Disk and Washer Methods | Calculus I (2024)

Learning Outcomes

  • Find the volume of a solid of revolution using the disk method
  • Find the volume of a solid of revolution with a cavity using the washer method

The Disk Method

When we use the slicing method with solids of revolution, it is often called the disk method because, for solids of revolution, the slices used to over approximate the volume of the solid are disks. To see this, consider the solid of revolution generated by revolving the region between the graph of the function [latex]f(x)={(x-1)}^{2}+1[/latex] and the [latex]x\text{-axis}[/latex] over the interval [latex]\left[-1,3\right][/latex] around the [latex]x\text{-axis}\text{.}[/latex] The graph of the function and a representative disk are shown in Figure 9(a) and (b). The region of revolution and the resulting solid are shown in Figure 9(c) and (d).

Disk and Washer Methods | Calculus I (1)

Figure 9. (a) A thin rectangle for approximating the area under a curve. (b) A representative disk formed by revolving the rectangle about the [latex]x\text{-axis}\text{.}[/latex] (c) The region under the curve is revolved about the [latex]x\text{-axis},[/latex] resulting in (d) the solid of revolution.

We already used the formal Riemann sum development of the volume formula when we developed the slicing method. We know that

[latex]V={\displaystyle\int }_{a}^{b}A(x)dx[/latex]

The only difference with the disk method is that we know the formula for the cross-sectional area ahead of time; it is the area of a circle. This gives the following rule.

The Disk Method

Let [latex]f(x)[/latex] be continuous and nonnegative. Define [latex]R[/latex] as the region bounded above by the graph of [latex]f(x),[/latex] below by the [latex]x\text{-axis,}[/latex] on the left by the line [latex]x=a,[/latex] and on the right by the line [latex]x=b.[/latex] Then, the volume of the solid of revolution formed by revolving [latex]R[/latex] around the [latex]x\text{-axis}[/latex] is given by

[latex]V={\displaystyle\int }_{a}^{b}\pi {\left[f(x)\right]}^{2}dx.[/latex]

The volume of the solid we have been studying (Figure 9) is given by

[latex]\begin{array}{cc}\hfill V& ={\displaystyle\int }_{a}^{b}\pi {\left[f(x)\right]}^{2}dx\hfill \\ & ={\displaystyle\int }_{-1}^{3}\pi {\left[{(x-1)}^{2}+1\right]}^{2}dx=\pi {\displaystyle\int }_{-1}^{3}{\left[{(x-1)}^{4}+2{(x-1)}^{2}+1\right]}^{2}dx\hfill \\ & =\pi {\left[\frac{1}{5}{(x-1)}^{5}+\frac{2}{3}{(x-1)}^{3}+x\right]|}_{-1}^{3}=\pi \left[(\frac{32}{5}+\frac{16}{3}+3)-(-\frac{32}{5}-\frac{16}{3}-1)\right]=\frac{412\pi }{15}{\text{units}}^{3}.\hfill \end{array}[/latex]

Let’s look at some examples.

Example: Using the Disk Method to Find the Volume of a Solid of Revolution 1

Use the disk method to find the volume of the solid of revolution generated by rotating the region between the graph of [latex]f(x)=\sqrt{x}[/latex] and the [latex]x\text{-axis}[/latex] over the interval [latex]\left[1,4\right][/latex] around the [latex]x\text{-axis}\text{.}[/latex]

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Use the disk method to find the volume of the solid of revolution generated by rotating the region between the graph of [latex]f(x)=\sqrt{4-x}[/latex] and the [latex]x\text{-axis}[/latex] over the interval [latex]\left[0,4\right][/latex] around the [latex]x\text{-axis}\text{.}[/latex]

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So far, our examples have all concerned regions revolved around the [latex]x\text{-axis,}[/latex] but we can generate a solid of revolution by revolving a plane region around any horizontal or vertical line. In the next example, we look at a solid of revolution that has been generated by revolving a region around the [latex]y\text{-axis}\text{.}[/latex] The mechanics of the disk method are nearly the same as when the [latex]x\text{-axis}[/latex] is the axis of revolution, but we express the function in terms of [latex]y[/latex] and we integrate with respect to [latex]y[/latex] as well. This is summarized in the following rule.

The Disk Method for Solids of Revolution around the [latex]y[/latex]-axis

Let [latex]g(y)[/latex] be continuous and nonnegative. Define [latex]Q[/latex] as the region bounded on the right by the graph of [latex]g(y),[/latex] on the left by the [latex]y\text{-axis,}[/latex] below by the line [latex]y=c,[/latex] and above by the line [latex]y=d.[/latex] Then, the volume of the solid of revolution formed by revolving [latex]Q[/latex] around the [latex]y\text{-axis}[/latex] is given by

[latex]V={\displaystyle\int }_{c}^{d}\pi {\left[g(y)\right]}^{2}dy.[/latex]

The next example shows how this rule works in practice.

example: Using the Disk Method to Find the Volume of a Solid of Revolution 2

Let [latex]R[/latex] be the region bounded by the graph of [latex]g(y)=\sqrt{4-y}[/latex] and the [latex]y\text{-axis}[/latex] over the [latex]y\text{-axis}[/latex] interval [latex]\left[0,4\right].[/latex] Use the disk method to find the volume of the solid of revolution generated by rotating [latex]R[/latex] around the [latex]y\text{-axis}\text{.}[/latex]

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Figure 11 shows the function and a representative disk that can be used to estimate the volume. Notice that since we are revolving the function around the [latex]y\text{-axis,}[/latex] the disks are horizontal, rather than vertical.

Disk and Washer Methods | Calculus I (2)

Figure 11. (a) Shown is a thin rectangle between the curve of the function [latex]g(y)=\sqrt{4-y}[/latex] and the [latex]y\text{-axis}\text{.}[/latex] (b) The rectangle forms a representative disk after revolution around the [latex]y\text{-axis}\text{.}[/latex]

The region to be revolved and the full solid of revolution are depicted in the following figure.

Disk and Washer Methods | Calculus I (3)

Figure 12. (a) The region to the left of the function [latex]g(y)=\sqrt{4-y}[/latex] over the [latex]y\text{-axis}[/latex] interval [latex]\left[0,4\right].[/latex] (b) The solid of revolution formed by revolving the region about the [latex]y\text{-axis}\text{.}[/latex]

To find the volume, we integrate with respect to [latex]y.[/latex] We obtain

[latex]\begin{array}{cc}\hfill V& ={\displaystyle\int }_{c}^{d}\pi {\left[g(y)\right]}^{2}dy\hfill \\ & ={\displaystyle\int }_{0}^{4}\pi {\left[\sqrt{4-y}\right]}^{2}dy=\pi {\displaystyle\int }_{0}^{4}(4-y)dy\hfill \\ & ={\pi \left[4y-\frac{{y}^{2}}{2}\right]|}_{0}^{4}=8\pi .\hfill \end{array}[/latex]

The volume is [latex]8\pi [/latex] units3.

Try It

Use the disk method to find the volume of the solid of revolution generated by rotating the region between the graph of [latex]g(y)=y[/latex] and the [latex]y\text{-axis}[/latex] over the interval [latex]\left[1,4\right][/latex] around the [latex]y\text{-axis}\text{.}[/latex]

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The Washer Method

Some solids of revolution have cavities in the middle; they are not solid all the way to the axis of revolution. Sometimes, this is just a result of the way the region of revolution is shaped with respect to the axis of revolution. In other cases, cavities arise when the region of revolution is defined as the region between the graphs of two functions. A third way this can happen is when an axis of revolution other than the [latex]x\text{-axis}[/latex] or [latex]y\text{-axis}[/latex] is selected.

When the solid of revolution has a cavity in the middle, the slices used to approximate the volume are not disks, but washers (disks with holes in the center). For example, consider the region bounded above by the graph of the function [latex]f(x)=\sqrt{x}[/latex] and below by the graph of the function [latex]g(x)=1[/latex] over the interval [latex]\left[1,4\right].[/latex] When this region is revolved around the [latex]x\text{-axis,}[/latex] the result is a solid with a cavity in the middle, and the slices are washers. The graph of the function and a representative washer are shown in Figure 13(a) and (b). The region of revolution and the resulting solid are shown in Figure 13(c) and (d).

Disk and Washer Methods | Calculus I (4)

Figure 13. (a) A thin rectangle in the region between two curves. (b) A representative disk formed by revolving the rectangle about the [latex]x\text{-axis}.[/latex] (c) The region between the curves over the given interval. (d) The resulting solid of revolution.

The cross-sectional area, then, is the area of the outer circle less the area of the inner circle. In this case,

[latex]A(x)=\pi {(\sqrt{x})}^{2}-\pi {(1)}^{2}=\pi (x-1).[/latex]

Then the volume of the solid is

[latex]\begin{array}{cc}\hfill V& ={\displaystyle\int }_{a}^{b}A(x)dx\hfill \\ & ={\displaystyle\int }_{1}^{4}\pi (x-1)dx={\pi \left[\frac{{x}^{2}}{2}-x\right]|}_{1}^{4}=\frac{9}{2}\pi {\text{units}}^{3}.\hfill \end{array}[/latex]

Generalizing this process gives the washer method.

The Washer Method

Suppose [latex]f(x)[/latex] and [latex]g(x)[/latex] are continuous, nonnegative functions such that [latex]f(x)\ge g(x)[/latex] over [latex]\left[a,b\right].[/latex] Let [latex]R[/latex] denote the region bounded above by the graph of [latex]f(x),[/latex] below by the graph of [latex]g(x),[/latex] on the left by the line [latex]x=a,[/latex] and on the right by the line [latex]x=b.[/latex] Then, the volume of the solid of revolution formed by revolving [latex]R[/latex] around the [latex]x\text{-axis}[/latex] is given by

[latex]V={\displaystyle\int }_{a}^{b}\pi \left[{(f(x))}^{2}-{(g(x))}^{2}\right]dx.[/latex]

Example: Using the Washer Method

Find the volume of a solid of revolution formed by revolving the region bounded above by the graph of [latex]f(x)=x[/latex] and below by the graph of [latex]g(x)=\frac{1}{x}[/latex] over the interval [latex]\left[1,4\right][/latex] around the [latex]x\text{-axis}\text{.}[/latex]

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Find the volume of a solid of revolution formed by revolving the region bounded by the graphs of [latex]f(x)=\sqrt{x}[/latex] and [latex]g(x)=\frac{1}{x}[/latex] over the interval [latex]\left[1,3\right][/latex] around the [latex]x\text{-axis}\text{.}[/latex]

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As with the disk method, we can also apply the washer method to solids of revolution that result from revolving a region around the [latex]y[/latex]-axis. In this case, the following rule applies.

The Washer Method for Solids of Revolution around the [latex]y[/latex]-axis

Suppose [latex]u(y)[/latex] and [latex]v(y)[/latex] are continuous, nonnegative functions such that [latex]v(y)\le u(y)[/latex] for [latex]y\in \left[c,d\right].[/latex] Let [latex]Q[/latex] denote the region bounded on the right by the graph of [latex]u(y),[/latex] on the left by the graph of [latex]v(y),[/latex] below by the line [latex]y=c,[/latex] and above by the line [latex]y=d.[/latex] Then, the volume of the solid of revolution formed by revolving [latex]Q[/latex] around the [latex]y\text{-axis}[/latex] is given by

[latex]V={\displaystyle\int }_{c}^{d}\pi \left[{(u(y))}^{2}-{(v(y))}^{2}\right]dy[/latex]

Rather than looking at an example of the washer method with the [latex]y\text{-axis}[/latex] as the axis of revolution, we now consider an example in which the axis of revolution is a line other than one of the two coordinate axes. The same general method applies, but you may have to visualize just how to describe the cross-sectional area of the volume.

An important thing to remember is that for both the disk and washer method, the rectangles (the radii of the cross-sectional circles) are always perpendicular to the axis of revolution.

Example: The Washer Method with a Different Axis of Revolution

Find the volume of a solid of revolution formed by revolving the region bounded above by [latex]f(x)=4-x[/latex] and below by the [latex]x\text{-axis}[/latex] over the interval [latex]\left[0,4\right][/latex] around the line [latex]y=-2.[/latex]

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Find the volume of a solid of revolution formed by revolving the region bounded above by the graph of [latex]f(x)=x+2[/latex] and below by the [latex]x\text{-axis}[/latex] over the interval [latex]\left[0,3\right][/latex] around the line [latex]y=-1.[/latex]

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Disk and Washer Methods | Calculus I (2024)


What is the washer and disk method? ›

The disk and washer methods are specialized tools for finding volumes of certain kinds of solids — solids of revolution. So what is a solid of revolution? Starting with a flat region of the plane, generate the solid that would be “swept out” as that region revolves around a fixed axis.

What is the difference between the disk or washer method and shell method? ›

For the disk/washer method, the slice is perpendicular to the axis of revolution, whereas, for the shell method, the slice is parallel to the axis of revolution.

What is the disk area method? ›

The disk method is used when the axis of revolution is the boundary of the plane region and the cross-sectional area is perpendicular to the axis of revolution. This method is used to find the volume by revolving the curve y=f(x) y = f ( x ) about x -axis and y -axis.

How to tell if it's a disk or washer? ›

A third way this can happen is when an axis of revolution other than the x-axis or y-axis is selected. When the solid of revolution has a cavity in the middle, the slices used to approximate the volume are not disks, but washers (disks with holes in the center).

When should you use the disk method? ›

The DISK method is pretty straight forward and its used when the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the d(x or y). It is pretty much the same as the washer method, but washer has a whole. The WASHER method is an application of the disk method.

When should I use the washer method? ›

The washer method is used to find the volume of a shape that is obtained by rotating two functions around the x-axis or the y-axis. To find the volume of this shape, create slices of the shape and subtract the missing middle space after finding the total volume, this creates the washer method formula.

Why is it called the washer method? ›

It is called the "washer method" because the cross-sections look like washers. The washer method is particularly useful in finding the volume of a solid of revolution when the axis of rotation does not bound the revolving region.

How to find volume using washer method? ›

Washer Method: The washer method is one method of finding the volume of a solid of revolution. If a region is revolved around the -axis, then the volume is given by V = ∫ a b A ( x ) d x where is the area of the face of a cross-sectional slice taken perpendicular to the -axis.

When to use the circular disk method? ›

The disk method formula can be applied as a function of x or as a function of y. As a general rule, write the integral as a function of x if a curve is being rotated about the x-axis or a horizontal line. Similarly, write the integral as a function of y if a curve is being rotated about the y-axis or a vertical line.

What is the least disc method? ›

Opposite to the Searle's Bar experiment, Lee's disc method is designed to calculate the thermal conductivity of primarily thermal insulators such as polystyrene. A thin, large surface area sample is used in the determination of thermal conductivity in order to quickly reach steady state.

What is the disk method biology? ›

The disk diffusion assay is a qualitative method that relies on the diffusion of antimicrobial agents within agar. The extent of this diffusion is measured by determining the diameter of the corresponding inhibition zone, which is used to ascertain the antimicrobial efficacy of the tested material [67].

How does washer method work? ›

This application of the method of slicing is called the washer method. The shape of the slice is a circle with a hole in it, so we subtract the area of the inner circle from the area of the outer circle. Example 2) Find the volume of the solid enclosed by the curves y = x and y = x2 when it is rotated about the y-axis.

What is the difference between a ring and a washer? ›

Washers are usually only used for static seals and in the presence of high pressures since, unlike O-Rings, they offer a very wide sealing surface, which may efficiently counter all degeneration of the seal due to the straining action of the pressure on the rubber molecules with which they are made.

What is a washer ring used for? ›

A ring split at one point and bent into a helical shape. This causes the washer to exert a spring force between the fastener's head and the substrate, which maintains the washer hard against the substrate and the bolt thread hard against the nut or substrate thread, creating more friction and resistance to rotation.

What is the use of disc washer? ›

The washers can be used in series or parallel depending on the applications. In addition to that, they can be used with contact flats to spread the load evenly on uneven surfaces. They are used to convert load into progressive characteristics which complement the structure, equipment or component you are building.

What is the disk method of spinning? ›

6.1. 2 Spinning Disk Method. When a charged disk is rotated at a given frequency, a flow of liquid is created at the solid–water interface, which drives a flux of ions creating a streaming potential between the charged disk and a counterelectrode placed along the rotation axis [118].

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