The Vines Of Mendoza, The Dream Of Owning A Vineyard At The Foot Of The Andes Mountains (2024)

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In the heart of the Uco Valley, birthplace of the fabled Argentinian Malbec, there is a revolutionary enterprise for oenologists and wine aficionados: The Vines of Mendoza. Among breathtaking views emerges this complex with more than 600 acres of vineyards and 22 villas at the foot of the Andes Mountains. Wood and stone enhance the rustic elegance of each cabin, and through the immense windows one can admire the beauty of the magical surroundings. However, what is truly extraordinary is the opportunity to become a producer of a high quality wines with your own label.

The Vines Of Mendoza, The Dream Of Owning A Vineyard At The Foot Of The Andes Mountains (1)

For approximately $250,000, wine lovers can own at least 3.5 acres— the minimum requirement—of vineyards in The Vines of Mendoza, define the type of wine they prefer, choose the label design and the name that will appear on each bottle. They also have the privilege of putting their hands in the earth, touching each vine and selecting the grape variety from the plantations of Malbec, the undisputed star; or opt for the Petit Verdot, Pinot Gris or Grigio, and produce their own harvest.

In this place, the passion for wine becomes a lifestyle. Along with the natural beauty of the region, a group of experts, including the renowned consultant and winemaker Santiago Achával personally supervises, advises and accompanies each new owner, which could produce from one a barrel to a 10,000-liter tank.

The Vines Of Mendoza, The Dream Of Owning A Vineyard At The Foot Of The Andes Mountains (2)

The pride of creating your own wine, either participating actively in the process or leaving all the details in the hands of professionals is a unique and unparalleled experience. This new project is the brainchild of Michael Evans, a former adviser to the presidential campaign of John Kerry in the U.S., and Pablo Giménez Riili, an experienced Argentinian winemaker, who, combining their passion for the mountains and the wine, decided to undertake this adventure nine years ago. With an investment of $60 million, they started by planting the vineyards, later built the winery, and recently opened the 22 villas that are already part of the hotel consortium Leading Hotels of the World. Other magical hotels in Argentina.

Of course, you also have the option of staying in the resort The Vines of Mendoza and explore the bounty of this region, taste premium wines, ride during sunsets or practice yoga outdoors.

Surrounded by vineyards, mountains and an artificial lake, you can enjoy the infinity pool with your gaze lost in the horizon. In the silence of the heights, the exclusive spa invites rest and relaxation. The idea is for visitors to enjoy all outdoor activities: horseback riding, arena, yoga, cooking lessons and wine tastings.

The Vines Of Mendoza, The Dream Of Owning A Vineyard At The Foot Of The Andes Mountains (3)

In line with the distinction of the environment, the resort has a restaurant called Siete Fuegos (Seven fires) led by the prestigious chef Francis Mallmann. The cuisine is a journey through the simple and classic elements that are the hallmark of this iconic chef from the Argentine Patagonia. The name was not chosen randomly, it identifies the seven techniques used: a clay oven, grill, iron, kettle, curanto, rotisserie and hearth. All of them are ancient processes of the regional cuisine and come from the different traditions of the gauchos and the natives of the area.

The menu consists of year-round dishes that combine the cuisine of Mendoza with the creations by Chef Mallmann, such as the beef tenderloin steak, which requires 9 hours of slow cooking on the grill, and other dishes that vary with the seasons, using fruits, herbs and local grains at their peak. When in season, quinces, pears and grapes are harvested in their vineyards orchards and at other times of the year they use strawberries, bananas and tangerines. The result is a dessert of fruits baked at 400° F, accompanied by homemade ice cream and a praline that melts in your mouth. The elegant and rustic atmosphere, excellent service and a stunning setting complete the sublime experience of lifting a glass of wine with style, and allowing it to invade the palate.

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The Vines Of Mendoza, The Dream Of Owning A Vineyard At The Foot Of The Andes Mountains (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.