched Data Service System Design Specification Symmetric Digital Suscriber Line Swimmer Detection Sonar Network Strategic Defense and Security Review Saudi Development and Testing Ship Detection and Tracking Soldat [DE, Bw] Steered Directional Transmission Systems Design Team Systems Development Team Standard Definition Television Satellite Data Unit Sensor Display Unit System Design Utility 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SDV  SDV  SDVE  SDVT  SDW  SDWS  S/E  SE  SE  Se  SE  SE  SE  SE  SE  SE  SE  SE  SE  SE  SE  SE  S/E-A  S/E-A  SEA  SEA  SEA  SEA  SEA  SEAD  SEAL  SEAL  SEAM  SEAMOS  SEAT  SEAT  SEATO  SEB  SEB  sec, s  SEC, Sec  SEC  SEC, Sec  Sec  SEC, Sec  SEC, Sec  SEC  SEC  SEC  SEC  SECAF  SECAM  SECARMY

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Serial Digital Video Simulator Development Software Development and Validation Environment System Design and Verification Tool [EADS] Signal-Detections-Wahrscheinlichkeit Submarine Defensive Warfare System Single Engined Security Security Enhanced Selenium [chem. Symbol] Single-Ended Shielded Enclosure Shielding Effectiveness Signal Excess Simulation Engine South-East Strategy Element Support Equipment Sweden, Schweden Synthetic Environment Systems Engineer Systems Engineering Sende/Empfangs-Anlage Sende/Empfangs-Antennen Sensor Exploitation Assessment Single Engine Assymetry Software Engineering Architecture South-East Asia [ICAO] Stromerzeugungsaggregat [DE] Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (Niederhaltung der gegnerischen Flugabwehr) Sea/Air/Land Sensors and Electromagnetic Applications Laboratory Sidewinder Expanded-Acquisition Missile/Mode See-Aufklärungs-Mittel and Ortungs-System [DE, Bw] Site Equipment Acceptance Test Status Evaluation And Test South-East Asia Treaty Organization [auch: Seato] Source Evaluation Board Systems Electronic Box Second Secondary Secondary Engine Control Secret Section Sector Security (Sicherheit) Software-Enabled Control Space and Electronic Combat Stromerzeugungscontainer [DE, Bw] Submarine Element Coordinator Secretary of the Air Force Safety, Efficiency and Capacity in ATM Methodologies Secretary of the Army

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 SECDEF  SecDef  Secn  SECNAV  SECO  Secom  Secom  Secom  SECRA  Secos  Secos  Sect  SECT  SECT  Secty  SED  SED  SED  SED  SEE  SEE  SEE  SEE  SEE  SEF  SEG  SEG  SE&I  SEI  SEI  SEI  SEI  SEK  SEKM  Sel  Selcal  SELDS  SELF  Selmon  SEloKa  SELRD  SELREL  SEM  SEM  SEM  SEMA  SEMA  SEMMS  SEMP  SEMP  SENS  SEO  SEOS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Secretary of Defense Secretary of State for Defense [US] Section Secretary of the Navy Second Engine Cutoff Secure Communications [Bw, Heer] Secure Enroute Communications Security Committee Secondary Radar Secure Communications System Secure ECCM Communications System Sector Simulatot for Electronic-Combat Training Submarine Emergency Communications Transmitter [Buoy] Security Safe Escape Distance Secondary EICAS Display Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display Systems Engineering Documentation Society, Environment and Economics Society of Environmental Engineers [UK] Software Engineering Environment Supplemental Electromagnetic Emissions System Engineering and Evaluation Stability Enhancement Function Structure Expert Group Systems Engineering Group System Engineering & Integration Software Engineering Institute [US DoD, Carnegie Mellon SEI] Specific Emitter Identification Standby Engine Indicator Systems Engineering and Integration Spezialeinsatzkommando[DE] Spezialisierte Einsatzkräfte der Marine [DE, Bw] Select, selector (Wählen; Drehknopf) Selective Calling system (Selektivrufsystem) Shielded Enclosure Leak Detection System Super Extremely Low Frequencies [30 bis 300 Hz] Selective Momitoring System Elektronische Kampfführung [DE] Switchable Eye-safe Laser Rangefinder and target Designator Selective Release Service Engineering Modifications Space Environment Monitoring Standard Electronic Module Special Electronic Mission Aircraft [USAF] Smart Electro-Mechanical Actuator Solar Electric Multi-Mission Spacecraft Switching EMP Systems Engineering Management Plan Sensor; Sensitivity (Sensor; Empfindlichkeit) Schutz von Einrichtungen und Objekten Sigint Electronic Warfare Operating System 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SEOSS  SEP  SEP  Sep  Sep  SEP  SEP  SEP  SEP  SEP  SEP  SEPDS  SEPP  SEPS  SEPS  Seq  Ser  SERC  SERE  SERNO  SERP  SES  SES  SES  SES  SES  SESAR  SESIM  SESIS  SESS  SET  SET  SET  SETA  SETAF  SETAC  SEU  SEU  SEV  Sev  SEV  SEVAS  SEVOCOM  SEVOX  SEW  SEW  SEW  SEWC  SEWG  SEWIP  SEWS  SEWS  SEWT

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Stabilized Electro-Optical Sight System (stabilisiertes elektro-optisches Sichtsystem) Safety and Emergency Procedures Secondary Electric Power Separation [of aircraft] September Single Engine Piston Solar Energetic Particle Specific Excess Power Spherical Error Probable State Energy Program Systems Engineering Plan Secondary Electric Power Distribution System Stress Evaluation Prediction Program Shortstop Electronic Protection System [USA] Solar Electric Propulsion System Sequence Service, served, servicing Science and Engineering Research Council [UK] Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape Serial Number System Earth Reference Point Single European Sky Smart Escape System Société Européenne des Satellites [ASTRA, Luxenburg] Space Environment Simulator Supplementary Equipment and Services Single European Sky ATM Research [Programm der EU] SES Implementation by the Military Single European Sky Implementation Support Space Environment Sensor Suite Science, Engineering and Technology Sondereinsatztrupp [DE] Systems Engineering Team System Engineering and Technical Assistance Southern European Task Force Sector Tacan Single Event Upset Software Engineering Unit Schweizer Elektrotechnischer Verein [CH] Severe Synthetic Enhanced Vision Secure Voice Access System Secure Voice Communications Secure Voice Shipboard Electronic Warfare Space and Electronic Warfare Surface Electronic Warfare Space and Electronic Warfare Commander Security Working Group Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program Satellite Early Warning System Shared Early Warning System Simulator for Electronic Warfare Training

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 S-F  SF  SF  SF  SF  SF  SF  SF  SF  SF  SF  SFA  SFA  SFA  SFAR  SFAT  SFB  SFBC  SFC  SFC  SFC  Sfc  SFCS  SFD  SFD  SFDF  SFDR  SFDRS  SFE  SFE  SFE  SFF  SFF  SFG  SFG  SFH  SFI  SFK  SFL  SFL  SFLA  SFM  SFN  SFO  SFOR  SFPA  SFPL  SFPL  SFR  SFR  SFRA  SFSG  SFSK 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Store and Forward Finland Scaling Factor Signal Frequency Single Frequency Slot Frequency Special Forces Sprachfrequenz [DE] Super Frame Supply Facilities (Versorgungseinrichtungen) Surveillance Function Security Fault Analysis Single Frequency Approach Space Force Application Special Federal Aviation Regulation Strategic Forces Advisory Team Schiedstelle Für Beienflussungsfragen [DE] Space Frequency Block Coding Sensor Fusion/Correlation Smart Fuel Cell [Brennstoffzellen AG] Specific Fuel Consumption Surface [ICAO] (Oberfläche: Erdboden, Wasser) Secondary Flight Control System Satellitenfunkdienst [DE] Subsystem Fault Detection Subsystem Fault Detection Function Spurious Free Dynamic Range Smart Flight Data Recorder System Seller Furnished Equipment Space Force Enhancement Supplier Furnished Equipment Small Form Factor Systemfähigkeitsforderung [DE, Bw] Special Forces Group Stabndby Flight Group Super Frame Header Synthetic Flight Instructor Sprechfunk der Küstenschifffahrt Sequenced Flashing Lights Supplementary Flight Level Assigned SFL Sensor Fused Munitions Single Frequency Network San Francisco International Airport Stabilization Forces [NATO-Stabilisierungstruppe für Bosnien-Herzegovina] Staring Focal Plane Array Short Flight Plan System Flight Plan Processing Statement of Functional Requirement System Functional Review System Functional Requirements Analysis Special Forces Support Group Sinusoidal Frequency Shift Keying 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SFT  SFT  SFTL  SFTP  SFTS  SFW  SFWT  SG  SG  SG  SG  SG  SG  SG  SG  SG  SG  SGA  SGA  SGA  SGC  Sgd  SGDF  SGDPS  SGEMP  SGF  Sgl  SGLS  SGLV  SGK  SGLS  SGML  SGN  SGP  SGS  SGS-85  SGT  Sgt  SGTS  SGU  SGU  S/H  SH  SH  SH  SHA  SHA  SHA  SHAAFT  SHACC  Shandap  SHAPE  SHAPE

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Short Functional Test Software Fault Tolerance Strategic Future Targets List Secure File Transfer Protocol Synthetic Flight Training System (synthetisches Flugtrainingssystem) Sensor Fused Weapon [F-16 Fighting Falcon] (Waffe mit Sensorzünder) Strike Fighter Weapons and Tactics Safety Group Schiffe, Schiffsgeräte und Unterwasserwaffen [DE, BWB] Schlachtgeschwader [DE, Bw] Signal Generator Signal Ground Snow Grains Soldatengesetz [DE] Specific Gravity Steuergruppe [DE, Bw] Symbol Generator Satellitengestützte Aufklärung [DE, Bw] Silicon Gate Array Spezielle Grundausbildung [DE] Swept Gain Control Singned Super-Group Distribution Frame Second Generation Data Processing System System Generated EMP Second Generation Flir Signal Space-Ground Link System Second Generation Launch Vehicle Satellitengestützte Kommunikation [DE] Space Ground Link System Standard Generalized Markup Language [Informatik] Satellitengestützte Navigation [DE] Smart Graphics Display Surface Guidance System Soviet Geodetic System 1985 Satellite Ground Terminal Sergeant Second Generation Tank Sight Signal Generation Unit Symbol Generator Unit Sample and Hold Schulungshubschrauber [DE] Support Helicopter Surveillance Helicopter Safety Hazard Analysis Spiral-Helix-Antennen [DE] System Hazard Analysis Supersonic/Hypersonic Attack Aircraft Shape Air Space Coordination Centre Shannon Data Processing system Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe [NATO] Solutions for Human Automation Partnerships in European ATM

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 SHB  SHC  SHEL  SHF  SHF  SHIELDS  SHM  SHM  SHMAC  Shorads  Shoran  SHP  Shp  SHPL  SHR  SHR  SHR  SHS  SHWR  SI  SI  SI  Si  SI  SI  SI  SI  SI  SI  SI  SI  SI  SI  SI  SI  SI  SI  SI  SIA  SIA  SIAM  SIAM  SIAP  SIAP  SIAP  SiARS  SIAS  SIB  SIB  SIB  SIC  SiC  SIC 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

System Host Board Supreme High Command Software, Hardware, Environment, Liveware Super High Frequencies [3 bis 30 GHz] (Zentimeterwellen, Mikrowellen) Support Helicopter Forces Ship’s High-power Electronic Defense System [Raytheon Co.] Safe Hold Mode Structural Health Monitoring Standoff Hypersonic Missile with Attack Capabilities Short Range Air Defense System (Luftverteidigungssystem kurzer Reichweite) Short Range Navigation (Navigation kurzer Reichweite) Shaft Horse Power [auch: shp] Shipboard Super High Power Laser Safety, Health and Environment Shear [Wetterlage] Super-Heterodyne Receiver Schulungshubschrauber [z.B. EC135 bei den Heeresfliegern der Bw] [DE] Shower [Wetterlage] Sagnac-Interferometer Sector Indicator Selective Interrogation Silicon [Silicium bzw Silizium, chem. Symbol] Signal Integrity Slovenia Smiths Industries [jetzt Smiths Aerospace, UK] Software Item Source Index Spark-Ignition Special Intelligence Specific Impulse Standby Instruments Supporting Interrogator Supplementary Information Surveillance Identifier Synthetic Instrument Système International d’Unites [FR] (Internationales Einheitensystem) Systems Integration Signal Iidentification Authority Singapore International Airlines [Airline] Submarine Intercept of Air Missile Systemintegrierte Ausbildungsmittel [DE, Bw/Heer] Single Integrated Air Picture [EW] Standard Instrument Approach Procedure Systems Integration and Assurance Phase [UK] Silicon-based Attitude Reference System Submarine Integrated Antenna System Service Information Bulletin System Integration Bench System Isolation Breaker Second In Command Silicon Carbide bzw Siliciumcarbid [chem. Verbindung] Source Identification Code 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SIC  SIC  SIC  SIC  SICAS  SICASP  SICBM  SICPS  SID  SID  SID  SID  SID  SID  SID  SIDAC  SIDEARM  SIDM  SID/SRTAR  SIE  SiE  SIE  SIE  SIEWS  SIF  SIF  SIF  SIFR  SIFV  Sig  Sig  Sig  SigAufkl  SIGCEN  SiGe  SIGINT  Sigma  Sigmet  Sigsec  SIGWX  SinN  SIIRCM  SIL  SIL  SIL  SIL  Silo  SiLuRa  SIM  SIM  SIM  Sim  SIM

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Standard Industrial Classification Standards Information Center Subject Indicator Code System Identification Code SSR Improvements and Collision Avoidance Systems Secondary Surveillance Radar Improvements and Collision Avoidance System Panel [ICAO] Small Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles Standardized Integrated Command Post Systems [USA] Situation Information Display Sensor Image Display Silicon Imaging Device Standard Instrument Departure route [ICAO] (Standard Instrumentenabflug) Station Identifier Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance (plötzliche ionosphärische Störung) System Integration Demonstration Silicon Diode Array Camera tube Sidewinder Anti-Radiation Missile (Sidewinderflugkörper gegen Strahlungsquellen) Système Intermediare de Drone MALE [Fr] Standard Instrument Departure / Standard Arrival Route Satellite Imaging Experiment Soldat im Einsatz [DE, Bw] Space Intellinge Element Standard Interface Equipment Shipborne Integrated Electronic Warfare System Selective Identification Feature [military ATC] (selektive Unterscheidungsmerkmale) Standard Interchange Format System Integration Facility Special Intelligence Functional Requirement Sensor Instantaneous Field of View Signal [DE] Signature [ICAO, NATO] Significant (gefährliche Wetterlage, ICAO] Signalaufklärung [DE] (Signals Intelligence) Signal Center [USA] Silicon Germanium (Silizium-Germanium) [chem. Verbindung] Signals Intelligence [auch: Sigint] (Signalaufklärung) System for Intercepting, Goniometry, Monitoring and Analysis [DE, Bw; EADS] Significant Meteorological en-route information Signal Security (Signalsicherheit) Significant Weather (signifikante Wettererscheinungen) Systeme in Nutzung [DE] Suite of Integrated Infrared Countermeasures [USA] Safety Integrity Level Service Information Letter Single In-Line Systems Integration Laboratory Signal Location Sicherheit im Luftraum [DE, Bw, NLFZ] Security Incident Management Sensor Interface Module Serial Interface Module Simulator, Simulation [DE, NATO] Space Interferometry Mission

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 SIM  SIM  SIMCard  SIMAN  SiMCoS  SIMEX  SIMFAR  SIMM  SIMNET  SIMO  SIMONE  Simop  Simp  Simul  Simul  sin  SINA  Sinad  Sincgars  SINET  SINR  SINS  SINS  SIO  SiO2  SIOM  SIOP  SIP  SIP  SIP  SIP  SIP  SiP  SIP  SIPE  SIPRI  SIPRNET  SIR  SIR  SIR  SIR  SIR  SIR  SIRA  SIRA  SIRCS  SIRFC  SIRST  SIRST  SIRU  SIS  SIS  SIS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

System Impact Message Systems Integration Management Subscriber Identity Module Card Simulation Management Signals Management and Control System Simulation and Experiment Simulation Frequency Agile Radar Single In-line Memory Module [Computers] Simulation Network Single Input Multiple Output Ship Infrared Monitoring, Observing and Navigation Equipment [DE, Bw/Marine] Simultaneous Operation Space Intelligence Master Plan Simulation Simultaneous, simultaneously Sinus Sichere Inter-Netzwerk-Architektur [DE] Signal plus Noise And Distortion to noise plus distortion ratio Single-Channel Ground-to-Air Radio System Strategic Intelligence Network Signal-to-Interference plus Noise Ratio Ship’s Inertial Navigation System Submarine Inertial Navigation System Serial Input/Output Silicon Dioxide bzw Siliciumdioxid [chem. Verbindung] Standard Input/Output Module Single Integrated Operational Plan Security Investment Progamme [NATO] Single In-line Package Signal Identification Processor/Processing State Implementation Plan Stepped-Impedance Resonator System-in-Package System Improvement Program Strategic Intelligence Processing Element Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Secret Internet Protocol Router Network Search and Interrogation Radar Signal-to-Interference Ratio [Radar] Spectrum Interferance Resolution Surface Insulation Resistance System Integrated Receiver Systems Integration Review Sensor IR/Acoustic Simulationssystem für Rahmenübungen [DE, Bw/Heer] Shipboard Intermediate Range Combat System Suite of Integrated RF Countermeasures [USAF, USN] Shipboard IR Search and Track Surveillance IR Search and Track Space Inertial Reference Unit Secret Intelligence Service Selective Identification Transponder Signal In Space 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SIS  SIS  SIS  SISCM  Siso  SIT  SIT  SIT  SIT  SIT  SIT  SITA  SiTA  SITA  SITAP  SITEL  SITMAP  SITP  SITR  SITREP  SITS  SITS  SIU  SIU  SIU  SIU  SIU  SIU  SIU  SIU  SIW  SIW  S/J  SJ  SJAC  SJR  SJU  SK  SK  SK  SKA  SKB  SKC  SKE  SKED  SKEP  SKF  Skp  SKUKdo  SKULS  SKWS  SKYNET  S/L

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Software Interface Specification Solar Imaging Suite Special Information System Suite of Integrated Sensors and Countermeasures [Kampfhubschrauber] Single Input - Single Output Selective Identification Transponder Silicon Intensified Target Software/Subsystem/System Integration and Test Static Induction Transmitter System Integration Team System Integration and Test Selected Image Target Area Simulationsgestützte Taktikausbildung [DE, Bw] Société Internationale de Télécommunique Aéronautiques [Genf] Simulator for Transportation, Analysis and Planning Système d’Information Terminal Elementaire [FR] Situation Map Software Integration Test Plan Systems Integration Test Report Situation Report Secondary Imagery Transmission System Subsystem Integration and Test Station Satellite Interface Unit Sensor Interface Unit Satellite Interface Unit Secure Interface Unit Sensor Interface Unit Server Interface Unit Signal Interface Unit System Interface Unit Strategic Intelligence Wing Substrate Integrated Waveguide Signal-to-Jamming Ratio Support Jamming Sociaty of Japanese Aerospace Companies Signal-to-Jamming Ratio SESAR Joint Undertaking Slovakia Stabilisierungskräfte [DE, Bw] Streitkräfte [DE, Bw] (Military Forces) Streitkräfteamt [DE, Bw] Streitkräftebasis [DE, Bw] Sky Clear Station-Keeping Equipment Schedule, scheduled (Plan, geplant) Super Kinetic Energy Penetrator Superkritischer Flügel [Aerodynamik] [DE] Skip Streitkräfteunterstützungskommando [DE, Bw] Seeker-Killer-Utility Laser Soft-Kill Weapon System [UK Military Satcom System] Sub-Level

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26. Juni 2013


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 SL  SL  SL  SL  SL  SL  SL  SL  SL  SLA  SLA  SLAF  SLAM  SLAM  SLAM-ER  SLAMMR  SLAM-R  SLAMRAAM  SLAP  SLAR  SLAR  SLB  SLB  SLBM  SLBM  SLC  SLC  SLC  SLC  SLC  SLC  SLC  SLCM  SLCS  SLCSAT  SLD  SLE  SLEP  SLEWS  SLF  SLF  SLGR  SLH  SLI  SLI  SLIP  SLIR  SLL  SLM  SLMM  SLOC  SLoC  SLOR 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Sea Level Sensitivity Level Service Letter Service Level Sicherungslinie [DE] Side Lobe Source Level Squadron Leader Surface Launch [IRIS-T SL] Service Level Agreement Super Lightweight Ablator Sri Lankan Air Force Stand-off Land Attack Missile [USN] (Land-Angriffsflugkörper großer Reichweite) Submarine Launched Air Defense Missile (U-Boot-gestarteter Luftverteidigungs-Flugkörper) Stand-off Land Attack Missile - Extended Range/Response Side-Looking Airborne Modulated Multi-mission Radar Small, Lightweight Airborne MTI Radar Surface Launched Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile [USA] Slot Allocation Procedures (Zeitschlitz-Zuweisungsverfahren) Side Looking Airborne Radar (luftg. Seitensichtradar) Sideways Looking Aperture Radar Side Lobe Blanking (Seitenkeulenausschaltung) Single Landing Bataillon Sea Launched Ballistic Missile Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (U-Boot-gestarteter ballistischer Flugkörper) Side Lobe Cancellation (Nebenkeulen-Unterdrückung) Side Lobe Clutter Single Layer Capacitor Source Lines of Code Submarine Laser Communications (U-Boot-Laser-Kommunikation) Synchronous Link Control System Life Cycle Sea/Submarine Launched Cruise Missile (U-Boot-gestarteter Marschflugkörper) Software Lifecycle Support Submarine Laser Communications Satellite Super Luminescent Diode Start- und Lande-Eigenschaften [DE] Service Life Extension Program (Lebensdauerverlängerungsprogramm) Shipboard Lightweight EW System Shuttle Landing Facility [KSC] Super Low Frequency Small Lightweight GPS Receiver System Level Health (Zustand auf Systemebene) Space Launch Initiative System Level Interface (Interfaces auf Systemebene) Serial Line Internet Protocol Sideways Looking Infrared (luftg. Seitensicht-Infrarotsensor) Side Lobe Level (Nebenzipfelhöhe) Standard Length Message [Mode S] Submarine Launched Mobile Mine Sea-Lines of Communication Source Lines of Code Swept Local Oscillator Receiver 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SLP  SLP  SLQ  SLR  SLR  SLR  SLRG  SLRR  SLS  SLS  SLS  SLS  SLS  SLS  SLS  SLSAR  SLT  SLT  SLT  SLU  SLU  SLUC  SLV  SLV  SLV  SLV  SLV  SLV  Slw  SLWÜA  S&M  sm  SM  SM  SM  SM  SM  SM  SM  SM  SM  SM  SMA  SMA  SMA  SMA  SMA  SMA  SMA  SMA  SMA  SMAC  Smart

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Sea-Level Pressure Speed Limiting Point Codierte Bez. von seegestützten, speziellen EloGM-Systemen [US] Satellite Laser Ranging Sidelobe Ratio Side Looking Radar (Seitensichtradar) Small Light Weight Receiver - GPS (kleiner, leichter GPS-Empfänger) Side Looking Reconnaissance Radar (seitwärts blickendes Aufklärungsradar) Satellite Landing System (satellitengestütztes Landesystem) Sea-Level Static/Standard Side-Lobe Suppression (Nebenkeulen-Unterdrückung) Side Looking Sonar (Seiten-Sicht-Sonar) Spacelab Simulator Surface Launched Standard System Level Specification Side Looking Synthetic Aperture Radar (Seitensichtradar mit synthetischer Strahlöffnung) Scheduled Landing Time Schwerlasttransporter [DE] Slot allocation Stabilized Laser Unit (stabilisierte Lasereinheit) Surface Launched Unit (oberflächen-gestartete Einheit) System Level Use Case Satellite/Space Launched Vehicle (Satelliten-/Raum-gestützt gestartete Fahrzeuge) Scanning Laser Vibrometer (scannender Laser-Vibrationsmesser) Service Level Verifier Small Launch Vehicle Space Launch Vehicle Sync Lock Valve Slow, slowly (langsam) Signalerfassende, luftgestützte, weiträumige Überwachung und Aufklärung [DE, Bw] Surveillance and Maintenance Seemeile (Nautical Miles) [Zahlenwert 1852 m] [DE] Safety Management Safety Manager Servicing Manual Smart Munitions (intelligente Munition) Smoke (Rauch) Special Materials Standard / Strategic Missile (Standard/Strategische Flugkörper) Statute Mile System Monitor Systems Management Safety and Mission Assurance Search Mode Acquisition Security Manager Agent Shape Memory Alloy Scheduled Maintenance Action Space and Military Avionics Spectrum Management Agency Sub-Miniature-Adapter Surface Movement Advisor (Geländebewegungsberater) Scene Matching Area Correlator Secure Mobile Anti-jam Reliable Terminal

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26. Juni 2013


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 Smart  Smart  Smart  Smart  SMArt  SMATSA  SMAW  SMAW  SMB  SMC  SMC  SMC  SMC  SMC  SMC  SMC  SMC  SMC  SMC  SMC  SMCM  SmCo  SMCS  SMCS  SMD  SMD  SMD  SMD  SMD  SMD  SMD  SMDC  SMDE  SME  SME  SMEs  SMEX  SMDU  SME  SME  SME  SMES  SMFD  SMG  SMGCS  SMI  SMI  SMI  SMIIG  Smin  SMIP  Smk  Sml 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Signal Multibeam Acquisition Radar for Targeting [NL] Simulated Mission and Rehearsal Training Smart Munition Advanced Rocket Standard Modular Avionics Repair and Test Suchzünder Munition für die Artillerie [DE] Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency Safe Minimum Altitude Warning Shoulder-based Multipurpose Assault Weapon Sub-Miniature-B Satellite Management Center Security Management Center Space and Missile-systems Center [USAF] Standard Mean Chord Station Monitoring and Control Sub-Miniature-C Surface Movement Control (Bodenbewegungskontrolle) System Maintenance Console Systems Management and Communication Systems Management Concept Systems Monitoring and Control Surface Mine Counter Measures Samarium-Cobalt [chem. Verbindung] Submarine Command System System Management Control System Sea-based Midcourse Defense [USN] Special Material Decoys Storage Module Device Stores Management Display Strategic Missile Defense Surface Mounted Device System Maintenance Diagnostics Space and Missile Defense Command [US Army] Software Maintenance and Development Environment Subject Major Expert System Management Entity Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Small Explorer [NASA Program] Strapdown Magnetic Detector Unit Special Mission Equipment Subject Matter Expert Superconducting Microelectronics Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Smart Multifunction co*ckpit Display Safety Manager Surface Movement Guidance and Control System Special Message Identifier Standard Message Identifier System Management Infrastruktur Security Mission Information & Innovation Group Minimum Detectable Signal Power Secure Mobile Internet Protocol Smoke Small 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SML  SMM  SMMC  SMMW  SMP  SMP  SMP  SMP  SMP  SMP  SMR  SMR  SMR  SMRS  SMRS  SMS  SMS  SMS  SMS  SMS  SMS  SMS  SMS  SMS  SMS  SMS  SMT  SMT  SMT  SMT  SMT  SMT  SMTC  SMTD  SMTH  SMTI  SMTP  SMTP  SMTS  SMU  SMU  SMU  SMU  SMV  SMV  SMW  SMX  Sn  SN, S/N, SNR  SN  SN  SN  SN

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Support Material List Safety Management Manual System Maintenance Monitoring Console Sub Millimeter Wave SESAR Safety Management Plan Soldier Modernization Programme Stores Management Processor Symmetrical Multiprocessor System Master Plan Systems Management Processor Simulator Maintainability and Reliability Specialized Mobile Radio Surface Movement Radar [ICAO] (Bodenbewegungsradar) Special Mission Radio System Stores Management and Release System Safety Management System Short Message Service [Mobilfunkservice] (Kurzmeldedienst) Shuttle Mission Simulator Signal Measurement System Space Mission Simulator Spectrum Monitoring System Status Monitoring System Stores Management System Strategic Missile Squadron [USAF] Structural Monitoring System System Management Software Semicondictor Material Technology Servo Mount Standard Message Text Station Management Surface Mount Technology System Maintenance Task Space and Missile Testing Center [USAF, Vandenberg] Submarine Torpedo Defense Smooth Selective Moving Target Indicator Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Standard Mail Transfer Protocol Space and Missile Tracking System Satellite Management Unit Sensor Management Unit Stores Management Unit Systems Management Unit Space Maneuvering Vehicles [US] System Marine Verkehrstechnik [DE] Strategic Missile Wing [USAF] Sub-Multiplexer Chem. Symbol für das Element Zinn [Stannum] (Tin) Signal-to-Noise Ratio (Signal/Rausch-Verhältnis) Smart Noise Snow (Schnee) [auch: SNO, SNW] Strategic Navigation Sub-Network

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26. Juni 2013


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 SN  SN  SNA  SNA  SNA  SNAC  SNAcP  SNAP  SNBw  SNC  SNC  SNCR  SNCR  SND  SNDCP  SNECMA  SNET  SNF  SNIAS  SNICF  SNIR  SNIU  SNJR  SNL  SNLE  SNMG  SNMP  SNOE  SNPDU  SNR, S/N  Snrs  SNS  SNS  SNSDU  Snsr  Snst  SNTK  SNVS  SO  SO  SO  SO  SO  SO  SOA  SOA  SOA  SOA  SOA  SOAA  SOAC  SOAD  SOAP 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Super Network System Notam Satellite Navigation Application Steerable Null Antenna Systems Network Architecture (Systemnetzwerkarchitektur) Sub-Network Access Sub-Network Access Protocol Significance of National Air Power Schule für Nachrichtenwesen der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Standard Navigation Computer Strategic Nuclear Command Signal-to-Noise+Clutter Ratio Subnetwork Connection Reference Secondaray Navigation Display Subnetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol Société Nationale d’Etudes et de Construction de Moteurs d’Aviation [FR] Safety Nets System Noise Figure Société Nationale Industrielle Aérospatiale Subnetwork Independent Convergence Function Signal-to-Noise+Interference Ratio Secure Network Interface Unit Signal-to-Noise+Jamming Ratio Sandia National Laboratory Sub-Network Link Establishment Standing NATO Marine Group Simple Network Management Protocol Smart Noise Operation Equipment Subnetwork Protocol Data Unit Signal-to-Noise Ratio Sunrise Secure Network Server Standby Navigation System Sub-Network Service Data Unit Sensor Sunset Special Need To Know Stabilized Night Vision System Small Outline Spacial Orientration Special Operations Special Order Specialist Objectives Standards Office [Eurocontrol] Safe Operating Area Service Oriented Architecture Special Operations Aviation State Of the Art System-On-Chip Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Array Special Operations Aviation Command Standoff Outside Area Defense Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SOB  SOC  SOC  SOC  SOC  SoC  SOC  SOC  SOCC  SOCC  SOCJ  SOCOM  SoD  SOD  SOD  SOE  SOE  SOE  SOF  SOF  SOF  SOF  SOFAR  SOFC  SOFDAS  SOFDMA  SOFLAM  SOFTD  SOFIA  SOFIA  SOFT  SOG  SOH  SOH  SOI  SOI  SOI  SOIC  SOIT  SOJ  SOJS  SOM  SOM  SOM  SOM  SOM  SOMS  SON  SON  Sonar  Sonet  SOO  SOOD

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Special Order of Battle Satellite Operations Center Sector Operations Center Special Operations Command Start Of Climb System-on-a-Chip System Operation Centre System Operational Concept Satellite Operations Control Center Special Operations Component Command [NATO] Stand-Off Communications Jammer Special Operations Command [US] Secretary of Defense [US DoD] Silicon On Diamond Small Outline Diode Schedule Of Experience Software Engineer Süd-Ost Europa [DE] Safety Of Flight Special Operations Forces Stand-alone Operations Facility Start Of Frame Sound Fixing And Ranging Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell Special Operating Forces Defensive Avionics System Scalable OFDMA Special Operating Forces Laser Marker Special Operating Forces Towed Decoy Safety Automatic Flight Back and Automatic Landing Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy System Operation Validation Test Special Operations Group Satellite Operations Handbook Start Of Header Silicon-On-Insulator [Halbleiter] (Silizium auf Isolator) Space Object Identification System Operator Instructions Space Operational Intelligence Center Satellite Operational Implementation Team Stand-Off Jammer/Jamming (Abstandsstörer) Stand-Off Jammer System Software Operator Manual Stand-Off Missile (Abstandsflugkörper) Start Of Message System Of Maintenance System Operator Manual (Systembetriebshandbuch) Shuttle Orbiter Medical System Self Organizing Networks Statement of Operational Need Sound Navigation And Ranging [EW] (Schallnavigation und Entfernungsmessung) Synchronous Optical Network Statement Of Objectives Safety Oversight Overview Document

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26. Juni 2013


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 SOP  SOP  SOP  SoP  SOPA  SOR  SOR  SOR  SOR  SoR  SoRD  SoRDS  SORDS  Soro  SORT  SOS  SOS  SOS  SOS  SOS  SOS  SOSA  SOSCOE  SOSE  Sosus  Sostar  SOT  SOT  SOTA  SOTA  Sotas  SOTD  SOTD  SOV  SOV  SOW  SOW  SOW  SOx  S/P  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Small Outline Package Standard Operating Practice/Procedures (Standardbetriebsverfahren) Subsystem Operating Program System on Package Standard Operating Procedures Amplified Set-On Receiver Specific Operational Requirement [USAF] Start Of Record State Of Readiness Statement of Requirements Statement of Requirements Document Software Radio Development System Stand-Off Radiation Detection System [Nukleardetektor] Scan On Receive Only [Radar] (Nur-Empfangsabtastung) Strategic Offensive Reduction Treaty Save Our Ship/Souls Silicon-On-Sapphire [MOS] Silicon-On-Silicon Special Operations Squadron [USAF] Stabilized Optical Sight System-Of-Systems System-Of-Systems Analysis System-Of-Systems Common Operating Environment System-Of-Systems Engineering Sound Ocean Surveillance System Stand-Off Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar [DE, FR, IT, NL] (Abstandsüberwachungs- und Zielerfassungsradar) Start Of Transmission Stator Outlet Temperature South Oceanic Transition Area State-Of-The-Art Stand-Off Target Acquisition System [US Army] (Abstandszielerfassungssystem) Stabilized Optical Tracking Device Standoff Outside Theater Defense Shut-Off Valve Space Operations Vehicle Special Operations Wing Stand-Off Weapon (Abstandswaffen) Statement Of Work Sulphur Oxide [chem. Verbindungen] Serial/Paralel Satellite Photo Self-Propelled [Artillerie] Service Pack Service Provider Signal Processing/Processor Single Phase Single Pilot Software Protocol Solar Powered Space Spain Spanish Singleseater

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SP  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP  SPA  SPA  SPA  SpA  SPA  SPA  SPA  SPA  SPAAM  SPACC  SPADATS  SPADOC  SPAF  SpAnt  SPARS  SPARS  SPAS  SPAS  SPASUR  SPATE  SPAWAR  SPC  SPC  SPCA  SPCR  SPD  SPD  SPD  SPDA  SPDT  SPE  SPE  SPE  SPEAR  SPEC  Spectra  SPECTRE  SPES  SPETE  SPEWS  SpezOp  SPF  SPFIB  SPG

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Special Point Special Publication Special Purpose Speed Stabilized Platform Stack Pointer Standard Precision System Panel System Parameter Series Production Aircraft Signal Processing Antennas (signalverarbeitende Antennen) Signal Processor Assembly Societa per Azioni [Co., IT] Solar Powered Aircraft Special Purpose Aircraft Special Operations Aircraft Sport Aviation Self-Protection Air-to-Air Missile Space Command Center Space Detection And Tracking System Space Defense Operations Center Strategic Performance Analysis and Forecast Spiralantennen [auch: SA, DE] Space Precision Attitude Reference System System for Prediction of Acoustic Response of Sensors Safety Performance Analysis System Sensor Performance Analysis Standard Space Surveillance Special Purpose Automatic Test Equipment Space & Naval Warfare Systems Command Specific Fuel Consumption Statistical Process Control Single-Phase Commercial Approach System Problem Change Report Spectral Power Distribution (Spektrale Leistungsverteilung) Speed (Geschwindigkeit) Surface Position Display Secondary Power Distribution Assembly Single Pole Double Throw Seeker Pointing Error Solid Polymer Electrolyte Spherical Probable Error System Performance Evaluation Analysis and Reporting Specification (Spezifikation) [auch: Spec] Système de Protection et d’Evitement des Conduits de Tit du Rafale [FR] Special Purpose Elint Collection Tactical Receiving [System; M/A-COM] Single Pan-European Sky Special Test Equipment Self-Protection Electronic Warfare System Spezielle Operationen [DE, Bw] Strategic Performance Framework Specific Preflight Information Bulletin Strategic Planning Guidance

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 SPH  SPI  SPI  SPI  SPI  SPI  SPI  SPIA  SPICE  SPICE  SPICE  SPIE  SPIF  SPILS  SPI IR  SPIN  SPIRALE  SPJ  SPKR  SPL  Spl  SPL  SPL  SPL  spm  SPM  SPM  SPM  SPN  SPO  SPO  SPOT  SPOT  SPP  SPP  SPP  SPR  SPR  SPR  SPR  SPRA  SprFu  SPRITE  SPS, sps  SPS  SPS  SPS  SPS  SPS  SPS  SPS  SPS  SPS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Self-Propelled Howitzer Security Patrol Instrumentation Serial Peripheral Interface Single Process Initiative Surface Position Indicator Surveillance Performance and Interoperability Special Pulse-position Identification [Spezieller Identitätsimpuls beim SSR] Standardisierte Planungs- und Informationsausstattung [Bw] Semiconductor Parameter In Circuit Emulator Space Integrated Control Experiment Stans Preparation Integrator for CNS/ATM Environment [Eurocontrol] Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers [US] Shuttle Payload Integration Facility Spin Prevention And Incidence Limiting System Surveillance Performance and Interoperability Implementing Rule Safety-nets Performance Improvement Network Système Preparatoire Infra-Rouge pour l’Alert [FR] Self-Protection Jammer/Jamming Speeker (Sprecher) Sound Pressure Level Special Standard Parts List (Standard-Ersatzteile-Liste) Supplementary Flight Plan (ergänzender Flugplan) System Flight Plan shots per minute (Schüsse pro Minute) Stabilizer Position Modules Support Plan Manager Surface Position Monitor Standard Precision Navigation Strategic Psychological Operations System Program Office Système Probatooire d’Observation de la Terre Systems Performance and Operations Test Space Protection Program Standard Parallel Port [Computers] Sun Pointing Platform Safety and Performance Requirements Seconds Per Revolution Secure Packet Radio Software Problem Report Special-Purpose Reconnaissance Aircraft Sprechfunker [DE] Signal Processing In The Element Samples Per Second Satellite Protection System [US SPS] Secondary Power System Seconds Per Scan Self-Protection Subsystem/System/Suite Sensor Processing Subsystem Shipboard Protection System Signal Processing System/Subsystem Software Product Specification Solar Powered Satellite 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SPS  Sps  SPS  SPS  SPS  SPS  SPS  SPST  SPT  Spt  Sptd  Sptg  SPTW  SPU  SPU  SPU  Spur  SPV  SPW  Spw  SPXO  SPY  SPz  SQ  SQ  SQ  SQ, sq  SQ, Sql  sq cm  sq ft  sq in  sq m  SQ  SQA  SQA  SQA/CM  SQAL  SQAP  SQD  Sqd  Sqdn  SQE  SQM  SQM  SQL  Sqn  SQNR  SQOC  SQP  SQU  SQUID  SQS  SQUID

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Solar Power System Space Standard Positioning Service [GPS] Standard Procurement System Standby Power System Stratospheric Platform System System Performance Simulator Single Pole Single Throw Separation Performance Tool Support Supported Supporting Support Wing [USAF] Signal Processing Unit Subsystem Power Unit Surge Protection Unit Spurious Supacat Protected Vehicle [UK Supacat] Self-Protection Weapon Spannweite [DE] Simple Packeged Crystal Oscillators Codierte Bez. von seegestützten Radaranlagen zur Raumüberwachung and FK-Leitung [USN] Schützenpanzer [DE, Bw] Service Quality Software Quality Squadron Square Squelch square centimeter square feet square inch square meter Strahlungs-Quelle [Funkpeilung, DE] Service Quality Agreement Software Quality Assurance Software Quality Assurance/Configuration Management Squall (Gewitter, Sturm) Software Quality Assurance Plan Service Quality Data Squad Squadron Software Quality Engineer Software Quality Management Surveillance Quality Monitoring Structured Query Language Squadron (Bataillon, Staffel, Geschwader) Signal-to-Quantization-Noise Ratio Squadron Operations Center [NATO] Signal Quality Parameter Squelch [VCS] Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Safety, Quality management and Standardisation Superconducting Quantum Interference Device

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 S/R  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR(A)  SR, sr  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR  SR-71  SRA  SRA  SRA  SRA  Sraam  Sradd  Sram  Sram  SRAP  SRARM  SRB  SRB  SRB  SRBOC  SRBM  SRC  SRC  SRC  SRC  SRC  SRC  SRCC  SRD  SRD 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Send and Receive Safety Review Scan Rate (Abtastgeschwindigkeit, Abtastrate) [EW/Radar] Search Radar Search Rate [EW/Radar] (Suchgeschwindigkeit, Suchrate) Service Report Service Request Shaft Rate Short Range Single Rotation Slovac Republic Software Radio Software Review Space Radar Special Reconnaissance Special Regulations Staff Requirement (Air) Einheitenzeichen für Steradiant [DE] Status Report Strategic Reconnaissance Study Report Suchradar [DE] Sunrise (Sonnenaufgang) Super Resolution Support Requirement Surveillance Radar Swissair [Airline] System Requirements Strategisches Aufklärungsflugzeug der USAF von Lockheed Shop Replaceable Assembly Strategic Research Agenda [ACARE] Surveillance Radar Approach (Rundsichtradaranflug) Surveillance and Reconnaissance Aircraft [CAA] Short Range Air-to-Air Missile (Luft/Luft-Lenkflugkörper kurzer Reichweite) SW Requirements And Design Description Static RAM Short Range Attack Missile (Luft/Boden-Flugkörper kurzer Reichweite) Sensor Receiver And Processor Short Range Anti-Radiation Missile (Anti-Radar-Flugkörper kurzer Reichweite) Safety Review Board Software Review Board Solid Rocket Booster Super Rapid Blooming Offboard Chaff Short Range Ballistic Missile (ballistischer Flugkörper kurzer Reichweite) Safety Regulation Commission Secondary Radar Code Strategic Reconnaissance Center Surveillance Radar Computer (Computer des Überwachungsradars) Syracuse Research Corporation Systems and Research Center Standard Radar Control Console Software Requirements Document (Dokument der Software-Forderungen) Standard Radar Departure 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SRD  SRD  SRD  SRDS  SRE  SRE  SREJ  SREM  SREM  SREMP  SRF  SRFW  SRG  SRG  SRH  SRI  SRI  SRI  SRI  SRIS  SRJ  SRLSM  SRM  SRM  SRM  SRM  SRM  SRN  SRO  SRO  SRO  SROM  SRP  SRP  SRQ  SRR  SRR  SRR  SRR  SRR  SRR  SRR  SRS  SRS  SRS  SRS  SRS  SRS  SRS  SRS  SRS  SRS  SRS

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Step Recovery Diode System Research and Development (Systemforschung und Entwicklung) System Requirements Document (Dokument der System-Forderungen) Systems Research and Development Service [FAA] (Systemforschungs- und Entwicklungsdienst) Slant Range Error Surveillance Radar Equipment (Rundsichtradargerät) Selective Reject Software Requirements Engineering Methodology Surveillance Radar Equipment Medium-range (Mittelbereichsrundsichtradargerät) Source Region EMP Spectral Response Function Schweizerische Rettungsflugwacht [CH] Safety Regulation Group Short Range Surveillance and Reconnaissance Helicopter Shop Replaceable Item Stanford Research Institute Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Intelligence System Replay and Investigation Surface Range Imaging System Supersonic Ramjet Short Range Land-to-Sea Missile Science Reference Model Selective Reject Mode Short Range Missile (Kurzstreckenrakete) Solid Rocket Motor Speach-Recognition Module (Spracherkennungsmodul) Short-Range Navigation (Kurzstreckennavigation) Sensitive Reconnaissance Operations Surface Radio Navigation System Readiness Objectives Serial Read Only Memory Selected Reference Point System Review Plan Slot Request Satellite Recognition Receiver Search and Rescue Region (Such- und Rettungsgebiet) Security Requirements Review Software Requirements Review Special Reconnaissance Regiment Specific Regulatory Requirement System Requirements Review Shipboard Reference System Short Range Sonar Software Reconfigurable Systems Software Requirements Specification Sonobuoy Reference System Speech Recognition System Speed Reference System Standard Routing Scheme Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron [USAF] Survival Radio Set System Requirements Specification

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 SRT  SRT  SRT  SRT  SRT  SRTM  SRU  SRU  SRUAV  Srv  SRV, S/N  Srv  SRVL  SRW  SRW  Sry  SRZ  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS  SS2  SSA  SSA  SSA  SSA  SSA  SSA  SSA  SSA  SSA  SSA  SSA  SSA  SSA(A)  SSA  SSAA  SSAE 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Satellite Receiver-Transmitter Single Radar Tracker Standard Remote Terminal System Readiness Tests System Review Team Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Safety Regulation Unit Shop Replaceable Unit Short-Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Server Signal/Rausch-Verhältnis Surveillance Ship-borne Rolling Vertical Landing Soldier Radio Waveform Strategic Reconnaissance Wing [strategisches Aufklärungsgeschwader der USAF] Secondary Special Rules Zone Sandstorm [ICAO] Schutzstaffel [DE] Sector Scan/Search Sector Supervisor Ship Submarine Solid-State (Halbleiter) Space Segment Spanish Singleseater [Eurofighter] Spiral Scan Spread Spectrum (Signalspreizung) Stack Segment Strategic Satellite Subsystem Sunset (Sonnenuntergang) Surface Search Surface-to-Surface (Boden/Boden) Swept Spot noise jamming Systems Simulation System Status Space Ship Two Safe Sector Altitude Samsung Aerospace Schlepplseilantennen [DE] Serial Storage Architecture Sigint Support Activity Smart Skin Antennas Software Support Activities Solid State Amplifier (Halbleiterverstärker) Source Selection Activity Space Situational Awareness Special Security Agreement Static-Stability Augmentation Super-Sonic Adversary (Aircraft) System Safety Assessment (Systemsicherheitsabschätzung) Systems Security Authorization Agreement Society of Senior Aerospace Engineers [US] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SSAP  SSAT  SSB  SSB  SSB  SSB  SSB  SSB  SSBD  SSBJ  SSBN  SSBR  SSC  SSC  SSC  SSC  SSC  SSCG  SSCS  SSCVFDR  SSCVR  SSD  SSD  SSD  SSD  SSD  SSD  SSDA  SSDC  SSDS  SSDS  SSE  SSE  SSE  SSE  SSE  SSEC  SSESM  SSEW  SSF  SSFDR  SSFI  SSG  SSGN  SSGS  SSGW  SSH  SSI  SSI  SSI  SSI  SSI

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Strategic Safety Action Plan Sub-Sonic Aerial Target Sektor-Scan-Breite [DE] Single Side-Band [Nachrichtentechnik] (Einseitenband) Small Smart Bombs (intelligente Bomblets) Split Systems Breaker [B747-400] Sub-System Bus Super-Sonic Bomber (Überschallbomber) Shaped Sonic Boom Demonstration [NASA] Super Sonic Business Jet Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine Scalable Agile Beam Radar Side-Stick Controller Single Seat co*ckpit (einsitziges co*ckpit) Single Sky Committee Space Surveillance Center Spread Spectrum Communications Spread-Spectrum Clock Generation Surface Ship Command System Solid-State co*ckpit Voice and Flight Data Recorder (Halbleiter co*ckpit-Gesprächs- und Flugdaten-Aufzeichnungsgerät) Solid-State co*ckpit Voice Recorder (Halbleiter co*ckpit-Gesprächsaufzeichnungsgerät) Sensor Systems Division Ship Self-Defense Solid-State Disc Solid State Drive Systems and Simulation Division [USAF] Synthetic Situational Display Synchronous Serial Data Interface [serielle Schnittstelle] Space & Strategic Defense Command [USA] Ship Self-Defense System (schiffsgestütztes Selbstschutzsystem) Surface Ship Defense System Schönhofer Sales and Engineering GmbH [DE, Siegburg] Software Support Environment (Softwareunterstützungsumgebung) South-Southeast (Süd-Südosten) Sum of Squered Errors System Safety Engineering Static Source Error Correction Small Ship Electronic Support Measures Surface Ship Electronic Warfare Software Support Facility Solid-State Flight Data Recorder (Halbleiter Flugdatenrekorder) Spread Spectrum Fibre Interface Synthesized Signal Generator Nuclear Guided Missile Submarine Spacecraft Support Ground System Surface-to-Surface Guided Weapon (Boden/Boden-Lenkwaffe) Systems Safety Handbook Safety, Security, and Intelligence Sector Scan Indicator Sensitive Security Information Sensor System Interface Small Scale Integration

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 SSI  SSI  SSID  SSIES  SSIP  SSJ  SSK  SSL  SSL  SSM  SSM  SSM  SSM  SSM  SSM  SSM  SSM  SSMA  SSMA  SSMA  SSMDR  SSME  SSMOB  SSN  SSN  SSN  SSO  SSO  SSO  SSO  SSOP  SSOP  SSP  SSP  SSP  SSP  SSP  SSP  SSPA  SSPA  SSPAR  SSPC  SSR  SSR  SSR  SSR  SSR  SSR  SSRD  SSRO  SSRP  SSRP  SSS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Structural Significant Item Synchronous Serial Interface Solid-State Ice Detector Special Sensor for Ions, Electrons and Scintillations Sensor System Improvement Program Self-Screening Jammer/Jamming Single Shot Kill Single Station Locator Solid-State Lighting Sea-Skimming Missile Sign Status Matrix Single Sideband (Einseitenband) Special Sensor Microwave Spread Spectrum Modulation Surface-to-Surface Missile System Schematics Manual System Surveillance and Maintenance Small Sub Miniature Adapter Space Schuttle Main Engine Spread Spectrum Multiple Access Solid State Mission Data Recorder Spread Spectrum Modulation Equipment Surface-to-Surface Missile Order of Battle Nuclear-powered Attack Submarine Space Surveillance Network Station Serial Number Simultaneous Switching Output Spread Spectrum Oscillator Special Security Officer Sun Synchronous Orbit Shrink Small Outline Package Steady-State Operating Power Sensor Select Panel Single Source Processor Sound Speed Profile Source Selection Panel Space Solar Power System Signal Processor Solid-State Phased Array Solid-State Power Amplifier Solid-State Phased Array Radar Solid-State Power Controller Secondary Surveillance Radar [ICAO/FAA] (Sekundäres Überwachungsradar) Sektorsuchradar [DE] Software Specification Review Solid-State Recorder Solid-State Relay Strategic Surveillance and Reconnaissance Solid State Recording Device Sector Scan Receive Only Solid-State Receiver Protection Stratosphärische Sensor und Relaisplattform [DE, Bw] Selbstschutzsystem [DE] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SSS  SSS  SSS  SSS  SSS  SSS  SSSC  SSSS  SSST  SSSV  SST  SST  SST  SST  SST  SST  SST  SSTDS  SSTDU  SSTI  SSTO  SSTS  SSTT  SSTV  SSU  SSU  SSU  SSUPS  SSV  SSVT  SSW  SSW  SSZ  S&T  S&T  S&T  S-TADIL J  ST  ST, S/T  ST  ST  ST  ST  ST  ST  ST  ST, st  ST  ST  ST  ST  ST  ST

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Simulation and Support System Small Scientific Satellite Source Select Switch Space Surveillance System [USN] Strategic Satellite System System Subsystem Specification Single-Sideband Suppressed Carrier Silent Sound Spread Spectrum Supersonic Sea-Skimming Target Solid State Stored Voice Sea Surface Temperature Sensoren- und Steuerungs-Technologie Solid-State Transmitter (Halbleitersender) Space Surveillance Telescope Spread Spectrum Techniques (Bandspreizverfahren) Super-Sonic Transport (Überschalltransport) Systems, Sensors and Technology Surface Ship Torpedo Defense System Side Stick Transducer and Damper Units Small Spacecraft Technology Initiative Single-Stage-To-Orbit Space-based Surveillance and Tracking System (raumges. Überwachungs- und Trackingsystem) Small Satellites Thermal Technologies Slow Scan Television Semiconductor Storage Unit Subsequent Signal Unit Supply and Safety Unit Solid-State Uninterruptible Power System Schiffssicherheitsverordnung [DE] Satcom Secure Voice Terminal South-Southwest (Süd-Südwest) Swept Square Wave jamming [EW] Systemsteuerungszentrale [DE, Bw] Simulation and Training Science and Technology Scientific and Technical Satellite TADIL J Scenario Time Short Term Simulation Technology Space-Time Space Transport Spanish Twinseater [Eurofighter] Special Tooling Standard Time Star Tracker Static Thrust Strategic Task Strategic Transport [Air] Stratus [Wolkentyp] Statistics Surface Terminal Synchro Transmitter

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 Sta  STA  STA  STA  STA  STA  STA  Stab  StabKr  Stabo  STACOM  STADD  STALD  STAG  Stag  StAL  Stalo  STALOC  STaMA  Stamo  STAN  STANAG  STANO  STANS  STANS  STAP  STAR  STAR  STAR  STAR  STAR  STAR  STAR  STAR  STAR  STAR  STAR  STAR  Star  STAR  STAR  STAR  STARC  STARS  STARS  STARS  STARS  START  STAS  STASS  STAT  Stat  STATS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Station Scheduled Time of Arrival (planmässige Ankunftszeit) Straight in Approach Structural Test Article Surveillance and Target Acquisition (Überwachung und Zielerfassung) System Test Access System Threat Assessment Stabilizer Stabilisierungskräfte [DE, Bw] Startbahnbombe [MBB, jetzt EADS] [DE] Standard Airborne Computer Ship-towed Acoustic Deception Device Standoff Tactical Air Launched Decoy Smart Tactical Autonomous Guidance Special Task Air Group Stabsabteilungsleiter [DE] Stabilized Local Oscillator [Radar] Self-Tracking Automatic Lock-On Circuit Standard Tanker Mission Avionics [A310 MRT] Stabilized Master Oscillator Stärke- und Ausrüstungsnachweisung [DE, Bw] Standardization Agreement [NATO] Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Night Observation Simulation facility of a Total Air Navigation System Space Target Analysis and Networking System Space-Time Adaptive Processing [Radar] Second Time Around Returns [Radar] Self Test And Repair Signal Threat Analysis and Recording Simulation Trainer for ATC and Radar Simultaneous Transmit And Receive Stability Analysis for Reentry Standard Arrival Route Standard Terminal Arrival Routes Studies, Tests and Applied Research Surface-To-Air Recovery/Retrieval Surveillance and Threat Alert Radar Standard Terminal Arrival Route (Standard-Anflugstrecke) Starboard (Rechts) [Nautik] Strategic Arms Reduction Strategic and Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance (oder: Recovery) System Threat Assessment Report State Area Command Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System Status Tracking And Reporting System Surveillance and Tracking Attack Radar System Surveillance, Target Aquisition Reporting System Strategic Arms Reduction Talks/Treaty Submarine Towed Array Sonar Submarine Towed Array Surveillance System Second-Time-Around Targets Statistics Strategic Target Analysis and Tracking System 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 STB  STBC  Stbl  STBLI  STBY  STC  STC  STC  STC  STC  STC  STC  STC  STC  STC  STC  STCA  STCA  STCD  STCM  STCW  STD  STD  STD  STD  STD  STD, std  STD  STD  STD  STD  Stdby  STDMA  STDN  STDN  Stdy  ST&E  STE  STE  STE, ST&E  STE  STE  STEL  STEM  STEMS  STEP  STEP  STEPCLB  STES  STEW  STEW  STF  STF

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Systems Test Bed Space Time Block Coding Stable Shock Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction Stand-By [auch: stby] (in Betriebsbereitschaft) Self-Test Capability (Selbsttestfähigkeit) Sensitivity Time Control [Radar] SHAPE Technical Centre [NATO] Short Time Constant [EW/EloKa] Simulation Technical Coordinator Simulation and Test Control Space Time Coding Standard Type Certificate [FAA] Steering Committee Strike Command [RAF] Supplemental Type Certificate [FAA] Short Term Collision Avoidance Short Term Conflict Alert Short Term Conflict Detection Stabilizer Trim Control Module [B777 FCS] Short Term Conflict Warning Scheduled Time of Departure (planmässige Abflugzeit) Sigint Technical Data Software Technical Designer Software Test Description Software Transfer Document Standard Synthetic Training Device System Technical Description (technische Systembeschreibung) Systems Technology Description Systems Technology Demonstration Standby [Instruments] Synchronized Time Division Multiple Access Secure Tactical Data Network Space Flight Tracking and Data Network Steady Security Test and Evaluation Secure Telephone Equipment Secure Terminal Equipment Security Test and Evaluation Synthetic Training Equipment System Test Equipment Stanford Telecommunications Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Standard Emitter Simulator [EloKa-Simulator] Space Test Experiment Platform Standardized Technical Entry Point Step Climb Special Test Equipment Subsystem Surface Threat Electronic Warfare Surface Trainer Electronic Warfare Selection Task Force Self-Test Facility

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 STF  STF  STF  STF  STF  STF  Stff  STFS  STFS  STFT  STFTV  STG  STI  STIC  ST-ICD  STIG  STINT  STIR  STIRS  STIU  Stk  STM  STM  Stm  STM  STM  Stn  STN  STN  STO  STO  STO  StO  STODA  STOL  STOPS  STORM  STOVL  STOW  STP  STP  STP  STP  STP  STP  STP  STP  STPCR  STR  STR  STR  STR  Str 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Space-Time-Frequency Special Trials Fit Storage and Transportation Frame Streitkräftegemeinsame Taktische Feuerunterstützung [DE, Bw] Surveillance Task Force Systems Test Facility Staffel [DE, Bw] Standard Time and Frequency Signal Standard Time and Frequency Service Short Time Fourier Transform Surveillance Task Force on Transponder Verification Eurocontrol Standards Group Superconductor Technology Inc. Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center Short Term - Interface Control Document Space Technology Interdependence Group Science and Technology Intelligence Surveillance and Target Illumination Radar Strapdown Inertial Reference System Satellite Telecommunications Intermediate Unit Strike Serial Transition Mode Short Term Memory Storm (Sturm) Supersonic Tactical Missile Synchron Transfer Mode Station Supertwist Nematic [Displays] System-Technik Nord (Atlas Elektronik) Science and Technology Objectives Short Take-Off (Start mit kurzer Rollstrecke, Kurzstart) Special Technical Operations Standort [DE, Bw] Supplementary Take-Off Distance Short Take-Off and Landing (Kurzstart und Kurzlandung) [kurze Rollstrecke] Stand-off Optical System Senior Technical Operational Representatives Meeting Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing (Kurzstart und Senkrechtlandung) Synthetic Theater of War Sensor Track Processor Shielded Twisted Pair Signal Transfer Point Software Test Plan Space Test Program Specialist Technical Panel [EU, EDA] Standard Temperature and Pressure System Test Plan Stub-Tuned Planar-Coupled Resonator Satellite Transmitter/Receiver Software Test Report Sonar Transceiver Space-Time Reference Strength 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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 STR  STR  STR  Strat  Stratcom  Strato  STRICOM  STS  STS  Sts  STS  STS  STSS  STT  STT  STT  STTE  STTI  STTR  STU  STU  STU  STUAS  STV  STVS  STW  STW  STW  STWC  STWL  STWY  STX  STY  SU  SU  Su  Su-22  Su-22M3  Su-22M4  Su-24  Su-24MK  Su-24MR  Su-25BK  Su-27SKM  Su-30MK  Su-32  Su-33  Su-34  Su-35  Su-37  Su-80

Synchronous Transmitter Receiver System Test Report System Trouble Report Strategic Strategic Command Stratosphäre [DE] Simulation, Training and Instrumentation Command Space Transportation System Stable Time Subfield Status Support and Test Station System Test Set Space Tracking and Surveillance System [Raumfahrt] Satellite Transportable Terminals Single Target Tracking [Eurofighter] Small Tactical Terminal Special-to-Type Test Equipment (gerätebezogene Prüfgeräte) Single Target Track Ident [Eurofighter] Small Business Technology Transfer Program Satellite Terminal Unit Secure Telephone Unit Sensitivity Test Unit Small Tactical Unmanned Air Systems Satellite Transfer Vehicle Small Tower Voice Switch Strahltriebwerk [DE] Straßentankwagen [DE] Strike Warfare Strike Warfare Commander Stopway Lights Stopway (Stoppbahn) Start of Text Standby Single User Signal Unit

 SUA

Special Use Airspace

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Sukhoi Aviation Holding Co. [GUS, Luftfahrtunternehmen] Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Abfangjäger] von Suchoi Aviation Holding Co. Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Jagdbomber] von Suchoi Aviation Holding Co. Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Jagdbomber] von Suchoi Aviation Holding Co. Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Bomber] von Suchoi Aviation Holding Co. Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Bomber] von NAPO Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Aufklärer] von Suchoi Aviation Holding Co. Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Erdkämpfer] von Suchoi Aviation Holding Co. Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Abfangjäger] von Suchoi Aviation Holding Co. Militärischer Mehrzweckkampf-Flugzeugtyp von Suchoi Aviation Holding Co. Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Bomber] von NAPO Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Abfangjäger] von Suchoi Aviation Holding Co. Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Jagdbomber] von NAPO/Suchoi Aviation Holding Co. Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Abfangjäger] von Suchoi Aviation Holding Co. Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Forschung] von Suchoi Aviation Holding Co. Passagier Flugzeugtyp von Suchoi Aviation Holding Co.

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 SUAS  SUATMS  SUAV  SUAV  Sub  SUBJ  Subs  SUBSAM  SUBTASS  SubTech  SUC  Sucap  SUCT  SUD  SUDP  SUGV  SUM  SUM  Sun  Sup  Sup  Sup  Sup  SUP/APP  Superhet  SUP/MIL  SUPPS  Sur  SURFIA  SURT  SURT  SURTASS  SurSat  SUS  SUSOPS  SusTel  SuT  SuT  SUT  SuTBw  SUTT  SUU  SUU  SUVI  SUVOS  SUVT  SUW  SUZ  SV  SV  SV  SV  SV 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Small Unmanned Air System Single Unified ATM System Small Unmanned Air Vehicle Strategic Unmanned Air Vehicle Submarine Subject to Sub-Surface Sub-Surface-to-Air Missile Submarine Towed Array Sonar System Submarine Technology Start-Up Controller Surface Combat Air Patrol Surveillance analysis and Calibration Tools System Under Describtion Surveillance Data Processing Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle Software User Manual Surface-to-Underwater Missile Sunday Supervisor Supplement Supply Suppressed Supervisor Approach Super-Heterodyne receiver (Überlagerungsempfänger) Supervisor Military Supplementary Procedures Surveillance Surface Indications and Alerts Screen Update Response Time Surveillance Team Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Surveillance Satellite Sound Under Water Signal Sustained Operations Suspension of Telecommunications Simulations- und Testumgebung [DE, Bw] Soldat und Technik bzw Strategie und Technik [Zeitschrift] [DE] System Under Test Simulations- und Testumgebung Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Small Unit Tactical Training Suspended Underwing Unit (Tragflächen-Lastträger) Suspension Utility Unit Solar Ultraviolet Imager Semiconductor Ultraviolet Optical Source System Upgrade Verification Test Surface Warfare Systemunterstützungszentrum [Eurofighter/Manching, NH90/Ottobrunn, DE] Secure Voice Signalverarbeitung (signal processing) [DE] Signalverstärkung (signal amplification) [DE] Slovenia Space Vehicle (Raumfahrzeug) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SV  SV  SV  SVA  SVA  SVA  SVA  Svc  SVC  SVC  Svcbl  SVCS  SVDU  SVF  SVFR  SVFuA  SVGA  SVK  SVL  SVN  SVN  SVN  SVN  Svo  Svp  SVP  SV-PFD  SVR  Svrl  SVRR  SVS  SVS  SVT  SVT  SVT  SVT  SVTT  SVU  SVVP  SVWT  Svy  SW  SW  SW, S/W  SW  SW  SW  SW  SW  SW  SWA  SWAARM  SWAM

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Support Vehicle Synthetic Vision System View Signalverarbeitende Antennen [DE] Small Vertical Aperture Stromversorgungsanlage [DE] Synthetic Vision Application Service message (Dienstmeldung) Stromverteilungscontainer [DE, Bw] Switched Virtual Circuit Serviceable (benutzbar) Secure Voice Communication System Smart Video Distribution Unit Schweizerische Vereinigung für Flugwissenschaften [CH] Special VFR Streitkräftegemeinsame, Verbundfähige Funkgeräteausstattung [DE, Bw] Superior Video Graphics Array Slovakia, Slowakien Secure Voice Link Satellite Vehicles Number Secure Virtual Network Slovenia, Slowenien Space Vehicles Number Servo Supervisor Surge Voltage Protection Synthetic Vision - Primary Flight Display Slant Visual Range Several Service Readiness Review Sprachvermittlungssystem [DE] Synthetic Vision System Servo Throttle Synthetic Vision Technology System Validation Test System Verification Test Surface Vessel Torpedo Tube Satellite Voice Unit Software Verification and Validation Plan Schweizerische Vereinigung für Weltraumtechnik [CH] Survey Shallow Water [Minenlegung, Minendetektion] (Flachgewässer) Short Waves (Kurzwellen) Software Southwest Surface Waves (Bodenwellen) Surface Wind (Bodenwind) Strategic Wing [USAF] Sweden, Schweden Switch South-West Asia Smart Weapon Anti-Armour [UK] Surface Wave Absorbent Material

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 SWAN  SWAP  SWAP  SWATH  SWBD  SWC  SWC  SWC  SWC  SWC  SWC  SWCDR  SWCL  SWCI  SWE  SWE  SWF  SWG  SWG  SWG  Swift  SWIFT  SWIFT  SWIM  SWIM  SWIR  SWIS  SWIT  SWITL  SWL  SWM  SWM  SWM  SWP  SWP  SWPÄ  SWPC  SWPDR  SWORD  SWQR  SWR  SWR  SWRR  SWRD  SWTRR  SWS  SWS  SWS  SWS  SWSC  SWSL  SWTL  SWU 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Satellite Wide Area Network Severe Weather Avoidance Procedure Size, Weight And Power Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull Shwitchboard Scan With Compensation Significant Weather Chart (signifikante Wetterkarte) Special Weapons Center [USAF] Solar Wind Composition Space Warfare Center [USAF] Surge Withstand Capacity Software Critical Design Review Short-Wavelength Chemical Laser Software Configuration Item Software Engineering Sweden Slow-Wave Factor Safety Working Group Simulation Working Group Sftware Working Group Software Integration Facility Lab Specifications for Working positions in Future ATC System for Wireless Information Forwarding and Telecommunication Solar Wind Interplanetary Measurements System-Wide Information Management [USAF] Short-Wavelength Infrared Satellite Weather Information System Software Integration and Test Software In-The-Loop Strategic Weapon Launcher Swept Wave Modulation Switching Matrix System Wide information Management Software Simulation Package Support Working Position Softwarepflege und -änderung Space Weather Prediction Center Software Preliminary Design Review System for all Weather Observation by Radar on Drone Software Qualification Review Standing Wave Ratio Surface Wave Radar (Bodenwellenradar) Software Requirements Review Software Requirements Document (Software-Forderungs-Dokument) Software Test Readiness Review Sniper Weapons System Software Service Soft Wet Surface Standard Warning System (Standardwarnsystem) Space and Warning System Center [USAF] Supplemental Weather Service Location Surface Wave Transmission Line (Bodenwellentransmissionsleitung) Software Unit 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 SWU  SWx  SWY  Sx  SXGA  SXI  SY  SYCA  SYCO  SYCO  Sygong  Sym  SYMA  SymAnt  SYNBA  Sync  Syncom  SYRACUSE  SYS, Sys  SysCI  SYSCO  SYSCOM  SYSCON  SysDD  SYSEVAL  SysFla  SysGen  SysOp  SZ  SZH

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Switching Unit (Schalteinheit) Space Weather Stopway (Stopfläche) [ICAO] Simplex (einfach) Superior Extended Graphics Aarray [1280x1024 Pixel] Solar X-ray Imager Syrian Arab Republic System Capacity (Systemkapazität) Symbiotic Communications System Configuration (Systemkonfiguration) System Go - No Go Symmetrical System Manager (Systemmanager) Symmetrische Antennen [DE] Synthetische Beanspruchungs- und Arbeitsanalyse Synchronous, Synchronizing Synchronous Communications [Satcom] System de Radiocommunication Utilisant un Satellite System Systems Configuration Item System Support Coordination Systems Command Systems Control Systems Design Document System Evaluation System Flugabwehr [DE, Bw] Systems Generation Systems Operator Surface Zone Schweizerische Zentrale für Handelsförderung [CH]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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Seite 506 von 579

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

T  T  T  T  T  t  t  T  T  T  T  T  T  T  T  T

Formelzeichen für die absolute Temperatur Einheitenzeichen für die magnetische Flussdichte Tesla Kurzzeichen für Tango [ICAO-Alphabet] Kurzzeichen für das Präfix Tera [Zahlenwert 1012] Formelzeichen für Time (Zeit) Tonne [veraltetes Einheitenzeichen für 1 Tonne bzw 1000 kg] Kurzzeichen für für Tactical Kurzzeichen für Technical Kurzzeichen für Technology Kurzzeichen für Terminal Kurzzeichen für Thrust (Schub, Vorstoß) [Flugzeugtriebwerk] Kurzzeichen für Trainer [Aircraft] Kurzzeichen für Transmitter, transmitting Kurzzeichen für Transponder [Flugsicherung] Kurzzeichen für Transportflugzeuge [in US]

 T2  T-2  T-2  T-6A  T-38C  T-50 AJT  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  TA  Ta  Ta  Ta  TA-50  TAA  TAA

Total Time (Gesamtzeit) Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Trainer] von Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Trainer] von Rockwell Collins Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Trainer] von Raytheon Militärischer Flugzeugtyp [Trainer] von Northrop Grumman Militärischer Fortgeschrittenen-Trainer von Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. Ambient Temperature (Umgebungstemperatur) Target Acquisition (Zielerfassung) Task Analysis Technical Administration Technical Assessment Technical Authority Technische Aufklärung [DE, BND] Technischer Ausschuss [DE] Terrain Avoidance (Gelände-Vermeidung) Terrain Awareness (Geländebewußtsein) Test Area Time Scale Towed Array (geschlepptes Array) Track Analysis Traffic Advisory [ACAS, TCAS] Training Academy Transition Altitude (Übergangshöhe) Transmitter Address True Altitude (wahre Höhe) Actual Temperature (aktuelle Temperatur) Antennenrauschtemperatur [Radar] Tantalum [chem. Symbol] Leichter Jagdbomber von Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. [auch: T/A-50] Technically Advanced Aircraft Technical Assistance Agreement


26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 TAA  TAA  TAA  TAA  TAAATS  TAAF  TAAM  TAAS  TAB  TAB  Tac  TAC  TAC  TAC  TAC  TAC  TAC  TAC  TAC  TAC  TAC  TACAIR  TACAMO  Tacan  Tacar  TACC  Tacco  TACDB  TACDS  TACELIS  TACES  TACEVAL  Tach, Tacho  TACINTEL  TACIU  TACJAM  TACLAN  TACMS  TACNAV  TACO  TACO  TACOM  TACOM  TACOT  TACP/FAC  TacR  TACRON  Tacs  TACS  Tacsatcom  Tacsim  Tactas  Tactass

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Terminal Arrival Area Track Accuracy Analysis Transport Association of America Technical Advanced Aircraft The Australian Advanced Air Traffic System Test, Analyse And Fix Total Airspace ans Airport Modeller Terminal Advance Automation System Technical Application Bulletins Technical Assistance Bureau Tactical (taktisch) Tactical Air Command [jetzt ACC der USAF] Tactical Air Control Tactical Communications Taiwan Aerospace Corporation Technical Assistance Contractor Terminal Area Chart Test Access Control Threat Adaptive Countermeasures Thrust Asymmerty Compensation True Airspeed Computer Tactical Aircraft Take Charge And Move Out [USN; E-6B Mercury] Tactical Air Navigation Time Average Coherent Airborne Radar Tactical Air Control Centre Tactical Coordinator Tactical Database Threat Adaptive Countermeasures Dispensing System Tactical Emitter Location and Identification System Tactical Airborne Communications Exploitation System Tactical Evaluation [NATO] Tachometer [DE] Tactical Intelligence Test Access Control Interface Unit Tactical Jammer Tactical Local Area Network Tactical Missile System [US Army] Tactical Navigation/Navigator Tactical Communications Tactical Coordinator Tactical-Area Communication Tank-automotive and Armaments Command Tactical Operational Tool Tactical Air Control Party/Forward Air Controller [Bw, Heer] Tactical Reconnaissance Tactical Air Control Squadron Tactical Air Control System [NATO] Total Access Communications System [UK, Mobilfunksystem] Tactical Satellite Communications [US DoD] Tactical Simulation Tactical Towed Array Sonar Tactical Towed Acoustic-Sensor System

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 TACTS  TAD  TAD  TAD  TAD  TAD  TAD  TAD  TAD  TAD  TAD  TADARS  TADCS  Tadec  TADIL  TADIL  TADIL  TADIRCM  TADIXS  TADL  TADMS  TADS  TADS  TADS  TADS  TADSS  TAE  TAEM  TAF  TaF  TAF  TAF  TAFT  TAG  TAG  TAG  TAG  TAG  TAGM  TAI  TAI  TAI  TAI  TAIC  Tail  TAIMS  TAINS  TAIS  TAIS  TAIS  TaK  Takt  TaktOp 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Tactical Aircrew Combat Training System Tactical Air Defense Tactical Air Direction Target Acquisition and Designation Technology Area Description Technology Availability Date Terrain Alerting/Awareness Display Test And Development Threat Adaptive Dispensing Time Available for Delivery [US DoD] Towed Aerial Decoy Target Acquisition, Designation And Reconnaissance System Tactical Airborne Digital Camera System Totaly Automatic Digital Engine Control [Triebwerk] Tactical-Aircraft Digital Information Link [NATO] Tactical Digital Information Link [NATO] Tactical Distribution List Tactical Aircraft Directable Infrared Countermeasures Tactical Data Information Exchange System Thales Air Defence Limited Tactical ASARS Data Manipulation System Tactical Air Defense Sight Target Acquisition and Designation Sight/System [Martin Marietta] Target Airborne Data System Triple Air Data System Tactical Automatic Digital Switching System Track Angle Error Terminal Area Energy Management Tactical Air Force (taktische Luftstreitkräfte) Taktische Forderungen (tactical requirements) [DE] Terminal Area Forecast [ICAO] (Flughafen-Wettervorhersage) Turkish Air Force [NATO] Test, Analyze, Fix and Test Tactical Airlift Group [USAF] Target-Adaptive Guidance Technical Advisory Group [USAF] Test Analysis Guide Transport Air Group [USMC] Tactical Agile Missile Tactical Air Integration Temps Atomique International (International Atomzeit) Thermal Anti-Icing Turkish Aerospace Industries Transport Accident Investigation Commission Tailwind Three-Axis Inertial Measurement System Tercom-Aided Inertial Navigation System Tactical Air Intelligence Systems Tactical Airspace Integration System Total Airport Management System Taktisches Konzept [DE, BWB] Taktik [DE, Bw] Taktisch-Operativ [DE, Bw] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 TALAR  TALC  TALC  TALCE  TALCM  TALD  TALD  TALON  TAM  TAM  TAMD  TAMMAC  TAMPS  TAN  TANS, Tans  TAOC  TAOS  TAOS  TAP  TAP  TAP  TAP  TAP  TAPA  TAPS  TAR  TAR  TAR  TAR  TAR  TAR  Tara  Tarad  Taran  Tarcap  TARD  Tare  Tarm  Tarmos  TARPS  TARS  TARS  TAS  TAS  TAS  TAS  TAS  TAS  TAS  TAS  TAS  TAS  TAS

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Tactical Landing Approach Radar Tactical Airborne Laser Communications Tactical Airlift Center [USAF] Tanker Airlift Control Element Tactical Air-Launched Cruise-Missile Tactical Airborne Laser Designator Tactical Air-Launched Decoy (taktischer luftgestarteter Täuschflugkörper) Tactical Acoustic Littoral Ocean Network Technical Aknowledgement Message [ICAO] Thermal Acquisition Monocular Theater Air and Missile Defense Tactical Airborne Moving Map Capability Tactical Aircraft Mission Planning System Tactical Area Network [Network] Tactical Air Navigation System Tactical Air Operations Centre [RAF] Technology for Autonomous Operational Survivability Technology for Autonomous Satellite Operations Tailored Arrival Procedure Technology Area Plan Terminal Approach Procedure Terminal Area Productivity Tower Automation Program Technical Asset Protection Association Towed Airborne Plume Simulator Target Acquisition Radar Terminal Approach Radar Terminal Area surveillance Radar [ICAO] (Platzrundsichtradar) Terrain Avoidance Radar (Radar zur Vermeidung von Geländeberührung) Threat Avoidance Receiver Trials ATN Router Technology Area Review and Assessment Tracking Asynchronous Radar Data Tactical Attack Radar And Navigation Target Combat Air Patrol Towed Active Radar Decoy Tactical Air Reconnaissance Equipment [USAF] Threat Activity Recognition and Monitoring Tactical Radio Monitoring System Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance Pod System [USN, WS F-14] Tactical Air Reconnaissance System Theater Airborne Reconnaissance System Target Acquisition System (Zielortungssystem) Targeting Avionics System (Zielzuweisungs-Avioniksystem) Tempest-Antennen-System [DE] Terminal Automation System Timeline Analysis System Towed Array Sonar Track And Search Traffic Advisory System Traffic Avoidance System True Air Speed (wahre Geschwindigkeit über Grund) Typhoon Availability Servivce [BAE SYSTEMS]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 TASDAC  TASE  TASI  TASM  TASM  TASMO  TASP  TASR  TASS  Tass  Tass  Tass  Tass  TAT  TAT  TAT  TAT  TATCA  TATS  TAU  TAU  TAU  TAU  TAU  TAÜ  TAUES  TAURUS  TAV  TAVT  TAW  TAW  TAW  TAW  TAWC  TAWDS  TAWS  TAWS  TAWS  TAWS  Tax  Tb  TB  TB  TB  TB  TB  TB  TB  TB  TB  TB  TBA  TBA 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Tactical Secure Data Communications Thrust Assessment Support Environment Time Assignment Speech Interpolation Tactical Air-to-Surface Missile Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile Tactical Air Support For Maritime Operations Track Acquisition and Support Protocol Terminal Airport Surveillance Radar (Flughafenbereichsradar) Tactical Automated Security System Tactical Security System Terminal-Area Surveillance System Towed Array Sonar System Towed Array Surveillance System Total Air Temperature (Temperatur der gestauten Luft) Trans-Atlantic Transmission system True Air Temperature (wahre Lufttemperatur) Turn Around Time Terminal ATC Automation [FAA] Tactical Aircraft Training System Tactical Access Unit Target Acquisition-and-tracking Unit Terminal Access Unit Threat Awareness Unit Torpedoabwehrsystem für U-Boote [DE] Torpedoabwehr für Überwasserschiffe [DE] Test- und Ausbildungsverbund für Einsatzsysteme der Marine [DE, Bw/Marine] Target Adaptive Unitary & dispenser Robotic Ubiquity System Transatmospheric Vehicle (transatmosphärisches Fahrzeug) Terminal Airspace Visualization Tool Tactical Airlift Wing Terrain-Awareness Warning Thrust-Augmented Wing Training Air Wing (Marineschul-Geschwader) Tactical Air Warfare Center [USAF] Target Acquisition and Weapon Delivery System Target Acquisition Weather Software Terrain Avoidance Warning System Terrain Avoidance and Warning System Terrain Awareness and Warning System Taxi, Taxying (rollen, rollend) Terabit [109 Bits] Terabyte [109 Bytes] Terminal Block Terrain Bounche Thermobatic [Weapon] Time Bandwidth Timebase (Zeitbasis) Torpedo Bomber True Bearing (rechtweisende Peilung) Turbulence [Wetterzustand] Turn/Bank To Be Advised To Be Announced 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 TBB  TBC  TBC  TBCC  TBD  TBD  TBD  TBD  TBGT  TBI  TbIG  TBJ  TBM  TBM  TBMD  TBN  TBO  TBR  TBR  TBR  TBS  TBS  TBS  TBS  TBS  TBS  TBS  TBT  TBW  TBWP  T&C  T/C  T/C  t/c  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC  TC(A)

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Transfer Bus Breaker Thermal Barrier Coating To Be Completed Turbine-Based Combined-Cycle To Be Defined To Be Decided To Be Determined To Be Developed Tactical Battle Group Trainer Turn/Bank Indicator Terbium Iron Garnet [chem. Verbindung] Terrain Bounche Jamming Tactical Ballistic Missiles Theater Ballistic Missiles Theater Ballistic Missile Defense To Be Notified Time Between Overhauls (Zeit zwischen den Hauptinspektionen) Technical Basis for Regulation [CTR] Tiefflugbereichsradar [DE, Bw] To Be Reviewed Telephone Back-up System Theater Broadcasting System Time Based Separation To Be Scheduled To Be Specified To Be Supplied Transport Block Size Turbine Blade Temperature (Turbinenschaufeltemperatur) Throttle By Wire Time-Bandwidth Product (Zeit-Bandbreiten-Produkt) Terms and Conditions Telemetry and Command Top of Climb Wing Thickness to Cord Ratio Tactical Controller Taxiway Centerline Team Coordinator Technical Committee Temperature Coefficient Thermocouple Time Constant Time Critical Top of Climb Transit Corridor Transition Concept Transport Canada Transport Connection Tropical Cyclone True Course (rechtweisender Kurs) Turbocharged Type Certification [USA] Typical Changes Transformational Communication (Architecture)

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 TCA  TCA  TCA  TCA  TCA  TCA  TCA  TCA  TCA  TCA  TCAC  TCAC  TCAD  TCAE  TCAPD  TCAR  TCAR  TCAS  TCAS  T2CAS  TCATS  TCB  TCB  TCBM  TCC  TCC  TCC  TCC  TCC  TCC  TCC  TCC  TCC  TCCA  TCCC  TCCCS  TCCF  TCD  TCD  TCDL  TCDL  TCDP  TCDS  TCC  TCEA  TCF  TCF  TCF  TCF  TCFEC  TCG  TCG  TCG 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Tactical Combat Aircraft (Taktisches Kampfflugzeug) Terminal Conflict Alert Terminal Control Area Throttle Control Assembly Track Continuity Area Traffic Collision Avoidance (Verkehrskollisionsvermeidung) Traffic Count Area Trainer Cargo Aircraft Transisional Communications Architecture Turbine Cooling Airflow Technical Control and Analysis Center [USMC] Tropical Cyclone Advisory Centre Traffic Collision Allerting Device Technical Control and Analysis Element [USA RC-12] Tactical Controller Activity Predictor Display Transatlantic Collaborative Advanced Radar Transatlantic Cooperation AGS Radar Terrain Collision Avoidance System Traffic-alert and Collision Avoidance System Traffic and Terrain Collision Avoidance System Transformational Communications Airborne Technology System Tactical Communications Bridge Training Coordination Board Transcontinental Ballistic Missile Taurus Communications Centre Tactical Communications Center Technology Coordination Committee Telecommunications Center Temperature Coefficient Capacity Thrust Control Computer (Rechner für den Vortriebsregler) Traffic Control Centre Turbine Case Cooling Turbine Clearance Control Transport Canada Civil Aviation Tactical Combat Casualty Care Tactical Command, Control and Communications System [CA] Tactical Communications Control Facility Target Configuration Date Time Critical Data Tactical Common Data Link Tactical Communications Data Link Technical Control Data Processor Type Certificate Data Sheet Trichloroethylene Training Centre for Experimental Aerodynamics [NATO, Brussels] Technical Construction File Technical Control Facility Terrain Clearance Floor Turbine Center Frame Turbo Code Forward Error Correction Test Coordination Group Training Consultation Group Trusted Computing Group 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 TCH  TCI  TCI  TCI  TCI  TCJ  TCL  TCL  TCM  TCM  TCMA  TCN  TCN  TCNP  TCO  TCO  TCO  TCO  TCOM  TCOP  TCP  TCP  TCP  TCP  TCP/IP  TCR  TCR  TCR  TCQ  TCS  TCS  TCS  TCS  TCS  TCS  TCS  TCS  TCS  TCS  TCS  TCS  TCS  TCSM  TCT  TCT  TCT  TCTA  TCTL  TCTP  TCTS  TCTS  TCTT  TCU

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Threshold Crossing Height Technology Conformance Inspection Time Controlled Item Transport Coordinators International GmbH Turbine Controls, Inc. Tactical Communications Jamming Terminal Control Transverse Conversion Loss Technical Coordination Meeting Torpedo Countermeasures Time Coordinated Multiple Access Tacan Tactical Component Network Tacan Point-to-Point Tactical Combat Operations Tactical Control Office Technical Standard Order Training and Checking Organisation Terminal Communications Transfer Coordination Point Tactical Communications Package Technological Capabilities Panel Transfer-of-Control Point Transmission Control Protocol Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol Tactical co*ckpit Recorder (taktisches co*ckpit-Aufzeichnungsgerät) Target-to-Clutter Ratio Temperature Coefficient of Resistance Throttle Control Quadrant Tactical Command System Tactical Control System Television Camera System (TV-Kamera-System) TETRA Communications Server Test Case Specification Time Critical Strike Total Component Support Touch Control Quadrant Touch Control Steering Tower Communications System Tracking and Communication Subsystem Traffic Computer Subcommittee Trusted Computer System Travelling Current Source Model Tactical Controller Tool Technical Control Terminal Time Critical Targets/Targeting Trans-continental Control Area Transverse Conversion Transfer Loss Tactical Combat Training Programme [NATO] Tactical Combat Training System Tracking Command and Telemetry Station Time Critical Target Technology Tacan Control Unit

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 TCU  TCU  TCU  TCVXO  TCXO  TCXO  TD  TD  TD  TD  TD  TD  TD  TD  TD  TD  TD  TD  TD  TD  TD  TD  TD  T/D  TDA  TDA  TDA  TDA  TDA  TDAB  TDAS  TDASS  TDATS  TDB  TDB  TDC  TDC  TDCL  TDCP  TDCP  TDD  TDD  TDD  TDDL  TDDS  TDE  TDEC  TDF  TDF  TDH  TDHS  TDI  TDL 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Telephone Conversion Unit Temperature Controlled Unit Thermal Cueing/Control Unit Temperature Compensated Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator Tactical Display Target Destruct Target Drone (Zieldrohne) Technical Data Technical Director Technical Documentation Technischer Dienst [DE] Technology Development Terminal Defense Test Director Time Delay (oder: Difference) Time Division (Zeitteilung, Zeitverschachtelung) Time Domain Towed Decoy (Schleppköder) Traffic Display Transmitted Data Tunnel Diode Top of Descent Tactical Decision Aid Technology Development Approach Today Top Down Approach [Project Management] Track Detection Analysis Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting Test Data Analysis System Tornado DASS Target Detection, Acquisition and Tracking System Track Data Block Twin Data Bus Technical Development Center [FAA] Theater Deployable Communications Torpedo Detection, Classification and Localization Tactical Data Communications Center [USMC] Test Display and Control Panel Target Detection Device Test Design Document Time Division Duplexing [Zeitduplex] Tactical Digital Data Link Tactical Data Dissemination System [Com] Target Data Extractor Technical Development and Evaluation Center [CAA] Total Delayed Flights Training and Development Facilities Training, Development, Harmonisation Tactical Data Handling System [Türkei] Time Delay & Integration Tactical Data Link (taktische Datenverbindung) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 TDL  TDL  TDLS  TDLS  TDLS  TDLS  TDM  TDM  TDMA  TDM-PON  TDN  Tdo  TDOA  TDOA  TDOP  TDP  TDP  TDP  TDP  TDP  TDP  TDP  TDPA  TDR  TDR  TDR  TDR  TDR  TDR  TDR  TDR  TDR  T-DRFM  TDRRP  TDRS  TDRS  TDRSS  T.D.S.  TDS  TDS  TDS  TDS  TDS  TDS  TDS  TDS  TDS  TDS  TDS  TDS  TDST  TDT  TDT

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Tapped Delay Line Teledyne Defence Limited Tactical Data Link System [NATO] Terminal Data Link System Tower Data Link Services Tower Data Link System Tactical Data Management Time Division Multiplexer (Zeitverschachtelungs-Multiplexverfahren) Time Division Multiple Access (Vielfach-Zugriff durch Zeitverschachtelung) Time Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Network [Network] Tactical Data Network Tornado Time Delay Of Arrival Time Difference Of Arrival Time Dilution Of Precision Technical Data Package Technology Demonstration Project Technology Development Plan Touchdown Point (Aufsetzpunkt) Technology Demonstration Program Technology Development Program Test Design Plan Tactical Deception Planning Aid Target Data Receiver Technical Data Requirement Technical Data Rights Terminal Doppler Radar Time Domain Reflectometer/Reflectometry Total Dynamic Range Track Drop Rate Traffic Data Record Transponder Tactical Digital RF Memory Technology Demonstration and Risk-Reduction Programm Tactical Data Radio System Tracking and Data Relay Satellite Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System Time - Distance - Speed Tactical Data System Target Designation Sight Target Discrimination System Technology Demonstrator System Terminal Display System Test Design Specification Test and Development Sector Theater Distribution System Threat Deception System Threat Detection System Thrust Decay System Towed Decoy System Tower Data Services Terminal Tactical Data Terminal Time Domain Techniques

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 TDT  TDT  TDT  TDTS  TDTS  TDU  TDU  TDU  TDv  TDV  TDV  TDWR  TDX  TDY  TDZ  TDZL  T&E  T/E  Te  TE  TE  TE  TE  TEA  TEA  TEAM  TEC  TEC  TECEVAL  TECH  TECHEVAL  TECHINT  TechSAT  Tecom  TECR  Tecrep  Tecrep  TECS  TECSAR  TED  TED  TED  TED  TEDAC  TEDS  TEDS  TEED  TEFF  TEG  TEG  TEGA  TEI  TEK 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Time Domain Transmission Transonic Dynamics Tunnel Turbine Disc Temperature Tactical-Data Transfer System Telemetric Data Transmitting System Terminal Display Unit Terrain Display Unit Training Development Unit Technische Dienstvorschrift [DE, Bw] Technology Demonstration Vehicle Technology Development Vehicle Terminal Doppler Weather Radar Target-Data Extractor Temporary Duty Touch-Down Zone (Aufsetzzone) Touch-Down Zone Lights Test and Evaluation (Test und Auswertung) Twin-Engined (zweimotorig) Tellurium [chem. Symbol] Test Equipment Thermoelectric Trailing Edge Transverse Electric field Technology Exchange Agreement Transferred Electron Amplifier Tactical Elevated Antenna Mast Thermo-Electrically Cooled Topografic Engineering Center [USA] Technical Evaluation (technische Auswertung) Technical [auch: Tec, tech] Technical Evaluation Technical Intelligence Technical Systems for Avionics and Test [GmbH] Technical Committee Technical Reason Technical Report Technical Representative Thermal/Environmental Control Subsystem Technological Synthetic Aperture Satellite Tactical Elint Display Threat Evaluation Display Transferred-Electron Device Trunk Encryption Device TADS Electronic Display and Control Tactical Expendable Drone System [USAF] TETRA Enhanced Data Service Tactical End-to-end Encryption Device Turbine Engine Fatigue Facility Tactical Exploitation Group Task Executive Group Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer [Space] Text Element Identifier Traffic Encryption Key 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 Tel  Tel  TEL  Telecom  TELEW  Telint  TELMES  Telsat  TEM  TEM  Temp  Temp  TEMP  Tempest  Tempest  Tempest  Tempest  Tempo  TEMPS  TEM-Wave  TEMS  TEN  TENCAP  TEN-T  TEO  TEO  TEO  TEOB  TEORS  TEP  TEPS  TEQ  TER  TERC  TERCOM  TEREC  Term  TERNAV  TERPES  TERPROM  TERPS  Terr  TES  TES  TES  TES  TES  TES  TES-A  TES-N  TESS  TESS  TESS

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Telecommunication (Fernmeldeverkehr) Telephone Transporter Erector Launcher Telecommunications Telecommunications Electronic Warfare Telemetry Intelligence Telecommunications Management System Telecommunications Satellite Threat and Error Management Transverse Electromagnetic field Temperature Temporary (vorläufig, befristet) Test and Evaluation Master Plan Temporary Emanation and Spurious Transmission Test for Electromagnetic Propagation Emission and Secure Transmission Transient EMP Emanation Standard Transient EMP Emanation Surveillance Temporary, Temporarily (vorübergehend, befristet) Transportable Electromagnetic Pulse Simulator Transverse Electromagnetic Wave Turbine-Engine Monitoring System Trans-European Network Tactical Exploitation of National Space Capabilities Trans-European Network - Transport Technology Effort Objective Technology Executive Officer Transferred-Electron Oscillator Tactical Electronic Order of Battle Tactical Electro-Optical Reconnaissance System Tactical Elint Processor Technical Elint Processing System Test Equipment Qualification Tieffliegererfassungsradar [AT, DE] Turbine Engine Research Center Terrain Contour Matching [Navigation] Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance system Terminal Terrain Navigation (Geländenavigation) Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance Processing and Evaluation System Terrain Profile Matching [Eurofighter] Terminal En-Route Procedures Terrain (Gelände) Tactical Engagement Simulator [RUAG] Tactical Exploitation System Technology Experiment Satellite Test and Evaluation Strategy Threat Emitter Simulator Total Engine Support Tactical Exploitation System - Army [USA] Tactical Exploitation System - Navy [USN] Tactical Engagement Simulation System Tactical Environment Support System Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 TET  TET  TET  TETRA  TETRA  TETRAPOL  TEU  TEV  TEW  TEWES  TEWS  TEWS  T/F  TF  TF  TF  TF  TF  TP  TP  TP  TF  TF  TF  TF  TFA  TFC  Tfc  TFC  TFD  TFD  TFE  TFE  TFEL  TFG  TFIS  TFK  TFLIR  TFLOP  TFM  TFOM  TFOV  TFPV  TFR  TFR  TFR  Tfr  TFS  TFT  TFTF  TFTP  TFTR  TFTS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Technical Evaluation Test Test Execution Team Turbine Entry Temperature Trans-European Trunked Radio [auch: Tetra] Terrestrial Trunked Radio [auch: Tetra] Terrestrial Mobile Phone Network for Security Services Trailing Edge Up Test, Evaluation, Verification Tactical Electronic Warfare Tactical Electronic Warfare Environment Simulator Tactical Early Warning System Tactical Electronic Warfare System Time & Frequency Tactical Frequency Taktische Führung [CH] Task Force Technology Forecasting Terrain Following Radar technical Publication Touch Point Turboprop Track to a Fix Tragflächen [Flugzeug, DE] Transfer Frame Turbo Fan [Triebwerktyp] Test Flight Analysis Time-Frequency Codes Traffic (Verkehr) Trilateral Frigate Cooperation Termination For Default Thin Film Diode Tactical Firing Evaluation [NATO] Temperature and Frequency Equalizer Thin-Film Electro-Luminescent Tactical Fighter Group [USAF] Traffic Flow Investigation System Telefunken [DE] Tactical Forward Looking Infrared Terra Floating Point Operations Traffic Flow Management Time Figure Of Merit Total Field Of View (totales Blickfeld) Thin Film Photo Voltaic Tactical Flight Recorder (taktischer Flugrekorder) Temporary Flight Restrictions (vorläufige Flugbeschränkungen) Terrain Following Radar (Geländefolgeradar) Transfer Tactical Fighter Squadron Thin Film Transistor (Dünnfilmtransistor) Thin Film Tuned Filters [HTS, STI] Trivial File Transfer Protocol Terrain Following Training Route Tactical Fighter Training Squadron 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 TFTS  TFV  TFW  TG  tg  TG  TG  TG  TG  TG  TGC  TGF  TGIS  TGL  TGL  TGM  TGPR  TGS  TGSM  TGSP  Tgt  TGT  TGTCAS  TGW  TH  TH  TH  ThA  THAAD  THAGG  THD  THDG  THEL  THEMIS  Theo  THHR  THK  THLD  THP  THP  Thr  Thr  Thr  THRHOLD  Thru  THS  THS  THS  THSA  THSDN  Thu  THW  THY

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Terrestrial Flight Telephone System Traffic Volume Tactical Fighter Wing (taktisches Jagdgeschwader) Task Group Tangens Techniques Generator [EW] Terminal Gap Terminal Guidance (Endphasenlenkung) Transmission Gate Transportgeschwader [DE, Bw] Turbulence Gain Control Traffic Growth Factor Tactical Geographical Information System Temporary Guidance Leaflet Touch-and-Go Landing (Aufsetzen und Durchstarten) Training Guided Missile Transient Ground Potential Rise Taxiing Guidance System Terminally Guided Sub-Munition (endphasengelenkte Submunition) Transglobal Secure Program Target (Ziel) Turbine Gas Temperature (Turbinengastemperatur) Tactical Ground-Traffic Collision Avoidance System Terminal Guided Weapon (endphasengelenkte Waffen) [MLRS] Technische Hochschule [DE] True Heading (wahrer Steuerkurs, rechtweisender Steuerkurs) Total Temperature (Totaltemperatur) Threat Avoidance (Bedrohungsvermeidung) Terminal/Theater High-Altitude Area Defense radar [USA] Tactical High Anti-jam GPS Guidance Total Harmonic Distortion True Heading (wahre Kursrichtung, rechtweisender Steuerkurs) Tactical High Energy Laser (taktisches Hochenergielasergerät) Thermal Emission Imaging System (Wärmestrahlung-abbildendes System) Theory Tactical Hand Held Radio (taktisches, handgetragenes Funkgerät) Türk Hava Kuvetleri [Luftwaffe der Türkei] Threshold (Schwelle) Take Home Package Thrust Horsepower (Schubkraft in Pferdestärken) Threshold (Schwelle) Throttle (Gashebel) Thrust (Schub) Throttle Hold Through Tactical Hybrid Switch Tailplane Horizontal Stabiliser Transporthubschrauber [AT] Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator Tactical High Speed Data Network Thursday Technisches Hilfswerk [DE] Turk Hava Yollari [Turkish Airlines]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 THz  TI  TI  TI  TI  TI  TI  Ti  TI  TIA  TIA  TIA  TiAl  Tiald  TIAS  TIAS  TIBA  TIBS  TICCS  TIC  TICM  TID  TID  TID  TID  TIDLS  TIDP  TIEC  TIES  TIF  TII  TII  TIL, til  TIIL  TILS  TIM  TIM  TIMMS  TIMS  TIMS  Tina  TINS  TINS  TIO  TIP  TIP  TIP  TIP  TIP  TIP  TIP  TIP  TIPP 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Terrahertzt [1012 Hz] Tactical Internet Target Indicator Technologie de l’Information [FR] Terrestrial Interference Texas Instruments [US Co.] Thermal Imaging (thermische Abbildung bzw Wärmebilderzeugung) Titan [chem. Symbol] Transfer Impedance Telecommunications Industry Association Traffic Information Area (Luftverkehr-Informations-Gebiet) Type Inspection Authorization Titanium-Aluminium [chem. Verbindung] Thermal Imaging Airborne Laser Designation [UK] (luftg. Wärmebild und Laserbeleuchter) Target Identification and Acquisition System (Zielerfassungs- und -identifizierungssystem) True Indicated Air Speed Traffic Information Broadcast by Aircraft Tactical Information Broadcast System Tactical Information Command and Control System Technical Information Center Thermal Imaging Common Module Tactical Image Display Tactical (oder: Target) Information Display Threat Identification Touch Input Device Tactical Information Data Link System [Schweden] Tactical Interface Design Plan Tactical Information Exchange Capability Tactical Information Exchange System [JTIDS] Traffic Information File Target Impact Indicator Transducer Independent Interface Until (bis) Target-Illuminating Laser Tactical ILS Technical Interchange Meeting Transfer Initiation Message Taktisches Informations- und Missions-Management-System [DE] Tactical Imaging Mini-Satellite Telecommunications Information Management System Thermal Imaging Navigation Aid Tactical Inertial Navigation System Thermal Imaging Navigation Set Target Insertion Orbit Technology Insertion Program Technology Investment Plan Terminal Interface Processor Test Integration Plan TETRA Interoperability Profile Tower Integrated Program Transportation Improvement Program Trojan Improved Penetrator Test Instrument Planning and Programming 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 TIPS  TIPS  TIPS  TIR  TIR  TIR  TIR  TIRA  TIRR  TIRRS  TIRS  TIS  TIS  TIS  TIS  TIS  TIS  TIS  TIS-B  TIS-C  TIS-EO  TIS-L  TIT  TIZ  TJ  TJS  TK  TK, TRK  TKAusbMH  TKBA  TKE  TKF-90  TKMS  TKO  TKOF  T/L  TL  TL  TL  TL  TL  TL  TL  TL  TL  TLA  TLAM  TLB  TLC  TLD  TLDHS  TLE  Tlm

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Terminal Information Processing System Thermal Imaging Processing System Trans-atlantic Industrial Proposed Solution [NATO AGS] Target Illuminating Radar Thermal Imaging Radar Tracking and Illuminating Radar Type Inspection Report Tracking Imaging Radar [FGAN-FHR] Technology Investment Recommendation Report Tornado IR Reconnaissance System Tactical Information-flow Requirements Thermal Imaging Sensor Thermal Imaging Sight Thermal Imaging System Time In Service Total Isotropic Sensitivity Traffic Information Services Traffic Information System Traffic Information Services - Broadcast Traffic Information Services - Contract Target Identification System - Electro Optical Target Indicator System - Laser Turbine Inlet Temperature (Turbineneintrittstemperatur) Traffic Information Zone Turbo Jet Tactical Jamming System (taktisches Störsystem) Teilkonzeption [DE, BWB] Track angle (Kurs über Grund) Teilkonzeption Ausbildungsmittel des Heeres [DE, Bw] Teilkonzeption Bereichsübergreifende Aufgaben [DE, Bw] Track-angle Error (Kursabweichung über Grund) Taktisches Kampfflugzeug für die 90er-Jahre [DE] ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems [DE] Target Kill & Observation Take-Off (Start) Top Level Target Location (Zielort) Taxilane Technische Lieferbedingungen [DE] Terminal Location [ACARS] Termination Liability Transition Line Transmission Line (Übertragungsleitung) Transmission Loss (Übertragungsverluste) Turbinenluftstrahltriebwerk [Triebwerk, DE] Thrust Level Angle Tactical Land Attack Missile Technisch-Logistische Betreuung [DE, BWB] Target Language Compiler Top Level Domain [Internet] Target Location, Designation and Handoff System Target Location Error Telememtry word

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 TLM  TLM  TLO  TLOF  TLP  TLP  TLPD  TLR  TLS  TLS  TLS  TLVS  TLWR  TLWS  TLX  T&M  T&M  TM  TM  TM  TM  TM  TM  TM  TM  TM  TM  TM  TMA  TMA  TMA  TMB  TMB  TMC  TMC  TMC  TMC  TMC  TMC  TMC  TMCS  TMCS  TMCS  TMD  TMD  TMD  TMD  TMDE  TMF  TMF  TMHS  TML  TML 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Transmission Line Matrix Transmission Line Model Top Level Objectives Touchdown and Lift-Off area Tactical Leadership Programme [NATO, Florennes/Belgien, Albacete/Spanien] Transmission Level Point Traffic Load Prediction Device Top Level Requirements Target Level of Safety Time Line Sheet Transponder Landing System Taktisches Luftverteidigungssystem [DE, Bw, MEADS] Top Level Warfare Requirements Tactical Laser Weapon System (taktisches Laserwaffensystem) Task Load Index Test and Measurement Time and Materials Tactical Missile (taktischer LFK) Technical Manager/Management Technical Manual (technisches Handbuch) Telemetry Terrain Masking (Bodenmaskierung) Test Mode Time (Zeit) Trade Mark Transverse Magnetic field Turbomeca [Co.] Turbomotor Target Motion Analysis (Zielbewegungsanalyse) Terminal Management/Manoeuvring Area (Nahverkehrsbereich) Traffic Management Advisory Technical Management Board Test and Maintenance Bus Tactical Management Computer Technical Monitoring and Control Terminal Control Centre Test, Monitor and Control Thrust Management Computer Traffic Management Coordinator Thrust Management Computer Technical Maintenance and Control System Technical Monitoring and Control System Thrust Management Computer System Tactical Missile Defense Tactical Modular Display Tactical Munitions Dispenser (taktischer Munitionsabwurfbehälter) Theater Missile Defense Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment Thrust Management Function Traffic Management Facility Tactical Message Handling System Television Microwave Link Terminal (Zielflugplatz, Abfertigungsgebäude) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 TMLLF  TMLLFS  TMLT  TMMAC  TMN  TMON  TMP  TMP  TMP  TMP  TMR  TMR  TMS  TMS  TMS  TMS  TMSR  TMSS  TMSS  TMT  TMU  TMU  TMZ  T/N  TN  TN  Tn  TN  TN  TN  TN  TN  TNA  TNA  TNAV  TNAV  TNC  TNC  TNCC  TND  TNG  TNG  TNH  Tnk  TNR  TNS  TNT  TNW  TNW  T/O  TO  TO  TO

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Terrain Masking Low-Level Flight Terrain Masking Low-Level Flight System Television Microwave Link Terminal Tactical airborne Moving Map Capability True Mach Number Telemetry Monitor Technical Management Plan Technology Master Planning Temporär Traffic Management Processor Tactical Mobile Robots Tunnel Magnetoresistance Tactical Mission System Target Management System Thrust Management System Traffic Management System Tactical Multiband Surveillance Receiver Total Maintenance Support Solutions Trailer Mounted Support System [USA] Theater Missile Tracker Technical Memorandum of Understanding Traffic Management Unit [FAA] Transponder Mandatory Zone (Transponder-Pflicht-Zone) Targeting and Navigation Tactical Navigation Technical Note Teilnehmer [DE] Track Number True Negative True North (rechtweisend Nord) Tunisia Twisted Nematic Training Needs Analysis Turn Altitude Terminal Navigation aids Time Navigation Tactical Network Coordination Threaded Navy Connector Theater Network Operations Control Center The Next Dimension The Next Generation Training [auch: tng] Turn Height Tanker [DE] Tornado Nose Radar (Tornadonasenradar) Transitional Surface Tragflügel Neuer Technologie [DE] Tactical Nuclear Warfare (Krieg mit taktischen Nuklearwaffen) Theatre Nuclear Weapon Take-Off Take-Off (Abflug, Start) Technical Order Training Officer

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 TOA  TOA  TOA  TOA  TOAD  TOC  TOC  TOC  TOC  TOC  TOD  TOD  TODA  TODR  TOE  TOEFL  TO EPR  TOF  TOF  TOFT  TO/GA  TOGW  TOI  TOI  TOJ  TOL  TOLC  TOM  TOO  TPIPT  TOPL  TOR  TOR  TOR  TORA  TORR  TOS  TOS  TOS  TOS  TOSCA  TOT  TOT  TOT, tot  TOT  TOT  TOW  TOW  TOW  TOW  TP  TP 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Terms Of Agreement (Bedingungen der Vereinbarung) Time Of Arrival (Ankunftszeit) Top Of the Atmosphere Total Observation Authority Towed Off-board Active Decoy [UK] Tactical Operations Center Technical Operators Centre Top-Of-Climb Transfer Of Communications Transfer Of Control Time Of Day Top-Of-Descent Take-Off Distance Available [ICAO] (verfügbare Startstrecke) Take-Off Distance Required Table of Organization and Equipment Test Of English as a Foreign Language Take-Off Engine Pressure Ratio Taktisch Operative Forderung [DE] Time Of Flight Tactical Operational Flight Trainer Take-Off/Go Around [auch: Toga] Take-Off Gross Weight Targets Of Interest Third Order Intercept Track On Jam Transverse Output Level Take-Off and Landing Characteristics Technical Operations Management [Lufthansa Technik] Target Of Opportunity Technology Planning Integrated Product Team Take-Off Performance Limits Tactical Operational Requirement Terms Of Reference [ICAO, FAA] Time Of Receipt Take-Off Run Available (verfügbare Startlaufstrecke) [ICAO] Take-Off Run Required Take-Off Schub Time On Station Total Operation Support Traffic Orientation Scheme Testing Operational Scenarios for Concepts in ATM Time On/Over Target (Zielverweildauer) [Radartechnik] Time Oriented Task Total Transfer Of Title Turbine Outlet Temperature Take-Off Weight (Abfluggewicht) Time Of Week Tube-launched Optical-tracked Wire-guided missile (rohrgestarteter, optisch verfolgter und drahtgelenkter Flugkörper) Take Off Waypoint Tactics Planner Technical Publication

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 TP  TP  TP  TP  TP  TP  TP  TP  TP  TPA  TPA  TPAC  TPAWS  TPC  TPC  TPC  TPCS  TPD  TPD  TPD  Tpdr, Tpr  TPDU  TPEW  TPF  TPI  TPL  TPL  TPL  TPM  TPM  TPMU  TPP  TPR  TPS  TPS  TPS  TPS  TPS  TPS  TPT  Tpt  TPU  TPU  TPV  TPWG  TPz  TQA  TQC  TQM  T&R  T/R  T/R  T-R

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Terminal Processor Test Pilot Test Point Test Procedure Training Practice Trajectory Prediction True Positive Turning Point (Kursänderungspunkt) Twisted Pair (verdrilltes Paar) [Netzwerkkabel] Taxi Positional Awareness Transistor Power Amplifier Tactical Pilot’s Awareness Computer Turbulence Prediction And Warning System Technical Program Committees Top Performing Companies Total Probability of Conflict Team Portable Collection System Terminal Protective Device Test Programme Documentation Transition Programme Description Transponder Transport Protocol Data Unit Technology Panel for Electronic Warfare Transaction Processing Facility Test Program Instruction Task Priority List Terminal Permission List [ACARS] Transport Layer Technical Performance Measurement Terrain-Profiling Mode Tyre Pressure Monitoring Unit Technical Performance Parameter Terrain Profile Recorder Tactical Processing System Technical product Specification Test Pilots’ School Test Procedure Specification Test Program Set Thermal Protection System [Raumfahrt] Transonic Pressure Tunnel Transport Terminal Processing Unit Torpedo Propulsion Unit Thermo Photo Voltaic Test Plan Working Group Transportpanzer [AT, DE, Bw] Throttle Quadrant Assembly Total Quality Control Total Quality Management Training and Readiness Thrust Reverser Transmitter-Receiver, Transmit-Receive, Transceiver Transformer-Rectifier

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 TR  TR  TR  TR  TR  TR  TR  TR  TR  TR  TR  TR  TR  TR  TR  TR  Tr  TR  TR  TRA  TRA  TRA  TRA  TRA  TRA  Tra  TRA  TRABTECH  TRAC  TRAC  TRAC  TRACALS  TRACON  TRACS  TRACS  Tracon  TRAM  TRAMON  TRAMP  TRAMS  Tran  Trans  Transec  Transceiver  Transistor  TRAP  TRAPS  TRASYS  TRB  TRB  Turb  TRC  TRD 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Tactical Reconnaissance [USAF] Technical Report Technology Requirement Telecommunications Request Temporary Revision Test Report Trace Track (Kurs über Grund) Tracking Radar Tracking Rate Track Reconstruction Transientenrekorder [DE] Transmit Transisitional Radiation Trouble Report Trunked Radio (Bündelfunk) Truppe [DE, Bw] Turkey Type Rating Taiwan Relations Act [US] Technology Readiness Assessment Temporary Reserved Airspace (vorübergehend reservierter Luftraum) Terminal Restricted Area Thrust Reduction Altitude Track Resolution Analysis Traffic Transfer of Radar Control Transient Absorption Technology Tactical Radar Correlator Technical Regulations Application Committee Terminal Radar Approach Control Traffic Control And Landing System Terminal Radar Approach Control facility Tactical Radio Acquisition Countermeasures System Test and Repair Control System Terminal Radar Approach Control [FAA] Target Recognition and Attack Multisensor [System] Traffic Monitoring Testing, Reporting and Maintenance Program Transition to Mode S Transition (Übergang) Transmission, transmitter Transmission Security (Übertragungssicherheit) Transmitter/Receiver (Sender/Empfänger) [T/R-Modul] Transfer/Resistor Technical Review and Audit Plan Tactical Rocket-propelled grenate Airbag Protection System Thermal Radiation Analysis System Technical Review Board Trackball Turbulence (Turbulenz) Transverse Redundancy Check Technical Requirements Document 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 TRD  TRD  TRD  TRE  TREDS  TREE  TREMA  TREN  TRF  Trf  TRF  TRF  TrFz  TRG  Trifom  Trigat  TRILS  TRIM  TRIS  TRI-TAC  TRJ  Trk  TRL  TRL  TRM  TRM  TRM  TRMF  Trml  TRM-S  TRN  Trng  TRNS  Trop  TRP  TRP  TRP  TRP  Trp  TRR  TRR  TRS  TRS  TRSA  TRSB  TrT  TRTG  TRU  TRU  Tru  TrÜbPl  TRV  Trv

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Test Requirements Document Towed Radar Decoy Transit Routing Domain Tactical Receive Equipment Tactical Reconnaissance Expoitation Development System Transit Radiation Effects on Electronics Tactical Rescue & Emergency Medicine Association Transport and Energy Total Regulated Flights Transfer Tuned Radio Frequency Turbine Research Facility Trägerfahrzeug [DE, Bw] Training Group Trilateral Fiber Optic-guided Missile Troisieme Generation Anti-Tank [FR] (Panzerabwehr dritter Generation) Tactical Radar Identification and Locating System Trails and Roads Interdiction Multisensor Three axis Rate Instrument Sensing Tri-service Tactical Communications Tactical Radar Jammer Track (Kurs über Grund) Technology Readiness Level Transition Level Taktisches Radar Mobil Technical Reference Model Technical Requirements Manual Theater Readiness Monitoring Facility Terminal TRM-Such Terrain Referenced Navigation [Airbus A400M] Training Terrain Referenced Navigation System (oberflächenbezogenes Navigationssystem) Tropopause [DE] Technology Reinvestment Program Thrust Rating Panel Total Radiated Power (gesamte Abstrahlleistung) Transponder [Mode S] Trupp [DE, Bw] Tactical Radar Receiver Test Readiness Review Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron [USAF] Tactical Reconnaissance System Terminal Radar Service Area Time Reference Scanning Beam (zeitbezogener Abtaststrahl) Truppenteil [DE, Bw] Tactical Radar Threat Generator Transformer/Rectifier Unit Transmitter/Receiver Unit (Sender-Empfänger-Einheit) True (wahr) Truppenübungsplatz [DE, Bw] Tactical Robotic Vehicle Travel

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 TRW  TRW  TRW  TRW  TS  TS  TS  TS  TS  TS  TS  TS  TS  TS  TS  TS  TS  TS  TS  TSA  TSA  TSA  TSA  TSA  TSA  TSA  TSAM  TSAP  TSAT  T-SAT  TSB  TSC  TSC  TSC  TSC  TSC  TSCS  TSD  TSD  TSD  TSD  TSDF  TSDG  TSDIU  TSE  TSE  TSEC  TSFC  TSG  TSG  TSG  T-SGT  TSH 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Tactical Reconnaissance Wing Thompson, Ramo, Wooldridge Training Wing Triebwerk [DE] Task Switched Technical Specification Technical Supplement Technical Support Test Specification Thunderstorm [ICAO] Time Source Top Secret [Geheimhaltungsstufe] Track Server Trade Studies Traffic Synchronization Training Simulator Training Squadron Training System Transport Service Tactical Situational Awareness Tail Strike Assembly Tapered Slot Antenna Taxiway Safety Area Technical Services Agreement Temporary Segregated Area Transportation Security Administration [US] Tri-service Standoff Attack Missile Transport Service Access Point Transformational Satellite [USAF Satcom] Tactical Satellite Transportation Safety Board Technical Subcommittee Technical Support Center Term Service Commitment Terminal Satellite Communication Transportation System Center Transformational Satellite Communication System Tactical Situation Display Time Sequence Diagramme Traffic Situation Display Transient Suppression Device Time Slot Duty Factor Technical and System Development Group Transport Service Data Unit Test Support Equipment Total System Error Telecommunications Security Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption Taurus Systems GmbH [Taurus Kepd] Technical Standards and Guidelines Technical Sub-Group Transportable Satellite Ground Terminal Target Seeker Head (Ziel-Such-Kopf) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 TSH  TSI  TSIP  TSIR  TSIS  TSK  TSK  TSL  TSLw  TSM  TSN  TSO  TSO  TSO  TSO  TSO  TSOA  TSOP  TSP  TSP  TSP  TSP  TSP  TSP  TSP  TSP  TSP  TSPI  TSPJ  TSPR  TSPS  TSR  TSR  TSR  TSR  TSS  TSS  TSS  TSS  TSS  TSS  TSS  TSS  TSS  TSS  TSS  TSS  TSSA  TSSAM  TSSS  TST  TST  TST

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Technische Schule des Heeres [DE, Bw/Heer] Time Since Installation Trimble Standard Interface Protocol Total System Integration Responsibility Total Solar Irradiance Sensor Teilstreitkräfte [DE, Bw] Transmission Security Key Technische Schule für Landsysteme [DE, Bw/Heer] Technische Schule der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw/Lw] Autothrottle Servo Mount Transit Satellite Navigation Taktischer Systemoffizier [DE] Technical Service Order [FAA] Technical Standard Order [FAA] Time Sharing Option Time Since Overhaul Technical Standard Order Authorization Tactical Standing Operating Procedures Tactical Service Provider Tactical Sigint Payload Target Signal Processor Temperature Sensitive Parameter Tornado Sustainment Programme Transmitted Signal Power Transponder Turret Stabilized Platform Twisted Shielded Pair Time, Space and Position Information [GPS] Tornado Self Protection Jammer [EADS] Total System Performance Responsibility Traffic Service Position System Tactical Sonar Range Tactical Surveillance and Reconnaissance Terminal Surveillance Radar Theatre Surveillance and Reconnaissance Tacco Subsystem Tactical Surveillance Sonobuoy Tangential Signal Sensitivity Target Sensing System Target Sight System Technical Support Services Technology Support and Services Tethered Satellite System Thermal Surveillance System Total Support Service [Lufthansa Technik] Traffic Sub-System Traffic Surveillance System (Flugsicherungssystem von Rockwell Collins) Typenspezifische Systemausbildung [DE, Bw] Tri-Service Stand-off Attack Missile Technology for Sustainment of Strategic Systems Tactical Surveillance Technology Technical Support Team Telefunken Systemtechnik GmbH [DE]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 Tst  TST  TST  TSTM  TSTNT  TST  TS/TW  TSU  TSW  TSW  TT  TT  TT  TT  TT  TT  TT  TT  TT  TTA  TTA  TTA  TTA  TTC  TTC  TTC  TTC, TT&C  TTCC  TTD  TTE  TTF  TTF  TTF  TTFF  TTG  TTG  TTG  TTH  TTI  TTI  TTI  TTI  TTI  TTL  TTN  TTNT  TTO  TTP  TTP  TTP  TTR  TTR  TTRO 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Test Time Sensitive Targets/Targeting Trajectory Support Tool Time Source Transition Module Time Sensitive Targeting Network Technology Transonic Transport Test Squadron/Wing [USAF] Technical Support Unit Tactical Support Wing [RAF] Taktische Nuklear-Waffen [DE] Tactical Trainer Target Track Teletypewriter Terrestrial Time Test Tools Total Time Total Temperature Training Technologies True Track (wahre Verfolgung über Grund) Tactical Training Area Technology Trends Assessment Telecommunications Technology Association [Asien] Time Triggered Architecture [Bus] Tactical Communications Central Technical Training Center [USAF] Telemetry and Telecommand Centre Telemetry, Tracking and Command Target Tracking and Control System True Time Delay [Radar] Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Taktische Technische Forderung [DE, Bw] Tanker Task Force Total Flights Time To First Fix [GPS] (Zeit bis zum ersten Fixpunkt) Test Target Generator Time to Go (Restzeit) Transmit Transition Gap Tactical Transport Helicopter [NATO] Tactical Target Identification Tactical Target Illumination Time To Impact Time To Intercept Transmission Time Intervall Transistor-Transistor Logic Technology Transfer Network Tactical Targeting Network Technology Technologie Transition Office Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures TCAS Transition Program Time Triggered Protocol Target Tracking Radar (Zielfolgeradar) TCAS II Transmitter-Receiver Tanking Transport & Reconnaissance Operations 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 TTS  TTS  TTS  TTSC  TTT  TTT  TTTE  TTU  TTV  T&TW  TTW  TTW  TTY  TU  TU  TU  TU  TU  TU  Tu  TU  Tu-160  TU-204  TU-214  TUA  TUAS  TUAV  TUAVR  TUC  Tue  TUGV  TUM  TUR  Turb  TUSA  TUT  TÜtrSYsH  TUV  TÜV  TV  TV  TV  TV  TV  TV  TV  TV  TVA  TVAR  TVBC  TVC  TVC  TVC

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Time-Triggered Systems Time-to-Station (Flugzeit bis zur Funkstation) Total Technical Support [Lufthansa Technik] Tanking & Transport Services Company Time-To-Target Time-Triggered Technologies Trinational Tornado Training Establishment Tape Transport Unit Taktik-Technik-Verfahren [DE] Test & Training Wing Technical Training Wing [USAF] Time-To-Waypoint Teletypewriter Technische Universität [DE] (Technical University) Tecnische Unterstützung [DE, BND] Temps Universal Test Unit Thermal Unit Towed Unit Tupolev, Tupolew [GUS, Luftfahrtunternehmen] Turkey, Türkei Langstreckenbomber von Tupolew Verkehrsflugzeugtyp von Tupolew Verkehrsflugzeugtyp von Tupolew Test Unit Adapter Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Radars Temps Universel Coordonné [FR] (universal coordinated time) Tuesday Tactical Unmanned Ground Surveillance Time Update Message Turkey Turbulence [Flugwetterlage] Tactical Unmanned Surveillance Aircraft Target Under Test Terrestrisches Übertragungssystem des Heeres [DE, Bw] Tactical Unmanned Vehicle Technischer Überwachungsverein [DE] Technical View Technische Vorschriften [DE] Television Terminal Velocity Test Vehicle Thermal Vacuum Thrust Vectoring Trapped Vortex Torpedoversuchsanstalt [DE] Tempest Vulnerability Assessment Request Turbine Vane and Blade Cooling Thrust Vector Control [Eurofighter] Trapped Vortex Control Turbine Vane Cooling

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 TVCS  TVD  TVE  TVEC  TVG  TVI  TVM  TVOR  TVRS  TVS  TVS  TVS  TVT  TVTM  TW  TW  TW  TW  TW  T/W  TWA  TWA  TWA  TW/AA  TWAA  TW/AR  TWD  TWDL  TWDL  TWDR  TWE  TWF  TWF  TWG  TWG  TWI  TWI  TWIP  TWISP  TWLU  TWN  TWND  TWP  TWR  TWR  TWR  TWR  TWR  TWS  TWS  TWS  TWS  TWS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Tactical Video Capture System Total Variation Diminishing Total Vertical Error Test Vector Time Varied Gain Television Interference Track Via Missile Terminal VOR Tactical Voice Recognition System Television Sensor Time-Variant Signal Transint Voltage Suppressor Taktik- und Verfahrenstrainer [DE, Bw/Marine] Taktik und Verfahrenstrainer Marine [DE, Bw/Marine] Tactical Warning Tail Warning Taxi Way Threat Warning Training Wing Thrust-to-Weight Ratio (Schub/Gewichts-Verhältnis) Trailling Wire Antennas (Schleppseilantennen) Trans World Airlines [Airline] Traveling-Wave Amplifier Threat Warning and Attack Assessment Tactical Warning And Assessment Threat Warning/Attack Reporting Tactical Warning Display Terminal Weather Data Link Two-Way Data Link (Zweiwege Datenverbindung) Terminal Weather Doppler Radar Threat Warning Equipment (Bedrohungswarngerät) Tail Warning Function Threat Warning Function Technology Working Group Training Working Group Threat Warning Indicator (Bedrohungswarnungsanzeiger) Terminal Weather Information Terminal Weather Information for Pilots TETRA Wireless Solution Programme Terminal Wireless LAN Unit Tactical Weather Network Tailwind Technical Work Program Tail Warning Radar Threat Warning Receiver Tower (Turm, Flughafen-Kontrollturm) Traveling-Wave Ratio Turbulence Weather Radar Tail Warning System Terminal Weather Service Thermal Weapon Sight Threat Warning System Track While Scan (Verfolgen während des Scans) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 TWS-RO  TWT  TWTA  TWU  TWV  TWX  TWY  TWYL  Tx  Txp  Txt  TXWY  TYCOM  TYPE  Typ  Typh  TZL

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TWS Receive Only Traveling-Wave Tube (Wanderfeldröhre) Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifier (Wanderfeldröhren-Verstärker) Tactical Weapons Unit [RAF] Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Teletypewriter Exchange Service Taxiway (Rollfeldbahn) Taxiway Link Transmit, transmitter (Sender) Transponder Text Taxy Way (Rollfeldbahn) Type Commander Type of Aircraft [ICAO] (Luftfahrzeugmuster) Typical Typhoon Technisches Zentrum für Landsysteme [DE, Bw]

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26. Juni 2013


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

U   U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U 212  UA  UA  UA  UA  UA  UA  UA  UA  UAA  UAC  UAC  UAC  UAC  UACC  UACV  UAD  UAE  UAE  UAEAF  UAEAF  UAF  UAK  UAL  UAL  UAM  UAMS  UAP  UAR  UARRSI  UARS  UART  UARV  UAS  UAS  UAS  UAS  UASC  UAT 167218

Formelzeichen für die elektrische Spannung Volt Kurzzeichen für Uniform [ICAO-Alphabet] Kurzzeichen für U-Boot bzw. Unterseeboot Kurzzeichen für Unclassified Unteroffizier [DE, Bw] Kurzzeichen für Until (bis) Uranium [chem. Symbol] U-Boot der Klasse 212 [U 31, U 32, U 33, U 34] Ukraine Uncontrolled Airspace Unit of Action [USA] Unmanned Aircraft (unbemanntes Luftfahrzeug) Unnumbered Acknowledgment Unterauftragnehmer [DE] Unteroffizieranwärter [DE, Bw] User Application Upper Advisory Area United Aircraft Corporation Universal Avionics Computer Upper Area Control centre (Bezirkskontrollzentrum für den oberen Luftraum) Upper Air Space control (oberer Luftraum) Upper Airspace (oder: Area, oder: Air) Control Center [Luftverkehr] Unmanned Aircraft Combat Vehicle Upper Advisory route United Arab Emirates Unknown - Assumed Enemy United Arab Emirates Air Forces United Arab Emirates Armed Forces Uruguayan Air Force Unterarbeitskreise [DE, BWB] Unit Authorization List United Airlines Underwater-to-Air Missile Unmanned-aerial-vehicle Airspace Management System User Application Profile Upper Air Route Universal Aerial Refuelling Receptacle Slipway Installation [Boeing] Unmanned Air Reconnaissance System Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter [serielle asynchrone Empfangs/Sende-Schnittstelle] Unmanned Aerial Reconnaissance Vehicle University Air Squadron [UK] Unmanned Aerial System [auch: Uninhabited] Unmanned Aircraft System [auch: Uninhabited] Upper Airspace (oberer Luftraum) Universal Avionics Systems Corporation Universal Access Transceiver 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 UAT  UAV  UAV  UB  UBE  UBI  UBR  UBW  ÜbZ  U-Boot  U/C  UCA  UCAIRJ  UCAR  UCAS  UCAS-CD  UCAV  UCAV-N  UCC  UCD  UCDU  UCD  UCI  USIM  UCL  UCLA  UCM  UCON  UCP  UCS  UCS  UCS  UCS  UCS  UCT  UD  UD  UDA  UDCM  UDAM  UDF  UDF  UDF  UDF  UDI  UDI  UDIMM  UDMA  UDP  UDP  UDRE  UdSSR  UDT

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Universal Access Transponder Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (unbemanntes Luftfahrzeug, Drohne) Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle Utility Bus Ultra Bypass Engine Uplink Block Identifier Utility Bus Relay Ultra Wideband Übungszentrum [DE, Bw] Unterseeboot [DE, Bw/Marine] Undercarriage Upper Control Area Universal Countermeasures Airborne IR Jammer Unmanned Combat Armed Rotorcraft Unmanned Combat Aerial System UCAS - Carrier Demonstrator Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle - Navy Unified Combatant Command Universal co*ckpit Display Universal Control and Display Unit Uplink Channel Descriptor User Computer Interface Universal Communication Interface Module University College London University of California at Los Angeles [US] UnCooled Module Up-Converter Universal Communications Processor Unified Command Suite Uniform Chromaticity Scale Union of Concerned Scientists Universal Control System Utilities Control System (Versorgungssteuersystem) Uncorrelated Target Upper Deck User Data Upper Advisory Area (oberer Flugverkehrsberatungsbezirk) Unterwasser-Daten-Center der Marine [DE, Bw] Universal Digital Avionics Module UHF Direction Finder Un-Ducted Fan [Triebwerktyp] Universal Disc Format [CD, DVD] User Data File Unified Display Interface UUT Device Interface Unbuffered DIMM [IC Memory] Ultra DMA Universal Datagram Protocol User Datagram Protocol User Differential Range Error Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken [bereits aufgelöst] Undersea Defense Technology [Conference & Exhibition]

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 UDS  UE  UEO  UERE  UET  UEWR  UF  UFB  UFC  UFD  UFD  UFDR  Uffz  UFIT  UFMOP  UFN  UFO  UFO  UFPA  UFS  Ufu  UGCV  UGS  UGS  UGT  UGV  UH  UH-1D  UH-60M  UHB  UHCA  UHD  UHF  UHP  UHR  UHT  UHTC  UHU  u/i  UI  UI  UI  UIC  UIC  UICC  UID  UII  UIMS  UIR  UIS  UIT  UJT  UK 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Universal Drone System Unknown Editor Union de l’Europe Occidentale [FR] (Western European Union) User Equivalent Range Error User Education and Training Upgraded Early Warning Radar Utilization Flight Überspannungsschutzbarrieren [DE] Unified Fuel Control Ultra Flat Display Up-Front Display (vorwärtsgerichteter Bildschirm) Universal Flight Data Recorder Unteroffizier [DE, Bw] Uncontrolled Flight Into Terrain Unintentional Frequency Modulation On Pulse Until Futher Notice UHF Follow-On Unidentified Flying Object (nicht-identifiziertes Flugobjekt) Uncooled Focal Plane Array Unified Flow Solver Unterfunkstelle Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicle (unbemanntes Land-Kampf-Fahrzeug) Unattended Ground Sensor Unattended Ground System Underground nuclear Testing Unmanned Ground Vehicle (unbemanntes Landfahrzeug) Utility Helicopter (Unterstützungshubschrauber) [Tiger] Taktischer Mehrzweckhubschraubertyp von Bell [USA, DE/Bw] Taktischer Transporthubschraubertyp von Sikorsky Aircraft Ultra High Bypass Ultra High Capacity Aircraft User Help Desk Ultra High Frequency (Dezimeterwellen) Ultra High Bypass Ultra High Resolution Utility Helicopter Tiger bzw. Unterstützungshubschrauber Tiger Ultra High Temperature Ceramic Unterstützungshubschrauber [DE, Bw] unidentified (nicht-identifiziert) Unit Interval Unnumbered Information User Interface (Benutzer-Interface) Unit Identification Code Upper-flight Information Centre (Informationszentrale für den oberen Luftraum) Universal Integrated Circuit Card Unit Identification Unique Item Identifier User Interface Management System Upper-flight Information Region (oberes Fluginformationsgebiet) Upper airspace flight Information Service Union Internationale des Télécommunications [FR] (Internationaler Fernmeldeverein) Uni-Junction Transistor United Kingdom, Vereinigtes Königreich 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 UK  UKAATS  UKACC  UKACCIS  UKADGE  UKADR  UKAMS  UKCEC  UKdo  UKF  UKFSC  UKIRCM  UKMFTS  UKN  UKR  UKSF  UKW  UL  UL, U/L  UL  ULA  ULA  ÜLB  ULB  ULD  ULD  ULEV  ULF  ULF  ULMS  ULN  ULNA  ULP  ULP  ULP  ULR  ULSA  ULSI  ULV  UM  UM  UMA  UMA  UMC  UMD  UMI  UML  UMOP  UMPC  UMS  UMS  UMSDT  UMT

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Unterstützungskräfte [DE, Bw] UK Advanced Air Traffic System UK Air Cargo Club UK Air Command and Control Information System United Kingdom Air Defence Ground Equipment UK Air Defence Region UK Air Missile System UK Cooperative Engagement Capability Unterstützungskommando [DE, Bw] Unbemanntes Kampfflugzeug [DE, Bw] UK Flight Safety Committee UK IR Countermeasures UK Military Flying Training System Unknown Ukraine United Kingdom Special Forces Ultrakurzwellen (Ultra-Short Wave) [VHF; 30 bis 300 MHz] [DE] Ultraleichtflugzeug [DE] Uplink [Boden-Luft bzw Boden-Bord-Funkverbindung] Upper Limits Uncommitted Logic Array United Launch Alliance [UK] Übungs- und Lehrberechtigte [DE, Bw/Lw] Underwater Locator Beacon Underwater Locating Device Unit Load Device Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Ultra Leichtes Flugzeug Ultra Low Frequencies Underwater Long-range Missile System Ultra Low Noise [Amplifier, Oscillator] Ultra Low Noise Amplifier Ultra Low Power Ultra Low Profile [IC Memory] Upper Layer Protocol Ultra Long Range Ultra Low Sidelobe Antenna Ultra Large Scale Integration Ultra Low Voltage Unintentional Modulation Universal Modem Unlicensed Mobile Access Unmanned Aircraft Upgraded Main Computer [Tornado] Ultra Mobile Device User Modifiable Information Unified Modelling Language Unintentional Modulation On Pulse Ultra Mobile PC User Modifiable Software Utilities Management System [Eurofighter] User Modifiable Software Development Tool Universal Mount

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 UMTS  UMV  UMV  UN  Una  UNAMA  UNAMID  UNAP  Unclas  UNDEX  UNICOM  UNIFIL  UNIVAC  Unk  Unl  Unlc  UNMEE  UNMIS  UNOMIG  UNPROFOR  UNREL  UNSA  UNSCOM  UOES  UON  UONS  UOR  UP  UP  UPC  UPC  UPI  Upp  UPR  UPRM  UPS  UPS  UPSMS  UPT  UPT  UPU  URA  URAV  URBOT  URC  URD  URE  URE  URET  URES  URF  Urg  URI 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System Unmanned Maritime Vehicle Unmanned Vehicle United Nations Unable UN Assistance Mission Afghanistan UN African Mission In Dafur Unable to Approve Unclassified Underwater Explosion Universal Communications UN Interim Forces In Lebanon Universal Automatic Computer Unknown Unlimited Unlicensed UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea UN Mission In Sudan UN Observer Mission in Georgia UN Protection Force Unreliable (unzuverlässig) Unmanned Naval Strike Aircraft United Nations Special Commission User Operational Evaluation System Urgent Operational Need Urgent Operational Need Statement Urgent Operational Requirements Universal Platform Utility Program (Dienstprogramm) Universal Product Code Uplink Power Controller Universal Peripheral Interface Upper User Preferred Route Universal Platform Resource Management Uninterruptible Power Supply United Parcel Services [US Co.] Uninterruptible Power Supply Management System Undergraduate Pilot Training Universal Personal Telecommunications Universal Postal Union User Range Accuracy Unmanned Reconnaissance Aerial Vehicle Urban Robot Underwater Reconnaissance Capability User Requirements Document Unintentional Radiation Exploitation User Range Error User Request Evaluation Tool Ultra Reliable Electronic System Unwanted Radio Frequency Urgency Uniform Resource Identifier 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 URL  URN  URN  URP  URS  URTF  U/S  US  US, U.S.  USA  USA  USACOM  USAF  USAFE  USART  USAF  USAFA  USAFE  USAFIB  ÜSAG  USAREUR . USAT  USB  USB  USB  USB  USC  USC  USCEL  USCG  USD  USD  USE  USEUCOM  USG  USGS  USH  USIC  USIM  USJFCOM  USM  USM  USM  USM  USMC  USMDA  USML  USMS  USN  USN  USNI  USNO  USO

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Unified/Uniform/Universall Resource Locator [Internet] Uniform Resource Name Unsynchronized Random Noise User Requirements Phase User Requirements Specification User Requirements Task Force Uncerviceable (unbrauchbar) Ultrasonic (Ultraschall) United States United States of America United States Army (US-Armee) US Atlantic Command United States Air Force (US-Luftstreitkräfte) United States Air Forces in Europe Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter United States Air Force (US-Luftstreitkräfte) United States Air Force Academy (Akademie der US-Luftstreitkräfte) United States Air Force Europe (US-Luftstreitkräfte Europa) US Army Flight Information Bulletin Überspannungsableiter – Gasgefüllt [DE] US Army in Europe (US-Armee in Europa) Ultra-Small Aperture Terminal Under Sea Battlespace Universal Serial Bus (Universeller Serieller Bus) Universal Signal Bus Upper Side Band (oberes Seitenband) United States Code [auch: U.S.C.] University of South California United States Council of EMC Laboratories United States Coast Guard (US-Küstenwache) Unmanned Surveillance Drone (unbemannte Überwachungsdrohne) United States Dollar User Support Equipment United States European Command United States Government United States Geological Survey Unteroffizierschule Heer [DE] User Specific Integrated Circuits Universal Subscriber Identy Module United States Joint Forces Command Underwater-to-Surface Missile United States Marine (US-Marine-Infanterie) Utilities System Management Universal Spike Monitor United States Marine Corps (US-Marine-Infanterie-Korps) United States Missile Defense Agency (US-Flugabwehragentur) United States Munitions List Utility Systems Management System United States Navy (US-Marinestreitkräfte) Universal Space Network United States Naval Institute United States Naval Observatory (US-Marine-Observatorium) Ultra Stable Oscillator

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


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 USOAP  USOC  USOC  USP  USQ  USRT  USS  USSD  USSID  USSOC  USSR  USSS  US SSN  USSTRATCOM  Ustb  UstgKr  USTO  USV  USV  USV  USV  USW  usw  UT  UT  UT  UT  UTA  UTA  UTC  UTC  UTC  UTC  UTC  UTE  UTF  UTI  UTM  UTP  UTR  UTR  UTTAS  UUT  UUV  UV  UV  UV  UV  UV  UV  UVL  UVP  UVS 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme Uniform Service Order Code User Support and Operations Centre Universal Storage Platform Codierte Bez. von Zusatzgeräten für die Missionsavionik [US] Universal Synchronous Receiver Transmitter United States Ship (Kriegsschiff der US) The University of California, San Diego United States Signal Intelligence Directive United States Special Operations Command Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [bereits aufgelöst] United States Sigint System United States Space Surveillance Network United States Strategic Command Unstabilized (nicht-stabilisiert) Unterstützungskräfte [DE, Bw] Untra-Short Take-Off (extremer Kurzstart) Überschall-Verkehrsflugzeug [DE] Unmanned Space Vehicle (unbemanntes Raumfahrzeug) Unmanned Surface Vehicle [USN] (unbemanntes Oberflächenfahrzeug) Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung [DE] Undersea Warfare [frühere Bez. ASW] (Unterwasser-Kriegführung) und so weiter [DE] Ultrasonic Testing (Überschalltests) Universal Time (Weltzeit) Update Time (Aktualisierungszeit) User Terminal (Benutzerstation) Upper-space control area [CAA] (Kontrollbezirk für den oberen Luftraum) Upper Transition Area Unit Type Code United Technologies Corporation Universal Time Coordinated [früher: GMT] (koordinierte Weltzeit) Universal True Coordinated University Technology Center Universal Trigger Engine Unbemanntes Transportfahrzeug [DE, Bw] Universal Transducer Interface [Bus] Universal Transversal Mercator Unshielded Twisted Pair Universal Temperature Reference UUT Test Requirements Utility Tactical Transport Aircraft System Unit Under Test (Geräteeinheit welche geprüft wird) Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (unbemanntes Untersee-Fahrzeug) Ultra-Violet (Ultraviolett) Umweltverträglichkeit [DE] Underwater Vehicle Unified Vision Unmanned Vehicle (unbemanntes Fahrzeug) Upper-sideband Voice Ultra-Violet Laser (Laser im ultravioletten Spektralbereich) Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung [DE] Unmanned Vehicle System (unbemanntes Fahrzeugsystem) 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 UW  UW  UWB  UWB  UWB  UWBA  UWB-R  UWBSAR  UWFCS  UWOT  UWT  UWW  UWW  UWY  UXB  UXGA  UXO

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Unique Word Unconvential Warfare (unkonventionelle Kriegführung) Ultra Wide Band (Ultra-Breitband) Ultra Wide Body [extrem-breitrumpfiger Flugzeugtyp] Unteroffizierweiterbildung [DE, Bw] Ultra Wide Band Antenna Ultra Wide Band - Radar (extrem-breitbandiges Radar) Ultra Wide Band - Synthetic Aperture Radar Under Water Fire Control System Universal War On Terrorism Under Water Telephone Under Water Warfare Underwater Weapons (Untersee-Waffen) Upper-airspace airway (Luftstraßen im oberen Luftraum) Unexploded Bomb (nicht-explodierte Bombe) Ultra Extended Graphics Array Unexploded Ordnance

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26. Juni 2013


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

V  V  V  V  V, v  V  V

Zeichen für die elektrische Spannungseinheit Volt Kurzzeichen für Victor [ICAO-Alphabet] Kurzzeichen für das chemische Element Vanadium Formelzeichen für Velocity (Geschwindigkeit) Formelzeichen für Volumen Kurzzeichen für Visible (sichtbar)

 VA  VA  VA  VA  VA  VA  VA  VA  VA  VA  VAA  VAA  VAA  VAAA  VAA-H  VAATE  VAB  Vac  VAC  VAC  VAC  VAC  VACS  VAD  VAD  VADR  VAE  VAES  VAFB  VAI  Val  VAL  VALE  VALFAC  VAM  VAMAS  VAMOSC  VAN  VAN  VANBw

Value Added Vector Analyzer Verteidigungs-Avionik (Defence Avionics) [DE] Vertical Antennas [auch: VerAnt] Visual Aids (optische Hilfen) Visual Approach (optischer Landeanflug) Volcanic Ash Voltampere [DE] Vulnerability Assessment Vulnerable Area Value Added Applications Van Atta Array [Antenne] Virgin Atlantic Airways [Airline] Van Atta Array Antennas Visual Approach Area - Helicopter Versatile Affordable Advanced Turbine Engine Vehicle Assembly Building Vacuum Visual Approach Chart Voice Activated Controls (Stimmen-aktivierbare Bedienelemente) Voice Activity Detection Volts of Alternating Current Voice Activated Control System Velocity-Azimuth Display Visual Acquisition Disrupter Voice And Data Recorder (Stimmen- und Daten-Aufzeichnungsgerät) Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (United Arab Emirates) [DE] Voice Activated Electronic System (Stimmen-aktivierbares Elektroniksystem) Vandenberg Air Force Base Visual Aircraft Identification (visuelle Flugzeug-Identifizierung) Validation Visual Approach and Landing chart (Sichtanflug und Landekarte) Voluntary Airport Low Emission [Program] Validation Facilities Vibration and Acoustic Monitoring Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards Visibility and Management of Operation and Support Costs Value Added Network Verlegefähiges Access Netz [DE, Bw] Verlegefähiges Access Netz der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw]


26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 VAP  VAP  VAP  VAP  VAPS  VAPS  VAQ  Var  VAR  VAR  VAR  Varactor  Varistor  VAS  VAS  VAS  VAS  VASI, Vasi  Vasis  VASP . VAST  VAT  VAU  VAW  VAW  Vb  VB  VB  VB  Vbd  VBH  VBI  VBN  VBR  VBS  VBSK  Vbu A-F-W  VBV  VBV  VBW  VBX  VC  VC  VC  VC  VC  VC  VC  VC  VC  VCA  VCB  VCC

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Vacuum Assisted Process Value Added Processor Visual Aids Panel Volumetric Airspace Penetration Virtual Applications Prototyping System Virtual Avionics Prototyping System VHF Avionics Qualification Magnetic Variation (Ortsmißweisung) Varistor Visual Aural Radiorange Volt-Amps Reactive Variable Reactor Variable Resistor Visual Augmentation System Voice Activated System (Stimmen-aktivierbares System) Vortex Advisory System Virtual Address Space Visual Approach Slope Indicator (Gleitwinkelanzeige) Visual Approach Slope Indicator System (Sichtanflug-Gleitwinkelindikatorsystem) Viacao Aérea Sao Paulo S.A. [Brazilian Airline] Very Small Aperture Terminal Value Added Tax (Mehrwertsteuer) Voltage Averaging Unit Verkehrsauswertung [DE] Vertical Assistance Window Verband [CH] Verteidigungsbezirk [DE, Bw] Vertical Bomb Videobandbreite [DE] Verband [DE, Bw] Verbindungs- und Beobachtungshubschrauber [DE, Bw] Verband Beratender Ingenieure e.V. [DE] Vorläufer Breitbandnetz [DE] Variable Bit Rate Virtual Battle Space Verband der Besatzung Strahlgetriebener Kampfflugzeuge [DE] Verbund Aufklärung-Führung-Wirkung [DE, Bw] Variable Bleed Valves Variable Bypass Valve Vertikalbordwaffe [DE] Visual Basic Extension Variable Cost Vereinigung co*ckpit [DE] Verification Chamber Virtual Channel Virtual Circuit Visual Control Visual Cueing Voice Communication Vortex Combustor Voltage Controlled Amplifier Virtual Circuit Bridge VHSIC Central Computer

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26. Juni 2013


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 VCC  VCCS  VCD  VCD  VCD  VCDU  VCE  VCI  VCID  VCM  VCMAX  VCMIN  VCO  VCOA  VCP  VCR  VCR  VCR  VCR  VCS  VCS  VCS  VCS  VCSO  VCSO  V&CT  VCU  VCU  VCXO  Vcy  V/D  VD  VD  VD  VDC, Vdc  VDCE  VDE  VDEV  VDF  VDF  VDF  VDFT  VDI  VDI  VDL  VDL  VDL4  VDL Mx  VDLU  VDLM2  VDLM3  VDLM4  VDMA 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Voice Communication Control Voice Communication and Control System Variable Capacitance Diode Video Compact Disc Voltage Controlled Device Video Control Display Unit Variable Cycle Engine Voice Change Instruction Virtual Channel Identification Visual Countermeasures [EW] (optische Gegenmaßnahmen) Active Maximum Control Speed Active Minimum Control Speed Voltage Controlled Oscillator (Spannungs-gesteuerter Oszillator) Visual Climb Over Airport Vertical Coupling Plane [ESD] Video Cassette Recorder (Videokassettenrekorder) Visual Control Room Voice co*ckpit Recorder (Gesprächs-Aufzeichnungs-Gerät) Voice Command Recognition (Stimmen-Befehl-Erkennung) Ventilation Control System Voice Command System (Sprach-Kommando-System) Voice Communications System (Sprach-Kommunikations-System) Voltage Controlled Synthesizer (spannungsgesteuerter Synthesizer) Voltage Controlled SAW Oscillator Voltage Controlled Sinewave Oscillator Verification and Control Technology VDL Control Unit (Steuereinheit für VDL) Video Control Unit Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (spannungsgesteuerter Kristalloszillator) Vicinity Voice/Data Vertical Dispersal Vertical Display Visual Display Volts of Direct Current Video Data Conversion Engine Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker e.V. [DE] Vertical Deviation Verein Deutscher Flugzeugführer [DE] Verband Deutscher Flugleiter [DE] VHF Direction Finder (UKW-Peiler) Verband Deutscher Flugsicherungs-Techniker [DE] Verband Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. [DE] Video Display Input (Bildschirmanzeige-Eingang) Verband Deutscher Luftfahrt-Techniker e.V. [DE] VHF Data Link VHF Data Link Mode 4 VHF Data Link Mode X Verband Deutscher Luftfahrt-Unternehmen [DE] VDL Mode 2 VDL Mode 3 VDL Mode 4 Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. [DE] 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 VDME  VDOP  VDP  VDR  VDR  VDR  VDRP  VDS  VDS  VDS  VDSL  VDT  VDT  VDU  VDX  VE  VE  VE  VE  VEC  VECTOR  VED  VEE  VEIRT  Vel  VEMS  Ver  Ver  VerAnt  VerkAuswt  Vers  VESA  Vert  VEZ  VF  VF  VF  VFB  VFC  VFD  VFD  Vfg  VfgR  VFK  VFO  VFOM  VFOP  VFOV  VFP  VFR  VFW  VG  VG

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VOR-DME Vertical Dilution Of Precision Visual Descent Point Validation Data Repository VHF Data/Digital Radio Voltage Dependent Resistor Voluntary Disclosure Reporting [Subsystem] Variable Depth Sonar Verband Deutscher Soldaten e.V. [DE] Video Distribution Subsystem Very high data-rate Digital Subscriber Line Variable Depth Transducer Video Display Terminal (Sichtgerät) Visual Display Unit (Sichtgerät-Einheit) Videotext Value Engineering Vertical Encoding Virtual Engineering Virtual Environment Visual En-route Chart Vectoring Extremely short take-off and landing, Control and Tailless Operations Research Vacuum Electron Device Visual Engineering Environment Versatile Environmental Impact Reporting Tool Velocity (Geschwindigkeit) Versatile Exercise Mine Systems Version Vertical Vertikalantennen [DE] Verkehrsauswertung [EloKa, DE] Versorgung [DE, Bw] Video Electronics Standard Association [auch: Vesa] Vertical (vertikal) Voreinflugzeichen [DE] Variable Frequency Video Frequency (Bildfrequenz) Voice Frequency (Sprachfrequenz) Virtual Functional Bus Voltage to Frequency Converter Vacuum Fluorescent Display Virtual Flight Deck Verfügung [DE] Verfügungsraum [DE, Bw] Verlustflugkörper [DE, Bw] Variable Frequency Oacillator Vertical Figure Of Merit Visual Flight Rules Operations Panel Vertical FOV Variance Frequency Processor Visual Flight Rules (Sichtflugregeln) Vereinigte Flugtechnische Werke [DE, jetzt EADS] Validity Generalisation Variable Geometry

Myrodis Athanassiou

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 VG  VG  VG  VG  VG  VGA  VGA  VG/DG  vgl  VGPI  VGPO  VGS  VGS  VGS  VGWO  V&H  VHD  VHDL  VHF  VHF R/T  VHF OTF  VHPIC  VHS  VHS  VHSD  VHSIC  VHT  VHV  VHZ  VIA  VIB  VIC  VID  VID  VIDS  VIEWS  VIEWS  VIFF  VIGV  VIIRS  VIM  VIM  VIMIS  VIMS  VINIR  VIintEL  VIP  VIP  VIP  VIP  VIP  VIP  VIR 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Verkehrsgesetz [DE] Verteidigungsgeräte [DE] Vertical Gyro Verwaltungsgericht [DE] Ground Velocity [auch: GRDV] Video Graphics Adapter Video Graphics Array [640x480 Pixel] Vertical Gyro/Directional Gyro Vergleiche [DE] Velocity Gate Pull-In [EW] Velocity Gate Pull-Off [EW] Velocity Gate Stealer [EW] VHF Datalink Ground Station Visual Guidance System Velocity Gate Walk-Off [EW] Vulnerabilty and Hardening Very High Density Very High-speed integrated circuit Definition Langauge Very High Frequency (Ultrakurzwellen, UKW) VHF Radio/Telephony VHF Operations Task Force Very High Performance IC Very High Speed Video Home System Very High Speed Data Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Very High Temperature Very High Voltage Vereinigte Hauptzentrale Versatile Integrated Avionics Vertical Integration Building Very Important Cargo Virtual Image Display Visual Identification Visually Integrated Display System Vibration Indicator Engine Warning System [auch: Views] Virtual Integrated Electronic Warfare System Vectoring in Forward Flight Variable Integral Guide Vane Visible Infrared Imager Reflectometer Suite Variable Impedance Matching Vibration Isolation Module Vertically Integrated Metal Insulator Semiconductor Visual and Mapping Spectrometer Visible Near Infrared Verteilte Integrierte Erprobungslandschaft [DE, Bw] Vacuum Infusion Processing Verified Identity Pass Vertically Integrated Photodide Very Important Person Visual Initial Point VLJ Integration Platform VOR/ILS Receiver 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 VIRL  VIS  VIS  VIS, vis  VIS, vis  VIS  VISA  Visrep  VISTA  VITA  VIU  VKSE  V/L  VL  VL  VLA  VLA  VLA  VLA  VLAD  VLAN  VLAR  VLB  VLB  VLBI  VLC  VLDC  VLF  VLF  VLI  VLJ  VLLAD  VLM  Vlnt  VLO  VLOF  VLP  VLPA  VLR  VLR  VLS  VLS  VLSA  VLSI  VLSIC  VLSS  VLV, Vlv  VLWIR  V/m  Vmax  VM  VM  VMASS

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Visible and Infrared Lidar Vehicle Interconnection System Video Intelligence System Visibility (Sicht, Sichtbarkeit) Visual (Visuell) Vital Information System Virtual Instrument Software Architecture Visual Report Virtual Integrated Software Testbed for Avionics VMEbus International Trade Association Video Interface Unit Vertrag über Konventionelle Streitkräfte in Europa [KSZE] VOR/Localizer Vertical Landing Virtual Link Vertical Line Array Very Large Aircraft Very Large Array Very Light Aircraft Vertical Line Array DIFAR Virtual LAN Vertical Launch And Recovery Very Long Baseline Vesa Local Bus Very Long Base Interferometry Very Low Clearance Very Large Data Storage Vectored Lift Fighter Very Low Frequencies (Längstwellen) [3 bis 30 kHz] Variable Light Illuminator Very Light Jet Very Low-Level Air Defence Vertical Launched Missile Violent (stürmisch) Very Low Observability (extrem niedrige Beobachtbarkeit/Detektierbarkeit) Lift-Off Speed Very Low Profile Vertical Log-Periodic-Antenna Very Light Rotorcraft Very Long Range Vertical Launching System Visible Light Sensor (Sichtbar-Licht-Sensor) Very Low Sidelobe Antenna Very Large Scale Integration (sehr hoher Integrationsgrad) Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit (Schaltung mit sehr hohem Integrationsgrad) Visible Light Surveillance Sensor Valve (Ventil) Very Long Wavelength Infrared Volts-per-Meter [Einheit der elektrischen Feldstärke] Höchstgeschwindigkeit [DE] Velocity Modulation (Geschwindigkeitsmodulation) Voltmeter [DE] Vehicle-Mounted Acoustic Sensor System

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26. Juni 2013


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 VMC  VMDI  VME  VME  VME  VME  VMF  VMM  VMMD  VMO  VMOS  VMOS  VMS  VMS  VMS  VMU  VMU  VN  VNA  VNAV  VNAV  VNE  VNIR  VNR  VNV  VO  VOA  VOC  Vocoder  VOCRAD  VOD  VOD  VoIP  VOL  VOM  VOR  VorAuswt  VORTAC  VOS  VOS  VOT  VOX  VOx  VP  VP  VP  VP  VPA  VPATH  VPD  VPF  VPIF  VPN 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Visual Meteorological Conditions (Sichtflug-Wetterbedingungen) Visual Miss Distance Indication Versa Module Eurocard bus [VMEBus] VHF Management Entity Virtual Machine Environment Virtual Memory Environment Variable Message Format Video Management Unit Vehicle-Mounted Mine Detector Velocity Max Operating Vertical MOS Virtual Machine Operating System Vehicle Management System (Fahrzeugmanagementsystem, Flugsteuerung) Vertical Motion Sensor (Vertikalbewegungssensor) Voice Message System Video Monitor Unit Voice Management Unit (Sprachsteuerungseinheit) Vereinte Nationen (United Nations, UN) [DE] Vector Network Analyzer (Vektornetzwerkanalysator) Vertical Navigation [auch: VNV] (Vertikal-Navigation, Höhennavigation) Visual Navigational aids [FAA] Never-Exeed Speed [VNE] Visible Near Infrared VHF Navigation Receiver Vertical Navigation Verordnung [DE] Vertically-polarized Omni Antenna Volatile Organic Compound Voice-coder Voice Radio Vertical Onboard Delivery Video On Demand Voice over Internet Protocol (Sprache über das Internetprotokoll) Volume [Lautstärke; Schalterstellung; auch: Vol] Volt-Ohm Meter VHF Omnidirectional radio Range [UKW-Drehfunkfeuer] Vorauswertung [EloKa, DE] VOR and TACAN [Kombination von VOR und TACAN] Velocity Of Sound (Schallgeschwindigkeit) Voice Operated Switch (Sprach-bedienbarer Schalter) VOR Test Voice Transmission (Sprach-Ausstrahlung) Vanadiumoxid [chem. Verbindung] Variable Pitch Vertical Polarization Vertical Profile Vulnerable Point Virtual Page Address Vertical Path Vertical Polar Diagram Vertical Processing Facility Video Port Interface Vendor Part Number 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 VPN  VPR  VPS  VR  VR  VR  VR  VR  VR China  VRAM  VRAM  Vrb  VRC  VRC  VRD  VRD  VRDS  VREF  VRG  VRP  VRR  VRS  VRTM  VRU  VRV  VRV  VS  VS  VS  vs.  V/S  Vs  VSA  VSA  VSA  VSAT  VSB  VSB  VSBY  VSCF  VSCS  VSCS  VSD  VSDE  VSDS  VSG  Vshorads  VSI  VSI  VSIP  VSM  VSO  VSP

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Virtual Private Network Verteidigungspolitische Richtlinien [DE, Bw] Variable Phase Shifter Validation of Records Variable Resistance Virtual Reality [Simulation] (virtuelle Realität) Visual Reconnaissance (optische Aufklärung) Voice Recognition (Spracherkennung) Volksrepublik von China Video Random Access Memory Voice Random Access Memory Variable (veränderlich) Vehicular Radio Communication Vertical Redundancy Check Virtual Retina Display Voltage Regulative Diode Voice Recording and Display System Reference Velocity (Referenzgeschwindigkeit) VDL Reference Guide Visual Reporting Points [GPS] Verification Readiness Review Voice Recording System [co*ckpit] Verification Requirements Traceability Matrix Video Reproducer Unit Vorderer Rand der Verteidigung [DE, Bw] Vor/Rück-Verhältnis [Antennendiagramm] [DE] Velocity Search Verbrauchssatz [DE] Verschluss-Sache [DE] Versus Vertical Speed (Steig- oder Sinkfluggeschwindigkeit) Stalling Speed Vector Signal Analyzer Visual Reference to the Ground (visuelle Bodenreferenz) Visual Separation on Approach Very Small Aperture Terminal Vestigial Side Band Visible (sichtbar) Visibility (Sichtbarkeit, Sicht) Variable-Speed Constant-Frequency Vertical Stabilizer Control System Voice Switching and Control System Vertical Situational Display (vertikale Fluglageanzeige) Virtual System Design Environment Vessel Self-Defence System (Schiffsselbstverteidigungssystem) Vector Signal Generator (Vektorsignalgenerator) Very Short-Range Air Defence System [UK] (Flugabwehrsystem sehr kurzer Reichweite) Vertical Speed Indicator (Variometer) Vision System International [Joint Venture] Vector Signal Image Processing Vertical Separation Minimum (minimale, vertikale Separierung) VITA Standards Organization Variable System Parametet

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26. Juni 2013


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 VSR  VSRAD  VSS  VSTC  V/STOL  VSTT  VSU  VSV  VSW  VSW/MCM  VSWD  VSWR  V/T  VT  VT  VT  VT  VT  VT  VT  VT  VTAC  VTAM  VTAS  VTAS  VTC  VTDP  VTE  VTF  VtgPol  VTHL  VTK  VTM  VTO  VTO  VTOCL  VTOL  VTP  VTR  V/TRK  VTS  VTS  VTUAV  VU  VUIT-2  VUV  V&V  V/V  V.V., v.v.  VV  VV  VV&A  VVA 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Volume Search Radar Very Short Range Air Defense Visual System Simulator Validation of Supplemental Type Certificate Vertical/Short Take-Off and Landing (Senkrecht-Kurzstart und -Landung) Variable Speed Training Target Video Switch Unit Variable Station Vane Very Shallow Water [Minenlegung] Very Shallow Water Mine Countermeasures Very Shallow Water Diving Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (Spannungs-Stehewellenverhältnis) Voltage/Temperature Vacuum Tube Variable Threshold Variable Time Verfahrenstrainer [DE, Bw] Video Terminal Virtual Terminal Virtual Tower Voltage Transient VOR-Tacan Virtual Telecommunications Access Method Visual Target Acquisition System (visuelles Zielerfassungssystem) Voice, Throttle And Stick (Sprache, Schubhebel und Steuerknüppel) Video Teleconferencing Vectored Thrust Ducted Propeller Virtual Test Environment Voltage Tuned Filter (spannungs-abstimmbares Filter) Verteidigungspolitik [DE] Vertical Take-off Horizontal Landing Vertical Track distance Voltage Tunable Magnetron (spannungs-abstimmbares Magnetron) Varactor Tuned Oscillator (varaktor-abstimmbarer Oszillator) Vertical Take-Off (Senkrechtstart) Vertical Take-Off and Conventional Landing (Senkrechtstart und konventionelle Landung) Vertical Take-Off and Landing (Senkrechtstart und -landung) Validation Test Plan Video Tape Recorder (Videokassettenrekorder, Videobandgerät) Vertical Track Vessel Traffic Service Voice Telecommunications System Vertical Take-off UAV Utility Speed Video from Unmanned Aerial Systems for Interoperability Teaming Level II Vacuum Ultraviolet [Radiation] Verification and Validation [auch: Validation and Verfication] Vertical Velocity Vice Versa Velocity Vector Vertical Visibility Validierung, Verfizierung & Akkreditierung Voltage Variable Attenuator 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 VVD  VVI  VVR  VVZ  VW  VWF  VWS  VwuTrsMi  VXO  VYRO  V.Z.

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Vertical View Display Vertical Velocity Indicator Video and Voice Recorder [Eurofighter] Vorläufige Verkehrszulassung [DE] Tailwind Verband der Wissenschaftler an Forschungsinstituten [DE] Vertical Windshear Verwundeten Transportmittel [DE, Bw] Variabel Crystal Oscillator Vertical Yaw and Roll Verzugszeit [DE]

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W

Kurzzeichen für Warning (Warnung) Zeichen für die Leistungseinheit Watt Kurzzeichen für Whiskey [ICAO-Alphabet] Kurzzeichen für Weapon (Waffe) Kurzzeichen für Weather (Wetter) Kurzzeichen für Weight (Gewicht) Kurzzeichen für West Kurzzeichen für Width (Breite) Kurzzeichen für Wing (Geschwader) Kurzzeichen für Write (schreiben)

 Wa  WA  WA  WA  WAA  WAA  WAAC  WAAS  WAAS  WAASS  WABEP  WAC  WAC  WACA  WACS  WAD  WAD  WAD  WAD  WAD  WAD  WADGNSS  WADGPS  WADS  WAEA  WAFC  WafG  WAFS  WAGE  WAGS  WAH-64  WAI  WAIN  WAIS  WAL  WAM

Warnung [CH] Weather Advisory Wendelantenne [auch: WeAnt] [DE] Wind Angle (Windwinkel) Wide Aperture Array [Sonar] Wide Area Augmentation [Navigation] Wide Angle Airborne Camera Wide Area Active Surveillance [Radar] Wide Area Augmentation System [US, GPS] Wide Area Active Surveillance System [USN] Wirkmittel zur Abstandsfähigen Bekämpfung von Einzel- und Punktzielen [DE, Bw] Weapon Aiming Computer (Waffen-Einweisungs-Computer) World Aeronautical Chart World Airlines Club Association Wireless Airport Communication System Weapons Alert Designator Wide Area Differential [EGNOS, GPS, LAAS, WAAS] World Aerospace Database World Aerospace Directory World Aviation Database World Aviation Directory Wide Area Differential Global Navigation Satellite System Wide Area Differential Global Positioning System Wide Area Data Service World Airline Entertainment Association World Area Forcast Center [Meteorologie] Waffengesetzt [DE, Bw] World Area Forecast System [Meteorologie] Wide Area GPS Enhancement Windshear Alert and Guidance System [Luftfahrt] Mehrzweckkampfhubschraubertyp von AgustaWestland Wing Anti-Ice Wide Area Integrated Network Wide Area Information Server Wright Avionics Laboratory Wide Area Multilateration


26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 WAM  WAM  WAM  WAMICON  WAN  WANIU  WAP  WAP  WAP  WAR  WARC-92  WARC-MOB  Warm  WARNET  WARP  WARR  WAS  WAS  WAS  WAS  WaSiF  WaSLw  WASM  WASP  WASP  WASP  WASP  WASP  WaSys  WaSysKdoLw  WAT  WATOG  WaTrg  WATRS  WATS  WATS  Wb  WB  WB  WB  WBBG  WBC  WBC  WBCO  WBG  WBIF  WBK  WBK  WBL  WBM  WBMOD  WBR  WBR

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Wide Area Munition Window Addressable Memory Workload Assessment Monitor Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference Wide Area Network (Weitbereichsnetzwerk) Wide Area Network Interface Unit Warning Annunciator Panel Wireless Access Protocol Wireless Application Protocol Warning [E], Warnung [DE] World Administrative Radiocommunication Conference 1992 WARC for Mobile service Wartime Reserve Mode Wireless Area Network Weather And Radar Processor Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Raketentechnik und Raumfahrt [DE] War-At-Sea Weapon Aiming System Wide Area Search Wide Area Surveillance Waffensystemsimulation im Fluge [EADS, DE] Waffenschule der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw] Wide Area Search Munitions Weasel Attack Signal Processor Wideband Acquisition and Spectrum Processor Wideband Array Signal Processing Widebody Airborne Sensor Plattform Wireless Access Service Point Waffensystem [DE, Bw] Waffensystemkommando Luftwaffe [DE, Bw] Weight, Altitude, Temperature World Airlines Technical Operations Glossary [wurde durch das CSDD ersetzt] Waffenträger [DE, Bw] West Atlantic Route Structure Wide Area Telecommunications Service Wide Area Tracking System Einheitenzeichen für den magnetischen Fluss Weber Wehrbereich [DE, Bw] Westbound Wide Band, Wide-Band, Wideband (Breitband) Wärmebildbeobachtungsgerät [DE] Waveband Beyond Cutoff Weight and Balance Computer Waveband Below Cutoff Wärmebildgerät [AT, DE] Wideband Intermediate Frequency Wärmebildgerät [DE] (thermal imaging device, FLIR) Wehrbereichskommando [DE, Bw] Wideband Limiting Weight and Balance Manual Wide-Band Scintillation Model Wideband Receiver (Breitbandempfänger) World Business Research

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 WBS  WBS  WBS  WBS  WBSA  WBSC  WBT  WBT  WBT  WBV  WC  WC  WC  WC  WC  WC  WC  WCA  WCA  WCAI  WCAN  WCCS  WCCU  WCDMA  WCL  WCLS  WCM  WCMS  WCMD  WCNC  WCNS  WCP  WCP  WCP  WCS  WCS  WCS  WCS  WCS  WCS  WD  WD  WD  WD  WD  WD  WDC  WDDS  WDF  WDI  WDIP  WDL  WDL 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Weight Balance System (Schwerpunktlade- und Beladungssystem) Wide Band Superhetorodyne (Breitbandüberlagerungsempfänger) Wide Bandgab Semiconductor Work Breakdown Structure Wideband Synthetic Array Wide Band Signal Conditioner Web-Based Training Wideband Transmitter (Breitbandsender) Window-Based Terminal Wehrbereichsverwaltung [DE, Bw] Warfare Center Waveguide Circular Waypoint Capture Weather Centre (Wetterzentrale) Wing Commander Work Center Worst Case Warning, Caution, Advisory Wind Correction Angle (Windkorrekturwinkel bzw Vorhaltewinkel) Wireless Communications Association International Wideband Communications Airborne Network (luftg. Breitband-Kommunikations-Netzwerk) Wireless Control Communications System (drahtlos-gesteuertes Kommunikationssystem) Wireless Control Communications Unit Wideband CDMA (Breitband CDMA) Weather Channel Water Coolant Loop System Weapons Control Module (Waffen-Steuerungs-Modul) Weapons Control and Management System (Waffensteuerungs- und Managementsystem) Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (abdriftkorrigierender Munitionsabwurfbehälter) Wireless Communications & Networking Conference Weapons Control and Navigation System (Waffensteuerungs- und Navigationssystem) Weapons Control Panel Weather Communications Processor WXR Control Panels Waste Collection System Weapons Control System Wideband Communications Satcom Wireless Communications Security Wireless Communications Services Wireless Communications Systems (drahtlose Kommunikationssysteme) Warning Display Warndisplay [DE] Wehrdienst [AT, DE] Wind Direction (Windrichtung) Working Document (Arbeitsdokument) Working Draft (Arbeitsentwurf) Weapon Delivery Computer (Waffenabfeuerungsrechner) Weather Data Display System (Wetterdatendisplaysystem) Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichtefunktion [Radar] [DE] Wind Direction Indication (Windrichtungsanzeige/er) Weapon Data Input Panel (Waffendateneingabefeld) Weapons Datalink (Waffendatenlink) Wehrdienstleistende [DE, Bw] 26. Juni 2013

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 WDLN  WDM  WDM-PON  WDNS  Wdw  WDX  WE  WE  WE  WEA  WEA  WEAA  WEAG  Weax  Wed  WEG  WenAnt  WES  WESCOM  WEU  WEU  WEZ  WF  WFA  WFES  WFM  WFOV  WFS  WFU  WG, wg  Wg  WG  Wg Cdr  WGA  WGCS-84  WGL  WGL  WGPDS  WGS  WGS  WGS-72  WGS-84  WHP  Whr  WHU  W-HUD  WI  WIA  WIAS  WIB  WiBro  WIDA  WIDAO

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Weapons Data Link Network Wavelength Division Multiplexing Wavelength Division Multiplexing - Passive Optical Network [Network] Weapons Delivery and Navigation System Window (Fenster) Weather-Data Extractor Weekend Write Enable Empty Weight [We] Weather (Wetter) Whole ECAC Area Western European Airports Association (Verband der Westeuropäischen Flughäfen) Western European Armaments Group Weather (Wetter) Wednesday (Mittwoch) Weapons Evaluation Group Wendelantenne [auch: WA, DE] Warning Electronic System Western Electric Satellite Communications Warning Electronic Unit Western European Union [E], Westeuropäische Union [DE] Weapons Engagement Zone Waffen und Flugkörpersysteme [DE, BWB] WXR Flat Plate Antenna Wehrforschungs- und Erprobungsschiff [DE] Waveform (Wellenform) Wide Field Of View (breiter Betrachtungswinkel) Web Future Service Withdrawn From Use (nicht mehr gebraucht) Waveguide (Wellenleiter) Wing (Geschwader) Working Group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft) Wing Commander Windows Genuine Advantage World Global Coordinate System 1984 Wireless Ground Link Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Luftfahrt [DE] Word and Graphics Process Documentation System Wideband Global Satcom [USAF] World Geodetic Survey World Geodetic Survey 1972 World Geodetic System/Standard 1984 Wave Horse Power [Triebwerke] Watthour Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Unternehmensführung [DE] Weitwinkel HUD [DE] Winkelinformation [Funkpeilung, DE] Weapon Impact Assessment Wetterdaten und Informationsanzeigesystem [DE, DFS] Wide Instantaneous Bandwidth Wireless Broadband Weather Impact Division Aids Wake Independent Departure and Arrival Operations

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26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 Wi-Fi  WIFIS  WIFU  WIG  WILCO  WiMAX  WIN  WINDMG  WINDR  WINN  WIN-T  WIP  WIP  WIPO  WIS  WIU  WJ  wk  Wkn  WL  WL  WL, WVL  WLA  WLAN  WLE  WLG  WLL  WLM  WLR  WM  WM  WMA  WMA  WMA  WMA  WMAN  WMC  WMD  WMG  WML  WMO  WMS  WMS  WMSC  WMT  WN  WNA  WNC  Wnd  Wng  WNR  WNW  WNW 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Wireless Fidelity Wissenschaftliches Forum für Internationale Sicherheit [DE, Hamburg] Weapons Interface Unit (Waffensysten-Interface-Einheit) Wing-In-Ground-effect Will Comply Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access Warfighter Information Network Wind Magnitude (Windstärke) Wind Direction (Windrichtung) Weather Information Network Warfare Information Network - Tactical Water Ice Protection Work In Progress (Arbeitsfortschritt) World Intellectual Property Organisation Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut für Schutztechnologien [DE, ABC-Schutz] Weapon Interface Unit Watkins Johnson [US Co.] Week Weaken, weakening Warteliste Water Line Wavelength (Wellenlänge) Work Load Assessment Wireless Local Area Network (drahtloses lokales Netzwerk) Wechselladeeinrichtung [DE, Bw] Wireless Ground-link Wireless Local Loop (lokale drahtlose Schleife) Wireless LAN Manager Weapon Locating Radar (Waffenlokalisierungsradar) Wiring Manual Working Memory Warfare Mission Area Windows Media Audio WXR Antenna Pedestal WXR Waveguide Adapter Wireless Metropolitan Area Network Warfare Management Computer (Kriegführungs-Management-Rechner) Weapons of Mass Destruction (Massenvernichtungswaffen) Waveform Modulation Generator Worldwide Military Link World Meteorological Organisation [UN; Genf](Meteorologische Weltorganisation) Web Mapping Service Wide-area Master Station (Weitbereichshauptstation) Weather Message Switching Center WXR Mount Week Number (Wochennummer) Waffennachführanlage [DE, Bw] Weapons and Navigation Computer (Waffen- und Navigationsrechner) Wind Warning Wideband Network Radio West-North-West [E], West-Nord-West [DE] Wideband Networking Waveform 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 W/O  W/O  Wo  WO  WO  Wob  WOC  WOD  WOD  WONG  WORM  WOW  WP  WP  WP  WP  WP  WP  WP  WP  WP  WPAFB  WPB  WPAN  wpm  Wpn  Wpn Rel  WPP  WPR  WPS  wps  Wpt  WPT  WPU  WQAR  WR  WR  WR  WRA  WRAU  WRA  WRAF  WRAN  WRC  WRCS  WRM  Wrng  WRS  WRS  WRS  WRT  W/S  WS

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Without Written-Off Takeoff Gross Weight [Formelzeichen] West-Ost [DE] Without Wobbulation Wing Operations Center [NATO, US] (Geschwader-Operations-Zentrale) Wind Over Deck Word Of Day Weight On Nose Gear Write Once, Read Many Weight On/Off Weels (Radbelastung) Warsaw Pact [bereits aufgelöst] Waypoints (Wegpunkte) Work Package Work Procedure Work Programme Working Paper (Arbeitspapier) Working Party Working Position Word Processor Wright-Patterson Air Force Base [US] Wide-Pulse Blanking Wireless Personal Area Network Words Per Minute [E], Worte pro Minute [DE] Weapon (Waffe) Weapons Release Working Position Processor Waypoints Position Report (Wegpunktemeldungen) Wellen-Pferde-Stärke [Triebwerke] Words Per Second Waypoints (Wegpunkte) Wireless Power Transmission Weapon Programming Unit (Waffenprogrammiereinheit) Wireless Quick Access Recorder Waveguide Rectangular Wheather Radar [E], Wetterradar [DE] Write Weapon Replaceable Assembly Weather Radar Attention Unit Winkel-Reflektor-Antennen Women’s RAF [UK] Wireless Regional Access Network World Radiocommunication Conference Weapons Release Computer System (Rechnersystem zum Abwurf von Waffen) War Reserve Materials Warning [E], Warnung [DE] WAAS Reference Station (Weitbereichsreferenz-Station) Weather Reconnaissance Squadron [USAF] (Wetter-Aufklärungs-Staffel) Wide-area Reference System Weather-radar Receiver/Transmitter (Wetterradar-Empfänger/Sender) Warning Status [E], Warnstatus [DE] Watch Supervisor

Myrodis Athanassiou

26. Juni 2013


Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

 WS  WS  WS  WS  WSA  WSA  WSC  WSCMO  WSD  WSDA  WSDDM  WSDL  WSDL  WSDPS  WSGT  WSI  WSI  WSI  WSK  WSL  WSM  WSMIS  WSMR  WSO  WSOA  WSP  WSP  WSR  WSR  WSR  WSS  WSSA  WSSA  WSSN  WST  WSTF  WSV  WSW  WSW  W&T  WT  WT, wt  WT  WT  WTB  WTC  WTC  WTD  WTE  WTEM  Wtg 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Weapon System [E], Waffensystem [DE] Wind-Shear (Windshere) Wind Speed (Windgeschwindigkeit) Work Station Warfare Systems Architecture Werkstattausstattung [DE, Bw] West Sector Coordinator Weather Service Contract Meteorological Observatory Wind Speed and Direction (Windgeschwindigkeit und Richtung) Weapon System Design Authorities [UK] Weather Support for Deicing Decision Making Weapon Systems Datalink (Waffensystem-Datenlink) Web Service Description Language Weapon System Design and Performance Specification (Waffensystem Design- und Leistungs-Spezifikation) White Sands Ground Terminal Weapon Systems Integration Windshear Indicator (Windshere-Anzeige) Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut [DE] Waffensystemkommando [DE, Bw] Waffensystemlogistik [DE, Bw] Weapon Stores Management (Waffenlast-Management) Weapon System Management Information System (Informationssystem des Waffensystem-Managements) White Sands Missile Range [US] Waffensystemoffizier [DE, Bw] (Weapons Systems Officer/Operator bzw Navigator) Weapon System Open Architecture Weather Systems Processor Windstillepunkt [DE] Warning and Surveillance Receiver (Überwachungs- und Warnempfänger) Weather Service Radar (Wetterdienst-Radar) Wide-area Surveillance Radar (weiträumiges Überwachungsradar) Weapon Systems Support Weapons System Safety Assessment Weapons System Support Activity World Standards Services Network Weapons Systems Technologies White Sands Test Facility Wasser- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung [DE] West-South-West (West-Süd-West) Windshear Warning (Windshere-Warnung) Warning & Targeting Wehrtechnik (defense technology) [DE] Weight (Gewicht) Wind Tunnel (Windtunnel) Wing Tip (Flügelspitze) Wired Triggered Bus Wake Turbulence Category World Trade Center [Sept. 11, 2001] Wehrtechnische Dienststelle [DE, BWB] Wingtip Extension (Flügelspitzenverlängerung) Wire Transverse Electromagnetic Wartung (maintenance) [DE]

26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

 WTO  WTP  WTr  WTR  WTS  WTSR  WTT  WTU  WÜ  WUSB  WUstZ  W/V  WV  WVDC  WVR  MVRAAM  W-W  WW  WW  WW  WWA  WWAN  WWB  WWB  WWDF  WWDSA  WWG  WWII  WWLL  WWLLN  WWMCCS  WWP  WWP  WWS  WWW  www  WX  WX  WXI  WXMS  WXP  WXR  WXR-700X  WXR-800  WXR-840  WXR-2100  WXS  WYPT  Wysiwyg  WZ  WZL

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

World Trade Organization (Welthandelsorganisation) Wing Tip Pod (Flügelspitzenbehälter) Waffenträger [DE, Bw] Western Test Range Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung [DE, BWB] Warfighter Tactical Sigint Resources Weapons Tactics Trainer Weapons and Tactics Unit Waffenübung, Wehrübung [DE, Bw] Wireless USB Waffensystemunterstützungszentrum [DE, Bw, Lw] Wind Velocity (Windgeschwindigkeit) Working Voltage (Arbeits- bzw Betriebsspannung) Working Voltage, Direct Current Within Visual Range (innerhalb Sichtweite) Within Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile Watson-Watt [Funkpeilung] Wild Weasel [EW] Windwinkel [DE] World War (Weltkrieg) Wulenweberantennen [DE] Wireless Wide Area Network Waffenwirkungsbereich [DE, Bw] World Weather Building Watson-Watt Direction Finder World Wide Digital System Architecture Wireless Working Group World War Two Worldwide Lightning Location World Wide Lightning Location Network (Weltweites-Blitzschlag-Lokalisierungs-Netzwerk) World Wide Military Command and Control System Watson-Watt-Peiler [Funkpeilung] World Weather Programme Weisung zur Weiterentwicklung der Streitkräfte [DE, Bw] World Weather Watch World Wide Web Weather (Wetter) Airborne Weather Radar (luftg. Wetterradar) Weather Radar Indicator (Wetterradaranzeiger) Weather Mapping System Weather Radar Panel Weather Radar (Wetterradar) Bordg., nach vorne gerichtetes Windshear Radar von Rockwell Collins Inc. Bordg. Wetterradar von Rockwell Collins Inc. Bordg. Wetterradar von Rockwell Collins Inc. Bordg. Multiscan-Wetterradar von Rockwell Collins Inc. Weather Radar System (Wetterradarsystem) Waypoint Altitude (Wegepunkthöhe) What You See Is What You Get Weltzeit [DE] Werkzeugmaschinenlabor [DE]

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

X Y Z x X  X X, x X X

Formelzeichen für die Multiplication Formelzeichen für die elektrische Reaktanz (Reactance)

X-2 X-45C X-47B XAC XADR Xc XCO XCP XCTR E XCVP XCVR XDCR xder XDM X-Eye Xe XFL Xfmr XFR, xfer XG, c.g. XG XGA XHTML XID XIR XIN XIN XL Xltr XLS XM Xmit XML XMOD XMSN XMTR Xng XO XO XP Xpcd

Technologieträger von Sikorsky Aircraft Kampfdrohne von The Boeing Co. Bordgestützte Kampfdrohne von Northrop Grumman Corp. Xian Aircraft Company [VR China] X-Band All-Digital Receiver Capacitive Reactance Crystal Controlled Oscillator Except (ausgenommen) xciter Extended Concept Validation Phase (erweiterte Konzeptvalidierungsphas) Tansceiver [auch: xcvr] Transducer [auch: xdcr, xducer] Transducer Experimental Development Model Cross Eye [EW] Xenon [chem. Symbol] Exit Flight Level Transformer Transfer Center of Gravity (Gravitationszentrum) Next Generation (nächste Generation) Extra Graphics Array [1024x768 Pixel] eXtensible HTML Exchange Identification eXtreme Infrared Crossing Intensions Military-crossing Intention Notification-message Inductive Reactance Translator Cross-side External Master Transmit [auch: xmit] eXtended Markup Language Cross Modulation Transmission Transmitter [auch: xmtr] Grossing Crystal Oscillator eXecutive Officer Cross-Polarozation (Kreuzpolarisation) Expected


Kurzzeichen für X-Ray [ICAO-Alphabet]

Kurzzeichen für die longitudinale X-Achse [XYZ-Koordinatensystem] Kurzzeichen für Expendable (ausstossbar, abwerfbar) Kurzzeichen für eXperimental Aircraft (Techlogieträger)

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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Cross-Polarozation Discrimination ATC Transponder [auch: XPDR, XPNDR, xpndr] Cancel Plan Transmitter Off Excellence Policy Group Transmitter On Exclusive OR Cross-Polarozation Extended Range Crossing Request Answer X-Ray Fluorescent X-ray Laser Airspace Crossing Dialogue Cross Section Cancel Supplementary Flight Level Expendable Sonobuoy/Sonar Sensor Experimental Stealth Tactical Crosstalk Crystal (Kristall) Cross Track Error (Kursablage) Crosstalk Cross-Track-distance Cross Track Deviation Cross Track-deviation Rate Crystal Oscillator Express Tranfer Protocol Cross-Track Cancel Track Extreme Across Track Tolerance Expendable UAV eXtented Video Graphics Array Crosswind Extra Wide Body

Y  Y Y Y, y Y YAG, Yag Yak YAK-130 Yb YBCO YbYAG YCZ Yd, yds YD YDC YIG, Yig YLF YPA

Formelzeichen für Admittanz

Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Kurzzeichen für Yankee [ICAO-Alphabet]

Kurzzeichen für die laterale Achse [XYZ-Koordinatensystem] Kurzzeichen für Yaw (gieren) Yttrium [chem. Symbol] Yttrium-Aluminium Garnet [chem. Laser: Y3Al5O12] Yakulev, Jakowlew Fortgeschrittenentrainer und Erdkämpfer von Yakowlew Ytterbium [chem. Symbol] Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide [chem. Verbindung] Ytterbium YAG [chem. Verbindung] Yellow Caution Zone Yards [Längen-Maßeinheit] Yaw Damper (Gierdämpfer) Yaw Damper Computer (Gierdämpferrechner) Yttrium-Iron Garnet [chem. Verbindung] Yttrium-Lithium-Floride [chem. Verbindung: LiYF4] Young Pilots’ Association [UK]

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

yr YSAS YSGG YTD YTO YTS YUA

Year (Jahr) Yaw Stability Augmentation System Yttrium-Scandium-Gallium-Garnet [chem. Verbindung: Y3Sc2Ga3O12] Year To Day (heute in einem Jahr) Yig Tuned Oscillator (Yig-abstimmbarer Oszillator) Youth Training Scheme [UK] Yagi-Uda-Antennas (Yagi-Uda-Antennen)

Z  Z Z Z ZA ZA ZASBw ZaVerf ZAW(H) ZAW z.B. ZBD ZBD ZBT ZC ZCS ZD ZD ZDB ZDBS ZDE ZDF ZDmF ZDv ZE ZE ZE ZEBEL ZEFF ZEO ZF ZF ZF ZF ZF ZFL ZFÜ ZFW ZG Zg ZGG ZIF ZIP ZISC ZLT

Formelzeichen für die Impedanz (impedance)


Kurzzeichen für Zulu [ICAO-Alphabet]

Kurzzeichen für die vertikale Achse [XYZ-Koordinatensystem] Kurzzeichen für Zenith Zentralamt [DE, Bw] Zielanflug [DE, Bw] Zentrum für Analysen und Studien der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Zielanweisungsverfahren [DE, Marine] Zentrale Auswertung Heer [DE, Bw] Zivilberufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung [DE] Zum Beispiel [DE] Zenithal Bistable Displays Zuverlässigkeitsblockdiagramm [DE] Zero Bus Turnaround Zentral-Controlling [DE, BWB] Zero Current Switching Zentrale Dienste [DE, Bw] Zero Defects Zentrale Datenbank [DE] Zentrale Deutsche Bodenstation für Satellitenfunk [DE] Zone Distribution Equipment Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen [DE] Zentrale Datenbank für den militärischen Flugbetrieb Zentrale Dienstvorschrift [DE, BMVg/Bw] Zentraleinheit [Rechner, DE] Zentraler Erdungspunkt [DE] Zielebene [DE, Bw] Zentrales Bundeseigenes Lager [DE, Bw] Zielerkennung Freund-Feind [DE] Zeiss Electro Optronic GmbH [DE] Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen AG [DE] Zero Frequency Zielfernrohr [DE] Zielflug [DE] Zwischenfrequenz (intermediate frequency) [DE] Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen Luftfahrtechnik GmbH [DE] Zentrale Flugüberwachung [DE] Zero Fuel Weight Zero Gravity Zug [De] Zweiganggetriebe [DE] Zero Insertion Force Zig-zag In-line Package Zero-Instruction-Set Computer Zeppelin Luftschifftechnik [DE] 26. Juni 2013

Myrodis Athanassiou

Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

ZM ZMilDBw ZMP ZMX ZMW ZMZ ZMZ/A Zn ZnAgO ZnGeAs ZNS ZnS ZnSe ZO ZOC ZOC ZOE ZOS ZOSA ZP ZPA ZPG Zr ZrB2 ZS zS ZSA ZSanDstBw ZSH ZSK ZT ZT ZT ZTC ZTL ZTL ZTL ZLW Zub ZulGesGew ZÜP ZusAusstg ZV ZVEI ZVF ZVG ZVM ZWB ZWELw ZZF ZzRadar z.Zt. ZzVerf

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Zielmeldung [DE, Bw] Zentrale Militärische Dienststelle der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Zentrale Missionsplanung [DE, Bw] Zeitmultiplex [DE] Zentimeterwellen [3 bis 30 GHz] Zivil-Militärische Zusammenarbeit [DE, Bw] Zivil-Militärische Zusammenarbeit / Ausland [DE, Bw] Chem. Symbol für das Element Zink [Zincum] Zinksilberoxyd [chem. Verbindung] Zink-Germanium-Arsen [chem. Verbindung] Zentrales Nervensystem [DE] Zink-Sulfid [chem. Verbindung] Zink-Selenid [chem. Verbindung] Zielortung [DE, Bw] Zone Of Confusion [Tacan] Zone Of Convergence Zone Of Exclusion Zone Of Separation Zelle Oberative SchutzAufgaben [DE, Bw] Zirkularpolarisiert [DE] Zylinder-Parabol-Antennen [DE] Zero Pressure Gradient Zirkon [chem. Symbol] Zirconium-Borid [chem. Verbindung] Zentraler Service [DE, Bw] zur See [DE] Zonal Safety Analysis Zentraler Sanitätsdienst der Bundeswehr [DE, Bw] Zivilschutzhubschrauber [DE] Zielsuchkopf [von LFKs] (Target Seeker Head) [DE, Bw] Zentraltank [Flugzeug] [DE] Zone Time Zusatztank [Flugzeug] [DE] Zone Temperature Controller Zeppelin Luftschifftechnik [DE] Zukunfts-Technologie Luftfahrt [DE] Zweistrom-Turbinen-Luftstrahl [DE] Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht [DE] Zubehör [DE] Zulässiges Gesamtgewicht [DE] Zuverlässigkeitsüberprüfung [DE] Zusatzausstattung [DE, Bw] Zielverfolgung [Radar, DE] Zentralverband der Elektrotechnik- und Elektronik-Industrie [DE] Zero Velocity Filter Zielflug Vorsatzgerät [DE, Bw] Zielvorstellungen Marine [DE, Bw] Zentrale für Wissenschaftliches Berichtswesen [DE] Zentrum für Weiterentwicklung der Luftwaffe [DE, Bw/Lw] Zentralamt für Zulassungen des Fernmeldewesens [DE; jetzt: BZT] Zielzuweisungsradar [DE, Bw] Zurzeit [DE] Zielzuweisungsverfahren [DE, Bw]

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

LITERATURANGABEN           

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Pilots/Controller Glossary. 26 August 2010. Datei: pcg.pdf AeroSpace and Defence Facts and Figures 2009. Datei: ASD_Facts_And_Figures_2009.pdf C-27J SPARTAN. Published by Alenia Aeronautica, June 2009. Datei: brochure%20c27j.pdf NATO Glossary of Abbreviations used in NATO Documents and Publications (English and French). AAP15(2005). Datei: 2005-aap15.pdf Glossary for Pilots and Traffic Services Personell. 20 January 2005 Edition. Datei: TC%20Glossary%20Pilots.pdf Transport Canada. Glossary for Pilots and Air Traffic Services Personell, February 2009 Edition. Datei: TP1158E.pdf Army Regulation 95-2. Air Traffic Control, Airspace, Airfields, Flight Activities, and Navigational Aids. Unclassified. Department of the Army, Washington DC, 10 August 1990. Datei: r95_2.pdf MILSTRIP, DOD 4000.25-1-M, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, October 5, 2007 NASA Ames Aviation Systems Division: Acronyms/Abbreviations. http://www.aviationsystemsdivision.arc.nasa.gov/resources/acronyms.shtml The United Kingdom’s Strategy for Countering International Terrorism. Hrsg.: Home Office. Annex C: Acronyms and Abbreviations. Acronym Abbreviation Acronym Definition. ROE. Rules of Engagement. RP. Responsible Party or Resources Proposal. A5307.uscgaux.info/Acronyms%20Most%20Commonly%20Used%20By%20Auxiliary.pdf Abbreviations and Acronyms I http://rfcafe.com/references/electrical/ew-radar-handbook/ewhdbkabbreviations… Royal Air Force Acronyms/Abbreviations I http://www.associations.rafinfo.org.uk/acronyms.htm Air Traffic Management Glossary of Terms I http://www.fly.faa.gov/Products/Glossary_of_Terms/glossary_of_terms.html Lexikon der Luftfahrtabkürzungen I http://www.prestl.de/willi/fliegen/Fluglexikon.htm Von AAF bis ZgTrp – Abkürzungen des Militärs I http://terroristen.wordpress.com/abkuerzungen/ Abkürzungen im Luftverkehr – Flugfunkabkürzungen I http://www.hb9gr.ch/Rundspruch/luftverkehr.pdf Acronyms and Abbreviations – ESA Earthnet Online I http://envisat.esa.int/handbooks/asar/CNTR51.htm Militärische Abkürzungen I http://www.ta7.de/txt/listen/list0032.htm EM Tools – Acronyms, Abbreviations & Terms I http://www.disastersrus.org/emtools/acronyms.htm FY 2004, Performance and Accountability Report. Appendix C: Glossary of key acronyms. Federal Aviation Administration – National Airspace System – Capital Investment Plan, Appendix E, Fiscal Years 2010-2014. List of acronyms and abbreviations. Avionics Terms – Aviation Glossary Terms & Definitions in the “Avionics” Category I http://aviationglossary.com/category/avionics-definition/ Appendix D - Acronyms and Abbreviations I http://www.ofcm.gov/fp-fy09/pdf/aApp-D.pdf AFS Safety Assurance System (SAS) – Glossary and Acronym List of Terms I www.faa.gov/about/initiatives/saso... Abkürzungen im Luftverkehr – Flugfunkabkürzungen I http://www.hb9gr.ch/Rundspruch/luftverkehr.pdf Die wichtigsten Begriffe und Abkürzungen im Luftverkehr I April 16, 2007, Ersteller: Der Billigflieger I http://www.billigflugnetz.de Acronyms and abbreviations in avionics I http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acronyms_and_abbreviations_in_avionics

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Karen Scarfone & Victoria Thompson. System and Network Security Acronyms and Abbreviations. NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce. NIST Interagency Report 7581, September 2009. Nistir-7581.pdf – Adobe Reader.

Wright-Patterson U.S. Air Force Base Fact Sheet I AFRL Acronyms I Public Affairs Office (937)904-9851 I http://www.wpafb.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet_print.asp?fslD=5987&page=1 Avionics Terms I Aviation Glossary Terms & Definitions I http://aviationglossary.com/category/avionics-definition/ Abkürzungen – Luftfahrt-Bundesamt I http://www.lba.de/deutsch/technik/avionic/Abkürzungen.htm Two Glossaries (of unknown Origins) ATOS I Air Transportation Oversight System Version 1.2 I Terms and Definitions, N8900.11, Effective Date 7/27/07, Appendix A I http://fsims.faa.gov/wdocs/notices7n8900_11.htm -http://fsims.avs.faa.gov. Abkürzungen der Bundeswehr – Aus Bundeswehr Wiki I http://www.bundeswehrwiki.de/ Abkürzungen für den Gebrauch in der Bundeswhr.pdf I http://docs8.chomikuj.pl/ Schreibregeln für Abkürzungen I http://www.laser-line.de Bundeswehr Abkürzungen – Eine Übersicht – Wehrdienst & AGA I http://www.agabund.de/bundeswehr-abkürzungen/ Abkürzungen I Englisch-Deutsch Abkürzungen und Begriffe zur Studie Luftgeographie, Bildmess-, Karten- und Vermessungswesen I http://www.vexilli.net/HisMGLW/HisAbk.html Abkürzungen.biz I http://www.abkuerzungen.biz Abkürzungen und Fachbegriffe I http://www.der-deutsche-jagdflieger.der Aerospace Acronym & Abbreviation Guide. Avionics Magazine December 2008 I www.avtoday.com/av Abbreviations and Acronyms – Appendix 1, pp 173-178 I Aircraft digital electronic and computer systems I September 18, 2006 Alphabetisches Abkürzungsverzeichnis RK Hammeln I. Download @ www.RK-Hammeln1.de Glossary of Terms – ECS – Electronic Cable Specialists I http://www.ecsdirect.comr_gt_pl.htm Militärisches Luftfahrthandbuch Deutschland. Amt für Flugsicherung der Bundeswehr, AMDT 11/10, GEN2.2-1, 21 OCT 2010 I Deutsch-Englisch KrisenKommandoKräfte I Call of Duty; Black Ops Clan I KKK I http://www.krisenkommandokraefte.de/militaer/abkuerzungen.php Ein kleines Lexikon der Luftfahrt I Wissenswertes aus dem Bereich der Luftfahrt I Deutsch-Englisch I 35 Seiten I http://www.biancahoegel.de/flug/wissen/seitel.htm Abkürzungen Militär und Bundeswehr I Deutsch-Englisch I http://http://spaces.kisd.de/fireandforget/definitionen/abkuerzungen-militat-und-bundeswehr/ Glossary I www.cobham.com Glossary of Terms I ATI Annual Report 2008 Glossary I Rohde & Schwarz I IEEE 802.16m Technology I 1MA 167-Oe, pp 38-39 Glossary of Symbols, Terms and Abbreviations I International Countermeasures Handbook, June 1975

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Wapedia – Wiki: Liste militärischer Abkürzungen I http://www.wapedia.mobil.de Wichtige Abkürzungen und Begriffe der Luftfahrt und deren Bedeutung I http://www.fluglaermaugsburg.de Abkürzungen der Allgemeinen Luftfahrt I http://www.spotter-cgn.de Militärische Abkürzungen I http://www.swiss-army.net Begriffe und Abkürzungen I http://admin.ch/d/sr Geheimdienste Abkürzungen I http://www.abkuerzungen.biz/gesellschaft-&-politik/ Abkürzungen der Bundeswehr – Die gebräuchlichsten Abkürzungen bei der Bundeswehr I http://rkblankenau.de/Abkuerzungen/Kuerzel.htm Abkürzungen der Bundeswehr I http://www.bundeswehrwiki.de/wiki/Abk%C3%BCrzungen_der_Bundeswehr

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Bundeswehr Abkürzungen I http://www.abkuerzungen.biz/gesellschaft-&-politik/bundeswehr/150/ Der deutsche Jagdflieger -Abkürzungen und Fachbegriffe I http://www.der-deutsche-jagdflieger.de Abkürzungen und Begriffsbestimmungen I www.f*cker.info/Allgemeiner_Teil.pdf Sprache und Kommunikation im Luftverkehr – Fliegersprache. http://www.erlebniswissen.lufthansa.com/fileadmin/de/medien/2102M.pdf Schreibregeln für Abkürzungen. http://www.laser-line.de Die wichtigsten Begriffe und Abkürzungen im Luftverkehr. http://www.billigflugnetz.de/index-derwichtigsten-begriffe-und-abkuerzungen-im-luft… FY 2004 Performance and Accountability Report, Appendix C: Glossary of Key Acronyms. http://www.osec.doc.gov/bmi/budget/04APPR/APPC.pdf Acronym and initialism. http://en.wikipedia.org/Acronym_and-initialism Dealing with Acronyms & Abbreviations – Accessites.org. http://accessites.org/site/2007/02/dealingwith-acronyms-abbreviations/ Difference Between Abbreviation and Acronym. http://www.differencebetween.net/language/difference-between-abbreviation-and-acro… IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms; IEEE STD 100-1972, New York, Wiley Interscience. IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms for Antennas, IEE Std 145-1973. IEEE Standard Definitions: Radar and Navigation Aid Terms. IEEE No. 172-1975. Stephen L. Johnson; Master Electronic Warfare Glossary; International Countermeasures Handbook; June 1976. Electronic Warfare Technical Glossary; International Countermeasures Handbook; June 1976. Enzyklopädie Naturwissenschaft und Technik, Bd.1 bis Bd.5; Verlag Moderne Industrie, München; 1979. USAF Acronyms and Code Words; International Countermeasures Handbook, 9th Edition, EW Communications Inc., 1984. Georg Färber, Prof. Dr.-Ing. (Hrsg.); Bussysteme - Parallele und serielle Bussysteme in Theorie und Praxis; R. Oldenburg Verlag, München Wien, 1984. E.C. Young; The New Penguin Dictionary of Electronics, Second Edition; Penguin Books, London; 1988. Werner Schnorrenberg; Spektrumanalyse: Theorie und Praxis; Vogel Verlag und Druck AG, Würzburg; 1990. Kurt Kracheel; Flugführungssysteme - Blindfluginstrumente, Autopiloten, Flugsteuerungen; Bernard & Graefe Verlag Bonn; 1993. Donald H. Middleton (Hrsg.); AVIONIK; Titel der Originalausgabe: Avionic Systems, bei Longman Group UK Limited 1989 Deutschsprachige Ausgabe bei Transpress Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Berlin; 1993. Cary R. Spitzer; Digital Avionics Systems - Principles and Practice; McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 2nd Edition; 1993. Jürgen Strobel; GPS - Global Positioning System, Technik und Anwendungen der Satellitennavigation; Franziss-Verlag GmbH, Poing; 1995. Jürgen Mies; Funknavigation; Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart; 1995. Anthony M. Thornborough; Modern Fighter Aircraft - Technology and Tactics; Patrick Stephens Limited; 1995. Kyrill von Gersdorf, Kurt Grasmann und Helmut Schubert; Flugmotoren und Strahltriebwerke; Bernard & Graefe Verlag Bonn; 1995. Hans Herbert Schulze; PC-Lexikon; Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Hamburg; 1996. Joe Johnston; Avionics for the Pilot; Airlife Publishing Ltd, Shrewsbury, UK; 1998. Tony Holmes; Flugzeugträger; Verlag E.S. Mittler & Sohn GmbH, Hamburg-Berlin-Bonn; 1999. Jürgen Mies; Flugtechnik; Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart; 1999. D. Curtis Schleher; Electronic Warfare in the Information Age; Artech House, Inc., Norwood, MA; 1999. Jean-Marc Roussot, EATMP Information Manager; EATMP Glossary; August 2000. http://www.eurocontrol.be 26. Juni 2013

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Ulrich Freyer; Fachbegriffe der Elektronik, Telekommunikation und Computertechnik; Franzis Verlag GmbH, Poing; 2000. Richard Knerr; Lexikon der Physik; Faktum Lexikon Institut, Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag GmbH, Gütersloh/München; 2000. AlliedSignal Inc., Electronic & Avionics Systems; Glossary of Avionics Terms & Acronyms; ACS-5082 00618100-0000 3/98; 2000. Michael Marten; Flugfunk - Kommunikation und Navigation in der Luftfahrt - Grundlagen, Technik Funkverkehr, Frequenzlisten; Siebel Verlag GmbH, Meckenheim; 2000. Jürgen Jahns; Photonik - Grundlagen, Komponenten und Systeme; München, Wien, Oldenburg 2001. Gerd Klawitter; Funk-Lexikon - Begriffe aus der Funktechnik leichtverständlich erklärt; 2. Überarbeitete Auflage, Siebel Verlag, Meckenheim; 2001. Computer Lexikon - Fachwörterbuch; Ausgabe 2002; Microsoft Press Deutschland; Unterschleißheim; 2001. Der Brockhaus - Technik von A-Z; Sonderausgabe für Weltbild Verlag GmbH, Augsburg; 2001. Debbie Johnson, Compiler; Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations; SAND REPORT, Sandia National Laboratories, US Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service. http://www.ntis.gov/ordering.htm Roderich Cescotti; AEROSPACE WÖRTERBUCH mit Aerospace Definitionen; Motorbuchverlag, Stuttgart; 2002. Das Große Arena Lexikon der Technik; Fachberatung Michael Wright und Mukul Patel; Arena Verlag GmbH, Würzburg; 2002. Andreas Holzinger; Basiswissen Multimedia - Band 1: Technik; Vogel Verlag, Würzburg; 2002. Jürgen Gebauer und Egon Krenz; Marine-Enzyklopädie von A bis Z; Tosa Verlag Wien, 2003. Begriffe der Elektronischen Kampfführung; DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG, Ulm; 2003. David L. Adamy; Introduction to Electronic Warfare - Modeling and Simulation; Artech House, Boston, London; 2003. Frank Littek; Technik und Sicherheit bei Passagierflugzeugen; Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart; 2003. DER BROCKHAUS - NATURWISSENSCHAFT UND TECHNIK; Herausgegeben von F. A. Brockhaus, AG Mannheim und Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg; 2003. SASS-C Glossary; February 2004. http://www.eurocontrol.be Avionics Glossary; Venik’s Aviation; Last update: 01.02.2004. http://www.aeronautics.ru/ EATM Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations; EUROCONTROL, July 2004. http://www.eurocontrol.int/eatm/gallery/content/public/library/acronyms.pdf Aviation Terms Glossary; Key Publishing; December 2004. http://www.keypublishing.com Niels Klußmann & Armin Malik; Lexikon der Luftfahrt; Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg; 2004. Bill Gunston; The Cambridge Aerospace Dictionary; Cambridge University Press; 2004. http://www.cambridge.org Thomas Kretschmer und Uwe Wiemken (Hrsg.); Militärische Nutzung des Weltraums, Grundlagen und Optionen; Report Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt a/M, Bonn; 2004. Peter Bachmann; Flugsicherung in Deutschland; Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart; 2005. Jeremy Flack; Lenk- und Abwurfwaffen der NATO-Luftwaffen; Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart; 2005. Herbert Groß; Luftfahrt-Wissen - Von den Grundlagen bis zur Pilotenlizenz; Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart; 2005. Bernd Sparenberg; Lexikon der zivilen Luftfahrt; Geramond Verlag, München; 2005 Peter Winkler; PC Lexikon 2005; Markt + Technik Verlag, München; 2005. Hartmut Woerrlein - Computer Bild; Das neue Computer-Lexikon; Ullstein; 2005. Aviation Electronics Glossary; Rockwell Collins Inc.; 2005. http://www.rockwellcollins.com Computerworld Lexikon der aktuellen Fachbegriffe aus Informatik und Telekommunikation; vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 2005. http://www.vdf.ethz.ch

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Glossary - Defense Acquisition Acronyms and Terms, 12th Edition; Defense Acquisition University Press, Fort Belvoir, Virginia; July 2005. http://www.dau.mil/pubs/glossary/preface.asp Aerospace Acronym and Abbreviation Guide; Avionics Magazine; December 2008. http://www.aviationtoday.com Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR); Title 14 Aeronautics and Space; Part 1: Definitions and Abbreviations, FAR §1.1 General Definitions & §1.2 Abbreviations and Symbols; March 1, 2007. http://www.faa.gov bzw. http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov Edited by Cary R. Spitzer; Digital Avionics Handbook [Vol. I: Elements, Software and Functions, Vol. II: Development and Implementation]; Taylor and Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW; 2007. Federal Aviation Administration - Acronym Glossary; December 6, 2007. http://www.faa.gov/airports Space & Electronic Warfare Lexicon; Developed and maintained by Joe Cyr [emailprotected], Sarasota, Florida; Last Update: January 31, 2008. http://www.sew.lexicon.com Space & Electronic Warfare Lexicon - Acronyms and Abbreviations; Developed and maintained by Joe Cyr [emailprotected], Sarasota, Florida; Last Update: January 31, 2008. http://www.sew.lexicon.com/cyr_m. htm Pilot/Controller Glossary; Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); Effective February 14, 2008. http://www.faa.gov/airports_airtraffic/air_traffic/publications/atpubs Joint Publication 1-02; Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms; 12 April 2001 (As Amended Through 17 October 2008).

Ausgewertete Zeitschriften          


Microwaves & RF: Monatlich in englischer Sprache in US erscheinende Publikation des ‘Penton Media, Inc.’ Webseite: www.mwrf.com Microwave Journal: Monatlich in englischer Sprache in US erscheinende Publikation von ‘Horizon House Publications, Inc.’ Webseite: www.mwjournal.com Aviation Week & Space Technology: Wöchentlich in englischer Sprache in US erscheinende Publikation von McGraw-Hill Companies. Webseite: www.aviationweek.com/awst Luft- und Raumfahrt: Alle zwei Monate in Deutschland erscheinende Publikation der DGLR, Bonn. Webseite: www.dglr.de Strategie & Technik: Monatlich in Deutschland erscheinende Publikation des ‘Report Verlags’, Bonn. Webseite: www.strategie-technik.de The Journal of Electronic Defense, JED: Monatlich in US in englischer Sprache erscheinende Publikation des AOC-Vereins. Webseite: www.crows.org Wehrtechnik: Etwa alle vier Monate in Deutschland erscheinende Publikation des Verlages ‘Mönch Publishing Group’, Bonn. Webseite: www.monch.com Fliegerrevue: Monatlich im ‘Möller Buch und Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH’, Berlin, erscheinende Publikation. Webseite: www.fliegerrevue.de Flugrevue: Monatlich im Verlag ‘Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG.’, Stuttgart erscheinende Publikation. Webseite: www.flugrevue.de Neues von Rohde und Schwarz: Viermal pro Jahr von der Rohde & Schwarz GmbH, München, herausgebrachte technische Hauszeitschrift. Webseite: www.rohde-schwarz.com

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Report: Etwa viermal pro Jahr von der MTU Aero Engines GmbH herausgebrachte technische Hauszeitschrift. Website: www.mtu.de Compliance Engineering - European Edition [1998, 1999, 2000] Microwaves Systems News, MSN: Defense Electronics, DE: Countermeasures, Military Electronics: Flight International: Interavia: Planet Aerospace: Mforum: Air International: Air Forces Monthly: Mikrowellen-Magazin: Physik in unserer Zeit: PC-Welt: Monatlich in Deutschland in der Verlagsgruppe IDG erscheinende PC-Zeitschrift. Webseite: www.pcwelt.de Computerbild: Alle zwei Wochen in Deutschland erscheinende PC- und Handy-Zeitschrift. Webseite: www.computerbild.de

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United Arab Emirates, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate Albania, Albanien Armenia, Armenien Argentina, Argentinien Australia, Australien Austria, Österreich Azerbaijan, Aserbaidschan


Bosnia and Herzegovina Belgium, Belgien Bulgaria, Bulgarien Bosnia and Hezegovina, Bosnien und Herzegowina Brazil, Brasilien Belarus, Weißrussland


Canada, Kanada Switzerland, Schweiz China, Volksrepublik China Cuba, Kuba Cyprus, Zypern Czech Republic, Tschechische Republik


Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Federal Republic of Germany Denmark, Dänemark Algeria, Algerien


Spain, Spanien Estonia, Estland Egypt, Ägypten Ethiopia, Äthiopien


Finland, Finnland France, Frankreich


Georgia, Georgien United Kingdom, Great Britain, Vereinigtes Königreich, Großbritannien Greece, Griechenland


Hong Kong Croatia, Kroatien Republic of Hungary, Republik Ungarn


Indonesia, Indonesien Ireland, Irland Israel India, Indien British Indian Ocean Territory Iraq, Irak Iran Island


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Italy, Italien


Jordan, Jordanien Japan


Republic of Korea Kuwait Kazakhstan, Kasachstan


Lebanon, Libanon Lichtenstein Liberia Lithuania, Litauen Luxembourg, Luxemburg Latvia, Lettland Libyan Arab Jamahiria, Libyen


Morocco, Marokko Monaco Republic of Moldova, Moldau Montenegro FYROM, Former Yogoslav Republic of Macedonia Myanmar Malta Mexico, Mexiko Malaysia


Nigeria, Nigeria The Netherlands, Niederlande Norway, Norwegen New Zeeland, Neuseeland


Pakistan Poland, Polen Portugal


Qatar, Katar


Romania, Rumänien Serbia Russian Federation, Russische Föderation


Saudi Arabia Sweden, Schweden Singapore, Singapur Slovenia, Slowenien Slovakia, Slowakei Syrian Arab Republic, Arabische Republik Syrien


Tunisia, Tunesien Turkey, Türkei


Ukraine United States, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Uzbekistan




South Africa, Südafrika

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

WOFÜR STEHEN DIE BUCHSTABEN DES ALPHABETS A, a Kurzzeichen für abandoned, Abbilden (G), Abbildung (G), abbreviated, abbreviation, Abfertigung (G), Abflug (G), abgesetzt (G), abnormal, abort, above, absolut (G), absolute, abstract, abtasten (G), Abtastung (G), Academy, academic, acceleration, accelerometer, accept, acceptance, access, accessible, accident, accordance, account, accumulation, accumulative, accumulator, achieved, acoustic, acoustical, acquisition, acronym, action, active, activity, action, actual, actuator, adaptiv (G), ada, adapter, adaptive, Addition (G), additional, address, addressable, Addresse (G), Administration (G), Administrator (G), administrative, Adoption (G), advanced, adverse, advice, advisory, Aegis, aerial, aérienne (F), aerodrom, aerodynamic, Aerodynamik (G), aeromedical, aeronautical, aeronautics, aéro, aeroplane, aéroports, Aerospace (G), aerosol, aerospace, affairs, affordable, Africa, african, Afrika (G), after, against, age, agency, agent, Agentur (G), agenzia (I), ahead, agile, aging, agreement, aid, aided, aids, aiming, air, airborne, Airbus, aircraft, aircrew, airdrop, airfield, airlift, airline, airplane, airport, air-routes, airspace, airspeed, airway, airworthiness, Akademie (G), Akkumulator (G), Akquisition (G), aktiv (G), Aktivität (G), aktuell (G), alarm, Alaska (G), alaskan, alert, alignment, all, allemande, allgemein (G), alliance, allied, allocation, ally, alpha, alphabet, alphanumeric, alterable, alternate, alternative, altimeter, altitude, Aluminium (G),, amateur, ambient, ambiguity, amendment, America, american, Ammonium (G), ammunition, Ampere, amphibious, amplification, amplifier, amplifying, Amplitude (G), amplitude, Amsterdam, Amt (G), analog, Analyse (G), analysis, and, anechoic, Anflug (G), angewandt (G), angle, Anlage (G), Antrieb (G), annotation, annual, announcement, annunciator, Anode (G), anomalous, Anpassung (G), Anstalt (G), answer, Antenne (G), antenna, anti, antimatter, anzunehmen (G), Apertur (G), aperture, aphenol, apogee, apparatus, application, applied, Applikation (G), appraisal, approach, approaching, approval, apron, arab, Arbeit (G), arbitrary, architectural, architecture, area, Argentina, Arinc, arithmetic, armament, armed, Armee (G), armement (F), arming, armor, armour, arms, Army, around, array, arrival, artificial, article, Artikel (G), Artillerie (G), artillery, ascent, ashore, Asia, asian, asked, aspect, assault, assembly, assessment, asset, assign, assigned, assignment, assistance, assistant, association, associator, assume, assumption, assurance, astronautical, astronautics, astronomical, asymmetric, asynchronous, ATC, Atlantic, Atmosphäre (G), atmosphere, atmospheric, Atomgewicht (G), atomar, atomic, attachment, attack, attacker, attenuation, attenuator, attention, attitude, atto, attrition, attribute, Audio (G), audio, audit, Aufgabe (G), Aufklärung (G), Aufzeichnung (G), Auftragnehmer, augmentation, augmented, Ausbildung (G), Ausgabe (G), Ausschuss (G), Ausstattung (G), Ausstellung (G), Australien (G), Austria, auswärtiges (G), Auswertung (G), authentication, authority, authorization, Auto (G), auto, automated, automatic, automation, automotive, autonomous, Autopilot (G), autopilot, auxiliary, availability, available, avalance, avenue, average, Aviation (G), avion, avionic, avionics, Avionik (G), aviation, avoidance, awaiting, award, awareness, azimuth.

B, b Kurzzeichen für back, backbone, background, backup, backward, baggage, balanced, ballistic, balloon, baltic, Band (G), band, bandpass, bandwidth, bank, bar, bare, barometer, barometric, barrier, base, based, baseline, basic, basieren (G), Basis (G), bathymetry, battalion, battery, battle, battlefield, battlespace, Bau (G), bay, bayonet, beacon, beam, beamwidth, bearing, beat, bed, Bedarf (G), before, beginners, begleit (G), behaviour, Behörden (G), Belgian, Belgium, bilingual, beach, Beeinflussung (G), Behörden (G), below, bench, benefit, Beobachtung (G), Bereich (G), Berlin (G), Beryllium, Beschaffung (G), beschränkt (G), best, Betankung (G), Betrieb (G), Betriebsstoffe (G), between, beweglich (G), beyond, Bezeichnung (G), bi, bias, biconic, biconical, bid, bidder, bidding, biennial, bilateral, Bild (G), billion, binary, biological, Biologie (G), biometric, bipolar, bird, bispectral, bistatic, bit, BITE, black, blade, blanker, blanking, bleed, blended, Blitz (G), block, blockage, blue, board, boarder, boarding, boat, Boden (G), body, Boeing, Bomber (G), bomber, bombing, bonding, Bonn (G), boom, boost, booster, Bor, Bord (G), Borium, Boron, Bosnia, bottom, boundary, brake, brass, bravo, Brasil, break, breakdown, breaker, breaking, breathing, breeder, breit (G), breitband- (G), brennen (G), bridge, briefing, 167218

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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brigade, brigadier, Britain, british, broad, broadband, broadcast, Brücke (G), brutto, boom, bubble, budget, buffer, buildings, Bulgaria, bulletin, bulk, Bund (G), Bundeswehr (G), buoy, buoyant, bureau, burn, burst, bus, busy, business, button, buyer, by, bypass, byte

C, c Kurzzeichen für cabin, cable, Cadmium, Caesium, call, Calcium, calculated, caliber, calibrated, calibration, California, camera, camouflage, Canada, canard, cancel, cancellation, cancelled, candela, capability, capacitance, capacity, Capitol, capsule, captain, captive, captor, car, carbon, carbonate, card, care, cargo, caribbean, Carl, carriage, carrier, Cassegrain, cassette, casualty, catapult, category, categories, cathode, cause, caution, cavalry, cavitation, ceilling, cell, cellular, center, centering, centerline, centi, centimeter, central, centralised, centre, ceramics, certification, cesium, chaff, chain, chairman, challenging, chamber, change, channel, channelling, chapter, characteristics, charged, chart, charter, check, checkout, chemical, Chemie (G), chief, China, chip, chloro-, choice, ciclic, circuit, circular, circularly, circulation, cirrus, citizens, civil, class, classification, clear, clearance, client, climate, climb, clinic, clock, close, closed, cloud, club, cluster, clutter, coalition, coarse, coast, Cobham, co*ckpit, code, coded, coding, coefficient, cofired, cognitive, cognizant, coherent, chord, colaboration, colaborative, cold, collection, college, collision, color, colour, Columbus, combat, combatant, combating, combined, combiner, combustion, combustor, comint, command, commandant, commandement, commander, comerce, commercial, commission, committee, common, communications, community, commutated, compact, company, comparator, comparison, compass, compatibility, compatible, competition, competitive, competence, competitive, compilation, complementary, complete, completion, complex, compliance, compliant, component, composite, comprehensive, compressed, compression, compressive, compressor, computer, computerised, computing, concept, conceptual, concern, concret, concurrent, condition, conditioning, conduct, conducted, conducting, cone, confederation, conference, confidence, confidential, configurable, configuration, confined, confirm, conflict, conformal, conformance, conformity, congestion, Congress, congressional, conical, connection, connectivity, connector, conseil (F), console, consolidated, consortium, consultation, constant, construction, consultant, consultatif (F), consulting, consumables, content, context, continental, contingency, continuous, continuously, contour, contract, contractor, control, controlled, controller, controlling, convention, conventional, convergence, conversion, convolution, convoy, Copenhagen, cooled, cooler, cooling, cooperative, coordinate, coordinating, coordination, coordinator, Copper, copy, core, corner, corporate, corporation, corps, corrected, correction, corrective, correlation, correlator, corridor, corrosion, corrupt, corvette, cosmic, cost, Council, counter, countering, countermeasures, coupled, coupler, coupling, course, cover, coverage, covert, craft, Cranz (G), crash, credit, crest, crew, crisis, critical, criticality, Croatian, cross, cruise, cruising, cryostat, crypto, crystal, cube, cubic, cueing, cumulative, cumulus, current, curriculum, curser, cushion, customs, cutoff, cutting, cyan, cyber, cycle, cylindrical, czech,

D, d Kurzzeichen für Dach (G), daily, damage, damped, danger, dark, dengerous, dark, Darstellung (G), Dassault (F), data, Daten (G), Dauer (G), day, dead, deca, Decca, decentralized, deception, deceptive, deci, decision, deck, declaration, declear, declination, decommissioned, decontamination, decoy, decrease, decrement, dedicated, deep, defeat, defence (BE), defense (AE), deficiency, define, definition, deflection, degraded, degree, delay, delete, delivery, delta, demand, Demodulation (G), demolution, demonstrator, demonstration, denial, Denmark, dense, density, depart, department, departure, dependent, depleted, deployed, deployment, depot, deputy, depth, der, derivative, descent, description, design, designate, designated, designator, desired, desk, desktop, destination, destroyer, destruction, detachment, detecting, detectivity, detector, deteriorate, determination, deterministic, deuterium, deutsch (G), deutsche (G), Deutschland (G), development, deviation, device, dew, diagnostic, diagram (AE), Diagramm (G), diagramme (BE), dialling, diameter, Diehl (G), dielectrical, dielektrisch (G), Dienst (G), diesel, difference, differential, diffused, diffusion, digit, digital, digitizer, dilution, diode, diplexer, Myrodis Athanassiou

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Dipol (G), dipping, direct, directed, direction, director, directorate, directionally, directive, dis-, disc, discharged, disconnect, discovery, discrete, discriminator, discussion, dish, dispath, dispense, dispenser, dispersed, displaced, display, dissemination, dissipation, distance, distant, distribution, diversion, Division (G), document, domain, domestic, doped, doppel (G), Doppler (G), dots, double, Douglas, down, downlink, download, downward, drag, Draht (G), drahtlos (G), drawing, drehen (G), drift, drive, driven, drogue, Drohne (G), drone, drop, Druck (G), drum, dry, dual, dump, duplex, duplexer, duration, Durchführung (G), during, dust, Dutch (NL), duty, dynamic, dynamics

E, e Kurzzeichen für earliest, early, earnings, earth, east, eastern, echo, école (F), economic, economy, edge, editor, education, educational, effect, effective, efficiency, efficient, Egnos, EICAS, Eidgenössisches, Einführung (G), Eingabe (G), eingetragen (G), Eingriff (G), Einsatz (G), ejection, aktiv (G), elapsed, Elbe (G), electrical, elektrisch (G), electro-, electromagnetic, electron, electronic, electronically, electronics, Elektrizität (G), Elektro- (G), Elektronik (G), elektronisch (G), element, elementary, elevation, eliminator, Elint, elliptical, EloKa (G), emanation, embedded, emerge, emergency, emerging, emission, emissivity, emitter, emittieren, empty, emulated, emulation, enable, enabling, encoding, encryption, end- (G), endo-, endurance, enemy, Energie (G), energy, enforcement, engagement, engine, engineer, engineering, english, enhanced, enhancement, enlarged, enlisted, enriched, en-route, enter, enterprise, entertainment, Entfernung (G), Entgiftung (G), entire, entity, entropy, entry, Entscheidung (G), Entseuchung (G), Entwicklung (G), Entstrahlung (G), envelope, environment, ephemeris, epoxy, equal, equip, equipment, equipped, equivalent, erasable, erase, Erfassung (G), Ergebnis (G), ergonomics, Erhaltung (G), Erkennung (G), Erprobung (G), error, Ersatz (G), erweitert, ESA, escape, escort, espace (F), Espania, essential, established, establishment, estimate, estimated, Estonian, etablissem*nt (F), ethernet, eureka, Eurocontrol, eurofighter, Europa (G), europäisch (G), Europe, european, evacuation, evaluation, Evaluierung (G), evasive, evation, event, evolution, evolved, exa, exaust, except, exchange, execution, executive, exercise, exhaust, exhibition, exit, exo, expanded, expansion, expected, expedite, expeditionary, expendables, experiment, experimental, experts, expire, experience, experimental, explanatory, exploitation, explorer, explosive, explosively, expo, exponential, export, extreme, extend, extended, extension, exterior, external, extra, extraction, extranet, extrapolate, extrapolation, extremely, extruded, extrusion, eye

F, f Kurzzeichen für fabrication, Fabry, Fach (G), Fächer- (G), facility, fact, factor, factory, Fahrenheit, Fahrzeug (G), fail, failure, false, Falt- (G), familiarization, family, fan, far, Farad, Farnborough, Faser (G), fast, fatal, fatigue, fault, feasibility, feature, federal, federally, federation, Féderation (F), feedback, feet, Fehler (G), Feind (G), Feld (G), femto, fern- (G), Fernmelde (G), Ferrit (G), ferrite, ferro-, ferrum, Fertigung (G), fest (G), Feuer (G), fiber, fidelity, field, fighter, figure, file, filled, filling, film, filter, fin, final, financial, finder, finding, fine, fingerprint, finite, Finland, fire, firing, first, fiscal, fix, fixed, flach (G), flap, flares, flat, fleet, Flensburg (G), flexibility, flexible, Flieger (G), flight, flip, Flir, floating, floppy, flow, fluctiation, Flug (G), Flügel (G), Flughafen (G), Flugzeug (G), fluid, Fluoride, fluorescent, flush, flux, fly, flying, foam, focal, Focker (G), focused, foe, fog, fold, folding, foliage, follow, following, for, forca, force, forces, Förder- (G), forecast, forecasting, fore, foreign, forget, formal, format, formation, Formel (D), former, forming, formula, Forschung (G), forum, forward, forwarding, Forschung (G), foundation, Fourier, fractal, fragmentation, frame, France, Frankfurt (G), free, freedom, freezing, frei (G), french, frequency, frequent, frequently, Frequenz (G), Freund (G), Fregatte (G), friction, Friedrich (G), friend, friendly, frigate, front, fuel, fuerza, Führung (G), full, function, functional, fund, Fundament (G), fundamentals, funding, Funk (G), Funktion (G), furnished, fuze, fused, fuselage, fusion, future

G, g Kurzzeichen für


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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Gain, Galileo, Gallium, gamma-ray, gas, gate, gateway, gause, Gauss, gear, geared, Gebiet (G), Gefahr (G), Gefecht (G), gemeinsam (G), Gemeinschaft (G), geoid, geometrics, general, generation, generator, generic, Genehmigung, geo-, Geodäsie (G), geodetic, geometrics, geometry, geophysical, Georgia, geostationary, geosynchron, gepanzertes (G), german, Germany, Gerät (G), geschütztes (G), Geschwader (G), Gesellschaft (G), gesicherter (G), gewerblicher (G), giga, gimballed, Gitter (G), glareshield, glss, glassfibre, Gleider (G), glide, glideslope, gliding, global, go, goggles, gold, government, GPS, gradient, grading, graduate, graduated, gram, grand, graph, graphical, graphics, graphite, gravimetric, gravitation, gravity, gray, great, greenhouse, Greenwich, grenade, grey, grid, gridded, größter (G), group, groupe (F), ground, Grumman, grund (G), Gruppe (G), guard, guidance, guided, Gulf, gun, gust, gyro,

H, h Kurzzeichen für Hafnium, Haltung (G), half, handbook, hand, handoff, Handel (G), handling, lane, Hänge- (G), Hannover, hard, hardned, harmonisation, hardware, hardwired, harm, harrasment, Harrier, haupt- (G), Hawk, hazard, hazardous, head, heading, headset, health, heat, heating, heavier, heavy, hecto, Heer (G), height, helical, helicopter, held, heliport, Helium, helix, hellenic, helmet, help, hemispheric, Henry, Hermann, Hertz (G), Hewlett, hierarchical, high, highband, highway, Hilfe (G), hilfs- (G), Hindustan, history, hit, hoch (G), hold, holding, hole, holiday, holographic, home, homing, homeland, Hongdu, hop, hopping, hops, horizon, Horizont (G), horizontal, Horn (G), hornet, horse, hose, hospital, host, hostile, hot, hour, house, hover, how, Howalswerke (G), Hubschrauber (G), Hughes, hull, human, Hungary, hybrid, hydrant, hydraulic, hydro, Hydrogen, hyper, hypersonic,

I, I Kurzzeichen für ice, identically, identification, identify, idle, igniter, ignition, illuminate, illuminated, illumination, illuminator, imagery, imaging, immediate, immigration, immunity, impact, impact, impetance, impending, implementation, import, important, improved, impulse, inbound, incident, inclusive, incoming, incrimental, independent, indirect, inclined, increased, index, India, indian, indication, indicator, indigenous, indirect, individual, Indonesia, indonesian, induced, inductance, inductive, industrial, industry, inertial, Infanderist (G), infantry, infiltration, information, infrared, ingestion, inhibition, initial, initiating, initiation, injection, inlet, inner, innovation, input, insertion, inside, inspection, inspector, installation, Instandsetzung (G), instant, instantaneous, Institut (G), institute, institution, instruction, instrument, instrumentation, integrated, integration, integriertes (G), integrity, intellectulat, intelligence, intelligent, intent, intensifier, intensity, intensive, intention, inter, interactions, interactive, interagency, intercept, interception, intercom, interdiction, interest, Interesse (G), interface, interference, interferometer, interim, interior, interleaved, intermediate, intermittent, internal, internally, international, interne (G), internet, interoperabilty, interpretation, interrogation, interrogator, interrupted, intersection, interstage, interstation, interstellar, intervall, into, intrusion, invalid, inverse, inversion, investigation, investment, invitation, ion, ionospheric, iraqi, irish, isolated, isotrop, isotropically, Israel, israeli, issue, italian, Italy, item,

J, j Kurzzeichen für Jagd (G), Jäger (G), Jahr (G), jam, James, jammer, jamming, Japan, japanese, jet, jitter, Johnson, joint, Joule, journal, JTIDS, Jülich, July, June, junction,

K, k Kurzzeichen für Kabel (G), Kalman, Kampf (G), Karte (G), Karlsruhe, Kartografie (G), Kassette (G), Kasten (G), Katalog, Kawasaki, Kelvin, Kennedy, Kern (G), Kerosin (G), kerosine, Keule (G), key, keyboard, keying, kill, kilo, kinetic, kit, Kissen (G), Klappen (G), klein (G), Klystron (G), klystron, knowledge, Kohlestoff, Kolben (G), Kommando (G), Kommunikation (G), Kompass (G), Kompetenz (G), Komponenten (G), Konferenz (G), Myrodis Athanassiou

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

Konservierung (G), Kontingent (G), Kontroll (G), Konzeption (G), Koordinaten (G), Korea, Körper (G), Korrelation (G), Kosekans (G), Kourou, Korea, Korvette (G), Kosten (G), Kraft (G), Kreis (G), Kreuz (G), Krieg (G), Krisen (G), Krypto- (G), Kugel (G), künstliche (G), Kunststoff (G), Kurs (G), kurz (G), Kuwait, Kwajalein, Kybernetik (G).

L, l Kurzzeichen für Lab, laboratory, Lage (G), lamp, land, Lande- (G), landing, lang (G), Länge (G), language, Lantrin, large, Lärm (G), Laser, last, lateral, laterally, latitude, Latin, Latvian, launch, launcher, law, laws, layer, lead, leading, leadless, league, learning, least, leave, Leben (G), lecture, left, legal, Lehre (G), leicht (G), Leistung (G), Leiter (G), Leitung (G), Leistung (G), length, Lenkung (G), lens, lethal, letter, Leuchte (G), level, liaison, libra, library, licence, Licht (G), life, lifter, liftoff, Liga (G), light, lighting, lightning, likelihood, limit, limited, limiting, linear, linearity, link, lieutenant, linkless, Linse (G), liquid, list, Liter (G), Lithuania, littoral, live, load, loader, lobe, local, locate, location, locator, lock, Lockheed, log, logarithmic, Logarithmus (G), logic, logistics, Logistik (G), loiter, loitering, look, London, long, longitude, longitudinal, loop, Loran, Lösch (G), loss, lost, low, lubricant, Luft (G), Luftfahrt (G), Lufthansa (G), lumen, luminescent, lunar, Luneberg, lux, Luxembourg,

M, m Kurzzeichen für Mach, machine, magnetic, magnetisch (G), Magnetron (G), magnetron, magnitude, mail, main, maintenance, management, manager, managing, maneuver, maneuvering, manpack, manual, manufactoring, map, Marine (G), maritime, marked, marker, markup, Martin, mass, Masse (G), master, material, Matra, matrix, maturity, max, maximum, mean, measurement, measures, mechanical, Mechanik (G), mechanism, media, medical, medicine, medium, meeting, mega, member, memorandum, memory, Mercury, mergers, message, messaging, Messe (G), metal, meteorological, meteorologisch (G), meter, methodology, metrology, micro, microwave, mid, midcourse, middle, Mikrowelle (G), mile, Militär (G), military, milli, million, miniature, miniaturized, minimum, minor, minute, mirror, Mischer (G), miss, missed, missile, mission, mixer, mobile, mobility, mockup, mode, model, modeling, Modem, Modernisierung (G), modul, modular, modulation, Modulation (G), module, monetary, monitor, monitoring, mono, monolithic, monopol, monopuls, moon, mosaic, Moscow, mounted, movement, moving, moyenne (F), multi, multifunction, multimedia, multinational, multiple, multiplexer, multiplexing, multitrack, Munition (G), munition, museum

N, n Kurzzeichen für narrow, Nation (G), national, NATO, Navigation (G), Navy, nautical, national, Neon (G), neodymium, neutron, network, Netzwerk (G), neutralization, night, node, noise, non, norm, normal, North, Northrop, notation, notebook, notice, notification, nozzle, nuclear, number, numerical,

O, o Kurzzeichen für Oberth, object, observable, observation, observatory, observe, observer, observing, obstacle, ocean, oceanic, of, off, offer, offering, office, officer, on, on-board, operate, operated, operating, operation, operational, operator, optic, optical, Optik (G), option, optisch (G), optronic, orbit, order, organic, organization, oriented, oscillation, oscillator, out, output, outside, oven, over, oversight, owned, oxide, ozon.

P, p Kurzzeichen für Pacific, Packard, packet, panel, panoramic, Panzer (G), paper, parallel, parameter, Paris, parking, part, participating, participation, partner, parts, Pascal, pass, Passband (G), passenger, passive, path, patrol, payoff, peilen (G), Peiler (G), Peilung (G), penetrating, penetrator, per, perceived, performance, peri167218

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odisch (G), peripheral, permament, personal, phase, phased, Phosphat (G), phosphate, photographic, physikalisch (G), picture, pilot, pilotless, pipe, plan, plane, planner, planning, plasma, plastic, plate, platform, Platz (G), pod, point, pointer, pointing, polar, polarization, pollutant, poly, polymer, port, portée (F), position, positioning, positive, potential, power, power-up, pre-, precipitation, precision, preparation, preproccessing, Presse (G), pressure, primary, prime, principles, priority, probability, procedure, processing, processor, precision, product, production, profile, program, Programm (G), programmable, programme, programming, project, projectile, projection, propagation, propellant, Propeller (G), property, proposal, propulsion, protection, protector, protocol, provider, proximity, public, publication, Puls (G), pulse, pulsed, pump, purchase, purpose, pylon,

Q, q Kurzzeichen für Quadrat (G), qualification, quality, quantum, quarters, question, quick, quotient,

R, r Kurzzeichen für rack, radar, radial, radiate, radiated, radiation, radiator, radio, radioactive, radiometer, Radiometrie (G), Rahmen (G), rain, Rakete (G), ram, ramp, random, ramjet, range, ranging, ranking, rapide (F), rate, rating, ratio, rational, Raumfahrt (G), raw, ray, Raytheon, reach, react, reaction, reactive, reactor, readiness, ready, Reaktion (G), real, rear, recall, receive, receiver, reception, Rechnung (G), rechts (G), recognition, recognize, rcognizer, recommend, recommendation, reconfigurable, reconnaissance, reconstruction, record, recorder, recording, recover, recovery, rectification, red, reduce, reduction, reduntant, re-entry, reference, reflect, reflector, reflexion, refresh, refuel, refueling, refusal, regiment, region, regional, register, registered, registration, regularly, regulation, rehearsal, reheat, reinforce, reinforced, reject, rejection, relative, relay, release, reliability, reliable, remark, reminder, remote, remove, reorganised, repeat, repeater, repetition, replaceable, replacement, replanning, replay, report, reporting, representative, reproduce, reprogrammable, reprogramming, request, require, required, requirement, rescue, required, requirement, repair, representation, reroute, rescue, research, reservation, reserve, reservoir, residual, resilient, resistance, resistor, resolution, resonance, resonant, resources, responder, response, responsibility, restricted, retard, retired, retrieval, retrieve, retrofit, return, Rettung (G), reversal, reverse, review, Revision (G), revolution, Reynolds number, Richtung (G), riding, rights, rigid, ring, rise, risk, road, roaming, robot, robotic, rocket, Rockwell, rod, Rohde, Röhre (G), roll, rolling, Romania, Rome, root, rosette, rotating, rotation, Rotman, rotor, round, route, router, routine, royal, ruggedized, rulemaking, rules, Rumänien, run, Rundfunk (G), runway, Russia bzw Russland (G), Rüstung (G).

S, s Kurzzeichen für safety, sample, Satcom, satellite, saturation, scale, scan, scanned, scanning, scatter, scenario, Schaden (G), Schaltung (G), schedule, Schein (G), schematic, Schottky, Schule (G), Schutz (G), science, scout, screening, sea, search, seat, seater, secret, section, sector, secure, security, See (G), seeker, Segel (G), segment, select, selection, self, semiconductor, sensing, sensitivity, sensor, separation, separator, sequencing, serial, server, service, servo, set, setting, shelf, shift, shielding, ship, shoot, short, shortfall, Sicherheit (G), Sicht (G), sideband, sidelobe, sideral, sight, Sigint, signal, signalling, signature, significant, simulation, simulator, since, single, sink, site, situation, situational, sky, slope, slot, small, smoke, society, sofort (G), software, solid, Sonar, sonobuoy, sound, south, space, spaceborne, spark, sparrow, spaziale (I), specific, specification, spectrometer, spectrum, speech, speed, Spektrum (G), spiral, spoofing, spot, squadron, Stab (G), stabilisation, stabilizer, staff, Staffel (G), stage, stall, standard, standby, standard, standardization, standoff, starter, starting, state, station, stationary, status, stealing, stealth, steered, steering, Steuerung (G), strategic, stick, stinger, stop, storage, stören (G), stores, Störung (G), stowage, Strahl (G), strapdown, stratergically, strategic, strategisch (G), strategy, stream, Strecke (G), Streifen (G), strength, stress, strikes, strip, Strom (G), structural, structure, study, sub, subcommittee, submarine, subsonic, subscriber, subsystem, Such (G), suite, summary, super, Myrodis Athanassiou

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Avionics, Aerospace & Defense

superhet, superheterodyne, supérieur (F), superiority, supersonic, supervision, supervisory, supplement, supply, supplier, supplying, support, supporting, suppression, surface, surveillance, survey, survivability, susceptibility, sustainability, Suszeptibilität (G), switch, switched, switching, symbol, symbology, symposium, System (G), system, synchronize, synchronous, syntax, synthesizer, synthetic, Szenarium (G),

T, t Kurzzeichen für Tacan, tactical, take, take-off, Taktik (G), taktisch (G), tampering, tangential, tank, Tanker (G), tanker, tape, target, targeting, tariff, task, tasking, taxi, team, technical, technician, technique, Technologie (G), technology, Teil- (G), tele, telecommunication, telegraphy, telephone, telescope, television, Telluride, Temperatur (G), temperaure, template, temporal, tension, tequnique, Terminal (G), terminal, terms, terrain, terrestrisch (G), test, testbed, testing, text, theater, theatre, theorie, thermal, thermostat, threat, threshold, through, throttle, thrust, Tief (G), time, tolerance, ton, tone, top, torpedo, touchscreen, towed, Tower (G), tower, trace, tracker, tracking, trade, traffic, train, trainer, training, transfer, transform, transformation, transit, transition, transistor, transmission, transmitter, transonisch (G), Transponder (G), transponder, transport, transportation, travelling, treaty, trend, triparty, trunk, trust, tube, Tunnel (G), Turbine (G), turret, twin, type

U, u, ü Kurzzeichen für ultra, Umgebung (G), Umwelt (G), unattended, under, undertaking, underwater, undulation, Unfall (G), unified, uninterruptible, unit, universal, University, unmanned, Unternehmen (G), Unternehmer (G), Unterricht (G), up, update, upgrade, uplink, Uranium, usage, use, user, utility,

V, v Kurzzeichen für Vakuum (G), validation, value, valve, vane, vapour, variable, vector, vectoring, vehicle, vehicular, velocimeter, velocity, vendor, ventilation, venture, verantwortlich (G), Verantwortung (G), Verbund (G), Verdichter (G), Verein (G), verification, verifier, Verifikation (G), Verkehr (G), Verlängerung (G), Verpackung (G), versatile, Verteiler (G), Verteilung (G), Verwaltung (G), very, vessel, Verteidigung (G), vertical, Versuch (G), vibration, Video (G), video, vidicon, viewing, violet, virtual, visibility, vision, visor, visual, visualization, voice, volume, voltage, voluntary, vortex, vulnerability,

W, w Kurzzeichen für wafer, Waffen (G), warfare, warhead, warning, Warnung (G), warrior, watch, water, Watt, wave, waveform, waveguide, way, Wayne, weapon, weather, webb, weight, Weisung (G), welding, Welle (G), Welt (G), Werft (G), Werkstoff (G), Wert (G), Wetter (G), wheel, wide, wideband, width, wind, windshear, window, wing, wire, wireless, wiring, Wirtschaft (G), with, women, world, work, working, orkshop, writer, Wulf (G),

X, x Kurzzeichen für

Y, y Kurzzeichen für year, yellow,

Z, z Kurzzeichen für zentral, Zentrum (G), Zeugnis (G), zenith, Ziel (G), Zone (G), Zukunft (G), zulu, Zussamenarbeit (G), Zustand (G), Zuverlässigkeit (G), 167218

26. Juni 2013

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.