Baldur's Gate 3: Best Races For A Bard (2025)


  • Choosing the best race for your Bard in Baldur's Gate 3 depends on your build strategy and combat approach.
  • Human race offers shield proficiency, providing defense for Lore Bards and Swords Bards.
  • Zariel Tiefling race is great for Bards due to fire resistance, darkvision, and the useful spell Thaumaturgy.

Choosing the right race for your Bard in Baldur's Gate 3 can be trickier than you might expect. The class can excel in so many different ways, with two of the three Bard Colleges being focused more around melee combat (those being Valor and the ever-formidable Swords) while the other is one of the game's strongest spellcasting options (Lore).


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That means the question of which race is the best for your Bard will vary dramatically depending on which build you’re aiming for. Some of the races benefit squishier mages, while others exclusively boost melee combatants. This list will help you decide which of them will suit your combat strategy and overall approach to the game the best.

Multiclassing is another option you can explore while developing your Bard, but this list will only consider the virtues of each race as they are.

Baldur's Gate 3
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August 3, 2023
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7 Human

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Races For A Bard (2)

Notable Racial Features


Shield Proficiency

Ability to use shields without penalty.

Human Versatility

One skill Proficiency of your choice and a 25 percent increase in carrying capacity.

Humans aren’t exactly the most unique race in the game, but they do get some bonuses that can benefit your Bard. Some extra carrying capacity and a skill proficiency of your choosing are nice, though on their own they aren’t especially compelling.

The real reason to choose a Human is the fact that they get Shield Proficiency, which is usually only available to Valor Bards. Being able to use a shield gives Lore Bards (and Swords Bards that have a free hand) some much-needed defense. Even the most elusive characters will find themselves in melee danger on occasion, and this can be hugely helpful as a result.

6 Duergar

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Races For A Bard (3)

Notable Racial Features


Dwarven Resilience

Advantage Against Being Poisoned And Resistance To Poison Damage

Superior Darkvision

See Even Further In Darkness

Duergar Resilience

Advantage On Saving Throws Against Illusions And Being Charmed Or Paralyzed

Duergar Magic

Enlarge And Invisibility

Duergar get a lot of abilities that are useful for Bards of all types. Dwarven and Duergar Resilience are both strong defensive abilities, tand you’ll be very grateful to have them when facing the effects they are designed to protect you from.

Meanwhile, Duergar Magic provides some excellent spells. Bards can already turn invisible, but being able to do so without using a spell slot is still nice. Enlarge, meanwhile, can provide a damage boost for any weapon-focused Bards, even if they don’t care all that much about Strength checks. It's a varied skillset that's sure to see use throughout a campaign. This Bard will have almost as many sneaky tricks up their sleeve as Gerringothe Thorme.

5 Zariel Tiefling

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Races For A Bard (4)

Notable Racial Features



See In Darkness

Hellish Resistance

Take Half Damage From Fire

Racial Spells

Thaumaturgy, Searing Smite, Branding Smite

Fire Resistance and Darkvision are handy abilities to have for any character, and Bards are no exception. The real reason to play a Zariel Tiefling, however, is for one of the racial spells you get.


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Searing Smite and Branding Smite, unfortunately, aren’t great, and if you’re a Lore Bard there’s a good chance you won’t use them at all. Thaumaturgy, on the other hand, is exceptional. As a Bard, you’re going to be doing a lot of talking, and Thaumaturgy is a free way to make yourself even better at doing so. There's really no end to the advantages that a clever player can earn themselves through careful use of this spell.

4 Githyanki

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Races For A Bard (6)

Notable Racial Features


Githyanki Psionics

Mage Hand, Enhance Leap, Misty Step

Astral Knowledge

Gain Proficiency In All Skills Associated With A Given Stat Until Long Rest

Light And Medium Armor Proficiency

Ability To Wear Light And Medium Armor

A Githyanki is usually an excellent choice regardless of character class, thanks to the wide-ranging effects of their skills, but they actually have some anti-synergy with Bards. The class’s Jack of All Trades ability gives half their Proficiency Modifier to skills they aren’t proficient with, which means Astral Knowledge’s effect isn’t as dramatic as usual (though it's still far from useless).

Even so, the other Githyanki abilities remain strong. Medium Armor proficiency can help protect Lore Bards, while Enhanced Leap and Misty Step are both solid spells that Bards typically have a tricky time accessing. It's often difficult to go wrong with a Githyanki.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Races For A Bard (7)

Notable Racial Features


Halfling Luck

Single Reroll Of Ones On Ability Checks, Saving Throws, And Attack Rolls


Advantage Against Being Frightened

Naturally Stealthy

Advantage On Stealth Checks

Lightfoot Halflings get a number of bonuses that benefit Bards. Advantage on Stealth checks can come in handy if you like sneaking around, and while protection from being Frightened won’t come into play all the time, it can fundamentally alter the course of a combat encounter when it does.


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Meanwhile, Halfling Luck’s effectiveness will vary depending on your College; Swords Bards will likely be attacking all the time, while Lore Bards might not attack much at all. That said, being able to reroll ones on Ability Checks and Saving Throws is more than enough to make this ability worth it. You're always at the whim of the dice at times after all.

2 Deep Gnome

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Races For A Bard (9)

Notable Racial Features


Gnome Cunning

Advantage On Intelligence, Wisdom, And Charisma Saving Throws

Stone Camouflage

Advantage On Stealth Checks

Superior Darkvision

See Even Further In Darkness

Gnome Cunning is one of the all-star racial abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3. Enemy effects that target these particular stats can be very nasty indeed, and getting advantage on saving throws against them can make a massive difference.

While Gnome Cunning is definitely the primary feature here, Deep Gnomes get some other useful abilities as well. Superior Darkvision can be a big help in certain scenarios, and if you are the kind of player who prefers a sneaky approach, getting advantage on Stealth checks will feel great. Depending on the strategies you favor in battles, this race could be just the ticket.

1 Wood Half-Elf

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Races For A Bard (10)

Notable Racial Features


Shield Proficiency

Ability To Use Shields

Fey Ancestry

Advantage Against Being Charmed And Immunity To Magical Sleep


See In Darkness

Mask Of The Wild

Stealth Proficiency

Fleet Of Foot

Increased Movement Speed

Like Humans, one of the main reasons Wood Half-Elves make great Bards is one that isn’t useful for many other classes: Shield Proficiency. Once again, Valor Bards can already use shields, but the other two Colleges (Lore in particular) can really benefit from that extra AC.

On the other hand, the Wood Elves' most iconic ability, their increased movement speed, is dramatically better than the other Human features. It can keep Lore Bards and ranged combatants away from their enemies, and help melee-focused Bards close that gap. It would be easy to underestimate Fleet Of Foot, but it can be considered an indirect damage buff, and a significant one at that.


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Baldur's Gate 3: Best Races For A Bard (2025)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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